HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 0724900 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JULY 240 1990 AIEVING AUNM � DATE-W-1�4 ITEMS A-3 Minutes approved as written 8/14/90 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Shiers. ROLL CALLs Present: Councllmembers Shiers, Borgeson, Nimmo and Mayor Lilley Also Present: Muriel Korba, City Treasurer Lee Dayka, City Clerk Absent: Councilman Dexter Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Greg Luke, Public Works Director; and Lisa Schicker, City Arborist. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Borgeson requested that staff investigate an incident concerning Southern Pacific Railroad and the mowing down of 100 trees. The City Manager indicated that the matter is currently being looked into. Additionally, Councilwoman Borgeson asked that the Mayor and City Manager get together with the news media and take a stand on the issue. Mr. Windsor agreed to report back to Council on August 14, 1990. Mayor Lilley reported that he, Councilmembers Shiers and Nimmo had recently returned from a councilmember/mayor conference in Monterey. He reported that the theme of the conference was ethnic diversity and noted that there appears to be increasing frustration among cities regarding relationships with County government. CC7/24/90 Page 1 0 & A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar: 1. JUNE 269 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Cont'd from 7/10/90) 2. JULY 10, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3. JULY 11, 1990 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (Study Session) 4. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - JUNE 1990 5. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - JUNE 1990 6. RESOLUTION N0. 100-90 - ADDING CERTIFIED ARBORISTS TO CITY - APPROVED LIST (POPPENBERG, FORISTER & CONNER) 7. CLARIFICATION OF FY90-91 BUDGET FIGURES The City Manager asked that Item A-3, July 11, 1990 Minutes, be pulled and continued. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item A-3; motion unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue the Minutes of the July 11, 1990 meeting until August 14, 1990; unanimously passed by voice vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: There were no public comments. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1. APPEAL PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF PRECISE PLAN 74-89 CONDITION REQUIRING CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK AT 5160 PALMA AVE. - JIM & KRIS HAZARD (Fisher/Washburn) The Community Development Director gave staff report describing the neighborhood and noted that of the fifty-seven lots on Palma, thirty-three of them have development potential. Mr. Engen added that the applicant has a lot next door with a mirror-image proposal and stated that any policy decision emerging would bear CC7/24/90 Page 2 on staff's decision on the adjoining lot. Mr. Engen gave staff recommendation to support the conditional requirement of curb, gutter and sidewalk. The Public Works Director noted that he was available for questions. Councilwoman Borgeson asked for an explanation of "mitigation measures" suggested by Mr. Sims in an excerpt from Planning Commission minutes of July 3, 1990. Greg Luke responded that the preliminary method suggested is to use a series of four - inch drains underneath the sidewalk noting that guiding engineering principles do not allow concentrated drainage into an area different than the normal drainage channel. He clarified that one neighbor would not be an unwary recipient of water. Discussion followed regarding the neighborhood and the development of nearby properties without placing curb, gutter and sidewalk conditions upon them. The Public Works Director described the "hopscotch affect" and provisions of the Block Act and Mr. Engen addressed questions regarding General Plan policy. Additional discussion ensued regarding policy of previous councils. Councilwoman Borgeson noted the need for Council unity. Councilman Nimmo concurred that clear, coherent policy guidance is necessary and that the public has a right to know what is required of them. Mayor Lilley was in agreement and asked that the matter be addressed. Public Comments: The applicant, Kris Hazard spoke in support of the appeal by noting that there are no curb, gutters and sidewalks on Palma. She stated that new units (Elliott project) located on Olmeda were not required to provide curb, gutter and sidewalks and related that Olmeda is much more congested than Palma. Ms. Hazard stated Palma is very rural and that sidewalks would have to ribbon around existing trees or require removal of trees. She also questioned who would be responsible for maintaining the sidewalks. Ms. Hazard made reference to the new police facility and stated that there were no sidewalks required. She concluded her comments by stating that she was willing to asphalt and berm the street and reiterated that putting in sidewalks did not make much sense. Michael Palister, 7460 Sombrilla, stated that the City needs to make a plan and provide more sidewalks. CC7/24/90 Page 3 Julie Conn, 5100 Olmeda, stated that in her opinion Olmeda, which has no sidewalks, has more children walking to and from school than on Palma. Paul Washburn, 8250 San Rafael, addressed Council stating that he was the developer/builder for the Hazard project. Mr. Washburn referred to staff's recommendations and opposed the curb, gutter and sidewalk requirement and addressed the issue of drainage. He explained that if both the Hazard projects are developed with 200 feet of curb and gutter any rain water will be picked up and will end up dumping right in front of the neighboring property. Mr. Washburn offered alternatives, including asphalt and berm. Mr. Washburn stated that, because of the past history of the street and the fact that the new police facility received a building permit with exception for curb, gutter and sidewalk, he was surprised that he was being asked to provide them. He added that he was the developer of a four-plex on Amapoa where he was assured that after he paved out the street, lowered the sewer and provided curb, gutter and sidewalk everyone else would follow suit. He related the current status of, that street describing it as dangerous and implied the possibility of the same happening on Palma. Mr. Washburn concluded by stating that El Camino Real should be looked at first to establish a bike route, and alternatives be determined after that. Additionally, he suggested a citizen committee to provide input to Council for creating walkways without patchwork and the incorporation of Cal Poly student ideas for pedestrian and bike paths. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, commended the Council for development of sidewalk policy and recommended that an "on foot" tour be conducted to view the City from that perspective. Discussion came back to Council. Councilwoman Borgeson remarked that a series of meetings are needed for development of master plans for drainage; curb, gutter and sidewalks; bikepaths; equestrian routes, etc. She added that the Public Works Director has vision, knows what needs to be done and recognizes that the City is growing. She referred to Mr. Davidson's analysis (see item #3: Premature Development) and expressed support in upholding the Planning Commission decision. Councilman Nimmo remarked that and to what extent it wantsto CC7/24/90 Page 4 Council needs to determine where maintain rural atmosphere and ' still accommodate pedestrians. He referred to other cities where, in an effort to preserve a rural atmosphere, sidewalks have been created only on one side of the street and flexibility has been used to allow for trees and avoid straight-line, rigid confirmation. Councilman Shiers concurred with other Council comments relating to the need for development of clear, consistent policy dealing with curb, gutter and sidewalks. He suggested that if curb, gutter and sidewalks are not required, the developer be asked to pay into a fund to develop a safe pedestrian walkway in the future. Mayor Lilley asserted that the Council must "bite the bullet" and develop a master plan for pedestrian pathways designed for a purpose, with no obligation to have sidewalks down both sides of the street. The mayor expressed sensitivity to not wanting to let the Hazards off the hook, but disagreed with Councilman Shiers's suggestion of requiring them to commit to an amount uncertain for a cause unknown. The mayor than asked the Community Development Director to relate options the City has and how it can ensure adequate drainage. Mr. Engen stated that although he would defer to the Public Works Director the issue of drainage, he was in support of Council direction to clarify standards regarding walkways and sidewalks. He asked Council to specify, with any motion they make, whether they want to set aside money for future Palma Street walkways or waive the requirement and give direction to staff to bring forth appropriate standards and policies. Mr. Luke stated that he did not have a definitive answer for an alternative to curb, gutters and sidewalks as it relates to drainage. He recommended that if Council chooses to waive the condition, that it give qualitative instructions to the Public Works Department to ensure that facilities are put in that will adequately control drainage. Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that, in the meantime, the road be graded properly for drainage until a master plan is in place and the City takes a look at where assessment districts are needed. Mayor Lilley proposed a continuance on the matter to allow staff to come back with appropriate conditions to address drainage. The City Manager indicated support of the mayor's recommendation relating that he would like the opportunity to consult with the CC7/24/90 Page 5 City Attorney regarding a method that would allow the property owner to participate without having to put money up front and acknowledge that improvements may be necessary in the future. Mr. Windsor also advised that the next regular meeting set for August 14, 1990 would be heavy and suggested that Council consider a second meeting during that week. Councilman Nimmo asked the applicants if a continuance would put a financial burden upon them. Mr. Washburn indicated that it would because they could not take out a building permit until the matter is resolved. Councilwoman Borgeson concurred with the City Manager's recommendation that the matter be continued to allow the City Attorney to make a determination. Mr. Windsor noted that it would be three weeks until the next meeting and suggested a compromise. He proposed that a building permit be issued recognizing that Council still has to act on the curb, gutter and sidewalk condition. The City Attorney advised that he saw no problem with issuing the building permit as long as there was a written agreement made whereby the applicants acknowledge that they would be subject to the decision made by the City Council. The mayor proposed that the applicant be granted an appeal and a building permit contingent upon compliance with alternative requirements set forth by staff. Councilman Nimmo asked for clarification on what the applicant would eventually be asked to do regarding the sidewalk issue. Mayor Lilley responded that if Council waives the requirement for curb, gutter and sidewalk, there needs to be some other engineering solution required of the applicant to address drainage on the site. Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that, in addition to researching alternatives, staff consider the option of an in -lieu fund for future improvements. She added that by continuing the matter over to the next meeting, a full Council would be present for rendering a decision. The City Manager noted that both parties would be served by continuing the matter and reiterated support for continuance. He further suggested that the applicant be given the right to draw the building permit so that they be able to begin work. Kris Hazard stated that she was in agreement with the concept of continuance as long as the only issue was to be drainage. The mayor indicated that he could not assure her of that due to CC7/24/90 Page 6 Council concerns relating to future improvement Hazard clarified that she was in support of the continue based on the matters of drainage and future fees. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo to uphold further recommendations by drainage problem on the site would not be "held hostage" of funds to be determined at Lilley seconded the motion. Discussion of the motion: costs. Ms. decision to development the appeal subject to staff to resolve the and that the applicant to some future assessment a later date. Mayor Councilwoman Borgeson remarked that she thought Council consensus was that there were options to curb, gutter and sidewalk and that the condition may not appropriate at this time. She added that staff should be given the opportunity to take a look at this area and assess future needs. She asserted that the motion was too restrictive and she would not vote on it. Mayor Lilley asked Councilman Nimmo if he wanted to amend the motion. Mr. Nimmo withdrew his motion. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to continue the appeal for three weeks so that staff could address other alternatives to'the curb, gutter and sidewalk requirement now stated in Condition #4. The motion carried 3:1, with Councilman Nimmo voting in opposition. The City Manager asked the mayor to clarify whether or not the building permit issue was now moot. Mayor Lilley replied that it was. 2. WEED ABATEMENT APPEALS HEARING: A. RESOLUTION NO. 99-90 — CONFIRMING THE COST OF WEED ABATEMENT Mike Hicks, Fire Chief, gave staff report with recommendation to approve the list of abatement charges and grant the 100% administrative fee. He noted that there had been more compliance than in past years and reported that the contractor who performed the work had been very professional. The Fire Chief also emphasized that the intent of the program was not to subsidize weed abatement, but to encourage property owners to do CC7/24/90 Page 7 it on their own. Additionally, Chief Hicks reported that there were two errors in his report outlining administrative costs for the program and related the corrections. (Under Initial inspection - fuel costs: total changed from $132.00 to $158.40. Under Compliance inspections - utility truck miles: total changed from $234.50 to $234.75. These two corrections changed the total administrative costs from $18,978.90 to $19,005.55). The Fire Chief then responded to questions from Councilwoman Borgeson regarding the voluntary compliance, percentage of lots abated and the method by which lots are prioritized. Chief Hicks explained that there were approximately sixty to seventy fewer lots abated than the year before and noted that the contractor had completed the work on all the parcels he was assigned. Additionally, the Fire Chief reported that work is begun first on lots with the highest fire hazard and then abatement is completed on property within the City for the purposes of public safety and aesthetic appearance. Councilwoman Borgeson expressed support for the 100% administrative fee. There was no public appeal or testimony. To point out the necessity of the program, the Fire Chief additionally reported that there had recently been two fires which burned into abated areas, where they stopped. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Resolution No. 99-90; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST FOR PURPOSES OF SINGLE— FAMILY HOME & GARAGE CONSTRUCTION, 8960 JUNIPERO (Foran) Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to approve the removal of two of four trees requested. He noted that the recommendation included a 2:1 replacement, same species on site. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that, although she did not have a problem with locating the site, it was not posted. Councilman Shiers concurred that it was not posted, but noted that he, too, had not had a problem finding the location. Ms. Schicker responded to brief questions relating to tree #3. CC7/24/90 Page 8 Councilman Nimmo referred to policy on tree replacement adopted on July 10, 1990 and asked the City Arborist why her reports for the tree removals on the Council's agenda before them did not include optional in -lieu contribution fees. Ms. Schicker responded that each of the applicants wanted to replant and clarified that she had made the option clear to each of them. Discussion returned to the site posting. The City Arborist reiterated that it was the applicant's responsibility to post the site. Tom Foran, applicant, stated that his builder had posted the site two and one-half months ago and asked Council to grant his request. Councilwoman Borgeson noted that her concern was to ensure that the neighborhood was aware of the tree removal request. MOTIONt By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the heritage tree removal request for trees #1 and 4; unanimously passed by voice vote. 4. HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST FOR PURPOSES OF SINGLE- FAMILY HOME RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION, 8020 COROMAR (Van Slyke) Henry Engen gave staff report with recommendation to approve the request with a 2:1 replacement, same species on-site. The applicant, Tully Van Slyke, thanked the City Arborist for her assistance and availed himself for questions. There were no Council questions and no public comment. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the heritage tree removal request; motion unanimously carried. 5. HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST FOR PURPOSES OF SINGLE- FAMILY HOME, GUEST HOME & STUDIO CONSTRUCTION, 8290 HERMOSA (Shetler) Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to approve the removal of all but one tree with a 2:1 replacement on-site. Lisa Schicker noted that the site was complicated and that the CC7/24/90 Page 9 map needed some corrections. She also noted that the applicants had shown interest in transplanting some of the trees. Councilwoman Borgeson and Councilman Shiers reported that they had each inspected the site from neighboring property. Steve Kahn, engineer, spoke on behalf of the applicant stating that he was in agreement with the replacement requirements and reported that the site plan had been revised. He asked Council to give consideration to allowing the removal of the 8" Oak the City Arborist recommended retaining noting additional engineering analysis. Darren Shetler, applicant, stated that he was willing to transplant some of the smaller trees and asked Council to approve all of the removals. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Mayor Lilley to approve the applicant's request; motion unanimously passed. 6. HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST FOR PURPOSES OF DRIVEWAY & SINGLE—FAMILY RESIDENCE CONSTRUCTION, 10560 SAN MARCOS (Stayart) Henry Engen reported that the applicant had acquired construction plans which included an approved tree removal precise plan and was seeking relief by requesting removal of one 30" White Oak. Mr. Engen noted that the recommendation was to deny the request. The applicant or his agent were not present. There were no further comments. MOTIONS By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Mayor Lilley to approve the applicant's request. Discussion on the motion: Councilwoman Borgeson stated that the precise plan was approved and the building permit ready to be taken out. She noted that the tree was originally planned on being saved and gave support for staff's recommendation. Councilman Shiers commented that he shared the same concerns clarifying that Council previously approved the tree removal request, which did not include removal of this tree. CC7/24/90 Page 10 0 Mayor Lilley called for a vote. Motion to approve the request failed 1:3. MOTIONS By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the recommendation of the City Arborist; motion carried 3:1 with Councilman Nimmo voting in opposition. 7. HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST FOR PURPOSES OF COMMERCIAL PARK CONSTRUCTION, 2100 EL CAMINO REAL (Shannon) Henry Engen gave staff report and recommendations to approve the request with a 2:1 replacement on or off site, or with two native oaks on-site. Discussion followed relating to Council concerns for freeway screening. Richard Shannon, 507 San Bonita Road, stated that he was the applicant and gave support for the request. He revealed that the proposed project would be attractive and would front the highway. The Community Development Director responded to Council questions regarding setbacks, reporting that the project would be required to meet the 20' setback standard for a commercial park. The applicant added that he was relying on the expertise of a landscape architect and an arborist, who had advised him that the trees were not compatible with the project. MOTIONm By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the request based on staff recommendations; motion unanimously carried by voice vote. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. PROPOSAL FROM DENNIS BRYANT REGARDING DISPOSAL OF OLD APPLI- ANCES The City Manager asked the Administrative Services Director to give the report. Mr. Joseph reported that Dennis Bryant, owner - operator of SOS Appliance, had submitted to Council a proposal for providing an appliance disposal service to the City. Staff recommendation was to refer the matter to the Recycling Committee CC7/24/90 Page 11 0 for review. Discussion followed. Councilwoman Borgeson asked for clarification of the recommendation and asserted that ultimate decision would be made by Council. Mr. Joseph reported that the referral to the Recycling Committee would allow them to analyze the proposition in more depth and give Council a better report. He confirmed that it would be up to Council to confirm whether or not they wanted to allocate the funds. Councilwoman Borgeson was in support of the proposal stating that it would be money well -spent. Councilman Shiers pointed out that it might be appropriate to put the service out to competitive bid. Mr. Joseph concurred and reported that Wil Mar Disposal was also interested in bidding on the service. He noted that the Recycling Committee could research the matter more thoroughly. Dennis Bryant, 7410 Sombrilla, reported that he suffers when people drop off appliances at his appliance repair shop during off -business hours. He highlighted for Council proposed recycling techniques, noting that 98% of the appliances could be recycled. He further explained that the 2% remaining is because there has not yet been a way determined to dispose of foam insulation. Mr. Bryant answered questions from Council regarding technology to remove fluorocarbons and the number of appliances he would be handling. He emphasized that the appliances would need to be accessible for pick-up. Public Comment: Whitey Thorpe, 8205 Santa Ynez, spoke in support of Mr. Bryant's proposal. Mayor Lilley stated that it is normally the procedure of Council to comply with the competitive regimen and give consideration as to whether the service would be provided as part of the budget cycle or outside of it. Councilwoman Borgeson supported moving ahead quickly acknowledging the possible need to put the service out to bid and added that the service would be a gift to the community. CC7/24/90 Page 12 • 0 Councilman Shiers recognized, given the mandate of the City having to reduce the amount of solid waste, that there is a need to recycle appliances. It was the consensus of the Council to refer the matter to the Recycling Committee and consider what criteria is necessary for the matter to go out to public bid. 2. STATUS OF WATER CONSERVATION EFFORTS (Mayor Lilley - verbal) Mayor Lilley submitted a memorandum (see Exhibit A) relating to communications he made with the members of the Board of Directors of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company regarding water conservation efforts. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had received calls from the public opposing the manner in which they had been told to comply and asserted that she objected to the fact that the public and Council did not have any input. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that she had asked the mayor to call an emergency meeting of the Council and was surprised to be receiving only a verbal report on the matter. She asserted that that the City and public has been misled about the status of water resources and strongly objected to the Police Department becoming patrol for a private water company. In addition, Councilwoman Borgeson requested that there be scheduled a full public hearing with a representative present from the water company. Councilman Shiers commented that he would like to see a written report from Atascadero Mutual Water Company and noted that completion of a Water Master Plan is required by the State by December 31, 1990. He stated that he also wanted to know the status of the master plan and added that there is a need for better communication with the water company. Councilman Nimmo related that every homeowner is a shareholder in the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and can attend their meetings. He spoke in support of better communication with the water company but stressed that he did not favor demanding an appearance (of a representative from Atascadero Mutual Water) before the City Council. He commended the mayor for his efforts. Mayor Lilley clarified the purpose of his memo and summarized the activities leading to it. He stated that he had contacted the Police Chief to establish whether RSVP individuals could aid in conservation efforts should the Council deem support of that endeavor. Mayor Lilley reported that he had also asked the City CC7/24/90 Page 13 Attorney review the appropriateness of sanctions imposed by the water company. He stated that staff has already been directed to acquire a copy of the Water Master Plan to determine whether or not it is consistent with the General Plan. He noted that his efforts were to enable the City to make an independent evaluation of the actions of the water company. Councilwoman Borgeson reiterated her objections to the procedures in which the issue was handled and stressed that one or two Council members cannot give direction to staff. Councilman Nimmo related that he occasional attends meetings of the water company as a shareholder and gave assurance that he had not discussed with any member of staff the issues raised at the latest one he attended. Councilman Shiers clarified that it was during an agenda review meeting that the issue of requesting a copy the water company's Water Management Plan was raised. He concurred that it takes at least three members of Council to make a decision. The City Manager stated that he would provide a memo to Council to clarify issues and noted that the staff is independently moving to acquire information to provide to Council. He stated that one of the issues of concern is the legal status of the Mutual Water Company and asked for the opportunity to consult with the City Attorney before he comes back to Council. Chief Hicks commented upon the fire defense system as it relates to water supply. He clarified that he had been in constant contact with the water company and was very confident that the City has adequate water supply to deal with any fire emergencies. Mr. Windsor asked Council whether they wanted the matter brought back as an agenda item. Lengthy discussion ensued. Councilwoman Borgeson requested that staff come back with information relating to the Water Master Plan and recommendations from the Police, Fire and Public Works Departments for a scheduled public hearing on August 14, 1990. Councilman Shiers concurred with Councilwoman Borgeson's earlier comments that a representative of the water company should be invited to participate in the discussion. Councilman Nimmo stated that he wanted to wait until Council had received a memorandum from the City Manager and reiterated concern for damaging the spirit of cooperation already in CC7/24/90 Page 14 0 0 existence between the City and the water company. Councilman Shiers debated that a public hearing would not be detrimental to on-going communications but could be a way of providing information to the Council and public. The City Manager voiced concern for setting the hearing too prematurely. He stated that it may be more logical to allow staff time to address the issues, obtain information and prepare a report before setting the public hearing. He advised that he could place the matter on the next agenda as a regular business item and clarified that the public would be allowed to speak. He reiterated that the agenda for the August 14, 1990 was already large and recommended a second meeting for that week. Councilman Nimmo proposed that Council allow the City Manager and staff to pursue the issues of concern, compile the information and come back with recommendations before Council decides whether to schedule a noticed public hearing. Council concurred to place the matter on the August 14, 1990 agenda as a regular business item. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council: A. Committee Reports (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports were given on the following committees): 1. gan Luis Obispo Area Coordinating Council - Councilwoman Borgeson gave a report on the latest meeting indicating that the Area Council had assumed responsibility for integrating the County's Solid Waste Plan and voted to retain language in the Joint Powers Agreement allowing any member to call for a "supervote". She described this as one which requires eight affirmative votes for approval and the City Manager clarified that without the supervote, the Board of Supervisors would dominate. The City Clerk confirmed that she was not presently receiving copies of minutes from meetings of the Area Council. Councilwoman CC7/24/90 Page 15 0 Borgeson noted that it would be appropriate for them to be on record with the Clerk. 2. Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Committee - Councilman Nimmo reported that the City had received it's portion of the bill for the Hazardous Waste Collection Day and discussed how to fund another one. Mr. Windsor added that the program had not been as successful as it might have been if the North County had a site for this service. 3. Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers reported that the committee had met and would be coming to Council with a report at the August 14, 1990 City Council meeting. 4. B.I.A. - The City Manager gave a brief status report on the downtown parking lot noting that it was hopeful to be underway in the very near future. Mayor Lilley highlighted the discussions of the well -attended Mayors' Meeting recently hosted by the City of Atascadero. 2. City Attorney - No report. 3. City Clerk - No report. 4. City Treasurer - No report. 5. City Manager The City Manager suggested that Council meet for an additional meeting on August 16, 1990 and further requested that Council meet in a closed session for discussions including potential property purchase, the Gordon Davis roads issue, employee negotiations and the Alegre drainage matter. Council consensus was to meet for the closed session at 6:00 p.m. prior to convening their regular meeting and delay making a decision to schedule a second meeting until the evening of August 14, 1990. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT APPROXIMATELY 10120 P.M. TO A CLOSED SESSION BEGINNING AT 6100 P.M. ON AUGUST 14, 1990 IN THE CLUB ROOM. CC7/24/90 Page 16 9 MINUTES RECORDED.,AND TRANSCRIBED BYs CITY CLERK Attachment: Exhibit A -(Mayor's Memo of July 23, 1990) CC7/24/90 Page 17 elele_ - COPY FOR YOUR INFOR IMIATION M E M 0 R A N D U M To: City Council Members From: Bob Lilley Subject: Status of Water Conservation Efforts Date: July 23, 1990 As you are aware, the water company's announcement of conservation requirements and water use restrictions of Thursday, July 12th, caught all of us a bit surprized. In addition to Council members, various members of staff have been subjected to a flood of calls (Police, Fire, etc.) inquiring as to the urgency and the basis of the conservation decisions and evidencing various levels of con- cern. In an effort to aide the council in coming to grips with this matter, I engaged in some information -gathering efforts and, in so doing, made contact with two members of the Water Board, to wit Gordon Davis and Roger Viera, as well as conversing with Bob Hamilton. The thrust of all these conversations was to make the point with them that it is essential that we have clear and re- sponsive communications between the City and the water company and, specifically, on those issues that impact the citizens of this community, the various departments and their ability to deliver services to the public, whether it is maintaining public parks and recreation facilities or fire protection. Further, I've made it clear to them that it is essential that they discuss the situation candidly so that the scope of the problem is clear --not only to the City but also to the public --and that, unless they're prepared to do this, it is difficult, if not impossible, for the City to cooperate in their efforts to conserve and to establish policy tailored to meet the problems facing the City as a result of any potential water shortages. As of the 15th, I was assured cooperation from some individual members of the Board of Directors, as well as Mr. Hamilton, which was confirmed in a luncheon meeting with Gordon Davis on Monday, July 16th. Following that meeting, the Water Board recently set a meeting for 7:00 p.m. on Monday evening, which was attended by Mr. Nimmo and myself, I believe some members of the public and the media. At that meeting, Mr. Hamilton outlined in great detail the present difficulty facing the water company and acknowledged the need for close cooperation between them and the City in meeting the challenge that now faces them as a result of peak user demand, litigation involving one new well, construction delays affecting the completion of a second well and a five -million gallon storage facility. I have received assurances from the Water Board that they will actively cooperate in exchanging information, and they have directed Mr. Hamilton to work with the various City department heads as appropriate to ensure adequate communication as to the status of the conservation efforts and the overall water supply. At the time of the meeting, it was clear that the problems are temporary in nature and do not appear to in any way affect the water company's long-term obligation and plan to be able to supply adequate water and water hook-ups to the new development foreseen from now until the time of build -out in accord with our General Plan. He reviewed the fact that the Water Master Plan was developed in conjunction with the General Plan and that the implementation of pumping facilities, storage facilities and other hardware to meet those obligations is well in advance of the growth of the community. They further reassured us that, based on their knowledge of the water base and the availability of the water as a resource, we are not in any immediate jeopardy such as to require any form of moratorium or slow -down in the issuance of permits as a result of this temporary difficulty. It would seem, at this point, that it's in the bests interests of the City to work constructively with the water company in unifying community support for reasonable conservation efforts to aide the company through this temporary crisis. It also seems appropriate that, apart from a crisis, good citizenship should require consideration, at least, of an ongoing problem of reasonable conservation, acknowledging that we are in the fourth year of a drought and that our neighboring communities are suffering serious shortages. On Tuesday, July 17th, I met with both the Police Chief and the Fire Chief to explore the possibility to ask the assistance of the volunteers in RSVP of informing members of the public of the water rationing restrictionswhen violators were observed by them. I asked that this be done as a part of their residential checks and mentioned the possibility that members of the Police and Fire Departments might also consider reminding violators of the problem when they notice someone violating the conservation methods. this was really done as an effort to show community support and City cooperation in meeting the conservation needs in a way that would not materially disrupt the duties of our employees in any way.. I've asked the Fire Chief to coordinate with Bob Hamilton a com- plete evaluation of the status of reservior and pumps so that he can make his independent evaluation of the adequacy of the supply of water to meet fire response needs within the community, as well as response requirements to which we are obligated as primary re- sponse through joint powers agreement with the County. I've also 2 asked chief McHale to obtain information from other cities who have adopted ordinances designed to enforce water conservation policy. The purpose of those requests is so that both Chief Hicks and Chief McHale could report to the Council at our next regularly scheduled meeting on those matters so the Council would have some input determining what, if any, further action the Council may choose to take to ensure we have an adequate capability to respond to fire demands and/or to consider regulatory ordinances designed to en- force conservation measures. I will request that Bob Hamilton or some other agent of the water company attend our City Council meeting and provide an updated report on the status of the situa- tion as of that date. It would appear that, as of the 17th of July, community response to the water company's conservation requirements has been out- standing and that, in fact, there has been a two -million gallon demand drop within the past week --from a peak of approx. eight - million gallons to approx. six -million gallons. This has allowed the water company to fully supply its lower tanks and to refill its upper tanks to more acceptable levels, despite being deprived of the two wells but for the circumstances described would have been on line during this peak demand period. I've asked Chief Hicks to ensure that there is adequate ongoing communication between the Fire Dept. and the water company to allow continual monitoring of the situation. - It is my hope that these efforts will increase the City's ability to work with the water company in a constructive way to allow the Council and the company to adopt long-term conservation methods that are both measured to the problem, equitably applied and appropriately enforced. I was advised by Andy Takata that the City is endeavoring to comply with the 7 p.m. -7 a.m. restrictions, and he has notified our con- tractor to do so. If any exceptions are required that are of any major significance, I will ask Andy to report on those situations at our next Council meeting so the Council can provide appropriate direction. RBL:cw c: Department Heads