HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 071090 ' ATASCADERQ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 10° 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p .m. The pledge of allegiance was led by Councilman Nimmo . CALL:ROLL Present: Councilmembers Nimmo , Shiers , Dexter , Borgeson and Mayor Lilley Staff present: Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Greg Luke, Public Works Director ; Lisa Schicker , City Arborist ; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director ; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief and Lee Dayka, City Clerk . COMMENT:CkTY COUNCIL Mayor Lilley stated that , upon further reflection, it was in the best interest of the City and the City Council that Councilwoman Borgeson act as the representative to the Ban Luis Obispo County Area Coordinating Council . He noted a need for continuity, commitment and thorough knowledge of the ongoing matters of SLOACC and stated that as Mayor he would work with other mayors in an effort to support the work of SLOACC. Mayor Lilley related that Councilwoman Borgeson had graciously accepted the appointment and confirmed that Councilman Shiers would act as alternate. Henry Engen introduced Gary Kaiser as the newly-hired Assistant Planner . Mayor Lilley extended welcome on behalf of the Council . CONSENT : After taking a few minutes to review items received late in the day, Mayor Lilley read the Consent Calendar : 1 ~ JUNE 12, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Cont ' d from 6/26/90) 2. JUNE 26, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CC7/ 1U/9O Page 1 0 • 3. RESOLUTION NO 89-90 - DESIGNATING "ARTIGA LANE" AS ROAD NAME TO SERVE TRACT 1057 OFF OF BALBOA ROAD 4. RESOLUTION NO. 94-90 - ADOPTING PROPOSITION 4 (GANN) SPENDING LIMIT FOR FY1990-91 5. RESOLUTION NO. 93-90 - ADOPTING ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR FY1990-91 6. RESOLUTION NO. 95-90 - ADOPTING POSITION ALLOCATION FOR FY1990-91 7. RESOLUTION NO. 96-90 - ADOPTING SALARIES FOR FY1990-91 8. ESTABLISHMENT OF VARIOUS STOP INTERSECTIONS: A. RESOLUTION NO. 77-90 - TRAFFIC WAY @ CITY YARD B. RESOLUTION NO. 78-94 - SAN ANDRES a MARCHANT AVE. C. RE50LUTIQN NO. 79-90. - COROMAR AVE. @ MARCHANT AVE. D. RESOLUTION NO. 80-90 - SAN ANDRES @ ATASCADERO AVE. E. RESOLUTION NO. 81-90 - MAGDELENA AVE. a MERCEDES AVE. F. RESOLUTION NO. 82-90 - AMAPOA AVE. @ CURBARIL AVE. G. RESOLUTION N0. 83-90 - NAVAJOA a SANTA YNEZ H. RESOLUTION NO. 84-90 - SERRA AVE. @ SAN ANDRES 9. RESOLUTION NO. 90-90 - DESIGNATING NO PARKING ZONES ON EL CAMINO REAL ALONG A PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE OF ADOBE PLAZA 10. RESOLUTION NO. 91-90 - CREATING A NO PARKING ZONE, MODIFYING THE LEFT TURN LANE AND AUTHORIZING CAUTIONARY PAINTING AT THE NEW POLICE STATION 11 . RESOLUTION NO. 88-90 - DESIGNATING A STOP INTERSECTION FOR BOTH DIRECTIONS OF SAN ANSELMO AVE. @ MONTEREY RD. 12. RESOLUTION NO. 67-90 - ADOPTING SANITATION SERVICE CHARGES TO THE 1990-91 PROPERTY TAX BILL 13. RESOLUTION N0. 87-90 - PLACING THE ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 (MARCHANT WAY) ON THE PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR 14. RESOLUTION NO. 86-90 - PLACING THE ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 (SEPERADO-CAYUCOS) ON THE PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR 15. RESOLUTION NO. 85-90 - PLACING THE ANNUAL PAYMENT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 5 (CHANDLER RANCH) ON THE PROPERTY CC7l10l90 Page 2 i 0 TAXES FOR THE 1990-91 FISCAL YEAR 16. RESOLUTION NO. 92-90 - AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH R. BURKE CORPORATION TO CONSTRUCT THE SYCAMORE RD. BRIDGE AT ATASCADERO CREEK 17. RESOLUTION NO. 97-90 - APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTL. UNION (GENERAL SERVICES) FOR FY1991-FY1993 18. RESOLUTION NO. 98-90 - APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTL. UNION (CLERICAL) FOR FY1991-FY1993 Councilwoman Borgeson asked for clarification on Item #8-A, the City Treasurer pulled Item #5 and the City Clerk asked that the Minutes of the June 26, 1990 meeting be continued ( Item #2) . Fen Waage, 7450 Balboa, asked if the proposed stops on San Anselmo Road at Monterey Road were on the Consent Calendar . Mayor Lilley stated that the matter was listed as Item #11 and asked Mr . Waage if he wanted to pull it . Mr' . Waage said that he did not wish to address it indicating support of the resolution designating those stop signs. MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to approve the Consent Calendar with the exceptions of Items #2, 5 and 8-A. Motion carried 5:0. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter- and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to continue the minutes of June 26, 1990; motion --animously passed . Discussion of the following items ensued : 5. RESOLUTION NO. 93-90 - ADOPTING ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR FY1990-91 The City Treasurer- asked the Administrative Services Director for clarification on some of the figures. Mayor Lilley asked that the Treasurer avail herself of the opportunity to discuss with the Finance Director discrepancies before the matter comes before the Council . He noted that the City was currently operating under an interim resolution and proposed that Council proceed with adoption of the resolution. Additionally, the requested that Mr . Joseph report back to Council on the specific issues raised by the Treasurer . CC7/10/90 Page 3 MOTION: By Councilwoman 8orgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adopt Resolution No . 93-90with provision that the Finance Director will report back to Council at the next City Council meeting ; unanimously passed by roll call vote. a~ ESTABLISHMENT OF VARIOUS STOP INTERSECTIONS: A. - TRAFFIC WAY @ CITY YARD Councilwoman Borgeson questioned the wording in Resolution No . 77-90 and suggested that the words ''exit of" ( the City Yard ) be substituted for the words, "entrance of" ( the City Yard ) . Council and the Public Works Director were in concurrence of the suggested amendment and the following motion was made: MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adopt Resolution No . 77-90 as amended ; motion carried . B. : X ~ TREE REMOVAL HEARING: A. INTERIM TREE REPLACEMENT STANDARDS (See Item C-2> Henry Engen gave background and staff report with the recommendation to accept a base replacement ratio of two for one same species, 15 gallon planted and maintained tree; or an " in lieu" contribution of $200 per tree. The City Arborist , Lisa Schicker availed herself for questions. Comments :Public Eric Greening , 7375 Valle, expressed concern about timing for re- planting asking that applicants be encouraged to plant in the fall season. Jim Patterson, 9312 N. Santa Margarita Road in Atascadero , stated that he had polled a number of local landscape maintenance workers and indicated that tree replacements costs range from $250 to $1 ,000. He urged Council to take into account these costs adding that the $200 figure is still too low. George Luna, 100600 San Marcos , questioned the use of the word , "base" in the staff recommendation stating that if $200 is a minimum amount , how will additional value be determined . CC7/10/90 Page 4 Virginia Powers, 7505 Carmelita, read a prepared statement (see Exhibit A) stressing that the $200 cost per tree is too low' Fred Frank , 3615 ArdilIa, asked what the objective was of the proposed interim policy. He stated that if it is to promote the objectives of the Tree Ordinance, flexibility is needed . Discussion came back to Council . Councilman Nimmo reiterated that his initial intent of asking for an interim policy was to bring fairness and consistency; and made the following motion: MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to accept the staff recommendation of a 2: 1 replacement or $200 per tree; motion unanimously carried . B. HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST - BARCIA ROAD EXTENSION (Cont ' d from 6/26/90) Henry Engen summarized this request and gave staff recommendation to approve the removals and accept the applicants ` proposal to donate to the Tree Replacement Fund in an amount of up to $15°O00. Lisa Schicker answered Council questions regarding possible road location adjustments which may save additional trees. Ms. Schicker indicated that these modifications would be made on-site as in-field work changes with the Public Works Director overseeing those adjustments . Mr . Luke reported that his department could accommodate minor adjustments , asserting that preservation of the minimum road standards be maintained . He added that it could be very costly to require the developer to build retaining walls. Councilwoman Borgeson commended the applicant , Don Vaughn, for his cooperation during the field visit . The Public Works Director responded to questions from Councilman Nimmo regarding road construction. Additional discussion ensued regarding the emergency exit road located at the end of the proposed extension and possible future extension through to the freeway. The Community Development Director indicated that the basic concept was good , but that an e)�isting property owner has objections. CC7/10/9O Page 5 Councilman Nimmo expressed concern that a safety hazard may be created by allowing construction of the emergency exit at an 1B ' width . Chief Hicks spoke in support of the road , clarifying that it would be for emergency access only and that it would have gates with break-away posts on both ends. He reported that the Fire Department has a particular interest in the area as it relates to circulation. He stated that the road could serve as a great aid for evacuation purposes or as a backup to the Garcia Road Bridge . Further discussion regarding the additional surveying costs the developer may incur resulting from any modifications made during the construction of the road . Mr . Luke recapped estimated costs and indicated that there seems to be no other way than to re- survey. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that the added costs could be off-set by the monies the developer would be save in tree removal costs . Councilman Nimmo stated that while he had no objections, if Council was authorizing the construction of sub-standard roads, either by not extending it out to the end of the property or narrowing the shoulders to save trees, the matter should be made clear to all . The Public Works Director clarified that he has been given no authorization to lessen the width of the shoulders and reiterated that discretion will be used to save trees if the road can be slightly adjusted . Councilman Dexter remarked that staff, during the development , should look into the possibilities of opening up the road all the way through . Mr . Luke �tated thet if the Council *as leaning in that direction, a condition could be added which would require design work for the extension to be prepared and submitted at the same time. Mayor Lilley asked the City Attorney if right-of-ways could be designed for future expansion of roads across properties not yet acquired . Mr. Montandon reminded Council that the issue before them was the tree removal application, but responded to Mayor Lilley ' s question as it related to condemnation. The City Attorney stated that condemnation would be the only route to acquire such access for a roadway and an improvement on the contiguous property, and further suggested re-focusing on the tree removal request . CC7/1O/90 Page 6 Comments:Public The applicant , Don Vaughn 76950 El Camino Real , was present and availed himself for questions. Council thanked him for his cooperation and for showing them the site. The mayor asked the applicant if he would have an objection to the City crediting him for any additional survey costs as a result of as-builts against the in-lieu tree fee. The applicant responded that he did not . Jack Brazeal of Paso Robles , spoke in support of the request and stated that the applicant has made every effort to save as many trees as possible on this project . Marjorie Kidwell , 99BO Old Morro Road East , urged Council to put safety as the number one priority when constructing new roads and asked why roads have to be constructed only to minimum standards. Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez , expressed concern for moving a road to save a tree and asked that Council look first to the safety of the people. Dennis Bryant , 7410 Sombrilla , questioned the accounting for the maximum replacement fee of $15,000. A young resident of Atascadero spoke up asking if it is legal and cost-effective to construct pavement around the trees as he has seen in some parking lots . The Public Works Director noted that these " turf blocks" are for the purpose of watering the trees. Sarah Bronstrand » 7620 Del Rio Road , stated that minimum standards are accuPtabIc. Additional staff and Council discussion followed . The City Arborist advised that the topography is flat and proposed road is relatively straight . Mayor Lilley asked the Public Works Director to clarify as-built changes and whether any such deviations would jeopardize safety. Mr . Luke responded that the roads will be designed and built according to the minimum road standards and if the road alignment can be slightly adjusted , yet still maintain the level of safety those standards reflect , such a shift will be made. He stressed that there will no lessening of the criteria and that there is no authority to do so . He stated that the authority given would be to make minor modifications to the alignment of the road in order to preserve a tree in the field . Councilman Nimmo clarified that Council was then objecting to CC7/10/9O Page 7 ` verbiage in the staff report relating to minor adjustments in the widths of road shoulders. Mr ' Luke confirmed this . MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter that the tree removal request be approved for the Garcia Road Extension subject to a maximum contribution of $15,000 to the Tree Replacement Fund with the right to credit costs for additional surveys as a result of as-buiIts in the field , and with further understanding that this motion does not indicate any departure from the standard width requirements for the construction of the roadway ; motion carried 5:0 on a roll call vote. 2. - CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ABANDON A PORTION OF THE COROMAR AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT 7350 C0ROMAR (Road Abandonment 1-90) (Charlesworth ) Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to approve the resolution, noting specific requirements of the applicant . There was no public testimony. MOTION: By Councilman Dexter and seconded by Councilman Nimmo to approve Resolution No . 6{e-g�J; motion unanimously carried . C. REGULAR BUSINESS: ' 1 . CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED FINDINGS FOR DENIAL FOR PROPOSED DIVISION OF PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3.4 AC~ INTO TWO LOTS CONTAINING 1 . 1 AND 2.3 ACRES AT 7503 [ARMELITA (Bench ) (Cont ' d from 4/24 and 6/26/90) Henry Engen presented the Findings for Denial and recommended adoption. There was no public testimony. Councilwoman 8orgeson referred to her previous vote on the appeal and asked the City Attorney whether or not she needed to specify which finding (s) for denial she was in opposition to when she cast her vote' He indicated that she did not . MOTION: By Councilman Nimmo and seconded by Councilman Dexter to adopt the Findings for Denial for TPM 2-89 (Bench ) ; motion carried 4: 1 with Councilwoman Borgeson voting against adoption. CC7/1O/9O Page 8 �� �� 0 2. PROPOSAL FOR INTERIM TREE REPLACEMENT STANDARDS See Item #9-1 . Mayor Lilley called for a recess at 8:33 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m. 3. RECEIVE CITY COUNCIL'S TREE SUB-COMMITTEE'S DRAFT RE-WRITE OF THE TREE ORDINANCE FOR REFERRAL TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR HEARING AND RECOMMENDATION Mayor Lilley introduced the matter noting that the revision to the Tree Ordinance would be referred to the Planning Commission for public hearing before coming back to the Council for adoption. The City Manager referred to Sec , 9-11 .02 (b ) of the revised ordinance noting that the word "native" should precede the word "trees" . Council acknowledged the work of the Tree Committee. Mayor Lilley announced that Council ' s action of referring the ordinance to the Planning Commission does not indicate total support nor condemnation. Mr . Windsor added that the purpose of sending the re-write to the Planning Commission is to obtain the public ' s input . Comments:Public Dale Cradduck , 4925 Navidad , asked if he could see a copy of the draft . Mr . Windsor answered that the public will have access to the document ~ MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman 8orgeson that the City Council refer the revised Tree Ordinance and the referenced "Tree Standards and Guidelines" to the Planning Commission for public hearing . Discussion of the motion followed : Councilman Nimmo noted in the text of the proposed ordinance there are references to the "Tree Standards and Guidelines" to be adopted by resolution and suggested that the matter be continued until those guidelines have been completed . ` The City Manager advised that , given the time delays already CC7/1O/90 Page 9 ' �N0� �� �� �� �� experienced , Council go forward with its ' referral to the Planning Commission and stated that this would allow for the completion of the guidelines before public hearing . Councilman Nimmo asserted that he could note vote for the referral to the Planning Commission without first seeing the "Tree Standards and Guidelines" . Mayor Lilley asked the City Arborist if it was possible to have a copy of the guidelines by the next regular meeting . She indicated that it would not be ready by then adding that it is 70% completed at present . Ms. Schicker reported that the rough draft is available for Council review. Councilman Shiers asked for affirmation that before the matter is heard before the Planning Commission, the "Tree Standards and Guidelines" will be completed and available to the public before- hand . The City Manager recognized the concern and confirmed that the guidelines will be distributed ahead of time. He added that he was in support of going ahead with the referral to minimize further delay. Councilman Nimmo reiterated his concern. Mayor Lilley called for the vote. Motion to refer the revised Tree Ordinance and the "Tree Standards and Guidelines" to the Planning Commission for the purpose of public hearing was passed 4 : 1 ; with Councilman Nimmo voting in opposition. 4. LETTER FROM FRIENDS OF THE PAVILION RE: FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES The City Manager read the letter received from Sarah Gronstrand of the Friends of the Lake Pavilion asking for Council endorsement of a fundraising concept to designate rooms in the name of large contributors. Mr . Windsor recommended that Council give official support to the committee to better enable them to approach possible donors. By common consensus, Council gave such endorsement . 5. COUNCIL COMMITTEESO COMMISSION AND BOARDS - YOUTH REPRESENTATIVES The City Manager gave staff report recommending youth representation on the following committees/commissions: Traffic Committee, Parks & Recreation Commission and the Recycling CC7/10/90 Page 10 0 0 Committee. Mr . Windsor outlined the criteria and discussion followed . Councilman Dexter suggested advertising for applicants, noting the need to involve all students, not just those who attend the local high school . Comments:Public Eric Greening , 7375 Valle, spoke in support of youth involvement and encouraged opening up the opportunity to everyone. Mr . Greening opposed the age limitation and shorter term lengths, Nathan Coran, 7375 Valle, responded in support and asked that the age limit be lowered . James Patterson, member of the Recycling Committee, noted that this committee had the pleasure of the participation of a High School representative and urged Council to encourage youth participation. Micki Korba, 10905 Santa Ana, stated that she did not approve of limiting it to just high school students; noting that some 16 and 17 year olds are in college. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to adopt staff recommendation to supplement the following groups by an ex-officio youth member of high school age: Traffic Committee, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Recycling Committee; motion unanimously carried . The City Manager indicated that he would come back with a new resolution setting forth method of selection. 6. CREATION OF A DOWNTOWN TASK FORCE TO IMPLEMENT THE MASTER PLAN The City Manager introduced the matter , noting that John Himes, President of the BIA was present . Lengthy discussion followed regarding the matter of hiring a Downtown Coordinator . Councilwoman 8orgeson and Councilman Shiers expressed support in the hiring of such a coordinator . Mayor Lilley noted that there was not a slot in the budget for such a position. The City Manager advised that staff would research the issues and come back to Council with a CC7/10/9O Page 11 0 0 recommendation. He added that he did not envision the Downtown Coordinator to be a full-time employee, but rather an extension of the BIA and clarified that the City needs to maintain some kind of control if it is to be involved with the funding . Public Comments : John Himes, 118210 Carmelita, stated that time is of the essence and urged the formation of the Task Force. He voiced support for hiring a coordinator , if it can be done within a reasonable time frame. Brief discussion followed regarding possible assistance from the Main Street Program. The City Manager indicated that funding was no longer available. Mr . Joseph reported that he understood that while Atascadero could no longer be a "test city" , it could buy some of the experiences of the program. Mr . Himes warned the Council that the downtown revitalization program will be expensive to implement adding that sometimes you need to spend money to make money. He reiterated that the City ' s investment in the future of the downtown will eventually come back to the City. Dennis Bryant , 7410 Sombrilla, stated that he had a business located at 5925 Entrada. Mr . Bryant asserted that no consultant or coordinator is needed and urged Council to talk with downtown merchants and residents. He added that he did not believe the BIA fully represents those that live and work in the downtown. Robert McNew, 4830 El Verano , cautioned Council when giving fr`eedarai to the Tisk Ful LL- i'r'i dealing with arch it`_ture _,c as not to discourage development of downtown. Additional Council discussion followed . The City Manager reported that staff would review the concerns and come back with recommendations . D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council : Reports were given on the following committees: S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council - The City Manager reported that Councilwoman Borgeson would attend the morning session of the July 11 , 1990 meeting and would be present for the 1 :00 P .M. field trip/study session scheduled for that date. CC7/10/90 Page 12 9 0 Recycling Committee - Councilman Shiers reported that the committee had met on July 6, 1990 and discussed mandatory garbage pick-up . He announced that the committee would again meet on July 12, 1990. B. Y .A. - The City Manager indicated that he is currently working with Mr . Himes on finalizing the documentation necessary to get going with the parking lot . He stated that there will be an addendum to the agreement and reported that he will be back to Council to ask for their endorsement . Mayor Lilley added that he had spoken with Mr . Stinchfield to ensure that he was still agreeable to the original terms ; and reported that he is. 2. City Manager: Mr . Windsor reported that members of Council. will be going to Monterey for the Mayors/Council Institute during the week of July 16-20 and that he would be on vacation himself during that time. The City Manager indicated that Mr . Joseph would be in attendance, along with the mayor , at a Mayors/Managers Luncheon on July 19, 1990. The mayor noted that one of the agenda items was to be the "working relationship between cities and county government" . Councilman Dexter advised that he would be on vacation beginning the week of July 16. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:45 P.M. TO 1 :00 P.M. ON JULY 11 , 1990, 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL. MINUTES CORDED AND TRANSCRIBED BY: t�tJ` ��_k LEE DAYKA, City Clerk Attachment : Exhibit A - Powers CC7/10/90 Page 13 I believe the i44ae oi nep&acem ntl Atar"aA4 has been AaLded beau de it mae that the cw xerd ung o4 detemrziycin neprLacement valuee P,% tne" removed dwu.n co i4 wz4uA and wya.6t. 1 LVA it mad be wV.4uA and wzp4 t to d3nn4 one Atandand v% a't condi tiorw. AV arse use di acumbzating agauwt #heed wizen dete�rcing value. AtmoAt eve�� el6e .in omt wcie g has d rent value placed on it depending on .Location, condition, oda - abi.eitrg, etc. WVA neat estate one heau Location, .Location, Location eqm& value, vA&e vaCue. Cxtnapolil ng the xea amLV PA appdbging one rep&cemeni value to others pnopentg wu.Ld re&dt .in giving the same va.Lue /ox aU houwz 6ecauee hou,6e Arxu4 undeA the categaV "hOU4e". AU cams wouCd have one value because they �aLC undex the axtegong "can". &c. Etc/ bite we going to have a doub.Le .ataruLnd .in oux cUW �on detevnuung tree value. An aZwAt neatigtbte value 4 the twe AA to be removed �ox conat✓cctc&m or wbdi,.vieuon punpobeo and a high value Miert nwAetAng a tot ox mien w&w tting an .in&vwnce c,&u a 6,% tree damage. The eyexZ4 in tkee va&wt .vn .should mane the de�ennunation Thio deterurti wt ion would take into account aide, .eneciea, vi.gon ' tocation, etc. ki inAtexibte . igida4d, uhe Aert it be high ox .Low, .w unaix and uajua• What,.i.a being pvpozed+--a 2 pa one, /5 gat. 4me apeaees Aeplacenre rx or 1200.00 pert tree za in moat ca4e6 way too .Loin. n .Low value on tneea A.4 an eve to nerfiove more *cew. The F2OO1q cemdeai Ae .i.a' OA 4maUe-% than #lie coat4 �or Asad heal i grr nf- on AUe plawLLV. /n addUi,on, the 4eGe°ed a can be 4o.Ld �ox Aeve4aL hundwd doltavu �or Awl wood.