HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC_2007-03-19_AgendaPacketCITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Regular Meeting Monday, March 19, 2007 — 7:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Chairperson O'Keefe Vice Chairperson Fonzi Commissioner Jack Commissioner O'Grady Commissioner Slane Commissioner Marks Commissioner Heatherington PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS APPROVAL OF AGENDA DISCLOSURE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS: Prior to a project hearing Planning Commission Members must disclose any communications they have had on any quasi-judicial agenda items. This includes, but is not limited to, tentative subdivision maps, parcel maps, variances, conditional use permits, and planned development permits. This does not disqualify the Planning Commission Member from participating and voting on the matter, but gives the public and applicant an opportunity to comment on the ex parte communication. PUBLIC COMMENT (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Commission has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Commission may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda) City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda CONSENT CALENDAR Regular Meeting March 19, 2007 Page 2 of 4 (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non -controversial by City Staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Commission or public wishes to comment or ask questions) 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 6, 2007. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS PUBLIC HEARINGS (For each of the following items, the public will be given an opportunity to speak. After a staff report, the Chair will open the public hearing and invite the applicant or applicant's representative to make any comments. Members of the public will be invited to provide testimony to the Commission following the applicant. Speakers should state their name and address for the record and can address the Commission for five minutes. After all public comments have been received, the public hearing will be closed, and the Commission will discuss the item and take appropriate action(s).) 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2006-0196/PLN 2006-1151, 8905 MONTECITO Applicant: Tastee Freez, John Sidders, 1209 Hanover Place, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Owner: Morro Road Homes, LLC, Kelly Gearhart, 6205 Alcantara Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: Conditional Use Permit 2006- 0196 / PLN 2006-1151 Project 8905 Montecito Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 Location: APN 056-071-010 Project The proposed project consists of an application for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through Description: restaurant located on 0.52 acres within the Commercial Tourist Zone. The site was recently approved for a three lot split with a similar site plan proposed for a commercial center with shared parking and shared storm water detention facilities (PLN 2006-1121.) The only addition since the map approval is the addition of the drive thru. The project takes access off Montecito Avenue. The proposal includes a main dining building and a drive-through facility along the East Front Road. The site is currently vacant. General Plan Designation: General Commercial (GC) Zoning District: Commercial Tourist (CT) Proposed Based on the initial study prepared for the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed. The Environmental proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for public review at 6907 El Camino Real, Determination: Community Development Department, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda 3. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN CONTINUED UNTIL APRIL 3, 2007 Regular Meeting March 19, 2007 Page 3 of 4 PRECISE PLAN 2005-0172, TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 2006-0094 FOR 5105 & 5305 CHAUPLIN LANE Applicant: Don Messer, P O Box 1958, Atascadero, CA 93423 Owners: Burt Polin, 147 Los Cerros Drive, SLO, CA 93405 Michael Finch, 6445 N. Palm Ave. #101, Fresno, CA 93704 Project Title: Precise Plan 2005-0172, 2 Single -Family Residences on slopes greater than 10% Tree Removal Permit 2006-0094 Project 5105 & 5305 Chauplin Lane, Atascadero, CA 93422 Location: (San Luis Obispo County) APN 030-311-005, 030-311-002 Project The project consists of an application to construct 2 single-family houses on 2 existing lots of record. Description: Both of the residences each total 1,928 sq. ft. with a 744 sq. ft. garage and a 120 sq. ft. deck. The proposed project will require approx. 1,300 cubic yards of cut and approximately 700 cubic yards of fill on moderate to steep slopes and will incorporate retaining walls. Approximately 62 native trees are proposed for removal and the residences will gain access through a shared driveway from Chauplin Lane. This is a revised proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and replaces the document previously posed on June 5, 2006. General Plan Designation: SFR -Z Zoning District: RSF-Z Proposed Based on the initial study prepared for the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed. The Environmental proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for public review at 6907 El Camino Real, Determination: Community Development Department from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be on April 3, 2007 at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero. Please note: Should anyone challenge in court any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to this public hearing. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda Regular Meeting March 19, 2007 Page 4 of 4 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission meets in regular session on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Commission in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection during City Hall Annex business hours at the Community Development counter and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. All documents submitted by the public during Commission meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the Community Development Department. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5000, or the City Clerk's Office, (805) 461-5000. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Commission will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Commission regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against, or comment in any way: • You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Chairperson • Give your name and address (not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Commission • All comments limited to 5 minutes (unless changed by the Commission) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the Community Development Department at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Access to hook up your laptop to the City's projector will be provided. You are required to submit to the Recording Secretary a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the Chairperson before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "PUBLIC HEARINGS", the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Commission to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address (not required) • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Commission's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Commission). CALL TO ORDER ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 3-19-07 CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 6, 2007 — 7:00 P.M. Chairperson O'Keefe called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Vice Chairperson Fonzi led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Heatherington, Jack, Marks, O'Grady, Fonzi, and Chairperson O'Keefe Absent: Commissioner Slane (excused absence) Others Present: Recording Secretary Grace Pucci Staff Present: Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Deputy Community Development Director Steve McHarris and Assistant Planner Callie Taylor. PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Commissioner Jack and seconded by Vice Chairperson Fonzi to approve the agenda. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote. PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 1 of 8 DISCLOSURE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS: ■ Commissioner Heatherington: Prior to the meeting she spoke with Monica (no last name given) but did not discuss any project. ■ Commissioner Jack: Visited the Coromar Avenue property, met with Mike Healy, applicant's brother, and toured the property. ■ Vice Chairperson Fonzi: Received two emails one from Graham and one from Vile but did not respond to either, and spoke with David Lowe. ■ Commissioner Marks: Spoke to several members of the public while viewing the Santa Ysabel property. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening thanked staff for organizing the site tour of Rancho de Paraiso, and spoke about the City Council's recent Strategic Planning Session. He suggested any Planning Commission agenda items that were not discussed at the session, and are of importance to the Commission, be taken up at the next joint meeting with the Council. Sorrel Marks played a recording, which she had made in her garden, of the noise made by motorcyclists on an adjoining property and asked for reconsideration of the issue of motorcycle tracks and excessive noise. Chairperson O'Keefe closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Commissioner O'Grady and seconded by Commissioner Heatherington to agendize a discussion on all issues related to motorcycle riding within the city including reconsideration of the ordinance. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON FEBRUARY 6, 2007. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION RANCHO DE PARAISO SITE TOUR ON FEBRUARY 8, 2007. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION ON FEBRUARY 20, 2007. 4. APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2001-0011, TRACT 2445, 6340 ALCANTARA AVE., (LORAINE RUSSELL) PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 2 of 8 5. APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2003-0039, TTM, 2004-0064,2555,2605,2705 EL CAMINO REAL (PETER LAUGHLIN) 6. APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2004-0048, 5310 CARRIZO ROAD, (FRED MACHADO) 7. APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION ON TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2002-0028, 9230 VISTA BONITA (MICHAEL FREDERICK) 8. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP 2005-0116, 7392 SANTA YSABEL AVE., (PATRICK KENNEDY) 9. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP 2006-0146, 6004 SAN PALO ROAD (SCHNEIDER) Items pulled: Chairperson O'Keefe, Item #7. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Fonzi and seconded by Commissioner Jack to approve Items #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote. Item #7: Chairperson O'Keefe expressed her concerns regarding Parcel No. 1 and an earlier Planning Commission decision which had allowed it to be developed as a residential parcel, although the environmental impacts had never been looked at on this highly visible site. She stated that the City Attorney had recommended that this item be continued while staff looks into the best way to approach this issue. Community Development Director Warren Frace reviewed the options available to the Commission for this item and suggested continuing it and providing direction to staff and the applicant in terms of their concerns. Chairperson O'Keefe commented that if this is continued, provision should be made to access to the site. Director Frace indicated staff could make arrangements for Commissioners to tour the site. Commissioner O'Grady stated he was concerned with another extension given the visibility of this site. Vice Chairperson Fonzi expressed concern with the suitability of the site for residential development, accessibility for the Fire Department, and the suitability for sewer and water service. She would also like information on the background of the road. PUBLIC COMMENT PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 3 of 8 Michael Frederick, owner, explained that he is requesting the time extension to address the gradient of the road and landscaping. He spoke about the problems he has had at the site, and requested that landscaping be done with the building permit. Chairperson O'Keefe closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Commissioner O'Grady and seconded by Commissioner Heatherington to continue this item to a date certain of April 3, 2007, with the request for additional information. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. SANTA YSABEL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 25, ZCH-2005-0110, TTM - 2005 -0081, CUP -2005-0174 Owners: Paritosh Patel, 930 Wigeon Way, Arroyo Grande CA 93420 & Niral Patel, 175 S. Mesa Road, Nipomo CA 93444 Project Title: PLN -2099-0792, Zone Change 2005-0110, CUP 2005-0174, TTM 2005-0081, PD -25 Project Location: 7298 & 7312 Santa Ysabel Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 030-121-003 & 004 Project An application for a Zone Change, Conditional Use Permit, and Tentative Tract Map for Description: the construction of 12 new single-family attached homes on individual lots that will be developed under the requirements of Planned Development 25 overlay district within the RMF -16 Zoning District. Proposed homes range in size from 1512 to 1602 square feet of living space plus one or two -car garages. The project includes attached units with one home per lot. Additional parking is included in each driveway and four guest spaces are also provided on site. There are no native trees on site. The project includes a parking court which will take access off of Santa Ysabel Ave. General Plan Designation: High Density Residential (HDR) Zoning District: Residential Multi -Family -16 (RMF -16) Proposed Based on the initial study prepared for the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration is Environmental proposed. The proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for public review from Determination: at 6907 EI Camino Real, Community Development Department, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Assistant Planner Callie Taylor and Deputy Community Development Director Steve McHarris gave the staff report and answered questions of the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT Gilbert Rodriguez, project designer, spoke about the project and answered questions of the Commission. Mr. Rodriguez stated the applicant is open to working with staff on any additional conditions. PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 4 of 8 Brian McMillian, applicant's Civil Engineer, spoke to the issue of utilizing parking spaces on the street, and explained that pushing the sidewalk back will create a waterfall effect, pushing everything else back. Eric Greening asked if the back of the site could accommodate a pedestrian gate that could allow passage through to public transit and retail. David Lowe stated he owns the apartment complex across the street from this project. He expressed concern that there is not enough parking on the site and this will impact parking along his side of Santa Ysabel. He strongly urged the Commission to change the parking for the project and allow for street parking. Russ Stewart stated he lives across the street from the project and is very concerned about the lack of parking. Chairperson O'Keefe closed the Public Comment period. There was Commission discussion regarding the following concerns: ■ On site trash disposal and pickup ■ Parking on site ■ Parking on Santa Ysabel ■ Project setbacks Chairperson O'Keefe reminded the Commission that the applicant has created less density then they could have, and more parking than is necessary. She commented that it was not right at this point to ask for a total engineering redesign on this project. She is satisfied with the parking and stated that the applicant has met his responsibility. MOTION By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Vice Chairperson Fonzi to continue this item to a date uncertain to allow staff and the applicant to work on parking, trash disposal and pick up, the grading change and its effect on porches and landscape, and to explore the concept of pedestrian access to the shopping center at the back of the project. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote. Chairperson O'Keefe recessed the hearing at 8:57 p.m. Chairperson O'Keefe called the meeting back to order at 9:04 p.m. PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 5 of 8 11. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2005-0073, 8200 COROMAR AVE. Owner: Kevin Healey, PO Box 282, Templeton CA 93465, Phone: 460-0350 Project Title: TPM 2005-0073: PLN 2099-0207; minor subdivision on >10% slopes. Project Location: 8200 Coromar Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 056-091-047 Project The project consists of an application to subdivide an existing 1.51 (net and gross) acre Description: lot into two (2) lots. Parcel 1 is proposed as a flag lot consisting of 0.79 net (0.88 gross) acres and Parcel 2 is proposed at 0.63 (net and gross) acres. The site contains several native oak trees and is currently vacant. Proposed Parcel 1 contains a 14.3% average slope; Proposed Parcel 2 contains average slope of 17.2%. Building envelopes are included on both proposed parcels. An access road and development of the two single family residences will result in the removal of 17 Live Oaks, 7 Blue Oaks, 1 Valley oak, and 1 Tyrone ranging in size from 2 -inches to 21 -inches. An additional thirty one (31) native trees will be impacted during construction (approximate). Parcel 2 will have access to Coromar Avenue by an access easement located on the flag portion of Parcel 1. The subject site is within a sewer service area. General Plan Designation: SFR -X Zoning District: RSF-X Proposed Based on the initial study prepared for the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration is Environmental proposed. The certified Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for public review at Determination: 6907 EI Camino Real, Community Development Department from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Assistant Planner Callie Taylor gave the staff report and answered questions of the Commission. Ex -Parte Communication ■ Chairperson O'Keefe stated she spoke to the arborist regarding this project. PUBLIC COMMENT Kevin Healey, applicant, answered questions of the Commission. Sandra Rackstraw, neighbor to the project, commented that this site is a wildlife area with a protected habitat and she does not want to see any development on the lot whatsoever. Eric Greening stated he was concerned with trying to mitigate blue and valley oaks on site because there is not enough light. He would prefer to see some of the mitigation moved off-site rather than paying mitigation or planting on site. Steven Alvarez, project arborist, addressed questions raised by the Commission. Chairperson O'Keefe closed the Public Comment period. PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 6 of 8 Commissioner O'Grady stated he was concerned with the amount of tree removals and would like to minimize the impacts to trees from the driveway by working with the property next door at 8100 Coromar. MOTION: By Commissioner Heatherington and seconded by Chairperson O'Keefe to adopt Resolution PC 2007-0010 certifying the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2006- 0040 and approving Tentative Parcel Map 2005-0073, a request to subdivide one lot totaling 1.51 acres (net and gross) into two (2) parcels containing 0.79 net (0.88 gross) acres and 0.63 (net and gross) acres each, and approving 233 inches of tree removals, based on findings and subject to conditions, and that the condition for replanting be removed and that the appropriate funds be put into the tree fund. Motion passed 5:1 by a roll -call vote. (O'Grady opposed) COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS Vice Chairperson Fonzi stated she would like to see a future agenda item that would address driveway widths and the possibility of variances for sensitive locations. Director Frace stated that those standards are dictated by the Uniform Fire Code and the Fire Chief is steadfast against deviating from them. There was further Commission discussion and Director Frace stated he would pass on the Commissions' comments and concerns to the Fire Chief and ask him what sort of information would be useful to the Commission. Commissioner Heatherington asked how staff is addressing the Cool Cities Agreement and smart growth issues in their planning. Director Frace explained that many of those issues are state law, and that staff has not developed any new policies beyond what existing state and local standards dictate. Vice Chairperson Fonzi asked about recycling materials from demolished houses. Director Frace stated the Council adopted an Ordinance last year requiring mandatory recycling of construction debris. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Community Development Director Frace reported on the League Planning Commissioner Training Conference on March 21St and announced that the next Commission meeting will be moved to Monday, March 19th because of that meeting. PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 7 of 8 Other items discussed included: the City Attorney is looking at April 25th to do Brown Act Training for the Commission, the Oak Seedlings brochure has been updated and is being sent out, the agenda for the next Commission meeting was reviewed, and an update was given on the Printery Building. Director Frace announced that the Public Works Department will be conducting a downtown walking tour on Thursday, at 3:30 to discuss streetscapes in the downtown. The Commission, Council and public are invited to attend. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson O'Keefe adjourned the meeting at 10:17 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on Monday, March 19, 2007. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Grace Pucci, Recording Secretary \\Cityhall\cdvlpmnt\— PC Minutes\PC Minutes 07\PC Draft Minutes 03-06-07.gp.doc PC Draft Minutes 03/06/07 Page 8 of 8 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 3-19-07 Atascadero Planning Commission Staff Report - Community Development Department 8905 Montecito Road Master Plan of Development (CUP 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151) (Tastee Freeze) SUBJECT: The proposed project consists of an application for a Conditional Use Permit to establish a Tastee Freez / Wienerschnitzel Drive-Thru Restaurant at 8905 Montecito Road. The project site improvements include parking, site landscaping, and frontage improvements. The site is currently vacant. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Planning Commission continue the item, referring the applicant to work with staff on improvements to the architectural design, colors and materials. If the Planning Commission chooses to take action on the project at this time, the following two draft resolutions are available for approval or denial of the proposed project: PC Resolution 2007-0018, certifying Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007- 0001 and approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2006-0196) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring. Or PC Resolution 2007-0018, denying the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2006-0196.) SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Owner: Morro Road Homes, LLC, Kelly Gearhart, 6205 Alcantara Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 2. Applicant / Representative: Tastee Freez, John Sidders, 1209 Hanover Place, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 3. Project Address: 8905 Montecito Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 APN 056-071-010 4. General Plan Designation: General Commercial (GC) 5. Zoning District: 6. Site Area: 7. Existing Use: 8. Environmental Status DISCUSSION: Project Definition Commercial Tourist (CT) 0.52 acre Vacant site Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0001 The proposed project consists of a request to establish a Tastee Freez Drive-Thru Restaurant. The proposed project is located on a vacant pad within a new commercial center between EI Camino Real and East Front Road which is adjacent to U.S. Highway 101 and the northbound Santa Rosa freeway on ramp. The Master Plan of Development includes a main dining building and a drive-thru facility along the Montecito and East Front Street frontages. Background T C'S ya Old $aata Rosa RoaQ" m a gW�Gabif�5\eye\ 3urroundina Land Use and Settina: Borth: Commercial Tourist South: Commercial Tourist =ast: Commercial Tourist Nest: Highway 101 Project Site: 8905 Montecito The project site is within the General Commercial General Plan Land Use Designation and is zoned Commercial Tourist, which allows establishment of a Drive-Thru Restaurant only with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. In August 2006, a Tentative Parcel Map (PLN 2006-1121/TPM 2006-0085, Morro Road Homes, LLC) was approved for the site that included the subject parcel. This lot split also included a shared parking and access easement across the two adjacent parcels, providing shared driveway, drainage, and utility access to EI Camino Real. The exhibit below identifies Parcel 1 (currently developed), Parcel 2 (currently vacant), and the Parcel 3 (proposed Tastee Freez Drive Thru). There is one native oak tree on Parcel 2 that is proposed to remain, and will not be impacted by the development of the proposed drive thru restaurant on Parcel 3. Parking lot connects through commercial center & back to EI Camino Real �.. hill I � 1111111111 \ '--�----- � '''►� _ - � \ (11111111111\ ♦f" - -w j111111j11111 \ 11 0 �IIIIIIll \\ 111\ ♦I �� ♦, -- I / 1111 l 1\\111 1, \ � •' \ 1 0 �� 1 ti. _r \ - -- -- - _------------------ --- \ _ J Parcel 3, Parcel l,\1 EA51T \` \`+\\ \` \\`\�\` currently previously _I_ =L_ F R1D" T i R D .1 I 1 1 `I `� �I proposed with developed CUP for drive thru restaurant TPM 2006-0085, approved August, 2006 Appearance Review Site Design The site plan has been designed to meet the requirements of the above-mentioned parcel map conditions, and the Atascadero Municipal Code. The restaurant building is oriented towards the Montecito Street frontage and the parking lot, with the drive thru facing East Front Road. East Front Road meets Montecito Avenue at the south west corner, and then slopes uphill to the Highway 101 on-ramp. The slope acts as a visual buffer between the drive thru lane and the travel lane on East Front, eliminating any interference between headlights at the drive thru and on coming traffic. A pedestrian sidewalk is included on the site plan which wraps behind the drive through at the bottom of the slope and connects with the adjacent commercial parcels. The proposed parking lot is located off Montecito Avenue and connects with the parking areas for the rest of the center. The site plan includes 23 on-site parking spaces. The Zoning Ordinance requires 28 parking spaces to serve the number of proposed floor plan and employee parking spaces. The shared parking and access easement which recorded with the previous Parcel Map may substitute for the additional five parking spaced that are not provided on the applicant's parcel. Full frontage improvements were conditioned as a part of the previous lot split done on the site. The applicant will be required to comply with all of the conditions of TPM 2006- 0085 for these improvements (CUP Condition 11.) The site plan currently proposed is consistent with the approved Tentative Parcel Map with exception of the drive thru. Although the owner has begun the site improvements for TPM 2006-0085, approval of the proposed project would require modifications to those improvements. Improvements are anticipated for the Santa Rosa/East Front/ Highway 101 interchange, including a new traffic signal at this location. As a new commercial business benefiting from the improved access at this freeway intersection, the applicant will be required to pay a fair share portion of the costs to improve this intersection (CUP Condition 28, Mitigation Measure 15.a.b.1.) View of future site entrance off Montecito Ave. VL-.... ., t.r. -- . ..... . View of corner of Montecito Ave. and East Front above Architecture. Materials. Color The applicant has proposed a franchise Tastee Freez prototype building. The proposed building is dominated by two prominent tower elements which can be seen on three of the facades. The tower elements are proposed with bold blue and yellow color blocking, and red awnings, consistent with the franchise prototype. The applicant has included a color and materials board which further defines the selected architectural style. Refer to Exhibit H for details. A full size color board is available on file with the Community Development department for review. The proposed building elevations are shown below. W N r M FRONT ELEVATION Front Elevation Facing Montecito Avenue Parking Lot Entrance Elevation Staff recommends that the exterior design appearance be further modified the Mediterranean style that would compliment the architecture in the rest of the commercial center. Features that could enhance the basic building would include: • Structural wood shade awnings with Spanish tile roofing over each window; • Recessing the windows and entry doors so that they are not flush with the stucco walls; • Tower elements be extended a minimum of 18 inches away from the building; • Tower roofs feature extended open eves (exposed rafters); • Masonry stone veneer material be applied to building base; • Masonry stone veneer material be applied to tower elements; • Smooth stucco finish; • Replace tile diamonds with improved Spanish architectural elements; • Colors to be deep earth tone. Staff believes that further design review with the above-mentioned direction from Planning Commission would produce a superior building design and style consistent with the appearance review requirements for the City of Atascadero. Landscape Design The preliminary landscape plan has been designed for compatibility with the surrounding commercial development. The proposal includes landscape screening with decorative shrubs between the proposed drive-thru lane and the adjacent sidewalks. Shade trees are provided throughout the parking lot and street trees will be provided 30 - feet on -center along Montecito Avenue. Landscape planters are included through out the parking lot and the trash enclosure has been screened with plantings, consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. The proposed landscape plan and palette, as conditioned, meets appearance review requirements. Signage The applicant is proposing six main building signs, two on each of the front and drive thru elevations. Since the applicant will be co -locating with both a Tastee Freez and a Wienerschnitzel in this building, signage is proposed for both businesses, included a wall sign for each. One freeway pole sign is proposed at the west corner of the lot with the Tastee Freez logo. A red L.E.D. light band is proposed along the roof line. Additional directional signs and menu signs are also included. The Sign Ordinance allows for 125 square feet of signage on a commercially zoned property, plus one freeway sign, up to 150 square feet, which is allowed through an Administrative Use Permit. The sign package is proposed with a total of 353.65 square feet of signage, which includes a 150 square for the freeway sign. The applicant is therefore requesting Planning Commission approval of the additional 78.65 square feet signage above what is allowed by the sign ordinance. Condition 12 is included in the attached resolution to allow the 78.65 square feet of additional signage if approved by Planning Commission; the condition would need to be removed if Planning Commission denies this request. Sian location Sign type Area (sf) Front elevation Building wall logo (Tastee Freez) 24.65 sf Building wall logo (Wienerschnitzel) 21.50 sf Right side elevation Building wall logo (Tastee Freez) 24.65 sf Building wall logo (Wenerschnitzel) 21.50 sf Left side elevation Building wall logo (Tastee Freez) 24.65 sf Building wall logo (VVienerschnitzel) 21.50 sf Roof borders LED lighting 22.12 sf Drive-thru entrance Double-faced non -illuminated 3.34 sf Free-standing directional sign (Drive Thru Enter) Drive-thru exit Double-faced non -illuminated 3.34 sf Free-standing directional sign (Exit Only / Thank You) Drive-thru lane Promo pre -sell board (2) 11.12 sf Menu board 25.28 sf Road frontage Pole sign 150.00 sf `TOTAL: 353.65 sli The proposed freeway pole sign is requires an Administrative Use Permit for approval, which in this case is being referred to Planning Commission as part of the Conditional Use Permit. The Sign Ordinance states that in addition to the 125 square feet of building signage, "sites located adjacent to a Highway 101 frontage road may be authorized, through Administrative Use Permit approval, to use have a pole mounted freeway oriented sign with an area not to exceed one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of freeway oriented building frontage up to one hundred fifty (150) square feet, whichever is less. Pole mounted signs shall not exceed fifty (50) feet in height or the minimum height necessary for effective visibility." The Sign Ordinance also states that "where a sign has two faces containing sign copy, which are oriented back to back and separated by not more than twenty-four (24) inches at any point, the area of the sign shall be measured using one (1) sign face only." The proposed pole sign is made of 2 sign faces at 150 square feet each, back to back, with 30 -inches of separation. Planning Commission may grant approval of the pole sign as proposed, or with modifications of size or sign face separation. Condition 13 would allow the pole sign to be constructed as proposed. An additional request for Planning Commission approval includes the L.E.D. lights on the edge of the building. The Sign Ordinance states that all light sources must be shielded, with includes L.E.D. light bands. Condition 14 is included in the attached resolution to allow the L.E.D. lights as proposed. The Commission may also request that the L.E.D. lights be placed within a recessed banding in the same location to achieve the same effect without directly viewing the light source. Additional elements have been included on the building facade which could be considered as signage. The Sign Ordinance states that "the installation or painting of high croma color banding on buildings and structures shall be defined as a sign and shall be subject to the same size restrictions as other signs." Under this requirement, the application of the blue and yellow paint colors on the tower elements could be considered as sign area. If the high croma color banding is designed with the intention to attract attention to the building as sign would do, then it would be counted as sign area. If it is incorporated in to the building's architecture, and adds to the quality of design of the structure, then it should not be counted as signage. The bright red color used on the awnings could also be counted as signage under this code. In addition, staff believes that the red tile medallions currently have the appearance of a sign rather than as an architectural feature. If the Planning Commission chooses to refer the project back to staff for further review, the Commission may give staff direction on how to proceed with the applicant's signage requests for Planning Commission approval, including the following: 1. 78.65 square feet of signage requested above standard code allowance 2. Freeway pole sign, with 150 square feet per side, faces separated by 30 -inches 3. L.E.D. light band along roof line (light source is not shielded) 4. Bold blue, yellow, and red block colors on tower elements, awnings, and tile medallions. General Plan Consistency The proposed project is consistent with the following General Plan Land Use Element Policies: Land Use Program 1.1.7: "Within the Urban Core encourage infill development or revitalization or reuse of land already committed to urban development where utilities and public services exist. Implementing General Plan programs requires appearance review of architectural design, materials and color, and landscaping to improve the appearance along street frontages, and incorporate architectural themes into the site and building design. Staff believes that the following General Plan Land Use Element Policies have not been met by the current design: Land Use Policy 2.1: "Ensure that new development is compatible with existing and surrounding neighborhoods". In staff's opinion the proposed drive-through restaurant is consistent with some of the goals and policies of the Land Use Element, but does not meet all of the General Plans goals in relation to architectural design and compatibility. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission refer the project back to staff in order to incorporate elements that are consistent with the scale and character of the surrounding commercial uses and consistent with the General Plan's appearance review requirements, providing attractive architecture and landscape design. Findings Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit is required for all drive-thru restaurants. The Conditional Use Permit process provides the opportunity for the public and the Planning Commission to review the specifics of land use proposals, such as appropriateness of use, architectural design, site design, landscape, signage, and specific standards of the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission must make the following five findings to approve a Conditional Use Permit: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan and the City's Appearance Review Manual. Staff Comment: The use is consistent with the General Commercial designation of the General Plan and General Plan Land Use Element Policy 1.1.7. General Plan Land Use Element Policy 2.1 has not been met in staff's opinion. 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title (Zoning Ordinance.) Staff Comment: As conditioned, the project satisfies most conditional use permit and zoning code provisions for a commercial development, with the exception of the appearance review requirements and the sign ordinance exceptions. 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use. Staff Comment: The proposed commercial development will not be detrimental to the general public or working persons health, safety, or welfare. 4. That the proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character or the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development. Staff Comment: The site plan and landscape plan are consistent with the existing commercial center. Staff believes that with further design review, the project could provide high quality architecture to enhance the East Front and Montecito Street frontages. 5. That the proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element. Staff Comment: The proposed project and use, as conditioned, is consistent with the traffic projections and road improvements anticipated within the General Plan. Based on staff's analysis in the preceding sections, it appears that all of the required findings for approval of a Conditional Use Permit could be made with further architectural development of the building facades. Proposed Environmental Determination A Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated to public agencies and interested members of the public on February 28, 2007. The environmental analysis identified concerns regarding potential impacts to aesthetics, noise, and traffic. Mitigation measures pertaining to these resources are included. It is the opinion of staff that the combination of mitigation measures and conditions of approval will reduce any potential environmental impacts to a level of insignificance. A finding is proposed that this project would not have a significant effect on the environment based upon the implementation of the identified mitigation measures. Staff is recommending that the Commission certify Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0001. Conclusion The proposed project represents an infill commercial project within the Commercial Tourist Zone. Staff has worked with the applicant to advance the franchise prototype design to a level of appearance that would be consistent with Atascadero Appearance Review standards. Staff acknowledges the prototype building footprint as an essential part of the business operation; however, the proposed exterior design requires further improvement with regards to exterior architecture, colors and materials, as analyzed within this staff report. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue the item with direction to staff for further exterior appearance review improvement. ALTERNATIVES 1. The Commission may determine that more information is needed on some aspect of the project and may refer the item back to the applicant and staff to develop the additional information. The Commission should clearly state the type of information that is required and move to continue the item to a future date. 2. The Commission may approve the project with modifications to the project and/or conditions of approval for the project. 3. The Commission may deny the project. The parcel would retain its designation of Commercial Tourist, and a drive-thru would not be allowed. The Commission should specify the reasons for denial of the project and make an associated finding with such action. PREPARED BY: Callie Taylor, Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Location Map, Zoning and General Plan Attachment 2: Draft Resolution PC 2007-0018: To approve the project Attachment 3: Draft Resolution PC 2007-0018: To deny the project Attachment 1: Location Map, General Plan and Zoning Zoning: CT (Commercial Tourist) General Plan Designation: GC (General Commercial) ATTACHMENT 2: Draft Resolution PC 2007-0018 to Approved the Proposed Project DRAFT RESOLUTION PC 2007-0018 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CERTIFYING PROPOSED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2005-0047 AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2006-0196 (PLN 2006-1151) APN 056-071-010 (8905 Montecito / Tastee Freez) WHEREAS, an application has been received from John Sidders & Tastee Freez, 1209 Hanover Place, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Applicant) and Morro Road Homes, LLC, 6205 Alcantara Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 (Owner) to consider a project consisting of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151) for a drive-thru restaurant at 8905 Montecito (APN 056-071-010); and, and, WHEREAS, the site's current General Plan Designation is General Commercial (GC); WHEREAS, the site's current zoning district is Commercial Tourist (CT); and, WHEREAS, Drive-thru restaurants are a Conditional Use in the Commercial Tourist zone; and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0001 were prepared for the project and made available for public review in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Conditional Use Permit application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said application; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on March 19, 2007, studied and considered the Conditional Use Permit 2006-0196, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Findings for Certification of the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. The project does not have the potential to degrade the environment when mitigation measures are incorporated into the project's mitigation monitoring program as conditions of approval; and, 2. The project will not achieve short-term to the disadvantage of long term environmental goals; and, 3. The project does not have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable; and, 4. The project will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings either directly or indirectly. SECTION 2. Findings for approval of Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan and the City's Appearance Review Manual; and, 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title (Zoning Ordinance); and, 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; and, 4. That the proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character or the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; and, 5. That the proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element. 6. That the proposed sign area schedule be approval by planning Commission, including a 150 square foot freeway pole sign, 78.65 square feet of additional signage above the 125 square feet allowed by the Sign Ordinance, and L.E.D. light bands along the roofline of the building. SECTION 3. Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a session assembled on March 19, 2007, resolved to approve the Conditional Use Permit 2006-0196 subject to the following: EXHIBIT A: Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT C: Site Plan EXHIBIT D: Landscape Plan On motion roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ADOPTED: EXHIBIT E: Grading and Drainage Plan EXHIBIT F: Floor Plan EXHIBIT G: Elevations EXHIBIT H: Color and Materials Board EXHIBIT I: Signage details and locations by Commissioner , and seconded by Commissioner the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Joan O'Keefe Planning Commission Chairperson Attest: Warren M. Frace Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit A Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0001 See Following EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval / Mitigation Monitoring Program Conditional Use Permit 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsib Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program ility Measure /Monitorin BL: Business License 9 8905 Montecito Road GP: Grading Permit Conditional Use Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection PS: Planning Services 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151 TO: TempoBS:CUP Occupanccymry Serviceisding F0: Final Occupancy FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Planning Services 1. This conditional use permit shall be for a drive-through restaurant and FM PS associate site improvements as described on the attached exhibits and located on parcel 056-071-010 regardless of owner. 2. The approval of this use permit shall become final and effective for the FM PS purposes of issuing building permits fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval unless prior to the time, an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Community Development Department shall have the authority to BP/FM PS, CE approve the following minor changes to the project that (1) modify the site plan project by less than 10%, (2) result in a superior site design or appearance, and/or (3) address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the Master Plan of Development. The Planning Commission shall have the final authority to approve any other changes to the Master Plan of Development and any associated Tentative Maps unless appealed to the City Council. 4. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for twelve (12) months BP/FM PS after its effective date. At the end of the period, the approval shall expire and become null and void unless the project has received a building permit. 5. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Ongoing Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the city, or any of its entities, concerning the subdivision. 6. All subsequent Tentative Map and construction permits shall be consistent BP/FM PS, CE with the Master Plan of Development contained herein. 7. All exterior elevations, finish materials, and colors shall be consistent with BP PS the Master Plan of Development as shown in EXHIBIT C, D and F. All exterior material finishes shall be durable, high quality, and consistent with the architectural appearance. 8. All site work, grading, landscape and site improvements shall be consistent BP/FM PS, BS, with the Master Plan of Development as shown in EXHIBIT C and D. CE 9. A final landscape and irrigation plan shall be approved prior to the issuance BP PS, BS of building permits and included as part of site improvement plan consistent with EXHIBIT D, and as follows: Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsib Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program iiity Measure /Monitorin BL: Business License 9 8905 Montecito Road GP: Grading Permit Conditional Use Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection PS: Planning Services CUP 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151 TO: Temporary Occupancy BS: Building Services FO: Final Occupancy FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attomey ■ All exterior meters, air conditioning units, mechanical equipment, and trash storage shall be screened with landscape material. • All areas shown on the landscape plan shall be landscaped by the developer prior to the final of any single building permit on-site. 10. The developer and/or subsequent owner shall assume responsibility for the GP PS continued maintenance of all landscape and common areas, consistent with BP EXHIBIT D. 11. The site shall be subject to all conditions of the Tentative Parcel Map TPM GP, BP PS, CE, 2006-0085, approved August, 2006. BS, FD 12. All signage on site shall be consistent with Exhibit I. Total sign area on site shall not to exceed 203.65 square feet (not including the freeway pole sign.) 13. A 50 -foot tall freeway pole sign shall be allowed at 150 square feet per side, with sign faces separated by 30", as consistent with Exhibit I. 14. The applicant shall be allowed to install L.E.D. lights, as shown in Exhibit I. City Engineer Project Conditions 15. All off-site improvements (curb, gutter and sidewalk within City rights of GP, BP CE way) shall be completed under a separate permit and are not approved as part of this project. City Engineer Standard Conditions 16. Alignment of frontage improvements shall be approved by the City GP, BP CE Engineer. 17. All onsite sewer mains shall be privately owned and maintained. BP CE 18. Applicant shall pay sewer extension (Annexation), Connection and BP CE Reimbursement fees (if applicable) upon issuance of building permit. 19. Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims located below BP CE the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover of the public or private sewer serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve. Atascadero Mutual Water Company 20. Before the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit plans GP, BP CE to AMWC for the water distribution facilities needed to serve the project. AMWC shall review and approve the plans before construction begins on the waters stem improvements. All water distribution facilities shall be Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsib Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program ility Measure /Monitorin BL: Business License 9 8905 Montecito Road GP: Grading Permit Conditional Use Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection PS: Planning Services CUP 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151 TO: Temporary Occupancy BS: Building Services FO: Final Occupancy FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attomey constructed in conformance with AMWC Standards and Details and the California Waterworks Standards (Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 16). All cross -connection devices shall conform to AWWA and California Department of Health Services standards. 21. Before the start of construction on the water system improvements, the GP, BP CE applicant shall pay all installation and connection fees required by AMWC. 22. Before issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain a "Will GP, BP CE Serve" letter from AMWC. Mitigation Measures 23. Exterior parking lot lighting shall be designed to eliminate any off site BP BS, PS, 1.d.1 glare. All exterior site lights shall utilize full cut-off, "hooded" lighting CE fixtures to prevent offsite light spillage and glare. Any luminaire pole height shall not exceed 14 -feet in height, limit intensity to 2.0 foot candles at ingress/egress, and otherwise 0.6 foot candle minimum to 1.0 maximum within the site. Fixtures shall be shield cut-off type and compatible with neighborhood setting, subject to staff approval. 24. The project shall be conditioned to comply with all applicable District BP BS, PS, 3.b.1 regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM -10) as contained CE in sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 of the April 2003 Air Quality Handbook. Section 6.3: Construction Equipment ■ Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. ■ Fuel all off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, with ARB certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (Non -taxed version suitable for use off-road). ■ Maximize to the extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment meeting the ARB's 1996 or newer certification standard for off-road heavy- duty diesel engines. ■ Install diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC), catalyzed diesels particulate filters (CDPF) or other District approved emission reduction retrofit services (Required for projects grading more than 4.0 acres of continuously worked area). Section 6.4: Activity Management Techniques ■ Develop a comprehensive construction activity management plan designed to minimize the amount of large construction equipment operating during any given time period. ■ Schedule of construction truck trips during non -peak hours to reduce peak hour emissions. ■ Limit the length of the construction workday period, if necessary. ■ Phase construction activities, if appropriate. Section 6.5: Fugitive PM10 All of the following measures shall be included on grading, demolition and Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsib Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program ility Measure /Monitorin BL: Business License 9 8905 Montecito Road GP: Grading Permit Conditional Use Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection PS: Planning Services CUP 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151 TO: Temporary Occupancy BS: Building Services FO: Final Occupancy FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attomey building plan notes: A. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible. B. Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (non -potable) water should be used whenever possible. C. All dirt stockpile areas should be sprayed daily as needed. D. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project re - vegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. E. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast - germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. F. All disturbed soil areas not subject to re -vegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binder, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. G. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc, to be paved should be complete as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. H. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. I. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. J. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or was off trucks and equipment leaving the site. K. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. L. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and land use clearance for finish grading of any structure. 25. The grading permit application plans shall include erosion control GP PS, BS, 6.b.1 measures to prevent soil, dirt, and debris from entering the storm drain CE system during and after construction. A separate plan shall be submitted for this purpose and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer at the time of Building Permit application. 26. A soils report shall be required to be submitted with a future building BP, GP PS, BS, 6.d.1 permit by the building department. CE 27. The developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware BP, GP PS, BS, 8.0.1 of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are CE implemented. Failure to comply with the approved construction Best Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsib Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program ility Measure /Monitorin BL: Business License 9 8905 Montecito Road GP: Grading Permit BP: Building Permit PS: Planning Conditional Use Permit FI: Final Inspection Services CUP 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151 TO: Temporary Occupancy BS: Building Services FO: Final Occupancy FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attomey Management Practices will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop orders. 28. All construction activities shall comply with the City of Atascadero Noise BP, GP PS, Bs, 11.d.1 Ordinance for hours of operation. CE 29. The proposed project shall be responsible for the installation of all BP, GP CE 15.a.b.1 required frontage improvements along East Front Road and Montecito Ave. Improvements will be constructed for buildout conditions. The applicant shall be required to pay a fair share portion of the improvement costs for the Santa Rosa interchange signalization project. 30. The project shall utilize existing access points for the existing shopping BP, GP CE 15.a.b.2 center and as approved for PLN 2006-1121 (the three lot split which created the existing parcels.) No new access points shall be permitted. EXHIBIT C: Master Plan of Development/Site Plan EXHIBIT D: Landscape Plan EXHIBIT E: Grading and Drainage Plan E r I � oS 4 gq rj'I g w a II M 9e Z c�z C) N > zi4 d0ht��111{ Es 3�aYY p s—Z=5 N so aWz i 9 I� 1b1111F1 Cd dd� 1 a� V e� ow R P 3 A d �_- - doil 5s --- ----• — ^----- 3- n ri IL I , YI xl III -------- � I I, I�� o I�.• � / � � � 1 � � I �E EXHIBIT F: Floor Plans w a o 0 I` �^ Q O W z N II z O LL g 8 U W wu- a Y Odi 0 (OWp W J R Y OdW aa N0 o vi MMA f-WIM In FA _ kl ■�� iii. . II nil o �,• ��I � 1 �iI Ilii' I�1 ■I ' . ME ��_. �■� I _II - II �• • Mmll EXHIBIT G: Elevations: Front elevation facing Montecito Ave. b a J a Q 3 a W O 2 0 z z a U a IRR` UP OP O Q P e V Oz IQ- pa 2WW 02 �a CC 0. EXHIBIT G: Elevations: Front entrance facing parking lot � o a 5 �a aI.IL Op. a 00 r a Qu 0LL� az o 2WW=p. Z o 02- C�mP y e. J y 14 W ! O ° o ,. z o = U 0 U U � W w 2 C7 V! Q N = W m � O 2 Q C .. s W e Q A' o J i a4%- a U_ mIy� W IyH O • W • D O a F 4-0 o a 3 Q E � ` z 3 �a ori J C Q n�•� N ~iio o� J U W � a 01 EXHIBIT G: Elevations: Drive Thru elevation facing East Front Road 00 g zx ¢a QEl Oa as �2 ru O 2w, - a= 02,�nP a 3P CI Z o� f a ! a Q g S y gg $q • W • C i g i z •o 2 9-41 10cc a Z z O a ~ > W w • O (lA7 o z _ a LU F t}IIr J w ° Q AN'' o a YSIY. ° i U flit. W � uj 4-0 O a N : '0 C Z z L S " F- I c - °� c� y z a # 3oo�E.o EXHIBIT G: Elevations: Rear / Service elevation EXHIBIT H: Color and Materials Board FIECOVEU tastee freez f,iprr�ffM__ v/�r I!n.1 tA.f� Mew •�•lr,u•r' C °vw•am�n i,....�.r A B ME H testeefrcc n C D F G n See project file for specific proposed color EXHIBIT I: Signage: Sign Area Schedule SIGN AREA SCHEDULE Project: Tastee Freez Location: 8905 Montecito Avenue City Reference: PLN 2006-1151 Sign location Sign type Area (sf) Front elevation Building wall logo (Tastee Freez) 24.65 sf Building wall logo (Wienerschnitzel) 21.50 sf Right side elevation Building wall logo (Tastee Freez) 24.65 sf Building wall logo (Wienerschnitzel) 21.50 sf Left side elevation Building wall logo (Tastee Freez) 24.65 sf Building wall logo (Wienerschnitzel) 21.50 sf Roof borders LED lighting 22.12 sf Drive-thru entrance Double-faced non -illuminated 3.34 sf Free-standing directional sign (Drive Thru Enter) Drive-thru exit Double-faced non -illuminated 3.34 sf Free-standing directional sign (Exit Only / Thank You) Drive-thru lane Promo pre -sell board (2) 11.12 sf Menu board 25.28 sf Road frontage Pole sign 150.00 sf OTAL: 353.65s Summary: ■ 125 square feet allowed by code ■ 150 square foot freeway pole sign proposed ■ 78.65 square feet of additional signage requested 353.65 square feet total proposed EXHIBIT 1: Signage: Sign location diagram (]VOd vS08 VINVS EXHIBIT I: Signage: Wall Sign detail EXHIBIT I: Signage: Wall Sign detail 'v r EXHIBIT I: Signage: Freeway Pole Sign 3 = O D 0 y r rF m 0 H 0 �• D r C 0 6 O O m r m •� a 0 o ' m • m :i a z c m D m p Y D • 0 O m O_ Z O 0 a C �A^ Z 7 O m p}En N 3� 33 N O m ?' c N �NC3 0 Z0 = =.m2 o �2> m aD OO .0 O tas ee f reez low - 50'-< SIDE VIEW OPTION 3 MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL ONE POLE SIGN ALUMINUM CABINET AND RETAINER5 PAINTED WHITE SATIN FIN5H., 1T WHITE POLYCARBONATE FLAT FACE WITH FILM APPLIED FIRST SURFACE. BACKGROUND: WHITE WITH INTENSE BLUE -230-12'7 BORDER. DOPY. 'TASTES FREET'RED +230-33. COPY: -RESTAURANT" WHITE BACKGROUND, INTENSE BLUE •230-12-7 K.E CREAM: WHITE WITH BLACK DETAILS GONE: LIGHT BEIGE -230-149 WITH BLAGK DETAILS. ILLUMINATION: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED WITH WOMA HO LAMPS. POLE: PAINTED TO MATCH INTENSE BLUE -230-12T EXHIBIT I: Signage: Drive Thru Directional Signs EXHIBIT I: Signage: Drive Thru Menu Signs I .69 'a F3 xA M Oyut }Du 1 o� n USN 3 m 4 300119- Ilk" - '-�—�_ 1� ' I ♦ ♦ d 9gN� Ji a 00 .9t � N O ♦ � F b u X 55$ a 3 .. O00 . ............. _.... .L � I _ � n Z 0 .69 EXHIBIT I: Signage: LED light detail ATTACHMENT 3: Draft Resolution PC 2007-0018 to Deny the Proposed Project DRAFT RESOLUTION PC 2007-0018 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2006-0196 (PLN 2006-1151) APN 056-071-010 (8905 Montecito / Tastee Freez) WHEREAS, an application has been received from John Sidders & Tastee Freez, 1209 Hanover Place, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Applicant) and Morro Road Homes, LLC, 6205 Alcantara Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 (Owner) to consider a project consisting of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 2006-0196 / PLN 2006-1151) for a drive-thru restaurant at 8905 Montecito (APN 056-071-010); and, and, WHEREAS, the site's current General Plan Designation is General Commercial (GC); WHEREAS, the site's current zoning district is Commercial Tourist (CT); and, WHEREAS, Drive-thru restaurants are a Conditional Use in the Commercial Tourist zone; and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0001 were prepared for the project and made available for public review in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Conditional Use Permit application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said application; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on March 19, 2007, studied and considered the Conditional Use Permit 2006-0196, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Denial. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a session assembled on March 19, 2007, resolved to deny the Conditional Use Permit 2006-0196 subject to the following: On motion roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ADOPTED: by Commissioner , and seconded by Commissioner the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Joan O'Keefe Planning Commission Chairperson Attest: Warren M. Frace Planning Commission Secretary ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 3-19-07 TO BE CONTINUED TO APRIL 3, 2007 PRECISE PLAN 2005-0172, TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 2006-0094 FOR 5105 & 5305 CHAUPLIN LANE Applicant: Don Messer, P O Box 1958, Atascadero, CA 93423 Owners: Burt Polin, 147 Los Cerros Drive, SLO, CA 93405 Michael Finch, 6445 N. Palm Ave. #101, Fresno, CA 93704 Project Title: Precise Plan 2005-0172, 2 Single -Family Residences on slopes greater than 10% Tree Removal Permit 2006-0094 Project 5105 & 5305 Chauplin Lane, Atascadero, CA 93422 Location: (San Luis Obispo County) APN 030-311-005, 030-311-002 Project The project consists of an application to construct 2 single-family houses on 2 existing lots of record. Description: Both of the residences each total 1,928 sq. ft. with a 744 sq. ft. garage and a 120 sq. ft. deck. The proposed project will require approx. 1,300 cubic yards of cut and approximately 700 cubic yards of fill on moderate to steep slopes and will incorporate retaining walls. Approximately 62 native trees are proposed for removal and the residences will gain access through a shared driveway from Chauplin Lane. This is a revised proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and replaces the document previously posed on June 5, 2006. General Plan Designation: SFR -Z Zoning District: RSF-Z Proposed Based on the initial study prepared for the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed. The Environmental proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for public review at 6907 El Camino Real, Determination: Community Development Department from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. \\Cityhall\cdvlpmnt\- pre 06 PLNs (Old Planning Docs)\- TRP - Tree Removal Perrnits\TRP 06\TRP 2006-0094 Messer-Chauplin\PC To Be Continued.am.doc