HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC_2008-04-29_AgendaPacketAGENDA Special Joint Meeting - City Council, Redevelopment Agency, and Planning Commission Study Session #2 AFFORDABLE HOUSING POLICY AND STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ATASCADERO 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California 93422 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2008 - 6:00 p.m. Purpose: To provide results from the first study session, community meeting and outreach efforts. For Tierra West Advisors to share the draft affordable housing policy, to gain feedback regarding the draft affordable housing policy for the City and Redevelopment Agency, and to confirm the remaining activities and policy approval schedule. Desired Outcome: To achieve approval for the continued development of an affordable housing policy for the City and Redevelopment Agency and confirmation of the remaining process schedule. I. AGENDA REVIEW, Warren Frace II. REVIEW RESULTS FROM THE FIRST STUDY SESSION, COMMUNITY MEETING AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH, Regan Candelario III. DRAFT AFFORDABLE HOUSING POLICY DISCUSSION, Regan Candelario and Mike Garcia of Tierra West Advisors IV. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, Group V. PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION, Group VI. HOUSING PREFERENCES ACTIVITY CONTINUED FROM FEB. 28, Group VII. OPEN DISCUSSION, Group VIII. REVIEW REMAINING PROJECT SCHEDULE, Marty Tracey IX. PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION, Group X. PLUS / DELTA EXERCISE, Group XI. ADJOURN Note: The City Hall facility of the City ofAtascadero complies with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If other accommodations are needed, please contact the office of the Community Development Department, or the ADA Coordinator in the Personnel Office. AGENDA Special Joint Meeting - City Council, Redevelopment Agency, and Planning Commission Study Session #2 AFFORDABLE HOUSING POLICY AND STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF ATASCADERO 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, California 93422 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2008 - 6:00 p.m. Purpose: To provide results from the first study session, community meeting and outreach efforts. For Tierra West Advisors to share the draft affordable housing policy, to gain feedback regarding the draft affordable housing policy for the City and Redevelopment Agency, and to confirm the remaining activities and policy approval schedule. Desired Outcome: To achieve approval for the continued development of an affordable housing policy for the City and Redevelopment Agency and confirmation of the remaining process schedule. I. AGENDA REVIEW, Warren Frace II. REVIEW RESULTS FROM THE FIRST STUDY SESSION, COMMUNITY MEETING AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH, Regan Candelario III. DRAFT AFFORDABLE HOUSING POLICY DISCUSSION, Regan Candelario and Mike Garcia of Tierra West Advisors IV. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, Group V. PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION, Group VI. HOUSING PREFERENCES ACTIVITY CONTINUED FROM FEB. 28, Group VII. OPEN DISCUSSION, Group VIII. REVIEW REMAINING PROJECT SCHEDULE, Marty Tracey IX. PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION, Group X. PLUS / DELTA EXERCISE, Group XI. ADJOURN Note: The City Hall facility of the City of Atascadero complies with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If other accommodations are needed, please contact the office of the Community Development Department, or the ADA Coordinator in the Personnel Office. NOTICE OF A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Atascadero City Council Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Atascadero Planning Commission Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Development Study Session Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 6:00 P.M. City Mall, Council Chambers 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, California ROLL CALL: City Council, Redevelopment Agency & Planning Commission STUDY SESSION: Facilitated by Tierra West Advisors (Regan Candelario) Tierra West will present results from the first study session held on February 28, the community meeting held on March 5, and outreach efforts to date. A draft affordable housing policy for the City and Redevelopment Agency will be discussed as well as the remaining activities and policy approval schedule. PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public may address the legislative bodies concerning the subject of this Special Joint Meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council, Redevelopment Agency & Planning Commission will adjourn to their next regularly scheduled meetings. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) I, Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under penalty of perjury that on April 16, 2008, the foregoing notice for the April 29, 2008 Special Joint Meeting was posted on the doors of the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 9342,2. Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk. ISSUE BIN REPORT FROM THE FEBRUARY 28 STUDY SESSION The City of Atascadero held a special joint study session of the City Council, Redevelopment Agency Board and Planning Commission on Thursday, February 28, 2008 in the City Hall Council Chambers. The study session was facilitated by Tierra West Advisors and included a workshop activity. The study session utilized an "issue bin" to capture comments and suggestions in addition to question and answer sessions. All of the notes were recorded on large flip chart paper. The notes and responses to the notes and issues are provided in advance of the second study session scheduled for April 29. PUBLIC COMMENT NOTES: • Habitat for Humanity representative, Jerry Whinery — Director, expressed his thanks to the City of Atascadero for their support and cooperation with his organization in the provision of affordable housing. Mr. Whinery also mentioned that he was glad to se the City moving forward with the development of an affordable housing policy. (Email response provided to Mr. Whinery provided by Tierra West.) • A community member encouraged staff to continue to pursue partnerships with existing nonprofit affordable housing organizations such as Peoples Self Help Housing and HASLO, etc. (Partnerships are represented in the draft affordable housing policy that is up for consideration.) • A community member suggested that staff provide an example of how Tax Increment works at the community meeting on March 5. (Tax Increment slides were added to the PowerPoint for the March 5 Community meeting and included as a link from the synopsis available on the City web page.) QUESTIONS FROM THE COUNCIL/COMMISSION and/or PUBLIC: • Where can Redevelopment funds be used? (The question was answered during the study session and addressed at the community meeting on March 5. Also, the issue is addressed in the draft affordable housing policy as a high priority. Redevelopment funds can be used inside or outside the project area; however they provide more benefit to the City/Agency when used inside the project area.) • Does it make sense to do Redevelopment projects outside of the Redevelopment Project Area? (The question was addressed by consultants and staff during the study session. The Agency will see a greater benefit from use of funds within the project area.) • The Council requested a definition or explanation of "participation" in an affordable housing project. (Staff and consultants responded to this question during the study. Participation can take many forms depending upon the project or issue being addressed.) • Explain the rights of the Redevelopment Agency and clarify who is the lead for the Agency should anyone want to contact the Agency with a proposal. (Staff and consultants responded to this question during the study. The primary contact for the Agency is Marty Tracey.) PLUS / DELTA MEETING WRAP-UP NOTES: PLUS COMMENTS: • It was nice and helpful that some partnership organizations attended the meeting. • The small group workshop structure for the "affinity" activity worked well. • It was nice to see that many of the Council and Commissioners are on the same page regarding affordable housing. • The room layout was good. • The presentation was educational. • The informal setting was nice. • The handouts provided were good. DELTA COMMENTS: • The plastic water bottles provided is wasteful. (We will not provide individual water bottles for the second study session.) • Ensure that the detail from the "affinity" exercise is not lost. (All of the workshop data from the first study session has been captured by staff, utilized by the consultant in development of the draft affordable housing policy, and provide in summary as part of the meetings synopsis on the City web page.) • Maybe have two sessions or provide more "pre -meeting" homework (such as packets in advance). (The second study session meeting agenda and materials were provided on April 22 to ensure at lease one week of preparation.) • Provide an opportunity to map out potential affordable housing locations on a map for the next meeting. (Staff and consultants have provided a blow-up map of the Downtown area for use at the second study session.) • Provide an additional brainstorming opportunity during the workshop. (Staff clarified that the "affinity exercise" is a brainstorming exercise and that the second study has additional brainstorming (continued affinity exercise) on the agenda.) • Either fix or get a new clicker for the PowerPoint controls. (Staff will have someone manually control the PowerPoint for the second study session.) • Ensure that the podium is not placed in a location that blocks any views of the presentation. (Staff and consultants will set-up the second study session taking this issue into consideration.) • Add the public to the affinity activity. (The community meeting on March 5 included the affinity activity and results were included in the draft affordable housing policy development. The public will be invited to participate in exercises at the second study session scheduled for April 29.) Regan M. Candelario Tierra West Advisors 805/550-8898 Draft Affordable Housing Policy 2008 Prior to City/Agency involvement with any affordable housing endeavor in the City of Atascadero the following issues will be taken into careful consideration. Only those projects that meet or exceed 75% (13/17) of the issues will be considered. City/Agency "involvement" includes any participation in an affordable housing project including but not limited to; use of housing set aside, in lieu inclusionary, block grant, and/or -general funds, as well as waiving development impact fees, expedited planning, and site selection assistance. Issue consideration Met Not Met Issue 1: City and Agency participation will be in compliance with State, and/or funding source mandates. Issue 2: Participation will address existing Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) affordable housing priorities. *RHNA info to beprovided) Issue 3: Participation will address any Agency deficit for affordable housing priorities. (*RHNA info to beprovided) Issue 4: The project will utilize the SLO Green Build "green building guidelines." (*RHNA info to beprovided) Issue 5: Consistency with existing Housing Element Goals and Policies. (*Housing Element info to be rovided) Issue 6: Project contribution to the accomplishment of the City Council priorities based on the strategic initiatives. (i.e. "Improve the Cities Economic Base." "Emphasis on Roads" "Natural Resources Protection." Issue 7: Project will become a model affordable housing project that will accomplish multiple affordable housing element goals. Issue 8: Project is not an administrative burden or requires additional staff for the City of Atascadero. Issue 9: Projects or programs are leveraged with funding sources outside the City of Atascadero with a repayment plan for any City/Agency funding. Issue 10: Project is located within the Redevelopment Project Area boundary. (Projects within the City Limits and lastly within San Luis Obispo County may be considered Issue 11: Project is located downtown with higher density and mixed-use components that take advantage of existing transportation and community facility resources. (Transit Oriented Development, "TOD," was a top priority during the community outreach efforts. Additional or Secondary Considerations 1. Does the project increase the supply of affordable rental housing in Atascadero? 2. Does the project support or create transitional housing? 3. Does the project create Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing? 4. Does the project increase the supply of special needs and/or handicapped accessible housing? 5. Does the project have participation with local housing nonprofit and community based organizations to further the development of affordable housing in Atascadero? 6. Does the project provide development of affordable senior housing? City/Agency affordable housing participation proposed process: Any request for City/Agency participation in an affordable housing project or program must be submitted in writing to the City Manager or Deputy City Executive Director of the Community Redevelopment Agency. The request must detail the project scope, proposed budget, and funding sources. The request must also clearly identify how the project meets and/or exceeds the approved affordable housing policy. The City Manager and/or Executive Director will review the request with the appropriate staff. If warranted, staff will convene a meeting with the applicant. If the request is not feasible for any reason, a response letter will be generated by staff. All projects will continue through the appropriate City Council or Agency Board approval process. Considerations: The draft affordable housing policy was developed with careful consideration of the following factors. I . Input from City of Atascadero Council and Planning Commission members at two Study Session workshop meetings. 2. Ideas and suggestions received from the community over a five month period. 3. State requirements for the use of Tax Increment Housing Set Aside funding. 4. Affordable housing goals and requirements associated with the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). 5. Candid discussions with affordable housing advocates and practitioners. 6. Research of existing housing programs in other Cities similar to Atascadero. 7. Existing housing conditions in the City of Atascadero. 8. The potential administrative costs and staffing needs associated with programs and projects that are consistent with the recommended draft affordable housing policy. 9. The potential for successful implementation of programs and projects that is consistent with the recommended draft affordable housing policy. Whv is this policy P-ood? The Community provided input and data over a five month planning period. The information gathered was utilized in the formation of the policy. Community input will translate into participation and public support for programming and project implementation efforts. Community leaders have been deeply involved in the policy development process and are expected to support the implementation efforts that will follow approval of the policy. The policy sets a high priority on compliance with State and Funding Source requirements. The policy sets a high priority on projects that will meet Regional Housing Needs Assessment target numbers for the City of Atascadero. The policy is reflective of the need to keep staffing costs and administrative time at a minimum. Staffing costs are a key to addressing current budget concerns. Also, the long term outlook for new staffing is not optimistic. Identification of a model project (or a single project that will utilize all of the existing housing resources) will benefit the Agency in terms of housing staff time reduction and will allow current staff to focus on compliance, monitoring and other pressing issues outside the affordable housing arena. The policy can easily be reviewed and updated by staff in concert with regularly scheduled Housing Element update or Implementation Plan processes. What are the potential problems or issues associated with this policy? The policy is simple and direct which may create the situation where a community member feels that their input was not included in the policy. Most of the emphasis is focused on the existing housing goals and policies which could limit the potential for new/creative project ideas and could make it difficult for staff to determine which issue or topic is most important or desirable to the City and community. Identification of a model project (or a single project that will utilize all of the existing housing resources) will limit the impact of housing projects/programs to a single location and to addressing a single affordable housing issue. AFFORDABLE HOUSING WORKSHOP City of Atascadero — April 29, 2008 AFFINITY TECHNIQUE - CONTINUED What is it? - The Affinity Technique is a consensus -building technique that you can use with your team to systematize brainstorming and involve community members and staff. Who uses it? - The team, the manager, and the users can use this technique. Tierra West Advisors (Regan and Mike) will facilitate this activity with the intent of identifying the most desirable types of housing projects for Atascadero leading toward the new Affordable Housing Policy. Why use it? - This technique allows the team to quickly create and organize a large number of ideas, with minimal conflict or power struggle. It is also used to involve the community in quality improvement issues. When to use it? - To explore the mission of the institution, to analyze the causes of a problem, or to generate indicators. One of the main goals of the Affordable Housing Policy development process is to identify "what the community and decision makers' desire for their community" in terms of housing development projects. How to use it: Form groups of three to six. We will have 20 — 40 participants which includes staff and community members present at the study session. Groups that include one Council Member, one Planning Commissioner, and one staff member would be ideal. 1. First phase: individual work (Completed on February 28) o The facilitator asks the group a specific question. What would be the perfect affordable housing project for the City of Atascadero? (Consider location, size, affordability mix, density, style, management, funding, etc.) o Each participant will write their ideas on four or five cards or sticky notes. o Each card should have only one idea containing five to seven words. 2. Second Phase: ordering of cards (Completed on February 28) o The cards are posted on the wall, and the ideas are reordered in groups, by "affinity" (category). Each person can move any cards to group them into a category, until all participants agree about the grouping of ideas. 3. Third Phase: group consensus. (We will continue the exercise with a focus on density, mixed use, and locations downtown at the study session April 29) o The facilitator and the group should try to summarize the central idea of each group of cards into one simple and short phrase. If the summary is longer than one phrase, it is probable that the groupings are too broad. Try to split the groupings into smaller categories. o After summarizing each group of ideas, the facilitator can put the central ideas in sequence to form a series of phrases, to answer the main question. Tierra West Advisors 805.550.8898 Downtown Ataseadero Atascadero City Council, Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, and Atascadero Planning Commission Second Study Session Mapping Activity Tuesday, April 29, 2008 Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Development MAPPING ACTIVITY: The Study Session will include a mapping activity designed to elicit discussion and interaction among the participants regarding affordable housing project locations downtown in the City of Atascadero. Study Session participants will also be directed to consider affordability, mixed use opportunities, compatible adjacent uses, transportation and other public amenities, and density. 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CCS O Q (n ri City of Atascadero Redevelopment Agency Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Development Process Tentative Timeline: Agency Board Approves Request for Qualifications and Proposals for Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Development Consultant July 24, 2007 Consultant Contract Approved November 27, 2007 City Council/Planning Commission Study Session at City Hall February 28, 2008 Community Meeting at The Pavilion March 5, 2008 Policy Development Draft Submitted by Consultant April 11, 2008 Consultant continues to receive community input and recommendations through April 25, 2008 Second City Council/Planning Commission Study Session at City Hall April 29, 2008 Consultant submits Final Draft Housing Policy May 12, 2008 Staff review and comments provided for Final Draft Affordable Housing Policy May 20, 2008 Anticipated Adoption and Resolution for the new Affordable Housing Policy June 10, 2008 Detailed correspondence to stakeholders/press release July 10, 2008 Initiate Housing Policy Strategies July 11, 2008