HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC_2009-05-05_AgendaPacketCITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 5, 2009 — 7:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Chairperson Jack Vice Chairperson Moreno Commissioner Bentz Commissioner Colamarino Commissioner Schmidt Commissioner Sturtevant Commissioner Ward APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Commission has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Commission may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda) PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS CONSENT CALENDAR (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non -controversial by City Staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Commission or public wishes to comment or ask questions) 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON APRIL 7, 2009. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS PUBLIC HEARINGS Regular Meeting, May 5, 2009 Page 2 of 5 DISCLOSURE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS: Prior to a project hearing Planning Commission Members must disclose any communications they have had on any quasi-judicial agenda items. This includes, but is not limited to, Tentative Subdivision Maps, Parcel Maps, Variances, Conditional Use Permits, and Planned Development Permits. This does not disqualify the Planning Commission Member from participating and voting on the matter, but gives the public and applicant an opportunity to comment on the ex parte communication. (For each of the following items, the public will be given an opportunity to speak. After a staff report, the Chair will open the public hearing and invite the applicant or applicant's representative to make any comments. Members of the public will be invited to provide testimony to the Commission following the applicant. Speakers should state their name and address for the record and can address the Commission for three minutes. After all public comments have been received, the public hearing will be closed, and the Commission will discuss the item and take appropriate action(s).) 2. PLN 2006-1137, AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN AT 10900 VISTA ROAD Property Larry and Ann Mathews, 5952 Bellingham Dr., Castro Valley, CA 94552 Owner/Applicant: Project Title: PLN 2006-1137, Amendment to Precise Plan at 10900 Vista Road Project Location: 10900 Vista Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 055-161-030 Project On May 15, 2007, the Atascadero Planning Commission approved an Amendment to Description: allow the building envelope that was originally established in 1990 with Tract Map 1382, to be moved to a new location approximately 600 feet west, towards the center of the property. The project included a 4,278 square foot single-family residence on an existing 8.8 acre lot of record. The project plans included 3,610 cubic yards of cut and 3,610 cubic yards of fill, with a maximum cut of 11 feet and maximum fill of 14 feet. The project included 580 lineal feet of retaining wall for a 700 foot long driveway from Vista Road to the building site. Native trees were approved removal, including one 38 -inch Live Oak and 9 smaller Live Oaks and Scrub Oaks ranging in size from 4 to 6 -inches. At the May 5, 2007 hearing, the Planning Commission certified the Mitigated Negative Declaration which was circulated for the proposed project. The applicant is currently requesting an Amendment to the original project to eliminate the 580 -foot long retaining wall along the driveway from Vista Road to the building site. Eliminating the retaining wall will increase the total amount of cut and fill from 3,610 cubic yards to 5,100 cubic yards. The revised plans identify a maximum cut of 14 feet and a maximum fill of 18 feet. The total site disturbance is proposed to be increased from 0.95 acres to 2.0 acres. A revegetation plan has been submitted to restore the hillside where the additional grading is located. No changes are proposed to the residence or septic system. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been revised to address the proposed changes. The document must be certified by the Planning Commission in order to approve of the proposed changes. General Plan Designation: RE Zoning District: RS-PD2 Proposed The original CEQA document prepared for the project was posted from March 29, 2007 Environmental to April 17, 2007 and certified by the Planning Commission on May 15, 2007. The 2009 Determination: proposed Amendment to Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0004 is available for public review from 4/16/09 through 5/5/09 at 6907 EI Camino Real, Community Development Department from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda Regular Meeting, May 5, 2009 Page 3 of 5 3. PLN 2007-1257, AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND TREE REMOVAL PERMIT AT RIVER PARCEL NEAR WELL #7 AND WELL #4 Property Owner/ Atascadero Mutual Water Company, PO Box 6075, Atascadero, CA 93423 Applicant: Project Title: PLN 2007-1257, Amendment to CUP 2007-0221 and TRP 2009-0124 Project Location: River Parcel, Near Well #7 and Well #4 Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 049-011-003 Project Description: On May 6, 2008, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit application to construct three (3) water recharge ponds as part of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company's facilities expansion. The ponds are approximately 250 feet by 440 feet in size in a kidney bean shape. Phase 1 includes the construction of one (1) water recharge pond requiring 22,000 cubic yards of cut. Phase 2 will be constructed only if necessary, and will include the construction of two (2) additional water recharge ponds requiring a total of 32,850 cubic yards of cut. The ponds will be enclosed with a six-foot tall coated chain link fence and a landscape buffer to minimize visual impacts. The excavated fill dirt will be used to create a building pad on the same parcel for upgrades to Well #4. Excess dirt will be stock piled at the Atascadero Mutual Water Company's property on Sycamore Road. The original Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project was posted on 2/22/08. Comments were received by the public and additional Mitigation Measures were incorporated by the Planning Commission with the May 6, 2008 project approval. An Amendment to the project is currently being proposed to (a) move Pond 1 approximately 130 feet to the west to provide a 300 -foot setback to Well #7, (b) to remove two native Black Walnut trees (21" and 48" DBH), and (c) to amend Mitigation Measure 5.2.d. Based on the previous subsurface archeological studies which have produced negative results for archeological resources, the project archeologist has recommended that additional subsurface testing is not necessary and additional monitoring by cultural resource monitor should not be required unless prehistoric sites are uncovered. The project archeologist shall continue to monitor all ground work. A riparian enhancement plan has been provided for the project and a Stream Alteration Agreement was approved by the Department of Fish and Game on 3/24/09. General Plan Designation: Public (P) Zoning District: Residential Public (P) Proposed The original CEQA document prepared for the project was posted from February 22, 2008 to Environmental March 22, 2008 and certified by the Planning Commission on May 6, 2008. The 2009 Determination: proposed Amendment to Mitigated Negative Declaration 2008-0004 is available for public review from 4/6/09 through 5/5/09 at 6907 EI Camino Real, Community Development Department from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS 4. CONTINUED - DISCUSSION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING PROCEDURES City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Regular Meeting, May 5, 2009 Page 4 of 5 The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for May 19, 2009, at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero. Please note: Should anyone challenge in court any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to this public hearing. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda Regular Meeting, May 5, 2009 Page 5 of 5 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission meets in regular session on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Commission in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. All documents submitted by the public during Commission meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the Community Development Department. Commission meetings are video taped and audio recorded, and may be reviewed by the public. Copies of meeting recordings are available for a fee. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "PUBLIC COMMENT", the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Commission to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Commission. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. This is when items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Commission's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment Portion (unless changed by the Commission). TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Commission will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Commission regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson. 2. Give your name (not required). 3. Make your statement. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Commission. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes. If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the Community Development Department at 470-3402 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD is preferred. Access to hook up your laptop to the City's projector can also be provided. You are required to submit to the Recording Secretary a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the Recording Secretary before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Commission. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-5-09 CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting - Tuesday, April 7, 2009 — 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 p.m. Chairperson Jack called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Commissioner Sturtevant led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Jack, Vice Chairperson Moreno, Commissioners Bentz, Colamarino, Schmidt, Sturtevant and Ward Others Present: Recording Secretary Susanne Curtis Anshen Staff Present: Community Development Director Warren Frace, Deputy Public Works Director David Athey, and Senior Planner Kelly Gleason APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Commissioner Bentz and seconded by Vice Chairperson Moreno to approve the agenda. Motion passed 7:0 by a roll -call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT - None. PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS CONSENT CALENDAR Draft PC Minutes of 04/07/09 Page 1 of 4 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON MARCH 3, 2009. Chairperson Jack stated on Page 2, paragraph 2, the word "Rules" should be deleted. Vice Chairperson Moreno stated on page 5, the name "Reagan" should be changed to "Vreeken" where it appears twice. MOTION: By Commissioner Bentz and seconded by Commissioner Schmidt to approve the Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting on March 3, 2009, as corrected. Motion passed 7:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS 2. PLN 2009-1321/TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FOR SAN ANDRES AVE. Property Owner: City of Atascadero, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 Applicant: Larry Clark, Public Works Department, City of Atascadero Certified Arborist: A&T Arborists, 1565 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: PLN 2009-1321 / Tree Removal Permit 2009-0130 Project Location: San Andres Avenue between Navajoa and Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA (San Luis Obispo County) Project Description: A request to remove five native trees, including two Sycamores, and three Live Oaks. One of the Sycamore trees is over 24" DBH. The total diameter of the trees proposed for removal is 99 -inches DBH. The trees are proposed for removal in order to install a new pedestrian walkway along San Andres Avenue near Atascadero High School. Senior Planner Kelly Gleason gave the staff report. Senior Planner Kelly Gleason and Deputy Public Works Director David Athey answered questions of the Planning Commissioners. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Moreno and seconded by Commissioner Bentz to adopt Resolution PC 2009-0013 to approve the request to remove five (5) native trees in the San Andres right-of-way, subject to conditions of approval. Motion passed 7:0 by a roll -call vote. Draft PC Minutes of 04/07/09 Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. PLN 2009-1320, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 11250 VIEJO CAMINO Property Owner: Paloma Creek Market Inc., 5599 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117-3821 Applicant: Albert Solmon, Paloma Creek Market, 11250 Viejo Camino, Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: PLN 2009-1320, Conditional Use Permit 2009-0239 Project Location: 11250 Viejo Camino, Atascadero, CA 93422 APN 045-342-014 (San Luis Obispo County) Project Description: The project consists of a Conditional Use Permit to reduce the required number of parking spaces to allow for the elimination of the drive-through component and full enclosure of the existing store. General Plan Designation: GC (General Commercial) Zoning District: CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Proposed Environmental Exempt per Section 15305: Minor Modification to Land Use limitations. Determination: DISCLOSURE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS: • Commissioner Colamarino visited site, but did not speak with anyone. Senior Planner Kelly Gleason gave the staff report and answered questions of the Planning Commissioners. PUBLIC COMMENT: Albert Solomon, owner of the Paloma Creek Market, Inc., stated he is asking for the change to avoid thefts and for the safety of pedestrians walking into the store. Chairperson Jack closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Commissioner Bentz and seconded by Commissioner Schmidt to adopt Resolution PC 2009- 0014 approving PLN 2009-1320 (Conditional Use Permit 2009-0239) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval. Discussion: Commissioner Schmidt commended the applicant for the change as an improvement. Chairperson Jack expressed appreciation for the applicant working with the City and Commission. Commissioner Colamarino stated eliminating the distinction of having the only drive-through liquor store in the County is a benefit to the City. Motion passed 7:0 by a roll -call vote. Draft PC Minutes of 04/07/09 Page 3 of 4 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS The Commissioners and Community Development Director Warren Frace spoke on the recent conference which they all attended expressing their appreciation to the City for sending them and providing an opportunity for them to not only learn a great deal, but get to know each other as well. Chairperson Jack • Complimented staff on the special training sessions held after the conference and reviewed the training. • Asked to have a consensus of the Commissioners to put on the next agenda procedural changes to speaker slips for large meetings and posting various rules. After discussion, there was consensus of the Commissioners to put on the next Planning Commission Agenda a discussion on procedural changes. DIRECTOR'S REPORT • Next meeting's agenda for April 21st tentatively has two General Plan Amendments: Del Rio Specific Plan and the City is considering an access way to Stadium Park. • The Big Lots store at Mission Oaks has had a soft opening and will hold its Grand Opening April 17th • The Jack In the Box has broken ground. • Walmart's RFP for the EIR is out for bidding and there is a pre -proposal meeting this Thursday to answer questions. Bids are due by the end of April and the contract will be awarded at the May 26th City Council meeting. • The Tractor Supply Store was approved by the City Council and the second reading of the zone change will be held at the next City Council meeting. • The West Front project is scheduled for second reading next week. Thirty days must elapse after second readings before any zone changes are effective. ADJOURNMENT - 7:40 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for April 21, 2009, at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Susanne Anshen, Recording Secretary Draft PC Minutes of 04/07/09 Page 4 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 Atascadero Planning Commission Staff Report - Community Development Department Callie Taylor, Associate Planner, 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org Amendment to PLN 2006-1137 Removal of Retaining Wall and Revision to Grading Plan 10900 Vista Road (Mathews) RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends: The Planning Commission adopt Resolution PC 2009-0019, certifying proposed amended Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0004 as revised, and approving an Amendment to the project's grading plan, including removal of the retaining wall along the driveway, based on findings and subject to conditions. SUMMARY: On May 15, 2007, the Atascadero Planning Commission certified the Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0004 and approved an Amendment to Tract Map 1382 which allowed the original building envelope to be moved to a new location approximately 600 feet west, towards the center of the residential property. A retaining wall of 580 lineal feet was approved to limit the grading required for the 700 foot -long driveway from Vista Road to the building site. The applicant is currently requesting an Amendment to the original project to eliminate the 580 foot -long retaining wall along the driveway. Eliminating the retaining wall will increase the total amount of cut and fill from 3,610 cubic yards to 5,100 cubic yards. The revised plans identify a maximum cut of 14 feet and a maximum fill of 18 feet (increased from 11 feet of cut and 14 feet of fill). The total site disturbance is proposed to be increased from 0.95 acres to 2.0 acres. A revegetation plan has been submitted to restore the hillside where the additional grading is located. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been revised to address the proposed changes. The document must be certified by the Planning Commission in order to approve the proposed changes. ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant/Owners: Larry and Ann Mathews, 5952 Bellingham Dr. Castro Valley, CA 94552 2. Project Address: 10900 Vista Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 APN: 055-161-030 3. General Plan Designation: Rural Estate 4. Zoning District: 5. Site Area: 6. Existing Use: 7. Environmental Status DISCUSSION: Residential Suburban — Planned Development 2 8.8 acres Single-family residence currently under construction Proposed Amendment to Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0004 Surrounding Land -Use and Setting North: Residential Suburban — Planned Development 2 Overlay South: Residential Suburban East: Residential Suburban — Planned Development 2 Overlay West: Residential Suburban The property is located on Lot 14 of Tract 1382, in a Planned Development #2 Overlay Zone. The site is accessed from Vista Road and is located between San Marcos Road and Highway 41. ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 Background Tentative Tract Map 1982-0013 was approved in 1990 as a Planned Development #2 Overlay. The Tract Map and Planned Development Overlay requires that lots be established with consideration for physical features and site characteristics. Building envelopes were included with the original 1990 map approval in order to identify suitable building sites on the steeply sloped terrain of the area. On May 15, 2007, the Atascadero Planning Commission approved an Amendment submitted by the applicant to allow the building envelope that was originally established in 1990 with Tract Map 1382, to be moved to a new location approximately 600 feet west, towards the center of the property. The project included a 4,278 square -foot single-family residence, including the garage. The project was approved with 3,610 cubic yards of cut and 3,610 cubic yards of fill, with a maximum cut of 11 feet and maximum fill of 14 feet. The project included 580 lineal feet of retaining wall for a 700 foot -long driveway from Vista Road to the building site. The driveway was approved to cross a drainage swale which required 163 lineal feet of 24 -inch HDPE storm drain. Grading and fill were necessary around the drainage swale, and required the removal of one 38 -inch Live Oak. Nine smaller Live Oaks and Scrub Oaks ranging in size from 4 to 6 -inches were approved for removal. The project was conditioned to include a landscape plan with drought tolerant native species and an irrigation system in order to revegetate the drainage swale and disturbed slopes (Mitigation 6.b.2). At the May 15, 2007 hearing, the Planning Commission certified the Mitigated Negative Declaration which was circulated for the proposed project. Building location approved by Planning Commission 2007 f ■ •� Original Building Envelope approved with TTM 1982-0013 in 1990 d ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 Building permits for the single-family residence and driveway were issued in September of 2007. A rough graded road to the building site had been previously installed in early 2007 to do soils testing at the building site prior to issuance of permits. When construction of the approved driveway began, it became apparent that the unpermitted rough graded road was not in the same location as the approved road. The rough graded road was located higher on the hillside, above the driveway. Currently, construction of the residence is near completion. The driveway to the residence has been graded, however, the retaining wall along the driveway which was originally identified has not been installed. Erosion control has been put in place on the hillside. The landscape per the revegetation plan has not yet been installed. Analysis The applicant is currently requesting an Amendment to the originally approved project in order to eliminate the 580 foot -long retaining wall along the driveway from Vista Road to the building site. Eliminating the retaining wall will increase the total amount of cut and fill from 3,610 cubic yards to 5,100 cubic yards. The revised plans identify a maximum cut of 14 feet and a maximum fill of 18 feet (compared to the previously approved 11 foot cut and 14 foot fill). The total site disturbance is proposed to be increased from 0.95 acres to 2.0 acres. Earthwork Quantities (Original vs. Proposed) Cut: 3610 G. 5,100 C.Y. Fill: 3610 G. 5,100 C.Y. Max Cut: i 1 t. 14ft. Max Fill: 14 ft. 18ft. Total Site Disturbance: 0.9owes 2.0 Acres The grading plan, which was originally analyzed in the 2007 CEQA document and approved for construction, and the proposed grading plan are included below for comparison. A color copy of the grading plan has also been submitted (included in Commissioner packets) which shows an overlay comparison between the as -built grading, the originally permitted grading plan, and the grading limits proposed with this Amendment. The previously rough graded road which was done prior to issuance of permits is also shown. The proposed grading plan identifies this area with proposed grading to blend the cut into the hillside above. The revised plans propose cut slopes at a 1.5:1 ratio (horizontal: vertical), which exceeds the standard 2:1 slope allowance by the Atascadero Municipal Code. The Public Works Department can allow slopes in excess of 2:1 if a geotechnical engineer certifies that the slopes will be stable. A Slope Stability Evaluation was prepared by GeoSolutions to address the slopes proposed in the revised grading plan. The slope stability evaluation states that based on the soils in the area, a 1.5:1 slope is adequate and should be allowed. Mitigation Measures have been included in the amended Mitigated Negative Declaration to address the revised slopes. Some minor grading will ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 be required to bring the as -built grades into compliance with the proposed grading plan in order to meet maximum slopes recommended by GeoSolutions. All grading shall be completed in conformance with the Slope Stability Evaluation and certified prior to project final. A Strom Water Pollution Prevention Plan is required prior to issuance of the revised grading plan because the area of disturbance has been increased and is now over one acre. i ffivill! r- -3�. loi 1a 7FAGi ku� Grading Plan approved by Planning Commission May 2007 (includes 580 foot -long retaining wall to minimize area of disturbance) r-1UP bfdU vlaunly rlan (11rLan11119 wail rUnwvcu, alas U1 UIbLUIuanLorr uwrGascu/ ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 A revised landscape and revegetation plan has been submitted to restore the hillside where the additional grading is located. Plantings are proposed at a ratio of 1 plant per 150 sq. ft. The original revegetation plan issued in September of 2007, identified plantings at a ratio of 1 plant per 72 sq. ft. The overall planting ratio has been reduced due to the area of plantings has being significantly increased. The retaining wall which was originally identified along the driveway limited the grading on the hillside. Based on the revised grading plan, site restoration is necessary above the driveway where the grade will blend into the natural slope, as well as above and below the building pad and septic system where additional grading was done. All disturbed areas shall be restored with native seed mix and drought tolerant plants to stabilize the slopes and replace the native vegetation which was removed. (Mitigation Measures 6.b.1 and 6.b.2). Revised Revegetation Plan 10,073 3F' W ►LACKS Q 171 SO !F t {\ Qy��� \ �.•_. •=�.,..'-r.. - _-�•--__.�`",�., ri.�M sf Biu awns o �ni� sF y I ( `l1``�` �.'. _ _ Tom• ``` ''��.��'�v ���'.��"`ier�.."�::' ,,' �i i% ,, � �Q•O_.�4VVJ ,p '•/ .,• x'1:11 �i'`�� '.d'i. .. �,,�:: \; \` l J'!;�.V. •'��. - �O ti' _err � I jt• f!{ ��.+ ``•' --•-- � 3►.48R,ANI3S1MS03F'•,•`4'`.>:...._ No changes are proposed to the originally approved residence or septic system. No additional trees are required to be removed for the revised grading plan. ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 Proposed Environmental Determination The original CEQA document prepared for the project was posted from March 29, 2007 to April 17, 2007, and certified by the Planning Commission on May 15, 2007. This Mitigated Negative Declaration analyzed impacts for a project which included 3610 cubic yards of cut and fill and less than one acre of disturbance. The originally approved retaining wall along the driveway limited the impact to the site. As the proposed grading and retaining wall revisions represent a significant increase to the earthwork qualities in the project, a revision to the CEQA document is required. The project must be consistent with the CEQA analysis. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been revised to address the proposed changes to the grading plan. Proposed amended Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0004 has been prepared for the project in accordance with the requirements of CEQA. The amended document is available for public review from April 16, 2009 through May 5, 2009. Mitigation Measures 6.b.3 and 6.c.d.2 have been added in the revised Mitigated Negative Declaration to address the proposed changes to the grading plan. Mitigation Measure 6.b.3: Applicant shall install and maintain erosion control best management practices in conformance with the project Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prior to and during construction activities. All final erosion control measures shall be installed prior to final acceptance. Mitigation Measure 6.c.d.2: All grading shall be completed in conformance with the Slope Stability Evaluation dated 03/02/09 and certified by the project soils engineer prior to final acceptance. Since the original document was certified by the Planning Commission, the amended document must also be certified by the Planning Commission in order to approve the proposed changes and issue an addendum to the building permit. CONCLUSION: The subject project was originally approved by Planning Commission in May of 2007 in order to build a single-family residence toward the center of Lot 14, rather than in the building envelope which was approved in 1990 with Tract 1382. The applicant is currently requesting an Amendment to the 2007 approval to eliminate the 580 foot -long retaining wall along the driveway from Vista Road to the project site. Eliminating the retaining wall will increase the total amount of cut and fill from 3,610 cubic yards to 5,100 cubic yards. The total site disturbance is proposed to be increased from 0.95 acres to 2.0 acres. A revegetation plan has been submitted to restore the hillside where the additional grading is located. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been revised to address the proposed changes. The document must be certified by the Planning Commission in order to approve the proposed changes. The proposed Amendment, as conditioned, is consistent with the 2002 General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommends the Planning Commission certify the revised ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the Amendment to the grading plan and as conditioned. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The Commission may modify the project and/or conditions of approval for the project. 2. The Commission may determine that more information is needed on some aspect of the project and may refer the item back to the applicant and staff to develop the additional information. The Commission should clearly state the type of information that is required and move to continue the item to a future date. 3. The Commission may deny the project. The Commission should specify the reasons for denial of the project and recommend an associated finding with such action. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Location Map (General Plan & Zoning) Attachment 2: Aerial Photo Attachment 3: Draft Resolution PC 2009-0019 ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 ATTACHMENT 1: Location Map (General Plan / Zoning) 10900 Vista Road Zone: Residential Suburban — Planned Development Overlay No. 2 Land Use Designation: Rural Estate ATTACHMENT 2: Aerial Photo of Site (2007 photo) t " ft, ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 lllllllhJMMK1�, It N\ Ob V�Y -W7 I Road graded prior to permits; identified on color copy grading plan ,f t Building envelope approved May ` •AL . .• +• t ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 ATTACHMENT 3: Draft Resolution PC 2009-0019 Amendment to PLN 2006-1137 DRAFT RESOLUTION PC 2009-0019 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CERTIFYING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2007-0004 AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT to PLN 2006-1137 10900 Vista Road (Mathews) WHEREAS, an application was received from Larry and Ann Mathews, 5952 Bellingham Dr., Castro Valley, CA 94552 (Property Owner and Applicant), to consider an Amendment to PLN 2006-1137, which includes elimination of the retaining wall along the driveway and a revised grading plan at APN 055-161-030; and, WHEREAS, a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the amended project in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, WHEREAS, the site's current General Plan Designation is Rural Estate (RE); and, WHEREAS, the site's current zoning district is RS-PD2 (Residential Suburban with a Planned Development #2 Overlay); and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Amendment application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero on May 5, 2009, at which both oral and documentary evidence was admitted on behalf of said project; and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Findings for certification of proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration Amendment 1. The Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA; and, 2. The Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration was presented to the Planning Commission, and the information contained therein was considered by the Planning Commission, prior to recommending action on the project for which it was prepared; and, ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 3. The project does not have the potential to degrade the environment when mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. The project will not achieve short-term to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals. 5. The project does not have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable. 6. The project will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings either directly or indirectly. SECTION 2. Findings for approval of amendment to 2radin2 plan and increase of area of disturbance (Amendment to building envelope of Tract Map 1382) The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. The proposed amendment, as conditioned, is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements; and, 2. The site is physically suitable for the development proposed; and, 3. The design and improvement of the proposed building site will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat; and, 4. The amendment is consistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood; and, 5. The proposed amendment and type of improvements proposed will not cause serious public health problems. SECTION 3. Approval The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on May 5, 2009 resolved to approve an amendment to the to the grading plan and an increase in the of area of disturbance subject to the following: EXHIBIT A: Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0004 EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT C: Site Plan EXHIBIT D: Revised Grading Plans EXHIBIT E: Revised Revegetation Plan ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 On motion by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) O•' D ABSTAINED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Sandy Jack Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: Warren M. Frace Planning Commission Secretary ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 EXHIBIT A: Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2007-0004 Amendment PLN 2006-1137 See following ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval / Mitigation Monitoring PLN 2006-1137 Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility/ Mitigation PLN 2006-1137 Monitoring Measure FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services 10900 Vista Road BL: Business License GP: Grading Permit BS: Building Services FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department FI: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater Occupancy CA: City Attorney F0: Final Occupancy Planning Conditions 1. The approval of this application shall become final, subject to FM PS the completion of the conditions of approval, fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval unless prior to that time, an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The Community Development Department shall have the FM PS authority to approve minor changes to the project that (1) result in a superior site design or appearance, and/or (2) address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the Tentative Tract Map. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Ongoing CA City of Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge on approval by the City, or any of its entities, concerning the amendment. 4. The building envelope on lot 14 of Tract 1382 shall be GP/BP PS relocated to encompass all structures and grading as shown in Exhibits C and D. 5. All conditions of Tentative Tract Map 1982-0013 shall be GP/BP PS adhered to with the exception of the revised building envelope location on Lot 14. 6. The revised building envelope shall encompass all building GP/BP PS footprints and building pad grading as shown in Exhibits C and D. A copy of the approved building envelope shall be kept on file with Community Development Department with the previously approved Tract 1382 building site attachments. 7. Permits or letters stating no impact shall be obtained GP/BP PS from Fish and Game prior to building permit issuance 8. Fines shall be assessed for the grading done on-site GP/BP PS/BS without a permit prior to May of 2007. Permit fees for the driveway shall be doubled according to the investigation fee stated in the building code. The entire SFR permit fee will not be doubled; only the permit fee for the driveway portion of the permit will be doubled. Mitigation Measures ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval PLN 2006-1137 10900 Vista Road Timing FM: Final Map BL: Business License GP: Grading Permit BP: Building Permit Fl: Final Inspection TO: Temporary Occupancy F0: Final Occupancy Responsibility/ Monitoring PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Mitigation Measure GP/BP PS 3.b.1 Mitigation Measure 3.b.1: The project shall be conditioned to comply with all applicable District regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM -10) as contained in sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 of the April 2003 Air Quality Handbook. Section 6.3: Construction Equipment • Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. • Fuel all off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, with ARB certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (Non -taxed version suitable for use off-road). • Maximize to the extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment meeting the ARB's 1996 or newer certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. Section 6.4: Activity Management Techniques • Develop a comprehensive construction activity management plan designed to minimize the amount of large construction equipment operating during any given time period. • Schedule of construction truck trips during non -peak hours to reduce peak hour emissions. • Limit the length of the construction workday period, if necessary. • Phase construction activities, if appropriate. Section 6.5: Fugitive PM10 All of the following measures shall be included on grading, demolition and building plan notes: A. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible. B. Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (non -potable) water should be used whenever possible. C. All dirt stockpile areas should be sprayed daily as needed. D. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project re -vegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. E. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast -germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. F. All disturbed soil areas not subject to re -vegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binder, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. G. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc, to be paved should be complete as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility/ Mitigation PLN 2006-1137 Monitoring Measure FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services 10900 Vista Road BL: Business License BS: Building Services GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department Fl: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater Occupancy CA: City Attorney F0: Final Occupancy binders are used. H. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. I. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114. J. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. K. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and land use clearance for finish grading of any structure. Mitigation Measure 4.e.1: All tree removals shall be mitigated BP/GP PS 4.e.1 according to the Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance through either replanting of similar species or payment into the tree mitigation fund. Mitigation Measure 4.e.2: The Grading Plan/Tree Protection Plan BP/GP PS 4.e.2 shall identify tree protection fencing around the drip line of each existing on-site tree and/or native shrub mass within 20 feet of construction activity unless monitored and approved by a certified arborist. Mitigation Measure 4.e.3: Excavation and grading work shall be BP/GP PS 4.e.3 consistent with the City of Atascadero Tree Ordinance. Special precautions when working around native trees include: 1. All existing trees outside of the limits of work shall remain. 2. Earthwork shall not exceed the limits of the project area. 3. Low branches in danger of being torn from trees shall be pruned prior to any heavy equipment work being done. 4. Vehicles and stockpiled material shall be stored outside the dripline of all trees. 5. All trees within the area of work shall be fenced for protection with 4 -foot chain link, snow or safety fencing placed per the approved tree protection plan. Tree protection fencing shall be in place prior to any site excavation or grading. Fencing shall remain in place until completion of all construction activities. 6. Any roots that are encountered during excavation shall be clean cut by hand and sealed with an approved tree seal Mitigation Measure 6.b.1: All cut and fill slopes shall be hydro 6.b.1 seeded with an appropriate erosion control method (erosion control blanket, hydro -mulch, or straw mulch appropriately anchored) immediately after completion of earthwork between the months of October 15 through April 15. All disturbed slopes shall have appropriate erosion control methods in place. Duration of the ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval Timing Responsibility/ Mitigation PLN 2006-1137 Monitoring Measure FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services 10900 Vista Road BL: Business License BS: Building Services GP: Grading Permit FD: Fire Department BP: Building Permit PD: Police Department Fl: Final Inspection CE: City Engineer TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater Occupancy CA: City Attorney F0: Final Occupancy project: The contractor will be responsible for the clean up of any mud or debris that is tracked onto public streets by construction vehicles. Mitigation Measure 6.b.2: All disturbed slopes shall be planted with BP BS/PS 6.b.2 a mixture of drought tolerant native plants and hydro seeded with a native seed mix. Erosion control measures shall include an erosion control blanket for all 2:1 fill slopes. Affected areas that previously contained native shrubs and vegetation shall be replanted with similar plant species per the approved landscape plan. A landscape and irrigation plan shall be required with building permits. The plan shall show temporary irrigation drip system to water the new landscape for a minimum of 3 years. Mitigation Measure 6.b.3: Applicant shall install and maintain GP, BP CE 6.b.3 erosion control best management practices in conformance with the project Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prior to and during construction activities. All final erosion control measures shall be installed prior to final acceptance. Mitigation Measure 6.c.d.1: A soils report shall be required to be BP BS/PS 6.c.d.1 submitted with a building permit by the building department. The building plans will be required to follow the recommendations of the soils report to assure safety for residents and buildings. The property contains no unusual geological formations. Mitigation Measure 6.c.d.2: All grading shall be completed in GP, BP CE 6.c.d.2 conformance with the Slope Stability Evaluation dated 03/02/09 and certified by the project soils engineer prior to final acceptance. Mitigation Measure 11.d.1: All construction activities shall comply BP BS 11.d.1 with the City of Atascadero Noise Ordinance for hours of operation. Mitigation Measure 13.a.1: Fire sprinklers shall be included with the BP BS/PS 13.a.1 construction of the residence. ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 EXHIBIT C: Site Plan 1� �b ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 EXHIBIT D: Revised Grading Plan Grading Plan (sheet 1- entire site & earthwork quantities) EXHIBIT D: Revised Grading Plan Grading Plan (sheet 2- detail) ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 0 a ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 :XHIBIT D: Revised Grading Plan Grading Plan (sheet 3- detail) �1 Esa y J i�6 sl 2I r✓71¢ i5i � t J N e xiiy fi , •� `� O pf Z 1 ) ✓jr,� il' II i EXHIBIT E: Revegetation Plan U% mwou"w I i ! +{ ! 1+ t a jf '�•(t't t r;r 1r r !. !1 rt r!: ij Oji �)�'i jj � �� 11:1��f°: �!J t i (� (;• +til r!! { ; .. it !; i �;� !I ►t[ , i+ i �� ��f ,ii�t}i! t }!r F' tri !I Edi �' t;f' r• u r; 'e,' ,(t jji CCel TS � b• ■ Q 11 � Y t Y I1f�( � ��a01•oo°• ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 r r f ; t i( r ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-5-09 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Atascadero Planning Commission Staff Report - Community Development Department Callie Taylor, Associate Planner, 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org Amendment to PLN 2007-1257 Recharge Ponds Conditional Use Permit 2007-0221 Amendment River Parcel, APN 049-011-003 (Atascadero Mutual Water Company) RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends: The Planning Commission adopt Resolution PC 2009-0018, certifying proposed amended Mitigated Negative Declaration 2008-0004, and approving an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 2007-0221 (PLN 2007-1257) based on findings and subject to conditions of approval. SUMMARY: On May 6, 2008, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit application to allow the construction of three (3) water recharge ponds as part of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company's facilities expansion. The project was approved as a phased project with each pond to be constructed as necessary. An Amendment to the project is currently being proposed with the following modifications: (a) Move Pond 1 approximately 130 feet to the west to provide a 300 -foot setback to Well #7 to meet Health Department requirements; (b) Remove two native Black Walnut trees (21" and 48" DBH); (c) Amend Mitigation Measure 5.2.d to state that additional subsurface testing is not required and additional monitoring by a cultural resource monitor should not be required unless prehistoric sites are uncovered. The project archeologist shall continue to monitor all ground work. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Property Owner/Applicant: Atascadero Mutual Water Company, PO Box 6075, Atascadero, CA 93423 2. Project Address: Salinas River Parcel, Near Well #7 Atascadero, CA 93422 (San Luis Obispo County) APN 049-011-003 *** Access is by the De Anza trail. Vehicle access gates to the site may be locked. Contact staff or applicant to visit site. 3. General Plan Designation: Public (P) 4. Zoning District: Public (P) 5. Site Area: Parcel size: 97.56 acres Total Area of disturbance: 1.6 acres for each of the three recharge ponds plus fill areas 6. Existing Use: Water wells and vacant land 7. Environmental Status: Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration #2008-0004 DISCUSSION: Surrounding Land -Use and Setting North: Salinas River South: RSF-Y & Public West: RSF-Y & PD Overlay #14 (The Lakes Development) East: Salinas River The site is located on the Salinas River Parcel, near the Lakes Development. The site contains several wells throughout the property. The recharge ponds are proposed to be located near well #7. The location for the fill area is at well #4. The site can be accessed from the De Anza Trail behind the Lakes Development. There is a De Anza Trail access point off of Sycamore Road. Please contact staff or applicant to visit the site, as vehicle access gates to the site and the De Anza Trail may be locked. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Background On May 6, 2008, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of three (3) water recharge ponds as part of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company's facilities expansion. The ponds are approximately 250 feet by 440 feet in size in a kidney bean shape. Phase 1 includes the construction of one (1) water recharge pond requiring 22,000 cubic yards of cut. Phase 2 will be constructed only if necessary, and will include the construction of two (2) additional water recharge ponds requiring a total of 32,850 cubic yards of cut. The excavated fill dirt will be used to create a building pad on the same parcel for upgrades to Well #4. Excess dirt will be stockpiled at the Atascadero Mutual Water Company's property on Sycamore Road. The original Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project was posted on February 22, 2008. Comments were received by the public and additional Mitigation Measures were incorporated by the Planning Commission with the May 6, 2008 project approval. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Site Plan approved by Planning Commission May 2008 ° 99 `--7 r, - Grading detail of fill area for upgrades to well #4 ! A PAp 2 =V2 D AL TOTAL APPRO%MATE L�MTFVGM FQR Pow e.sucr ru �.reccr wcnar cmw ronos Analysis Fill dirt to be used near well #4 WELL " A LOIA P'WELLSMA 3 recharge ponds approved near well #7 Lakes SP E rYVELLI% Development P PON An WrLL70 wm.iv PHASE �VVEarxa As a participant in the Nacimiento Water Project, the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) will be receiving 2,000 ac-ft/year under an agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo. The Nacimiento Water Project will deliver raw surface water to AMWC from Nacimiento Lake, which will be discharged into the recharge ponds which were permitted with Conditional Use Permit 2007-0221. Each of the three approved ponds is approximately 1.6 acres in size. The ponds are surrounded by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company's existing wells. Water is pumped to the recharge ponds, which filter the water. The water is then recollected by the surrounding wells at a capture rate estimated at 90%+. The water will be disinfected with chlorine at a treatment building before it enters AMWC's water distribution system. The ponds will be used over a 4 to 6 month period during the summer months. Water deliveries are expected to begin in the Fall of 2010. During the permitting process, the AMWC discovered that the Health Department requires a minimum setback of 300 feet from the recharge pond to the nearest well. The pond must be situated at a sufficient distance from the wells to allow the sands and ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 gravels of the Salinas River alluvium to treat the water to standards acceptable to the Department of Public Health. In order to meet the minimum setback between well #7 and Pond 1, the applicant is proposing to move Pond 1 approximately 130 feet to the west to provide a 300 -foot setback. The pond is approximately 250 feet by 440 feet in size, as originally approved. It is designed as a kidney bean shape, and will be enclosed with a six-foot tall vinyl -coated chain link fence, surrounded by landscaping, as approved with Conditional Use Permit 2007-0221. The only change to the pond is the proposed location to meet Health Department requirements. Proposed location of Pond 1: 300' setback to Well 7 Salinas RiverWELL 7 y'� bara� as IN s 3 -�+y :. SHEET 6 _`� , ,� 010 acic ti , , ;. 380 ,tb ,� � .�^ ��..=''f• +���"� fin � Cry ;��>� �,-- L sa,�^"• S'L'Y �' ' y � � ...�r . � � � ` ' 1: P proposed location �- S y Y he Lakes -`•_♦ _ Development Tree Removals Two native Black Walnut trees at 21" and 48" DBH are proposed to be removed for the relocation of recharge pond 1. Due to the large 1.6 acre size of the recharge ponds, the ponds can not be reasonably designed to avoid the trees and still meet the required setbacks. A Tree Removal Permit (TRP 2009-0124) has been submitted by the applicant to remove the two Black Walnut trees. Conditions have been included in the attached resolution to mitigate the two proposed tree removals. The Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance allows replanting of native trees ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 on-site with new 5 -gallon plants, or payment into the tree fund. The applicant has submitted a riparian enhancement plan which includes planting 1 -gallon native trees of varied species per the project biologist's recommendations. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission allow the 1 -gallon trees to be counted towards mitigation of the removed trees at ration of two 1 -gallon trees for one required 5 -gallon tree. The riparian enhancement plan identifies 30 new 1 -gallon native trees and 6 new 5 -gallon trees to be planted on-site. Staff recommends that the thirty, 1 -gallon trees be considered equal to fifteen, 5 -gallon trees in addition to the 6 proposed 5 -gallon trees for mitigation purposes. The remaining mitigation shall be made as a payment of $1,250.00 to the tree fund. Evergreen Native Trees (inches) Deciduous Native Trees (inches) I Totals dbh notes dbh notes 1 1 21 -inches 2 2 48 -inches 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Tota I 0 -inches Total 69 -inches 69 -inches Mitigation Requirement req'd tree replacements: 0 five gal trees req'd tree replacements: 46 five gal trees 46 five gal trees Proposed Replanting 0 five gal trees Proposed Replanting 0 five gal trees 0 five gal trees 0 box trees (24") 0 box trees (24") 0 box trees (24") Remaining Mitigation 0 five gal trees Remaining Mitigation 46 five gal trees 46 five gal trees or of Tree Fund Payment: $ Tree Fund Payment: $ 2,300.00 $ 2,300.00 One additional tree, a 42 -inch DHB Sycamore is located near Pond 1 and will be impacted by the construction but will not require removal. Grading is proposed up to ten feet from the trunk of the Sycamore tree. The project arborist shall be on site to monitor grading within the drip line of this tree to ensure the health of the tree during construction. Landscape / Riparian Enhancement Plan A landscape plan was approved with the original project in May of 2008 in order to address any visual impacts of the project. The ponds must be fenced for safety purposes; all fencing shall be vinyl -coated in either green or brown color in order to blend with the surrounding environment (Mitigation Measure 1.c.1). Landscaping was required along the fence side which faces the residences and the De Anza Trail. The applicant has submitted an updated landscape and riparian enhancement plan, approved by the project biologist and the Department of Fish and Game. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Landscape/ Riparian Enhancement Plan Approved by Biologist & DFG 11. v Eu 1tTo(31J.\n . 3[I MIi0M1 RMI IONLOUTIpV '� �•'ORRNC RNCM6 — CNAIN WIK FGnLL ' :.Vtft O�Rmeo� I \ wq�n..elrs�I.ww 10' tapir ``e o a j❑ .. 4c J_ WPP n...w .!W avr 8 BAt PK'a a �cr wa Deas 10 t0' t0 _ tc bb NT Mbbi 10 v 1 ---10I BACPL S4i \ ` GJUG HIN / �.21'..APeL 11 3f[nL PLAN G'7,EG.� Nar For Bidding A biologist report has been completed for the project and is available for review in the project file at the Community Development Department. Several mitigation measures regarding the native landscape and habitat were included in the original project approval and CEQA document and will remain in effect with this Amendment. A Stream Alteration Agreement was approved for the project by the Department of Fish and Game on March 24, 2009. Archeoloaical Studies During the public review period for the original Mitigated Negative Declaration done in February of 2008, comments were received from the Northern Chumash Tribal Council and the Salinan Tribe. Both groups stated that additional subsurface testing should be completed in addition to the Phase 1 testing in order to reduce the chance of any cultural resource impacts. In addition, the Salinan Tribe requested that a cultural resource specialist be on-site during all ground disturbances, and that no cultural soils be removed from the project site. City staff and the Planning Commission added Mitigation Measures 5.d.2, 5.d.3, and 5.d.4 to address these comments. Subsurface Phase 2 testing was done on October 12, 2008, in accordance with the requirements of Mitigation Measure 5.d.2. Nine test trenches were dug to the bottom depth of the pond (1.5 meters) for the subsurface testing. The test trenches were done in the original location of Pond 1. The subsurface testing produced negative results for the presence of cultural resources. The project archeologist has included recommendations in the Phase 2 report and the attached letters (Attachment 4). The ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 archeologist recommends that additional subsurface testing is not necessary and additional monitoring by a cultural resource monitor should not be required unless prehistoric sites are uncovered. The archeologist report and the letters recommend that monitoring by the project archeologist continues for all ground work. The applicant (Atascadero Mutual Water Company) has submitted a letter requesting that the requirements of Mitigation Measure 5.b.2 be amended to reflect the archeologist's recommendations based on the previous subsurface testing (Attachment 3). Mitigation Measure 5.b.2 has been revised in the proposed amended Mitigated Negative Declaration which was posted and circulated to the public (including both the Northern Chumash Tribal Council and the Salinan Tribe) on April 6, 2009. The revised condition states that no further subsurface testing would be required for the shifted location of Pond 1 or for Ponds 2 and 3, and the cultural resource monitor would not be required to be on-site for monitoring unless cultural materials were discovered by the archeologist. The project archeologist shall continue to monitor all ground work. Original Mitigation Measure 5.d.2: A Phase 2 study shall be completed prior to building permit issuance. Test trenches will be done to the bottom depth of the ponds in each of the proposed pond locations. A qualified archeologist and a cultural resource monitor approved by the Native American Cultural Resource Board shall be on site during all ground disturbances. Revised Mitigation Measure 5.d.2: A qualified archeologist shall be on-site during all ground disturbances. Based on the negative results of the Phase 11 subsurface testing done Oct. 12, 2008 and the archeologist's recommendations, no additional monitoring by a cultural resource monitor shall be required unless archeological sites are uncovered during the archeologist's monitoring, and no additional subsurface testing shall be required. Proposed Environmental Determination The original CEQA document prepared for the project was posted from February 22, 2008 to March 22, 2008 and certified by the Planning Commission on May 6, 2008. During public review period, comments were received from the Salinan Tribe, the Chumash Tribe, and the Air Pollution Control District. Additional mitigation measures were incorporated to address these comments. A Draft Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated to the public on April 6, 2009. The amended document addresses the changes proposed to the location of recharge pond 1, the proposed removal of the two Black Walnut trees, and the proposed modification to Mitigation Measure 5.d.2 as discussed above. The 2009 proposed Amendment to Mitigated Negative Declaration 2008-0004 is available for public review through May 5, 2009. A finding is proposed that this project would not have a significant effect on the environment with the incorporation of the recommended mitigation measures as revised. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission certify proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2008-0004 as amended. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 CONCLUSION: The proposed Amendment includes modifications to Conditional Use Permit 2007-0221, which was originally approved by Planning Commission on May 6, 2008. The project was originally approved for the construction of three (3) water recharge ponds as part of the Atascadero Mutual Water Company's facilities expansion. The proposed Amendment to the project includes relocation Pond 1 approximately 130 feet to the west to provide a 300 -foot setback to Well #7 to meet Health Department requirements and the removal of two native Black Walnut trees (21" and 48" DBH). Mitigation Measure 5.2.d is proposed to be amended to state that additional subsurface testing is not required, and additional monitoring by a cultural resource monitor should not be required unless prehistoric sites are uncovered. The project archeologist shall continue to monitor all ground work. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and the Atascadero Municipal Code. Staff finds that the proposed project, as conditioned, meets the required findings necessary for Planning Commission approval. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The Commission may modify the project and/or conditions of approval for the project. 2. The Commission may determine that more information is needed on some aspect of the project and may refer the item back to the applicant and staff to develop the additional information. The Commission should clearly state the type of information that is required and move to continue the item to a future date. 3. The Commission may deny the project. The Commission should specify the reasons for denial of the project and recommend an associated finding with such action. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Location and Zoning Map Attachment 2: Arborist Report Attachment 3: Letter from Applicant (AMWC) Attachment 4: Archeologist Recommendations Attachment 5: Draft Resolution PC 2009-0018 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Attachment 1: Location and Zoning Map Zoning: Public General Plan Designation: Public ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Attachment 2: Arborist Report A & T ARBOIRISTS P.O. BOK 1311 TEMPLETON, CA 93465 (805) 434-0131 12130108 RECEIVED - Atascadero Mutual Water Company JAN 12 2ggq Re. "free Pian For Basin Gartinnulwi v nEvELcPn�E NCE This tree protection plan is in regard to the proposed basin located off of Sycamore oarl in Atascadero, CA. Two black walnut trees (Juglans hindsii) are being proposed for removal. The diameter of the two trees is 21 and 48 inches respectively. One sycamore ( Plc mnus raremosa) will be impacted but saved. Plans are to excavate within approximately 10 feet from the trunk of the tree. The arborists will need to be on site during this activity and perforin root pruning and implement other passible mitigation measures such as fungicide, mulch and supplemental watering. There are other small non -protected trees in the immediate grading area that will be removed, it is the responsibility of the owner to provide a copy of this tree protection plan to any and all contractors and subs that work within the drip line of any native tree. It is highly rcconnneaded that each contractor sigh and acknowledge this tree protection plan. This project slhall require an on-site pre -construction meeting with the city, owner, grading contractor and the arborist. Topics will include fencing, monitoring and requirements for a positive final occupancy letter. All trees potentially impacted by this project are numbered and identified on bath the grading plan and the spreadsheet. Trees are numbered on the grading plans and ill the field with an aluminum tag. Tree protection fencing is shown on the grading plan. In the field, trees to be saved have yellow tape and trees to be removed have red tape. Tree stating System A rating system of l -10 was used for visually establishing the overall condition of each tree air the spreadsheet. The rating system is defined as follows: Rating Condition 0 Deceased I Hvidence of massive past failures, extreme disease and is in severe decline. 2 May be saved with attention to class 4 pruning, insect/pest eradication and future monitoring. 3 Some past failures, some pests or structural defects that may be mitigated by class IV pruning. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 4 May have had minor past failures, excessive deadwood or minor structural defects that can be mitigated with pruning. S Relatively healthy tree with little visual structural and or pest defects. 6 Healthy tree that probably can be left in its natural state. 7-9 Have had proper arboricultu11,11 pruning and attention or have no apparent structural defects. 10 Specimen tree with perfect shape, structure and foliage in a protected setting (i.e. park, arboretum). The following mitigation measures/methods must be frilly understood and followed by anyone working within the drip line of any native tree. Any necessary clarification will be provided by us (the arborists) upon request. Fencing: The proposed fencing shall be shown in orange ink on the grading plan. It must be a minimum of 4' high chain link, snow or safety fence staked at the edge of the drip line or line of encroachment for each tree or group of trees. The fence shall be Lip before any construction or earth moving begins. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining an erect fence throughout the construction period. "The arborist(s), upon notification, will inspect the fence placement once it is erected. After this time, fencing shall not be moved without arborist inspection/approval. If the orange plastic fencing is used, a minimum of four zip ties shall be used on each stake to secure the fence. All efforts shall be made to maximize the distance fi-om each saved tree. The fencing must be constructed prior to the city pre -construction meeting for inspection by the city and the arborists. Soil Aeration Methods: Soils within the drip line that have been compacted by heavy equipment and/or construction activities must be returned to their original state before all work is completed. Methods include water jetting, adding organic matter, and boring small holes with an auger (18" deep, 2-3' apart with a 24" auger) and the application of moderate amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. The arborist(s) shall advise. Chip Mulch: All areas within the drip line of the trees that cannot be fenced shall receive a 4-6" layer of chip mulch to retain moisture, soil structure and reduce the effects of soil compaction. Grading Within The Drip Line: Grading should not encroach within the drip line unless authorized. Grading should not disrupt the normal drainage pattern around the trees. Fills should not create a ponding condition and excavations should not leave the tree on a rapidly draining mound. Exposed Roots: Any exposed roots shall be re-covered the same day they were exposed. If they cannot, they must be covered with burlap or another suitable material and wetted down 2x per day until re -buried. Equipment Operation: Vehicles and all heavy equipment shall not be driven under the trees, as this will contribute to soil compaction. Also there is to be no parking of equipment or personal vehicles in these areas. All areas behind fencing are off limits unless pre -approved by the arborist. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Existing Surfaces: The existing ground surface within the drip line of all native trees shall not be cut, filled, compacted or pared, unless shown on the grading plans and approved by the arborist. Construction Materials And Waste: No liquid or solid construction waste shall be dumped on the ground within the drip line of any native tree. The drip line areas are not for storage of materials either. Arborist Monitoring: An arborist shall be present for selected activities (trees identified on spreadsheet and items bulleted below). The monitoring does not necessarily have to be continuous but observational at times during these activities. It is the responsibility of the owner(s) or their designee to inform us prior to these events so we can make arrangements to be present. It is the responsibility of the owner to contract (prior to construction) a locally licensed and insured arborist that will document all monitoring activities. • pre -construction fence placement • any utility or drainage trenching within any drip line • All grading and trenching near trees requiring monitoring on the spreadsheet Pre -Construction Meeting: An on-site pre -construction meeting with the Arborist(s), Owner(s), Planning Staff, and the earth moving team shall be required for this project. Prior to final occupancy, a letter from the arborist(s) shall be required verifying the health/condition of all impacted trees and providing any recommendations for any additional mitigation. The letter shall verity that the arborist(s) were on site for all grading and/or trenching activity that encroached into the drip line of the selected native trees, and that all work done in these areas was completed to the standards set forth above. Landscape: All landscape under the drip -line shall be drought tolerant or native varieties. Lawns shall be avoided. All irrigation trenching shall be routed around drip lines; otherwise above ground drip -irrigation shall be used. It is the owner's responsibility to notify the landscape contractor regarding this mitigation. The included spreadsheet includes trees listed by number, species and. multiple steins if applicable, diameter and breast height (4.5'), condition (scale from poor to excellent), status (avoided, impacted, removed, exempt), percent of drip line impacted, mitigation required (fencing, root pruning, monitoring), construction impact (trenching, grading), recommended pruning and individual tree notes. If all the above mitigation measures are followed, we feel there will be no additional long-term significant impacts to the remaining native trees. A & T Arborists strongly suggests that the responsible party (owner of their designee) make copies of this report. Any reproduction by A & T Arborists or changes to this original report will require an additional charge. ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Please let us know if we can be of any fiiture assistance to you for this project. Steven C. Alvarez Certified Arborist #WC 0511 Chip Tamagni Certified Ar •ist #WE 6436-A ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 3-18-09 Atascadero Mutual Water Company Re: Addendum for Detention Basin Pipeline After reviewing the path for the pipeline facilities that route water from the turnout to the detention basin, we discovered one native black walnut tree (Judlans hindsir) that exists adjacent to the proposed trenching. This particular tree's drip line is out of the area of disturbance; however, it has been numbered and added to the spreadsheet for the project. The only specific mitigation measure will be the requirement of orange fencing at the edge of the drip line area. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Chip Tamagni C fled!�ts#WE 6436-A �� .. Steven G Certified Arborist #WE0511-A ITEM NUMBER DATE 5509 � j� _� z $§ � � \\ }/ a�� [� ��� ® ƒ c 2 O�o 2 2 § 2 ƒ 2 6 $ z� )) / � 7 ± 2 3 \ j E ƒ f R � §E�� \�kk � E � 2 Z ,|3e \ ee ± }§\�� \ 2 k ± E � 2 G o a o c S o )\k §k / o§ 2 B;2I7 I -- CL CL Lu � + \ ƒ y 6■ R c o 0 / § � q N�i� K \ 0 a/ ! §,§ §! ®�§ &a ` ]�2 §| a«§ �� § § \ R $ \ \\®�\\ o / I � e--= e /0w0Z QE22 k } � cc CO f % � N �j� � � co r- co � INT in m r- co a) o / I ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Attachment 3: Letter from Applicant (Atascadero Mutual Water Co.) 4/2/09 Request for Modification of Mitigation Measure 5.d.2 5005 EL CAMINO REAL • P.O. BOX 6075 • ATASCADERO, CA 93423 • (805) 466-2428 Atascadero Mutual Water Company ESTABUSFED 191: April 2, 2009 Ms. Callie Taylor City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Subject: Water Recharge Pond Project Dear Callie, Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) respectfully requests that the Planning Commission remove the requirement to have a cultural resource monitor approved by the Native American Cultural Resource Board on the site of the subject project during all ground disturbances as required by Mitigation Measure 5.d.2 of Resolution PC 2008-0024. We also request removal of the requirement for additional subsurface testing in each of the proposed pond locations. We will still perform the archaeological monitoring by an archaeologist as required by the mitigation measure. The request to remove the requirement to have a cultural resource monitor on the site during construction is predicated upon the results of the two archaeological studies completed to date for the project. No significant cultural resources were found during either of these studies. An approved cultural resource monitor was present during the Phase 2 study. Please see the attached letter from the project archaeologist dated January 5, 2009. To date, archaeological studies of the project site have cost the AMWC shareholders $16,900 with no significant cultural resources being found. Based on the letter from the project archaeologist, additional monitoring, other than that provided by the project archaeologist, is not warranted. Respectfully y rs, John B. Neil General Manager ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Attachment 4: 1/5/09: Archeologist Recommendations Regarding Mitigation Measure 5.d.2 Jan. 5, 2009 Greg Jaeger North Coast Engineering 725 Creston Road Paso Robles, CA 93446 Heritage Discoveries ane. RECEIVED JAN 12 2009 COMMUNITY DEVE! OPMENT Su iect: Archaeological Plannine for the AMWC Recharge Pond_ Relocation. Atascadero Dear Greg, 1 have reviewed the plans for the relocation of the recharge pond at the AMWC property. Recent fieldwork (surface surveys) and extensive testing nearby have determined that archaeological sites are not present in this area. Specifically, half of the relocated recharge pond location was extensively tested this fall as it overlaps with the original study area. Also, we tested with negative results the pipeline route that: tuns along the southern edge of the relocated pond. Based on this detailed information, I recommend that the relocated recharge pond area should have archaeological monitoring by an archaeologist during construction activities. Since four previous studies have produced negative results for prehistoric resources, a Native American monitor would not be required. The archaeological monitorim, guidelines would provide for inclusion of a Native American monitor in the event that prehistoric sites arc uncovered during monitoring. This action will provide adequate protection for any potential Cultural resourc:s. The monitoring would be part of the overall monitoring of the AMWC developments in this area. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincereelly r Thor Conway Heritage Discoveries Inc., 836 Mission Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Telephone (805) 545-0724 Fax (805) 545-0724 F. -mail hdiark chartcr.nct ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Attachment 4: 3/24/09: Archeologist Recommendations Regarding Mitigation Measure 5.d.2 Herilabe Discoveries Ine. March 24, 2009 Greg Jaeger North Coast Engineering 725 Creston Road Paso Robles, CA 93446 Subiect: Archaeological Planning for the AMWC Recharge Pond Relocation, Atascadero Dear Greg, I have reviewed the plans for the relocation of the various recharge ponds at the AM WC property. Recent fieldwork (surface surveys) and extensive testing at and nearby the project area have deteiTnined that archaeological sites are not present in this area. I recommend that the present recharge pond project area and the areas for the future recharge ponds and related improvements do not need further archaeological subsurface testing. Proper cultural resource management is assured with the mandatory archaeological monitoring that will take place. Our firm will provide archaeologists to monitor all ground work. Development of an archaeological monitoring plan prior to fieldwork will assure that any unanticipated discoveries would be properly assessed as part of the planning process. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sine rely, Thor Conway Heritage Discoveries Inc., 836 Mission Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 43405 Telephone (805) 545-0724 Fax (tio5) 545-17724 E-mail hdiarkv eharter,net ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Attachment 5: Draft Resolution PC 2009-0018 DRAFT RESOLUTION PC 2009-0018 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING PROPOSED AMENDED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2008-0004 AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2007-0221 (PLN 2007-1257) ON APN 049-011-003 Salinas River Parcel (Atascadero Mutual Water Company) WHEREAS, an application has been received from Atascadero Mutual Water Company, PO Box 6075, Atascadero, CA 93423, (Property Owner and Applicant), to consider an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 2007-0221, originally approved on May 6, 2008 for the phased construction of three water recharge ponds, located on the Salinas River Parcel (APN 049-011-003); and, WHEREAS, the site's current General Plan Designation is Public (P); and, WHEREAS, the site's current zoning district is Public (P); and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration 2008-0004 were prepared for the revised project and made available for public review in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Conditional Use Permit application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said application; and, WHEREAS, Mitigation Measure 5.d.2 has been modified in the Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration and was posted with the proposed modification for public review; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on May 5, 2009, studied and considered the Amendment to Conditional Use ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 Permit 2007-0221, after first studying and considering the Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, California, takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Findings for Certification of the Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. The project does not have the potential to degrade the environment when mitigation measures are incorporated into the project's mitigation monitoring program as conditions of approval; and, 2. The project will not achieve short-term to the disadvantage of long term environmental goals; and, 3. The project does not have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable; and, 4. The project will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings either directly or indirectly. SECTION 2. Findings for Approval of Tree Removal Permit. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. Trees proposed for removal are obstructing proposed improvements that could not be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal, as certified by a report from the Site Planner and determined by the Community Development Department based on the following factors: • Early consultation with the City; • Consideration of practical design alternatives; • Provision of cost comparisons (from applicant) for practical design alternatives; • If saving tree eliminates all reasonable uses of the property; or • If saving the tree requires the removal of more desirable trees; and, SECTION 3. Findings for approval of Conditional Use Permit Amendment. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan and the City's Appearance Review Manual; and, 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title (Zoning Ordinance); and, 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; and, 4. That the proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character or the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; and, 5. That the proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element. SECTION 4. Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on May 5, 2009, resolved to approve the Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 2007-0221 subject to the following: EXHIBIT A: Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT C: Revised Site Plan: Pond 1 EXHIBIT D: Revised Grading Plan & Section: Pond 1 & Fill Area EXHIBIT E: Revised Landscape Plan/ Revegetation Plan: Pond 1 EXHIBIT F: Tree Mitigation Chart ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 On motion by Commissioner , and seconded by Commissioner the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSTAIN: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Sandy Jack Planning Commission Chairperson Attest: Warren M. Frace Planning Commission Secretary ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 EXHIBIT A: Proposed Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration (CUP 2007-0221) See Following ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval (CUP 2007-0221) Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC g � FI: FinalInspectionWW: T0: Temporary Wastewater torney CA: City Attorney Occupancy F0: Final Occupancy Planning Services 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall be for the installation for three recharge BP PS ponds and a fill area on parcel 049-011-003 (River Parcel), regardless of owner. 2. The approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall become final and BP PS effective for the purposes of issuing building permits fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval unless prior to that date, an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for twenty-four (24) BP PS months after its effective date. At the end of the period, the approval shall expire and become null and void unless the applicant has received a building permit or applied for an extension of entitlement. 4. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall be consistent with Ongoing PS Atascadero Municipal Code Zoning Ordinance. Any violations of the CUP shall be subject to review and reconsideration by the Planning Commission at a noticed public hearing. 5. The Community Development Department shall have the authority to BP PS approve minor changes to the project that address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the land use. 6. The property owner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Ongoing ALL Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge on approval by the City, or any of its entities, concerning the Conditional Use Permit. 7. The Atascadero Mutual Water Company shall provide public access on BP PS the river parcel for a public trail connection which leads from Chico Road (APN 049-022-038) to the project site. Public Access shall be provided to the De Anza Trail. 8. The applicant shall mitigate the tree removals through a combination GP/FO PS of replanting and payment into the mitigation fund. 1 -gallon native trees shall be allowed to be used as replanting at a ratio of two, 1 - gallon native trees equal to one, 5 -gallon tree. The applicant shall replant native trees as shown on the revegetation plan, and the remaining mitigation shall be done as fees to the trees fund. ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy Public Works Conditions 1. Any work within street right-of-ways will require an encroachment GP, BP CE permit issued by the Department of Public Works prior to construction. 2. Applicant shall submit erosion control plans and a Storm Water GP, BP CE Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in addition to grading plans for this project. 3. The applicant shall acquire title interest in any off-site land that may GP, BP CE be required to allow for the construction of the improvements. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions. The applicant shall also gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress and egress is affected by these improvements. 4. The applicant shall obtain permits from all other agencies having GP, BP CE jurisdiction including, but not limited to, FEMA, California Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 5. The applicant shall control dust on the site during and after GP, BP CE construction of the improvements. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure 1.c.1: The chain link fence shall be coated in a natural BP PS 1.c.1 color (brown or green) to blend with the surrounding landscape. The fence shall be no more than six feet in height. Mitigation Measure 1.c.2: A landscape buffer shall be installed along the BP PS 1.c.2 chain link fence. The buffer shall be of native plant material and shall be installed as described in the attached landscape plan. Mitigation Measure 3.b.1: The project shall be conditioned to comply with all BP BS 3.b.1 applicable District regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM - 10) as contained in sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 of the April 2003 Air Quality Handbook. ■ Asbestos has been identified by the state Air Resources Board as a toxic air contaminant. Serpentine and ultramafic rocks are very common in the state and may contain naturally occurring asbestos. Under the State Air Resources Board Air Toxics Control Measure (ATCM) for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations, prior to any grading activities at the site, the project proponent shall ensure that a geologic evaluation is conducted to determine if naturally occurring asbestos is present within the area that will be disturbed. If Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) is found at the ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Mitigation Monitoring Program PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 Recharge Ponds; AMWC Timing FM: Final Map BL: Business License GP: Grading Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Notes site the applicant must comply with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos ATCM for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations. If NOA is not present, an exemption request must be filed with the District. If NOA is found at the site the applicant must comply with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos ATCM. This may include development of an Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan and an Asbestos Health and Safety Program for approval by the APCD. Should Naturally Occurring Asbestos be identified within the area of construction, and the worked area will be less than or equal to one acre, then the dust control measures identified below are required. If the disturbed area is greater than one acre, additional requirements may include but are not limited to 1) an Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan which must be approved by the District before construction begins, and 2) an Asbestos Health and Safety Program will also be required for some projects. ■ Dust Control Measures for Construction and Grading Operation Projects One Acre or Less: No person shall engage in any construction or grading operation on property where the area to be disturbed is one (1.0) acre or less unless all of the following dust mitigation measures are initiated at the start and maintained throughout the duration of the construction or grading activity: 1. Construction vehicle speed at the work site must be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour or less; 2. Prior to any ground disturbance, sufficient water must be applied to the area to be disturbed to prevent visible emissions from crossing the property line; 3. Areas to be graded or excavated must be kept adequately wetted to prevent visible emissions from crossing the property line; 4. Storage piles must be kept adequately wetted, treated with a chemical dust suppressant, or covered when material is not being added to or removed from the pile; 5. Equipment must be washed down before moving from the property onto a paved public road; and 6. Visible track -out on the paved public road must be cleaned using wet sweeping or a HEPA filter equipped vacuum device within twenty-four (24) hours. Mitigation Measure 3.b.2: Developmental burning of vegetative material is BP BS 3.b.2 prohibited. Under certain circumstances where no technically feasible alternatives are available, limited developmental burning under restrictions may be allowed. This requires prior application, payment of fee based on the size of the project, APCD approval, and issuance of a burn permit by the APCD and the local fire department authority. The applicant is required to ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy furnish the APCD with the study of technical feasibility (which includes costs and other constraints) at the time of application. For any questions regarding these requirements, contact Karen Brooks of the Enforcement Division at 781-5912. Mitigation Measure 3.b.3: Naturally Occurring Asbestos. The project site is BP Ill 3.b.3 located in a candidate area for Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA), which has been identified as a toxic air contaminant by the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Under the ARB Air Toxics Control Measure (ATCM) for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations, prior to any grading activities at the site, the project proponent shall ensure that a geologic evaluation is conducted to determine if NOA is present within the area that will be disturbed. If NOA is not present, an exemption request must be filed with the District (see Attachment 1). If NOA is found at the site the applicant must comply with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos ATCM. This may include development of an Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan and an Asbestos Health and Safety Program for approval by the APCD. Please refer to the APCD web page at http://www.slocleanair.org/business/asbestos.asp for more information or contact APCD Enforcement Division at 781-5912. Mitigation Measure 3.b.4: Dust Control Measures. Construction activities BP Ill 3.b.4 can generate fugitive dust, which could be a nuisance to local residents and businesses in close proximity to the proposed construction site. Dust complaints could result in a violation of the APCD's 402 "Nuisance" Rule. This project is near potentially sensitive receptors and shall be conditioned to comply with all applicable Air Pollution Control District regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM 10) as contained in section 6.5 of the Air Quality Handbook. All site grading and demolition plans noted shall list the following regulations: a. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible, b. Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (non -potable) water should be used whenever possible, c. All dirt stock pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed, d. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project revegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities, e. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established, f. All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD, g. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used, h. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site, i. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114, j. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site, and k. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. All PM10 mitigation measures required should be shown on grading and building plans. In addition, the contractor or builder should designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holidays and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and finished grading of the area. Mitigation Measure 3.b.5: Construction Permit Requirements. Portable BP BS/PS 3.b.5 equipment, 50 horsepower (hp) or greater, used during construction activities will require California statewide portable equipment registration (issued by the California Air Resources Board) or an APCD permit. The following list is provided as a guide to equipment and operations that may have permitting requirements, but should not be viewed as exclusive. For a more detailed listing, refer to page A-5 in the District's CEQA Handbook. • Power screens, conveyors, diesel engines, and/or crushers; • Portable generators and equipment with engines that are 50 hp or greater; • IC engines; • Rock and pavement crushing; • Tub grinders; and • Trommel screens. To minimize potential delays, prior to the start of the project, please contact the District's Engineering Division at (805) 781-5912 for specific information regarding permitting requirements. Mitigation Measure 3.b.6: Operational Permit Requirements. Operational BP BS/PS 3.b.6 sources may require APCD permits. The following list is provided as a guide to equipment and operations that may have permitting requirements, but should not be viewed as exclusive. For a more detailed listing, refer to page A-5 in the District's CEQA Handbook. • Portable generators and equipment with engines that are 50 hp or greater; ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy • Electrical generation plants or the use of standby generator; • Pipelines; • Public utility facilities; • Boilers; • IC Engines; • Cogeneration facilities; • Concrete batch plants; • Rock and pavement crushing; • Tub grinders; and • Trommel screens. To minimize potential delays, prior to the start of the project, please contact the District's Engineering Division at (805) 781-5912 for specific information regarding permitting requirements. Mitigation Measure 4.a.1: An environmental monitor shall be present during GP PS 4.a.1 primary grubbing and grading of the project areas. The environmental monitor shall have the authority to stop equipment if special status animals are found in the construction zone. Spadefoot toads, if encountered, shall be captured by hand and moved to an appropriate location well outside the project areas. If southwestern pond turtles are found in the project areas, the turtles shall be moved to an appropriate location in the Salinas River by the on-site environmental monitor. Mitigation Measure 4.a.2: Presence or absence of the silvery legless lizard GP PS 4.a.2 shall be determined by pre -construction surveys within the project areas where ground disturbance will occur. The survey shall be conducted during the period of January through April when soil moisture is high and near the surface. The pre -construction survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist familiar with legless lizard biology and survey methods. The scope of the survey shall be determined by a qualified biologist and shall be sufficient to determine presence or absence in the project areas. If legless lizards are found in the project areas during the pre -construction survey, CDFG shall be consulted regarding appropriate protection, relocation, and/or mitigation measures for this species. Mitigation Measure 4.a.3: Presence or absence of the Coast horned lizard GP PS 4.a.3 shall be determined by pre -construction surveys within the project areas where ground disturbance will occur. The survey should be conducted on foot by a qualified biologist during the peak activity period from April through September. The scope of the survey shall be determined by a qualified biologist and shall be sufficient to determine presence or absence in the project areas. The survey scope and methods of the survey shall be submitted to CDFG for review prior to implementation. If horned lizards are found in the project areas during the pre -construction surveys, CDFG shall be consulted regarding appropriate protection, relocation, and / or mitigation measures for the species. Mitigation Measure 4.b.1: An environmental monitor shall be present during GP PS 4.b.1 preliminary grubbing and grading, and during all vegetation removal. The monitor shall document compliance with all mitigation measures and compliance items for the project. The environmental monitor shall be ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy qualified to move wildlife from the project as needed. Upon project completion, a final status report shall be prepared by the project biologist certifying that mitigation measures were implemented and the construction - related protection measures are no longer required. Mitigation Measure 4.b.2: Disturbance or vegetation removal in the riparian GP PS 4.b.2 habitat shall not exceed the limits approved by CDFG. Mitigation Measure 4.b.3: The limits of work within the riparian habitat shall GP PS 4.b.3 be designated on the construction plans. The designated work area shall be confined to the minimum area necessary to accomplish construction. The work area shall be established in the field with orange construction fencing. Vegetation shall not be removed or damaged outside the designated work area. Mitigation Measure 4.b.4: Riparian habitat impacts shall be mitigated by GP PS 4.16.4 enhancement of adjacent habitat. A riparian enhancement plan shall be prepared by a qualified biologist/restoration specialist. The plan shall specify areas to be enhanced, and shall prescribe native species to be used, planting density, method, success criteria, and monitoring program. The riparian enhancement plan can be submitted to the CDFG as part of the streambed alteration agreement. The riparian enhancement plan shall be submitted to the City in conjunction with building permits. The plan shall be implemented prior to project final. Mitigation Measure 4.b.5: The plants to be used in the landscape plantings GP PS 4.b.5 shall be approved by the project biologist for compatibility with the native habitat. A letter from the project biologist shall be submitted with building permits to confirm that the appropriate plant species are being installed. Mitigation Measure 4.c.1: A Streambed Alteration Agreement application BP PS 4.c.1 shall be submitted to the California Department of Fish and Game. All mitigation measures required by the Department of Fish and Game shall be implemented during construction. Mitigation Measure 4A.1: In accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act GP PS 4.d.1 of 1918, the applicant shall contact the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for direction. The applicant shall provide copies of all correspondence with USFWS prior to issuance of grading/building permits and shall incorporate all recommended mitigation measures into the project design. Mitigation Measure 4.d.2: To avoid impacts to nesting birds, grading and GP PS 4.d.2 construction activities that affect trees and grasslands shall not be conducted during the breeding season from March 15 to August 15. If construction activities must be conducted during this period, nesting bird surveys shall take place within one week of habitat disturbance. If surveys do not locate nesting birds, construction activities may be conducted. If nesting birds are located, no construction activities shall occur within 100 feet of nests until chicks are fledged. Construction activities shall observe a 300 -foot buffer for active raptor nests. ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy Mitigation Measure 4.d.3: If the nesting bird survey finds occupied nests of GP PS 4.d.3 special status birds, mitigation shall be implemented. All occupied nests of special status birds shall be mapped using GPS or survey equipment. The mapped locations shall be placed on a copy of the grading plans with a 500 - foot buffer indicated. Work shall not be allowed within the 500 foot buffer while the nest is in use. The buffer zone shall be delineated on the ground with orange construction fencing where it overlaps work areas. Occupied nests of special status bird species that are within 500 feet of project work areas shall be monitored twice monthly through the nesting season to document nest success and check for project compliance with buffer zones. Once nests are deemed inactive and /or chicks have fledged and are no longer dependent on the nest, work can commence. Mitigation Measure 4.d.4: All work shall be conducted on the proposed GP PS 4.d.4 project within daylight hours to prevent disturbing nocturnal animal movements. Mitigation Measure 4.d.5: Permanent night lighting shall not be installed GP PS 4.d.5 around the ponds. Mitigation Measure 4.e.1: If there are changes to the project location which GP PS 4.e.1 would require impacts or removals of native trees, the applicant shall adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance, including Tree Removal Permits, Arborist Report, and tree protection fencing as required. Mitigation Measure 5A.1: In the event of the accidental discovery or GP PS 5.b.1 recognition of any human remains, the following steps shall be taken: There shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until the coroner of the county in which the remains are discovered has been contacted to determine that no investigation of the cause of death is required, and to determine if the remains are of Native American heritage. If the remains are of Native American Heritage, the coroner shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours. Mitigation Measure 5.d.2: A Phase 2 st, -Fly shall be , meted prier to building permit �' sraanse. sf-thisT'll h done bettorn depth --mf epends�eac�h-of the�;�se �d InGatonsA qualified aFGT 'si GP PS 5.11l and n „If, Fal FesouFGe rnonitEIF approved by the Native American Cultural Reseuroe Board shall be OR sate duriRg all grouRd disturbances. A qualified archeologist shall be on-site during all ground disturbances. Based on the negative results of the Phase II subsurface testinq done Oct. 12, 2008 and the archeologist's recommendations, no additional monitoring by a cultural resource monitor shall be required unless archeological sites are uncovered during the archeologist's monitoring, and no additional subsurface testing shall be required. ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy Mitigation Measure 5.d.3: In the event that human remains are discovered, GP PS 5.b3 the project archeologist shall contact the Atascadero Police Department in addition to contacting the County Coroner. The Atascadero Community Development Department shall be notified. A representative from both the Chumash Tribe and the Salinan Tribe shall be notified and present during the excavation of any remains. Mitigation Measure 5.d.4 No cultural soils shall removed from the project GP PS 5.b.4 site. Only non -cultural soils shall be stock piled at the Atascadero Mutual Water Company Site. Mitigation Measure 6.b.1: The fill dirt near well #4 shall be stabilized per the GP CE 6.b.1 requirements of the City Engineer. Building permits shall be obtained prior to any work on site. Mitigation Measure 8.c.d.h.1: The applicant shall obtain all necessary BP BS,PS,CE 8.c.d.h.1 permits from other jurisdictions, including FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers, as required by those agencies, for the cut, fill, and fencing located in the floodway. BP BS,PS,CE 8.c.d.h.2 Mitigation Measure 8.c.d.h.2: The applicant shall submit certification by a registered professional engineer during building permit review, demonstrating that the proposed cut, fill, and fencing shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge. Mitigation Measure 8.e.f.1: The developer is responsible for ensuring that BP BS,PS,CE 8.ef.1 all contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are implemented. Failure to comply with the approved construction Best Management Practices will result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders. Mitigation Measure 11.d.1: All construction activities shall comply with the Ongoing BS/PS 11.d.1 City of Atascadero Noise Ordinance for hours of operation, and as follows: Construction activities shall be limited to the following hours of operation: • 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday • 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday • No construction on Sunday The Community Development Director upon a determination that unusually loud construction activities are having a significant impact on the neighbors may modify the hours of construction. Failure to comply with the above-described hours of operation may result in withholding of inspections and possible construction prohibitions, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Commission. A sign shall be posted on-site with the hours of construction and a telephone number of the person to be contacted in the event of any violations. The ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 Conditions of Approval / Timing Responsibility Notes Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring FM: Final Map PS: Planning Services BL: Business BS: Building Services PLN 2007-1257/CUP 2007-0221 License FD: Fire Department GP: Grading Permit PD: Police Department BP: Building Permit CE: City Engineer Recharge Ponds; AMWC FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy details of such a sign shall be approved by staff during the Grading Plan/Building Permit review process. EXHIBIT C: Revised Site Plan: Pond 1 W k W W � 9 a s sn I Q I z + . Q ' f CR7 a i LL . r Wir f I r t �I \ F !• LIJ LU Y �JjJls� ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 n P a I ' 3 I � i e W Lu i 5 co - `i 811"6ed�xtlh ff £i b ,i y gphh T sf a I'l�I gIgP • 3 EXHIBIT 0: Revised Grading Plan & Section: Pond I & Fill Area ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5'5'09 EXHIBIT E: Revised Landscape Plan/ Revegetation Plan: Pond 1 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-5-09 ITEM NUMBER DATE: 5-5-09 EXHIBIT F: Tree Mitigation Chart