HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052290 ` ODMMM-.6/90 M"-zZ.. ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 22, 1990 Mayor Dexter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p .m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve DeCamp . CALL:ROLL Present : CounciImembers Mackey, Lilley, Borgeson, Shiers and Mayor Dexter Absent : None Staff Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Arther Montandon, City Attorney; Steve DeCamp , City Planner ; Lisa Schicker , City Arborist ; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation & Zoo ; Bud McHale, police Chief; Gregory Luke, Public Works Director ; Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer ; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director ; Mike Hicks , Police Chief; Lee Dayka' City Clerk COMMUNITY FORUM: Mike Jackson, 5235 Barrenda, announced to the Council that George Luna, a planning commissioner , had installed a replacement septic system without a permit and asked that he be asked to follow the same process as the general public . Mayor Dexter asked Mr . Jackson to turn his complaint over to Steve DeCamp . Alfred Clark , 78O5 Santa Ynezp spoke in appeal of the Council ' s recent decision on a heritage tree removal request made by Ann Ranallette. He stated that the owners were upset because they had followed the City ' s procedures and were concerned that other applicants may experience similar difficulties. Mr . Clark requested that the applicants be applogized to and asked Council to reimburse the Ranallettes for the time and effort spent with consultants. In addition, he asked that the applicants be granted a reconsideration. Mayor Dexter asked the City Attorney for a determination. Mr . Montandon advised that the Tree Ordinance is currently being revised and that it will be in affect soon. He suggested that the Ranallettes re-submit their tree removal request and added that Mr . Clark could call him personally, should he have questions. CC5/22/90 1 Eric Michielssen, 5300 Aquila, extended to all an invitation to the Last Chance Candidates ' Night to be held on May 29, 1990 at 7:00 p .m. in the San Gabriel School Auditorium, sponsored by Atascadero 2000. In addition, Mr . Michielssen, referred to a recent news release in the Telegram Tribune about housing opportunities in the Soviet Union. He commented that he was happy to see the "walls coming down" in Berlin and added that he hoped that walls would not be erected here in the Central Coast . Steve Casler, 14500 E1 Monte, addressed the Ranallette tree removal request and stated that he was not unsympathetic . He reiterated that he had complied with the provisions of the Tree Ordinance and assumed that his neighbor would do the same. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Mackey urged the public to participate in the Hazardous Household Waste Collection Event to be held on June 2, 1990 and noted the need to make this trial event a success. Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she had received an unsatisfactory response from CALTRANS regarding the severe pruning along the highway parallel to El Camino Real . She stated that she plans to take further action and seek a more sensitive approach to future prunings. Mayor Dexter asked Council for consent to take agenda items C-1 and C-2 out of sequence for the purpose of accommodating those members of the public who had come to the meeting specifically to hear discussion on those matters. MOTION: By, Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to take items C-1 and C-2 out of sequence, and to address item C-2 first ; motion unanimously carried . C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 2. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR THE HOMELESS — ADDRESS The City Manager reported that at the last meeting , Council had indicated conceptual endorsement of a transitional housing project for homeless families through conversion of the Empire Inn Motel . He stated the Housing Authority had asked Council for the endorsement and written evidence that such a land use would be consistent with the General Plan, local zoning and EIR requirements. He continued that this documentation was requested in order to submit a grant application to HUD for federal funding and clarified that without the grant , there would be no project . Mr . Windsor indicated that , as a result of concerned public input , the matter had been placed back on Council' s agenda to CC5/22/90 2 ascertain whether Council desires to reconsider- the issue by scheduling a "noticed" hearing ; which legally takes a minimum of sixteen days. The City Manager added that reconsideration of the item would not affect the Housing Authority ' s grant submittal ; as it had been made the previous day. For the benefit of all present , the City Manager explained that should the project proceed to the stage of actual plan submittal for the conversion of the existing Empire Motel , a Conditional Use Permit would be required , thus necessitating a notice public hearing before the Planning Commission. He expanded on the significance of a CUP hearing and stated that if the grant application is successful , there will be ample opportunity for public input before a decision is made by the Planning Commission. Mr . Windsor urged the Council and public to wait until the results of the request for grant funds has been received before holding such a hearing . In response to a question from Councilwoman Mackey, Mr . Windsor clarified that the grant application went forward without the Council ' s letter of endorsement . Lengthy Council discussion followed . The City Manager reiterated that any public hearing would be premature until HUD announces if it will fund the project . He explained that if the grant is approved , the matter will be treated as a land use issue and all neighbors within 300 feet will be notified . Councilman Lilley expressed concern regarding the basis for holding a public hearing . He stated that if, because of density, the project becomes a land use matter , it would require a CUP hearing . He noted that if the proposed use does not require a CUP, he could see no need for a hearing . Mr . Lilley stressed that he was not in support of setting a public hearing simply because it involves provisions for the City to address the needs of the homeless. Mayor Dexter concurred. Council consensus was in support of the City Manager ' s recommendation. Councilwoman Borgeson announced that the public can address their elected officials anytime on any subject and urged them to do so . The City Manager emphasized that there currently is no project , only a concept . He stated that staff agrees that a CUP is called for because of the nature of the project . Mr . Windsor reported that he had received questions from the public as to what kind of authority the City would have if the project did not live up to expectations and explained that the CUP gives the City control if conditions are violated . CC5/22/90 3 0 0 In addition, the City Manager commented that if public hearing is held , the applicants would first be asked to come forward and make a presentation. A description of the project would be given and an explanation of how the Housing Authority, the Women ' s Shelter , EOC and the County Social Services Department inter- relate, what roles they each will play and how the project will affect Atascadero . He continued that at that time all of Council ' s questions and concerns of the public would be addressed and reiterated that any public hearing held prior to approval of the grant would be premature. Additional discussion followed . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley that the City Council reaffirm the approval of the concept of the grant application to the Housing Authority; unanimously passed by roll call vote. MOTION: By Mayor Dexter and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson that at such time as HUD approves the grant for transitional housing within the City of Atascadero at the Empire Motel Inn location, a Conditional Use Permit will be required as part of that application with all necessary public hearings held thereto ; motion unanimously carried by roll call vote. Continuing with discussion out of sequence, Council moved to the following regular business item: C-1 . RESOLUTION NO. 59-90 — EXPRESSING SUPPORT OF "PUBLIC SCRU— TINY OF UNSAFE CONDITIONS AT ATASCADERO STATE HOSPITAL" Mayor Dexter called upon Mr . Jay Salter , Associated Unions Chairperson, to present the resolution. Mr . Salter gave background and stated that he was looking forward to discussion. Councilman Lilley expressed concern with a part of the resolution which related to payroll and asked Mr . Salter if he had any objection to having that portion of the resolution deleted . Mr . Salter responded that he did not , if Council so desired , and answered additional questions. In addition, the Union spokesperson stated that modifications to the resolution would be acceptable as long as the employees of Atascadero State Hospital (ASH) could have a voice of support in requesting a forthright look into safety problems at the hospital . There was concurrence from Council that presentation of the resolution would continue, and that changes to the language of the resolution would be discussed following testimony. Public Comments: David Broadwater , 6604 Portola Road , announced that he was 4 CC5/22/90 Chairperson of the Associated Unions Governmental Hearings and Investigations Committee and spoke in favor of the resolution. He urged Council to show their support of hospital employees and their request for investigation by the "Little Hoover" Commission. Carol Lee Chubb , 4250 Tampico , asked Council to give endorsement to the Union ' s request for investigation of safety conditions at ASH. Randy Blackwell , employee of ASH, spoke in favor of the resolution urging public awareness and participation. Mr . Salter noted the attendance of ASH management who were also present to speak on the matter . Jon DeMorales, Clinical Administrator of ASH, stated that if the purpose of the resolution is to investigate safety practices at ASH, management does not support it ; as the process is already underway. He reported that a thorough safety study has been completed by consultants retained by the Department of Mental Health and recommendations have not yet been implemented . He continued that , in addition, an investigation by OSHA is on- going and explained that findings have not yet been issued . Mr . DeMorales stated that if the purpose of the resolution is to improve staffing , management shares some common ground . He suggested that a more effective way of meeting staffing needs could be done by influencing the expediting of a complete staffing needs survey and budget process to fund any recommendations stemming from any increases in staff. Linda Wilkes, 9325 Carmelita Avenue, addressed Council indicating that she was the Health and Safety Officer at ASH and as such is involved in many on-going programs dealing with operations and insuring safe practices. She debated recent media coverage that management has a lack of responsiveness and outlined the measures taken following the recent murder of a hospital employee. Ms. Wilkes reiterated the need for a staffing survey and funding for its ' implementation. Mr . Salter , in closing , stated that he was pleased management came forward recognizing that the hospital is short-staffed . He urged Council once more to pass the resolution. Council discussion followed regarding the language of the resolution. In response to questions from Council , Mr . DeMorales stated that management would encourage Council to support a staffing needs survey and would not object to the passing of the resolution for the purpose of making the concerns of the community known to the Governor . CC5/22/90 5 Additional comments and suggestions were made to amend the resolution and the following motion was made. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approved Resolution 59-90, as amended . The motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. Mayor Dexter called for a recess at 8:37 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:43 p.m. Mayor Dexter referred back to the regular agenda and read the consent calendar . A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 . MAY 8, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - APRIL 1990 3. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT - APRIL 1990 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 03-90, 7715/7745 SINALOA - Creation of six parcels ranging in size from 3,206 sq . ft . to 4,775 sq . ft . , in conformance with Ordinance No . 198 (Zone Change 08- 89 - PD7) (Jones/Cuesta Engineering ) 5. AWARD OF BID # 90-6 - 1990 WEED ABATEMENT CONTRACT 6. ORDINANCE NO. 206 - AMENDING MAP 17 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AT 7955 SINALOA FROM RMF/16 TO RMF/16 (PD7) (ZONE CHANGE 08-89) (Voorhis/MitSU- oka) (Second reading & adoption) 7. ORDINANCE NO. 207 - AMENDING MAP 23 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AT 11455 VIEJO CAMINO FROM RMF/10 (FH) TO RMF/10 (FH) (PD7) (ZONE CHANGE 13-89) (VanGundy/Bond ) (Second reading & adoption) S. CONTRACT WITH SUSAN BEATIE FOR CREATION OF BRONZE SCULPTURE - CHARLES PADDOCK ZOO Councilwoman Borgeson pulled Items #4 and 6. The City Clerk pulled Item #1 , Minutes of May 8 , 1990 City Council Meeting . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve the Consent Calendar with the exceptions of Items #1 , 4 and 6; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Councilwoman Borgeson indicated , for the record , that she had opposed and voted against Tentative Parcel Map 03-90 in protest 6 CC5/22/90 0 0 against small lot sizes. She stated that she had also voted against Ordinance No . 206 because she did not approve of 3,000 square foot lots for homes in Atascader.o . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to continue Item #1 to the next City Council meeting ; motion carried . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Mayor Dexter to approve Tentative Parcel Map 03-90; motion carried 3:2 with Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers opposing . MOTION By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman' Mackey to adopt Ordinance No . 206 amending Map 17 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real property at 7955 Sinaloa; passed 3:2 with Councilwoman Borgeson and Councilman Shiers voting No . B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES: 1 . HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL REQUEST FOR THE PURPOSES OF DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION AT 14260 MORRO ROAD (Rockstad ) Steve Decamp gave staff report with recommendation to approve with a 2: 1 replacement on site. Lisa Schicker , City Arborist , answered Council questions relating to the site and survival of trees as a result of fire. Ms. Schicker indicated that the report was complicated because of the number of trees and the difficulty of determining actual cause of death should any of the remaining fire-damaged trees die. Public Comments : Allan Campbell , representing the property owner , spoke in support of the request . He concurred with all conditions and stated willingness to replace any trees that die, regardless of the reason, and stated support of the City ' s plan to replace trees. Councilmembers Borgeson and Shiers commended the applicant ' s spirit of cooperation. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve the heritage tree removal request based on staff 's recommendations for replacement ; motion unanimously carried . 2. WEED ABATEMENT APPEALS Chief Hicks gave staff report indicating that his department had received no written protests. CC5/22/90 7 Public Comments : Brian Lindner , 226 Vine Street in Paso Robles, remarked that he was the property owner of eight acres on San Marcos Road . Mr . Lindner gave Council an account of his appeal of weed abatement on his property in 1989. Chief Hicks clarified that this matter was not related to the current weed abatement proceedings, but rather to the 1989 abatement . He apologized to Mr . Lindner , explaining that an error had been made on the part of the City and that a refund check had been processed . Mr . Lindner stated that he was looking forward to his check " in the mail " and added that he hoped' that the weed abatement is better supervised than it was during the past year . Art Perrella, 5670 Hermosilla, stated that he wished to appeal his weed abatement notice because he did not understand why he had received it . Mr . Perrella reported that he had no weeds in his yard . The Fire Chief assured Mr . Perrella that if there were no weeds, he would not be abated . In addition, Chief Hicks invited Mr . Perrella to give him a call and stated that he would be most happy to meet with him. Chief Hicks reminded the Council that he would be coming back with a request to increase the administrative fee of the weed abatement program. He reported that he would be recommending a 100% administrative fee and explained that the present 40% does not cover the cost of the program. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Shiers to order the Fire Chief or his authorized representative to abate the nuisance of noxious or dangerous weeds on the lots identified in Resolution No . 35-90; motion carried . The Council moved on to the third item under C - REGULAR BUSINESS 3. RE50LUTION NO. 61-90 - ESTABLISHING AN UNDERSTANDING OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF ROADS COMPLETED UNDER AN AGREE— MENT DATED AUGUST 22, 1986 BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE GORDON T. DAVIS CATTLE COMPANY Greg Luke, Public Works Director , gave background and staff report recommending adoption of Resolution 61-90. He indicated that staff recognizes that the roads already constructed do not meet strict minimum road standards recently passed by Council and responded to questions from Council relating to the acceptance of roads. Mr . Luke clarified that the specific roads outlined in the agreement between the City and The Gordon T. Davis Cattle Company would not be accepted into the City maintained road CC5/22/90 8 system as part of Resolution 61-90. He further explained that after deficiencies are identified and corrected , a final resolution will be brought before Council recommending acceptance of those roads . Public Comments : Wilson Wendt , attorney for Gordon Davis, stated that he had reviewed carefully the staff report and indicated total agreement with the proposed resolution to inspect the roads preparatory to be accepted by the City. Joan Okeefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East , asked of staff 1 ) how the minimum road standard recently adopted compare to the road standards in the agreement , 2) what can be expected in terms of maintenance and 3) how will the public be made aware of what information the Council will use to assess the roads. In response, the City Engineer described criteria for establishing the minimum public road standards and explained that although the roads cannot be brought up to these standards, he would be asking that the roads be as safe, stable and maintenance free as possible. Ms. Okeefe then asked for a status of the roads already constructed and whether there would be any compromises to the safety of the roads. Mr . Luke responded that a clear determination will be made once a thorough survey of the roads has been completed and that the roads will be made as safe as possible, given the existing conditions. Tim McCutheon, property owner , spoke in support of passing the resolution stating that it appeared Mr . Davis and the City are coming to terms. He expressed concern that property owners are being conditioned without being told exactly what it is they need to do . He asserted that they are being held hostage between the City and Mr . Davis and urged Council to stop these tactics. Council discussion followed . Councilwoman Mackey stated that the roads were constructed to County standards at the time and was in support of the resolution. Mayor Dexter concurred . Councilwoman Borgeson asked the Public Works Director whether or not the roads were put in to acceptable standards. He responded that they were not . Additionally, Ms. Borgeson asked Mr . Luke what specific requirements would be asked of Mr . Davis after the roads have been inspected and deficiencies identified . The City Engineer reported that staff would develop a "punch list" of improvements and , provided there is amenable agreement between both parties, the improvements will be made. He recognized that there may be some differences of opinion that would require CC5/22/90 9 �� �� 0 additional discussion, but added that the anticipated end result would be final acceptance of the roads. Councilwoman Borgeson asked Mr . Wendt if this process was agreeable. The attorney responded that it was his understanding that the roads were originally constructed to acceptable standards and that he expects to have discussions with the Public Works Department regarding additional work necessary. Bill Barnes, of Atascadero , reported that the roads were constructed to standards in the Gordon Davis Road Agreement , and that City staff inspected the roads at that time. He stressed that there seems to be confusion over the new City standards compared to those that are in the agreement . He added that the roads are rural in nature, are designed for 25 mph and did not advise driving them at any higher rate of speed . He availed himself for questions regarding the construction of those roads. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that she was prepared to approve the resolution establishing an understanding of conditional acceptance of the roads , if she could have some assurance that it could be based on mutual cooperation between Gordon Davis~ or his representative, and the Public Works Department . She asked Mr . Barnes if was willing to cooperate. He indicated that he was. Councilman Shiers inquired of the Public Works Director if a City Engineer would be on site to oversee and inspect the correction of road deficiencies. Mr . Luke responded that there would and added that he will personally make sure that the construction is up to standards. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to adopt Resolution No . 61-90 establishing an understanding of conditional acceptance of roads completed under an agreement dated August 22, 1986 between the Department of Public Works and the Gordon T. Davis Cattle Co . Discussion on the motion was requested by Councilwoman Borgeson, who asked Mr . Luke for assurance that all conditions will have been met before final acceptance and that a period of at least one year will be established for review of those roads. The Public Works Director gave an affirmative response. Upon roll call vote, the motion to approve was unanimously passed . 4. AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PRE- LIMINARY COSTS OF ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FORMATION FOR THE 3_F MEADOWS AREA AND A PORTION OF TECORIDA Mr . Luke reported that residents in the 3-F Meadows area have 10 CC5/22/9O 0 0 formed a project committee and are requesting that the City participate in the preliminary phase of forming an assessment district . He outlined two recommended options and noted a third option which would allow the City and the residents would split the cost . Discussion followed regarding the matter and reference was made to the forming of the Chandler Ranch Assessment District . Council consensus was in support of assessment districts. Mayor Dexter noted that there may be risk involved if the City spends the funds and the assessment district is not formed . Mr . Luke concurred and stated that if the district is indeed formed , all of the costs expended in order to form the district could be rolled into the entire assessment . The City Manager clarified that the City has fulfilled the initial request of determining the cost estimate for completion of the preliminary phases of the two projects. Public Comments: Lyle Curry, 9263 Lucinda , spoke in support and urged approval of the resolution. He requested that if there is a cost passed onto the residents, that it be added to the maintenance or assessment district . A resident of San Marcos Road , stated that while he was in favor of road improvements for the 3-F Meadows area, he had never been notified of any meetings and asked that he be apprised of the progress. Mayor Dexter explained that different projects get off the ground in a variety of ways. Mr . Luke clarified that San Marcos Road was not envisioned as being a part of the assessment district and referred to the area of interest shown in the agenda package. The City Manager advised that an engineering consultant should be hired in order to determine the boundaries. and answer the ultimate question of how much the project will cost to the individual property-owner . Mr . Curry apologized to his neighbor on San Marcos Road for not having been notified of the recent revitalized efforts to improve the roads. He explained how the current group of residents had become involved in the concern and welcomed others to join in. The City Manager noted that to make the effort successful , an outreach program is essential , but in order to do that , basic data is necessary. He reiterated that the next step is to spend the $5,000-6,000 to hire the consulting firm. 11 CC5/22/90 Mike Messer , property owner of Tecorida, spoke in support stressing that until a cost is determined , it is hard to get people to commit . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; to approve Resolution No . 62-,90; unanimously passed by roll call vote. 5. ATASCADERO CREEK PEDESTRIAN FOOTBRIDGE Mr . Windsor introduced this item as an informational one prompted by a letter from Mr . Gaylen Little, who is anxious to learn the status of the footbridge. The City Manager explained that the biggest issue before Council regarding this project is cost and recommended that the matter be referred to budget sessions later in the month to be looked at along with other capital improvements. He indicated that there is currently $60,000 in the budget , but if a larger project is approved , additional revenue will be necessary. Comment :Public Gaylen Little, developer for the Creekside Lanes project , reconfirmed support for the construction and placement of a footbridge across Atascadero Creek . He explained the anticipated completion date to be in August of 1990 and suggested coordinating the construction of the bridge with the bowling center . In response to a question from Council regarding his preference for bridge type, Mr . Little stated that a full-height bridge above the 100-year flood plane would be the best option. The City Manager reported that at a recent City/School Committee meeting there was unanimous consensus that a full level bridge be constructed . He noted that a former committee had recommended a minimum facility and that the current budget reflects this. He reiterated that additional discussion should be held on the matter during the budget hearings. Councilman Lilley added that the City/School Committee agreed that the bridge should encourage use by all pedestrians, including senior citizens. Mayor Dexter suggested continuing the matter until after the budget hearings. Councilwoman Borgeson concurred urging public hearing . The Public Works Director responded to questions from Council regarding the construction of the bridge and natural flow of the . creek . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman 12 CC5/22/90 ' Lilley to continue the matter- to the Budget Hearings in June 1990 and direct staff to continue with bridge construction research ; motion carried . b. PARKS AND RECREATION ISSUES: A. SYCAMORE ROAD PROPERTY - DISPOSITION The City Manager reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission had reviewed future use alternatives for the property and had recommended that it be declared as surplus. He added that the Commission had also recommended that the funds from the sale be specifically dedicated towards the purchase of other property for recreational purposes. Mr . Windsor asked Council to consider enlarging the motion to include any use by the Department of Parks and Recreation. Councilwoman Mackey disagreed stating that funds should be used for property acquisition. Councilwoman Borgeson concurred . Andy Takata, Director of Parks and Recreation, clarified that the property could not be sold until after the Sycamore Bridge project is completed . There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to declare surplus the City-owned Sycamore Road property, APN 28-092-09, except for a 15-foot easement for Salinas River access, and offer said property for sale, further any proceeds from such a sale will be designated for Parks and Recreation property acquisition. Motion unanimously passed by roll call vote. B. LAKE PAVILION - DISMANTLING Andy Takata gave staff report with recommendation to authorize the removal of the Pavilion floor by utilizing the Cal Poly University Construction Department . In addition, he requested that Council give direction to staff to seek a contractor for the dismantling of the Pavilion building . Councilwoman Mackey indicated her dubious feelings about the removal of the floor , how it can be saved and stored once the roof is taken off the building . She further suggested using a portion of the floor as an interior wall for the new Pavilion, recognizing advanced planning is needed . Councilwoman Borgeson concurred . The City Manager advised that the roof will not be taken off before a logical game plan has been established . He added that CC5/22/90 13 Council can give direction to staff to approve the dismantling of the Pavilion to make way for the new facility recognizing the need for preserving the floor . Mr . Takata commented that the working drawings for the new building are 75% completed and if Council so wishes to have a wall constructed from part of the floor , it must give direction to staff immediately. Councilwoman Borgeson indicated that she was in support of giving staff said direction now and the City Manager noted that it would be done. Public Comments : Sarah Gronstrand , 7620 Del Rio Road , represented the Lake Pavilion Board and reported that they had discussed the floor at great length . She indicated that the condition and makeup of the floor is unknown and its possible use uncertain. She also expressed concern for the Cal Poly students in their efforts to dismantle the building . Mrs . Gronstrand announced that Mike Arrambide had received a letter from William and Donna Barnes indicating that they would like to make a donation to the Atascadero Lake Pavilion Fund . She reported that the Barnes are willing to furnish a D-6 Tractor and operator for two days, including the moving in and out of the tractor . She stated that Mr . Barnes would also make himself available for the two days to supervise the work and added that the amount of the donation totalled $2,300. Maggie Rice, member of the Friends of the Lake Pavilion Committee, reported that in three and one-half months, the committee had raised $31 ,875.00 with promises for additional donations. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilman Shiers to authorize the dismantling of the Pavilion with special consideration given to the floor ; motion unanimously carried . C. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION — PROPOSED REDUCTION OF COMMISSIONERS Mr . Takata gave staff report recommending that staff be given direction to place on the next Council agenda an ordinance reducing the number of Parks and Recreation Commissioners from seven to five. Councilwoman Mackey did not favor the reduction and stated that she believed seven members allowed for more viewpoints. She asked Mr . Takata what the status of the ex-officio student CC5/22/90 14 representative was. The Parks and Recreation Director indicated that the school had not appointed a member this past year and added that the department ' s request had been made through the High School , but not through the City/School Committee. There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to direct staff to place on the next agenda an ordinance reducing the number of Parks and Recreation Commissioner from seven to five. Motion passed 4 : 1 ; Councilwoman Mackey opposed . 7. RESOLUTION NO. 60-90 — AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO DISCUSSIONS WITH WELLS FARGO BANK, TRUSTEE, REGARDING ACCEP— TANCE OF ROADS Mr . Windsor indicated that the resolution reflects, in general terms, the consensus reached at a meeting between Council subcommittee, staff and Wells Fargo representatives. He stated that after many years of deliberation on the status of Wells Fargo roads and the City ' s position as to its acceptance of these roads, the time has come for meaningful discussion on how this will happen. He clarified that the resolution sets forth the understanding that was set forth at the meeting . Councilwoman Mackey questioned the language in the last paragraph of the resolution indicating concern that Council would not have a final say. Mr . Windsor clarified that the resolution implies that agreements are draft in nature, assured Councilwoman Mackey that the sub-committee could not act on behalf of the Council and further advised that the resolution would be re-worded . Councilman Lilley thanked Councilwoman Borgeson, staff and representatives from Wells Fargo Bank for their cooperation and was in support of adoption of the resolution. Councilwoman Borgeson also gave thanks for the spirit of cooperation exhibited by all and specifically to Councilman Lilley for being such an eloquent spokesperson. Councilwoman Mackey voiced strong approval for the resolution reporting that she has hoped for this since Atascadero became a City and made the following motion: MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve Resolution No . 60-90, as amended . Motion unanimously passed by roll call vote. The City Manager indicated that the final paragraph of the resolution would included the added language: " s preparatory to final approval by the Council . CC5/22/90 15 a. PROPOSED STUDY SESSION TO REVIEW MULTI-FAMILY ZONING/SMALL LOT ALTERNATIVES (Councilwoman Borgeson) Mr . Windsor introduced the matter giving background and recommendation. He referred to the staff report which outlines seven additional topics for study and advised that several ' sessions would be needed . Councilwoman Borgeson stated that it may be appropriate to discuss one topic per study session. The City Manager further recommended that Council wait to schedule the study sessions until after the election and the budget hearings. Mayor Dexter and Councilman Lilley expressed support for the proposed study sessions. Mr . Windsor indicated that he would get back to Council with suggested dates . Comment:Public Deborah Hollowell , Cuesta Engineering , asked how she could obtain a copy of the proposed list of agenda topics. The City Attorney gave her a copy. 9~ ADOPTING RESOLUTION OF INTENT AND FIRST READING OF THE ORDI- NANCE IMPLEMENTING THE ENHANCED PUBLIC SAFETY RETIREMENT Mark Joseph gave staff report with the recommendation to adopt Resolution No . 63-90 and approve on first reading Ordinance No . 2�}8^ The City Manager advised that this was a perfunctory act and that Council was committed . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Mayor Dexter to continue the meeting past 11 :06 p .m. Motion carried . Brief questions followed . The City Manager advised that both the ordinance and resolution were necessary. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve Resolution No . 63-90.; motion unanimously passed . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to adopt Ordinance No . 208 by title only. Motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. 16 ` ^ uc5/22/90 10. ESTABLISH DATES FOR COUNCIL BUDGET HEARINGS - LAST WEEK IN JUNE (Verbal ) The City Manager asked Council to select three days during the last week of June 1990 for budget hearings, with an understanding that another day may be necessary. Discussion followed regarding dates. Consensus was to schedule the budget hearings on Monday, June 25; Wednesday, June 27; and Thursday, June 28. Mr . Joseph indicated that requests from community groups would be heard on June 28. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council : A. Committee Reports (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees . Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary. ) : 1 . City/School Committee — The City Manager indicated that the next meeting would be rescheduled because Mr . Engen, Mr . Takata and himself would not be available. 2. North Coastal Transit — Councilwoman Borgeson reported that a winner had been chosen for the North Coastal Transit Logo Contest . 3. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council Councilwoman Borgeson reported that important figures of projected growth in the County were recently sent out . 4. Traffic Committee — Councilwoman Mackey reported that the committee had met without a quorum, therefore, no action was taken. 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee — Councilwoman Mackey announced that volunteers were needed for the Hazardous Household Waste Collection Day to be held on June 2, 1990. b. Recycling Committee Councilwoman Mackey indicated that there were two vacancies on the committee and that recommendations for filling them would be brought back to Council at their next regular meeting . 7. Economic Opportunity Commission - No report . e. B. I .A. - No report . 4. Downtown Steering Committee - No report . CC5/22/90 17 10. General Plan Subcommittee - The City Manager reported that a presentation was given by the Fire Master Plan consultant and the committee had decided to modify the draft General Plan to add suggested language for review by the Planning Commission in public hearing . 2. City Attorney - No report . 3. City Clerk - No report . 4. City Treasurer - No report . 5. City Manager - No report . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 : 10 P.M. UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON JUNE 120 1990. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE DAYKA, City lerk CC5/22/90 18