HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC_2013-12-17_AgendaPacket WEBSITE: www.atascadero.org http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view Planning Commission Website CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Regular Meeting Tuesday, December 17, 2013 – 7:00 P.M. Historic City Hall Council Chambers 6500 Palma Avenue, 4th Floor (Enter on Lewis Ave./Jr. High School Side) Atascadero, California 93422 CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Chairperson David Bentz Vice Chairperson Dennis Schmidt Commissioner Duane Anderson Commissioner Len Colamarino Commissioner Christian Cooper Commissioner Mark Dariz Commissioner Jan Wolff APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Commission has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Commission may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.) PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda Regular Meeting, December 17, 2013 Page 2 of 4 WEBSITE: www.atascadero.org http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view Planning Commission Website CONSENT CALENDAR (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and no n-controversial by City Staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Commission or public wishes to comment or ask questions.) 1. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON NOVEMBER 19, 2013. 2. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2014 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS 3. PLN 2013-1486 / TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FOR 6950 LOS GATOS ROAD Property Owner/Applicant: Brandon Pahler, 9480 Atascadero Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 Certified Arborist: Cory Meyer, 7345 Pinal Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 Project Location: 6950 Los Gatos Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 San Luis Obispo County (APN 054-121-035) Project Description: The proposed project consists of an application to allow for the removal of one (1) 36-inch Valley Oak tree for the construction of a storm water basin and single-family home on a vacant lot at 6950 Los Gatos Avenue. General Plan Designation: SFR-Z Zoning District: RSF-Z Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends removal of one (1) 36-inch Valley based on findings that the tree is obstructing proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal, as certified by a report from the site planner and determined by the Community Development Department subject to conditions and mitigation. 4. REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - 2013 PUBLIC HEARINGS None City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda Regular Meeting, December 17, 2013 Page 3 of 4 WEBSITE: www.atascadero.org http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view Planning Commission Website COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNEMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for January 7, 2014 at City Hall Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Please note: Should anyone challenge in court any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to this public hearing. t:\~ planning commission\pc agendas\pc 2013\pc agenda. am.12-17-13.docx City of Atascadero Planning Commission Agenda Regular Meeting, December 17, 2013 Page 4 of 4 WEBSITE: www.atascadero.org http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view Planning Commission Website City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission meets in regular session on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Commission in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Commission meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the Community Development Department. Commission meetings are audio recorded, and may be reviewed by the public. Copies of meeting recordings are available for a fee. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the m eeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, “PUBLIC COMMENT”, the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Commission to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Commission. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. This is when items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Commission’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment Portion (unless changed by the Commission). TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Commission will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Co mmission regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson. 2. Give your name (not required). 3. Make your statement. 4. All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Commission. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks conce rning any other individual, absent or present. 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes. If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the C ommunity Development Department at 470-3402 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the Recording Secretary a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the Recording Secretary before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Commission. PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 1 of 8 CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting – Tuesday, November 19, 2013 – 7:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER - 7:01 p.m. Chairperson Bentz called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and Vice Chairperson Schmidt led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Colamarino, Cooper, Dariz, Wolff, Vice Chairperson Schmidt, and Chairperson Bentz Absent: Commissioner Anderson (excused absence) Others Present: Recording Secretary Annette Manier Staff Present: Community Development Director Warren Frace Senior Planner Callie Taylor Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Commissioner Dariz and seconded by Commissioner Colamarino to approve the agenda. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None Chairperson Bentz closed the Public Comment period. ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 12-17-13 PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 2 of 8 PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON NOVEMBER 5, 2013. 2. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP 2013-0177, 3850 MONTEREY ROAD (HAWKINS) MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Schmidt and seconded by Commissioner Dariz to approve the consent calendar. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS None PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. PLN 2013-1482 / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 3220 EL CAMINO REAL CIDER BREWERY AND TASTING Property Owner: Jerry Stockle, 22840 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 Applicant: Neil Collins, 9349 Adelaida Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Project Title: PLN 2013-1482 / CUP 2013-0275 Brewery & Tasting Facility Project Location: 3220 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 APN 049-214-013 (San Luis Obispo County) Project Description: Conditional Use Permit application submitted in order to open a cider brewery and tasting room at 3220 El Camino Real. Breweries are an allowed use in the CPK zoning district, however, wine, beer, or cider tasting facility is a conditional use requiring Planning Commission approval. General Plan Designation: Commercial Park (CPK) Zoning: Commercial Park (CPK) Proposed Environmental Determination: The proposed business qualifies for a Categorical Exemption (Class 1, Section 15301) under CEQA, which exempts the leasing, licensing or minor alteration of existing structures or facilities. Recommendation: Staff recommends Planning Commission adopt PC Resolution 2013-0029, approving a brewery and tasting facility at 3220 El Camino Real based on the findings and subject to conditions of approval. PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 3 of 8 DISCLOSURE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS: None Senior Planner Taylor gave the staff report, and answered question from the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT The following persons spoke during public comment: Neil Collins. Mr. Collins answered questions from the Commission. Chairperson Bentz closed the public comment period. MOTION: By Commissioner Colamarino and seconded by Vice Chairperson Schmidt to approve PC Resolution 2013-0029 approving PLN 2013- 1482/CUP 2013-0275 to allow an alcoholic beverage brewery, winery, and tasting facility in the Commercial Park zone at APN 049-214-013 at 3220 El Camino Real, based upon findings and subject to conditions of approval. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. 4. PLN 2013-1479, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENTS FOR CHALK MOUNTAIN CELL SITE (VISTA BONITA) Property Owner: Michael Frederick, PO Box 573, Atascadero, CA 93423 Applicants: Verizon Wireless, 2785 Mitchell Dr. Bldg. 9, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Tricia Knight, 234 Seacliff Dr., Pismo Beach, CA 93449 in care of AT&T Wireless and Sprint Wireless Communications Project Title: PLN 2013-1479 / Amendments to Cell Sites on Vista Bonita Project Location: 9550, 9575, 9230 Vista Bonita, Atascadero, CA 93422 (Chalk Mountain) APN 030-441-023 (San Luis Obispo County) Project Description: Applications consist of upgrades to existing co-located cellular facilities at Chalk Mountain for AT&T Wireless, Verizon Wireless and Sprint. Proposed upgrades at the existing facility include the following: Verizon Wireless (CUP 2000-0009 Amendment):  Installation of a new 30 kw/132 gallon diesel tank UL2200 standby generator. This part of the project requires a service trench for new generator conduits, a +/- 9’3” retaining wall, and an 8’0” high chain link fence with slats.  Three (3) panel antennas removed and replaced by three (3) new Verizon Wireless panel antennas for Long Term Evolution (LTE) implementation. PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 4 of 8 DISCLOSURE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS: None Assistant Planner Castillo gave the staff report, and answered question from the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT The following persons spoke during public comment: Tricia Knight (representing Sprint and AT&T) and Jennifer Hightower (representing Verizon). Ms. Knight and Ms. Hightower answered questions from the Commission. Chairperson Bentz closed the public comment period.  Equipment upgrades at existing Verizon Wireless equipment shelter. Sprint (CUP 2001-0028 Amendment):  Removal of three (3) existing panel antennas and replaced by three (3) new panel antennas. Installation of the new panels and pipe mast with footings will increase the height of the existing cell towers from 15’ to 16’ for better wireless reception and implementation of LTE service.  Removal and replacement of two cabinets at the operator’s shelter.  Requesting additional GPS antenna for a total of two antennas at the sight. AT&T Wireless (2000-0019 Amendment):  Applicant proposes installing three (3) new monopoles. The existing pole will have two (2) panel antennas removed and replaced. A total of twelve (12) new panel antennas will be mounted to new and existing mount poles for LTE implementation.  Equipment upgrades at existing AT&T Wireless equipment shelter  Proposed decommission of “2G” wireless antennas and equipment to free bandwidth to accommodate LTE antennas. General Plan Designation: Single-Family Residential (SFR-Y) Zoning: Residential Single-Family (RSF-Y) Proposed Environmental Determination: Consistent with previously Certified Mitigated Negative Declarations 2000-016. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt PC Resolution 2013-0030, 2013- 0031, 2013-0032 based on findings and with conditions to allow for upgrades of existing co-located cellular facilities at Chalk Mountain for AT&T Wireless, Verizon Wireless and Sprint. PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 5 of 8 MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Schmidt and seconded by Chairperson Bentz to approve PC Resolution 2013-0030 approving an Amendment to CUP 2000- 0009 to allow for the modifications and expansion of existing cellular facilities for Verizon Communications in the Residential Single-Family Zone at APN 030-441-023 at 9230 Vista Bonita Ave. with the modification to provide earth tone coloring on the new construction subject to conditions of approval, mitigation monitoring, and based on findings. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Schmidt and seconded by Chairperson Bentz to approve PC Resolution 2013-0031 approving an Amendment to CUP 2000- 0019 to allow modifications and expansion of existing cellular facilities for AT&T in the Residential Single-Family Zone at APN 030-441- 023 at 9550 Vista Bonita Ave with the modification to provide earth tone coloring on the new construction subject to conditions of approval, mitigation monitoring, and based on findings. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Schmidt and seconded by Chairperson Bentz to approve PC Resolution 2013-0032 approving an Amendment to CUP 2001- 0028 to allow modifications and expansion of existing cellular facilities for Sprint Communications in the Residential Single-Family Zone at APN 030-441-023 at 9575 Vista Bonita Ave. with the modification to provide earth tone coloring on the new construction subject to conditions of approval, mitigation monitoring, and based on findings. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 6 of 8 5. PLN 2008-1314, AMENDMENT TO DOVE CREEK COMMERCIAL CENTER DISCLOSURE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS: None Director Frace gave the staff report, and stated that the property currently has a condition written in that the property would transfer to the City on July 1, 2016 if no commercial permits were issued. Mr. Frace answered question from the Commission. Director Frace stated that the Amendment is consistent with economic priorities, and changes have been reviewed by the City Attorney. This project will also need to go to City Council for approval. Chairperson Bentz explained that the City would not have to pay property taxes on this property, nor would the City have to pay back taxes. Commissioner Colamarino explained his reasoning for having hesitation in regards to voting in favor of the item as follows:  If the City owns the property, the City would get no benefit from having the property go back to a private developer, especially if the City would not be facing a tax burden. He’s at a loss to figure out economic developments in the deal.  Reverter right could be valuable and owning it would not face tax burden. Property Owner: Atascadero Partners, LLC c/o Art Burke, 5383 Hollister Ave., #150, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Applicant Benjamin Efraim, Fortune Companies, 5423 Village Road, Suite 22, Long Beach, CA 90808 Project Title: PLN 2008-1314 Amendment to Dove Creek Commercial Center Project Location: Northwest corner of El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Road 11600 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 APN 045-331-014 (San Luis Obispo County) Project Description: The proposed project consists of a request to amend condition #10 of the conditions of approval for the Dove Creek Commercial Center. General Plan Designation: Mixed Use - Planned Development Zoning: Commercial Retail - PD12 Proposed Environmental Determination: Consistent with Certified Mitigated Negative Declaration for Dove Creek Planned Development Recommendation: The Design Review Committee is recommending approval of the change to condition #10. PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 7 of 8  Advisability is missing. Too many nodes already. A lot of commercial property could be developed. Why are we pushing to have another node built? City is giving up a valuable right. Owning a property in the future will be consistent w ith that objective. This deal does not make sense economically for the City.  He would rather see a park or equestrian center. If the City was the owner, we could offer incentives to encourage development.  We are giving up a clear cut legal right of a reverter of this property. That reverter was included in the Master Plan , so he’s not clear on what the City gets in terms of compensation; it’s puzzling to see us handing this back.  Has concerns with neighborhood compatibility, and would rather do neighborhood outreach before moving forward. Director Frace responded to Commissioner Colamarino’s concerns and stated that this is a policy decision, and that acquisition of this property would likely not be cheap or easy. PUBLIC COMMENT The following persons spoke during public comment: Ben jamin Efraim, Fortune Companies, (applicant), and Peter Easy (resident). Mr. Efraim answered questions from the Commission and responded to Commissioner Colamarino’s concerns. Mr. Efraim stated that his attorney has worked with the City Attorney on this matter. Director Frace addressed Mr. Easy’s concerns. Chairperson Bentz closed the public comment period. A motion was made by Vice Chairperson Schmidt, and discussion ensued. Director Frace and Benjamin Efraim provided clarification to more questions. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Schmidt and seconded by Chairperson Bentz to approve PC Resolution 2013-0033 a resolution to recommend that the City Council approve an Amendment to the conditions of approval for the commercial portion of Conditional Use Permit 2003-0099 (Master Plan of Development) (PLN 2008-1314) on APN 045-331- 014 at Santa Barbara Road and El Camino Real (Fortune Companies), subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring. Motion passed 5:1 by a roll-call vote. (Colamarino voted no) PC Draft Action Minutes of 11/19/13 Page 8 of 8 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS 6. DISCUSSION OF 11/14/13 MOBILE MEETING PROJECT WITH CITY COUNCIL.  Commissioners commented on the tour and how enjoyable, productive, and meaningful it was. The commissioners agreed that it should be done more often. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None DIRECTORS REPORT  Director Frace stated that Strategic Planning will come up in Early 2014.  The Climate Action Plan will go to City Council in January 2014 for final approval.  Director Frace stated that there is an appeal hearing on the Millhollin Mine scheduled for December 10, 2013.  Director Frace stated that the next meeting will be held on Dec. 3, 2013, but currently, there are no items for the agenda, so it may be cancelled. ADJOURNMENT – 8:47 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for December 3, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. MINUTES PREPARD BY: _____________________________ Annette Manier, Recording Secretary ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 12-17-13 C I T Y O F A T A S C A D E R O COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 6500 PALMA AVE., ATASCADERO, CA 93422  (805) 461-5000  FAX (805) 461-7612 D R A F T Planning Commission Meeting Schedule 2014 MEETING DATE MEETING TYPE TIME LOCATION: Historic City Hall 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero CA 93422 January 7 Regular 7:00p.m. “ January 21 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ February 4 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ February 18 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ March 4 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ March 18 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ April 1 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ April 15 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ May 6 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ May 20 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ June 3 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ June 17 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ July 1 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ July 15 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ August 5 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ August 19 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ September 2 Regular 7:00p.m. “ September 16 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ October 7 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ October 21 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ November 4 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ November 18 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ December 2 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ December 16 Regular 7:00 p.m. “ t:\~ planning commission\pc meeting schedule\pc meeting schedule 2014.am.docx ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 Atascadero Planning Commission Staff Report – Community Development Department Alfredo R. Castillo, AICP, Assistant Planner, 470-3436, acastillo@atascadero.org PLN 2013-1486 Tree Removal Permit 6950 Los Gatos Avenue Pahler/ Meyer Tree Consulting SUBJECT: The proposed project includes a request to remove one (1) 36-inch DBH Valley Oak to accommodate construction of a proposed stormwater basin is to be located and is and new single-family residence on a vacant lot. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends: The Planning Commission adopt Resolution PC 2013-0034 to allow the removal of one (1) one 36-inch DBH Valley Oak, based on required findings and subject to conditions of approval and mitigation. Situation and Facts: 1. Property Owner/Applicant: Brandon Pahler 9480 Atascadero Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 2. Project Address: 6950 Los Gatos Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 (APN 045-121-035) San Luis Obispo County 3. Certified Arborist: Cory Meyer # 7678A, Meyer Tree Consulting 7345 Pinal Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 4. General Plan Designation: Residential Estate (RE) 5. Zoning District: Residential Suburban (RS) ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to construct a new 2,504 square foot (sf) single-family residence with a 900 sf attached garage on a vacant lot. The applicant has proposed grading of 230 cubic yards as a part of construction which will be spread on -site. The applicant has submitted for a building permit (BLD 2013 -11194) and has worked with staff to resolve issues regarding tree removal and tree protection during construction of the proposed residence. ANALYSIS: An application has been submitted by the owner for the removal of one (1) 36-inch DBH Valley Oak. The proposed tree to be removed is located near the proposed stormwater detention basin. A detention basin is required per the City’s St ormwater Management Plan when a project exceeds 1,000 sf of impervious surface and is consistent with interim Low Impact Development implementation that is required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). An existing drainage swale is located on-site that currently runs towards a blueline creek which is located to the west of the property. The proposed residence has been sited near Los Gatos Avenue to minimize grading, native tree impacts, and impacting the existing drainage swale that is on -site. An Arborist Report has been provided that shows impacts to native trees due to grading and other site prep work with appropriate mitigation measures. Aerial Image of Property 36” Valley Oak ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 The arborist has determined that the construction impacts would affect 35% or more of the critical root zone for the proposed tree to be removed and would be severe enough to cause the tree to be stressed and go into decline. The proposed Valley Oak is currently leaning towards the proposed residence with the good portion of the residence’s foundation would cover a significant amount of the tree’s root zone. The tree also has been noted to have a major branch that is a poor attachment and may be a hazard in the future. Staff has analyzed the proposed site location of the residence and drainage basin. Due to the large amount of native tree vegetation in the rear of the lot as well as the existing drainage swale on the south portion of the lot near San Marcos Road, the current configuration of the proposed residence is the environmentally superior location. Staff did explore rotating the residence to avoid impact and removal of the tree, however , additional impacts would be created on additional native t rees that currently have no impact based on the proposed site and grading plan. Tree Mitigation The Atascadero Municipal Code (AMC) requires mitigation for all trees approved for removal. AMC Section 9-11.105 identifies specific conditions of approval. Planning Commission can approve one or more of the following conditions as mitigation: AMC Section 9-11.105: Tree removal permits shall be conditioned by one or more of the following methods: (i) Depending on the characteristics of the site the applicant may plant replacement trees on site. This method shall include payment in advance for three (3) site inspections during a four (4) year establishment period; (ii) Payment of fee to the Tree Replacement Fund; (iii) Establishment of conservation easements, which will restrict removal of any tree within a designated area of the property. (Ord. 350 § 2 (part), 1998) In accordance with Section 9-11.105 of the Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance, staff has included a condition in the attached resolution which requires either replanting or payment of fees to the tree fund. The applicant shall make a mitigation payment of $600 into the tree fund or provide native tree plantings on-site with either twelve (12) five-gallon (5) trees, or may elect to plant larger trees to reduce the amount of mitigation and plant enough trees to avoid the mitigation fee. The applicant has not indicated whether fees will be paid, or a combination of planting and fees will be paid and planted. ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 Evergreen Native Trees (inches)Deciduous Native Trees (inches)Totals dbh notes dbh notes 1 1 36-inches #5 Valley Oak 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Total 0-inches Total 36-inches 36-inches Mitigation Requirement req'd tree replacements:0 five gal trees req'd tree replacements:12 five gal trees 12 five gal trees Proposed Replanting 0 five gal trees Proposed Replanting 0 five gal trees 0 five gal trees 0 box trees (24'')0 box trees (24'')0 box trees (24'') Remaining Mitigation 0 five gal trees Remaining Mitigation 12 five gal trees 12 five gal trees Tree Fund Payment:-$ Tree Fund Payment:600.00$ 600.00$ FINDINGS: In considering any tree removal request, at least one of the required findings must be made. Staff has identified the following finding as appropriate for the application request. The tree is obstructing proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal, as certified be a report from the site planner and determined by the Community Development Departmen t based on the following factor. CONCLUSIONS: A Certified Arborist has determined that the subject 36-inch DBH Coast Valley Oak tree must be removed to accommodate the construction project. Based on the arborist’s evaluation and above analysis, findings can be made to approve the requested removal, subject to the required mitigation. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The Commission may approve the project with additional or revised project conditions. Bond payment for tree #31, impacted 45% : ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 2. The Commission may deny the project if it is found that the required findings cannot be made. The Commission’s motion to deny must include a finding basis for denial. 3. The Commission may continue the hearing and refer the item back to staff for additional information or analysis. Direction should be given to staff and the applicant on required information. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Location Map (General Plan & Zoning) Attachment 2 – Grading and Site Plan Attachment 3 – Site Photos Attachment 4 – Arborist Report Attachment 5 – Draft Resolution PC 2013-0034 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ATTACHMENT 1: Location Map (Zoning Map) PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 6950 Los Gatos Avenue General Plan Designation: Residential Estate (RE) Zoning District: Residential Suburban (RS) ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ATTACHMENT 2: Grading and Site Plan PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 6950 Los Gatos Avenue Visible root decay at the base of the trunk ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ATTACHMENT 3: Site Photos PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 6950 Los Gatos Avenue Photo of proposed tree to be removed ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ATTACHMENT 4: Arborist Report PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 6950 Los Gatos Avenue ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 ATTACHMENT 5: Draft Resolution PC 2013-0034 PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 6950 Los Gatos Avenue DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2013-0034 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167, TO ALLOW THE REMOVAL OF ONE (1) VALLEY OAK TOTALING 25 INCHES DBH LOCATED AT 6950 LOS GATOS AVENUE APN 054-121-035 (PHALER/ MEYER) WHEREAS, an application was received from Brandon Pahler, 9480 Atascadero Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422, (Applicant) and Corey Meyer, 7345 Pinal Avenue, Atascadero, CA, 93422, for a Tree Removal Permit to remove one (1) Valley Oak totaling 36 inches DBH; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Tree Removal Permit application on December 17, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. and considered testimony and reports from staff, the applicants, and the public; and, NOW THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, California takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Findings for tree removal. The Planning Commission finds as follows: The tree is obstructing proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal, as certified be a report from the site planner and determined by the Community Development Department SECTION 2. Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on December 17, 2013, resolved to approve Tree Removal Permit 2013-0167, subject to the following: EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT B: Tree Mitigation Chart ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 On motion by Commissioner ____________________, and seconded by Commissioner _________________________, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) ADOPTED: ABSTAINED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA _________________________________________ David Bentz Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST: ___________________________________ Warren Frace Planning Commission Secretary ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval / Mitigation Monitoring PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 Conditions of Approval PLN 2013-1486 / TRP 2013-0167 6950 Los Gatos Avenue Timing FM; Final Map BL: Business License GP: Grading Permit BP: Building Permit FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Standard Planning Conditions 1. The approval of this application shall become final, subject to the completion of the conditions of approval, fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval unless prior to the time, an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111(b) of the Zoning Ordinance. Tree removal PS 2. The applicant and/or subsequent owners shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the City, or any of its entities, concerning the proposed development. On going PS 3. The applicant shall pay $600 into the tree mitigation fund and/or replant native trees on subject property prior to removal of the Valley Live Oak, or replant twelve (12) five-gallon (5) native trees that are similar to a Valley Live Oak or any combination thereof. Fee/replanting shall be identified by property owner prior to issuance of building permit. Replanting must be completed prior to final of BLD 2013-11194. Tree removal / FO PS ITEM NUMBER: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12-17-13 EXHIBIT B: Tree Mitigation Chart Evergreen Native Trees (inches)Deciduous Native Trees (inches)Totals dbh notes dbh notes 1 1 36-inches #5 Valley Oak 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Total 0-inches Total 36-inches 36-inches Mitigation Requirement req'd tree replacements:0 five gal trees req'd tree replacements:12 five gal trees 12 five gal trees Proposed Replanting 0 five gal trees Proposed Replanting 0 five gal trees 0 five gal trees 0 box trees (24'')0 box trees (24'')0 box trees (24'') Remaining Mitigation 0 five gal trees Remaining Mitigation 12 five gal trees 12 five gal trees Tree Fund Payment:-$ Tree Fund Payment:600.00$ 600.00$ t:\- 13 plns\pln 2013-1486 trp 6950 los gatos\pln 2013-1486 6950 los gatos tree removal-sr.ac.docx Bond payment for tree #31, impacted 45% :