HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 032790 � MEETM AGENOsA ►. DATE,,..4L� 1YEM# A-1.w....�. Approved as Read 4/10/90 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 27, 1990 Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Atascadero City County to order at 7:01 p .m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilwoman Borgeson. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Lilley, Mackey, Borgeson, Shiers and Mayor Dexter . Staff Present : Ray Windsor , City Manager ; Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director ; Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer ; Lisa Schicker , City Arborist and Lee Dayka, City Clerk . Presentation by Gary Kirkland re: Homeless Issue Gary Kirkland , 4620 Portola Road , presented a proposal (see Exhibit A) for low income housing and homeless shelters in the City of Atascadero . Mr . Kirkland stated that this was a Christian proposal and asked the Council to ease building requirements in order to provide homes for those in need . Mayor Dexter commended Mr . Kirkland for addressing this important issue and explained that some of the means he suggested may be inappropriate. Councilman Lilley expressed concern and stated that the reason the City imposes the building regulations that it does is to provide safe and sanitary housing for the people of this community. He said that if we suspend the rules, we will not be able to protect those who live in such homes. Councilwoman Mackey agreed with these comments and further stated that there are other ways to provide housing without violating laws, and that we would not be doing the homeless a favor by allowing substandard housing . Mr . Kirkland explained that he was aware of the danger , but felt CC a44740 Page 1 that the choice between shelter in the street or under a bridge and living in a home that may not meet all the building standards should be left to the homeless individual . Mayor Dexter asked the City Attorney for his legal opinion. Mr . Montandon advised that State Law requires the City to adopt and maintain certain standards and advised that the City is not authorized to waive those standards. He added that the adopted Uniform Standards are applicable throughout the United States. Mr . Kirkland thanked the Council for the opportunity to speak . COMMUNITY FORUM: George Highland , spoke representing Mrs. Jeanette Arment of 7401 Santa Ynez , who is disabled and experiences difficulty getting about . He stated that Mrs. Arment had asked him to address the Council in her behalf regarding handicapped parking and outlined some of her suggestions : 1 ) create parking spaces as close to the doors of buildings as possible, 2) provide 50% wider spaces to allow for side-loading wheel chairs and 3) locate some spaces near businesses on E1 Camino Real that are frequented by the elderly and disabled ( i .e. pharmacies) . Mayor Dexter asked the Community Development Director to look into the situation. George Schroff, of San Luis Obispo , spoke in support of providing shelters for the homeless. He stated that he himself was without a home and that this area needs a 24-hour shelter , one that would provide eligibility for Social Services that otherwise homeless people would not be entitled to . Councilwoman Borgeson asked staff to look into this matter and suggested completing a survey of the number of homeless in the area and what resources are available. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Dexter read the Consent Calendar . 1 . MARCH 139 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. MARCH S, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES (Special Meeting) 3. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 01-90 - Proposed subdivision of one lot into four airspace condominiums and a common area. Subject four-unit , multi-family project is currently under r/ /0)o CCe?*_I •r90 Page 2 construction at 8315 Amapoa Ave. (Low/Cuesta Engineering ) 4. RENEWAL OF HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES 5. RESOLUTION NO. 31-90 — ESTABLISHMENT OF A TYPICAL TRENCH STANDARD 6. RESOLUTION NO. 32-90 — ESTABLISHMENT OF A SEWER LATERAL STANDARD 7. RESOLUTION N0. 33-90 — ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ASPHALT CONCRETE DRIVE APPROACH STANDARD 8. RESOLUTION NO. 34-90 — ESTABLISHMENT OF A FIRE ACCESS STANDARD 9. AWARD OF BID #90-2 FOR STREET SWEEPING CONTRACT Councilwoman Borgeson asked to pull item #9. Councilwoman Mackey asked to pull item #4. Councilman Shiers stated that it was good to see some standards set , as in item numbers 5-8. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to adopt the Consent Calendar with the exceptions of item numbers 4 and 9; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 4. RENEWAL OF HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES Mark Joseph indicated that the City ' s health insurance policies are due for renewal , explaining that although the expiration date was October 31 , 1990, the City had just received the paperwork . He stated that while the policies offer the same basic service level , they are at a much higher cost . Mr . Joseph reported that staff is currently researching alternatives. Councilwoman Mackey asked what the effective date would be if the City changed insurance carriers. Mr . Joseph reported that a 30- day notice to terminate was appropriate and that it would not be necessary to wait until October 31 , 1990 to make a change. He added that he hoped to have a package put together by May or June for review concurrent with the upcoming budget . The City Manager clarified that in order for the City to change any of the benefit package, staff must meet and confer with the employees. He estimated that this would take a few months and advised that the process begin right away. CC Page 3 MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to authorize the City Manager to sign the renewal contracts for Medical , Dental , Vision and Life Insurance policies; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 9. AWARD OF BID #90-2 FOR STREET SWEEPING CONTRACT Andy Takata gave staff report recommending that the Council award the street sweeping bid to Daystar Industries as the low bidder . Councilwoman Borgeson asked for clarification on hourly rates. Mr . Takata explained that the curb mile rate is used for regular sweeping , while the hourly rate is used for additional or emergency services. Additionally, the Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo indicated that Adco ' s bid was approximately $9,000 less than the original contract . Mr . Takata further explained that Daystar would be using an air sweeper here in Atascadero , but that the company also had a mobile broom sweeper on hand as a back-up . He explained that both sweepers had been tested here in Atascadero and indicated that if the City was dissatisfied with the service, the contract allows termination with a 60-day written notice. In response to Ms. Borgeson ' s questions regarding Adco , Mr . Takata explained that the company is based out of Montebello , California and that Mr . Mike Cox is an employee of Adco Services. The City Manager stated that his office began receiving complaints over a year and a half ago from the BIA and Chamber of Commerce regarding the street sweeping service. He reported that it has taken this long for other members of staff to go out to bid on this item to determine if someone else could do a better job . Public Comments : Dane Phillips, owner of Daystar Industries, spoke in support of awarding the contract to his company stating that the former contractor was charging the City approximately X34/mile while other cities in the County have been paying approximately X16/mile for the same service. He exclaimed that his price is fair and accurate, described for Council his equipment and stressed that the City needs to be cleaned up . Mike Addante, owner of Adco Sweeping Company, clarified that Mike Cox is not an employee, but rather a co-owner . He declared that Adco has not been overcharging the City and debated that the CC Page 4 going rates for this service are not what Mr . Phillips indicated . He further asserted that the streets of Atascadero cannot be adequately cleaned with an air-sweeper . Mr . Takata responded to questions from Councilwoman Borgeson regarding the bid addendum which called for changes in insurance and the calculation of bid price. Councilwoman Borgeson commented that Council should go with the lowest bid , but that she will be watching very closely to see that Daystar is getting \ | the job done. She added that she has been pleased with the service Adco has performed . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to award Bid No . 90-2 to Daystar Industries, Inc . ; passed 4: 1 with Councilwoman Borgeson voting No . B. : 8 . APPEAL ON BEHALF OF DAVID LONG & C.L. KNOWLES BY VOLBRECHT SURVEYS OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP a2-eq* PROPOSING THE DIVISION OF TWO PARCELS CONTAINING 10~27 ACRES INTO THREE RESIDENTIAL LOTS OF 3.39 AC. EA. ° 7900/8000 SANTA CRUZ ROAD Henry Engen gave staff report indicating that he had received a request (see Exhibit B) for continuance until May 8, 1990. He explained that this request was made due to a serious illness in Mr . Long ' s immediate family. The City Manager advised that the Council should first hear any public comments, but clarified that no decision could be made based upon the request for continuance. There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman 8orgeson to continue the item and maintain open public hearing until May 8, 1990; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2~ REQUEST TO REMOVE ONE HERITAGE TREE 500" NORTHWEST OF 13600 OLD MORRO ROAD (City of Atascadero Parks Dept . ) Henry Engen gave staff report recommending approval with a 2: 1 replacement of 15 gallon Live Oaks. Councilwoman Mackey asked the City Arborist where the replacement trees would be planted , to which Ms. Schicker replied that no particular place had been specified and suggested further discussion on re-planting City CCE������ Page 5 roads. There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Heritage Tree Removal based upon the City Arborist ' s recommendations; passed unanimously by voice vote. 3~ REQUEST TO REMOVE ONE HERITAGE TREE, egel LA LINIA (Messer ) Henry Engen gave staff report recommending approval with a 4: 1 replacement in the vicinity of the removal . Mayor Dexter suggested a freeway frontage replacement . There was no public comment on this request . Additional Council discussion followed regarding ideas for providing the City with proof of tree replacement . The City Arborist reported that a simple procedure was all that was needed and was in support of also establishing a time limitation for providing replacement . The Mayor directed Ms. Schicker to incorporate guidelines for this provision into the revised Tree Ordinance. Comment :Public Eric Greening , 7365 Valle, asked who ' s responsibility it is to see that replacement trees get a successful start . Ms. Schicker responded that Mr . Greening had raised a very important point and reported that one year , at least, was necessary to ensure successful establishment . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the Heritage Tree removal based upon the City Arborist ' s recommendations; passed unanimously by voice vote. 4. REQUEST TO REMOVE HERITAGE TREE AS PART OF AN APPLICATION FOR A ROAD EXTENSION TO ACCESS FOUR COLONY LOTS AT ATAJO ROAD WEST OF CHAUPLIN ROAD (Arnold ) Mr . Engen gave staff report recommending approval subject to a 3: 1 (same species) replacement on the heritage tree and a 2: 1 replacement of the other eight trees. He added that the applicant was proposing a donation to the Tree Replacement Fund in lieu of re-planting , as the area was already heavily wooded . CC944-3-71-% Page 6 • Council discussion followed regarding the road alignment . The City Arborist clarified that any shifting of the road alignment would require additional tree removal . She added the homesites are already very small . Public Comment : Frank Honeycutt , Twin Cities Engineering , answered Council questions regarding the road design and drainage. He further supported granting this request by stating that a lot of work had been done to save another large heritage tree and that additional trees would be affected if the road was shifted . Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer , responded to Council questions stating that the road would be built to City standards and that if accepted into the City road system, culverts would be maintained by City staff. Mayor Dexter clarified the correct spelling of the street (Chauplin) . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve the Heritage Tree removal based upon the City Arborist ' s recommendations; passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Dexter called for a recess at 8: 15 p .m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:25 p .m. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1 . POLICE FACILITY CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT (Chief McHale/Rod Levin - Verbal ) Chief McHale introduced Architect Rod Levin, who addressed the Council with his report . He explained that the project is proceeding very well , although a request for a 30-day extension has been requested based upon delivery delay of jail doors and frames. He stated that these items are in transit and are expected in approximately one week . He added that he did not believe the contractor would need the full 30 days extension. Mr . Levin reported that PG&E has given assistance and financial contribution to replacement of antiquated overhead service to the building . He stated that approval has been given to the project by the State Fire Marshall ' s Office and the State Board of Corrections, but added that a final walk-through of the completed building would be given later . CC z-7/q® Page 7 The architect continued by stating that the quality of construction has been very good and that there has been excellent cooperation between all contractors and staff. He commended the Council for approving such a project and stated that it would be one to be proud of. Chief McHale ' s comments echoed those of Mr . Levin ' s regarding the cooperation between all parties. He reported that he had given some of the councilmembers tours of the facility and extended an invitation to others, but asked that arrangements be made with him to conduct the tour to avoid dangers. Mr . Levin answered additional Council questions regarding the facility. He explained that Armortex (a nylon and man-made fibrous, bullet-proof material ) would be used in the front lobby, records and dispatch area for protection. Additionally, he stated, the glass in that area would also be bullet-resisting glass as well . Mr . Levin further explained that black-topping and landscaping would begin in April . Chief McHale asked for assistance from the BIA with providing the wells and trees for the front of the facility. Councilwoman Borgeson commended Larry Wysong for his remarkable work . Councilman Lilley thanked the Police Chief for the tour . D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council : A. Committee Reports (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports are be given, as felt necessary. ) : 1 . City/School Committee - No report 2. North Coastal Transit - Councilwoman Borgeson reported on a work session she attended March 16, 1990. 3. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council - Councilwoman Borgeson reported . 4. Traffic Committee - Councilwoman Mackey commented that she had attended the meeting of March 7, 1990 and that CC Z7,110 Page B Council would address an item of concern at the next meeting . Mayor Dexter reported that communication had been received from David Duncan requesting an adjustment to the new signal light at Santa Rosa and E1 Camino . The City Manager added that a copy of this had been routed to the Traffic Committee. 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt . Committee - Councilwoman Mackey reported that the next meeting would be April 5, 1990. The Mayor reported that he had received correspondence from Betty Sanders, representing Wil-Mar Disposal , requesting a rate increase effective 3/1/90. He referred the matter to staff. Councilman Lilley asked to have the matter of mandatory trash pick-up placed on the agenda for open public hearing . 6. Recycling Committee - Councilwoman Mackey reported that she had missed a couple of meetings but that items would be on the next agenda for Council consideration. 7. Economic Opportunity Commission - Mayor Dexter announced that he was unable to attend the last meeting . B. B. I .A. - No report . 9. Downtown Steering Committee - Henry Engen asked to schedule a Downtown Master Plan presentation for Thursday, May 10, 1990 at 7:00 p .m. in the Rotunda Room. City Council , Planning Commission, Downtown Steering Committee and public would all be invited . 10. General Plan Subcommittee - Mr . Engen reported tentative dates of April 11 and April 12 at 4:00 p .m. in the City Manager ' s Office were being considered . Mayor Dexter reported that he was part of an official kick-off for Census Week in San Luis Obispo earlier in the day. He reminded all to complete their census forms and return them in a timely way. 2. City Attorney - No report . 3. City Clerk No report . CC AU40 Page 9 4. City Treasurer - No report . 5. City Manager - Mr . Windsor reported that the Council would be adjourning to a study session regarding the fiscal planning model . Although the City Manager supported the concept and the panel ' s recommendation of the consultant , he explained that until a determination of what monies are available for a project of this magnitude is established , a decision may be premature. Mayor Dexter reported that he would be adjourning the closed session of this meeting to Thursday, March 29, 1990 at 4:00 p .m. for the purpose of a study session regarding the fiscal planning model RFP ' s. Councilman Shiers asked to be excused from that meeting , noting that he had a conflicting meeting in San Luis Obispo that same afternoon. Mayor Dexter announced that he would be out of the City for a couple of weeks beginning April 4, 1990. He reported that Councilman Lilley would be Mayor Pro-Tem in his absence. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO A CLOSED SESSION FOR DISCUSSION RE- GARDING POSSIBLE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY AT 8:48 P.M. Henry Engen listed the Capistrano Street properties for discussion as APN 29-104-4 and APN 29-104-5 indicating that both lots were owned by Davis King Development Company. MINUTE RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: /�, - LEE DAYKA, CITY 6LERK Attachments: Exhibit A (Kirkland ) Exhibit B (Volbrecht ) C /47000 Page 10 � C Cc [ VE 14 MAK 24': 1990 CITY WGR. March 18, 1990 City Council 6500 Palma Ave. City of Atascadero Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Council Members: Please place on the agenda for the Atascadero City Council meeting of March 27, 1990, consideration of the attached proposal for low income housing and homeless shelters in the city of Atascadero. . Thank you for allowing me to present this proposal. Sincerely, Gary L. Kirkland 4620 Portola Atascadero, CA 93422 2 our fair city, the maintenance of property values of neighboring land, nor the health and safety of the inhabitants . Besides the loss of permit revenues I know of no monetary cost to the city. There may be costs involved in repealing ordinances. If these structures are sold to the occupants, they will have a financial stake in maintaining the structures. If the city is not able, by its own actions, to perform any or all these actions, those governmental agencies that can will be approached. This may include the county, state and federal governments . Focus must be kept on the purpose of the actions so extraneous pressures do not hinder the actions. Very inexpensive, low income houses and homeless shelters can be built if the Atascadero City Council acts to select unchosen property, repeal all building codes applicable to that property, allow unlicensed contractors to build there, and remove liability laws relating to the property. Thank you for your consideration. Gary L. Kirkland r SURVEYS 7508 Morro Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422 805/466-9296 March 27, 1990 Mr. Henry Engen City of Atascadero Community Development Dept. P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca. 93423 Subject: Tentative Parcel Map 22-89 Long/Knowles Job No. 308-01 Dear Henry, As you know, the subject above is scheduled for public hearing in front of the City Council at their regularly scheduled meeting this evening. Due to a serious illness in Mr. Longs immediate family, I would respectfully request that our appeal be continued to the May 8, 1990 City Council meeting. Thank you for your consideration and please do not hesitate to call if you should have any questions or concerns. S' ce rf lyDj . Alan L. Volbrecht cc: Mr. David Long AV/ne RECEIVED MAR 2 7 1990 Surveying Land Planning