HomeMy WebLinkAbout PC Minutes 06-20-00CALL TO ORDER CITY OF A TASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 — 7:00 P.M. Chairman Carden called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Administration of Oath of Office City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson administered the Oath of Office to new Planning Commission Member Jonelle Norton. Commissioner Norton was welcomed by Chairman Carden. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Carden, Eddings, Bentz, Fonzi, Kelley and Norton Absent: Commissioner Jeanes Staff: Community & Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Principal Planner Warren Frace, Assistant Planner Phil Dunsmore, Assistant Planner Jamie Heltsley, and Recording Secretary Grace Pucci. PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of May 2, 2000. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 2 of 6 2. Approval of minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of May 16, 2000. 3. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map ATAL 99-310, Lot Line Adiustment 99016, 9002 Palomar Avenue (Wilson Land Surveys/Gearhart). Staff recommends: The Planning Commission accept Parcel Map ATAL 99-310. 4. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map ATAL 99-311, Lot Line Adjustment 99017, 7485 Sombrilla Avenue (Wilson Land Surveys/Gearhart). Staff Recommends: The Planning Commission accept Parcel Map ATAL 99-311. 5. Time Extension Request — Precise Plan 98008, 11076 Cebada Lane (Jim Toft, Don Messer). Staff Recommends: The Planning Commission approve a one-year extension of Precise Plan #98008 in compliance with Section 9-2.118 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Reconsideration of Planning Commission action to require the on-site replanting of native trees as mitigation for the removal of a 37 -inch Valley Oak at 5392 Barrenda Avenue. Staff recommends: The Planning Commission reconsider their previous action on Tree Removal Permit #2000-0005 and allow the applicant's request to pay $1233.00 into the tree mitigation fund as mitigation for the removal of a 37 -inch Valley Oak at 5392 Barrenda Avenue. MOTION: By Commissioner Eddings and seconded by Commissioner Bentz to approve the Consent Calendar. AYES: Commissioner Eddings, Bentz, Fonzi, Kelley, Norton and Chairman Carden. NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Bentz abstained from voting on Item 2. Commissioner Norton abstained from voting on Items 1, 2 and 6. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote with Commissioner Bentz abstaining on Item 2, and Commissioner Norton abstaining on Items 1, 2, and 6. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 3 of 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Conditional Use Permit 2000-0003: Best Self Storage, 5395 Traffic Way (Garrison & Associates) The proposed project is a request to allow the establishment of a 30,000± square foot mini -storage facility with an attached residential caretaker's unit on a vacant two (2) acre parcel at 5395 Traffic Way. The project site has a General Plan Designation of I (Industrial) and a Zoning District of I (Industrial). The proposed use is an allowed use in the industrial Zone (APN 028-361-002). PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: PROPOSED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION. The Initial study had determined that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment when developed according to mitigation measures. A proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact has therefore been prepared for the project in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff Recommends: The adoption of Resolution No. PC 2000-035 thereby adopting the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration #2000-015; and, approving Conditional Use Permit #2000-0003, allowing the establishment of a mini -storage facility and caretaker's unit at 5395 Traffic Way subject to the findings, exhibits, and conditions. Assistant Planner Phil Dunsmore provided the staff report. No questions were asked by the Commissioners. PUBLIC COMMENT Elmer Garrison, general partner of Best Storage — Garrison and Associates, stated that they consider this to be a good project that will enhance this industrial area of the city. They believe they will construct a beautiful building for the City. Chairman Carden closed the Public Comment period. Chairman Eddings indicated that he has seen the Garrison and Associates project in Santa Maria, which is in the process of being completed, and it is one of the best mini -storage projects he has seen. MOTION: By Commissioner Eddings and seconded by Commissioner Bentz that the commission adopt Resolution No. PC 2000-035 thereby adopting the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration #2000-015; and, approving Conditional Use Permit #2000-0003, allowing the establishment of a mini- City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 4 of 6 storage facility and caretaker's unit at 5395 Traffic Way subject to the findings, exhibits, and conditions attached. AYES: Commissioner Eddings, Bentz, Norton, Fonzi, Kelley, and Chairman Carden. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote. 8. Tentative Parcel Map 2000-0003: (AT 00-068) 5100 Cascabel Road (Safarian) The proposed project is a request to allow the subdivision of a 6.0± acre parcel into two parcels of 2.6± acres and 3.4± acres at 5100 Cascabel Road. The project site has a General Plan Designation of SSF (Suburban Single Family) and a Zoning District of RS (Residential Suburban). The proposed parcels are consistent with the RS zoning designation and the Subdivision Ordinance (APN 054-092-015). PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: PROPOSED NEGATIVE DECLARATION. The Initial Study has determined that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. A proposed Negative Declaration of environmental impact has therefore been prepared for the project in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff Recommends: The adoption of Resolution No. PC 2000-034 thereby adopting Negative Declaration 2000-002, and approving Tentative Parcel Map 2000-0003 based on findings and subject to conditions. Assistant Planner Phil Dunsmore provided the staff report and answered questions of the Commission. Commissioner Fonzi stated that she was unable to drive down the driveway and inquired if there was any place for a fire truck to turn around if it were to serve the house at the back of the flag lot. Assistant Planner Dunsmore responded that there is a larger unpaved area at the front of the house. Most of the side is quite flat and is therefore not restricted due to slope, vegetation, or other issues that would restrict access. Commissioner Fonzi indicated that it was her understanding that if the house is built on the lot closest to Cascabel they will both be sharing the same driveway, and, if this is the case, would they be entering and exiting on Cascabel. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 5 of 6 Assistant Planner Dunsmore stated that both houses would be sharing the same driveway access from Cascabel. No new driveway access will be allowed on that Cascabel frontage due to site distance constraints. PUBLIC COMMENT None Chairman Carden closed the Public Comment Period. MOTION: By Commissioner Kelly and seconded by Commissioner Fonzi to adopt Resolution No. PC 2000-034 thereby adopting Negative Declaration 2000- 002, and approving Tentative Parcel Map 2000-0003 based on findings and subject to conditions. AYES: Commissioner Kelley, Fonzi, Norton, Eddings, Bentz and Chairman Carden. NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS Community & Economic Development Director Paul Saldana reported that the Main Street/downtown revitalization plan is undergoing its final review by the steering committee and is expected to be presented to the Commission in a study session at their next meeting on July 5th. Director Saldana indicated that there might be the necessity for a special meeting sometime in the month of July to have the Commission consider the adoption of the recommended actions that are necessary to implement the revitalization plan. Also, the General Plan Issues and Options Policy Report, which is currently being reviewed, is also expected to be before the Commission for review and comment during the month of July. Both items are expected to go to City Council at the end of July/beginning of August. Chairman Carden asked if it would be possible to get these items a little earlier than the usual one week period generally allowed. Director Saldana indicated that it would be. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS & REPORTS Commissioner Fonzi reported that she has received calls from at least one person with concerns about the proliferation of mini -storage units throughout the city. These concerns are similar to comments on used car lots, which were heard in the past. The Commissioner raised the question of whether this should be a subject the Commission City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 6 of 6 needs to consider. It has been brought to her attention that these projects are allowed in a wide variety of zoning areas and perhaps they should be restricted to certain areas and not allowed in others. Director Saldana responded that from an economic standpoint whenever a lot of activity occurs in the mini -storage industry, it is an indication that the economy is good, and that this increased activity is happening not just in Atascadero but in other communities as well. Director Saldana stated that Commissioner Fonzi's concern would be placed on the list of items to look at. He reiterated that all such projects are required to go through the Planning Commission because of the 10,000 square foot trigger and are required to have Conditional Use Permits and are conditionally allowed in several different zones. Chairman Carden commented that these storage areas allow a use of land that might otherwise sit vacant and underutilized, and that they are a fairly easy conversion to other industrial uses. While they might use some commercial retail space, it is something that is not so expensive that it couldn't be razed should a higher density use come up. Commissioner Kelley referred to an issue that was raised a few weeks ago regarding property at the south end of town, which the School District owned, and the possibility of putting a school on the property. Staff was going to write a letter to the Superintendent of the school regarding the use of that property, and commissioner Kelley wished to know if the letter was written and if there was a reply. Principal Planner Warren Frace responded that it was a General Plan consistency determination that the Commission made to the San Luis Obispo County School District regarding the use of that property for a school. The School District was contacted and presented with the Commission's findings that: 1) because it was designated public under the General Plan it was appropriate for a school site, but that it would be more appropriate possibly for a higher density residential use, and 2) certain environmental issues must be addressed during the review process including tree preservation, traffic on El Camino Real, and the non-use of modular buildings. Staff did meet with their architect and designers on the project and communicated all those concerns. The design issues have been worked into the project, and they are aware of the concerns regarding the buildings, trees and traffic. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Carden adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. to the next regular meeting scheduled for July 5, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. MEETING RECORDED BY AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Grace Pucci, Recording Secretary City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting June 20, 2000 Page 7 of 6