HomeMy WebLinkAbout PC Minutes 03-21-00CALL TO ORDER ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 4/4/00 CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting March 21, 2000 — 7:00 P.M. Action Minutes City Hall Rotunda Room Chairman Carden called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Commissioner Eddings led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Bentz, Clark, Eddings, Fonzi, Jeanes, Kelley, and Chairman Carden Absent: None Staff Present: Paul Saldaiia, Director, Community and Economic Development; and Warren Frace, Principal Planner PUBLIC COMMENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Time Extension Request- Vesting Tentative Tract Map # 25-89 (5805 Capistrano Ave., Hotel Park Group) Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution PC 2000-017, thereby approving a one- year time extension of Tentative Tract Map # 25-89 in compliance with Sections 11-4.23(a) and 11-4.33(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance. Commissioner Clark requested that item 2 be pulled from the consent calendar. MOTION: By Commissioner Eddings and seconded by Commissioner Bentz to approve item 1 of the Consent Calendar. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 2 of 6 Ayes: Commissioners Bentz, Clark, Eddings, Fonzi, Jeanes, Kelley, and Chairman Carden Noes: None Motion passed 7:0 by a roll -call vote. 2. Conformance Determination for CUP 99-020 (RV Sales Lot 1200 El Camino Real Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. PC 2000-022 thereby approving the Conformance Determination of #99020 and allowing a permanent office building at 1200 N. El Camino Real subject to exhibits and conditions. Warren Frace, Principal Planner, presented the staff report and answered questions of the Commission. Commissioner Clark inquired as to the type of roofing material being used and if alternatives were considered. Mr. Frace indicated that it was considered; but it was determined to be cost prohibited. Chairman Carden asked if there was any public comment on this item. Michael Cross, on behalf of applicant, indicated they revised the project as suggested by the Commission and that the loan approval for the project was based on a particular budget which included a modular building. Mr. Cross requested that the landscaping requirement along the southern boundary be eliminated and that the landscape setback along Highway 101 be reduced from 8 feet to 4 feet. Mr. Cross also indicated that the modifications requested by the applicant would result in additional sales area from 8-10 units which would increase their sales potential. Commissioner Clark inquired about the cost difference between the roof material. Mr. Cross indicated it would be approximately $1,000 in additional costs. Commissioner Eddings inquired if there were other landscape modifications that could accomplish the same reduction that the applicant was proposing. Mr. Frace indicated that the trees along the southern boundary could be removed; however, the buffer should remain. Commissioner Clark requested alternative roofing material be considered. Commissioner Fonzi supported the reduction of the landscaping but not the elimination of the setback buffer. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 3 of 6 MOTION: By Commissioner Kelly and seconded by Commissioner Eddings to adopt Resolution PC 2000-022 with the following amendments: elimination of landscape requirement along the southern property boundary and reduction of the landscape setback along Highway 101 from 8 feet to 4 feet. Ayes: Commissioners Bentz, Eddings, Jeanes, Kelley, and Chairman Carden Noes: Clark, Fonzi Motion passed 5:2 by a roll -call vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Robles Avenue Four Unit PD -7 Overlay, Zone Change 99007, Master Plan of Development (CUP 99022),Tentative Parcel Map 99010 (N.W.C. Robles Avenue & Sombrilla Avenue / Shores) The proposed project consists of an application from Jimmie D. Shores (PO Box 216, Atascadero, CA 93422) Applicant and Property Owner to consider a project consisting of a zone change from RMF -10 (Residential Multi -Family) to RMF -10 / PD -7 (Residential Multi -Family with Planned Development Overlay #7) with the adoption of a Master Plan of Development (CUP 99022), and a 4 -lot residential tentative parcel map to allow the construction of 4 detached, one - bedroom, single family residential units. The project is proposed on the northwest corner of Robles Avenue and Sombrilla Avenue. Staff Recommendation: 1. Adopt Resolution No. PC 2000-018, recommending that the City Council certify the proposed Negative Declaration; and, 2. Adopt Resolution No. PC 2000-019, recommending that the City Council introduce an ordinance for first reading to approve Zone Change 99007; and, 3. Adopt Resolution No. PC 2000-020, recommending that the City Council approve the Master Plan of Development (CUP 99022) subject to Conditions of Approval; and, 4. Adopt Resolution No. PC 2000-021, recommending the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 99010 subject to Conditions of Approval. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 4 of 6 Warren Frace, Principal Planner, gave the staff report and answered questions of the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT Jim Shores, applicant, indicated he agreed with the staff report and summary of the project. He indicated that he would like to see 2 bedroom homes, however, the standards did not provide that option. Commissioner Fonzi inquired about the price of the homes. Mr. Shores estimated the sales price to start between $139,000 and $149,000. Chairman Carden closed the Public Comment period. Chairman Carden asked why 2 bedroom units were not considered and what the process would be for the Commission to consider 2 bedroom units. Mr. Frace responded that 2 bedroom units are not allowed by the site's zoning standards, but could be considered with either a variance or a density bonus in conjunction with affordable housing restrictions. Mr. Frace stated that a public hearing would be required in order to grant the variance and that certain findings would need to be made. Commissioner Eddings inquired about the location of the high-pressure gas line. Staff responded that it is located in the right of way. Chairman Carden asked the applicant if he would be willing to have the project continued in order to have 2 bedroom units. Mr. Shores indicated his preference is to have the Commission take action tonight on the proposal. Commissioner Clark asked about the difference in parking requirements between the current proposal and 2 bedroom units. Staff responded that there would be no additional parking requirements. Chairman Carden asked if the Commission could approve the action this evening with a recommendation to the City Council that it grant a variance for 2 bedrooms. Staff indicated the Commission could only take the action as listed on the agenda. Commissioner Jeans indicated that the Commission could not take action on increasing the number of bedrooms and that the applicant is requesting the Commission take action to approve the project this evening. Chairman Carden asked staff to review the findings and requirements for the granting of a variance. Mr. Frace reviewed the requirements and findings and City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 5 of 6 advised the Commission that it appeared that the best approach for increasing the number of bedrooms would be an affordable housing option. Commissioner Eddings stated that in his opinion, the Commission could not make the findings for a variance. Commissioner Clark indicated his support for the project and that he agreed with Commissioner Jeans that this is not an appropriate action to consider without proper review by staff. Commissioner Bentz and Commissioner Fonzi stated their agreement with Commissioner Clark's statement. Chairman Carden asked the applicant if he would be willing to work with staff to see if the project is eligible and could be modified to include 2 bedroom units. Mr. Shores indicated that he would be interested in pursuing this option; however, he wanted to ensure that the item would be heard at the next Commission meeting. MOTION: By Commissioner Jeanes and seconded by Commissioner Kelly to continue the item to the April 4, 2000 meeting and for staff two review options for revising the project to have four, two-bedroom units. Ayes: Commissioners Bentz, Clark, Eddings, Fonzi, Jeanes, Kelley, and Chairman Carden Noes: None Motion passed 7:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS 4. Smart Growth Principles for the City of Atascadero. Community Development Director Saldana presented the staff report and recommendation to the Commission to recommend adoption of the Smart Growth Principles to the City Council. MOTION: By Commissioner Jeanes and seconded by Commissioner Bentz to recommend to the City Council adoption of the Smart Growth Principles as presented. City of Atascadero Planning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting March 21, 2000 Page 6 of 6 Ayes: Commissioners Bentz, Clark, Eddings, Fonzi, Jeanes, Kelley, and Chairman Carden Noes: None Motion passed 7.0 by a roll -call vote. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS Commissioner Kelly inquired about the Carlton Hotel and Home Depot. Mr. Saldana responded that the Carlton is undergoing an internal structural evaluation and design and that the Home Depot permit will be issued this week. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Carden adjourned the meeting at 8:22 p.m. to the next regular session scheduled for April 4, 2000. MEETING RECORDED BY AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Paul M. Saldana Planning Commission Secretary