HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 022790MEETNG AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL , FEBRUARY 27n 1990 Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Atascadero City County to order at 7:02 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilwoman Mackey. ROLL CALLs Present: CounciImembers Lilley, Mackey, Borgeson, Shiers and Mayor Dexter. Staff Present: Ray Windsor, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director; Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer; Lisa Schicker, City Arborist and Lee Dayka, City Clerk. COUNCIL : Councilwoman Borgeson expressed concern regarding the proposed cost increase of using the Chicago Grade Landfill and stated that she felt this may cause some to dump debris onto other spots to avoid these fees. She urged the to City establish a central place for composting and seriously consider the purchase of a chipper. Councilwoman Mackey announced that there was to be a tour of the Chicago Grade Landfill on Thursday, March 1 at 1:00 P.M. Councilwoman Borgeson and Mayor Dexter indicated that they would like to attend. The City Manager explained, with the emphasis on waste management, that the cost of landfill usage will continue to increase and that the community will be looked upon to recycle and to find alternate ways to deal with trash issues. Councilwoman Mackey reported that she had had response from the public in favor of the City's acquisition of a chipper. The City Manager replied that the issue of the chipper is currently under study. CC2141'3/9O Page 1 DONATION:6 0 PRESENTATION OF The City Manager introduced Mr. Andrew Stone, Executive Producer of "My Blue Heaven". Mr. Stone, representing Warner Bros. Studios, presented a check in the amount of $5,000 for the Lakeside Pavilion Fund to the Mayor and extended warm appreciation to the City for its' cooperation in the production of the film. PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Dexter proclaimed March 7, 1990 as "Arbor Day" and read the proclamation. Councilwoman Mackey announced that a ceremony including demonstrations and the planting of a tree in the memory of the late City Clerk, Boyd C. Sharitz, would commence at 3:00 p.m. in Sunken Gardens on that date. The Mayor also read a proclamation declaring March 20-21, 1990 as American Cancer Society "Daffodil Days". In addition, Mayor Dexter read the proclamation establishing February 18-24, 1990 as National FFA Week and presented it to Councilwoman Borgeson, who accepted it on behalf of the local FFA chapter. APPRECIATION:CERTIFICATES OF Mayor Dexter presented certificates of appreciation to members of the Boy Scout Troop 104 for their design and construction of the bus stop shelter located on E. Mall near Palm Avenue. COMMUNITY FORUM: Allen Bristol, 9223 Lucinda Lane, spoke on behalf of a neighborhood planning group of the 3-F Meadows residential area of Atascadero and stated that they are seeking alternatives to the repair of their roads and asked the Council to consider employing a consultant civil engineer to determine the needs. Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer, described the current situation and the process of initiating the requested road improvements. Councilwoman Borgeson asked that staff address the issue and come back with a report at a future meeting. The City Manager stated that it would be done and advised a motion to formalize the matter. CC2/L7/9O Page 2 MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to place this item on a future agenda for action; approved by common consensus. CONSENT CALENDARS 1. JANUARY 230 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. FEBRUARY 130 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3. FEBRUARY 26, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - JANUARY 1990 5. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT — JANUARY 1990 6. RESOLUTION NO. 8-90 — AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-88, MAKING CHANGES TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND RAY WINDSOR, CITY MANAGER (Cont'd from 2/13/90) 7. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 24-899 10750 SANTA ANA — Subdivision of two lots into three (Kamm/Dohan/Vaughan) 8. RESOLUTION 23-90 — NOTICE OF COMPLETION/SAN ANDRES STORM DRAIN 9. ORDINANCE NO. 205 — DELETING THE REQUIREMENT THAT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS MUST TERMINATE THEIR OFFICE WHEN SEEKING CITY ELECTIVE OFFICE (Second Reading and Adoption) 10. RESOLUTION NO. 18-90 — AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH S.L.O. COUNTY AND CITIES TO UPDATE THE NOISE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN 11. AWARD BID FOR SOD — TRAFFIC WAY PARK PROJECT 12. RESOLUTION NO. 22-90 — ADOPTING MID—YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS (Pursuant to Council action on 2/13/90) Mayor Dexter read the Consent Calendar. Councilman Lilley asked to pull item #11 for discussion and Councilman Shiers asked to pull item #10 for same. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of items 10 and 11; passed unanimously by CC2/a4/90 Page 3 0 roll call vote. 10. - AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH S.L.O. COUNTY AND CITIES TO UPDATE THE NOISE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Councilman Shiers referred to Section 9 of the Joint Powers Agreement (regarding traffic counts and projected future traffic volumes) and asked that the Del Rio Road area during construction of the proposed school be included in the study. Tom Bench, Parks and Recreation Commissioner, asked that the lake area be included as well, due the on-going controversy with model speed boat noise. MOTION: By Councilman Shiers and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Resolution No. 18-90; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 11. AWARD BID FOR SOD - TRAFFIC WAY PARK PROJECT Councilman Lilley explained that he had received comments from the public about the high cost and reason for sodding the ballfield. He reported that due to the time of the year, laying sod instead of seeding grass would enable completion in time for this year's softball season. Councilwoman Mackey stated that she too had received some complaints about the cost and additional discussion followed. Councilwoman Borgeson announced that she had received no complaints but rather positive comments and reiterated that the Council had already authorized the funds and made a commitment to the youth of Atascadero. She stated that staff should be applauded for finding a solution to the problem. Additionally, Councilwoman Borgeson asked for clarification of the square footage of sod to which Mark Joseph reported it to be 87,000 sq. ft. Councilman Lilley suggested that the City try and save money elsewhere in the project, perhaps with volunteered labor. MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Lilley to award Bid No. 90-3 for 87,000 sq. ft. of sod for Traffic Way Park youth sports fields to Gilbert's Landscapes for $28,682.81; passed unanimously by roll call vote. CC2/3-1/9O Page 4 B. z 8. PAVILION DESIGN - AUTHORIZE FINAL FLOOR PLAN AN PROCEED WITH WORKING DRAWINGS The City Manager reported that he, along with the Administrative Services Director, had determined that the General Fund Contingency Reserve could be used to supplement this project along with some certificates of participation. Mr. Windsor recommended the endorsement of Scheme No. 2 for the Lake Park Pavilion size (for seating up to 300 people) with an actual floor plan layout similar to Scheme No. 3, subject to final review and approval by the Pavilion Citizens Committee and the City Council. He announced that the architect was present to respond to questions. Mr. Windsor stated that this agenda item was a separate issue from the financing, but that there was an effort through the Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Sarah Gronstrand for a grassroots fund-raising committee to help supplement the monies required to make the pavilion a reality. Councilwoman Borgeson addressed questions to Mark Joseph regarding the cost estimate and asked that the full figure of what it will take to complete the project be looked at. Mr. Joseph reported on the cost breakdown of construction and considerations for potential additional costs. He further stated that after analyzing the costs and the availability of funds, the project would be possible without depleting the City's reserves. Councilwoman Mackey expressed her desire to see consideration given to the historic value of the wooden floor in the present building. Additional council discussion followed regarding the use of the flooring and the possible fund-raising sale of floor pieces as souvenirs. Councilman Shiers stated that while initially he opted for going with the less expensive plan° he now believes the smart thing to do was to go for the larger scheme. He described the building as one that would be a highlight to the community and given lots of use. ` ' Councilman Lilley expressed his support and urged the community pressure on the budget reserve. CC2/11/9O Page 5 delight in the zeal for public to rally together to ease the 0 Comments:Public 0 Sarah Gronstrand, 7620 Del Rio Road, stated that the old floor could be put to use and any left overs could be sold as souvenirs. She read a prepared statement (see Exhibit A) announcing the formation of the Friends of the Lake pavilion Committee and described its' goals. Maggie Rice, Chamber of Commercep addressed the Council and corrected that there was not a joint effort by the Chamber of Commerce and Sarah Gronstrand. She stated that although she, staff and former Chamber president Mike Arrambide were firmly committed and deeply involved in raising additional funds to supplement City funding, this was a concerted effort of individuals and organizations, including Mrs. Gronstrand and many members of the Chamber of Commerce. She announced that both she and Mrs. Gronstrand were each giving $500 and had pledge cards for those who wanted to contribute. The City Manager acknowledged his error and stated that he looked forward to making his own pledge to Ms. Rice. Mr. Windsor further reported that while the City may not get rich on it, the facility that would raise some revenue and that money would go back into the General Fund to assist in other Parks and Recreation improvements or to pay off the certificates of participation. Eric Michielssen, 5300 Aguila, spoke in support of the pavilion project stressing that fund-raising for it is a meaningful community goal. Council Comments: Mayor Dexter commented that donation to the non-profit organization would be taw -deductible. Councilwoman Borgeson explained that her previous reservations were budgetary and that she was now satisfied that the City could cover this project and was ready to move forward with it. ` Councilman Lilley expressed his wish to see revenue, outside of maintenance, be earmarked for the Parks, Recreation and Zoo Department rather than for the General Fund. Further discussion regarding this issue ensued. Councilwoman Mackey asked if this would be an enterprise fund to which the City Manager stated that it would, and would be accounted for outside the General Fund. CC2/,1!1/90 Page 6 0 Mr. Windsor further advised that the Council can make a statement to the community by passing a resolution outlining the intent for donated funds and offered to draft such a resolution when timely. Councilman Shiers thanked Sarah Gronstrand and Maggie Rice for starting the committee and for their initial donations. MOTIONs By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to endorse Scheme No. 2 for the Lake Park Pavilion subject to the Pavilion citizens committee and City Council; passed unanimously by roll cell vote. Mayor Dexter called for a break at 8:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:33 p.m. 2. _ AUTHORIZE PROPOSED RED CURBING AT INTERSECTION OF OLMEDA AND TRAFFIC WAY ' Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to adopt Resolution 21-90 establishing No Parking areas on Olmeda and Traffic Way. Council discussion followed regarding the intersection and alternatives to red curbing. The City Manager stated that what's before the Council is a joint recommendation of the School District and City Staff and that it is a compromise; given the fact that what was requested was a crossing guard, which was denied at the Traffic Committee level. He suggested staggering school hours for the younger children to relieve some traffic congestion. In addition, the Mayor and Mr. Engen both stressed that educating parents, students and motorists to exert caution is crucial. The City Manager advised that under State law, the City, not the Schools, is responsible and liable. Discussion pertaining to a crossing guard ensued and Chief Bud McHale responded to Council questions. He supported staff recommendation as an alternative approach to employing a crossing guard. Additional discussion was held relating to PTA volunteers crossing children. Councilwoman Mackey stated that the School District's insurance would not cover such avolunteer and that it was not a viable solution, although she personally disagreed with the concept. Councilwoman Borgeson stated that there is more to life than the cost of insurance and stressed the importance of protecting children in school. She added that the School CC2/.17/90 Page 7 0 District should be more aggressive in this concern, and perhaps look into a possible waiver. Comment:Public Sandy Clark, 9240 Mountain View, described the intersection as the hardest pick-up area in town with the youngest children involved. She agreed that redlining would provide more visibility, but that it would create less parking area. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the Police Chief whether his department had any personnel to spare, to which he answered that all his police officers' time is dedicated. He reiterated that the violators are the parents themselves when they double-park and supported public education to reduce hazard. MOTIONm By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve Resolution E1-90; passed unanimously by roll call vote. - 3. PROPOSED RELOCATION OF STOP SIGN AT INTERSECTION OF LOS OSOS ROAD AND OLD MORRO ROAD EAST: A. - PROPOSING ELIMINATION OF STOP INTERSECTION ON OLD MORRO ROAD EAST AT LOS OSOS ROAD (eliminating th existing stop sign, but not establishing new` stop on Old Morro Road East) B. - PROPOSING DESIGNATION OF STOP INTERSECTION ON OLD MORRO ROAD EAST AT LOS OSOS ROAD (establishing a new stop sign on Old Morro Road east, but not eliminating the existing sign on Los Osos Road, thereby creating a two-way stop intersection) Henry Engen gave staff report recommending adopting Resolutions 19-9{} and 20-90 eliminating the stop sign at Los Osos Road and installing a stop sign on Old Morro Road East. Discussion followed regarding the natural flow of traffic. Public Comments: Joan Okeefe, 9985 Old Morro Road, opposed the elimination of the stop sign and described for Council the traffic flow. She further stated that it is currently the only mechanism to control traffic speed. Marjorie Kidwell, 9980 Old Morro Road East, also opposed the CC2/a-,�/90 Page 8 0 0 elimination of the stop sign stating that it is difficult to get a stop sign to begin with and would hate to see it removed simply because it may be inconvenient to some. Councilwoman Mackey suggested a continuance to allow the Traffic Committee to take another look at the matter. The City Manager agreed this was appropriate. MOTIONS By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson; passed unanimously by voice vote. C. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTIONS 1. City Councils A. Fiscal Planning Model - Set date for study session The City Manager gave his report with suggestions for study session dates and asked Council to get back to him with a preference. He clarified that this study session would be a public meeting of the Council. He further advised that once each councilmember has let him know their individual preference, the matter would be placed on the agenda and Council would act upon it at the next meeting. B. Committee Reports (The following represents ad hoc or standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): 1. City/School Committee - Councilman Lilley reported that preliminary discussion was held about a gymnasium as well as the traffic matter that was discussed earlier (see B-2). Councilwoman Borgeson asked if minutes were prepared for these meetings. The City Manager stated that notes are taken, but they are not recorded. Councilwoman Borgeson suggested that notes should be given to Council. 2. North Coastal Transit - No report. 3. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council - No report. 4. Traffic Committee - No report. 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgt. Committee - No report. CC2/Z3/90 Page 9 6. Recycling Committee - Councilwoman Mackey reported that she had attended a meeting sponsored by the Garbageman's Association and indicated recycling was the topic of discussion. The City Manager stated that it was most informative and educational and suggested inviting this group to come and make a presentation to the Council and community. There was additional Council discussion regarding recycling. *At this time, Council discussed special trips such as the one to the landfill (see page 1). Mayor Dexter stated that the City Attorney had reminded him that the Council must observe the Brown Act and designate two members of the Council to go on this trip. Councilwoman Mackey stated that on special trips such as this, no decisions would be made. The City Attorney clarified that their mere presence at those meetings is not a violation, but cautioned the Council against standing in a group and deliberate the benefit/detriments of the landfill. Council was in agreement. 7. Economic Opportunity Commission - Mayor Dexter reported that new leadership has resulted with a major victory by restoring funding for family planning and further reported that the Headstart program is expanding. 8. Finance Committee - No report. 9. Business Improvement Association - The City Manager reported that he and Councilman Lilley had attended the last meeting where discussion of the City Parking Lot continued. He stated that the Board of Directors were in support of the City's position, but no final endorsements had been made. The Mayor reported that the minutes of that meeting were very upbeat and positive. 10~ Downtown Steering Committee - Henry Engen reported that the preliminary draft will be reviewed at the next meeting. The date for that meeting is March 8, 1990 at 4:00 p.m. in the Rotunda. 11. Interim Growth Management Committee - No report. 12. General Plan Sub Committee - Henry Engen announced the meeting date as March 7, 1990 at 4:30 p.m. 2~ City Attorney - No report. 3~ City Clerk - No report. CC2/"/90 Page 10 4. City Treasurer - No report. 5. City Manager - No report. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:20 P.M. UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. MINUTES --RECORDED AND PREPARED 8Y: LEE DAYKA ; -CITY ' LERK Attachment: Exhibit A (Gronstrand) CC2411/90 Page 11 0 eC;J-719.4 44 A Many people in the community are eagerly awaiting the building of the Lake Pavilion. A Pavilion which will accomodate a variety of group activities from a sewing circle to a discussion group to weddings, conventions, dances, jazzexcercise to b.~nquets, and many other activities. The variety of activities which may take place in the Pavilion is extensive. Logically, the size and scope of the building must be able to accomodate the variety of uses. Because of my experience with the library, I am convinced that we must not scrimp on the size of the Pavilion. Given the mood and the finances of the County at the time we were building the library, we had to settle for what we could get. The library was too small the day it was dedicated, two years ago. We are now faced with the need to expand. We are faced with higher costs. We are faced with the inconvenience to expand a building and keeping it in ope— ration at the same time. We must not, we can not let this happen to the Pavilion. Let us build it right the first time around. Because of the limitations of the city's finances and also being aware that the building; of the Pavilion presented an excellent opportunity for the community members to get together in a common effort, a committee was formed. The aim of the this committee is to make possible the building of a first class Pavilion. To do this we hope to raise a minimum of $100,000. We have already received in excess of 10% in pledges. The committee consists of Mike Arembide and me as Co—Chairs. Anne Marie Kirkpatrick, Treasurer; Lon Allan, Publicity; Sherry Herman, Secretary; D,yann Rogers, CPA; Magrie Rice, Member-at—Large. You can judge from our widely divergent political view points that we have to be apolitical in order to work together success— fully as a committee. And we intend to be successful! We hope all of ,you will join in heiping,us raise money for a Pavilion which in its use, its grace, and its timeliness, will be the pride of Atascadero and witho t equal in th;e county. Sarah Gronstrand for the Friends of the Lake Pavilion Committee