HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-028 Economic Vitality Corp ITEM NUMBER: C-3 DATE: 11/13/07 i9is � i e EBID Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager's Office City Participation in Regional and City Specific Tourism Study in Conjunction with the Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute agreements with the Economic Vitality Corporation and Strategic Marketing Group for a Strategic Directions Package and Community Tourism Marketing Plan and appropriate $12,000 from the funds set aside for the Economic Development Strategy; and, 2. Approve participation in the Economic Vitality Corporation countywide study with a contribution of $2,500 appropriated from the funds set aside for the Economic Development Strategy. DISCUSSION: Background: The Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) is embarking on a countywide Tourism Study to explore the impacts of tourism on the County and propose a strategy to enhance the industry. Council Member O'Malley is the City's representative to the EVC and he is currently the Chairman of the Board. The EVC circulated a Request for Proposal for a tourism study and conducted a selection process. The proposal was revised with the guidance of the EVC to reflect local needs. The EVC also negotiated an opportunity for local agencies to utilize the regional consultant to perform specific analysis for those Cities's desiring to participate. This allows the participating agencies to leverage their resources in the bigger project. The proposals for both the countywide and specific agency reports are attached. The EVC has asked for the City to express its interest in funding the countywide study and/or participating in a study specific to Atascadero. 305 The cities in the County are currently evaluating their participation. One city is contemplating a commitment of $2,500 to the countywide effort and is considering participation in the City specific program, others are still developing their position. Analysis: The City Council has identified Tourism as a potential economic development opportunity for Atascadero. The City is currently reviewing the qualifications of consultants to prepare an Economic Development Strategy which would include tourism. The EVC program would provide a consultant specific to the tourism industry and may produce a more focused strategy. The countywide study will cost $45,000 and the EVC is seeking public and private sponsors. The Atascadero specific study will cost $12,000 for both phases. Conclusion: Continued cooperation with the EVC, the regional entity supporting economic development, and the study the tourism industry countywide and in Atascadero have been goals of Atascadero. This appears to be a unique opportunity to participate in a regional effort and work with a high quality consultant specializing in tourism strategies. FISCAL IMPACT: Depending on the Council commitment the cost of this proposal could be $14,500. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Take no action 2. Study the tourism issues in the City's Economic Development Strategy and decline participation in the EVC program. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised proposal from SMG for countywide study 2. Revised scope of work for a supplemental services for communities within San Luis Obispo County 306 • J San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Tourism Analysis REVISED Tourism Industry Study of Son Luis Obispo County f''#I. 5���i•yl i''.4�4F r bit . i ssi'. ixk z, LES A �K . IIIIIIIII lrg� re-anRun n P.O. Box 10109 South take Tahoe, California 96158 (530) 541-2462 FAX(530)541-8720 www.smgonline.net - 307 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Project Overview The San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation(EVC)provides economic development services and business resources throughout San Luis Obispo County.The EVC stimulates the local economy by helping to generate jobs,increase investment in the community and promote the start-up,growth and attraction of businesses.The EVC recently completed a county—wide wine industry study in an effort to understand the economic dynamics of the industry and to maximize San Luis Obispo County's efforts. In the same vein,the EVC would also like to develop a similar analysis for the tourism industry within San Luis Obispo County.As such,the EVC seeks to commission a study of the County's tourism industry. I.Project Overview This project will review the competitive position of San Luis Obispo County(SLOC)within the tourism industry in an effort to understand the strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats as compared with its competitive set.The strategic analysis is to be included in an overall county-wide economic development strategic pian. II.Project Objectives 1. Provide an economic impact of tourism in the county that includes an appropriate economic multiplier analysis,census of jobs created and tax revenue created. 2. Provide a number of assets tourism assets by category. 3. Numbers and characteristics of visitors. 4. Conduct a systematic assessment of San Luis Obispo County's Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats(SWOT)including underserved segments,ancillary businesses,tourism promotions and infrastructure that presents the greatest marginal benefit. 5. Identify key emerging trends and how the relate to the County's Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and how marketing efforts should respond to those threats. Review SLOC demand generators vs. other Central Coast regions. 6. Best practices regarding assessment and use of transient occupancy tax T.O.T. 7. The feasibility and potential benefits of a regional convention center. 8. The impact of BIDs on tourism in comparable destinations, Dean Run an 2 308 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation 9. Benchmarking Comparisons of SLOC tourism industry efforts with competitor counties. Review SLOC tourism promotion systems and assess effectiveness vs. Central Coast regions. 10. Development of strategic recommendations to improve SLOC competitive position. Dean Runyan 3 309 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Scope of Work What we Intend to Accomplish for the EVC The project scope has three distinct phases, including data and information collection, information analysis and the development of a final report. Project Scope Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Information Information Final Report and Collection Analysis Presentation Phase 1:Information Collection The first phase includes the assessment of the competitive tourism situation in San Luis Obispo Coun=- r. h� 1.Information Collection 1. Economic Impact of Tourism ✓ Understand the current and long term trend of the economic impact of tourism on San Luis Obispo County. ✓ Compare economic impact trends with the SLOC competitive set. ✓ Include and factor in tourism market trends in California,the Central Coast and SLOC. ll.SWOT Analysis A.Lodging Analysis ✓ Review current information on lodging supply(mix)hotel occupancy rates,Average Daily Rate and RevPar. ✓ Provide a general assessment of San Luis Obispo County accommodations as they compare with other Central Coast communities. Dean Runyan 4 310 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation : B. Tourism Asset Analysis ✓ Review tourism"Revenue Generators"within San Luis Obispo County and the competitive set and identify asset gaps. C. Tourism Promotion Systems Analysis ✓ Review of tourism promotion/market organizations and materials in SLOC and the competitive set to understand resources levels and marketing approaches from the consumer perspective D. Consumer Information ✓ Implement consumer research in order to understand SLOC's strengths&weaknesses vs.the competitive set E. Stakeholder Information ✓ Interviews with key stakeholders on their view of SLOC's competitive position ✓ Email survey of tourism industry on their perspective of SLOC's competitive position Phase 2.Information&Data Review and Analysis SMG will the review collected information and analyze it to answer the following key questions: 1. What is the current situation? 2. What changes need to be made? 3. How can it be made to happen? Phase 3.Final Report and Presentation The final phase will include the development of a final report and PowerPoint presentation. It is our specific goal to provide the Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo County with a comprehensive Tourism Industry Study of San Luis Obispo County. r Dean Run yan_MM 5 311 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Methodology Key to developing a tourism analysis is to understand the current competitive position of the destination when compared to its competitive set.This can be achieved through the following analysis. I.Historical Review and Analysis of the County's Tourism Industry ✓ Review tourism economic impact trends including business receipts,employment and wages ✓ Review current tourism promotion structures ✓ Review funding levels and marketing activities II. Economic Impact of Tourism This section will begin with a detailed description of travel-generated sales,employment,earnings and tax receipts, based in part on Dean Runyan Associate's data and methodology, updated with the most recent data available for 2007. Breakouts will be provided by type of visitor and by visitor industry business category. An IMPLAN model will be used to described secondary(indirect and induced)earnings and employment generated by travel and tourism, illustrating the nature and magnitude of secondary impacts on the County economy. In particular we expect this analysis to highlight businesses such as professional services, real estate,construction and agriculture. This model will also be used to project beneficial economic impacts of recommended growth in the travel and leisure industry in the County, in particular the potential for additional sales,employment,earnings and tax receipts. Multiple growth scenarios can be analyzed, if desired. III.SWOT Analysis In an effort to provide a comprehensive SWOT analysis SMG is proposing the following steps. A. Tourism Product Analysis This will include an analysis of county hotels, attractions and tourism assets. EMDean Run an 6 312 _ - San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation B. Consumer Information SMG will conduct online panel research of frequent California travelers in an effort to understand the following: ✓ Perception of SLOC strengths and weaknesses. ✓ Comparisons on perception vs. performance of county tourism elements. ✓ Comparative analysis of tourism experience SLOC vs.competitors, ✓ Visitor characteristics/underserved tourist segments C. Tourism Trend Analysis SMG will provide a complete review of current and pertinent tourism trends that would relate to the SWOT analysis and identify areas of opportunity or competitive advantage. ✓ Current and projected tourism trends ✓ Current and projected social and cultural trends that impact tourism ✓ Market potential as it relates to the SLOC SWOT analysis and potential market response IV. Best Practices A. Assessment and use of Transient occupancy Tax(TOT) This will include a general review and assessment and use of TOT for sales and promotions efforts for San Louis Obispo County including the county and sub-city promotional efforts as compared with the competitive set.The analysis will include the following: ✓ Current Total collections and allocations ✓ Tourism promotional budgets for individual communities and aggregated. ✓ Review of current county and sub-city promotional efforts and their mutual support ✓ Overall impact of current approach ✓ Comparatives with competitive set promotional efforts IV. Regional Convention Center ✓ Determine the market for a Regional Convention Center(supply and demand level analysis) o Scope and nature of a facility if further study is recommended. o Determine potential target convention and conference market for such a facility o Potential financing for a facility -- Dean fiun an _ 313 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation VI. Review of BIDS Review of BID case studies on tourism development in comparable destinations. ✓ Review type of BID ✓ Review organizational structure ✓ BID funds use ✓ Tourism Impact IV. Benchmark Comparisons 1. Develop a San Luis Obispo County Fair Share Analysis In order to understand San Louis Obispo County's current business levels and potential business levels related to tourism,a quantitative analysis of their fair share business level is required.A fair share analysis for San Louis Obispo County will compare its performance related to its capacity and compare those findings to its competitive set. It will include the following tasks: ✓ Review San Louis Obispo County room supply, hotel occupancy,ADR, Rev Par ✓ Review comp set room supply, hotel occupancy,ADR, Rev Par ✓ Develop Fair Share Analysis 2. Competitive Tourism Asset Analysis This analysis compares San Louis Obispo County's demand generators(natural resources, attractions, events,etc.),to its destination comp set. For example, San Louis Obispo County could be compared to its competitors using the following matrix. San Louis Obispo Competitor 1 Competitor 2 County Natural Resources Demand Generators Water Based Recreation Land Based Recreation Natural Sites Manmade Resources Demand Generators Historical Resource Opportunities Cultural Resource Opportunities Accommodation -Special Events Analysis steps would include the following: ✓ Review&assess San Louis Obispo County attractions and tourist events. ✓ Review&assess San Louis Obispo County accommodations and retail facilities. ✓ Review and assess comp set attractions,tourist events, accommodations and retail facilities. ✓ Develop comparative between San Louis Obispo County and Comp Set DeanRu vanI11=111 8 314 _ _ San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Determine how San Louis Obispo County ranks on pre-determined criteria for each comparative area. Rankings could include the following: • Dominant • Competitive • Below Competitive levels 3. Comparison of TO,T rates and amounts ✓ Compare comp set T.O.T rates and funds as well as percent that goes to budget VI.Recommendations Based on the collected information SMG is prepared to make strategic recommendations in the following areas: ✓ Economic Impact of Tourism ✓ Tourism Product Analysis ✓ SLO County Consumer Segments ✓ Tourism Trend Analysis ✓ Assessment and use of Transient occupancy Tax(TOT) ✓ Regional Convention Center ✓ Review of BIDS 1%Mr►1 ✓ Benchmark Comparisons Dean Run an 9 315 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation VII.Analysis of Collected Information This will include the following: ✓ Analyze the collected information to determine key issues, and develop a SLOC Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats model. ✓ Develop strategies and recommendations Historical Analysis Economic Analysis SWOT Analysis Best Practices SLOC Final Report and Analvsis Tourism Industry Recommendations Analysis Regional Convention Center BID Analysis r+wrt Benchmark/ t,mmnatitivP. Vlll. Final Report and Presentation This will include the development of final report and PowerPoint presentation. EMM I Dean Runyan 11=11111 10 316 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Project Deliverables RTimeline A.Project Deliverables Based upon this submitted proposal, SMG will provide the following project deliverables: :) Historical analysis and overview :Z Economic analysis :Z SWOT analysis �D Best practices :) Regional convention center • BID analysis • Bench marklcompetitive analysis • Recommendations B.Project Timeline The project timeline is proposed as follows and subject to agreement with San Luis Obispo County.We anticipate the study taking 4 months,with a proposed timeline that can be found below. Proposed Project Timeline Month 1 IMonth 2 1 Month 3 Month 4 Information Collection Lodging Industry Analysis Economic Impact Analysis Tourism Asset Analysis Tourism Promotions Systems Analysis Consumer Survey Stakeholders Interviews Industry survey Information Analysis Final Report&Presentation Dean€tun an • 11 317 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation About the Firms Strategic Marketing Group The Strategic Marketing Group(SMG),a California Limited Liability Corporation, is located at 2048 Dunlap Drive, Suite 11, South Lake Tahoe, CA and is a marketing advisory firm specializing in providing marketing research,strategic planning and strategy development services for the travel,tourism and recreation industries. SMG prides itself on providing its clients with insights and solutions for effective marketing analysis and marketing strategies. We view ourselves as strategists that assist our clients by understanding bigger issues necessary for their success. SMG has access to a wide variety of tourism industry/marketing research resources to help ensure our clients receive state-of-the-art solutions,The firm has attracted a roster of blue chip public and private sector clients including visitor and convention bureaus,hotels, lodging management companies, casinos,ski resorts,economic development agencies and chambers of commerce. ,,, ago SMG brings a wealth of skills,experience and knowledge relevant to this project, including the following: ■ Thorough knowledge of San Luis Obispo County. ■ Experienced in the development of county-wide tourism analysis including Lassen,Amador,EI Dorado, Sonoma, Monterey and Inyo. ■ Experienced in the development and implementation of successful Tourism Marketing Plans for Destination Marketing Organizations(DMOs.) ■ Experienced in economic and ROI analysis for tourism organizations. ■ Extensive experience in supply and demand analysis for the lodging investment industry. See our sister organization www.smgonlinere.net ■ Extensive experience in tourism BID development ■ Experience in developing integrated marketing programs including competitive strategy development, creative concept development and execution,target market identification,online and offline media Dean Run an 12 318 _ San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation planning,cooperative marketing partnerships,financial models,fulfillment mechanisms and measurement systems, ■ Extensive experience in convention and group sales. ■ Specific experience with and a thorough understanding of the impact of the lodging and recreation segments within tourist destinations. ■ Extensive experience in working with public and private sector organizations. ■ Appreciation and commitment for balancing tourism with the protection of the environment and the local community's values and needs. ■ Expansive knowledge and experience in dealing with a variety of marketing and political issues. ■ A thorough understanding of the California and national economy,travel trends and impacts. Consultant Profiles Carl Ribaudo—Proiect Director Carl is the founder of the Strategic Marketing Group and has over 20 years of experience in the tourism and travel industry.Carl holds an MBA degree and has authored a variety of articles and white papers related to the tourism industry(which can be found online at www.smgonline.net). Carl has worked extensively as a consultant in the visitor and convention bureau industry as well as having previously served as the Director of Sales&Marketing for a DMO. In addition,Carl currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Lake Tahoe South Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce. Carl will be the primary contact for this project. Ro.eg r King—(Senior Hospitality Consultant) Roger was formally Vice President of Marketing for VRI with oversight responsibility for over 20 properties in CA,CO,AZ, HI,WA and NM.Specific destinations include Maui, Kauai, Breckenridge,Vail,Aspen, Durango, Santa Fe, Park City, Lake Tahoe, Palm Springs, Scottsdale Sedona and the Olympic Peninsula. Roger has extensive experience in timeshare,condo and hotel products and has over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry. Karen Johnson—(Research Analyst)Karen Johnson has more than five years of market research experience in several industries including homebuilding,public policy,technology and tourism. She is skilled in project planning,qualitative and quantitative data analysis and reporting,focus group preparation and moderation, and survey development. She has assisted numerous clients in strategic planning, product placement and market entry, and marketing and advertising campaign development. 13 Dean Run an -319 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Karen received a B.A. in English from the University of Maryland in 1995. She was trained in focus group moderation by the Riva Training Institute in Bethesda, MD, and has moderated over 100 focus groups. In addition, she has received training from the Burke Institute in research reporting and from the Institute for International Research in web-based surveys and online focus groups. Dean Runyan Associates Located in Portland Oregon Dean Runyan Associates has worked since 1984 to assist with market research, planning and economic analysis for the recreation and tourism industry.The firm has extensive experience providing economic analysis for travel industry businesses, attractions, and destination communities. Dean Runyan &Associates brings a wealth of skills,experience and knowledge to this project, including the following: ■ Extensive experience in providing travel industry economic analysis for the state, regional and local level. ■ Has implemented State of California(under contract to the California Travel and Tourism Commission)Travel Impact Study since 1985 Consultant Profiles Dean Runyan has extensive experience with recreation,travel and tourism projects, and has been responsible for many of the projects completed by DRA. Dr. Runyan earned a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning and a M.S.in Engineering from the University of Michigan,and a B.S. in Engineering from the University of California. Before founding Dean Runyan Associates in 1984, he was Associate Professor and Department Head in the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management at the University of Oregon. Previously, he was Assistant Professor in the Urban and Regional Planning Department at the University of Hawaii,and held research positions at the Hawaii Environmental Simulation Laboratory in Honolulu and the Institute for Social Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dr. Runyan has published in a number of professional and academic journals and made presentations at many regional and national conferences. He has prepared over 100 research and planning studies for public and private clients throughout the U.S. Leon Aliski has served as project manager for a number of DRA market analysis, recreation and tourism planning, and feasibility studies. He specializes in regional economic analysis and has particular experience with input/output and other advanced economic analysis methodologies. He holds a Masters Degree in Economics from Oregon State University, and a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Dean Run an 14 320 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Economics from Humboldt State University. Prior to joining DRA, Leon was with the Oregon Division of State Lands where he provided research and analysis for projects associated with the state's waterway leasing program. Tanya Zvyagina serves as a research assistant for DRA, performing data collection,mapping,analysis and report preparation. Prior to joining DRA,she worked as a research assistant for a state-funded program in New Jersey,creating maps and collecting data for different state planning agencies.Tanya earned a Masters Degree in City and Regional Planning from Rutgers State University of New Jersey,and a Bachelors Degree in Geography from Moscow State University. 15 Dean Run an 321 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation References SMG StrategiLMarketing Plan Development California Travel &Tourism Commission 980 91h Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Contact: Lynn Carpenter, Deputy Director(916)319-5411 Assisted in the development of CTTC 5 year$50M Annual Tourism Marketing Plan California Travel &Tourism Commission 980 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Contact: Susan Wilcox, Deputy Director(916)319-5411 Developed statewide rural tourism strategic marketing plan Lassen County 707 Nevada Street, Suite 5 Susanville, CA 96130 Contact: Monica Cochran(916) 251-8429 Developed county-wide strategic tourism marketing plan Monterey County Visitors and Convention Bureau 150 Oliver Street Monterey,CA 93942 Contact:Jennifer Flice, (831)657-6405 Director of Marketing Developed Monterey County marketing and sales plan Placer County Visitors Council 11341 Lincoln Way Auburn, CA 95603 Contact: Executive Director(530) 887-2111 Completed county-wide tourism strategic marketing plan in 2001 Amador County 125 Peek Street P.O. Box 596 Jackson,California 95642 Contact: Bob Tierno(209) 267-0747 Developed a tourism assessment and marketing plan for Amador County in 2003 Fairfield Hotel Association 2200 Gateway Court Fairfield, CA 94533 Contact: Kevin Johnson Completed first ever marketing plan for a newly formed Hotel Business Improvement District for the City of Fairfield in 2005 rrr Dean Runyan 16 322 _ San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Coalition of Chambers of Commerce of Inyo County(Coalition) 168 N, Edwards St. (County of Inyo Office) Independence, CA 93526 Contact: Leann Fields,Coalition Chair(760)938-2319 Contact:Ted Williams, Inyo County Supervisor(760)872-0917 Completed county-wide tourism assessment and long-term tourism marketing plan in 2004, SMG was hired in 2005 to develop the Inyo County brand. Sonoma County Economic Development 401 College Ave.#D Santa Rosa, CA 94501 Contact: Ben Stone, Executive Director(707) 524-7170 Completed county-wide tourism strategic plan in 1999 San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Convention Bureau 1037 Mill Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Contact:Jonni Biaginni(805)541-8000 Completed county-wide tourism strategic marketing plan in 2000 Ventura Visitors and Convention Bureau 89 S. California Street Ventura,CA 93001 Contact:Jim Luttjohann(805)648-2075 Completed tourism sales&marketing plan in 2002 Research Related Projects Monterey County Visitors and Convention Bureau 150 Oliver Street Monterey, CA 93942 Contact:Jennifer Flice,(831)657-6405 Director of Marketing Developed and implemented online travel study of California residents Edgewood Golf Course Lake Parkway Stateline, NV 89449 Contact: Brad Nelson, Chief Executive Officer Conducted first ever user profile study Mono County 437 Old Mammoth Road Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 Contact:Jeff Irons(760)924-1812 Developed and implemented advertising conversion study in 2004,followed by a contract to implement a Visitor Center feasibility study in 2005. Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority P.O. Box 5878 Stateline, NV 89449 Contact: Sue Barton, Sales&Administrative Director(775) 588-5900 mow✓ Dean Runan . 17 323 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Ongoing visitor profile marketing research for South Shore destination Carson City Visitors and Convention Bureau 1900 S. Carson Street, Suite 200 Carson City, NV 89701 Contact: Candy Duncan, Executive Director(775)687-7410 Visitor profile study for destination Yosemite Sierra Visitors Bureau 41969 Highway 41 Oakhurst, CA 93644 Contact: Dan Carter(559)683-4636 Research and analysis to develop second season for Southern Yosemite corridor market Cooperative Marketing Plan Implementation&Development Golf the High Sierra P.O. Box 300 Clio, CA 96106 Contact: Doug Flynn(800) 332-4295 Developed and implemented region-wide cooperative golf marketing program targeted to attract destination visitors.Activities include marketing plan development and implementation, creative,web site development and sales program creation.This program is ongoing. Ski Lake Tahoe P.O. Box 2180 Stateline, NV 89449 Contact:John Wagnon(775)586-7000 Developed and implemented national and international cooperative marketing program designed to increase destination skiers to Lake Tahoe.Activities include ongoing research, media planning, public relations,web site development and creative message development. Ski Lake Tahoe has been a long-term client of SMG since 1995. California Association of Bed and Breakfast Inns(CABBI) 2715 Porter Street, Suite 104 Soquel, CA 95703 Contact: Kathy Moler(831)600-4640 Developed long-term marketing plan for this 300+cooperative marketing association in an effort to increase awareness and demand of its member inns. Since 2002 SMG has assisted CABBI with the implementation of the strategic marketing plan including creative development of ads and rack cards, media planning, public relations, strategic cooperative marketing program development,web site development, measurement systems and sales programs. "— Dean Runyan 18 � 324 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Dean Runyan Associates Travel and Tourism Impact Analysis DRA is one of only a few companies in the US that specializes in analyzing the economic impacts of travel and tourism,with projects at the state, region and community level. Statewide studies typically provide detailed county-by-county analysis,conducted annually,of the impacts of travel,recreation and tourism, including sales,payroll,employment and tax receipts. These projects also analyze room tax receipts and other economic aspects of travel and tourism. • Arizona(1998-2005) • California(since 1985) • Colorado(since 1997) • Idaho(1997) • Nevada(2005) • North Dakota(1988- 1995) • Oregon(since 1987) • Texas(since 1997) • Washington(since 1991) • West Virginia(2003,2004) • Wyoming(since 1997) Regional and local studies focus on similar impacts as they relate to destination areas, recreation locations and marketing regions. • Finger Lakes District, New York • Juneau,Alaska • Lake Tahoe Region, California and Nevada • Napa County, California • Northern and Eastern Mojave, including Death Valley National Park, California • Skagway,Alaska • Sonoma Valley,California • Sun Valley, Idaho Local Government and Economic Development Agencies • Benton County Office of Sustainable Development,Washington • Burns Paiute Tribe,Oregon • City of Fort Worth,Texas • City of Greeley,Colorado • City of Olympia,Washington • City of Port Angeles,Washington • City of Seattle,Washington • City of Sonoma,California • City of Whittier,Alaska • Columbia River Gorge Commission,Washington • Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation, Montana 19 Dea n Runyan 325 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation • Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw, Oregon • Cowlitz County,Washington • Cowlitz Indian Tribe, Washington • Curry County, Oregon • Deschutes County, Oregon • Harney County, Oregon • Ida-Ore Economic Development Commission, Boise, Idaho • Lane County, Oregon • Makah Tribal Council, Washington • Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission, Portland, Oregon • Multnomah County, Oregon • Napa County, California • Northeast Wyoming Economic Development Coalition • Oregon Economic Development Department • Oregon International Port of Coos Bay • Port of Chelan County,Washington • Port of Willapa Harbor,Washington • Quileute Tribe, La Push,Washington • San Bernardino County, California • Snohomish County,Washington • Sonoma County,California • Spokane County,Washington • Tri-County Economic Development District,Colville Washington • Tulare County Association of Governments, California • White Pine County, Nevada Dean Run an 20 326 _ San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation "ftw Project Fees The cost to develop this project is$45,000. • Includes fees for the project and travel costs with approximately 3 trips to SLO County. • Note Fees are based on a using secondary research for consumer identifucation. if primary research is desired SMG will provide an additional estimate. Our standard payment program to be mutually agreed upon by both the Strategic Marketing Group and the Economic Vitality Corporation is one-third payment upon agreement,one-third payment upon submission of the draft report and one-third payment upon submission of the final report. SMG This project comes with the Strategic Marketing Group guarantee for L Guarantee your total satisfaction. 21 Dean Run an 327 San Louis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Tourism Analysis Supplemental Services for communities within San Luis Obispo County Dean Runv n . N.O. Bax 10109 South Lake Tahoe, taiifornia 96158 (530) 541-2462 FAX (530) 541-8710 www.smgonline.net 328 _ _ San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Supplemental Services Project Overview The following proposal for has been developed as an incremental services for individual communities within San Luis Obispo.The services offered are designed to leverage the previously submitted"Tourism Industry Study of San Luis Obispo County"for the Economic Vitality Corporation of San Luis Obispo County. The proposed services are designed to provide individual communities within the county with information and recommendations designed t strengthening the tourism industry within their region by taking advantage of the work to be done in the countywide study. We have broken our services into two distinct products: The First is a Strategic Directions Package and the second a Community Tourism Marketing Plan. The Strategic Directions Package The Strategic Directions package includes the following five elements: I.Economic Impact of Tourism This includes a detailed description of travel-generated sales,employment, earnings and tax receipts,for the individual community based in part on Dean Runyan Associate's data and methodology, updated with the most recent data available for 2007, It.SWOT Analysis In an effort to provide a comprehensive SWOT analysis SMG is proposing the following steps. A. Tourism Product Analysis This will include an analysis of community based hotels, attractions and tourism assets. B. Consumer Information As part of the research conducts SMG will provide a breakout of visitors to specific areas in question. Including the following: ✓ Demographic profile of visitors ✓ Primary reason for visiting ✓ Visitor characteristics/potential underserved tourist segments Dean Aunyan 329 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Supplemental Services III. Best Practices A.Assessment and use of Transient occupancy Tax(TOT) This will include a general review and assessment and use of TOT for sales and promotions efforts for the individual community..The analysis will include the following: ✓ Current total collections and allocations ✓ Tourism promotional budgets for the individual community. ✓ Review of current county and sub-city promotional efforts and their mutual support IV.Benchmark Comparisons 7. Develop a Individual Community Fair Share Analysis In order to understand the individual community current business levels and potential business levels related to tourism, a quantitative analysis of their fair share business level will be provided.A fair share analysis for the individual community will compare its performance related to its capacity and compare those findings to its competitive set. It will include the following tasks: ✓ Review Individual community room supply, hotel occupancy,ADR, Rev Par ✓ Review comp set room supply, hotel occupancy,ADR, Rev Par ✓ Develop Fair Share Analysis 2 Comparison of TO.T rates and amounts ✓ Compare comp set T.O.T rates and funds as well as percent that goes to budget. V.Recommendations Based on the collected information SMG is prepared to make strategic recommendations in the following areas: ✓ Economic Impact of Tourism ✓ Tourism Product Analysis ✓ SLO County Consumer Segments ✓ Assessment and use of Transient occupancy Tax(TOT) ✓ Benchmark Comparisons Community Marketing Plans DeanRunyan] 330 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Supplemental Services A number of communities have expressed an interest in developing a tourism marketing plan for their specific community, SMG is prepared to develop a specific plan for each community.The elements of the plan are included below. SMG Marketing Plan Elements Section 1: Project Overview I. Introduction II. Project Goals& Objectives III. Elements of Tourism Section 2: Macro Trends I. California Macro Trends II. California Economic Trends Ill. California Demographic Trends IV. Travel, Social and Cultural Trends Section 3: Micro Trends I. Size and Scope of the Client Destination Tourism Market in Perspective Il. Client Destination Lodging Industry Overview Section 4: Client Destination Product Experience I. Product/Experience Profile II. Visitor Benefits III. Client Destination Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Section 5: Competitive Analysis I. Direct Competitors II. Indirect Competitors Section 6: Client Destination CVB Mission,Goals & Objectives 1. Mission Statement II. Goals III. Core Objectives Section 7: Marketing Opportunity&Target Markets I. Client Destination Marketing Opportunity (ROI Analysis) II. Target Markets Section 8: Marketing Strategies I. TBD Section 9: Client Destination CVB Business Model Action Plan Brand Building Stage: I. Advertising/Media II. Promotions III. Public Relations/Community Education Implementation Stage: I. Website Enhancements/Visitor Communication II. Promotions III. Sales IV. Visitor Information Dean Run an t 331 San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Supplemental Services Brand Loyalty Stage: 1. Collect Visitor Information/Measurement Section 10: Organizational Structure Section 11: Client Destination CVB Budget The marketing plan seeks to include the elements developed in the Strategic Directions Package. ^—, ' Dean Run an 332 _ San Luis Obispo County Economic Vitality Corporation Supplemental Services Project Fees The cost to provide the Strategic Directions package only is$8,000 per community.The cost for the Strategic Directions package and the Tourism marketing Plan is$12,000 per community. Our standard payment program to be mutually agreed upon by both the Strategic Marketing Group and the individual community is one-half payment upon agreement,one-half payment and one-half payment upon submission of the final report. This project comes with the Strategic Marketing Group guarantee for SMG your total satisfaction. ._7 I DearrRunyan 333 334