HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 021390 Approved as read 3/13/90 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 1990 The City Council met in an open session at 5:30 p .m. for the purpose of mid-year budget discussion. The meeting adjourned to a closed session at 6:40 p.m. to give instructions to the City ' s negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding real property purchases. Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Atascadero City County to order at 7:03 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Shiers. ROLL CALL: Present : Councilmembers Lilley, Mackey, Borgeson, Shiers and Mayor Dexter . Staff Present : Henry Engen, Community Development Director ; Andy Takata, Director of Parks, Recreation and Zoo ; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Mark Joseph , Administrative Services Director ; Gary Sims, Senior Civil Engineer ; Lisa Schicker , City Arborist and Lee Dayka, Deputy City Clerk . PRESENTATION: Mayor Dexter presented a plaque to Mrs. Mildred Sharitz to honor the late Boyd C. Sharitz , for his devoted service as Atascadero City Clerk from June 1986 until February 1990. Mayor Dexter announced that a memorial has been established with the Atascadero Elks ' Lodge Building Fund . Councilwoman Mackey further announced that on Arbor Day, a tree will be planted in Mr . Sharitz ' s honor . OATH: Mayor Dexter reported that it was the consensus of the Council to appoint the Deputy City Clerk , Lee Dayka, as the Interim City Clerk . A unanimous roll call vote was taken to confirm the appointment . The City Attorney swore in Ms. Dayka. CC2/13/90 Page 1 COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilwoman Borgeson reported that she would be making a formal announcement regarding her future political plans on Wednesday, February 14, 1990 at 2:00 p .m. on the steps of City Hall . Councilwoman Mackey stated that she would miss Boyd Sharitz and described him as a dedicated public servant who enjoyed his job . PROCLAMATION: Mayor Dexter proclaimed the month of February 1990 as "California Self-Esteem and Responsibility Month" and read the proclamation. COMMUNITY FORUM: Joan Okeefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East , read a prepared statement (Exhibit A) in support of the proposed redesign of Garcia Road and urged the Council to take a similar approach to the San Marcos Road extension. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 . JANUARY 23, 1990 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2. RECOMMEND CITY COUNCIL WAIVE THE READING IN FULL OF ALL ORDINANCES (Must pass unanimously) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 198 - ZONE CHANGE 08-89, 7715/7745 SINALOA- Consideration of proposed Planned Development Overlay Zone to allow for the creation of a small lot residential subdivision (Jones/Cuesta Engineering ) (Second reading and adoption) 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 21-87, 8665 PORTOLA ROAD - Request for time extension to complete conditions of approval (Gouff) 5. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 14-89, 8625 ATASCADERO AVE.- Subdivision of a portion of two existing lots totalling 13.9 ac . into 23 parcels of one-half ac . each. Request includes establishment of two new City standard roads (Via Tortuga and Calle Refugio ) to serve the subdivision and approval of Lot Line Adjustment 2-89 ( Iverson/Central Coast Engineering ) 6. FINAL PARCEL MAP 11-88, 5550/5560 LLANO ROAD - Subdivision of 11 .50 ac . into four parcels of 2.86 ac . each CC2/13/90 Page 2 (Atkinson/Twin Cities Engineering ) 7. CLAIM OF JACK RODDA (Recommend Denial ) 8. RESOLUTION NO. 14-90 — ADOPTING A POSITION ALLOCATION SCHEDULE FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO 9. ADOPTING AGREEMENTS FOR THE CITY'S MANAGEMENT, MID— MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES: A. RESOLUTION NO. B-90 — AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-88, MAKING CHANGES TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND RAY WINDSOR, CITY MANAGER B. RESOLUTION N0. 9-90 — ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES C. RESOLUTION N0. 10-90 — ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR MID—MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES D. RESOLUTION NO. 11-90 — ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE AND BENEFITS FOR CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES 10. RESOLUTION NO. 13-90 — ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF SALARIES FOR ALL JOB CLASSIFICATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO 11 . RESOLUTION NO. 12-90 — APPROVING A LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION (SEIU) 12. RESOLUTION NO. 16-90 — CONVEYING LAND FROM THE ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. NEEDED FOR THE SYCAMORE BRIDGE PROJECT 13. STATUS REPORT ON GRAVES CREEK ROAD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Mayor Dexter read the Consent Calendar and pulled Item #1 , stating that the minutes were not ready for approval . Councilwoman Borgeson pulled Items #3 and 13 for further discussion and Councilwoman Mackey pulled Item #9A for additional discussion. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items 1 , 3, 9A and 13; passed unanimously by roll call vote with Councilman Lilley announcing abstention on Item #7 (Claim of Jack Rodda) . Mayor Dexter clarified that Item #2 (Waiving of the reading CC2/13/90 Page 3 in full of all ordinances) had passed unanimously. The Council continued with further discussion on the following Consent Calendar items: 3~ ORDINANCE NQ, 198 - ZONE CHANGE 08-89w 7715/7745 SINALOA- Consideration of proposed Planned Development Overlay 2one to allow for the creation of a small lot residential subdivision (Jones/Cuesta Engineering ) (Second reading and adoption) Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to adopt Ordinance No . 198 on second reading . He further clarified for Councilwoman 8orgeson that a private street maintenance agreement between the homeowners would be a requirement of the subdivision map . MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Mayor Dexter to approve Ordinance No . 1/98}; passed 3:2 with Councilwoman Borgeson and Councilwoman Mackey voting against . qy~ A. _ AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-88p MAKING CHANGES TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND RAY WIp0DSORp CITY MANAGER Mark Joseph clarified that the adjustment to the City Manager ' s contract was identical to other department head agreements . Councilwoman Mackey stated that she was in favor of the sick leave incentive provision of the resolution but was against the additional 40-hour administrative leave stating that the City was short-handed already. She stated that she would have like to discuss this further with Mr . Windsor , who was away on vacation. Further Council discussion ensued regarding the proposed criteria for granting additional administrative leave. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to continue the matter for further discussion at the next regular meeting when the City Manager would be present ;. passed unanimously by voice vote. 83. STATUS REPORT ON GRAVES CREEK ROAD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Councilwoman Borgeson stated that because City staff was asking for direction, a discussion of the options should be heard . Gary Sims gave a report giving background and the following three recommendations: 1 > develop alternative layouts for the CC2/13/9O Page 4 0 0 installation of the culverts, 2) proceed with meetings with the Berrys ' to obtain input concerning desired culvert locations along their lot frontage and 3) hire a consultant to design the culvert installation. Henry Engen supported the hiring of a consultant stating that the City has a commitment to the downstream owner to solve the drainage problem and this action would allow continued progress. Discussion followed regarding whether or not the City could hire Volbrecht Surveys to act in this capacity. The City Attorney advised that he would need to look at the specific job duties and scope of the work before his determination could be made. MOTION; By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to follow staff recommendations 1 and 2, and , contingent upon the City Attorney ' s findings, hire a consultant to design the culvert installation; passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS/APPEARANCES; 1 . CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REMOVE A HERITAGE TREE, 8405 DEL RIO ROAD (Ormonde) Henry Engen gave staff report with recommendation to approve subject to either 1 ) 10 replacement trees to be provided or 2) making a $1 ,000 contribution to the Tree Replacement Fund . Lisa Schicker , City Arborist , was present and confirmed for Councilwoman Mackey which tree was the heritage tree. Mayor Dexter commented upon lack of the continuity of street addresses and asked residents of the area to clearly identify their property. A brief discussion followed propomoting pre-design consultations with the City Arborist with respect to tree preservation. The applicant, David Ormonde, spoke in support of his request and stated that at the time he began this project , pre-design consultation was not available to him, but that he had given much consideration to saving the largest and most desirable trees. MOTION= By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve the removal of a heritage tree at 8405 Del Rio Road ; passed unanimously by roll call vote. CC2/13/90 Page 5 W 0 Discussion before the vote was taken was held. Councilwomen Borgeson suggested Corridor 101 as a primary site for tree replacement and discussion followed regarding the decision-making policies of this issue. Ms. Borgeson suggested that the Council take this up at future meeting . 2° CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REMOVE A HERITAGE TREE° 8781 PLATA LANE (3espersen) Henry Engen gave staff report with a recommendation for approval with a 6: 1 replacement . Lisa Schicker stated that the applicant was agreeable to the 6: 1 replacement and that those trees would be Oaks. Upon her recommendation, the applicant was also receptive to the idea of having his adjacent property be a private receiver site for the planting of additional Oak trees to provide a natural screening to the freeway. Chris Jespersen, 60890 Rocky Canyon Road, identified himself as the applicant and availed himself to the Council for questions. Mr . Jespersen spoke in favor of his request to remove the tree stating that the tree was not a healthy one. ` Joe Elkins, resident of Templeton, identified himself as the architect and commented on the landscaping requirements on freeway frontage. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and Councilwoman Mackey to approve the request to remove a heritage tree at 8781 Plata Lane; passed unanimously by roll call vote. 3. - ROAD ABANDONMENT 03-89» VACATING A PORTION OF MERCEDES AVE~ RIGHT-OF-WAYw 5005 TRAFFIC WAY (Atascadero Door Co . /Cuesta Engineering ) Henry Engen gave staff report with the recommendation to approve the proposed resolution. He described this as a summary road abandonment , that there has newer been a road developed on the property and that the property owners wish to abandon the right- of-way to allow expansion of their business. Mr . Engen further stated that the Planning Commission, on a 7:0 vote, had recommended approval of the road abandonment . Council questions followed regarding setbacks, easements and future City use. CC2/13/90 Page 6 ` Comment :Public Deborah Hollowell , Cuesta Engineering , asked the Council to grant the request and confirmed that the applicant is in agreement with the conditions of approval . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilman Lilley to approve Resolution 85-89, passed unanimously by roll call vote. Mayor Dexter called for a recess at 8: 15 p .m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:25 p .m. 4. ORDINANCE NO, 204 - ZONE CHANGE 85-89v 8555 EL CORTE, Proposed revisions to a PD-6 Overlay Zone (Bunnell ) (FIRST READING: Recommend ( 1 ) motion to approve by title only - Voice vote; 2) motion to approve Ord . No . 204� on first reading - Roll call ) Henry Engen gave staff report indicating that the site plan is not before the Council for approval , but rather the request to amend the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to building height . He stated that the applicant ' s request is to delete subparagraph (f) in the present ordinance so that the foundations alone could be at the 960 line, but the buildings themselves could be higher . He noted that the original zoning change was for duplexes and that the proposal has now shifted to a single-family detached project . Mr . Engen reiterated that , in light of earlier action, the Council , should they decide to approve, would need only to approve on first reading . Lengthy Council discussion followed regarding original Ordinance No . 133 and the conceptual change from small duplexes targeted for retirement living to single-family homes. Councilwoman Mackey clarified that the 960 foot elevation in open space easement was a trade off for the higher density of the original plan and stated that she was not willing to give that away. Mr . Engen explained that the feeling at the time was to keep an open space easement and protect the hill in the back for public benefit for a planned development . Councilwoman Borgeson supported the thoughts of Councilwoman Mackey~ stating that no public good would be left if the view shed was impinged upon. Mr . Engen answered additional questions regarding the number of proposed buildings and the zoning of surrounding properties. Mayor Dexter stated that he would like to see more detail . CC2/13/9O Page 7 Public Comments: Ray Bunnell , owner-developer , addressed the Council with additional architectural renderings for their review. Mr . Bunnell gave support to his request stating that he was trying to move away from an apartment-type development . He asserted that he had designed homes to fit the hillside without having to cut trees, and that the original plan would have eliminated many trees. He further explained that his proposal was a nice variation of hillside elevations that would not conflict with the view, indicating that the highest rooftop would be 988 feet . Mr . Bunnell described the development as one that would not discriminate between adult and family but stated that he believed the appeal would be to the retired . He added that the plan included a hiking trail and picnic area. Mr . Bunnell answered Council questions regarding lot sizes, home design, community open space and recreational areas. He indicated that there would be an owner ' s association. Mayor Dexter asked Henry Engen if this development was within the Urban Services Line, to which Mr . Engen replied that it was. Councilwoman Mackey and Councilwoman Borgeson both stated that they felt there were too many homes planned for the area. Councilwoman Borgeson reiterated that the Council needs to consider the trade-off that was agreed to as a condition of the original re-zoning from one acre lots to a Planned Development as proposed by Mr . Poe. She stressed that the new owner , Mr . Bunnell , has an entirely different proposal which does not adhere to that condition. Mr . Bunnell responded that in some cases conditions are imposed that are not necessarily good for a site and stated that he believed this to be true in this instance. He proclaimed that his proposal was a much nicer project that would not create further cuts in the hillside and would be visually more pleasing than flat top houses. Jay Peterson, 8519 E1 Dorado , stated that he was representing himself and neighbors, Steven and Sharon Clark and Mr . Bob Ludwig . He asked the Council to take a good hard look at the site, its ' topography and ingress/egress features. He urged them to deny the project declaring that it is not suitable for the neighborhood and would create difficult traffic situations. Mr . Peterson asked the Council to have the applicant conform to the existing zoning , or rezone the area back to single family with CC2/13/90 Page 8 0 0 1/2 or 1 acre lot sizes. Mr . Peterson submitted a letter (Exhibit B) from the Clarks echoing the same concerns. Eric Michielssen, 5300 Aguila, spoke in support of the project outlining the improvements to the original plan and the benefits it would offer to the City. He asked the Council to thank the developer and help him clean up the existing mess by approving the request. Mike Jackson, 5235 Barrenda, urged the Council to approve the proposed project by allowing the developer to maximize the aesthetics and hide the cuts. He acknowledged the possibility of traffic problems stating that they could be worked out and asked the Council not to get stuck on the arbitrary figure of 960 feet . Mr . Bunnell recognized the traffic concerns and stressed that limiting a community to retired persons would not solve the problem. He further reported that City staff has advised him that he must open up another street and that he has agreed to do SO . He disclosed that the development would be required to complete off-site improvements totalling X30-40,000. Mr . Bunnell maintained that his plans revealed a nice project and stated that he hoped the Council would go along with it . Harold Peterson, neighboring property owner , announced that he had asked the City for 1/4 acre zoning and was turned down flatly for 1/2 acre. He proclaimed that the same zoning should apply and that the proposal represents too many homes for the area. Council Comments: Councilman Lilley commented that he would like to have an assurance that the concepts of a planned unit development do not alter without the Council ' s opportunity to discuss with the applicant changes that ought to go with that shift . He stated that he did not quarrel with the fact that the 960 elevation limitation may be unrealistic, but expressed his concern that the development be compatible with the area. Councilman Shiers stated that in order to increase the density, a 960 foot level was drawn as the contour line that would preserve open space above that . He asserted that this trade-off was the primary reason for originally approving the zone change to the higher density and if the Council does not wish to stick with that compromise, than it should go back to the original zoning of one-acre minimum. CC2/13/90 Page 9 MOTION: By Councilman Shiers to deny ZC 15-89 and Ordinance No . 204 and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson. Before voting on this motion, Mr . Bunnell made a request to have the matter continued so that the Council could have the benefit of all the information that staff has. Council discussion followed . Henry Engen offered another alternative by recommending a referral back to the Planning Commission for further detail on the proposed site plan. He further suggested to consider the amendment in tandem with an exhibit that shows a more detailed layout of the property. Councilman Shiers withdrew his motion in light of the discussion. Councilwoman Borgeson withdrew her second to that motion stating that she was not comfortable with changing a project that the original Planning Commission had approved and that the appropriate action was to send it back to the Planning Commission for further analysis. MOTION: By Mayor Dexter and seconded by Councilman Lilley to refer back to the Planning Commission for further study; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Councilmembers Mackey, Borgeson, Shiers and Dexter all proclaimed that they would like to see less density. Mayor Dexter asked the public for their input . C. REGULAR BIDS I NESS: 1 . PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TO OPERATE THE ATASCADERO SCHOOL DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL (Cont ' d from 1/23/90) Mark Joseph gave staff report on behalf of Andy Takata. As per the City Council ' s request, staff had contacted the City ' s liability company to determine the amount of risk exposure the City would be under if it were to operate the swimming pool . He reported that the insurance company did not feel there would be an appreciable increase in rates, but they stressed that they wanted to be able to review the contract between the City and the School District to make sure that the liability exposure stays as limited as possible. Staff ' s recommendation was to proceed with the project on a pilot basis to determine whether it can be done cost-effectively. CC2/13/90 Page 10 Councilwoman Mackey and Mayor Dexter strongly supported the project . MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to direct staff to begin the planning for the operation of the Atascadero High School swimming pool for the 1990 season and to set up an enterprise account to track the expenditures and revenues; passed unanimously by voice vote. 2. ORDINANCE N0. 205 — DELETING THE REQUIREMENT THAT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS MUST TERMINATE THEIR OFFICE WHEN SEEKING CITY ELECTIVE OFFICE (FIRST READING: Recommend ( 1 ) motion to approve by title only- Voice vote; (2) motion to approve Ord . No . 205 on first reading - Roll call ) Mayor Dexter stated that this ordinance is intended to bring into line the Parks and Recreation Commission with the same rights and privileges given to the Planning Commission and to make consistent with the Atascadero Municipal Code. There was no council or public discussion. MOTION: By Councilman Lilley and seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Ordinance No . 205; passed unanimously by roll call vote. Councilwoman Borgeson asked the City Attorney for clarification of the motion. He stated that the Council may approve the ordinance at this introduction and adopt the ordinance at the next meeting . 3. RESOLUTION NO. 15-90 — APPOINTING MEMBER AND ALTERNATE TO SERVE ON COUNTY SOLID WASTE TASK FORCE Mayor Dexter affirmed the appointments of Councilwoman Mackey as the appointee and Gary Sims as the alternate. Councilwoman Mackey clarified the reason for asking Mr . Sims to be an alternate stating that he would be the technical representative. There was no public comment . MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson and seconded by Councilman Shiers to approve Resolution No . 15-90; passed unanimously by roll call vote. CC2/13/90 Page 11 4~ LETTER FROM DON KLINE REQUESTING EMERGENCY GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT - Staff request direction Henry Engen gave staff report requesting the Council give direction to respond and gave a number of alternatives. He stated that since the agenda had been circulated , he had come up with one other alternative. Mr . Engen presented draft Resolution No . and described it as the most expeditious. Mr . Engen explained that the resolution would ( 1 ) enable the Kline ' s to , at their expense, have a temporary sewer hook-up at 5300 San Anselmo , <2> establish the temporary hook-up to permanent service contingent upon amendment to the General Plan enabling the action and 3) establish that such temporary service be contingent upon the Kline ' s agreement in writing to immediately disconnect said service and repair said septic system, and hold the City harmless should the contemplated General Plan Amendment not be approved ( in such event , the City would refund the sewer annexation fees and charges appropriate) . Brief council comments followed . Mayor Dexter recognized the need for an emergency action. The City Attorney stated that he had approved the resolution for content earlier in the day. Public Comment : Don Kline, 5300 San Anselmo , thanked the Community Development Director for his efforts and asked the Council for direction in establishing an agreement with the City to revamp the system if the General plan Amendment did not go through . Mr . Engen suggested that Mr . Kline have his attorney draft an agreement including his proposal for review by the City Attorney. Mr . Kline agreed to his recommendation. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey and seconded by Councilwoman Borgeson to approve Resolution 17-90 permitting ` temporary sewer hook-up to 5300 San Anselmo ; passed unanimously by roll call vote. IN12IVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/013 ACTIO x 8 . City Council : A. Committee 13ORorts: 1 ~ City/School Committee ~- Mayor Dexter reported that the CC2/13/9U Page 12 committee had been discussing the possibility of a joint effort to erect a community center/gymnasium and he was given Council approval to pursue further discussions with the school district . 2. North Coastal Transit - No report . 3. S.L.O. Area Coordinating Council - No report . 4. Traffic Committee - No report . 5. Solid/Hazardous Waste Mgmt. Committee - No report . 6. Recycling Committee — Councilwoman Mackey announced next meeting date. 7. Economic Opportunity Commission — Mayor Dexter announced that he would attend the next meeting , February 15, 1990. B. B. I .A. — Councilman Lilley reported that he had attended a meeting with the City Manager and members of the Board of Directors of the B. I .A. concerning the status of the City parking lot . He stated that these concerns dealt with insurance and the effect of the recent position taken by Mr . David K. Smith with regard to discussions about his easement . , Mr . Lilley stated that the final draft of documents dealing with the easements reflected , to the best of his knowledge, the exact language that was acceptable to Mr . Smith . He further reported that he had suggested that the City Attorney make a determination on whether or not Mr . Smith has an easement that is recognizable. 9. Downtown Steering Committee - Henry Engen announced that the plans had arrived on this date, that they would be distributed and set a tentative meeting date for early March . 10. General Plan Subcommittee - Henry Engen reported that the committee is proceeding through the preliminary draft of the Land Use Element and announced that Ed Ward would be making a presentation regarding the view shed on Highway 101 at the next meeting . Mayor Dexter urged all to become involved with Neighborhood Watch. CC2/13/90 Page 13 2. City Attorney - No report . 3. City Clerk - No report . 4. City Treasurer - No report . 5. City Manager - Absent Henry Engen asked the Council to consider a special meeting for February 26, 1990 to accept final maps, stating that normally this kind of action would be part of the Consent Calendar at a regular meeting . He requested that , due to County Recorder deadlines, the meeting be scheduled and suggested the time of 1 : 15 p .m. Councilwoman Borgeson asked if the meeting would be noticed. Mr . Engen recommended that the Council adjourn to that date. The City Attorney advised that it would be a regular meeting with a posted public hearing . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:05 P.M. TO FEBRUARY 26, 1990 AT 1 :15 P.M. IN THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE. MIN R CO ED AND PREPARED BY: LEE DAYKAI,. CITY OLERK Attachments: Exhibit A (Okeefe) Exhibit B (Clark ) CC2/13/90 Page 14 Q-9� Joan Okeefe 9985 Old Morro Rd. East Atascadero, Ca February 13, 1990 Members of the City Council; I would like to take a few minutes of the Council's time to talk about the proposed redesign of Garcia Road. The proposed redesign will eliminate massive grading, it will provide easier access to lots, it will save, in construction costs and it will save almost 300 trees from being removed or impacted. This was accomplished through the joint effort of the developer's Bill Pippin, Don Vaughn and Conrad Langille, our city arborist, Lisa Schicker, private arborist, Jack Brazil, and Community Development Director, Henry Engen. Rather than bulldozing away the natural topography the revised plan takes advantage of open spaces and existing terrain. We fully support this kind of innovative and sensitive design and are asking city staff to apply the same innovative approach to the beautiful laurel forest at the end of San Marcos Road. An ugly intrusive cut has already been made on the very steep, densely wooded slope. Many trees have already been removed. Exposed dangling roots attest to the many more trees that have been impacted. Red x's mark another 400 trees that will have to be removed or impacted if the road is to be completed. Soil slippage and erosion is already evident. These impactions have occurred on a road that is less than 3J4's of a mile long. To complete this road most of the hillside will have to be graded. While it is unfortunate that this happened the project should only be processed after seriously considering alternative designs. A redesigned project, just like on Garcia, could benefit everyone involved. The developer and future property owners would have tremendous cost saving by engineering for and developing on level, stable sites. The future homeowners would have the advantage of open space, thereby contributing to the rural atmosphere of Atascadero and preserving the forest and the contours of the hills. The entire community would benefit by not having to look at the permanent, ugly scar of massive cut and fill visible from all over the city. We will continue to fully support these innovative approaches to development in our city. We hope City Council will do the same by directing staff to initiate a similar cooperative effort with the single land owner of this site on San Marcos Road as it was done on Garcia Road. Exh 3 _- ------- _... 4.0 U _ -bcxc.�-._ No I • _ _ .. --_..