HomeMy WebLinkAboutAARP Agmt. 9/30/1997 r � �y OCT 0 2 1997 SCSEP HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT CITY OF ATASCADERO JUNE 14 , 17 - ---------------------99----------------- NAME OF AGENCY/ORGANIZATION DATE ( 8 5 461-501 STREET ADDRESS 111IONE EXT. 6500 PALMA DRIVE ( 80�— 46 -0606 MAILING ADDRESS FAX NUMBER ATASCADERO CA 93422 CITY STATE ZIP The C.TTV OF ATASCADERO nonnrotrt (tax exempt under the lnir .- evenue Crequests 1(cr Mf or anizati , and an equal employment opportunity employer, the serviceients from the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons Foundation. A Job Description for each community service/training position requested is attached. The Job Description specifically states the safety precautions of each duty listed, and the host Agency understands that it has a responsibility to provide a safety orientation to each client training in that organization. The Host Agency acknowledges that if there exists a legal requirement for a security/police check and/or any health screening, the Host Agency is responsible for ensuring compliance, then providing verification in the form of a simple written statement to the SCSEP stating that the requirement has been met. Due to the nature of SCSEP funding, it is imperative that the Most Agency Executive notify the Project Director if the supervisor of the assigned SCSEP client is compensated with Federal funds. The Host Agency agrees to provide supervision and training for each assigned client. The Host Agency also agrees to the provisions of the Host A.g-epfi landbook, provided by the program, as a condition of participation in the Senior Community Service Employment Program. ffi(16AA�l 09/30/97 WADE G. MC KINNEY AGENCY EXECUTIVE SIGNA URE/DATE PRINT NAME 09/3.0/97 AL 1 C I A I . LARA ACTINGR OR SIGNATURE/DATE PRINT' NAME ANI) TITLE DAISY RUSH SCSEP PR J CT DIRECTOR SIGNATU E/DATE PRINT NAME. ORIGINAL: PROJECT OFFICE COPY: IIOST AGENCY r� OCT 0 2 1997 Santa Maria, ('A 078 Grant Title V MAINTENANC E_S2F___EFFQRT (A) Employment of enrollees funded under the Act shall be only in addition to employment which would otherwise be funded by the project sponsor, the sub-project sponsor, and the host agencies without assistance under the Act. (B) Project funded under the Act: (1) Shall result in an increase in employment opportunities over those which would otherwise be available; (2) May not result in the displacement of currently employed workers, including partial displacement such as a reduction in hours of non- overtime work, wages, or employment benefits; (3) May not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed; (4) May not substitute project jobs for existing Federally assisted jobs; and (5) May not employ or continue to employ an enrollee to perform work the same or substantially the same as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. I have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of Effort regulation by having the AARP/SCSEP enrollee(s) working in our agency. CITY OF ATASCADERO NOST AGENCY Supervisor's Sign re ALICIA I . LARA 9/30/97 __--------- Date ` AARP/SCSEP HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT CITY Or ATASCADF?3 O Jti IE 114, Name of Organization or Agency Date (,500 PAL"TA AVE. Street Address Phone ATA.SCA,I EPO, CA 93422 City State ZIP The (name of organization) CITY O A -AS+`„1I,1"P0 a public or non-profit organization (IRS Code 501_ (c)(3) ) , and an equal employment opportunity employer, requests the services of enrollees from the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program. Job descriptions for each part-time training position requested are attached. We acknowledge having received a Handbook for Host Agencies outlining our responsibilities for participation in this program and agree to abide by the provisions therein. : , `. AgenEEcy, xecutive REV,,rAT A Title (This form is to be signed by AA._ ..% CS . , EP P t D' ec or a person with the authority � to employ or commit funds Site No. : 978 for employment. ) COPIES: White/SCSEP File; Canary/Host Agency Mi/GP-4404( 12-89 ) • E49 Santa Maria, CA 078 (;rant Title V MAINTENA OF EFT-OR'-J' (A) Employment of enrollees funded under the Act shall he only In addition to employment which would otherwise he funded by the project sponsor, the sub-project sponsor, and the host agencies without assistance under the Act. (13) Project funded under the Act: (1) Shall result in an increase in employment opportunities over those which would otherwise be available; (2) May not result in the displacement of currently employed workers, including partial displacement such as a reduction in hours of non- overtime work, wages, or employment benefits; (3) May not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed; (4) May not substitute project jobs for existing Federally assisted jobs; and (5) May not employ or continue to employ an enrollee to perform work the same or substantially the sante as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. 1 have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of Effort regulation by having the AARP/SCSEP enrollee(s) working In our agency. CITY 1 ATASCAnFR0 HOST AGENCY Supervisor's Sign re AL I C I A I . LARA 06/12/96 Date A4RP AARP/SCSFP iA%:?O�w HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT CITE OF ATASCADERO JUNE 14, 1995 Name of Organization or Agency Date 6500 Palma Ave. ( 805 ) 461 - 5014 Street Address Phone Atascadero, CA q3422 City State ZIP The (name of organization) CITY OF ATASCADERO a public or non-profit organization (IRS Code 501_c)(3) ) , and an equal employment opportunity employer, requests the services of enrollees from the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program. Job descriptions for each part-time training position requested are attached. We acknowledge having received a Handbook for Host Agencies outlining our responsibilities for participation in this program and agree to abide by the provisions therein. ANDRE .T. TAKA`I'A Agency Executive CITY MANAGER Title (This form is to be signed by AARP/SCSEP Project Director a person with the authority to employ or commit funds Site No. : 078 for employment. ) COPIES: White/SCSEP File; Canary/Host Agency NH/GP-4404( 12-89 ) • E49 ' `"-• ,, `err+'° Snrtla Mmin, CA 1179 Utnnt l itle V (A) Ntililoymenl of enrollees funded under lite Act sitnll he Daly itt nddilion Io employment which would otherwise he funded by Ilse prt,led sponsor, the sub-prulect sponsor, and the host agencies wilhout nssistnnce under the Act. (11) Project funded under (lie Act; (I) Shall tesull Ito alt (nctettse in etttltloyrttettt opportunities over those which would otherwise he avall"ble; (2) May Itttt tesuh in the tlisplacemew of ctntenlly employed wotkets, including pattlal displacement such as a reduction ht hunts of non- overtittte work, wages, or employntenl belle-111s; (J) May not Impair existhig cottltacis lilt service or result (n Ilse suhstiUtllon of Itederal Iltndo Cur other liutds In connection with work fila( would utitetwise be per fur rated; (4) May not 11111►Ulule prolecl .lobs I-or existing Vedetnlly nsslsted .lulls; Hold (5) May not engtioy or conlittue to employ not enrollee lit perforin work lite nme of Wiglati lally the Same ns that petloo meta by Holy oilier person who is on layoff. 1 have read tite preceding statement Hold to my knowledge there Is no violniion of the Maintenance of (=flint tegttlatiott by having the RAIU'/SCS131' etttoilee(s) working In our agency, CITY OF ATASCADERO I10S l' AVt;NC:Y n / Supervisor's S1 ole Dale A4RP &iragirrg lifetimes ofrxpr;-iencc and"cadershl'p to scri)c allgrucrations. SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICIE r,`V!, Jerry P. Young. Protect Dmeclkl[ 301 South Mile! Sulk--2i' Santa Wria. CA 9345'-5244 (805) 92-2-7966 April 18, 1995 City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 Gentlemen: We are updating all of our Host Agency Commitments on a yearly basis, so we are asking you to renew our agreement at this ticie. Please complete and return to us on or before June 14, 1995 9 keeping a copy of the Agreement for your files. A Host Agency must be a public-service or non-profit organization in order to participate in our work/training program. As such, we are required to have a current copy of your exemption from taxation under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or your current IRS 990. If you have any questions, please feel free to call this office. We wish to say that we are indeed grateful for your organization agreeing to provide a most worthy service for our seniors in the Senior Community Service Employment Program. Sincerely, RR YOU 6 rqject Direc Anicrican Association of Retired "eisons 031 t, Stirct, N.'W_ Washil1vton, D.C. 20049 !2021) 434 )?-7 AARP/SCSEP HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT Citv of Atascadero June 14, 1994 Name of Organization or Agency Date 6500 Palma Ave. ( 805 ) 461 - 5014 Street Address Phone Atascadero, CA 93422 City State ZIP The (name of organization) Citv of Atascadero a public or non-profit organization (IRS Code 50 - c 3T) , and an equal employment opportunity employer, requests the services of enrollees from the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program. Job descriptions for each part-time training position requested are attached. We acknowledge having received a Handbook for H9jt A( encies outlining our responsibilities for participation in this progr m and agree to abide by the provisions therein. Agerty' Exe uti ve A7,11.1i;aW J. TA:A?'A m,v 2 ri r U T) Title (This form is to be signed by ARRP/SCSEP R6oje"ct Direc or a person with the authority to employ or commit funds Site No. : 678 for employment. ) COPIES: White/SCSEP File; Canary/Host Agency Mi/GP-4404(12-89 ) 0 1949 'irr�v Santa Maria, CA 078 Grant Title V MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (A) Employment of enrollees funded under the Act shall be only in addition to employment which would otherwise be funded by the project sponsor, the sub-pro:)ect sponsor, and the host agencies without assistance under the Act. (B) Project funded under the Act: (1) Shall result in an increase in employment opportunities over those which would otherwise be available; (2) May not result in the displacement of currently emploved workers, including partial displacement such as n reduction in hours of non-overtime work, wages, or employment benefits; (3) May not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed; (4) May not substitute project ,jobs for existing Federally assisted jobs; and (5) May not employ or continue to employ and enrollee to perform work the same or substantially the same as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. I have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of Effort regulation by having an AARP/SCSEP enrollee(s) working in our agency. CITY OF ATASCADERO IIOST AGENCY Sttpervlsor's SiPnatur.e Date `44 nn AARP/SCSFP olva: s HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT CITY OF ATAS AD RO1".993-- — -- Name of Organization or Agency Date 6500 Palma Ave. _, ( 461 - 5.0.14 Street Address Phone Atngrndpro CA 93422 City State ZIP The (name of organization) City of Atascader-o a public or non-profit organization (IRS Code 5001- (c)_(3fl , and an equal employment opportunity employer, requests the services of enrollees from the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program. Job descriptions for each part-time training position requested are attached. We acknowledge having received a Handbook for Host Agencies outlining our responsibilities for participation in this program and agree to abide by the provisions therein. d -- -AEFx_ec­ut__i­v­e________ ncy _Admin.-_SPs�zice_➢ix-er�Qr---- -------- Title (This form is to be signed by A RP S SEP ' ct Di ctor, Jerry P, Young a person with the authority to employ or commit funds Site No. : 078 for employment. ) COPIES: White/SCSEP File; Canary/Host Agency NH/GP-4404( 12-89 ) 0 E49 Santa Maria, CA 078 Grant 'title V MAII�_I=ENANGE—S?_I i_J)T'OKV (A) I;ntployntent of enrollees funded under the Act shall fie only in addition to erttployment which would otherwise he funded by the project si►onsor, the sub-project sponsor, and the host agencies without assistance under the Act. (13) proiect funded under the Act: 1 (1) Shall result in an increase in employment ttitportunities over those which would otherwise be available; (2) May not result in the displacement of t urrently employed workers, including partial displacement such as a reduction in hours of non- overtime work, wages, or employment benefits; (3) May not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal fonds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise he performed; (4) May not substitute project Jobs for existing Federally assisted ,jobs; and (5) May not employ or continue to employ an enrollee to ierfottn work the same or substantially the sante as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. 1 have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of E-1-fort regulation by having the AARI'/SCSI'sp enrollee(s) working in our agency. _of. Atascader-o--- ,IIOST A(;1;NCY a " upefvisur� Sigt ure Da e INCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 V ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93422 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: t r ATAS-002 AARP AARP/SCSEP 00 HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT CITY 07 TASCADERO A!,ri1. 3. 1991 Name of Organization or Agency Date 6500 Pallas Ave ( 205 ) 46E'-,,{o on Street Address Phone Atascadero CA 133622 City State ZIP The (name of organization)_ CITY ,, AT .qCADEP0 a public or_____� non-profit organization (IRS Code 501- (c)(3) ) , and an equal employment opportunity" employer, requests the services of enrollees from the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program. Job descriptions for each part-time training position requested are attached. We acknowledge having received a Handbook for Host Agencies outlining our responsibilities for participation in this program and agree to abide by the provisions therein. 1 d' / Ag n, y Ex tive Admin. Srvc. Director Title (This form is to be signed by /SCS rogect Dire- a person with the authority to employ or commit funds Site No. : Ml for employment. ) COPIES: White/SCSEP File; Canary/Host Agency NH/GP-4404(12-89 ) 0 E49 Santa Ma i, CA 078 Grant Title V AARP SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM SIRO VALLE, PROJECT DIRECTOR 600 South Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (A) Employment of enrollees funded under the Act shall be only in addition to employment which would otherwise be funded by the project sponsor, the sub-project sponsor, and the host agencies without assistance under the act. (B) Project funded under the Act: (1) Shall result in an increase in employment opportunities over those which would otherwise be available; (2) May not result in the displacement of currently employed workers, including partial displacement such as a reduction in hours of non-overtime work, wages, or employment benefits; (3) May not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed; (4) May not substitute project jobs for existing Federally assisted jobs; and (5) May not employ or continue to employ an enrollee to perform work the same or substantially the same as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. I have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of Effort regulation by having the AARP-SCSEP enrollee (s) working in our Agency. CITY OF ATASCADERO HOST AGENCY 1 Z 4 Supe isor s S gnature Date SV:jS 2-1990 AARP/SCSEP 214RP iow JOB DESCRIPTION � HOST AGENCY: DATE: JOB TITLE: WORKERS COMPENSATION CLASS: CODE: DUTIES: ( Include examples of work performed) This job requires the following physical activities: (Check applicable items below) Frequent crouching or bending at the knees. Continuous standing for periods of one hour or more. Lifting or carrying items weighing at least 25 pounds. Frequent lifting of items from below the knees or above the shoulders. Frequent climbing of stairs, ladders, etc. Other, please specify CLIENT SIGNATURE: Date: INSTRUCTIONS: Attach original to Host Agency Agreement. Before client signs this Job Description, make three copies. (Client signs all three copies) . Distribute signed copies to: Client, Host Agency, Client File. NH/GP-4405( 12-89 ) • D12592 A4RP SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Siro Valle, Project director 600 South Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 922-7966 March 8, 1991 Administrative Service Director City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 Gentlemen: We are updating all our Host Agency Commitments on a yearly basis, so we are asking you to renew our agreement at this time. Please complete and return to us on or before April 3, 1991 keeping a copy of the Agreement for your files. A Host Agency must be a public-service or non-profit organization in order to participate in our work/training program. As such, we are required to have a current copy of Exempt Form from taxation under 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or current form 990. Please include this with the Agency Agreement. If you have any questions, please feel free to call this office. May we take this opportunity to say that we are grateful for your agreeing to provide a most worthy service for our seniors in the Senior Community Service Employment Program. Sincerely, ,h S ' o Va e____'Project Director SV/mw American Association of Retired Persons 1909 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20049 (202) 872-4700 • Santa Maria, CA 078 Grant Title V AARP SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM SIRO VALLE, PROJECT DIRECTOR 600 South Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (A) Employment of enrollees funded under the Act shall be only in addition to employment which would otherwise be funded by the project sponsor, the sub-project sponsor, and the host agencies without assistance under the act. (B) Project funded under the Act: (1) Shall result in an increase in employment opportunities over those which would otherwise be available; (2) May not result in the displacement of currently employed workers, including partial displacement such as a reduction in hours of non-overtime work, wages, or employment benefits; (3) May not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed; (4) May not substitute project jobs for existing Federally assisted jobs; and (5) May not employ or. continue to employ an enrollee to perform work the same or substantially the same as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. I have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of Effort regulation by having the AARP-SCSEP enrollee (s) working in our Agency. CITY OF ATASCADERO PERSONNEL ALMA AVE. ATASCADERO,CA 93422 HOST AGENCY Supervis` 's Signature Date SV:js 2-1990 AARP AARP/SCSEP HOST AGENCY AGREEMENT City of Atascadero April .3, 1.991 Name of Organization or Agency Date 6500 Palma Avenue ( 18,05 ) 466-8000 Street Address Phone` Atascadero CA. 934""? city State ZIP The (name of organization) City of At.ascadero a public or non-profit organization (IRS Code 501- c 3_)� and an equal employment opportunity employer, requests the services of enrollees from the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program. Job descriptions for each part-time training position requested are attached. We acknowledge having received a Handbook for Host Agencies outlining our responsibilities for participation in this program and agree to abide by the provisions therein. Agency EylecOtive Title ' (This form is to be signed by PC S E P P roj6ct htor eca person with the authority to employ or commit funds Site No. : 078 for employment. ) COPIES: White/SCSEP File; Canary/Host Agency Mi/GP-4404( 12-89 ) 0 E49 v 'rr✓ A4RP SENIOR COMt* M, SERVICE EMPLOYKERT PROGRA?i Siro valle, Project Director 600 South Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 922-7966 April 3, 1990 . Director of Administrative Service City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Gentlemen: We are updating all our host Agency Commitments on a yearly basis, so we are asking von to renew our agreement at this time. Please complete and return to us on c. before April •Q, 1990 keeping a copy of the At-reement for" your files. A Host Agency mus: be a' public-semi a or non-profit organization in order to participate in our worxTtraining program. As such, we are required to have a current copy of Exempt =orm from taxation under 50l (c) (3) of the Interna'_ Revenue Code or current form 990. Please include this with the Agency Agreement. If any have anquestions, please feel free to call this office. Mar we take this opportuni y to sat- that we are grateful for vour agreeing to provide a most worthy service for our seniors in the Senior Community Service -mployment Program. Sincerely rt Valle Project Director Sl'/hj Strom `-V c Santa Mar CA 078 Grant Title AARP SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM SIRO VALLE, PROJECT DIRECTOR 600 South Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (A) Employment of enrollees funded under the Act shall be only in addition to employment which would otherwise be funded by the project sponsor, the sub-project sponsor, and the host agencies without assistance under the act. (B) Project funded under the Act: (1) Shall result in an increase in employment opportunities over those which would otherwise be available; (2) May not result in the displacement of currently employed workers, including partial displacement such as a reduction in hours of non-overtime work, wages, or employment benefits; (3) May not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed; (4) May not substitute project jobs for existing Federally assisted jobs; and (5) May not employ or continue to employ an enrollee to perform work the same or substantially the same as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. I have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of Effort regulation by having the AARP-SCSEP enrollee (s) working in our Agency. C a� HOST AGENCY Supervi o 's Sig Lure Date SV:js 2-1990 AARP/SCSEP �i JOB DESCRIPTION *40 HOST AGENCY: City of Atascadero DATE: April 3, 1990 JOB TITLE: Maintenance Worker — Parks, Streets WORKERS COMPENSATION CLASS: CODE: 9063 DUTIES: (Include examples of work performed) This job requires the following physical activities: (Check applicable items below) Frequent crouching or bending at the knees. Continuous standing for periods of one hour or more. Lifting or carrying items weighing at least 25 pounds. Frequent lifting of items from below the knees or above the shoulders. Frequent climbing of stairs, ladders, etc. Other, please specify CLIENT SIGNATURE: Date: INSTRUCTIONS: Attach original to Host Agency Agreement. Before client signs this Job Description, make three copies. (Client signs all three copies) . Distribute signed copies to: Client, Host Agency, Client File. NH/GP-4405( 12-89 ) 9 012592 1400, Santa taria , 'A 73 Grant Title Y AAILII S IdIC t CCI.I-IUNITY i7J' LCYi1'NT YROGRAi4 SIRO VALLE ,Fcrject Director 600 ;south Broad,vay Santa I4aria, CA 93454 MLAIi;T_NAiiC% C? EFFORT (! ) Employment of enrollees funded under the Act shall be only in addition to employment which would otherwise be funded by the project sponsor, the sub-project sponsor , and the host agencies without assistance under the act . (B) Froject funded under the Act: ( 1) Shall result in an increase in employment opportunities over those which would other- wise be available; ( 2) May not result in the displacement of currently employed workers , including partial displacement such as a reduction in hours of non-overtime work , wages , nr employment benefits ; (3) may not impair existing contracts for service or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed; (4) I,iay not substitute project jobs for existing Federally assisted jobs ; and ( 5) 'inlay not employ or continue to employ an enrollee to perform work the same or substantially the same as that performed by any other person who is on layoff. I have read the preceding statement and to my knowledge there is no violation of the Maintenance of Effort regulation by having the AARF'-SCSEP enrollee( s) working in our Agency. CITY OF ATASCADERO HOai AGEL'CY Supe isor' s Signature DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Date *AW AGE Y COMMITMENT 1 to Number Note: Send signed original and one copy to the local Project Director. Keep one copy for your records . FROM: CITY OF ATASCADERO 4/3/89 Name of Organization or Agency Date 6500 PALMA AVENUE (805) 466-8000 Street Address Telephone ATASCADERO, CA 93422 City State zip TO: Glenn L. Northup, National Project Director Senior Community Service Employment Program American Association of Retired Persons The CITY OF ATASCADERO , a public or non-profit (Name of Organization or Agency) Prganization (IRS Code 501 C 3) , and an equal opportunity employer, agrees to utilize the services of enrollees in the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program as follows: Number of Enrollees Job Title VARIOUS MAINTENANCE WORKER I - PARKS, STREETS CLERICAL ASSISTANT We will provide training and supervision in addition to that furnished by the local Project Director . Job-specific training will include relevant safety precautions . We will be responsible for the timely preparation and submission of Time and Attendance records . We understand that volunteering extra time/work without pay (compensatory time) by an enrollee at this or her regular scheduled job assignment is a violation of the U.S . Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act. We also understand that any violation of this law may result in the immediate removal of the enrollee(s) from our Agency, and that we may be denied fu- ture participation in the program. As ways of utilizing these enrolles are explored, and as their capabili- ties and interests are established, we will consider offering permanent employment, either on a full-time or part-time basis , to those persons who meet our needs , and as positions become available. We acknowledge having received an Enrollee Handbook and orientation to our responsi- bilities for participation in this program. Agency Exe:ZINISTRATIVE ive DIRECTOR OF SERVICE AARP SCSEP Title Project Director (This form is to be signed by a person with authority to employ or to commit funds NH/GP-0170 X11_d4) for employment .) - i (FIG 203-3) i JOB OES=-PTICN PART 1: TITLc.: CLERICAL ASSISTANT I - WOR:{?.RS ' COMPSNISA ION CLASSITICATION: CODE: 8810 CITY OF ATASCADERO SPORTS TO: ALICIA LARA DUTIES: OEIIER AL STATENE.VT OF DUTIES: Under supervision or general supervision performs clerical work , assists public in its contact with the city at a public counter or by telephone, performs other related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES PERFORMED: (Any one position may not include dl l duties listed , nor do the examples listed cover all the duties that may be performed.) Types, files, checks , and records information; answers telephone and waits on the general public ; types letters , memoranda , or other material from oral directi-on , rough draft , copy , notes or transcribing machine recordings ; operates adding machines and other office machines ; sorts and files documents and records according to predetermined classifications ; maintains alphabetical index and cross reference files ; performs some math calculations , assists in completing forms ; prepares simple statistical reports ; may collect cash and account for receipts ; issues permits and licenses; meters outgoing mail ; picks up and delivers mail to post office. I have raviewed, understood and received a copy of tzis joo descriptio:: . Enrollee Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRO P. VALLE - Pro3ect Oi=ector Project Director Date W� 4/5/89 v v agency Execst a Dace MARK JOSEPH, DIRECT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (FIG 203-9) Revised 9/86 OVER JOB DESCRIPTION ?ART II. PLZASE CHECK ( ) THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES LISTED BE:OW WHICH ARE REQUIRED :0 DO THIS JOB. 1 . Standing in one place for an extended period of time (h hour or more) 2. Considerable wal.eing in the work area while performing tasks . 3 . Maintaining any static body position for periods of 1g. hour or more. Repetitive motion coati.^.ued for periods of hour or more at - a t_=e. (Please specifv) �.' ,,-),, <, ve 1 3 . X Climbing of stairs, 1 = , or �:�z:es . ( oeci°y w^,ich. ) Crouching (Bending at %the knees) . (Occasionally, _v. ) 7 . Stooping (Bending at the waist) . (Occasionally, fz-� , ) S . Turning or twisting of the upper body as a frequent job activity . 9 . Reaching with arts extended above the head. 10 . Gripping or grasping with the hands for periods of � hour or more. U . Lifting of items from below the knees or to above the shoulder. (Aperoximate weight . ) 12 . Lifting of items only between knees and shoulders . (Approximate weight . ) 13 . Carrying items weighing 25 lbs. or more or bulky items . 1 e . Pushing or pulli_:q objects as a frequent job activ:.t1. _5 . Visual require=eats exc_ed4 ng that for t a nor=al daily act".rit_- of living. .o . hearing requi=:.:.eats exceeding that For t_':e .ormal daily activit- of living. ?LEASE ADD ANY EXPLANATORY COM24ENTS OR LIST OTHER REQUIRED PHYSICA_. ACTIVI WHICH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN FILLING THIS POSITION. . j (FIG 203-B) 1 JOB DESCRIPTION PART 1: TIT_T.E: MAINTENANCE WORKER I - PARKS WOP-KZ.tSCOMPENSATION CLASSIFICATION: CODE: AGLNCY: CITY OF ATASCADERO REPORTS TO: WILLIAM WHITE DUTIES: MAINTENANCE WORKER I DEFINITION: Under supervision, to perform a variety of semiskilled and unskilled manual tasks; may be assigned or transferred to the same classification level in different departments of the City; and to do other work as required. MWI - PARKS: As a member of a park maintenance crew, maintains , mows , trims, and waters lawns; trims shrubs; cultivates and fertilizes lawns; sprays weeds; rakes leaves and trash from park areas ; cleans gutters and park pathways; assists in planting of shrubs; cleans and performs minor maintenance work on park equipment, buildings , and facilities ; cleans floors, windows and fixtures in park rest rooms. Operates trucks and light mechanical equipment; under direct supervision cares for exotic zoo animals. have reviewed, understood and received a copy of t:zis fob description . Enrollee Dace ----------------------------------------- S1R0 P. VALLE Pro]ect -ector Project Director Date v v Agency E- ecutive Date MARK JOSEPH, RECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (FIG 203-B) Revised 9/85 OVER JOB DESCRIPTION ?ART II. ?LEASE CHECK ( ) THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES LISTED BELOW WHICH ARE REQUIRED TO DO THIS JOB. 1 . Standing in one place for an extended period of time (h hour or more) . i 2. ✓ Considerable walking in the :a work area while perforing tasks . 3 . Maintaining any static body position for periods of � hour or more. 4 . ✓ Renetitive motion continued for periods of � hour or more at a ti.^.ie. (Please specifv)_ ! 5 . v Climbing of stairs , ladders` or steep inclines . (Specify which. ) 6 . / Crouching (Bending at the knees) . (Occasionally, frequently. } 7 . ,i Stooping (Bending at the waist) . (Occasionally , f�q_e tly-. ) S . / Turning or twisting of the upper body as a frequent job activity . 9 . � Reaching with arras extended above the head. 10 . Gripping or grassing with the hands for periods of � hour or more. I1 . ✓ Lifting of items from below the knees or to above the shoulder. (Approximate weight i � 12. ,/ Lifting of items only between knees and shoulders . (Apprcxir.:ate weight y( e eL-- • ) UCCusi�n ` `� - 13 . ✓ arryirrg—items weighing 25 lbs. or more or bulky items . 14 . 1 Pushing or pulling objects as a frequent job activity. 13 . Visual requirements exceeding that for the normal daily activit_eE of living. 16 . Hearing requirements exceeding that for --he normal daily ac:ivi_i- of living. PLEASE ADD ANY EXPLANATORY COMMENTS OR LIST OTHER REQUIRED PHYSICAL ACTIVI. WHICH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN FILLING THIS POSITION.