HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-031 Brown & Caldwell - Deisgn Wastewater Treatment CITY • E GONTpACT�l�C CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY UPGRADE IMPROVEMENTS, STAGE 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, hereinafter referred to as "City", and BROWN AND CALDWELL hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: Article 1 - Authorization A. Consultant will perform the services under this Agreement upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed issued by the City Manager. B. The following exhibits are attached hereto, and incorporated herein, by reference as though here fully set forth. 1. Exhibit A - Fee Proposal, Cost Estimate, Scope of Work 2. Exhibit B - Fee Proposal, Addendum No. 2 3. Exhibit C - Fee Proposal, Addendum No. 3 4. Exhibit D - Fee Schedules Article 2 - Responsibilities of Consultant A. Consultant will provide to the City of Atascadero all of the necessary services required to design the Stage 1 upgrade improvements to the City wastewater treatment facility as outlined in Exhibit A as modified by Exhibits B and C and as de- scribed in the Preliminary Design Report prepared by Brown and Caldwell dated May 1997. The services shall include, but not be limited to, the preparation of a complete, bid-ready set of contract documents (plans, specifications and estimates) required for the construction of the Stage 1 improvements even if such services are beyond those outlined in Exhibit A as modified by Exhibits B and C. B. In the performance of Consultant's service under this Agreement, Consultant agrees that he will maintain such coordination with City officials as may be requested and desirable, including primary coordination with the Project Coordinator, herein designated as the City Engineer. C. Insofar as they may be applicable to the project contemplated by this Agreement, Consultant shall render the services outlined in Exhibit A as modified by Exhibits B Wastewater Treatment Facility Consultant Services Agreement Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements Page 1 of 7 and C commencing with receipt of a written Notice to Proceed signed by the City Manager. Article 3 - Responsibilities of City A. The City will cooperate with the Consultant on all phases of the services covered by this Agreement and will make available to him, as his needs indicate, all existing maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs, soils reports, and other similar data in possession of City covering the site as selected. B. At its option, the City will provide the surveying services outlined in Exhibit A. The Consultant shall provide the City with a detailed schedule which identifies the required completion date of each City esurvey tasks no later than fivel'(5)din workXng days fromhibit A. the schedule shall be submitted to date the Notice to Proceed is issued. Article 4 Fee and Provision for Payment A. The City will pay the Consultant a fee of not to exceed $142,650.00 for the design services outlined in Exhibit A as modified by Exhibits B and C and as contracted under this Agreement. the B. The City will pay the Consultant n Exhibitfnot A asto exceed mod Pied by ExhibitOs Brand C and as geotechnical services outlined contracted under this Agreement. C. The City will pay the Consultant a fee of not to exceed $8,000.00 for the surveying services outlined in Exhibit A as contracted under this Agreement. There shall be no compensation to the Consultant for surveying services should the City elect to provide such services. D. The not-to-exceed fee for design, geotechnical and surveying services shall be bid- considered full compensation for all the services required to prepare a complete, ready set of contract documents rin Exhibit A apgmodefiedradprovements even by Exhibits B andfCuch services are beyond those outlined E. Consultant shall submit mo progressthly xhib t A as modif d by Exhibits Bland C. completion of each task specified iE F. Consultant will be paid no later than thiicerAny 0) days lgcable hourly rate receipt by City f Consultant's progress report and invo y addit onal app billings as authorized in Article 5 shall be based on the Fee Schedules incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit D. Consultant Services Agreement Wastewater Treatment Facility Page 2 of 7 Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements Article 5 Payment for Extra Services or Changes Any claim for payment for extra services or changes in the services will be paid by City only upon certification by the City Manager that the claimed extra service or change was authorized in advance by the Project Coordinator and the City Manager, and that the service has been satisfactorily completed. Invoices for extra services which are approved by the Project Coordinator and City Manager must be submitted by Consultant within thirty (30) days of completion of such services and must be accompanied by a statement of itemized costs covering said services. Article 6 Suspension or Termination of Agreement A. If Consultant fails to comply with the conditions of the Agreement, City may, by written notice of the Project Coordinator and the City Manager, suspend the Agreement and withhold further payments pending corrective action by Consultant or a decision to terminate the Agreement. After receipt of notice of suspension, Consultant may not incur additional obligations of Agreement funds during the suspension unless specifically authorized by the Project Coordinator and the City Manager. B. Either party hereto shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon giving ten (10) days written notice of such termination of this project in its entirety, notwithstanding any other fee provisions of this Agreement, based upon services accomplished by Consultant prior to notice of such termination. Consultant shall be entitled to the reasonable value of his services involved in the termination, as determined by City, upon a finding which shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of fee due and owing. Article 7 - Time of Completion Consultant agrees to diligently pursue the services under this Agreement and to complete the all of the services described in Exhibit A as modified by Exhibit B to the point of providing a complete submittal of contract documents for the Stage 1 upgrade improvements of the City wastewater treatment facility within 160 working days from receipt of the written Notice to Proceed signed by the City Manager. Consultant shall not be responsible for any delay which is caused by City review, action or inaction of City and/or any state or federal agency, or acts of God, but shall be responsible for his own fault or negligence or that of any of his subcontractors. Article 8 - Conflicts of Interest No member, officer, or employee of City, during his or her tenure, or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. Wastewater Treatment Facility Consultant Services Agreement Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements Page 3 of 7 Article 9 - Ownership of Data The ownership of all data collected for use by Consultant under this Agreement, together with working papers, drawings, and other materials necessary for a complete understanding of the plans and necessary for the practical use of the plans shall be vested in City. Ownership of original drawings and documents shall be vested in City. Consultant may retain a copy of all work for his own use. Article 10 - Covenant Against Contingent Fees Consultant warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for him, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than bona fide employee working solely for him, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent on or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage fee, gift, or contingency. Article 11 - Contract Personnel The services to be done pursuant to this Agreement shall be done by Brown and Caldwell and such other personnel in the employ or under the supervision of Consultant who shall be approved by City. The City official who shall be vested with the right of approval of such additional personnel or outside contracting parties shall be the City Manager. City reserves the right to reject any of Consultant's personnel or proposed outside consultants, and City reserves the right to request that acceptable replacement personnel be assigned to the project. Article 12 - Indemnity Clause Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City of Atascadero, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and liabilities arising out of this Agreement or occasioned by the negligent performance of the provisions hereof including, but not limited to, any negligent act or omission to act on the part of Consultant or his agents or employees or independent contractors directly responsible to him, except that the above shall not apply to the negligence or willful misconduct of City or City's agents, servants, or independent contractors who are directly responsible to City. This indemnification provision shall apply even if there is concurrent or joint negligence of indemnitor and indemnitee, and even if there is active or passive negligence by either or both parties. Article 13 - Insurance A. Errors and Omissions Insurance. Consultant shall obtain and maintain, at his own expense, prior to commencement of the work of this Agreement, professional liability Wastewater Treatment Facility Consultant Services Agreement Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements Page 4 of 7 (errors and omissions) insurance, in a company authorized to issue such insurance'in the State of California, with limits of liability of not less than $1,000,000 to cover all professional services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Such insurance shall be kept in force for one (1) year beyond the date of Notice of Completion of the project as accepted by the City Council. B. Automobile and Public Liability Insurance. Consultant shall also maintain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement, automobile insurance and public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to City, which insurance shall include protection against claims arising from personal injury, including death- resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from any actual occurrence arising out of the performance of this Agreement. The amounts of insurance shall be not less than the following: 1 . Single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and property damage or a combination thereof in an amount not less than $500,000. The following endorsements must be attached to the policy or policies: 1 . If the insurance policy covers on an "accident" basis, it must be changed to "occurrence". 2. The policy must cover personal injury as well as bodily injury. 3. Broad form property damage liability must be afforded. 4. The City of Atascadero, its officers, employees, and agents, shall be named as insured under the policy, and the policy shall stipulate that the insurance will operate as primary insurance and that no other insurance effected by City will be called upon to contribute to a loss hereunder. 5. The policy shall contain contractual liability, either on a blanket basis or by identifying this Agreement within a contractual liability endorsement. 6. The policy shall contain "cross-liability" such that each insured is covered as if separate policies had been issued to each insured. 7. City shall be given thirty (30) days notice prior to cancellation or reduction in coverage of the insurance. C. Workers Compensation Insurance. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall be insured against liability for workers compensation or undertake self-insurance. Consultant agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing performance of any services under this Agreement.. D. Certificates of Insurance. Consultant shall submit to the City Manager all certificates of insurance evidencing that Consultant has the insurance required by this Agreement Wastewater Treatment Facility Consultant Services Agreement Page 5 of 7 Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements within ten ((10) days after receipt of Notice of Award. Said certificates shall state the project number and that the policy shall not be assigned, canceled, or reduced in coverage without thirty (30) days written notice to City, and that such insurance not relieve or decrease the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payment of damages resulting from any service or operation performed pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform any services under this Agreement until the required insurance certificates have been submitted to City and approved by these provisions, or fails or refuses to furnish City required proof that insurance has been procured and is in force and paid for, City shall have the right, at its discretion, to forthwith terminate this Agreement. Article 14 - Status Consultant shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, be construed to be an independent contractor, and in no event shall any of his personnel or subcontractors be construed to be employees of City. Article 15 - Non-Discrimination Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Presidential Executive Order No. 1.1246 of September 24, 1965, and all other orders, regulations, and laws governing non- discrimination in employment, including in particular, Section 122(a) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. Article 16 - Modification of Agreement This Agreement may be further modified only by a written amendment signed by both parties hereto. Article 17 - Law Governing This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Article 18 - Communications Communications between the parties to this Agreement may be sent to the following address: City: CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Attn: Steven J. Sylvester, City Engineer Wastewater Treatment Facility Consultant Services Agreement Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements Page 6 of 7 Consultant: BROWN AND CALDWELL 16735 Von Karman, Suite 200 Irvine, CA. 72714-4918 ACCEPTED AND AGREED this the t_day of ) 19 'K CITY OF ATASCADERO, CONS AN a munici I co rat* Brow and C I well. By By arold arde' III, ayor n ATTEST: Printed Name Marcia Torgerson, City CI rk ` I,O'n- VIP Title AP ROVED AS TO FORM: Roy . Hanley, City A orney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 4tev'en ZJ. Sjy1ter, ity Engineer K:\U SERS\J B N\94182\B ROW N 02.AG R Wastewater Treatment Facility Consultant Services Agreement Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements Page 7 of 7 EXHIBIT A FEE PROPOSAL SCOPE OF WORK COST ESTIMATE Consultant Services Agreement Wastewater Treatment Facility Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements OF ATASCADERO DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS �i�nnh, ain i�lIl 1918 A V 19791 - C Fee Proposal Wastewater Treatment Facility Stage 1 Upgrade OCTOBER 7, 1997 1 BR0WN -AND C A L D W E L L October 7, 1997 ' Mr. John Neil Assistant City Engineer City of Atascadero I6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 12-9475-22 Subject: City of Atascadero Wastewater Treatment Facility Stage 1. Upgrade- Fee Proposal tDear Mr. Neil: ' In response to your recent request we have revised our August, 1997 fee proposal. In this submittal we have revised the project scope of work, identified the personnel we plan to assign to the project, included detailed proposals from our geotechnical and surveying subcontractors, included our current fee schedule, individual resumes, and updated our fee estimate per changes in the scope of work. I Our project team will continue to be managed by Azee Malik. The team is tailored to meet the specific needs of the Phase 1 design. Individuals we plan to assign to the project are listed below and their full resumes are included in Attachment A. The Preliminary Design Project team. will continue to work on the project and they are supported by specialists who have extensive experience in wastewater treatment plant design. rProposed Project Team Project Manager Azee Malik, P.E. • Technical Advisor Warren Uhte, P.E. Quality Control Michael Anderson, P.E. Mechanical Design Kirk Saiki, P.E. • Process Design Marguerita Stone, P.E. t' • Structural Design Raymond Nieh, S.E. • Electrical/Instrumentation Design Alan Vause, P.E. ' Cost Estimation Marc Pritchard, C.C.E. • Principal-in-Charge Pervaiz Anwar, P.E. • Geotechnical Subconsultant Fugro West, Inc. s ' Surveying Subconsultant Engineering Development Associates Environmental Engineering And Consulting•Analytical Services (� i , JG ft 61 lam. ; eAproposa1\9475-22 16735 Vo^ KARMAN, SUITE 200, IRVINE, CA 92714-4918 ! 1 ' (714) 660-1070 FAX (714) 474-0940 � PUBLIC WORKS nrTv nc AT+(1rJr)C0A Mr. John Neil .1 October 7, 1997 Page-2`- We propose to complete this phase of our contract on a lump sum basis. The Scope of Work our fee estimate is based on is presented in Attachment B. A detailed breakdown of each task's effort in hours and dollars to complete the proposed scope of work and our fee schedule is presented in Attachment C. Our subconsultant proposals are presented in Attachment D. Project costs are broken down as follows: Engineering Labor and Expenses $230,630 Geotechnical Services Sludge Drying Beds and Administration Building Borings and Report $6,700 Percolation Pond Investigation and Report $2,900 Water Reuse Well Investigation and Report $8,700 Surveying Services Aerial Control Survey $1,500 State plane Coordinate System $800 Aerial Topographic Mapping $4,200 Detailed Topographic Survey $1,500 Thank you very much for the opportunity to submit this scope of work and engineering services cost estimate. Please call if you need additional information. Very truly yours, SAND CALDWELL l� V Pery Anwar Senior Vice President C; Azee Malik Project Manager PA:AM:MS eApcoposa1\9475-22 �I ITY OF RW ATASCADERO Pervaiz Anwar, P.E. TViaelAnderson, P.E. Azhar(Azee) Malik, P.E. Warren Uhte, P.E. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN TEAM SURVEYING Fugro West, Inc. ■ Process Design....... . ... Marguerita Stone, P.E. EDA . Mechanical Design. . . . . ... Kirk Saiki, P.E. Jon Blanchard, P.E. Michael Stanton, P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER ■ Structural Design......... Raymond Nieh, P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER Paul Sorensen, R.G. ■ Electrical/Instrumentation.. Alan Vause, P.E. SENIOR HYDROGEOLOGIST . Cost Estimation..... . . . .. . Marc Pritchard,C.C.E. PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION - SCOPE OF WORK Work Plan This section presents our understanding of the scope of work which Brown and Caldwell believes necessary to design Stage 1 facilities to upgrade the City of Atascadero's Wastewater Treatment Plant. The task descriptions represent our understanding of your needs based on the findings presented in _ the City of Atascadero's Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Preliminary Design Report, dated May 1997. The scope of work presented below is divided into tasks and subtasks. Project Tasks are listed in the order that they will be performed in the engineering effort; however, many tasks will proceed simultaneously. STAGE 1 - FINAL DESIGN t ; Task 1.0 Meetings/Quality Control Task 1.1 Conduct a "kick-off/brainstorming" meeting with the City's engineering and Kickoff/ operations staff at the start of the design to discuss detailed design Ll Brainstorming preferences for the Stage 1 treatment plant upgrade facilities. It is Meeting anticipated that the session will be conducted at the City's offices. Minutes of the brainstorming session will be prepared and distributed to all concerned. Task 1.2 Conduct 40- percent design review meeting with City staff. Prepare and 40 Percent Design distribute meeting notes to all attendees. Review Meeting ' Task 1.3 Conduct 85 - percent design review meeting with City staff. Prepare and 85 Percent Design distribute meeting notes to all attendees. Review Meeting Task 1.4 Conduct in-house review of project work on a routine basis, supervise staff, QA/QC conduct project cost control and project invoicing. Task 1.5 Complete at 90- percent project completion an in-house discipline-by- Coordination Check discipline coordination check of contract documents . Task 1.6 No meetings are included in this fee proposal. Council Meeting Task 1.7 If required, assist City in preparation of technical documentation, Permit Support correspondence and communication with RWQCB in processing an Amended Wastewater Discharge. U1 acupC UJ YYUIn. Task 2.0 Stage 1 Final Design Project Manual (Drawin a pecifications} Design, for construction by others, Stage 1 facilities recommended in the May 1997 Preliminary Design Report and approved by the City. Detailed design will include design of the following facilities/structures: 4 • "3;- New Floating Aerators • Effluent Distribution Pipeline • Percolation Pond Excavation • Administration Building • Sludge Dredging System • Reuse Well • Sludge Drying Beds (1 through 4) • Provisions for future landscaping water services and landscape electrical services The design of these facilities will includc general/civil, process, architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation disciplines. The City will provide generic contract documents in Word Perfect 6.1. The detailed design does not include: landscaping design. Task 2.1 Prepare for inclusion in the contract documents, drawings and specifications GeneraUCivil for general design elements. General design includes preparation of location Design and vicinity map, index of drawings, and project referencing system and symbols and abbreviations. Civil design will include site layout, horizontal survey control data, paving and grading, drainage, and outside interconnecting piping. Task 2.2 Prepare, for inclusion in the contract documents, process and Process and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID's). P&ID's show system layouts and the Instrumentation relationship of systems and subsystems to one another. The diagrams show .Diagram Design process pipe, mechanical equipment, equipment controls, interlocks, and design criteria. Task 2.3 Prepare for inclusion in the contract documents, drawings and specifications Architectural Design for architectural design elements. Architectural design includes building exterior elevations; floor, ceiling and roof plans and sections; and material selections. Task 2.4 - Prepare for inclusion in the contract documents, drawings and specifications Mechanical Design for mechanical design elements. Mechanical design includes selection of mechanical equipment, arrangement of equipment and piping. U 2 i Task 2.5 Prepare for inclusion in the contract documents, drawings and Structural Design specifications for structural design elements. Structural design includes design of process structures, buildings, foundations, piping supports, handrails, and structures. Task 2.6 Prepare for inclusion in the contract documents, drawings and Electrical Design specifications for electrical design elements. Electrical design includes service analysis of power utility service, power requirements, electrical distribution systems, motor control centers, lighting and circuit diagrams, and electric motors and switchgear. Task 2.7 Prepare for inclusion in the contract documents, drawings and Instrumentation Design specifications for instrumentation design elements. Instrumentation design will include an evaluation of specific control systems for various processes and systems specified. Control panels will be designed, control systems configured and display components selected. Task 2.8 Submit six copies each to the City of 40, and 85 percent contract Design Submittals documents. Task 2.9 Submit to the City four sets of half size drawings, and four sets of contract Final Contract specifications, four sets of full-size drawings, and one set of originals for Documents reproduction by City for bidding purposes. All plans submitted will be prepared on plan sheets with the City's Standard title block. Full size sheets will be 24-inches by 36-inches. Project specifications will be in CSI format. Task 3.0 Geotechnical Services Task 3.1 Complete additional geotechnical investigations that may be required to Geotechnical site the administration building, sludge drying beds, percolation ponds, Services and reuse well at the proposed plant site. Drill two boring, complete subsurface percolation pond exploration, prepare reuse well drilling specifications and test well, and prepare a geotechnical report documenting findings. The percolation pond boring will determine if there is adequate separation exists between the bottom of the excavated percolation ponds and the groundwater. The geotechnical report will include all the data necessary for the design of the proposed facilities, such as the following including; Groundwater conditions, soil compressibility, shear strength, moisture content, grain size, expansion potential, settlement potential, and soil compaction characteristics, foundation bearing capacity, lateral pressures and remedial grading and drainage, geologic and seismic hazards including liquefaction potential. This task will be performed by Fugro West, Inc.'s office located in San Luis Obispo, California. ..J 3 "",.1,.. J ..v1 n Task 3.2 Complete site aerial control survey, aerial topographic mapping, and Survey Services detailed topographic survey to establish survey control and existing topography for new facilities. This work will be completed by Engineering Development Associates, a subcontractor. Task 4.0 Construction Cost Estimates Task 4.1 Upon 40 percent project completion prepare construction cost estimate. Prepare 40-Percent Construction Estimate Task 4.2 Prepare final construction cost estimate that updates construction estimate Prepare Final prepared for 40 percent completion level of design. Construction Estimate 4 IL $ — 0 � $ 0 O U _ c\i S S a M N 69 O O C E (D co Q i ro 0 CD Cli Cl) N f— N O CL L m Q, c o0i CL .°' �a Z) CY) � o M � a) oro = _ p (n CD in �r co co Un 'm r E CD 73 i Q Q C O cN O m p 2 N N N ao � co co N O cD (D v N �f c E S co N cr) N N N N N N N QOj d m U m ro F- t— E L a m C', y N N N co O (D CD O co c0 N c0 CO O O O r m ,Q `OIL r r r r r r UJ L ro ro L L t!! O ro Q1 r N S y 0 0 y C C CD m o = m c E E 0.2 :9 r N (o a °zs � ro m m o o .o o c°' .� ao 5 E = = io ro ay i5 y � Z ti 0 ^ � � � QQ > > > E �' E a� � E � yyh (. 9 (a X22 = c rom om Q a � — rouc u me(n m C: — 12cu TE T p LU cn 8 � C y E E E T Q E U .E m p .a _ .o o ` an d 0. L m >, >, T m > — _ aocncncnQcn = I aQ (D 0 CDwm c -6 -0 - � L O L N Cl) Cn � UJ (n &5 &5 O C m N N 3N E- C Z CL 0 0 N 7� 0 U n Ln N C O •- O �. V O C Co E W co o L S N Ln (D O � CL O N m (SII D) En c4 a•- Z) H — O m � p ro f co O u-) CD U) 'o E ch a En i Q m (n C m `p E 0 = L CT Cr N C7 N N N N — co cII m U m M F- H E co � T � N � � ; � 'T �' (D r � C-1) � N N 0 p N r y n. co 6 j O .a N C Ln O 06 O !A (A N r •� m •� D Lo y C T C a _ C •N i CD y m C Q m Cff Q r- cu 0 C C C m 'CC Q � (C4 U) co m c m c� p m C .� C C�a. 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N m cc LO CD co p Ln CE. (7 N N RO Cr cC CA Z) N _ r � CD O C pLO v � cow v vi v v � 6w m ii c CD co 5 p a psi 0 � 0 = L 00CO00 0 00 000 ® d �6 m 8 U E a y W cn O IT 'T CO cn co 3 ^ r CA N N r r r r (p y w r m U o r o a• CE ca o o o o r o n. U I U U) C �cc E E ° w w N C13 E c G s m oU -Er o cu CD > Z Q a, U) c c y O O y m 'D (n m m ca U) Cl 2 2 U Z `� rc � ) N Cp C Cl) m CD > U � $ E G U iII �2 a m i:-- o U a c w c c •� _ cca o m w c a I- CL s � m 0 oZ w w CD FL 4' "a-= `m > �vmcuro CD C) 0pcp c c CJ (= rn F- 0cAc� nm � cnQu> Qo N r (V O CCD Cl) C 3 F- O Z tiRO fAX ME1�IpRAMWM ._. Fugro West,ine. 1012 Pacific Stye Ce�omta 83401 iteA San Luis Otiupo, Tel. (g05) 542-0797 • Fax (605)542-9311 to Stone Date: Tuesday, July 22, 1997 To: 8� 7-92-7440 C ( Project No. 9 page 1 of. Fax No. 255-7106 Fotlaw via mail: ❑Yes ® No From: Jonathan D.Blanchard r SuNect: Atascadero WAP Copies. Enclosures: Plate 1 -Fee Estimate Summary Fee Schedule(1/97) servweS for the Stage 1 prepared as our proposal to provide geotechduW as a bass for This fax was p Wastewater Treatment. This proposal was Prepare pgrade Project for the • • • budding and s}u4e I3 pf O� services for the design of the 60�-Enol�gk Fugro to provide geotechnical engineer on��g will be an approximately ` ' drying bed.We understand that e:with 2-to Moot high Pcrk=ta is story building. The sludge drying bed� e��on grade below. Our fee estiz�u and a pole-barn type coves building. =opc of attached s , To iratiate the projoet, we request that updated Task 1 -Project Initiation and Data Review. site be provided to us. We will then project pians or other Pertinent information available for the • Obtain San Luis Obispo County via Permits for one boring in excess of 25 feet deep; • Visit the site to mark the Proposed exploration locatims;and Sem Alert (USA) to review the boring locations relative to underground Contact Underground a to, or injury resorting from busied utilities. Fugro will not be responsible for location o damage marked'at the sift. suuctures or underground utUes that are not brought to our attention and propcY ubsarfsee F-*oration. We will excavate and log two drillholes. A s>unma'y of the Task Z . S on the planned borings follows: - locations and depths ; "' 1 boring to 54 feet AdminbAratM Dullding 1 boring to 20 feet Drift soft 2 borings toteiing 70 feet TOTALS: win be drilled using a truck mounted rig equipped for hollow-sun-auger drilling The lay depth The borings depth or well cued layers of the borings may be tiimted if the formation is encountered ai a shallo les for field classification and to result in refusal to drilling. The borings will be used to obtain camp n440FAXD FAX MEMORANDUM pR - fugro West,Inc. 1012 Pacific Street,Suite A San Luis Obispo, California 93401 Tel. (805) 542-0797 0 Fax. (805)542-9311 evaluate some of the geotechnical properties of the soil encored using blow-counis obtained from drive penetration tests. We propose that the borings be sampled at approximately 5-foot intervals with either standard penetration split spoon, or modified California samplers, and by taking cuttings retrieved from the auger fligbts. Samples from the field exploration program will be recovered for subsequent laboratory testing. The borings will be backfilled with the excavated materials. Cutting left:from the drilling will be spread out and left on-site. Hazardous Materials and Buried Utilities. Specifically excluded from our scope of services is the search for, and evaluation of, hazardmn materials. In the event that hazardous materials are encountered during exploration, we will be required to follow protocols as governed by local and state agwxu& Work performed in association with the discovery of contaminated conditions will be performed.on-a time-and- expense basis according to Fee Schedule rates, the cost for which is not provided for in this proposal. Task 3 - Laboratory Testing. Upon completion of the exploration program and after review of field data, we will perform laboratory tests on selected samples obtained from the borings.for one of the site investigated. The testa will help to classify and characterize the soils wed The types and ' numbers of laboratory tests that we tentatively expect to perform may include, but are not limited to: moisture and density relationships, grain size distribution, strength tests, compaction, and plasticity. The tentative numbers of tests are shown on Platt 1. The actual types and members of laboratory tests will be based upon the conditions encountered during exploration. Task 4 - Geotechnical Evaluation and ReportyR a Rsites investigated will be evaluated for design. On the basis of the above tasks, we will provide geotechnical opinions and recommendations regarding the following. • Soil and ground water conditions encountered; • Site preparation and grading for building areas; • Suitability of the sail sacountered for use as compacted fill; • Site coefficient for use with the California Code of Regulation(UBC)seismic design critc,*. • Preliminary liquefaction potential of the soil encountered based on a qualitative raview of field and laboratory data; • Wbether additional field exploration, laboratory testing or analysis is needed to assess the potential for liquefaction; • Shallow foundation design(bearing capacity, settlement, embedment depths); • Resistance to lateral loads(frictional and passive values • Active and at-rest pressures for retaining structures; and • Site drainage considerations. -2 - 8/4/97 j . v . .nne+ ri .. t rnr 9a.r rnn rnir a.n_nn_ rr"t FAX MEMORANDUM �, a lm Fugro West,Inc. 1012 Pacific Street, Suits A San Luka Obispo, Caitfomis 93401 Tel. (805) 542-0797 0 Fax (805)542-9311 We may recommend additional evaluation items if the geotechnical conditions revealed by our field exploration differ from those assumed to prepare this proposal. We will prepare a geotechnical engineamg report that presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study. Included within the report will be a boring location plan, drill hole logs, and laboratory test results. Faun copies of the report will be provided. FSTMATED COSTS We will provide geotechnical engneering services on a time and expense basis, in accordance with Fee Schedule Rates. A copy of out current Fee Schedule (January 1997) is attached.. A summary of the estimated hours and fees to provide the scope of services is presented on the attached Plates 1 - Fee Estimate Summary. We understand that the estimated total fee should not be exceeded without prior written authorization from the client. SCHED= We expect that we can initiate the services as described above within 1 week of receiving written authorization to proceed. We expect that field work can coke within one week after that. Field activities will be scheduled according to site access conditions, the prevailing weather boas, and the availability of subcontractors. Schedules for permits may vary depending on the schedule of the agency granting the permits. We expect that the report can be submitted within 6 weeks after the completion of field work. We can provide recommendations to the design team as information becomes available. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. -3 - 8/4/47 1 t pm)oa tW 97-02-7440 Brown and Caidwe� 1< Taal EstlnMled Fse TO* per Taatr Task d "0"' Isf/+turiar.+wc 1�0 f116 sloo iso sao ,...••""�`"..'�" 8 $880 t. coor�nceon and t11l1tes[ 2 6 2 Fold EvioraieoeL va 2 10 12 $980 3.l.at+at>Itorp Teailry Unit Pncee per FOG Sel,edula(sa+baa*) $1,010 t.Geoleef+tdCal EvaMaaOan and RePott 2 B 18 4 4 M+ 2 TTt 2 32T7 4 4 54 $5.330 TGTALS: Ung NO. 8m +4 Copts r tY axpMassT Oucslde E)PWW— Coat tlnie F� "Rig Yobi:inoa(Pr bow 3115 t 1`Tb s Wt d at 520 sscn HsA Dd*q 0-�") 3135 4 1.13 SS21- 0 L1rt�ia at$s0 asrlr Gr=A amd DOWN(P-sac" p 4.15 � natlw�a at$70 erelt 6vopoA vowob ow dah s" 1 1 373 ian at 3300 earln�o=WwRaBpins(pw 861'1 0tndau at 3120 sari 1P+MM and Crays 0*(Dr dM 0 1.15 i N� ;100 arkemrma�eta►Ca d P3KM 0 1nl(Gtn at 3�M eeeh: mAW Phomwwb RAPM&Mfi— 0t s0 prossbn at 370 sael,: pyre and Rwo&cd- 0 1 $0 S1wr at 3200 eeett 2 s100 1 1 s1D0 R-vakA at 3220 eum Gager wee Pomiul ondq� 1 1.15 364 CornpecWn Come at:140 each: 1 Co Tashtr at 3120 each: Sand E4L&W nt at 370 gear mru ua EWOOMI31,OTC S�r 4 ESTIMATED TOTAL FEE! 58,719 aawc ,�+ mow 0% s dWdTOW ra 0% co FEL ESTIMATE-GEOTECHNICAL WastewaW Treatrncnt Plant Stage 1 UPgrade PLATE 1 Ains=defo,Caftmia - J .l , ♦ n n �1 i'r• r n n n 'a • i n ri n r GRO a.®.�.s FUGRO WEST, INC. 1012 Pacific Street,Suite A San Luis Obispo,CA 93401 October 3, 1997 Tel:(805)542-0797 Project No. 97-92-7440 Fax:(805)542-9311 Brown and Caldwell 16735 Von Karman Irvine, California 92606-4953 Attention:Ms. Marguerita Stone Subject: Proposal for Additional Geotechnical Engineering Services, Atascadero Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stage I Upgrade, Atascadero, California Dear Ms. Stone: Fugro submitted a faxed proposal, dated July 22, 1997, to provide geotechnical engineering services to Brown and Caldwell for the Stage 1 Upgrade to the Atascadero Wastewater Treatment Plant. Our services outlined in that proposal were to provide geotechnical engineering services for the design of the administration building and drying beds. We understand that the City of Atascadero has requested that we expand our scope of services to include drilling an additional boring in the new percolation pond area, and to design a water reuse well for the facility. Our proposed scope of work to provide the additional services requested is summarized below. A summary of our fee estimate for the overall project, and by task is attached. PERCOLATION POND AREA Our scope of services for the percolation pond area is summarized below. Task 1 - Subsurface Exploration. We will excavate one drill hole in the area of the proposed percolation ponds. The purpose of the boring will be to record the depth to ground water in the percolation pond area, and to characterize the soil conditions in this area. Fort e purposes of preparing this proposal, we have assumed that ground water will be encountered at depths of less than 50 feet below the existing ground surface, h to 1te with 10-foot truck-mounted equipment will be provided to us. The doll hole will be sampled aS intervals according to procedures outlined in our previous proposal. In the event that the drill hole rovide needs to be drilled to depths in excess of 50 feet to encounter ground watercheduletlrates the additional drilling -services on a time and expense basis according to our fee s cost for which is not provided for in this proposal. Task 2 - Laboratory Testing. We will provide limited laboratory testing to assist in characterizing the soil conditions in the percolation pond area. The types of tests we expect to ter content, soil unit weight, and grain size distribution. perform are for wa 1 D:WCUMENT.SV 1 BT97927"0'AW w%n440ADD.DOC J A member of the Fugro group of companies with offices throughout the world October 3, Project No. 97-92-7440 Task 3 - Evaluation and Report. We will summarize the data collected from the additional boring and tests, and incorporate the additional information into our report. WATER REUSE WELL Fugro personnel have worked with virtually every drilling contractor in Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Kern counties. We are familiar with the hyrdrogeologic conditions along the Salinas River and will be able to quickly identify the contractors that have the required personnel, equipment, and expertise to complete the well. Our proposed scope of services for the water reuse well follows: Task 1 - Project Initiation and Data Review. We will review available geologic and hydrogeologic reports and data, and confer with the City and Brown and Caldwell to select a drill site for the well, and prepare estimated project costs. We will recommend a preliminary well diameter, casing material, and expected well production capacity. A preliminary cost estimate will be prepared as part of this task which can be used for budgetary planning purposes. Task 2 - Prepare Technical Drilling Specifications. We will prepare the technical portions of the specifications and bid documents for the water reuse well. We will prepare an itemized bid form for uniform bidding, provide a review of contractor bid submittals and provide recommendations for contract approval: The specifications will provide guidance for the location, timing of construction, and type of well to be constructed; including well sizing, screening type and intervals, construction materials, drilling and development methods, drilling fluid disposal requirements, and completion (construction) details. We will work with the City staff and Brown and Caldwell in reviewing the bids and evaluating that the contractor meets necessary requirements. Task 3 - Drill and Construct Well. During test hole drilling, we will observe and collect samples of the borehole cuttings, prepare a lithologic log of the soil and rock materials encountered, provide monitoring of the drilling mud properties, and, in conjunction with the driller, develop a record of the drilling operations. Following the initial drilling, the test hole will be developed into the completed well. We will provide a design and observe the completion of the well construction and development. On the basis of the results of the test hole drilling, a final well construction design will be prepared and presented to the drilling contractor to follow during well construction. The well construction design will provide specific information on well construction details, including the diameter and depth of the borehole to be drilled, the material type, diameter, and screened interval of the casing and screen to be installed, the gravel pack gradation specifications, surface sanitary seal specifications, well development procedures, and pumping tests specifications. We will then monitor the construction and development of the production well. The test hole will be reamed 0:1DocuMENT.5117 WM7gV440.AWMT7"OAM-DOC —��� - 2 - "as Beam October 3, , Project No. 97-92-7440 out to the desired final diameter, the casing and well screen installed, the gravel pack installed, and a surface seal placed to the recommended depth. The well will then be developed to remove drilling fluid from the gravel pack and formation using biodegradable chemical treatment, surging, jetting, intermittent pumping, and/or other appropriate techniques. Task 4 - Observe Aquifer Pumping Tests. We will observe the pump testing of the well and analyze test data. The tests will probably consist of a 6- to 10-hour step-drawdown pumping test, a 24-hour(minimum) constant discharge test, and a 4- to 8-hour recovery test. The drilling contractor will provide the necessary equipment and manpower to conduct the tests; the water level in the pumping well will be monitored throughout the pumping tests by means of a computerized data logger and pressure transducers supplied by Fugro. Task 5 - Prepare Letter Report. We will summarize the project results in a letter report, including conclusions for the long term production capability of the well and optimum pumping rates. The work performed during construction, development, and testing of the well will be documented in the summary report, which will also provide conclusions and recommendations for the long-term production capability of the well. Specific recommendations will be provided for permanent pump size, control and power requirements, optimum pumping M rates, and operational pumping schedule. We trust this letter meets your needs at this time. If you have questions please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, FUGRO WEST, INC. onathan D. Blanchard, P.E. Project Engineer Copies: 1 - Addressee i i S 4 0,.\DOCUMENT.Sv7Ml92744o,/W VA 7ssoAM.DOC —g�� -3 - i�AX MEMORANDUM Fugro Wast, Inc. - 1012 Paeific Street, Suite A San Luis Obispo,California 93401 Tei. (805)542-0797 ' Fax (505)542-9311 ; To- Azhar Malik Date. Tuesday, October 07, 1997 Brown and Caldwell Project No. 97-92-7440 Fax No. 714.474-0940 Page 1 of 1 From: Jonathan D. Blanchard Follow via ma I: ❑ Yes No Subject: Atascadera WWTP Upgrade mss: Marguerite.asked me to forward to yw some of our client ref for this project. Also, are will prepare a letter proposal for our original scope of work that was faxed 1.0 ou. - BUdIffiss fiendenronWhsle Rech Pipeline Vui 'bittty Assessment, City of San Luis an Luis Obispo Obispo WastewmW Tr t Plant Expansion. City of Sen LUIS Department Obispo Water Rune Prof 955 Morro Street San Luis Obispo, Callbmia 93403 TeL(805)781-7215 Mr.George GibsonNacimierto Water Supply I Ira ed,Loa Osos Wastewater.Project County of San Luis Obispo County Govemmsnt Center, Room 207 Sen Luis Obispo,Califomia 93408 Tel_ (805)731-4489 Mr. Stephen J. Sylvester Cambria Comrrwnity Sw ic4a Oistr)ct Desallnatlon Facility, Twin North Coast Engin"irng Bridges Replacement Prq : 725 Creston Road,Suite 9 Paso Robles, Caiifomia 83448 ' Tel. (805) 2393127 I s Please call if you have questions or require additional informs ai. ' .•."._... .. • 1 ... ..-....n.. , ♦ n n -i i r r n n T � !1 T •I n_A T_ 1 f^f Project No.97-92-7440 13R0 Brawn and Caldwell n O 9 N o , o z y Total Estimated Fee D M Task Task a $ ours Per Task Q U O C 1"7 F"swan RrtMmow.. $130 $115 $100 sw $80 $70 S55 SW $40 1.Oeotacnnlcal lnvesdyation 1. Coordination and Utilities: 2 6 8 $660 2. Field Exploration: 2 10 12 $980 3. Laboratory Testing: Unit Prices per Fee Schedule(see below) $1,010 4. Geotechnical Evaluation and Report 2 8 16 4 4 34 $2,680 TOTALS: 2 12 1 32 4 4:1 1 54 $5,330 LaboratoryExpenses No. Outside Expenses Unit No. Billing Costs Cost Units Factor Moisture Unit Weight at$20 each: 10 Drill Rig Mobilb2tion(per hour) $115 4 1.15 $529 Atterberg Limits at$80 each: 1 HSA Drilling(per hour) $135 4 1.15 $621 Seive Analysis at$70 each: 1 Grout and Bentonite(per sack) 0 1.15 $0 Consolidation at$300 each: support Vehicle(per day) $75 1 1 $75 Expansion Index at$120 each: 1 Traffic Closure/Flagging(per day) 0 1.15 so Triaxial(UU)at$100 each: Traffic Signing and Cones only(per day) 0 1.15 $0 Triaxial(CU)at$300 each: Field Expenses(ConeretafCold Patch) 0 1 $0 Une.Compression at$70 each: Aerial Photograph Reproductions 0 1 $0 ' Direct Shear at$200 each: 2 Plans and Reproduction 0 1 so R-value at$220 each: Fax/Postage/OvernigM $100 1 1 $100 Compaction Curve at$140 each: 1 County Well Pemrits(each) $56 1 1.15 $64 Corrosively at$120 each: Sand Equivalent at S70 each: TOTAL LAS ExPENSEs: $1,010 $1,389 PtrcanageR, BASIC: $6,719 Annual Ratehcrease: 0% PERCOLATION-POND: $2,881 IndiredRate: 0% WATER REUSE WELL: $8,640 Car&gwxy AVow to Eaonowd Tom Fec 0% MULnPUM 1.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL ALL TASKS): $18y240 FEE ESTIMATE-GEOTECHNICAL-BASIC Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 1 Upgrade „� Atascadero, California PLATE 1 Project o. - - Brown and Caldwell ABU m c Task is a a -a Ta�slr Estimated Fee -a. to a N t Hours per Task 1"7 FM scar RalwWoar. $130 $115 $100 $90 S80 $70 $55 . $50 $40 2 percolation Pond Drilling 1. Feld Exploration: 6 6 $480 2- Laboratory Testing: Unit Prices per Fee Schedule(see below) $720 3. Geotechnical Evahration and Report 4 4 2 1 11 $840 TOTALS: 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 10 1 0 2 1 0 17 $2,040 Laboratory Expenses No. Outside Expenses Unit No. Billing Costs Cost Units Factor Moisture Unit Weight at$20 each: 6 Drill Rig(dobil'tatior(per hour) $115 0 1.15 $0 Atterberg Limits at$80 each: HSA Drilling(per hour) $135 5 1.15 $776 Seive Analysis at$70 each: 2 Grout and Bentonite(per sack) 0 1.15 so Consolidation at$300 each: Support Vehicie(per day) 1 1 s0 Expansion Index at$120 each: Traft Closurimflagging(per day) 0 1.15 s0 Triaxial(U U)at$100 each: Traffic Signing and Cones only(per day) 0 1.15 so Triaxial(CU)at$300 each: Field Expenses(Concrelelcold Patch) 0 1 s0 Unc.Compression at$70 each: Aerial Photograph Reproductions 0 1 so Direct Shear at$200 each: Ptans and Reproduction 0 1 $0 R-value at$220 each: Fight 1 1 s0 Compaction Curve at$140 each: County weu Permits(each) $56 1 1.15 $64 Falling Head Penn.at$230 each: 2 Sand Equivalent at$70 each: TOTAL Las DMIDIS:s: $720 $841 PercentageRatim ESTIMATED TOTAL FEE: $2,881 Annual Rate Increase: 0% Ind"uea Rata: 0% Corfu ryAj to Es&rW*d ToniF*w 0% MULTIPLIER: 1.00 FEE ESTIMATE -GEOTECHNICAL-PERCOLATION PONDS Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 1 Upgrade VX3 Atascadero, California PLATE 2 i - Project No.97-92-7440 Brown and Caldwell �'aR0 m m a Total Task g 8 2 o -2a` Task Estimated Fee a a Hours Per Task 1"7 FM sear RMWHO r: $130 $115 $100 SW $80 $70 255 250 $40 3.Water Reuse Well 1. Project Initiation and Data Review: 8 2 10 $880 2 Prepare Technical Specifications: 2 12 2 4 20 $1,820 3. Drill and Construct Wei: 16 16 $1,600 4. Observe Auifer Pumping Tests: 16 4 20 $1,920 5. Prepare Letter Report 2 8 4 4 4 22 $1,640 TOTALS: 4 0 1 60 0 6 1 0 t 4 8 6 88 $7,860 Laboratory Expenses No. Outside Expenses Unit No. Billing Costs Cost Units Factor Moisture Unit Weight at$20 each: Drill Rig Mobilization(per hour) $115 0 1.15 s0 Atterberg Limits at$80 each: HSA Drilling(per hour) $135 0 1.15 $0 Seive Analysis at$70 each: Grout and Bentonite(per sack) 0 1.15 s0 Consolidation at$300 each: Support Vehicle(per day) $75 2 1 $150 Expansion Index at$120 each: Hermit 1000C and Transducer (per day) $135 3 1.15 $466 Triaxial(UU)at$100 each: Traffic Signing and Canes only(per day) 0 1.15 $0 Triaxial(CU)at$300 each: Field Expenses(ConcretalCotd Patch) 0 1 $0 Unc.Compression at$70 each: -Aerial Photograph Reproductions 0 1 $0 Direct Shear.at$200 each: Pians and Reproduction 0 1 s0 R-value at$220 each: Fax/PostagdOvernight $100 1 1 $100 Compaction Curve at$140 each: County Wen Permits(each) $56 1 1.15 $64 Corrosivity at$120 each: Sand Equivalent at$70 each: TOTAL LAS SU ENSEB SO _ $780 Petty„tags Ratex ESTIMATED TOTAL FEE: $8,640 Annual Rate kxxease: 0% Indirect Rats: 0% Contkgrrrcy AppW to EAWndW Tout F. 0% MULTIPLIEPt 1.00 3 FEE ESTIMATE—GEOTECHNICAL-WATER REUSE WELL Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 1 Upgrade Atascadero, California PLATE 3 J W - �f OCT-03-97 IS- 19 FROM= I P 'NE I D= 7 1' '740940 PAGE 1. . .:.. RDAMVROPMW � ~ October,3, 1297 MwqAft skxw VIA FACSIN E: Brown & Gaidwom (M) 474-MO i$T85 Yon Karnwl, Suns 200 kvkA CA 9290849M Rai proposd for Survepq Senrft w CRy of Africa"*wASUMSW T rsatnwt Fac"4W&ft - 6rvwn & Caldwell # 9475 VMA Proposal me- 1120) Thur*you for requesting a proposal from EDA for surveYkV S&Mcss necxsswl far ttM LVWWD of tt WesWMW Treamwt Fsci ty in AUMcadero,CA- WO fes!asft m l would bg ft appropriate method for :'napping a protect Of tris size. Tha tooft" soCp6 of setVIM outlines ttv a c titges VM vv* provide, niocV YALi an emoted fee fa MOft CSft po Y. AERIAL.CONTROL SURVEY (.32 CODE) 9j aerial parials and pgtm*V =traf stavey. TKm survey wig be.based on an offud roost, county and for sty moncxnenss for tl o now tha site. Ws w al toceted wdsilnp . balls of bsarkig% hcwwnw, no boinlWYwM bo shown on *a _ Sa mora noc tae . For prv)ecta of*b type► k is often ad A to odent trio Pmpa on a stats plans ��a� �f� m cooldr9de_ f"U g3 shown on your plans, it ural be neosssar� tie ow do C�Trans is locet$d apprcxirna*tV ow MOO 80uth of the PUM option Fee: s eoo ! PLANNING CIVIL NGINEER IN r E A N 0 S U R V E Y I N G FAX tsot-549-6704 1320 NI AK OSY. ppSQUROBLl:S O:AA93401 93446 • 805-237-$033 FAX 805-237-3797 744 a T OCT-03-97 IS: 19 FROH: IRVINF ID: 7144740940 PAGE 2/7 • M��C�StO� OotCgW $ 1987 Page 2 2- AERtAL TOPM"PHiC MAPPWQ (,32 CODF) rg phaW of work wI! be wb-co racWd to Golden SLOW Ae&l���acd ((BUZ), San Luis Ob*x , C L Tris d P WN b8 Om (1) fva oontoum. Only meas wl'kh aro unobstructed by"0 wilt show cor=w Mxnmllm GSAS wig read a mhnv n+of two(2)we"to ovros wpograpft MORD. qOW Omw over the site may debry the f6^TThq product wit be avabbs In dqW tOMIK compere whh D• Estisr� Fos; $4.200 g, DETAILED TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY(.31 CODE) You may wish to have certain crftW iaatures 10' t Boas a Wcund w rygy, 'Tris rttlgt>t lode lova kig the =rws of tt'1e P r" and tow IWW% mss, vetoes and corwift $fig, Tft ecope cf work couldbe doirW fee rengt- • for bt�e�tirIg Pur Oo j we are prov�d� Y� with I Fm s 900' $1 law SCHEDULE we con set the sera panels and perkxm. tt>a sucv'ey within one (1) weak of a . 384S con have t v tit.$OW Prodva reaciY wtth�:2'3 wed#ol0w+n9 OF Smw=AND COOAPENSATiON ' t# sen+ es described herekt,wid in sccorde6 with the ffr- ed d p orn of AQrs•crM(12/15/94 r6VWM), to Pocated harelr+ ealsbk A. f .a�CBuoR feee� AddMortffi dent�ec�,charged at COSI,may lnduc* SigchstQes. ovaTlig'tt �gvs and Dew rqxponabW and and few ttammuY to work. You w#s be bl3ted ft-o". vvl�t b due and Paye*upon your receipt of cur ' MV kwoice- 9 M proposal is a=Ptvi* u-4 ym sww%ith the tQrma and condom ptom sign, EN GINEERIUS DSvELOaMENT ASS 0CiAlE 49_8658 FAX 805.549-8704 t 1320 1iIP0M0 ST. • SAN LUIS WSPO: CA 93403 8C5_ �. 744 ()AK ST. ` PASO ROBLES. CA 93440 • 905-237-1039 • fAX 805-231-3797- OCT-03-S7 1S:20 FROM: IRVTNE ID+714474 @94@ r.+.c a. O=W 9, 1597 Pops date and retum ttrs ohgVW to cu., ofoe. For Your oornenlenoe, we rwe used a dup�cate origins! for }rout foes. be alid forO days om ft d heremcW o. once again, proposal. ft mom 'Thin pcopose� tt you for requestlr,p a propvsai from EDA. BEVE .OPMENT ASSOCIATES pta ACCEPTED t t�itYi feed 00 ab*ve, and the S=d»d actt= A - Standard Proviskmm of Apr09flfeAt(12/15 4fwli W), heMn by r etww Cgs and agm to thO b[rrtf Ind C� Set!Orth In MIS propos&L EDA 1r= - Dots BF�O�YN &CALDWELL Bata FM Sd*dL to pAriff 06 ca G dden SM Aadel Savays, Inc. ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES -649-8704 3401 805-549- 658 FAX so5 1320 NIPOMO ST. , SAN LUIS OBISPO. CA 3448 805-237-1033 FAX 805-237-3797 i 744 OAK ST. : Pa$0- ROBLES. CA 9 I EXHIBIT B FEE PROPOSAL ADDENDUM NO. 2 Consultant Services Agreement Wastewater Treatment Facility Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements BROWN AND C ^^ L D W i Vint Facsbnile Transmission February 26, 1998 Mr.John Neil Assistant City Engineer City of Atascadaro 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero,California 93422 12-9583-03 subject Adde 6=No.2 to City of Atascadere Waswwater Treatm=Facility Stage 1 Upgrade—Fee Proposal Dear W.Neil: As requested, we agree to the following changes to our scope of wank identified in our Fee Proposal of October 7, 1997,and Addendum of November 10, 1997: • Delete addition of three aerators in the aerated Iagoon. • Delete design of new water reuse well and geotechnical report related to reuse well investigation. Our revised:fee estimate based on the above changes is as follows: End Labor and Expenses $217,430 Geotechnical Services Sludge Drying Bods and Administration Building Report $ 6,700 Percolation Pond Xuvestigation and Report S 2,900 Surveying Services(Optional Task) Aerial Control Survey $ 1,500 State Plane Coordinate System S 800 Aerial Topographic Mapping $ 4,200 - Detailed Topographic Survey $ 1,500 E*.*WffenWEngWe0,VAnd Conw hV•Ae*yVCv8� 0145 16735 vox KAAMAX, Si:m. 200, IRv)NY, CA 92714-4918 (714) 660.1070 Fax (714) 474.0440 FEB-26-199 15:10 P.02 � k, Mr.John Neil February 26, 1998 Page 2 Thank you very much for the opportunity to submit this revised engineexi ng services cost es=atr-Please call me if you need fwrtber assistance. Very traly yours, BROWN AND CALDVVkL, QKAA-�.I! Azee MAU,P.E. Project Manager AM;jc m 101415 FEB-26-1998 15:10 P•0„ • EXHIBIT C FEE PROPOSAL ADDENDUM NO. 3 Consultant Services Agreement Wastewater Treatment Facility Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements BROWN AND C A L D W E L L April 30, 1998 Mr. John Neil Assistant City Engineer City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 12-9583-03 Subject: Addendum No. 3 to City of Atascadero Wastewater Treatment Facility Stage 1 Upgrade—Fee Proposal Dear Mr. Neil: As requested, we agree to the following changes to our scope of work identified in our Fee Proposal of October 7, 1997, and Addendum of November 10, 1997: • Deletion of three aerators in the aerated lagoon. • Deletion of new water reuse well and geotechnical work related to reuse well. • Deletion of Administration Building and geotechnical work related to the building. Our revised fee estimate based on the above changes is as follows: Engineering Fee (Labor and Expenses) $142,650 Geotechnical Services Sludge Drying Beds and Percolation Pond Investigation Report $ 6,210 Surveying Services (Optional Task) Aerial Control Survey $ 1,500 State Plane Coordination System $ 800 Aerial Topographic Mapping $ 4,200 Detailed Topographic Survey $ 1,500 Environmental Engineering And Consulting•Analytical Services ; 1 mAproposa1\9583-03\101488.docl 6 7 3 5 V o N K.A R M.I N. S U i TE 2 0 0, 1 R V I N E, C A 9 2 714.4 918 'I a l _ J 19% 3�' (7 14) 660-1070 FAX (714) 474-0940 PUBLIC WORKS S 1 r1TV r''. Mr. John Neil April 30, 1998 Page 2 Thank you very much for the opportunity to submit this revised engineering services cost estimate. Please call me if you need further assistance. Very truly yours, BROWN AND CALDWELL Azee Malik Project Manager AM:re mAproposal\9583-03\I01488.doc EXHIBIT D FEE SCHEDULES Consultant Services Agreement Wastewater Treatment Facility Stage 1 Upgrade Improvements + COMPENSATION RATE TABLE C R0.pwt� GQ`pw Number Personnel Classification Code Rate ENGINEERING 108 I Executive L $147 . 50 109 Executive Engineer L 147 . 50 110 Chief Engineer L 147 . 50 111 Managing Engineer K 132 . 80 112 Supervising Engineer J 122 . 00 113 Principal Engineer I 117 . 00 114 Senior Engineer H 102 . 30 115 Engineer G 88 . 50 116 Associate Engineer F 76 . 70 11.7 Assistant Engineer E 63 . 90 TECHNICAL 350 Chief Designer J $122 . 00 351 Supervising Designer I 117 . 00 352 Principal Designer H 102 . 30 353 Senior Designer G 88 . 50: 354 Designer r 76 . 70 355 Assistant Designer E 63 . 90 130 Managing Computer Drafting I 117 . 00 633 Supervisor Computer Drafting G 88 . 50 634 Lead Operator Computer Drafting F 76 . 70 635 Senior Operator Computer Drafting E 63 . 90 637 Operator Computer Drafting D 49 . 20 ADMINISTRATIVE 490 I Executive Secretary E $63 . 90 491 II Secretary D 49 . 20 492 I Secretary C 44 . 30 496 III Clerk C 44 . 30 494 II Clerk B 37 . 40 495 I Clerk A 31. 50 561 Manager Accounting G 88 . 50 562 III Accountant F 76 . 70 564 II Accountant E 63 . 90 565 I Accountant D 49 . 20 566 Senior Accounting Clerk D 49 . 20 670 - IV Word Processor E 63 . 90 671 III Word Processor D 49 . 20 672 II Word Processor C 44 . 30 673 I Word Processor B 37 . 40 EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 28 , 1996 TO DECEMBER 26, 1997 . j own FUGRO WEST, INC. 1012 Pada¢Sweet,Suits A San Dula Obispo,CA 83491 Tat(am SCIA 7 FM(WS)$4'9311 FEE SCHEDULE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES PERSONNEL HOURLY RATE Professional Staff SeniorPrincipal.....................................................................................................5 180 Principal...............................................................................................................- 130 Assocists.....................................................................................................----_.._.. 115 Senior.................................................................................................................... 100 Projed.........................................................................................------...---------------.. 90 Staff............................................-..------------------------....------...................................... SO Assistant.....................................................................................................:.......... 70 Senior Fold Technician/CADD-GIS Operator--------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 Field Technician/CADD-Gi5 Operator----------------------------------- --------------------.._._.................... 60 TechnicalAssistant.....................................................................---........................._........ 55' 111ustrator....................................................................................................... .......... .... 55 GISTechnician................................................................................................................... 50 WordProcessor...................................................................................................... ...... 50 OfficeAssistant...................................................................................---......---..........-------- 40 Fees for expert witness preparation, testimony, court appearances, or depositions will be billed at the rate of$200 per hour. OTHER DIRECT CHARGES Subcontracted SeMees---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost.Pius.16% Outside Reproduction.......................................................................................... Cost.Pius 15% OutsideLaboratory. ............................._.......--------•------------ .....---...._................. Cost Plus-15%_ Out-of-Pocket Expenses ......................................................................................Cost Plus 159 - Traveiand Subsistence....................................................................................:... Cast Plus 1S% PickupTrucks and Vans.......... .......................................................................................S76,02y Automobile Mleage (outside 50-mile radius)............................................................... $0.35/Mile FIELD INSTRUMENTATION EQUIPMENT(Sea Separate Schedule on Page 2) GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY TESTING (See Separate Schedule on Page.3) aw�r.00Rro�oroieov�.00* A rt1onZw of the Fugro group of companies vMh otncea throughout foe wood. January 1,997 cn_.i c, 6 n-ic -rivno r i cc Ptic crio ` o - i.,r- tin—on_) cci Fee 8chedute January 1997 FIELD INSTRUMENTATIONIEOUIPMENT FEE Air Entrainment Gauge(ASTM C231) ....................................................... .$25/day ch Asphalt Pat Probe ------------------•-----• ..........................................................................$141bucket Inclin and Readout Device........................................... ..._...............$1101day Nuclear Gauge(CPN Model MC-3)..................... Kemlavel............... ......_.......__...... -- -- - ....-- -------------- ---------------- � Downhole Soil Samplers (234-gnch California Ilner, SPT)............... - ._...----,$751day ..... . ................... CPN Corp. Hydroprobe............................. ...$75/day Double-Ring tn>�trometer.............................•---....._.._.......................--••----........__........... . ......................................................... ...........$75/day FeldFitttef.................._............................................................................. .S25Junft Positive Displacement Pump.---------•........ ...................... ISM Petistalttc Air Pump................................................................................................$25/day Hermit 10000 and Transducer ........ ................... .............$135/day Transducer(in situ) ...................................................................... ... .........:.......... :SS5/day ay HemUt 2000 and 2-Transducers ............................................................................... .S2S0/day Conductivity Probe (in situ) ............... . ................................... ..... 35&day .... .,.. ................ ............. 5HP Submersible Pump(2 days) ...................... ........5323 .......................................................:.. 5HP Submersible pump (additional days) ,--_-_.- Water Sampling Pump(Well Wizard) ....................................................................... Submersible Test Pump(initial two days)............................ .. ....$325Jtest SubmsrslblQ Tess Pump(each additional day)................_........................................... ....s55/day Temperature-pH-Conductivity Meter................................................................................$25/day Water Level Recorder....................... ..............................................................................520/daY 15HP Submersible pump(2 days)... ..................................... I 5HP Submersible Pump(additional days) ......................................................................." day 2-Inch Diameter water meter ........................................... ..........$20/day 4-inch Diameter water meter .................................................. ........................................ daY Water Sampling Pump (Bladder Pump or Electric Submersible)......................... ... ..-5200lday Well SailerStandard................ . Well Hailer-Disos paWa................................................ ................$25/day ................................................. each Portable Phototonizatlon Detector(PID)............................................ .....$100/day Portable Flame Ionization Detector(PID/FID)........................................................ $1 v0/day Stainless Steel Hand Auger Sampler...................................... ..........$Mdey ..... ......... Brass or Stainless Steel Sample Sleeves............................... .......;1 Waach Generator Hnmer............................................ ............................................. ... . ._.............. � Rotary � ...........................................................$40iday Fisher TW-6 Metal Detector.................................................................................. Charges for other specialized equipment and calibration gases will be quoted on a project-specific basis. _ 022 PAO� Y nn n. n . - r+•�e+ `iiv�i� i� �.• • � nn� �ii'•� inn ria . Lr in nn �rnt I Fee Schedula January 1897 LABORATORY AND FIELD SOIL TESTING FEES CLASSIFICATION TESTS EARTH yyORK TESTS Moixh"or WmW Cone"(ASTM D2216) i 5 Standard Proctor,3 port(ASTM DW___ S 1- Plastic and Uquid Vantterg)Lkrrlde(ASTM D4314„ S 80 ModAed Proctor.3 pont(ASTM 01557,CALL 216).. S i 20 Sflelr*W Umt(ASTIA D427).—........„.—. S 80 SpwfAc Greg(ASTM 0854) $ 70 Check r�o* ...—..._..._.._..„. Et7ufvahant(ASTM D241 S 50 -----„- - ._ S 70 Orpanie Canlarrf(ASTM D2974)_..___—.._ S 60 R-halos(Aar TM D28"..---....-._--_..-_.•_-- — — S •220 Sakkey in Ffydrodriorlo Add(ASTM D24”—..._.... $ 40 CDR(One Port)(ASTM of DOM —r •— S 2W (ASTM D2499) ._—...._ S 50 Santpsvah Adrrtbdcse�...___--. --Add S s0 Rode Cawft� 4lSTM D2iM.—..-_--....--..... S 50 GRAIN-SIZE ANALYSES PERMEABILITY Constant Mead(Ona C*Vdr*V Sbesi)ASTM 62434)S 230 Pe r+t (ASTM ow( _.1140) —._ S. 70 Fs*V Fuad(Ona Confir”Stress) _ � Pasairrg sZ00 Skiva(ASTM D1140)_._ S 40 TrW"Pertnsabcey in F%mble Wad Paenamnmiw vah tlfrt FfAnwy w ((ASTM D422)..._............. _ ... $ 00 BadW*W"Sabtsa6 (One e CorW Shear) D422) —_—.—__. S 140 (ASTM W" _.. S 290 AdcftionW Carft"Sbess—_-._._Add Par Sbaas S 100 DENSITY MEASUREMENTS Coee�toe+edserr�resix>a�tge......._...„__.._.._.._.. i 90 TOW and Dry Dertsdes(*ft moNlesa eoetent) CYCLIC TESTS (ASTM D2937I-- — .—_ S 20 Matdmsm and bltimum Den6ilks (ASTM D4�,ASTM 04254)..--...—.— $ 180 Cyodo arbeimM(marc tS00 oydea) — ♦ 860 SMees•Cenehoided OYodO SintpM Shear VOLUME CHANGE TESTS mx&mum 5000ydas_.—._---.— Stow 1Mh Sbesa 8A”-.-._....._r...__. dd S 100 r lncrwrmttal C4rm0ktmGM marc 12 Loads(161st marc) _ Rss�in-CWftiled��$11F06$h 5 shale„...:. S 060 With F-sml Rebound(ASTU 02435)—...- 2 35) _.— i 250 ��'3 COf&*V NaTM-04MS) S 060 Wth httetmedlob Rebound and Relood.. ....— i app- CONCRETE AND ASPHALT Cakpse or Swell +rartett!_ .. .. .. — ..Add i 50 Lards 4terdnwa Beyond is tet;OL lnerartwrt.---- S 30, ew"*s CwWe"Jon Tears .__.... . .(ad of i 42 With Firm!Rebaa+d VWM iD4 to 321st nrmc Mold or Addbw W Ted..„_. ...... ._;. S 14 �)—...„ _. i 3W Cydrrdor Lloeda VAlh Lids.._----. ._, S 3 With Wsff dfats Repand and Reload___._ S 400 Mortar or Grout Cubs Caroession Tesb — S 18 Evamelon ktdec.._—. _— „ S 120 Nxabddy per Fradiort ,._,.. . _ S 100 Co”or swM------ —___.—_—. $ 60 Aspembe Cowefm htatdnrum Density( _.. i 100 Cenrpacted SW"chaps..._.._._ . Add S 80_. _ AsphaR Concr+Ms EtdrscSort 150 STATIC STRENGTH TESTS MISCELLANEOUS Eland Pet,bender_...._._ _.__. i -3 Sail Che **y for Cmasion Sch"ft wrisS b�rs Barts(ASTM --5- X-� S _--_ S 1:03 D4641�—.. „ „ .._ S 20 Tube Culdng, „CIA 20 T?wAw Uncorrlhsd CantpssaiM Sid(ASTM Ml 66) S 70 Remolded or Cempacbd SpecirtterL. _ .Add' ! !30 Triamal Urrcw*wd Compression,Rick (ASTU D2MM_...__.......—.......__.-.-.—„......_.-.- S 100 PfeD°ratl°n of Spedd Teske,3pedrrxxl Admbttuse, TrWxW Unoonr&b"d Und&hW(ASTM DWSM„._ 3 100 or Mand Trbrer*V per persorrrsi rates TraueiW CineodAWad Drained Sb�S�-- ----- --— = 350 NOTES., mum-stow..._........—.—.—._—..— S 650 1) Ratos for otrw eats and erft vublim a con be Marctshee an Trtatdd ConaoMeyed Unarat”(wrpore preesum) ro*mxL S#rgie SN90(ASTM DfM.._.._...__.._..._......_ 3 300 2) The howAre are k=kmdod W NO CHARGE. vimud Trim" S e00 chwa l wow m 1 cplh and vokmm.dwr4s jmes. (recpae pressure) density w@b eY biow oomorwaim, 8irrgk�*Ae-•----------• $ 800 Wnvb ahnr,--t t edam,and vd wm Chrb9s tats. ►Auttl-ses�e _.. ... .... „ . ._ ....„_,.....„ 41,600 3) eeuB►•ee+ve 7b VM beet corrins or 3 corininv wemuser- D*ed Shear,341dnt Quids Teat„., .—......... S 160 4) Ruch am6W.nerAz roe faring unmah duled omthl woo Direct Shrew,Mull-Stage(ASTM Dom)_-•—•...--.. $ 200 to a 256i a mchwgk R"WuW Sbwiglh...__.__.. ..Add S S0 5) Toa*V for cw&�=AV&”(EPA Iwai C b D)vndl'be Sknpte Shrasr..—.—_ — — S 45004vroiead at 1.3 tkv Wad n oc Canpaetod SorngM Scrrharpe_..._...— . __.Ade s 60 6) 3wr-*andpnwtt or Gibe metsfde coeds d Cast+ISI 7) Panemd Mnia br dad wporeiV W Pw+Wd+W robes 8) R49W reprodudlon cods Par pwworrai raba 3 b+rc�eawa.onar�mr — PAGE 3 I n