HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2014-007 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE PREVIOUSLY-CERTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE 3F MEADOWS PROJECT AND DETERMINE THAT SAID ADDENDUM, TOGETHER WITH THE PREVIOUSLY-CERTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, SERVES AS THE APPROPRIATE ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 11 ZONING CODE SECTION 9-3.656 Oak Ridge Estates / 3F Meadows (Castlerock Development / KM Holdings) The City Council hereby finds and declares as follows: WHEREAS, an application has been received from K&M Holdings, 445 Green Gate Road, San Luis Obispo, California 93401, (Applicant), to consider an amendment to Section 9- 3.656 (PD-11) of the Atascadero Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the off-site road improvement requirements for the 3-F Meadows/Oak Ridge Estates housing development; and, WHEREAS, in conjunction with the approval of the 3F Meadows development project in February 1995, which entailed a lot line adjustment (LLA 94005), a zone change (ZC 94-001) which created the Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 11 ("PD-11"), and a colony road abandonment (RA 94-001) (herein referred to as the "Project"), the City Council of the City of Atascadero, on February 28, 1995, certified the 3F Meadows Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 94061014) (herein referred to as the "3F Meadows EIR"), adopted a Statement of Findings and Facts and adopted a Mitigation Monitoring Program in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (herein referred to as "CEQA"); and WHEREAS, in an effort to design and facilitate the construction of the off-site road improvements required by the 3F Meadows EIR and PD-11 for the Project, the original and current Project developers have met and conferred with the City and the California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") off and on since the City approved the Project, and based on those efforts Caltrans has recommended, and the City is considering modifications to several of the PD-11 conditions requiring the construction of various off-site road improvements; and WHEREAS, prior to holding any hearings and bringing any proposed modifications to PD-11 before the Planning Commission and City Council, City staff retained an independent traffic engineer, Whitlock & Weinberger Transportation, Inc. ("W-Trans"), to study and analyze the potential impacts associated with the Project at the intersection of State Route 41 and Los em City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2014-007 Page 2 of 6 Altos Road and the intersection of State Route 41 and the access driveway to Project lots 109- 112; and r.. WHEREAS, W-Trans provided the City with a detailed report and traffic evaluation dated February 4, 2014 which provided substantial analysis and evidence in support of conclusions that: (1) only two collisions were reported at SR41/Los Altos Road for the five-year study period which is less than expected for similar facilities; (2) under existing Conditions, the intersection of SR41/Los Altos Road operates at acceptable levels of service during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, and that continued acceptable operation is expected upon adding Project- generated traffic; (3) SR41/Los Altos Road would continue to operate at acceptable levels of service during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under Year 2035 Future conditions with and without the addition of Project-generated traffic; (4) because the southbound Los Altos Road approach to SR41 would operate at an acceptable Level of Service C with the additional 101 residential units associated with the Project and other undeveloped lots in the traffic shed, no additional improvements such as a left-turn refuge/acceleration lane are warranted to address intersection level of service; (5) at SR41/Los Altos Road, a westbound right-turn taper is warranted under the Existing plus Project and Future plus Project conditions; (6) Under Future plus Project conditions, a right-turn lane would be warranted on SR 41 at Los Altos Road if 112 additional units were developed beyond the 101 residential units associated with the Project and other undeveloped lots in the traffic shed; and (7) at SR 41 and the driveway access to lots 109- 112, future traffic volumes and build-out of the lots do not warrant the need for either a left-turn lane, right-turn lane, right-turn taper or left-turn refuge/acceleration lane (hereinafter "W-Trans Report"); and, WHEREAS, based on the W-Trans Report City staff prepared draft language amending several of the PD-11 conditions requiring the construction of various off-site road improvements and provided those draft PD-11 amendments and the W-Trans Report to Caltrans and has met and conferred with Caltrans to ensure that Caltrans had no objections to City staff s proposed amendments to PD-11; and WHEREAS, in its letter dated March 11, 2014, Caltrans indicated that it reviewed all of the information provided by the City, that it has no objections to the City's proposed revisions to PD-I I's off-site road improvement conditions and that Caltrans looks forward to cooperating with the City and Castlerock in constructing the modified off-site road improvements; and, WHEREAS, to assess potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed modifications to PD-11 relative to the 3F Meadows EIR, City staff prepared an addendum to the 3F Meadows EIR pursuant to CEQA (herein referred to as "Addendum"); and WHEREAS, the Addendum concluded that the proposed changes to PD-11 would not result in any new or substantially more severe impacts than disclosed in the 3F Meadows EIR; and WHEREAS, Section 21000, et seq., of the Public Recourses Code and Section 15000, et seq., of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (herein referred to as the "CEQA am Guidelines"), which govern the preparation, content, and processing of environmental impact City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2014-007 Page 3 of 6 reports, have been fully implemented in the preparation of the 3F Meadows EIR and Addendum; and WHEREAS, pursuant to California State Law and the City of Atascadero Municipal Code, public hearing notices were mailed to all property owners within a one thousand (1,000) foot radius of the Project site and a public hearing notice was published 10 days prior to the first public hearing in the Atascadero News; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 1, 2014, where they considered testimony from staff, the applicant and the public prior to recommending approval of the proposed Addendum to the 3-F Meadows EIR; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council held a public hearing on April 22, 2014, where they considered testimony from staff, the applicant, the public and the Planning Commission's recommendation prior to making a decision on the proposed Addendum to the 3-F Meadows EIR; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero, based upon a thorough review of the proposed amendments to PD-11, the Addendum and the 3F Meadows EIR, and the evidence received to date, makes the following findings, determinations and recommendations with respect to the Addendum to the 3F Meadows EIR: 1. The City Council has independently reviewed, analyzed and considered the 3F Meadows EIR and Addendum and all written documentation, public comments, and Planning Commission recommendation prior to making a decision on the proposed modifications to PD- 11; and 2. The Addendum to the 3F Meadows EIR was prepared and reviewed in compliance with the provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines; and 3. The information and analysis contained in the Addendum, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, reflects the City's independent judgment as to the environmental consequences of the proposed modifications to PD-11; and 4. That, based upon the evidence submitted and as demonstrated by the analysis included in the Addendum, none of the conditions described in Sections 15162 or 15163 of the CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent or supplemental EIR or negative declaration have occurred; specifically: a. There have not been any substantial changes in the Project that require major revisions of the 3F Meadows EIR because of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; b. There have not been any substantial changes with respect to the circumstances em under which the Project is undertaken that require major revisions of the 3F Meadows EIR due City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2014-007 Page 4 of 6 to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; and c. There is no new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the 3F Meadows EIR was certified, that shows any of the following: (a) the Project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the 3F Meadows EIR; (b) significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the 3F Meadows EIR; (c) mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the Project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (d) mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the 3F Meadows EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the Project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the above findings, the City Council determines that the previously-certified 3F Meadows EIR, together with the Addendum, are adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for the proposed amendments to PD-11 and hereby approve and adopt the Addendum as attached as Exhibit A; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the documents and other materials, including without limitation staff reports, memoranda, maps, letters and minutes of all relevant meetings, which constitute the administrative record of proceedings upon which the City Council's am resolution is based are located at the City of Atascadero, City Clerk, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422. The custodian of records is the City Clerk. am City of Atascadero Resolution No.2014-007 Page 5 of 6 On motion by Council Member Kelley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted on this 22nd day of April, 2014, in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Fonzi, Kelley, Moreno, Sturtevant and Mayor O'Malley NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: April 22, 2014 TY OF ATASCADERO By: ToMalley, yor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M. City Clerk APPRQYT,D AS ORM: nan A. Pierik, City Attorney wrrr City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2014-007 Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT A: Addendum to 3F Meadows Environmental Impact Report Due to the length of the exhibit, it is not included as an attachment. However, it may be read in its entirety in the Office of the City Clerk. �r. RESO No. 2014-007 Exhibit A 4/22/14 City Council Meeting _ Oak Ridge Estates/3F Meadows PD -11 Amend EXHIBIT A: Addendum to 3F Meadows Environmental Impact Report City of Atascadero Addendum to 3F MEADOWS Environmental Impact Report March 21, 2014 Prepared by: City of Atascadero Planning Department 6500 Palma Avenue Ataseadero, CA 93422 I. INTRODUCTION This memorandum, prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), is an Addendum to the certified 3F Meadows Final Environmental Impact Report, State Clearinghouse Number 94061014 ("3F Meadows EIR"). The 3F Meadows EIR analyzed the potential impacts of the 3F Meadows Ranch development project, which entailed a lot line adjustment (LLA 94005), a zone change (ZC 94-001) which created the Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 11 ("PD -11 "), and a colony road abandonment (RA 94-001) to provide for a comprehensive reconfiguration and development of the existing 115 -lot colony residential subdivision into 111 residential parcels, a water tank parcel and three open space lots on an 800+ acre site in the City of Atascadero to address access issues, create larger parcels of open space and relocate and develop residential lots into more compact areas of the site to minimize environmental impacts ("3F Meadows Ranch Project" or "Project"). The 3F Meadows EIR identified mitigation measures to reduce all of the potentially significant environmental impacts associated with the 3F Meadows Ranch Project to levels of insignificance, and the City certified the 3F Meadows EIR and approved the 3F Meadows Ranch Project in February 1995. The purpose of this Addendum is to evaluate proposed minor changes to some of the off-site traffic mitigation measures identified in the original 3F Meadows EIR, which were incorporated into the PD -11 zoning district' developed for and applied as conditions of approval to the 3F Meadows Ranch Project. Other than the minor changes to PD -11 discussed and analyzed herein, no other changes or discretionary approvals are proposed for or to the number, location or development of any residential lots, roads or any other aspects of the 3F Meadows Ranch Project. As explained below, it is necessary for the City to modify some of the traffic mitigation measures to: (i) avoid creating new, more severe significant adverse environmental impacts; (ii) ensure road improvements are constructed consistent with and meet current Caltrans recommendations and standards; and (iii) delete those which are not necessary to address any potentially significant traffic impacts associated with the Project. As demonstrated in this Addendum, no further environmental review beyond this Addendum is necessary due to the fact that the proposed changes to the PD -11 will not result in any new or more severe environmental impacts. II. BACKGROUND While the City certified the 3F Meadows EIR and approved the 3F Meadows Ranch Project in 1995, residential construction on the Project site did not begin in earnest until after the Project was acquired by Castlerock Development ("Castlerock") in 2003. The original project applicant/developer was the Davis Family Trust. Castlerock continues to own and develop the Project2 today. To date, Castlerock has applied for residential building permits for 31 of the 34 ' PD -11 is located in the City of Atascadero Municipal Code, Title 9 (Planning And Zoning), Chapter 3 (Zoning Districts), Article 28 (PD (Planned Development) Overlay Zone), Section 9-3.656 (Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 11). The Municipal Code is available online at: http://gcode.us/codes/atascadero/ 2 The Project is now commonly referred to as Oak Ridge Estates, but for purposes of this Addendum will continue to be referred to as the "3F Meadows Ranch Project" or just "Project" for consistency. Phase 1 lots.3 In response to those 31 applications the City has issued 26 building permits and construction has been completed and the permits finaled on 25 of them. The 3F Meadows/Oak Ridge Estates Public Improvement Map attached hereto as Exhibit A depicts the Project site, the four (4) phases of planned development and the current status of the development of the residential lots in phase 1. As a result of the economic downturn, however, construction on the Project has been very limited since 2006. The City issued the first building permit in early 2004 and the last building permit in the summer of 2007. Then, in March of 2010, the City informed Castlerock that it could not issue any additional building permits for new residential dwellings until certain off-site road improvements required by PD -11 were constructed. All of the off-site road improvements the City demanded be constructed before it would issue any further building permits involved road improvements at or near the intersection of State Route 41 and Los Altos Road ("SR 41/Los Altos"). These improvements stemmed from comments the California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") provided on the original 3F Meadows EIR. Indeed, the 3F Meadows EIR included a "Traffic Safety" section which established mitigation measures to address various potential traffic safety impacts, including potential traffic safety impacts at SR 41/Los Altos.4 Most notably, Caltrans requested and the final 3F Meadows EIR required a new right -turn lane for westbound traffic on State Route 41 approaching SR 41/Los Altos, as well as a new "refuge lane" for eastbound traffic entering SR 41 from Los Altos Road. As noted above, the City then incorporated those mitigation measures into PD -11 and applied them as conditions of approval to the 3F Meadows Ranch Project. PD -11's conditions of approval also included these measures as required road improvements at a second location, the intersection of SR 41 and the access driveway to Project lots 109-112. The fact that not all of the off-site road improvements required by PD -11 have been constructed is not the result of a lack of effort on the part of the City or the former and current Project developers. Indeed, the original Project applicant/developer began discussions with Caltrans soon after the City approved the Project to discuss designs for the off-site road improvements required by PD -11. (See March 1995 correspondence between Engineering Development Associates and Caltrans attached hereto as Exhibit B.) After acquiring the Project, Castlerock continued those discussions with Caltrans regarding the scope of the necessary off-site road improvements and even submitted proposed SR41/Los Altos improvement plans as part of a preliminary encroachment permit application review process in 2005. In response, Caltrans indicated that it had changed its position with respect to the right -turn lane it previously requested for westbound traffic on State Route 41 approaching Los Altos road. In the June 15, 2005 letter from Caltrans' permit Engineer attached hereto as Exhibit C, Caltrans indicated that it would no longer require or accept the right -turn channelization because constructing a new right -turn lane at that location would require extensive realignment of an adjacent creek that The 3 remaining Phase 1 lots include two residential parcels (lots 9 and 80) and one AMWC water tank parcel (lot °The 3F Meadows EIR limited its analysis of transportation impacts to generalized traffic safety impacts because no formal peak hour trip review or intersection level of service analyses were prepared as is typical today. In other words, the 3F Meadows EIR did not identify whether vehicle delay or queuing would actually increase to unacceptable levels at any off-site intersections or roadway segments as a result of the addition of Project -related traffic and thus limited its identification of potential impacts and imposition of mitigation measures to address general traffic safety concerns associated with average daily traffic estimates. would create additional adverse environmental impacts and right of way constraints. Understandably, and in an effort to avoid any such new, unintended environmental impacts, Caltrans indicated that the SR41/Los Altos intersection should instead be improved to meet the requirements of the "standard public road approach intersection," which would require a less intrusive right -turn taper (limited extension of paved shoulder) instead of a new, full right -turn lane.' In 2010 Caltrans confirmed that its position had not changed, stating that so long as no changes were approved to increase the number of vehicle trips generated by the Project upgrading the SR41/Los Altos intersection to the standard road approach intersection as shown in Figure 405.7 of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual would provide a satisfactory design to accommodate vehicles turning right onto Los Altos Road. (See November 9, 2010 Caltrans letter attached hereto as Exhibit D.) Before taking any action to modify the off-site road improvement requirements contained in PD - 11 to make them consistent with Caltrans' updated position, City staff retained an independent traffic engineer, Whitlock & Weinberger Transportation, Inc. ("W -Trans"), to analyze potential traffic impacts based on current data. Specifically, the City asked W -Trans to determine whether eliminating PD -I I's right -turn lane requirement at SR41/Los Altos would result in a new or more severe traffic impact as well as to analyze whether the Project -generated vehicle trips might result in any other potential traffic impacts at either the intersection of State Route 41 and Los Altos Road or the intersection of State Route 41 and the access driveway to Project lots 109-112. W -Trans collected traffic volume count data on August 28, 2013, and presented its analysis and conservative evaluation of the impacts associated with Project -related traffic on those two intersections under existing, existing plus project, future and future plus project conditions in a report to the City dated February 4, 2014. (W -Trans' February 4, 2014 report is attached hereto as Exhibit E.) W -Trans' analysis was conservative because it not only analyzed the impact of the vehicle trips associated with the Project's 82 undeveloped lots, but also included traffic from the 4 secondary units anticipated to be built within the Project area in the next 20 years and from the 15 undeveloped lots that lie outside the Project site but within the same traffic shed. Based on W -Trans' report, City staff prepared proposed modifications to PD -11 to account for the current data and analysis of the Project's potential traffic impacts at the intersections of State Route 41 and Los Altos Road and the intersection of State Route 41 and the access driveway to Project lots 109-112 and once again consulted with Caltrans. In a letter dated March 11, 2014, Caltrans indicated that it did not have any objections to the City's proposed modifications to the off-site road improvement requirements contained in PD -11 and indicated its desire to cooperate with the City and Castlerock in constructing the modified off-site road improvements. (Caltrans' March 11, 2014 letter is attached hereto as Exhibit F.) III. PROPOSED CHANGES TO PD -11 A copy of the existing text of Municipal Code section 9-3.656 containing the PD -11 overlay zone regulations is attached hereto as Exhibit G, which clearly shows all of the proposed changes/modified text developed by City staff and approved by Caltrans in strikeout (deletions) and underline (additions) format. Specifically, the changes are limited to the off-site road 5 See Chapter 405.7 Public Road Intersections and related Figure 405.7 from Caltrans' Highway Design Manual found here hqp://www dot ca aov/hd/op d/p hdm/pdf/enalish/chp0400 pdf improvements managed by the City's Engineering Division in subsection (c)(3) and the key aspects of the proposed changes are summarized as follows: 9-3.656(c)(3)(v) Original condition requiring new left- turn lanes for eastbound traffic on SR 41 at intersections with Los Altos Road and driveway serving lots 109-112. Modification proposes: (1) minor text amendments to acknowledge and address the fact that one of the required left -turn lanes has already been constructed but may need further refinements to comply with current Caltrans standards; and (2) revised timing requirements for construction of new left -turn lane on SR 41 to account for the fact that the left -turn lane from eastbound SR 41 already exists for eastbound traffic entering Los Altos Road and to ensure no building permits are issued for Project lots 109-112 before the new left -turn lane improvement is constructed for eastbound SR41 traffic entering the driveway access for Project lots 109-112, if required by Caltrans. 9-3.656(c)(3)(vi) Original condition requiring vehicle refuge lanes Modification proposes to: (1) delete the requirement to construct vehicle refuge lanes; (2) create a new condition requiring that the existing residential driveway approach to SR 41 serving lots 109- 112 be improved to current Caltrans Design Standards; and (3) create timing requirement for construction of improvements to bring driveway approach to SR 41 serving lots 109-112 to current Caltrans Design Standards to ensure no building permits are issued for lots 109-112 before this improvement is constructed. 9-3.656(c)(3)(vii) Original condition requiring sight distance improvements Modification proposes: (1) enhanced sight distance clearance to ensure compliance with most current Caltrans standards; and (2) revised timing requirements for interim/final sight distance improvements. 9-3.656(c)(3)(viii) Original condition requiring advisory/warning signage on SR 41 Modification proposes: (1) enhanced advisory/warning signage to ensure compliance with most current Caltrans standards; and (2) revised timing requirements for interim/final advisory/warning signage. 9-3.656(c)(3)(ix) Original condition requiring right -turn lanes for westbound traffic on SR 41 at intersections with Los Altos Road and driveway serving Project lots 109-112. Modification proposes: (1) right -turn taper (in lieu of full dedicated right -turn lane) on SR 41 for westbound traffic entering Los Altos Road; (2) deletion of right -turn lane requirement on SR 41 for westbound traffic entering driveway serving Project lots 109-112; and (3) revised timing requirement for construction of right -turn taper to ensure improvement is constructed well before it is warranted. As discussed and demonstrated below, the proposed changes to PD -11 are minor in nature in that they do not result in any new significant adverse environmental impacts or an increase in the severity of impacts already identified in the 3F Meadows EIR. Rather, the modifications avoid the creation of a new significant adverse impact and generally provide updates to modernize and ensure the required improvements are built to current Caltrans Design Standards. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A. Applicable Legal Standards This Addendum is prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15164, which states: "The lead agency or a responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary, but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred." CEQA Guidelines section 15162(a) echoes and implements the CEQA statutory provision contained in Public Resources Code section 21166 in that it specifies that no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for a project unless the lead agency determines: (1) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or (3) New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the negative declaration was adopted, shows any of the following: (A) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; (B) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; (C) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (D) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164(e), this Addendum details: (1) proposed changes to modify some and delete other provisions in the PD -11; (2) the less -than -significant environmental impacts associated with the proposed changes in the PD -11; and (3) the reasons and evidentiary support for the City's conclusions that the changes to the PD -11 do not meet the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR. Further guidance is provided by caselaw, particularly as referenced under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 which refers to Bowman v. Petaluma (1986) 185 Ca1.App.3d 1065, which distinguished requirements for a subsequent EIR from the threshold required for initial EIR preparation, stating: Whereas section 21151 requires an EIR if the project `may have a significant effect on the environment,' section 21166 provides that an agency may not require preparation of an EIR unless `substantial changes' in the project or its circumstances will require `major revisions' to the EIR. The two statutes serve quite different purposes and have correspondingly different effects. The question addressed by section 21151 is whether any environmental review is warranted. CEQA procedures reflect a preference for resolving doubts in favor of such review. [citations omitted]. In the present case, however, section 21166 comes into play precisely because in-depth review has already occurred, the time for challenging the sufficiency of the original EIR has long since expired and the question is whether circumstances have changed enough to justify repeating a substantial portion of the process. Thus, while section 21151 is intended to create a `low threshold require for preparation of an EIR,' section 21161 indicates a quite different intent, namely, to restrict the powers of agencies `by prohibiting [them] from requiring a subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report' unless the stated conditions are met. Further, caselaw is equally clear that in situations like this one, lead agencies may modify or delete previously adopted mitigations measures without preparing a supplemental EIR if the agency gives a legitimate reason for making the change, and supports its decision with substantial evidence. (Mani Bros. Real Estate Group v. City of Los Angeles (2007) 153 Cal.App.4th 1385; Katzeff v. Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (2010) 181 Cal.App.4th 601; Lincoln Place Tenants Ass'n v. City of Los Angeles (2005) 130 Cal.,App.4th 1491. These decisions demonstrate that where the modification or deletion of a mitigation measure would not change the prior approval in a way that would allow a new significant impact to occur, or increase the severity of a previously identified significant impact, no subsequent EIR is required and a brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR shall be given and can be provided in an addendum to the prior EIR. B. Evaluation Of The Potential Environmental Impacts Of The Proposed Changes To PD -11 The following discussion evaluates the potential environmental consequences associated with the changes the City is proposing to make to several of the Project conditions in PD -11. Because the PD -11 conditions at issue involve measures identified solely to address the potential off-site traffic impacts of the 3F Meadows Project at the intersections of SR 41/Los Altos Road and SR 41/driveway to Project lots 109-112, this discussion is similarly limited to evaluating whether the proposed changes will result in any new or more severe traffic impacts at those intersections compared to the potential traffic impacts identified in the original 3F Meadows EIR. This limitation is reasonable because, as noted above, no changes are proposed for any other aspect of the Project including the number, location or development of residential lots, roads or any other aspect of the 3F Meadows Project and the City is not proposing any discretionary approvals other than the changes to PD -11. The Proposed Changes To The Condition In PD -11 (Section 9- 3.656(c)(3)(v)Requiring New Left -turn lanes On SR 41 Will Not Result In Any New Or More Severe Traffic Impacts. As demonstrated in Exhibit G, the City is proposing to modify this condition as follows: (v) The etistirrg t ett-turn lanes shallbe eenstFaeted on State Highway 41 for eastbound traffic entering beth -Los Altos Roadshall be brought into confonnance with current Caltrans Design Standards. Veiv left -turn lane improvements shall be constructed on State Him v� 41 for eastbound traEic entering the driveivai! serving lots 109-112. and the te, fig dFi �,Prots 109 112. I—m rovement plans for- th left -tum lanes shall be submitted for i:eview and appFeval by Galtr-ans and the City E*neer- prior- to approval efrl,e Master Development Pl prior to the issuance ofanv additional buildingpennits for housing units after the year 2013 • the Applicant shall provide the Citv with updated financial assurance mecha.nisins for the left -turn lane improvements atLosAltos Road. - The left tum lanes for- Los Altos Read shall be eenstipactedwhen the ADT on Los Altos Readreac-hes five hundred (SOG)TI-ehic4es per day, - with the development of!he tweaty seventhlet in Phase 1, or- vrit-hin ��ee (3) years of the issuanee e Timing: (Los Altos Road) The improvements necessary to brim the existine left -turn lane on State Hizlnvav 41 for eastbound tragic entering LosRoad into confornranee v ith current Caltrans Design Standards shall be constructed within three Q) years o the effective date ofthe ordinance amendment or prior to the issuance of the 52'd housinjz unit building permit xvhicheyer occursfirst leo additional housinje unit buildinzpermits ivill be issued if either of the oreceding tirninZ requirements is triggered. (Lots .109-112)The nein left -turn lanes improvements for eastbound traffic on State hi lav 41 entering the driveways accessing Lots 109-112 shall be constructed priorto the issuance ofthe first housing unit building for anyportionofLots109-112:. unless Caltrans modifies or eliminates the left -rum lane requirements for the drwevvav accessinL7 Lots 109-112 The above -referenced modifications: (1) make minor text amendments to acknowledge and address the fact that required left -turn lane onto Los Altos Road has been constructed but may need further refinements to comply with Caltrans standards; and (2) revise the timing requirements for construction of new left -turn lane on SR 41 to account for the fact that the left - turn lane from SR 41 already exists for eastbound traffic entering Los Altos Road and to ensure no building permits are issued for Project lots 109-112 before the new left -turn lane improvement is constructed for eastbound SR41 traffic entering the driveway access for Project lots 109-112, if required by Caltrans. The 3F Meadows EIR imposed these left -turn lanes on SR41 to address unspecified "safety hazards." Analysis of current information and data, however, demonstrates that traffic impacts and safety hazards from the 3F Meadows Project at these two intersections are less than significant. As noted in W-Tran's report, reported accidents at the SR41/Los Altos Road intersection are below the statewide average for similar intersections. Further, the W -Trans report also notes that the required left -turn lane from eastbound SR41 onto Los Altos Road has already been constructed. Nonetheless, instead of deleting this requirement the City is simply modifying it to ensure that any additional left -turn lane improvements Caltrans believes are necessary to bring that existing left lane into conformance with current Caltrans Design Standards are constructed well before full Project build -out. Further, the W -Trans' report also concludes that a left -turn lane into the driveway for lots 109- 112 is not warranted under any conditions. According to the recent traffic counts and W -Trans' conservative analysis regarding potential traffic impacts associated with full build -out of the Project and other undeveloped lots in the vicinity a left -turn lane into the driveway to lots 109- 112 is neither warranted now nor in the future. Nonetheless, while the City is not currently proposing to delete the required left -turn lane into lots 109-112, the proposed amendment does include language permitting Caltrans to delete the requirement at its discretion in the future. Regardless, because the most current traffic information and impact analysis demonstrates that a left -turn lane is not required to address any identified adverse environmental impacts associated with vehicles turning left into lots 109-112, no impacts will result even if Caltrans decides to modify or delete this requirement in the future. This conclusion is further supported by the fact that PD -11 will continue to require that the existing residential driveway approach serving Project lots 109-112 be improved to current Caltrans Design Standards. (See Section IV.13.2. immediately below.) In sum, substantial evidence supports the conclusion that the proposed changes to Section 9- 3.656(c)(3)(v) will not result in any new or more severe impacts than those previously identified in the 3F Meadows EIR and no further environmental impact analysis is required under CEQA. 2. The Proposed Changes To The Condition In PD -11 (Section 9-3.656(c)(3)(vi)) Requiring Vehicle Refuge Lanes Will Not Result In AU New or More Severe Traffic Impacts. As demonstrated in Exhibit G, the City is proposing to modify this condition as follows: 0.-5)11ire. E xis,F n:k, i-esidential difteirml appy ach serviraJzY Pots 109-112 scall be brought tip to cu resat Caltrans Design Standards. T'iniina• Prior- to the issuance o fhe first !rousing unit buildirglrennit for any pofTion of Lots 100- 11 _ Les Ake-, Read aad the dFiveway sefviag Lets 109 112. In3pr-evefflei# f�a� fef ffie Fefuge Lanes shan be reales firei-mdred (5)007 vehieles tt t.-,.�.t._ .,t1. 1 " � Y Y. 1 Y �` Cat a.t ians ti , The „t. a ., ffige j ae C . the dii ing Lets 109 11-2 1, 71 7 t_.. t d 'at, a5). deVetnp,.,eat 9f'any P9i ;. a 0--f1 P-0ts 1091 1 t ? The above -referenced modifications: (1) delete the requirement to construct vehicle refuge lanes; (2) create a new condition requiring that the existing residential driveway approach to SR 41 serving lots 109-112 be improved to current Caltrans Design Standards; and (3) create timing requirement for construction of improvements to bring driveway approach to SR 41 serving lots 109-112 to current Caltrans Design Standards to ensure no building permits are issued for lots 109-112 before this improvement is constructed. The 3F Meadows EIR imposed these left -turn lanes on SR41 to address unspecified "safety hazards." Analysis of current information and data, however, demonstrates that traffic impacts and safety hazards from the 3F Meadows Project at these two intersections are less than significant and that vehicle refuge lanes are not necessary. W -Trans' report demonstrates that both intersections do and will continue to operate satisfactorily at a level of service C or better during the peak traffic hours. Accordingly, vehicles desiring to turn out onto SR 41 from Los Altos Road or from the driveway to Project lots 109-112 will not experience significant adverse delays. As a result, there is no potential traffic impact at these intersections in need of mitigation requiring the construction of vehicle refuge lanes and thus no adverse environmental impacts will result from the deletion of the refuge lane requirements. While current data showing that reported accidents at the SR41 and Los Altos road intersection are below the statewide average for similar intersections demonstrates that there are no current traffic safety concerns at that intersection, no such similar data is available for the intersection of SR 41 and the driveway to lots 109-112. Accordingly, the City's proposed modification to PD - 11 requires that the driveway approach to SR41 be improved to meet current Caltrans Design Standards before the issuance of any building permits for lots 109-112. This condition will ensure that any traffic safety concerns will be addressed before anyone moves into and begins using the driveway to lots 109-112. Accordingly, substantial evidence supports the conclusion that the proposed changes to Section 9-3.656(c)(3)(vi) will not result in any new or more severe impacts than those previously identified in the 3F Meadows EIR and no further environmental impact analysis is required under CEQA. 3. The Proposed Changes To The Condition In PD -11 (Section 9-3.656(c)(3)(vii)) Requiring Sight Distance Improvements Will Not Result In Any New or More Severe Traffic Impacts. As demonstrated in Exhibit G, the City is proposing to enhance this condition as follows: (vii) T1--ei2plicable sight distance improvements in accordance with current Caltrans Desi -en Standards T .F L.t rT,nf..n f{�. i}m �'fir�fld?8�'EE��recs a�g1LL gTOig7TGrG2ZOl a.c aduarcdaift�(50)-fccf ox b , shall be constructed at the intersection of Los Altos Road and State Highway 41. and at the intersection of the driveway serving Lots 109-112 and State Highway 41. Improvement plans for the -,4e , i¢ distance improvements shall be submitted for review and approvalby Caltrans and the City Engineer,te approval efthe Master Development Plan. -The site distanee improvements for- Los Altos 23oadshallhe.. when the ADT o Too AltesRead P aehes&,e1 .i .i(500) - h' 1 es tlrit•day -:th the deyele.�Y..,e.,t of the twenty-seventh lot in Phase!. ..thi th.-..e(3)years ..Fsl... Y J fbuilding pe.-mits f FPh.,se 1 whiehever is ear4ier-. Timing: Interim s. -Sight distance improvements " ^,t„nance in eenfemignee with n„k4,,,,,.. ^^ taHda s for the cun-ent configuration of the Highway 41 andiostAltos Road intersection ,shall be completed -within six months of the ej%criye date of this ordinance amendment Ongoin; interim sight distance maintenance shall be completedeend cted by September 156n each year thereafter and until the ftnal intersection improvements are completed and accepted by Caltrans. Interim sStght distance improvements and ongoingintenor maintenance shall be completed as permitted by Caltrans and relevant pemutting agencies and subiect to the CitvEngineer's yenlication. The Cift-Engineer may.stop issuance o building permits for housingiti the sight distance maintenance is not conducted Final sSizht distance improvements for the Highway 41 andLos Altos Road intersection shall be constructed together -with the final intersection improvements within three (3) years ofthe effective date of this ordinance amendment or prior to the issuance of building permits or the 52" housmi Z unit, whichever occurs first No additional housing unit buddingpennits isIll be issued if either of the preceding thnirag muirements is triggered. The sIte-sight distance improvements for the driveways accessing Lots 109-112 shallbe constructedprior to the issuance of the first housing unitpernzit.for with the d&Mepment o any portion of Lots 109-112. The above -referenced modifications propose: (1) enhanced sight distance requirements to ensure compliance with the most current Caltrans design standards; and (2) revised timing requirements for interim/final sight distance improvements. These enhancements and revised timing requirements take nothing significant away from and only strengthen the prior sight distance improvement requirement in that the proposed changes not only ensure adequate sight distance will be provided at both intersections in accordance with current Caltrans Design Standards 6, but that the sight distance improvements at both intersections will be made and maintained in the short term due to the new interim timing requirements until final sight distance improvements are constructed as part of the long-term intersection improvements required for both intersections. These interim requirements were 6 The use of current standards will increase the traffic safety protection of this condition because while 500 feet of sight distance clearance was the standard when the 3F Meadows EIR was prepared, Caltrans' current sight distance clearance standard for vehicles turning out onto a state highway with a design posted speed of 55 mph is now 605 feet of required corner sight distance clearance. (See Caltrans Encroachment Permits Manual, Appendix J - Road Connections and Driveways.) added by the City to address public comments about sight -distance issues as it may be several years until the final improvements to SR-41/Los Altos Road and SR4 1 /driveway to lots 109-112 intersections are constructed pursuant to Sections 9-3.656(c)(3)(vi) [upgraded residential driveway approach serving lots 109-112] and 9-3.656(c)(3)(ix) [upgraded SR41-Los Altos Road intersection to add right -turn taper and other related improvements]. Because the prior site distance improvement requirements have been retained and modified solely to ensure early compliance with modern standards, substantial evidence supports the conclusion that the proposed changes to Section 9-3.656(c)(3)(vii) will not result in any new or more severe impacts than those previously identified in the 3F Meadows EIR and no further environmental impact analysis is required under CEQA. 4. The Proposed Changes To The Condition In PD -11 (Section 9-3.656(c)(3)(viii)) Requiring Advisory And Warning Signage Will Not Result In Any New or More Severe Traffic Impacts. As demonstrated in Exhibit G, the City is proposing to enhance this condition as follows: (viii) Advisory and warning signage shall be installed along State Highway 41 to advise drivers of the approaching intersection with Los Altos Road and the driveway serving Lots 109-112. Signage shall be designed and installed to contph witli, and as allowed bv, Caltran 2s Standards. whigh. lane aliQ. Improvemment plans for the interim and final advisory and warning signage shall be submitted for review and approv al by Caltrans and the City Engineer - Prior to the issuance o anti additional housing unit buildingpermits after the year 2013: the applicant shall provide updated financial assurance mechanisms for the final advisom and wamingsigrraZe inprovenzents. The signage impr-evements for Los Altos Read shall be eenstme4edwhen the ADT- en Les Altes Read r-eaehes five hundred (500) vehieles per day, with the developmew of th twen-13�, seven;lilet in -Phase 1, or- mithin fhEee (3) years of the issuanee of building, peFmits for -Phase is ear -lief. Tinting: interun advisor t! and iiarning signage improvements for LosAltos road shall be const ucted within six months of the effective date of this ordinance amendment. No additional building permits for housing units will be issued arter sir months of the ef�ective date of 01 ordinance amendment, -if the preceding tuning requirement is not satisfied unless the City% Engineer and C'onnnunih.-Dei elopment Director grant time extension Tinge extension requests will only be considered for delays that are outside of the applicants control Final advisory and warning signage improvements shallbe constructedwwithin three fy vears ofthe effective date of this ordinance amendment or prior to the issuance of buildingperrnits for the 32nd housing unit uIticltei,er occurs first No additional housing unit building permits will be issued ifeither of the preceding£imingrerruirements is triggered The advisor -t- and warning signage improvements for the driveways accessing Lots 109-112 shall be constructed prior to the issuance of the first housing unit permit for with the develevmeof anyportionofLots 109-112. The above -referenced modifications propose: (1) enhanced advisory/warning signage requirements to ensure compliance with the most current Caltrans design standards; and (2) revised timing requirements for interim/final advisory/warning signage. These enhancements and revised timing requirements take nothing significant away from and only strengthen the prior requirement in that the modifications not only ensure adequate signage will be provided at both intersections in accordance with current Caltrans Design Standards, but that the signage at both intersections will be installed in the short term due to the new interim timing requirements until final signage improvements are constructed as part of the long-term intersection improvements required for both intersections. These interim requirements were added by the City to address public comments about warning signage issues as it may be several years until the final improvements to SR-41/Los Altos Road and SR41/driveway to lots 109-112 intersections are constructed pursuant to Sections 9-3.656(c)(3)(vi) [upgraded residential driveway approach serving lots 109-112] and 9-3.656(c)(3)(ix) [upgraded SR41-Los Altos Road intersection to add right -turn taper and other related improvements]. Because the prior advisory and warning signage requirements have been retained and modified solely to ensure early compliance with modern standards, substantial evidence supports the conclusion that the proposed changes to Section 9-3.656(c)(3)(vii) will not result in any new or more severe impacts than those previously identified in the 3F Meadows EIR and no further environmental impact analysis is required under CEQA. 5. The Proposed Changes To The Condition In PD -11 (Section 9-3 656(c)(3)(ix)) Requiring New Right -turn Lanes Will Not Result In Any New or More Severe Traffic Impacts. As demonstrated in Exhibit G, the City is proposing to modify this condition as follows: (ix) .2 right turn taper- m compliance iwth the Caltrans Hi hi!:Qy Design jt4anual. Chapter 400.1ntersections at Grade Figure 405 ,7, oras directed by Caltrans shallbe constructed on State Highway 41 for westbound traffic entering beth -Los Altos Road._ M T T ets 109 11-2, Improvement plans for the right-turnlanes-taper" shall be submitted for review and approval by Caltrans and the City Engineer.x^w*^ appfeval ofthe Master- Develepmen4Dl13r7or to the issuance ofatm additional housing unit buildingpernaits alter the year 2013: the applicant shall provide updated financial assurance mechanisrn.s for the right turn taper, Tinting: A right -tura taper: in compliance u4th the California Caltrans Hig1 Design Manual Chapter 400 Mtersections at Grade Figure 405 .7, oras directed by Caltrans forLosAltos Road shall be constructed ivithin three L3) years of the effective date of this ordinance amendment or prior to the issuance of building pennits for the 52" housing unit u-hichei�er occurs fast No additional housing unit buildingperrnits will be issued if either of the preceding liming requirerrrerrts is tr'iZgered. The r4gk turn !ane for- he s Altos Rea4 shall be eenstnieted when the ADT en Los Altes Read r-eaehes &,e hundr-ed (5 00) vehicles peF day, with the develepment ef-the twenty sevent-hiet in Phase 1, or- within - the (3) years ft fL ild nb ^ •* rt. for- Phase i s r l _ The above -referenced modifications propose: (1) the construction of a right -turn taper (in lieu of full dedicated right -turn lane) on SR 41 for westbound traffic entering Los Altos Road; (2) the deletion of the right -turn lane requirement on SR 41 for westbound traffic entering driveway serving Lots 109-112; and (3) a revised timing requirement for the construction of the right -turn taper to ensure improvement is constructed well before it is warranted. The 3F Meadows EIR imposed these right -turn lanes on SR41 in response to comments submitted by Caltrans and to address unspecified "safety hazards." Analysis of current information and data, however, demonstrates that traffic impacts and safety hazards from the 3F Meadows Project at these two intersections are less than significant and that new right -turn lanes are no longer necessary as the anticipated traffic does not generate enough vehicles making right - turns at these intersections to require the construction of new right -turn lanes. Additionally, Caltrans has indicated and recently re -confirmed that it no longer desires the right -turn channelization because constructing a new right -turn lane at this location would require extensive realignment of an adjacent creek that would create additional adverse environmental impacts and right of way constraints. The W -Trans' report demonstrates that both intersections do and will continue to operate satisfactorily at a level of service C or better during the peak traffic hours. More importantly, the W -Trans' report demonstrates that the threshold requiring a new right -turn lane on SR 41 for westbound traffic entering Los Altos Road will not be reached until an additional 112 residential units were to be developed above and beyond the units anticipated to be developed by the Project and other nearby undeveloped parcels in the traffic shed area in the Future Plus Project scenario. Similarly, the W -Trans' report demonstrates that no additional facilities in the form of either a right -turn lane or right -turn taper would be warranted on SR 41 for westbound traffic entering the driveway serving Project lots 109-112 even under Future Plus Project traffic conditions due to the low traffic volume to be generated by the four additional residential lots, and, any potential safety impacts will be addressed by the new condition discussed above requiring Castlerock to bring the driveway approach to up to current Caltrans standards prior to development of Project lots 109-112 Accordingly, no new or more severe impacts will result from deleting the right -turn lane requirements at these intersections because there is no potential traffic impact now or in the future resulting from the Project that would require a right -turn lane for mitigation. However, while right -turn lanes are not warranted at either intersection, W -Trans' report does conclude that a right -turn taper on SR 41 for westbound traffic entering Los Altos Road is necessary to reduce a potential traffic impact under both Existing Plus Project and Future Plus Project scenarios. W -Trans' report also concludes that the right -turn taper would be required just prior to full build -out of the 101 anticipated residential units studied (82 remaining Project lots, 15 non -Project lots in the same traffic shed and 4 anticipated second units in the traffic shed). Accordingly, the proposal to add a condition requiring construction of a right -turn taper prior to the issuance of the 52nd building permit or for the Project or within 3 -years (whichever occurs first) ensures that the mitigation recommended by Caltrans and confirmed by W -Trans will be in place well before it is warranted. In sum, substantial evidence supports the conclusion that the proposed changes to Section 9- 3.656(c)(3)(ix) will not result in any new or more severe impacts than those previously identified in. the 3F Meadows EIR and no further environmental impact analysis is required under CEQA. V. CONCLUSION Based on the analysis in this Addendum and its exhibits, the City concludes that a subsequent EIR is not necessary as the proposed changes to PD -11 are minor in nature in that they do not result in any new significant adverse environmental impacts or an increase in the severity of impacts previously identified in the 3F Meadows EIR. In fact, the changes are decidedly beneficial from an environmental impact and public safety point of view as they avoid the creation of a new significant adverse impact (associated with the original PD -11 requirement that State Route 41 be widened to facilitate construction of a new dedicated right -turn lane from westbound State Route 41 onto Los Altos Road) and generally provide updates to modernize and ensure that the improvements that are necessary are built to current Caltrans Design Standards. Exhibit A 3F Meadows/Oak Ridge Estates Public Improvement Map M i. '' tI ...................... ................... .................................................... \f +'L ur1ASE+wDA45 RESIDENTIAL AUFLDIUG OFFSITE ROAD• UN WRCOS RD OVEMENTS Ro� PERWT STATUS R..d ALTo —t, et I—. S -Z 1. 1-3 I -M M3 P" E I fkasemaxnesuce VOW. Vq. W. 6R11 1 1#4 6W.)(3g,j OfFAIIE ROAD• LOS ALTDS RD sm sA., 1 9.3 EW.A3Xo) coE P"..,T uame. 1 9-316*030) gyp S -OAR RmDE WE LO" LOTS IM•113 ACCESS 2 OFF-WTE ROAD. CEN GALRDLAURELRD --srs 9-afimo.3114 O9EH$sncElo,31".cl -k.4 w UrRa L— Rd i %a oW.M.) 6w "R -411o3ew03 on.SPaec —e-- P— W.1-9.9=SR4117365&s NOTE -A. . ............................ — ........ Exhibit B March 6, 1995 letter from Engineering Development Associates (Michael Hodge) to Caltrans (Larry Newland) Kao 09 03 01:23p EDA �E ENGINEERlHG;., GEVEOPMENT., ■ren[,d7ES t 8051 5498704 P.2 3. } lsl. 000 march 6, 1995 S r CalTrans P.O. BOX 8114 } 50 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo. CA 93403 Attn: Larry Newland Re: hiighway 41 at Las Altos Road (Post -Mlle 11:45) and Driveway (Post -Mite 10.19) Dear Larry: Thank you for meeting with me to discuss specific C&rans criteria requ Sd to determine the Head for futureowe a 1ehi highway as a rets long As sult of am ants outlined in the Fri al EiR for the 3-ra F these portions 9 Meadows project. Although the bulk of this project lies a considerable distance ram these locations, the 1 thas determined that there may be a significant impact to traffic which could require some modification to the highway_ The purpose of this Setter is to review our discussions which wi,I atlovr us to formulate a set of goals, which will in turn allow us to proceed with any required improvements for these areas. The ion central focus of our meeting involved left -turn channelization, acceleration and deceleration lanes as summarized in the following issues: ft tvr� n izatie.�on H ave - if a teff turn i5 made onto a road or 1. � driveway serving less than 10 lots, then a dedicated left -turn lane is not required. If 10 lots or more are served by a road connecting to Highway 41, then a left -turn lane is required. The stacking length is determined by the number of tots x 10 trips/lot/day x .10 = number of trip/peak hour. 2. Riaht-tur�iane into road ar arlve��rav fro Htattway Qi - provide an eight -foot wide shoulder beginning 150'- 200' from lntersedon. 3, KlCint turna�C�t`pr`i@roti_.—.on n road Qr 'r itSW ontoighW�y__41 - not required. at of t to r a i t hwa 4. Acceler not requtrea. 500' of sight distance is required in both directions. ri PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING L A N D S U R V E Y IN G 1324 NIPi1PA0 ST. SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA�9340c o�s_��9-$033 „ FAX $05 237-3737 May 0:3 03 C11:23p Erin (805) 5498704 p.3 Larry Newlar►d , March S. 1995 Page ? tlniierstandeng of our, meeting Please ' of the aforementioned deriis. ThanEc you for your time Please {�nva'rd a {atter to our office confirming my 6311 me it yoia wish to discuss any and consideration... Sincerely ENGlt3E4RiNG t3EVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES May 09 03 81:23p EDP (8051 5499704 p.4 03,115/95 08:49 '8'805 549 3077 CALTRANS ZD01 STATE OF CAIJFOfli7A 8USi2VFS5, TR:ti —'7A-noN A.40HOUSING AGENCY; PETE WttSON. Gowma DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOORTA110N 1, P.C. BOX 6114 TALE LUIS g. 5 ,'3409 St l4 TELERHDAiEF- (8M4: G6i Spyt Ti {`1 TDD (805} 545.3259 Post -Et` Fax Note' 7671 taw "S" Tb Fr coJDe;4 CA. in:ene Y ., Pft— t Fa: e K fur Mr. Michael Hodge C/o EDA 1320 Nipomo Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Dear Mr. Hodge: March 15, 2995 5-SI.O-041-10-9/11.45 liouta 41 Xzprova wants The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your understanding of our meeting concerning improvements on Route 41. Based on your letter of March 6, 1995, it is clear to me that you have a thorough understanding of Caltrans position regarding operational and safety standards on this facility. Please be aware that prior to malting any improvements within the State right-of-way an encroachment permit must be obtained. Prior to obtaining an encroachment permit, you are required to have design plans reviewed by this office and an environmental document approved by the lead agenby• Biological and archaeological surveys must specifically address impacts in the state right-ofwway. Should you have further questions regarding encroachment permits, please contact Steve Senet, Permits Engineer, at (805) 549-3152. specific questions concerning roadway geolmatry, sight distance, or other Caltrans standards should be directed to Deb Heumann in our Special studies branch at (805) 549-3120. i want to thank you for your patience. If 2 can be of further assistance.ploase call Tae at (805) 549-3683. sincerely, wrence C. Newland District 5 Intergovernmental Review Coordinator ccs JT Gibbs, a'A Vanzevanter, S Senet, SJ Chesebro SIA -041.-10. EDA DiSTAM 6 • AR0WCVV0 QI/,' t7Y TRANSPORTATIGW ON TWE C£rJ7X tt COAST Exhibit C June 15, 2005 letter from Caltrans (Steve Senet) to R. Thompson Consulting (Russ Thompson) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -!, -,T "HIGUI, ' ZA SIR,4 I SXNLVISFjBISPO.CA 93,101-5415 PHONF W -l" �-0-1 1,51, FAX (SIJ5t n4V-JU--1 IDD (805) 5-1)-3259 Anic I i, 2005 05-SLO-4 I-11 A5 Pert -nit No.: Not assigned Mr. Russ'l-hompson, PE R.Thompson Consulting 7600'Morrt',) Road Atascadero CA 93422 Dear Mr. Thompson: RECEIVED JUL 0 8 2005 -Subject: Preliminary Encroachment Permit Application Review— Castlerock Development- 3F Meadows `lliank you for submitting your Encroachment Permit Application for the off-site roadway improvements to State Highway 41 at the intersection of Los Altos Road in the City of Ataseadero. With your application you included two improvement plans as we previously requested, One set of plans included right turn channelization improvements to Los Altos Road, and the other set showed improvements without a right turn lane. In comparing and evaluating the two plan sets, as well as reviewing the environmental impacts inventory you provided, we have concluded that constructing the right turn channelivation would raluire extensive realignment of the creek and removal of most of the vcgetationwithin the creek area. Furthermore, we recognize the difficulty and technical infeasibility of realigning the creek to the north due to environmental impacts and right of way constraints. Aitlioti,,Iieve initially inciic,,itedthat right turn channeliza t ion at this location was desired, upon further evaluation we have determined that reconstructing the intersection to conform to the standard public road approach intersection, as shown in Figure 405.2 of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, will serve the -traffic needs at this intersection �Viiile minimizing impacts to the creek. Please proceed with the reduced channelization d es, i :"' ' I If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter please feel free to call meat (805) 549-3497. 'CaUms impwvix mpWhly.*ro" Vldifam;A' a.ab 'rt,�,.,.,,�..,.. Exhibit D November 9, 2010 letter from Caltrans (Steve Senet) to Ogden & Fricks LLP (Roy Odgen) DF,PAR*rmF,.Nl' OF TRANSPORTATION $0 HiGUER A S I RE17 SAN IJ ' (AINN), CA 93,11tk5W xf 51 5 19-3 1111 17'1X IM6049-33129 1 1 Y 711 November 9, 2010 Roy E. Ogden, E.,qLlirC Ogden & Fricks LLP 6% Santa Rosa Street, Suite `'B Sari Luis Obispo, California 93401 Dear 1*0r. Ogden- CASTLEROCK SUIRDIVISMY This letter is in response to your request for Caltrans to update its position on the need for right turn channelization at Los Altos Road as part of the off-site improvements for the Castlerock Subdivision, So long as the subdivision plans have not seen changes that would increase the number of trips generated by the project at this intersection since we last reviewed this project in 2005, we can maintain our historical position on this issue. We previously reviewed Substantially complete engineering drawings for the right turn channelization. and found that there were substantial environmental constraints associated with altering portions of the adjacent creek. as well as a demonstrated need for additional right of way for a right turn channelization project. We rind that upgrading the intersection to the standard public road approach intersection, shown in Figure 405,2 of the Caltrans lliglmay Design 'Manual, would provide a satisfactory design to accommodate vehicles tunling right onto Los Altos Road. It, vou require any other information or wish to discuss this matter further please do not hesitate to call meat (805) 549-3206. Sincerely. teve Servet District give Encroachment Permit Engineer Exhibit E W -Trans' February 4, 2014 report to City of Atascadero Deputy Public Works Director (David Athey) W -t t -a n February 4, 2014 Mr, David Athey Deputy Public Works Director Whitlock & Weinix er City of Atascadero ransporritioo, Inc. 6907 Ei Camino Real1" ,•,,,,, �* An Atascadero, CA 93422 Sana Rcr;.s, CA 95,101 Los Altos Road/State Route 41 intersection Evaluation Dear Mr, Athey. As requested. Whitlock & Weinberger Transportation, Inc. (W -Trans) has prepared this updated traffic evaluation of the Los Altos Road/State Route (SR) 41 intersections in the City of Atascadero. The purpose of this evaluation was to determine whether the previous conditions of approval for the intersection of Los Altos Road/SR 41 are still warranted based on applicable traffic evaluation measures and standards and using new intersection traffic counts and new estimates of vacant lots still to be developed off of Los Altos Road. The City of Atascadero previously approved conditions of development for the Planned Development Overlay Zone No. i I (PD 11), which includes the 3F Meadows development (Oak Ridge Estates). Under the existing PD I I conditions, the City required construction of a left -turn lane on the eastbound approach of SR 41 at Los Altos Road as well as at the future driveway to lots f09-1 12. The eastbound left -turn lane at Los Altos Road has been constructed, and the eastbound left -turn lane for the private driveway is discussed in this evaluation. The PD I I conditions also state that a westbound right -turn lane on SR 41 would be required at both Los Altos Road and the future driveway to lots 109-112. This analysis considers whether the right -turn lane is necessary on the westbound approach of SR 41 at Los Altos Road and the future driveway. The analysis also considers whether an acceleration lane Is needed for traffic turning onto Highway 41 east from Los Altos, and from the private driveway, Study Area SR 41 is a two-lane state highway that runs east -west. The intersection with Los Altos Road is a "tee" intersection with the SR 41 approaches uncontrolled and a stop control on the southbound Los Altos Road approach. The eastbound approach on SR 41 includes a left -turn lane with 100 feet of storage. The weekday a.m, and the p.m. peals hour traffic conditions were evaluated in order to capture the period with highest trip generation caused by the project. The a.m. peak hour occurs between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., and the p.m. peak hour occurs between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Traffic Operation Standards The City of Atascadero General Plan's adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard for streets indicates the minimum acceptable operation is LCIS C. Operation of the intersection of SR 41 /Los Altos Road was evaluated using standards provided by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in the Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies. Caltrans indicates that they endeavor to maintain operation at the transition from LOS C to LOS D: however, where the operation is already below LOS C,, the existing measure of effectiveness should be maintained. For intersections, this means that the: existing control delay should be maintained. Mr. David Athey Page 2 February 4, 2014 Existing Traffic Conditions Existing traffic volumes were obtained from count data collected on August 28. 2013 during the a.m. and p.m, peak hours. Local schools were in session when these counts were obtained. Los Altos Road currently carries 26 a.m. peak hour trips, 27 p.m. peak hour trips and an estimated Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 265 vehicles using a standard peak hour factor of 10 percent. The existing volumes and conditions were analyzed using 2000 Highway Capacity Manual methodology and results indicates that all approaches and movements operate at a satisfactory level of service during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Table I shows the average delay per vehicle and the level of service associated with the southbound Los Altos Road approach and the eastbound left -turning vehicles. Table I Existing Peak hour Intersection Level of Service Calculations Study Intersection Existing Conditions Existing plus 101 Residential Units Approach t AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS 1, SR4HLosAltosRd Eastbound Left -turn 7.8 A 8.0 A 7.9 A 8.1 A Los Altos Rd Approach to SR 41 12.6 8 13.4 8 1Z.9 8 f 4.4 a Notes: Delay is measured in average seconds per vehicle; LOS= Level of Service; Existing. Conditions incorporates traffic generated by occupied homes both inside and outside of Oak Ridge Estates Collisions The collision history for the intersection was evaluated for the most recent five years for which data is available January (, 2005 through December 31, 2009) to determine if there have been any trends or patterns chat may indicate a safety issue. Two collisions were reported at the intersection of SR 41/1 -os Altos Road based on the collision information obtained through the California Highway Patrol and published in their Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) reports. This translates to a rate of 0.18 collisions per million vehicles entering (clmve). The statewide average for similar intersections is 0.22. cfmve. Therefore, the existing intersection conditions are not significant. Development Area Description The Oak Ridge Estates development is currently under construction in the western region of the City of Atascadero. The development has access to SR 41 via Los Altos Road and will eventually have access to the Traffic WaylUS 101 interchange via Cenegal Road, Laurel Road and Santa Lucia Road. Full build out of Oak Ridge Estates as well as other parcels outside of Oak Ridge Estates could result in an additional 101 single-family homes. The Oak Ridge Estates development currently consists of 26 developed and 82 undeveloped lots. Within the traffic shed area and outside of Oak Ridge Estates there are also 62 developed units and 15 undeveloped lots. Also, based on experience in other residential areas of the City, it is expected that up to four secondary units on lots within the development area are expected over the next 20 years. City staff requested that these additional lots be included in the analysis so that a conservative estimate of traffic conditions would be developed. Therefore, the remaining balance of the 101 residential units consists of the 82 lots in Oak Ridge Estates, 15 lots outside of Oak Ridge Estates, and 4 secondary units. Mr. David Athey Page 3 February 4, 2014 Trip Generation The anticipated trip generation for a residential project is generally based on rates published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition, 2012 for "Single Family Detached Housing" (ITE LU 210). However, based on the existing traffic counts collected at the intersection of SR 4111.os Altos Road, the existing residential development off of Los Altos Road generates significantly less traffic than suggested by these rates. There are currently 88 occupied residential homes located within and adjacent to the Oak Ridge development (26 occupied units within Oakridge Estates and 62 other units). The majority of these homes likely use Los Altos Road to access the greater transportation network. As shown in Table 2 below, the existing 88 residential units generate approximately 0.31 trips per unit during the p.m. peak hour. This is substantially less than the ITE Single Family Detached Housing rate of 1.00 trips per unit For comparison, ITE also includes rates for Recreational Homes which includes a p.m. peak hour rate of 0.26 trips per unit. It is recommended that trips for the additional 101 units' be based on an average of the ITE Single Family rates and the ITE Recreational Home rates. The inboundfou[bound splits were based on the existing survey for the a.m. peak hour and the ITE Single Family rates for the p.m. peak hour. This combination of rates results in lower rates than the Single Family rates, but higher than current experience in the area which should be appropriate to account for any potential changes in trip generating activity as the area builds out. With the recommended rates, the additional 101 units would be expected to generate 640 vehicle trips per day, including 46 trips during the a.m, peak hour and 64 trips during the p.m. peak hour. All of the rates and resulting trips are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Trip Generation Rates Land Use Units Daily Weekday Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Rate Trips Rate Trips In Out Rate Trips In Out Los Altos Survey" 88 du nla nla 0.30 26 11 15 0.31 27 23 4 Single Family Detached Housing* 101 du 9.52 962 0.75 76 19 57 1.00 101 64 37 Recreational Homes' 101 du 3-16 319 0.16 16 11 5 0.26 26 11 15 Recommended Rate 101 du 16,34 640 0.46 46 14" 27 1 0.63 64 40'' 24 Mote: "= actual traffic counts; du =dwelling units; ' = ITE rates, "= inlout split based on survey, ''= iniout split based on ITE rates The project. EIR assigned 50 percent of the project trips to the Los Altos Road access at 5R 41, while the remaining 50 percent would travel via Cenegal Road to Santa Lucia Road and other connecting routes. This assumption is consistent with the project travel times between the project and the downtown/ Highway 101 corridor using these two routes, and was therefore used for this study. The directional distribution of the inbound and outbound trips at Los Altos Road was determined based on the proportion of existing trips. Based on the 2013 counts, 90 percent of the existing trips into and ' The 101 units consist of 15 potential units outside the Oak Ridge Estates, 82 potential units within Oak Ridge Estates. and four secondary units. Mr. David Athey Page 4 February 4, 2014 out of Los Altos Road involve vehicles traveling to/from east of the intersection. The remaining 10 percent of trips originate or terminate west of Los Altos Road. Using these assumptions, the 101 residential units would be expected to generate 9 inbound right - turning vehicles during the a.m. peak hour and 18 vehicles during the p.m. peak hour. Existing plus Project The intersection was evaluated with the addition of the projected trips associated with the Oak Ridge Estates and adjacent development to determine how it would operate without any modifications to the existing geometrics. With these additional trips, delay for both approaches would be expected to increase slightly, though the level of service would remain the same for both the eastbound left -turn and southbound approach. Table I provides a summary of Existing plus Project levels of service and average vehicle delay expected with the trips that would be expected upon build out, but no further physical improvements. Because the southbound Los Altos Road approach would operate at Level of Service B with the additional residential units, no additional improvements such as a left -turn accelerationtrefuge lane would be warranted. Warrants for the right -turn lane are discussed below. Future Traffic Conditions Segment volumes for the horizon year of 2035 were obtained from SLOCOG's (San Luis Obispo Council of Governments) gravity demand model and translated to turning movement volumes at the study intersection using factoring. The factors were derived from the existing fink volumes and future link volumes to project likely future turning movement volumes at the intersection. The resulting projections show a growth rate of 1.29 for the a.m, peak hour and 1.42 for the p.m. peak hour which translates to an annual growth of 1.2 and 1.6 percent per year between 2013 and 2035. This background growth was only applied to the through traffic on SR 41 and not to traffic into and out of Los Altos Road since additional traffic growth was assumed for Los Altos Road in the form of the 101 additional residential units. Based on these future volumes and assuming no other changes from existing conditions, all approaches and movements are expected to operate at satisfactory levels of service during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under both Future conditions and Future plus Project conditions. Table 3 shows the average delay per vehicle and the levels of service associated with the southbound approach and the eastbound left -turning vehicles. Table 3 Future Peak hour Intersection Level of Service Calculations Study Intersection Future Conditions s Future plus 101 Residential Units AppCoach AM Peak PM Peak AM Peak PM Peak Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS I. SR 411Los Altos Rd Eastbound Leff -tura 7.9 A 81 A 7.9 A 8.2 A Los Altos Rd Approach to SR 41 I 13.3 8 15.9 C 13.6 B 16.5 C Notes: Delay is measured in average seconds per vehicle; LOS= Level of Service; Results for minor approaches and left -turn approaches to two-way stop -controlled interseaions are indicated in italics Turn Lane Analysis The need for a right -turn lane or taper was evaluated based on criteria contained in the intersection Channefization Design Guide, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report No. Mr. David Athey Page S February 4. 2014 279, Transportation Research Board, 1985. A right turn lane would consist of a lane installed to the right of the travel lane and would be a minimum of twelve foot wide with a shoulder. A right turn taper is a shoulder area that gets progressively wider as the motorist drives toward the intersection. Both improvements are meant to provide an area for motorists turning right to move out of the traffic lane. The warrants were evaluated using existing and future volumes both with and without the project. Following are the results. • Existing Conditions — No warrants met • Existing plus 101 residential units — A right -turn taper would be warranted during the p.m. peak hour. • Future Conditions No warrants met • Future plus 101 residential units — A right -turn taper would be warranted during the p.m. peak hour. The volumes are under the threshold for a right -turn lane by 20 additional right -turn vehicles trips during the peak p.m. peak hour period which translates to 112additional residential units beyond the 101 residential units included in the analysis. Table 4 summarizes the westbound right -turn volumes for all scenarios as well as the thresholds for the right -turn taper and right -turn lane. The number of additional dwelling units needed to trigger the need for a right -turn taper and/or right -turn lane has also been provided. Based on this data, if 112 additional units were to be developed in the study area, above the studied 101, a right -turn lane would be warranted. Right -Turn Volumes Threshold Tab€e 4 Westbound Right -Turn Volumes by Scenario Existing Existing plus 101 Conditions Residential Units AM PM AM PM Right -Turn Volume 10 21 19 Taper Threshold 41 38 41 Turn Lane Threshold 77 73 77 Additional Units 68 ......... ........... Toper Threshold 334 du 93 du 2S1 du Turn Lane Thn shold 765 du 291 du 662 du Future Future plus 101 Conditions Residential Units AM PM AM PM 39 10 21 19 39 38 33 27 35 27 73 68 59 68 59 — 285 du 34 du 183 du — f 90 do 662 du 213 du 559 du 112 du Notes: Additional units indicate the number of additional single-family dwelling units needs to trigger the warrant threshold Turn Lane Analysis for Lots 109-112 The need for a left or right -turn lane or taper was evaluated for the intersection of SR 41 with the access to Lots 109 to 112. Currently, there are no separate turn lanes on SR 4 f to access these four lots. Using the same criteria contained in the Intersection Channelization Design Guide, the warrants were evaluated using future volumes on SR 41 and a maximum of four inbound right -turn vehicles and four inbound left - turn vehicles which should exceed the anticipated turning volumes into this access. Based on these assumptions, no additional facilities in the form of either a left -turn lane, right -turn lane or right -turn taper would be warranted due to the potentially low traffic volume generated by four residential units. Based on the results of the Level of Service analysis for the SR 41/Los Altos Road intersection, the approach from Lots 109-112 would be expected to operate at a LOS C or better in the future which would not warrant the addition of accelerationlrefuge lane for left -turn movements out of the access. Mr. David Athey Page b February 4, 2014 Conclusions • Two collisions were reported at SR 41/Los Altos Road for the five-year study period which is less than the expected experience for similar facilities. • Cinder Existing Conditions, the intersection of SR 41/Los Altos Road operates at acceptable levels of service during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours; continued acceptable operation is expected upon adding project -generated traffic. • SR 41 /Los Altos Road would continue to operate at acceptable levels of service during both the a.m. and p.m, peak hours under Year 2035 Future conditions with and without the addition of development -generated traffic. • Because the southbound Los Altos Road approach would operate at an acceptable Level of Service C with the additional 101 residential units, no additional improvements such as a left -turn refuge/acceleration lane are warranted to address intersection level of service. At SR 41/Los Altos Road, a westbound right -turn taper is warranted under the Existing plus Project and Future plus Project conditions. • Under Future plus Project conditions, a right -turn lane would be warranted on SR 41 at Los Altos Road if 112 additional units were developed beyond the assumed 101 residential units.. • At SR 41 and the access to Lots 104-112, future traffic volumes and buildout of the lots do not warrant the need for either a left -turn lane, right -turn lane, right -turn taper or left -turn refuge/acceleration lane. Recommendations • Since there already is a right -turn taper at the intersection, the existing intersection design should be evaluated to determine if the existing right -turn taper meets the requirements of Figure 405.7 "Public Road Intersections" of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual, If not, the existing taper should be improved to meet the applicable design standards. • if 112 additional units are anticipated for the study area above and beyond the 101 anticipated residential units, a right -turn lane should be installed before issuance of building permits for any of the 112 additional units. Thank you for giving W -Trans the opportunity to provide these services. Please call if you have any questions. y� Sincerely S;feve einberger, P QE Rrincipal S 7ATA4f(f_Lt0 Enclosures: Lev of Service Calculations Tu Lane Warrant Spreadsheets 5 C T I XX %X I k xXX x X X X X% p. i i mF i o I mo so 1 111 X %' %% i %%+ F% X %` %• i + �'f 1 X X 1 X x X % i x X •d X X X % a l 4 t I J v 1 .. - 1 x X I X X i X. x e x x x f x( X % i ; (p a. ; I a 6 1 o QO O OD Nm o 00 1 it •% i %% x qq i •' U• ..] i O 1 1 k •xt 1 x x x% i %% ad x X% % 1 k x X X X I x x x x 7 X X♦ X X X• F iaanlE_D I %%1 %%%XI XX aX%X x X x x Ix x S x X x is Ly 1 D oN-D.+1 %X I X %iX X i fx( X+ [L X X %+ XX• + q i iyy.[dL..• p�p; uF i C C� I O M I %% i X%%%I %X g o I x X I X X % x I X% X%% _ yy � :•i I C L I h O N b N N 0 (V 1 ,-� N 1 O S i x X Qd I P C r t]; .a I a N I D 1 a N I Ni�.�l-10 i Om N%%% 6• I IR..o _ .. .. X %X .i �•^nai i _so-: obm-. 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I T 10Xx 1 X w a x' X � 9 1 i x ....s�%%K%x q• Fix(%X D x% I -PiX %iF%I..IX X%x% Mi —j —Sx Ta' T @ g :RA�:>oEIla a l o 17 F 1 9 R AL3 a RPO oa i i+ .. a C' G U C i I ? 7 p _ q •n .+ O q I l V c W a 7 u W" 1 6++-+ d 0 J� d• i p -@ P 1 a •. •• i@ i? i y I G V O sf } U� 3 ,L , 4 I •3 '•I.0 V G N S T P'il 'O V `a W A• N�� P� ®>• W F ♦• Tl 4 • p. y .� is a a .a I G P 1 P T- l: q IIN W 4 ^I F ..Y -. O.b 'R N xs O i .p .� T - R losL4• O g fi a O O I it ;e 60 0+. • x RO +?^• eGl 1 •S I 3 ., .. L r. wr. T_ 1 V r[.3 C 7 m V ••d R..a G.R q[+. 1 u Vic: 1 .� UV R E7 I w3N V n? r.o tO d4+ ae Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study IntcasLCson^ SR at a Las AMOS Study 5camvnd Existing Cbndibans AM Peak taxa 6imfAL• of Arz"Is Sliest. EasMest Cross Street Intersects: From tate NoM Vve&aMund Volumes ivehRwj I I Eastbound Volumes {valvhr) 1 reough Volume . 253 } Cr_. " „t 246 • Through Volume Right Tum Volume . To _ -::—� t • Left Tum Volume -P Weslbound Saeed UfWz 55 mph I.F,j Easitmurxf Speed Unit 55 mph .astboand Configuration: 2 Lanes - Un*vided Lbs Altos EaStbound ConrrWaUM 2 Larios - Undivided Westbound Right Turn lane Warrants i. Cheek f7 tight tutu •rolusne Owens NOT WARRANTED Less than 40 vehicias 2. Cheri: advance velums threshold aliens for tum wne Advancing Volume Threshold AV s AdvancN Maida Va • 263 It AV-Va than warrarnis met - Right Tum Lane Wananlad: NO Westbountl Right Turn Taper Warrants �evaWste t! right turn lane Is unwarranted) 1_ Cheek to3er volume criteria I NOT WARRANTED- Less than 20 vehicles 1 2. Cheer, advance velums mreshoid cnlena tar caper Advancing Volume Threarofd AV. - Advancing Volume Va. 263 It AV-Va then»arrant is met - Right Tush Taper warranted: NO Eastbound LeR'rum lane Warrants Percentage tett Trans %ft 0.4% Advwwjng Volume Threshold AV 1108 vehbr 9 AVcVA then warrant is met 400 6M am 100D :. M—If Vof—e 4Vn) • Study Intersection Tae W* Mab. tag warrant threshold tor. S5 mph Tum lane wahanted It poinita8s 10 right of warrant threshold- line Lett Tum Lane Warranted: NO V1elhodobgy cased on Was7.e1gW State Transpostatlen Center Research Report Mafhw For PtAwtumrg rnaeraectkvrlmponementa,. January 1991_ Theright tum We and ntpet anatysie Is based on wort, conducted by Cottrell in 1994. The tell tum lane analysts is based on work cwWucted by M.D. ttarmeba% in 1957, and modified by Kikuchi and Ch"robody in 1991_ W-T—s 32f47J2073 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study InKaer_ bdn- SR at a Los Ahos Study Scenwim Existing Conditions Ptd Peak boar Cireakxt of Analysis Street EafiMesl Cross Street Imersects: From the North th'esUMdnd VolunieS Sve"Tj I Through Volume- 266 RlghLTum Volume- 21 Westbowo Steed Llrlut: WestbxwA Coniiguratiion: Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants 1. Cheat for nght turn •eniume soma NOT WARRANTED Less than 40 vehiofes 2. Cheer: advance tdurrae threshold Criteria for wan Lane Advancing Volume Threshold AV - - AdY ='N Volume Va a 307 P AVcVa Than warranta rnet - RI hL'ium Lane Warraittad: Weatbomnd Right Turn Taper Warrants {evaluate if right turn lane is unwarranted) 1. Cher': txR— volume Otana I Thresholds not met, continue to next sten I 2. Chaak advenix vdur� threshold criteria for Lane, Advancing Volume ThfeSrQld AV - 490 Advancing Volume Va - ?07 If AV�V'a then rvarrantis met No RI. ht Turn Taper Warranted: NO Eastbound Left Turn Lane Warrants Percenra,e Lett Turns %N 0.7% Advancing Volume Threshoid AV 1024 vehthr It AVcVa than warrznt is met _____._............. 1000 goo _ 000 700 cno sar 400 a 300 s0 ;DD a 200 400 600 800 1000 A,I--g Vob—jVa] • Study Intersection Twc tans rosoNay warrant threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted 9 point lags to right of waTam threshold line txdt Tum Lame Warranted: NO Methodology based on waoorgton State Transportation Cemer Research Report Medwo Foe PrfortortV rnterseerf lrr>Froyements, January lg9i. The right turn lane and taper ansiysis is based on work conducted try Cottrell in 1981. The telt Turn lane analyexis is based on wort, conducted by MO. KamreEvav in 2967, and modified by MkWhl and Chaiuobony in 1991. WT—t 12A 2013 Eastbound Voltones {ve"rj > !`+ 305-Tnmugh Volume LLL&... 2 - Left Two Volume Easslboun2 Speed Unit 55 mph Los Altos Easthouret Conrk,�r bew 2 Lattev - ndl— Iu�ided I Thresholds not met, continue to next sten I 2. Chaak advenix vdur� threshold criteria for Lane, Advancing Volume ThfeSrQld AV - 490 Advancing Volume Va - ?07 If AV�V'a then rvarrantis met No RI. ht Turn Taper Warranted: NO Eastbound Left Turn Lane Warrants Percenra,e Lett Turns %N 0.7% Advancing Volume Threshoid AV 1024 vehthr It AVcVa than warrznt is met _____._............. 1000 goo _ 000 700 cno sar 400 a 300 s0 ;DD a 200 400 600 800 1000 A,I--g Vob—jVa] • Study Intersection Twc tans rosoNay warrant threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted 9 point lags to right of waTam threshold line txdt Tum Lame Warranted: NO Methodology based on waoorgton State Transportation Cemer Research Report Medwo Foe PrfortortV rnterseerf lrr>Froyements, January lg9i. The right turn lane and taper ansiysis is based on work conducted try Cottrell in 1981. The telt Turn lane analyexis is based on wort, conducted by MO. KamreEvav in 2967, and modified by MkWhl and Chaiuobony in 1991. WT—t 12A 2013 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study InWsectiom SR at 8 Les A110e Study Scenario: Existing + Pn*cfi Conditions AM Peak Hour Oirectim of AntO sls S1reeL EasMes1 Cross Street tMersects: From the NoM ifa'astbound llolum*S (veh1hr) I I taslhound Volumes (vehuhr) Though Volume * 253 ? fie""`TM`""'"'1 2A8 • through Volume Right Tum Volume - 1:9 r "j 2 - Lett Tsar Volum* 5'c estbDund Steed Ural: 55 Mon Essibourrd Speed UnVt 55 mph Westtvxand Comiguration: 2 Lanes - UndrAde2 Los Aims EMIboura Comrauraom_ 1 Lart49 — UfldwidedUMlu[ded Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants 4. Cheese for right turn ,Mime Cfnlere, NOT WARRANTED Less than 40 vehletes Z. Cheo. advance vL4u"-- threshold afteda for tan taste Advancing Volume Threshold AV n - Advancing Volume Va- 272 If AV<Va then Waaamt file[ - Right Turn Lane Warranted: NO Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants {evaluate if right turn lane Is unwarranted) 1. Chess; taw vdfume Cdteda I NOT WARRANTED -Leas then 20 vehicles I 2. Chesil advance velume threshold criteria for taper Advendng Volume Threshold AV • - AdvanctngVolume Vo- M It AV<Va then .omn(is met - Right Turn Taper er Warrented: NO Eastbound Lett Tum Lane Warrants PercentaW Lett Turns %H 0.8% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 1038 vetvhr NAV<Va then aarram is met 1040 900 _ am 700 EO0 Soo 400 $ .306 g 206 100 0 204 400 860 am IOOD PaJvartng Vosime {V.) • study Inwessacbcm Two fare teadwa'y, warrant threshold sort 55 mph Tum lane v anted It point fiefs to right of warrant threshad line Left Tum Lane Warranted: NU methodology based on was"to±a Slate Transoortadon Center Research Repart ,M&W tw Pr1Oest2uV InItSrsecDOn fmpfm`&manrs,. January 1991. The right turn late and taper analysis is based on ,N .. cond cred by Ca;lrelf n 1581. T he lett turn tare anatysls is based on work eondueted by M.D. HWmehnk in 1957, and modfled by fOku chi and CrwVobony rn 1941. I WT—s 12117!2013 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study interseeoon- SR 41 & Los Altos Study scensro. U51ing * l M*d CondAlons PM peak Hour Direakxt of An Iylis 81reet: EastPNest Cross Street Intersects: From the Noft W&&ocund Volume& (venthr) I Irmi.0 Volume* 286 C Right rum Volume= 39 ° westbwJW speed ufrv,: 55 n Y7astbound Configuration: firms - OF Westbound Right Tum Lane warrants f. Cheek tw right turn 'Aflame a4feMi NOT WARRANTED Leu than 40 vehiciea 2. Chem advance vdume threshold criteria €a wm trine Advancing Volume Threshold AV m - rovar ing Volume Va= 325 It AVKVa Itl x warrant Ys met - Right gum Lane Warranted: NO Westbound Right Turn Taper Wensants )evaluate if right turn lame Is unwarranted) 1. Chec3: tKc volume antena Eastbound Volumes (vatlrtir) a <-_—==1 305 .1'"h Volume _4 4 : Lett Tues Vohx»e EasIbound Speed land, 55 mph Los Altos Eastbound Contipuaocn: 2 LT I Thresholds not met, aantinue to next a" I 2. Ch(eeA advance vdums threshold efiletia tot tater Advandng Volume Thresrald AV a 310 Advancing Volume Va - 325 L' AV-Va then Narrant A met Yes Right Tuan Taper Warranted: YES Eastbound Left Tran Lane Warrants Perarrttage Left Trans 169 '1.3% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 928 ,ehrhr If AVcVa than *seam is met ................................. 1000 900 600 3 Toe too 4100 $ 700 $ aoD 100 D 200 40D 000 am t00D At1ratwn0 V,*,—tVa) ♦ Study Intersection TWo i �, f020AV Warrent thteshadd for. 55 mph Tum lane warranted It para teas to fight of warrant ftesh"I fine Lett Tum Lane Warranted: NO Methodology based on avastungbon State :"ransportstlan Center Research Repan Amhod For Piw oz tV intnrsecciat lmpro rmenls, January tg97. The right tum lane and taper analy5i315 based on i"k conducted try Cottrell in 1951. The lets turn lane analyses is based on work "dueted try M..D. Hwma&A in 11%7, and =afNd by iGkurhi and Chakroborty in 19911. WY Tress 204t2014 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Inrersctzm: SR at a Los Atlas Study ScenwW_ Future Candifiaas At.1 Peak Hour Direction of A^a#ysis S1reeL EastrNest Cross Street Intersects: Front the North wwesmound Volurces (vehfits) lmaugtl Volume- 336 C bight Tum Volume - 10 Westbound Steed UnIC S5 n Vaestboand Conitguratian: 2 Lanes - Ur Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants t. Chad, Cot tight Iurn volume mrtem NOT WARRANTED Less than 40 vehities 2. Cheri: advance vaume threshold criteria for tun Eine Advarxing Volume ThresMild AV - - AdvancingVotune Va- 336 If AVcV'a then warrant M met - Rohl :um Lane Warranled: NO Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants {evaluatb if right turn lane is unwarranted) 1. Checs taper volume crilerla Easu=nd Volumes {vefvht) e .^ -_-�: 317 -Through Volume I t - Lett Tum Vatwlle Ea4ho.rd Speed LiMIL 55 mph —Ji Los Altos Eastbound Catf4traom: !Lanes- Undivided I NOT WARRANTED -Lasa then 20 vehicles 1 2. ChecA advance vdurre threshold criteria for La;w Advancing Volume Threshold AV. - Advancing Volume Va. 336 If AVeVa then warrant to met - Right Tuni Taper Warranted: NO Easthourd Leh Tum Lane Warrants percentage Lett Turns %h 0.3% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 1034 veMr It AV<V'a then warrant is met 1630 9013 _ 900 700 900 sw pa. 300 10D 0 ?CO 40D 6Dtl Hilo 100D ad,n­,gV to rjV.) • Study Inwfsectim Toa leave rasa"wmy warrant threshold tor. 55 mph Tum Sane warranted if Pon fells to right at warrare 0ueshOld line Lett Tum cane Warranted: !10 Medmdobgy based on Waspangtan State Trans«wttson Cadtter Research Rewtt M,NPad Fw Prf anng tntersectan Int}xot amonts, January 1997. The right tum Lane acd taper analysis Is based a1 "4. conducted by Cottrell in 1991. T he len turn lane anafys is based on work canducted by NCO. I WmekN, in 1967, and m, 262d by Nlkuchi and Chakrobony W 1991. WT,.,. 12f17t2013 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study hitersWbon_ SR 41 & LOS ands Study Scerwurr. Future Conditions PAA Peak Hour Direction of hrattsis Street EsVAVe I. Cross Street Intersects: From the North %VeSMWnd Volume lvehihvj I I Eastbound Volumes {veluTr) Ttrmugh Volume. 405* C"-"—^^1 433 • Through Volume Right Tum Volume • 21 -``+ 2 - Left tam Volume- l; estbound Steed tura:: 55 mph � , EaswouM Speed Limit 55 mph Ylasttx>vfld COMtgutation: 2 tanms - undlv{deo Los Altos EastCouM Configurabcn_1 Lanes - noT hided Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants t. Checx w right turn volume C31emw NOT WARRANTED Less than 40 vehities Z. Checb, advance vdume threshold criteria for tum far* Advancing Volume Threshold AV • - AdvZing Volume Va - 427 If AV-Va then warrant as met - Pjoht Turn Lane Warranted: NO Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants jevaluate if right turn two Is unwruranted) 1_ Chec+: tater volume criteria, 1 Threaholds not met, continue to next step 1 2. Chee4 advance vclurrr_ threshold criteria for taper Advandng Volume Thresrcld AV- 490 Advancing Volume Ve- 427 If AVKVs then warrant is met No Right Turn Ta er Wamtoled: NO Eastbound Left Turn Lane Warrants PetcentaW Left Turns %ft 0.5% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 420 vehihr It AVNs then *arrant is met 1e 900 BOO 3 Ino 2 600 �g -,w A 400 100 200 100 D 200 400 600 e00 f00D Adv ftw,o Vatumr, IVa) ♦ Study Intersection Toa Iso* roadway warrant threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted it paint tads io fight of warrant thzeshoid line Lett Tum Lane Warranted: ND Methodology based bas Was.-wIgbol State Transperuilon Center Research Report Atatw7 For PnbMmtg intersection Improvements, January 1997. The right tum line and taper analysis Is based on wort conducted by Cottrell in 1981. The left turn lane analysis is based on work conducted by MD. Harn eLu in 1167, and medited by Itiku hl and Chaixabony in 1991. W -T pis 12'47!2013 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Intcesactxl: SR 41 a Los Paras Study Soanarra: Future + Praiect Concluorts AM Peak Hour Direal n of Analisis Street EasttlWesl Cross street Ifnerseds: From the North Waatoound VO4UMas (vehPhf) I I £aslbound Volumes [vehfir) Ttu�gh Volume w 37b �a C`.W.�"�"""' 31"F +Tmaugh Volume RiphCfum Volume+ 2 +Left Tum Volare wesibound Speed Limit: 55 mph fiffl't Eastbo.n d Speed Limit- 55 mph Westbound Configuration: 2L3nas-UnC71ded Los Altos Eastbourra Contrprrrebon:tLanes-Undivided Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants t. Chase f0r right turn vd,-Me C:1era NOT WARRANTED Less than 40 vehiciem 2. Checi, advance vcfume threshold allarla for arm large Advaming Volume Thresnold AV+ PAvis=ing Vo,me Va+ 345 It AV<Va than warrant met - Rjqhl Tum lane Warranted: No Weatbound Right Turn Taper Warrants je,"tuate R right turn lana is unwarranted) 1_ Chet;: tape; volume c.HLena I NOT WARRANTED - Less than 20 vehicles I 2. Chec% advance vclur�- threshold cnteha for taxr Advancing Volume Threshold AV a - Advancing Volume Va+ 145 If AV<Va than warrant n met - Po hf Tan TaW Warraaned: No Eastbound Lett Turn Lane Warrants Percentage Left Trans %it OA Advancing Volume Threshold AV 952 vetuhr 0 AV<Va than vaerant is met 100 NO _ Ii00 � 700 E00 F 500 400 300 2200 100 0 • study Intersection Two twee roscney warrant threshold for. 55 mph Tum lane warranted It paait fa0s 10 right of warrard ttuesho fine Left Tum Lane Warranted: No Methodology based on Wavwgbon State Tranegoonation Center Research Report Mattw7 For Pnontmng klesseCrw Imp o,SrAs.Mr. January 1997_ The right tum kine and taper analysis is based on rwrk conducted by Cottrell in 1961. The left Sum lane analys is based on rwrk Conducted by hLD. HarmalAk in 1967, and modltled by lakuchl and Cnakraboety, an 1 Wl1 W -Toms 121;7t2013 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Int watiion. SR ata LOS AnOs sway Scenatio: Future + Pro{eol Cowlions PM peat ]dour Directic t of ArAtus SveeL EaW.Vest Cross Street Imersects: from the North WeRmound Vdurvies (veh8w) Tt:tough Volume • 446 Right Turn Volume- 39 Westbound 3Deed LlfW,., 55 Westba nd CoNiguration: tions - i Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants 1. Cherie tor fighl limn "Ch me crneh9 MOT WARRANTED Less than 40"hlciu-s 2. Cheei: advance vdurn? threshold criteria for tum taco- Advancing Volume Threshold AV- - AdvarrccngVolume Vas 446 1E AV<Va int mauant 6's met - w ht ;um Late Warranted: No Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants {evaluate it right turn lane is un.w atod]l 9. Checik trrsw volume criteria 2. Chevd advanx vdun - threshold cdtena for taper Advandng Volume,hrearmid AV • 310 Advancing Volume Va - 445 It AVNs then Aarranta met Yes Righ! Tums Taper Warranted: YES Eastbound Left Tum Lane Warrants PercentivX Lett Turns %fi 01.9% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 856 veNhr 0 AV-Va then warrant is met 7400 Sao 800 i iDD 9 £4)D sDo 44D a 300 104 0 2T4 400 6CA 800 low Ad --g L'uLmc {V.) ♦ Study Intersection Twr9lane reaft" warrant threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted If pose (809 10 right of warrant Mmstuoid line Lett Tum LAne Warranted: NO Methodology based i i WaW&VM. State Transaortanon Calx r Research Report ,Nettad r or PtW&zVV tn.Y,rsecbat lmfrtrmaments. January 2997_ The right wm rano afd taper onatys�a is based on work conducted by Conrail in 1989. The lah lura lane anatysA is based on work conducted by M.D. karmonk in 1957, and modified by Klkurhf and Cna roborty in 1994_ W-Tm,,s 2f4r2414 Emmound Volumes ivehmrj �.'^x ..,J 433 a Through Volume La..1 I -..S—d - Lett Tum Vokalw_ Eastbound Speed Unit 55 mph LOS Altos Eastbound Cottliguraticn_ 2 Lames - Undivided Eastbound Left Tum Lane Warrants PercentivX Lett Turns %fi 01.9% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 856 veNhr 0 AV-Va then warrant is met 7400 Sao 800 i iDD 9 £4)D sDo 44D a 300 104 0 2T4 400 6CA 800 low Ad --g L'uLmc {V.) ♦ Study Intersection Twr9lane reaft" warrant threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted If pose (809 10 right of warrant Mmstuoid line Lett Tum LAne Warranted: NO Methodology based i i WaW&VM. State Transaortanon Calx r Research Report ,Nettad r or PtW&zVV tn.Y,rsecbat lmfrtrmaments. January 2997_ The right wm rano afd taper onatys�a is based on work conducted by Conrail in 1989. The lah lura lane anatysA is based on work conducted by M.D. karmonk in 1957, and modified by Klkurhf and Cna roborty in 1994_ W-Tm,,s 2f4r2414 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Intersacraxt, SR 41 atm Alms Study Scawfr , Ddsting Conditions Nd Peak tfosa (threshold) ❑irectbn of Anatyais Sheer EBWA(est Cross Street Intersects: From the North WeSMOUnd Volumes Svehft) I I £aslbound Volumes (vervnq T hrough Volume. 253 ��.:.+. <;`,:';W :::::.Y„t 246 «Through Volume Right Tum Vdiune o 77•"==� G: S - Left Tam Vokatw westbaund Saeed Una(: 55 mph 5 r --'M Speed Unit: 55 mph wesUx%Md CoNiguration: 2 Lames - Undvided Los Altos Eastbowrd ConfAfuraom: 2 Lanes - UndlAded Westbound Right Tum Lane Warrants t. Chest for tight turn •rniu,me rnena Thresholds twat met, continue to next step 2. Chan, advance vciums_� threshold criteria for tum lane .Advancing Volume Threshold AV - 322: t Advancing Volume Vas 330 If AVSVa then warrant is met Yes Pltit ium Lane Warranted; YES Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrents {evacuate if right turn cane is unwarmnicdl 1. Check tow voume criteria I WA I 2. Checa sevanoe Mum* ihresttold criteria for raper Advancing Volunw Thresraid AV. _ Advancing Volume Va- If AV<Va then ,varrant is met - hal ht Tufts Taper Warranled: NIA Eastbound Leh Yurn Lane Wsnants Percentage Lett Turns %it 0.4% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 1108 veh ihr It AVcVa then aarrant is met low 9w wo 700 P tp0 `-00 400 $ 300 & 200 toe 0 200 400 boa 900 100D All—t;VuS.,mc9V.) • Study IntessecWn Tura taR roadw^sy warrent threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted it poled falls to right of warrant threshm line Left ium Lane Warranted: Np Memodo" based on Wasaargbon State Transpa inion canter Resew h Repon Method Fw PrionomV rrrersearar fmprarsments, January 5987. The right turn Linc attd taper analysis is based on wort, conducted by Ca-lmt in 5961. The left turn We ansiys,�a m based on warl. conducted by ht.D. Kwmel ak in 1967, and modified by Murhl and Cnakrobony at 1991. 4V•Tw- uarmta Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study lnrfisecbxt_ SR 41 &Los Afton Study Seer%Woa USUng CWCIItieris PM Peak Hour (Threahold) ❑ireal rt of Anatr'als Street Eas7LVest Cross Street intersects: From the NOM Wes¢xwnd volurrts (vehpyr, I Ittmu gh volume - Per C Rlghi Tum volume - 73 c Vi estto.na -,Deed Lfrrdl: 55 n Vlesdxtuund CoMquration: 2 La!A-- Ur Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants i- Chat for nghl. turn •v&,Me Mert4 Thresholds mat met, coatirure to next step 2. Chec-i, advance VCYumo threshold crilena for cum lar Advancing Volume Threshold AV- 352.4 Fdvanclag Viceume Va. 359 It AVsVa 11160 Warrant to met Yes Right °urn Lane Warranted: YES W outbound Right Turn Taper Warrants {evacuate if right turn lane is unwarrentedj 1. Chack tw volume cdterta 1 i8A I 2. Check advance vdunae threshold criteria for taper Advancing Volum& Threshold AV - _ Advancing Volume Va - _ It AVcVa than aslant a met - Right Two Taper Waoanled: NIA Eastbound Volumes {veluTlr) 305 - Through Volume 2 - Lett Tom Vokow Eastbound Speed Unit- 55 mph Las Apes Eastbound Con03urabcn: 2 Larw_•s - Undivtded Eastbound Left Tum Lane Warrants Pencentage Left Turns %H 0.7 % Advancirng Volume Threshold AV 1024 veh/hr U AVCVa than warrant is met 1000 000 _ WO 700 f.W Soo o 400 8 300 S 206 100 0 ♦ 200 40o 600 am 1000 A dvat," V.i.ma jVa) Study Interaectim Two tame raaavvey w'aRant threshold lot. 55 mph Tum lane warranted t' point tats 10 right d warms tMestold line 3.ett7um Lane Warranted: No M&Ihoddlogy based as Wast'.a3gM Siate Transportation Cassia Research Report Meow f•'orprkuaazm January 1997 - The right wm foto sod open anatys±s is basad Das ,wrk mnductad ay CodrNt in i o6d. The tell turn lane analys is based on work conducted by M.o. HarmeWx in 1967, and nmahed by Kikuchi and Chakrobody in 1091. W -Paas 21412014 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Inrcesec6on_ SR 41 a Los Ahas Study SceilafsD: Existing -e Pat3}eG9 t'Andllidr8 AM Peak Haut (Ttret dt Directim of Ar,&4�15 Street EesV'Nesl Cross Street Intersects: From the North SR 41 SR 41 Aleanound Volurnas (veh&) Eastbound Volumes (YeNhfl T'trm,gh Volume - 253 <----W_7 246 s Through Volume Right Tum Volume - 77 = 2 - Lett True Vohatr_ s Westbcrsnd.Speed Urr4t: 55 mph EastnounC Speed LitnlL 55 mph Westbound Conliguration: 2 ixtes -' n6voEd Los Altos Eastbound ConigrfaGCn: 2 Lanes - Ultlivided Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants 1. Check tax right turn volume adeno Thresholds not met, oeatlnur to mess step 2. Check advance volume threshold criteria tm atm §ane Attvancing Volume Threshold AV- 322.4 Advancing Volume Va. 330 It AV-Va lnen warrant A met Yes Right Yum Lane warranted: YIES Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants (evaluate H right tum Ian* is unwarranted) 1. Check tape, Wume criteria I PLA I 2. Cher; advance vdurrae threshold criteria tot eager Advancing Volunw Threvvel AV- Advancing V-Advancing Volume Va - it AV�Va then warrant zs mel - Right Turn Taper Warranted: NIA Eastbound Left Tura Lane Warrants Percentne, Lett Turns %v 0.8% Adramcing Volume Threshold AV 1038 vetdhr 0 AV=L'a then warrant is met ............... ---_ tD00 906 _ ROD S� 700 P fAD SW 400 346 200 100 0 200 4oD 600 600 MOD Advacrirg v.1u—)Vn) • Study Ineemact" Ton are roadway Ngrrant threshold tor: 55 mph Tum lane warranted d point tags to right at warrant threshold line Lel Tum Lane Warranted: NO Methodology based on Was,'<aagton State Trunsporcstion Canter Research Report Method Pav PrRa(ez/txg tnlarsec0at lmpo,v3manhr, January 1997. The right tum Sane and Caper analysis is based on wvoA: conducted by Cottrell in 1061. The laf3 turn lane anatysas is based on work conducted by M.D. Hwmemnk in 1967, and madW_d by Kikuchi and Chakraborty in 1 LBt W-Trens u4aat4 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Inrc SK6om_ SR 41 a LOS Ahoy Study Soerw o: U51ing * Project CorkSuons PM Peak nom (Treesholdl Cirectkxt al nlaffis Street: Esstti.Vesi Cross Street intersects: from the NcM weaumund Volurnt (vehft) I I Eastbound Volumes {vefVq) 'th-ough Volume w 786 -��y, Cti*„_�'^� -,os . Through volume Right Tum Volume. 73""`""' `'*,,�. 4 - Lett Two VOtutlw weslb�na s=eed Unwl: 55 mph Eas+Jround Speed Limit. 55 mph "eestbexnnd Configuration: 2 Lanes - Una vided Los Altos E_asthound Contigruabon_ 2 Lakes - Undlutded Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants I. Check tw right turn -,vhrme omens Thresholds not met. Oominut to next step 2. Chep, advance volume threshold critena tot tum tare Advancing Volume Threshold AV s 352.4 AdvarcirV Vrdume Va. 359 If AV,Va then warranlr met Yes Right ;um Lane Warranted: YES Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants (evacuate if right turn lane Is unwarranted) 1. Checi. twer volume criteria 1 WA I 2. Choc:, advance vclun>e threshold criteria dor taper A.tivsndng Volume Threstmld AV w Advancing Volume Ve - If AV4Va then .warrant is met - Right Tum Taper WanwAed: NIA 15asttound Left Turn Lane Warrants Percentage Lett Tuns %it 1.3% Advwlctng Volume Threshold AV 928 vehihr It AVcVa Lien wafant is met 100 SOD _ wo 700 wo '.OD 400 100 wo 100 D 210 40D 600 Rod 1001) Aclvarci.O VcA,mc IVr.) ♦ study Inesrsectim . Toa Ise rosaway warrant threshold for. 55 mph Tum lane warranted If pant faia to right at waf=t thresho421i" Led Tum Lane Warranted: NO Methodology based bn WOstungton State TransDo(Utton Canter Research Report Mathod For GtAm+6zirt7 Mt*.,s cion fmpro»amenls, January 1997 - The right him We and Muer analysis is based on work con&icted by Cottre4 in 19a1. The left tum lane anatysas is based on cork conducted by 0.-D, Humehak in 1957, and madded by Nikuchl and Chakroboety in 1 E91, 41r:Trans 2MWI4 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Inm4sacwm_ SR 41 3 LOS Wtas Study Scenra: Future Condnons Aht Peak Hour iThresholdi Direction of Anatyals street Esslw.Vest Cross Street Intersects: From the Horth INLEMOund VolurrrPs (veh&.) I I Eastbound Vohmea (veluhr) Tfarwgh Volume - 3?fid,+""'""""""1 317 w Through Volume Right Tum Volume w6g r. T r t - Left Turn Votunw Westudce A 5oeed L1rnf,: 55 man 1 Eastbound Speed Lknit 55 mph Wzstboumd Contigwation: 2 Lines - undrvbded Lns Altos Easthound Cont4trabom 2 Lanes - Undivided Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants 4. Chett, far fight turn VftkuMe CrAI' ri Thresholds not met, continue to next step 2. Check advance volume_ threshold alteda for tunt Sante Advancing Volume Threshold AV w 3899 Advancing Volume Va= 394 it AV<Va than warrant m met Yes RJQht l um Lane Warranted: YES Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrents (evaluate N right turn lane is unwarranted) t. Check taper volume criteria I MA I 2. Chaek advance volume threshold criteria tot talter Advancing Volumz Thresrelc AV - Advancirrq Volume Va w It AV-Va then wartam to met - Right Tum Taper Watranted: NIA Eastbound Lett Turn Lane Warrants Pervertar,'e Lett Turns %it 0.3 % Advaaeing Volume Threshold AV 103A vetuhr 8 AV<r'a then warrant is met lo00.. ....._.., ._............. ... ....,,,,. 900 _ 800 600 4470 ___. __._ ........ $ 300 & 2Do 100 0 2DO 400 600 ELIC t00D ktvai�vg VULme IVa) • study Intersection ixa tare rosavray warant threshold sof: 55 mph Turn lane warranted 11 post tags to fight of warrant threshold 8ne Leet Tum Lane Warranted: NO Methodology based on Was3logton State Transportation Censer Research Report AWW For Pthrt nog tnterseedAM Improvements, January 4991. the rlgm tum lane acid miler anatyss Is dosed do stunk conducted oy Co;IrNl itc 4984. The left lura lane analyses is based on v"k conducted by M.D. KwmeWrtk in 4967, and modified by Klltuchl and Cnsuoborty in 4941. WTr s 214!2414 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Inraasaaaon' SR 41 a LOS A1106 Study Scanartx Future Conditions PM peak Hour {Threshold) Direction of Analysis S1teeC EsstlWest Cross Street Intersects: From the North Wesmound Volumes (venrtu) I I Easthound Volumes t;vetvhr) ihmugh Volume. AIM—`" �..�.' 433 +Through Volume Right Tum Volume.59 ms'"µ -- '.. 2 -Left Tssm Vokane 1�711 Westtaxmd s;.eed tinct': 55 mprl I E"- bound Speed Limit 55 rnph Westbn d Configuration: 2 lam es - Undniae2 Los Altos EastbouM Conngureb= 2 Lsa�sa - Cinoluidad Westbound (tight Turn Lane Warrants 1. Check Ea• fight turn -'ok n1e CM&M Thresholds not met, eoogni* to next step 2. Cheri. advance vcWms threshold clileda tot turn Lane Advancing Volume Threshold AV- 457.5 Pv7var�cexJ V"ume Va - 466 It AV<Va thenwarranitsmat Yes Right sum Lane Worranted: YES Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants )evaluate it right turn lane is unwarranted) 1. CheO, twe, volume cdtena I RIA I 2. Meet advance vciurna Ihresnold criteria for latter Advandng Volume Threshold AV • - Advancing Volume Va. It AV-Va then aarraM ca met - Rl h: Tum Taper Wairanled: NIA Fastbourid Left Tum Lane Warrants Petoentarte Lett Turns %k 0.5% Alva cing Volume Threshold AV 920 vehihr It AVNs then *seam is met ...._ 1400.,._. 90o _ am 700 Wo 400 $ Toa 200 too 0 200 40D 1.00 EDD 1000 Adverting Vch— IV.) Study Intersection Two lathe: roadway warrant Inreshoid lor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted it point fa&s to right of wward threshold line Lett Tum lane Warranted: ND memos o" based on wawk"M. state Trans."tttation Career Research Re;= method For Pifont&wg tnttrseOort frnpr000menls, January 1091. The right aim lane and taper anslysas is based on vm k conWated Dy Cottrell in 1981. The lel'urn lane analysis is based on work rnnducfed by M.D. ttaame&nk in 4967, and rima tled by Kikuchi and Chak obony ur 199L W=Triers 214MGM Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Intea9aobxC SR 41 8 LOS AbbS Study SCenMak Futue > Project Cdndtrans AM Peak Hour (Ttveshdd I Diteetrto-rl of Anatysis S1re L East'West Cmss Street intersects: From the Nbnh SR4 SR41 veesmound Vdue-s (veh&t) Eastbound Volumes fvelnhr) ?hrough Volume w 322-6 —+• . r - T h Volume Right Tum Volume - 68 `... ' �C 2 - Leat Turn Volurn- r Wealt'M d speed urw% 55 m�.n ' Eastbound Speed Limit 55 mph Weaitbo,Md Corilguraton: Lanes - Undvided Los ANoa Easibourld Conbgurabonv 1Lanes -Undivided Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants t. Chace for rkfm tum •rcifunle C &M Thresholds not met, continue to next atop 2. Cher* advance vdurrs threshold criteria for rum tarie Advandng Volume Threshold AV = 389;9 Advamceig Volume Vas 341 It AVKL'a lhanuarrardia met Yes Right Tum inane Warranted: YES Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants (evaluate if right turn lane I9 unwarranted) 1. Cheat+. taper volume eritena 1 WA I 2. Check advance vdum- Ihresiold crltena tot taper Advandng Volume Threstold AV- Advancing V-Advancing Volume Va - It AVKV2 then warrant is meg - Right Tum Taper Warranted: NIA Easthound Leh Tum Lane Warrants Peicentw4e Lett Turns %it 0.6% Advancing Volume Threshold AV 982 vewhr It AVKV'a then warrant is met 2o- 409 eea Advar—l; Vaarma (Va). 000 1000 • Study Inw_aseatim Tv a wte roar •ap Aarrant threshold lot.. 55 mph Tum lane warranted d point tags to right of warrant toreshad line Leh Tum Lane Warranted: No Methodology based on wao"bart state Transportation Center Research Report Awned For Poomzing twerso w tntprovements. January 1921. The right tum We :a,4 taper anatysaa Is based on work... conducted by Cottrell x11981. The len turn lame snal}sss is based on avnrk conducted by M.D. Harm.Wtk in 1957, and modified by iCkuchl and Chakroborty is 1991. WTnais 21112014 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study InWfSRCbon_ SR 41 a Los A1110% Study SceroM. Future a Ptofew Cora'diona PM Peak Hour (Thresholdl pirecibn of Anafj'sla Street East/Wesl Cross Street lmeraeCta: From the North Wesm,wmf Volumes (vehAsr) 1 Tr4ou9h Volume a 406 C===v`" C R19111 rum Volume a 59 %Vestbx w Saeed U(NI., 55 Mph r "U", Veestbsrnd r-onfigutrAon: 2LafE9-Und¢vfded los Albs westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants I. Cheat ter fight turn vbFmte omens Thresholds not met, cordlnue to neat atep 2_ Checb: advanM vcfum- threshold erliena for tum lane .Advancing Volume Threshold AV a457.5 Advacccing Vohrne Va a 466 It AVKVa than warrant 6 met Yes ht tum Lane warranted: YES Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrents )evaluate if right turn lane is unwarranted) 1_ Cheri; taxer volume cniena 1 KtA l 2. Ch&6, advanx vdum.e threshold criteria for taper Advancing Volume Th(eatdld A,- Advancing VaAdvancing Volume Ve a It AVSVa then warrant is mel - Flight Trues Taper Wamanlad: NIA Eastbound Volumes {vatyhr) 433 - Through Volume 4 a UA Tam VCBwne Easthourd Speed Link 55 mph EaetbourYJ Conti "hen_ 2 Lanes - Undivided Eastbound Lett Turn Lane Warrants Penxmt yr a Left Turns %b 0.9 % Advancing Volume Threshold AV 1356 vetuhr It AVcVa then warrant is met 1600 900 800 _ 700 wo 500 4x0 "o 140 i00 0 204 doe Sia ss00 1000 nrlYaronp >.��,me q va) ♦ Study Intersection Two Fane To3cvsy wshant threshoid for. 55 mph Tum lane warranted if point faits to right of warrant toresrol d line 9.e±t Tum lane Warranted: NO Aietnodoagy based ars wasnasgWa State Transportation Cancer Research Report Matfwo rot Ptbmzwg mterse rw hworsments. January 1997. The right tum Sane and taper anaty>sis Is based on iwrk conducted by Cottrell in 1 gtff. The len turn lane analysts is based on vwOrk rnndui:W by KLO. Harmearni in 1967, and motif ed by Kikuchi and Chakrationy in 1991. WTrans 21412014 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Inr[rseebona SR 41 & Lots 104.412 Study Seertatur: Future + Projeol Conditions AM Prvait Hoar Oifeaon of Jrea4ysis Street EasMesl Cross Street Intersects: From the Nom %Yesmound Volumea (ver -11) I I Eastbound Votumes fvelvhrj Ttrnugh Volume- 37.5 _ 317 -Through Volume Right Tum Volume- a- _ �•� 4-Lettrum Volume Vveslbouw.Speed U,W,: 55 MM' � E. lbo.w Speed Limll 55 mph Westbound Corig9uralian: 2 Lw*-, - UnOutded Los Alma Eastbound ConD?arabom2 Lanes - Undlvtded Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants 1. Check fa fight.lurn •sttime M&M NOT WARRANTEO Less than 40 vehicles 2. Cheri, advance vatlume- threshold critena tar tum taae Advancing Volume Threshold AV = A4vancelg Volume V8= we 8 AVcVa then warrant a met hl sum Lane Warrotted: NO Westbound Right Tum Taper Warrants (evaluate R right turn lana Is unwarranted) 1. Cher+. team vdfum2 Catena 2. Checi, advance volume threshold enteria for taper A&andng Volume Thfesrold ,q!�/ s - Advandno Volume Va - 330 It AVtVa then Marram is met - Right Tum Taper Wartamed: NO a 2oD 40C GM MO ME) Adw 5Vouma(Va) Study Int_rsectim Two tane road,.V warrant threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted Ir point (a$a 10 right of warrant Mfeshold tine LN[ Tum Lane Warranted: No 3,M0lodobgy (zased on Y6as+ri+gton State T ranworcaaan Center Reas&r h Report Medwl For PrAaMinry fntarsacta r lmpro:•emenrs, January 1491. The right Wm Lane and taper analysis is based on work, conducted by Cottrell a 1081. The lett tum lane analyses is based an work canducted by ht.O. Hamwk, k in 7957, and modttled by lfdkochi and Cnakrobonj in 144t. W-Trrx s 121t712413 Turn Lane Warrant Analysis - Tee Intersections Study Inttvsecoca+t. SR 41 & Lots 1019-112 Study Scerwe. Futwe . Proieal Conditions PM Peat. Hour Direction of AdWlis Streat Eas[!`N&st Cross Street intersects: From the North wesmound Volun as (vehft) I I Easibound Volumes [vahithli ?trough Volume - 406 r— ,7, 433 v Through Volume Right Tum Volume - 4 4 - Lett Tum Vokme Weslt-aml Speed Lln rt: 55 mph L ,1 east5oum Speed Limit 55 mph W ea to.md Configuration: 2 LanEs - UnCvide2 Lis Aims Eastbound ContigumboM2 Lammi - ndl Westbound Right Turn Lane Warrants t. Che mr right turn rovme ashen NUT WARRANTED Leas than 40 vehictas 2. Chea, ad1^ance velurne 0irLshold criteria ice tum Lane Advancing Volume Threshold AV- lidvazn:ingVolume Va- 410 It AVK Vs Ina(! avanart is met - Right IUM Lane Warrante0: NO Westbound Right Turn Taper Warrants /evaluate if right turn Lane Is unwerranied) 1. Check tsar volume criteria I NOT WARRANTED -Less then 20 vehicles I 2. Check advanCe udume Ihresndld etheda for tae r Advancing Volum, Thresamld AV- - Advantong Volume Va - 410 It AV-Va then .ramani is met - Right Tuna I'Spar Wamaa'led: NO Eastbound Lett Turn Lane Warrants Perremta,tia Leg Tuns %H 0.91E Advancing Volurne Threshold AV 8% vehihr It AWV'a then warrant is met ................. .. low 900 800 _ 700 ESD a,_pp 400 300 S 200 100 0 • 200 400 600 6d0 1000 Ad va—g VoLmelV.) Study Intersection Two tare roadway aam mt threshold tor. 55 mph Tum lane warranted it point tea to right of warrant vVeshoM line Left Tum Lane Warranted: No ?.lemodobgy based on Warrataagtdn State?ransporGlllan Ce,7ter Resaarch Re^„art A.tKlrod flu PrAsrlvarg tntarsoctm lmprmaments,.,lsnuary 1897_ The right lum lane and taper anatysn Is based as nook wnducl d oy Coraalt m 1961. The ]art turn lane anays & is based on work conducted by M.O. H21malu k in 1967, and modried by Kikuchi and CnakrobOfty in 1991. W-T—m 121t712013 Exhibit F March 11, 2014 letter from Caltrans (Steve Senet) to City Deputy Public Works Director (David Athey) STz;. fig •1 t� '�-= M� Cw t `PCRT�T#C K YNp i9SR'ti!N{3 hGC _ --------- JN4i ' ' DEPA TNIFNT O TRANSPORTAT>!ON Pt:RMIPS DI TA(tTME!1T 50 f tIGt71;1L<? j I It if;Sl' s "AN Ltl110111SPO, UA 93 -IM -5415 11HO E, t,St}5) `s-19-3'246 FAX (305) 549-.1062 1'i3t> (30s) 549-3254 F'E�c yutTr pQireri Illl(?'t/tY'�': t1. tjAi.Cs.Cfl4i(1SSi,�, 13e erX' a sept+ March 11, 2014 David Atitey Deputy Public Works Director 6907 Ll Camino Real Atasuidero CA 93442 Dear Mr_ Athey., Subject: Revisions to Planned Development Overlay= Zone No. t I (PD 11) "t lits letter is in response to your request for Caltrans to review and provide input on the revisions to the C'itV,S Municipal Code Section PD -'1 1, Caltrans has reviewed the information provided by the City and has no oh_lkeeiicnts to the proposed revisions contained in the document, "Drat - staff proposed PD -I I text alne:3dniert 3211114," of which pages 6, 7, 8 & 9 are attached to this letter bearing niy signature. Itis understood that the applicant will be responsible for addressing additional Caltrans engineering design requirements as the applicant proceeds through the encroachment permit application process. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the process of coordinating the required improvements that will occur on Highway X11, and look fonvard to continuing; our cooperation with the City and the C'asticrock Development in constructing these improvements. If you wish to discuss this matter further please do not hesitate to call me at (805) 549-3206. Snrcrel.y=, Fes. St eve Senet District Permit Engineer Attachment By Certit:ied Mail cc: Adana Fukushirna- Caltrans IGR Paul McC;lintic-Traffic Department T,Ghmns implum's rn obitity across colifornia" 3/11114 Draft — staff proposed PES -11 text amendment Page 6 1 lw cum: widening on Los Altos Road shall be constructed when the ADT on Los Altos Road miches fie hundred (500) vehicles per day, with the developirim of the twenty-stwenth lot in Phase 1, fir %iilhitl three (3) years of the issuance of building permits for Phase 1, whichever is earlier. (6) A '"Stop" sign and stop bar shall be constructed at the intersection ot'Los Altos Road and San Marcos Road and shall he Constructed with the develolmient oft'hase i ofitri: project and prior to the i,smmce of building permils, (iii) San Marcos Road tietween Los Altos Road and the ptx)jw boundary shall be improved pvcPalatory at ac x tt.utec orlilk portion of road into the City maintained system. C'm vc widening shall be constructed where curve radii is less than two hundred (.100) fi:d, Curve %videniag shall Ix- constructed in conformance with Section 4, Paragraph F sof the City Standard spc61ications, or its approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for the curve widening shall be s�ilniiiticd for review and approval by lite City Engineer prior to approval Of thL, Mastcr mvelopment Plan, San Marcos Road between Los Altos Road and the project boundary shall he improved prior to the dcvulopment Of Phase I of die project, and prior to the issuance of building pennits, (iv) The applicant $half enter into a maintenance agreement with the City for the portion of San Marcos Road between Los Altos Road and the project boundary. Ilio agreement shall guarantee that damagc to the road which results from construction truffic gencrated by the development of the project is pvkqxrly repaired. The agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the City Frigincer and site City Ationicy, The agreement shall remain in -force throughout construction of Phase I and Phase 2 of the pfojco. A mairitcriance security in a lbnn acceptable to the City Attorney and the City Lilgincer shall tX posted for the portion of San Marcos Road between Los Altos Road and the project boundary, The mainterlance. security shall retrain effective until Final acceptance of both Phase I and Phase 2 of the project. (V) file existing #aefl-tum lane-, t4la-ean:itztte*d oil State Highway 4i for castbound traffic entering both -Los Altos Road shall he bnQuehl into conformance LAah �cyrrem Caltrum (lie dFi%ew6y serving !.,Of$ 109 Ha. im!""eftlem plo"9WHI b� "IlffifiS HAd tile (41Y l4!giAetFpri6F W -r the Master DeY44opittent Pion -. Prior to the issuance ofan)" additiawl building, petnd4fir fir �01( The leA RIFF1 Iffile-, fOf 60S N110s on " -ts shall lit ... ..... fele, wo the A6 s-Aitt Wyerith lot - -, �nryq�lk- iss�c,. i 3111/14 Draft — staff proposed PDA 1 text amendment Page 7 new left -turn hult's initwaveimnis for mulb cxttefing the driveway& accessing Lots 109-112 shat I be constructed prior to issrranrr of the any portion of Lots 109- 1127,mIcss CO �bl t- i�rn mje re AttiMmenq,kr &#, )wXg �C&Tn rte 1 Darin : Prior to the issuance ofthe Lirst hylusing imit building, Permit for.ata yp oLtion of qts L09- W-AIIA Had 1hO City ilOgiNetF PAOF i9 01MIN— hale v ,e "Akf-umer, ua 1! n� —�— - (OAff— � Phmik- Standfmis MIMI be- constnicted at the intersection Off -os Altai Road and Stale Hi4hway 41, and at the intersection orthe driveimay serving Lots I W -I 12 and Staic Highway 41, ImprovcTnent plans for th"ke 1ixlrt distance improvements shall be submitted for rc%,icw and approval by Caltnwand Ow City Engineer, fWifO-I"PPFSV 1 ------- - -iffl�} Stwemvv 4t6miV sight distance wohilegancesball be completed bl, sah{cct to tiro Cit)JE P Fural sight z&tunce improventents &r _11like M hiva v 41 qjItl Los Altos Roml Jor dy 52'4 howlissi wift. whkhejr accursJ,rv. NoWilln.1 huiw remit building, Xlqij,, A, L3MU �Iur 3/11114 Draft — staff proposed Pfd -11 text amendment Page 8 'rbct ie ,eighldislance improvements for the driveways accessing Lots lot? -112 sljfj I I be constructed prior to the is.ruance qfdwfir�(I housing unit pe-titfirWith,tl+ee#wek4i"t4*017any Portion or I .0ti 109-111 (viii) Advisory and warning signage shall be installed along State Highway 41 to advise drivers of the with Los Altos Road and die driveway serving Lots 109-112. Signage shall lic I.le-jigiteLf q e , !Lj ieflies a le4- _qtd installed L- St lords. whieli itidi ffl�L_ tw*4a#K-o4t,ad. Improvement plans for the jo advisory and waming signage irnfmwoom4s Miall besubmitted for review azul approval by Caltrans and the City Enginftr fWiOf4"ppFOY01444he Prior to file kvitgove 91 EL "I"ItitUNi"'I'll tr for Las Altar rood x4all he commicled +t;ifhinvx months of the C& e—live rk�qfhis �vrdihwice�omwulnient- �No ad�didanol htrftr ire EloA!Y-#; will lie issued six nswuhs oLt , _AE— hoe ffeefivedate -ifth-4 Ordinance qiqz!Ildmeig .,/ � 4 jitheyrecedin 3-1 , , - C'ftt timil, , re Wrement is no, —Yhr I-Qirq,qMU err qqn. 'rigleg 1011 OnA T onsidvr,tul for delays dKitare outside the gpkeant's twnyraj. Final advisory and thm constructed within rhne Q) vean, ofthe pff,ecjjv,. rlrrt of W �,Iwt L drenwnu is trig, erect I he adviuAnr gnd signage improvements for the driveways accessing Lots 109-112 shall be constructed IT jtCr_IIILtf$)_r Wkl+4heAtvthVttWtt Cif any portion ot'Lois 109-112. Ox) A riIq trmrr toner the ( 'aIIransjAgAWp Siva ll bg conqructcd on Stale Highway 41 for wcMbound traffic entering bolh,-Los Altos Road. twukhe4riyowoy plans for the right -turn lonoti-Ayler shall be submitted for review and approval by Caltransand the City Engineer. t"indrzd rig-ki-Iurn lover, in compArarse jXjIll Cligpler IqO Intersertiom at Grade Fi wre 405, 7 or as directed bv CyInyins, feteL _Ag_Ajtos R ,f rrrttertdine ter i. 19LL& L2f 3/11114 Draft — staff proposed PDA 1 text amendment Page g 44't-g#t ttsrr�Nrt}r-f+ l;Ftsntklitr: Itvttt€ hnil tart5h+tc 6 eh tlah�s c+rtd rtwK�€tes €rve-tut d@+ if t •ef=N 4went#-!c#-in t+# a 1-��r stiathut txarc� fe3}y�arsE�f-tlxirau+.���bui€ctieg-faeeruits-tirr-Wtn�-f;-t+€aialvavHr'-is�nlirt� �t'I}r �igltt-ti+ter isu�fi>r-i#ta-e1 ' _ at€{��s-i��r*�+�icri-with-tiw t"44lim+tenH4uny pan len � ois�I ll 11 (s) Cur%c widening shall be constructed ort ttre following roads where curve radii is less than two hundnxt (200) feet_ Curve widening shall be constructed in coltromnanetr with Section 4. Paragraph F or the t'ity Standard Specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer, }Haus ibr the curve widening shall 1',�! .uhmitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to the approval of the Master L)ouclopment flan. a. Laurel Avenue from Santa Lucia Road to Cenugal Road. b. Conegal Road from Laurel Avenue to the project boutniary. The curve widening shall he constructed wheat the AD L' on Laurel Avenue reaches five hundred (inti) vcIntles per day, with the development of til thirty-eighth loi in Phase 2, or within three (3) years of the issuance of building permits for Phase 2, whichever is earlier. (xi) A three-foot snide Class lI baic or other all weather surface walkway shalt be provided along one side: C'enega€ Road from the pmject boundary to Laurel Avenue and along Laurel Avenue fmm ('ernegal Road to Santa Lucia Road, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for the walkways shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer and Community Development Director prior to approval of the Mwj,:r €)ocloprncnt plan, ' ne three-foot-wide pedestrian walkway shall be constructed when the AD"T' on Laurel Avenue reaches five hundred (300) vehicles per day. with the development ofthe thirty-eighth lot in Phase 2, or within three (3) years ofthe issuance of building permits for Phase 2, whichever is earlier. (4) Drainage. (i) All drainage improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings or m directed by the City Engineer. (ii) A gradin} and drainage plan for each lot, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for inview and approval by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of building permits. A registered cis it engineer shall provide a written statement that ail work has been completed and is in full compliance with the approved plans and the uniform Building Code (URC), (iii} An erosion control plan addressing interim erosion control measures to be used during the i;onstruction shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer, Erosion control measures ,hall be ill-place between October Ist and April Ist. Prior to issuance or Grading Permits, and ifrequired tinder the Clean Fater Act (CWA), the applicant shall obtain tite necessary pennies in compliance with the requirements ofthe National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). (5) utilities. (i) All relocation andloralteration ofcxisling utilities shall be the responsibility ofthc applicant. (€i) `Phe applicant shall submit a composite utility plan signcd and approved by a representative for catch public utility company along with the improvement plans. f Exhibit G Proposed amendments to PD -11 showing deletions (in strikeout) and additions (in underline) format (NO The eristin¢ l4q -turn lanes shall be eenswdete on State Highway 41 for eastbound traffic entering beth -Los Altos Road shall be brought into conformance with current Caltrans Design Standards etv lefr-tura lane improvements shall be consiructed on State Highwav 41 for eastbound traffic entering the driveivay serving lots 109-112. and the dfiyewa serving rot !09 112. r 4 plans for- t left tarn lane shall be t •f _ and a ..l r_y Caltrans and the Gity E_ - e- - apppe,'. a efrhe Master- Development Plan. Prior to the issuance ofanv additional buildingpermits for lrousin anits after the vear 2013 • the Applicant shall provide the Cih, ivith updated financial assurance mechanisins for the left -rum lane improvements at Los Altos Road Ti left tum lanes for- Los Altos building,Read shall be censtFuetedwhen the ADT- on Los Altos Read r-eaehes five hundred (5 00)vehie4es per- day7. with the dev, elopment of -the twenty seventh lot in Phase i. orwithin three (3) years of the issuanee 0 ennits fer Phase 1. whichever- is eifffier-._ Tirning: (Los Altos Road) The irnproventents necessary to bring the existing left -turn lane on Stare Hizinvav 41 for eastbound tra rc entering LosAltos Road into conformance with current Caltrans Design Standards shall be constructed svithin three (3) years of the effective date ofthe ordinance anrendnient or prior ro the issuance of the 52"d housing unit buildinizpermit whichever occurs first. No additional housing unit buildiragperniits will be issued ifeither ofthe preceding timing requirements is triggered. (Lots 109-112)The nett left -turn lanes improveinents for eastbound traffic on State highivav 41 entering the driveways accessing Lots 109-112 shall be constructed priorto the issuance ofthe fir -sr housinzunitbuilding for with the developmente any portion of Lots 109 -112. -,unless Caltrans rrrodifies or eliminates the left -tura lane requireinents for the drive ay accessing_ Lots 109-112. (y) The er.isting residential driveivay approach ser vIng lots 109-112 shall be brought zip to current Caltrans Design ;Standards. Tiinin:z: Prior to the issuance ofthe first housing unit buildingpei7nit for any portion ofLots 109- 112. Tr-efiige lanes shall be str e;ed f ehiele va x5 left r Stat Highway h a! from bLos Altos Read and the dfiveway t Lots !09 112. Improvement plans fer- the r-efuge lanes shaR b b subng4ted fe-F Feview and appr-eval by Gal4r-ans and the City Engineer prior- te approval of the Mast . tDln for- Los Alto s Read shall be constraeted when the ADT- on Los Altos Reader within three (3) years of the issuanee of -building per-ffiks foi: Phase 1. w-hiehever- is ear4ier-. The vehic4e 5 aecessing Lots 109-112 shall be eenstmeted with the deNrelopment any portion fr r 109 112 (vii) T41e A pl,?ccrble sight distance improvements in accordance iyitlt current Caltrans Design Standards equired to aehieve aMe minimum -9 Wan 9 KPq; lii:ed sigh; diB ge ef;&tL five hundfed fifty @4 5 0) feet o shall be constructed at the intersection of Los Altos Road and State Highway 41, and at the intersection of the driveway serving Lots 109-112 and State Highway 41. Improvement plans for the -Ate ,�h distance improvements shall be submitted for review and approval by Caltrans and the City Engineer=p .- to appi:, ..,1 e f -the r asterDewelopEaent plan The site distanee�Fevementsfef Les Altes Read shaN be eonstpaetedwhent-he ADT- eii Los Altos Road reaches five hundred (500) vehicles pefdzy-,with the .7 t - r -- r ft71 twenty se.-e.,tt.lot i, Dbase 7 or-w'tt ' thfee (3) years f w ;ec_tan ofbuilding r "t sf i, D 7 7.' t.ever is earlie Tinting- Interim sSight distance irnprovernents miainkmenee in eenfernia1wze is,A Gat� '""lord for the current configurationoftlteHiley41arzdLostAltosRoad intersection shall be completed u4thin six months o the effective date of this ordinance rrnrendntent. Qnizoiniz into; ant sight distance maintenance shall be contpletedee er by =September 15ti each near thereafter and until the final intersection irnproi!ements are completed and accepted bv Caltrans Interim sftht distance intprovenrents and on offing interim rnainte: }ance shall be completed as permitted by, Caltrans and relevant permitting agencies and ssrbiect to the City Engineer's verification The CitvEngineer may stop issuance o building permits for housing units if the sight distance maintenance is not conducted Final s>SiUht distance improvements for the HijzInvoy 41 andLos Altos Road intersection shall be constructed toaetheru4M the final intersection improvements ti+ithin three (3) years of the effective date ofthis ordinance amendment or prior to the issuance of buildingpermits for the .32"61 housing unit it-hichever occurs first No additional housink unit building permits will be issued ifeitlrer of theprec-edinz timing requirements is trig ered Thet-sight distance improvements for the driveways accessing Lots 109-112 shall be constructedprior to the issuance of the_irst housing unitperntit for with the development o any portionof Lots 109-112. (viii) Advisory= and warning signage shall be installed along State Highway 41 to advise drivers ofthe approaching intersection with Los Altos Road and the driveway serving Lots 109-112. Signage shall be desi ned and installed to comply -with, and as allgu,ed by, Caltrarz=s Standards. _ lid. Improvement plans for the interim and final advisoryand warningsignage i ovement-s shall be submitted for review and approval by Caltrans and the City Engineer Master el,..V,m� Dt r =�A Prior to the issuance ofanv additional housing unit building permits after the year 201 the applicant shall provide updated financial assurance inechanisms for the finaladvisoly and warnint Sia, na e innyroVententS The si n e is f - os Alt R a L to l_ e eenstFuetedwh the ADT- en Los 2IAtes Read reaekes -&-eliund-r-eEI(500)vehic4espffda),:,A,itht-heElevelopmeiitof-th twentv seveiath lot in Phase 1. Tuning,: inferirnn acli-i.sor-l- andrt-ai7iing signage iirzprovenzents for Los Altos road shall be constricted within .six months of the effective date of this ordinance amendmerzt. Ivo additional buildin.,z permits for housing units will be issued after sa months of the efectite date ofthis ordinance amendment -if the precedine tinning requirement is not satisfied unless the Citt• Ern vneer and Counnunitl-Development Director zrant a bine extension. Time extension re nests will only be considered for delays that are outside ofthe applicant's control Final advisoiv and warning stffnage improvements shall be constructed within three (3) years ofthe effective date of this ordinance annendmentor prior to the issuance ofbizildingpennits for the 52"housing unit ulhlcherer occurs first No additional housing unit budding permits it ill be issued i either of the receding tuning reaunrentents is triggered � u. . t es des 'hed in The advisory and warning signage improvements for the driveways accessing Lots 109-112 shall be constnictedrior to the issuance of rhe first housinz unitperniit for withthe develepme334 of any portion ofLots 109-112. %) 94 -WA right turn taper in compliance ztIth the Caltrans Hiehiaav Desi,en Manual Chapter 400 Intersections at Grade Figure 40.5.7, oras directed by Caltrans, shall be constructed on State Highway 41 for westbound traffic entering both -Los Altos Road.Aq4 the T s ink Lets-} _ 11 _'.Improvement plans for the right -turn lanes-ta er shall be submitted for review and approval by Caltrans and the City Engineer. „ , r t Dlan—Prior to the issuance ofanv additional housing unit building emiits after the iear 2013: the applicant shall proilde updated financial assura=nce niechanisms for the right turn taven Timinz: A ri ht-rurrn taper, in compliance tt-ith the California Caltrans Hi¢hitwyDesign i2anual. Chapter 400 Intersections at Grade Figure 403 7 or as directed by Caltrans for Los Altos Road shall be constructed within three (3) vears of the effective date of this ordinance annendnzentor Prior fo the issuance ofbuildingpernnits for Me j2” housing unit whicheter occurs first NO addition=al housing unit buildingpennits 1011 be issued if either of the preceding timing requirements is triggered The right tum lane fk Los Altos Read shall be eenstpaetedlvhen flip. IA DT OR Los Mtes Read reaches five hund three (3) The r-ight tuF* lane fer- the driveways aecessing Lets 109 112 shall be eenstruetedA4th deE°elopmeRtofaii�,pertien-efT=ets jog 112