HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 CH2M Hill Sewer System 4110 �S CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 22 day of March , 19 88 , by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, hereinafter referred to as "City", and CH2M HILL C_ALIFORN A , hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". Witnesseth For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: .Article 1 Responsibilities of Consultant A. Scope. Consultant will provide the following Engineering services as described herein and under Exhibit "A" for the City project hereinafter described: Sewer System Master Plan Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. B. Coordination. In the performance of Consul- tant's service under this Agreement, Consultant agrees that he will maintain such coordination with City officials as may be 1 requested and desirable, including primary coordination with the Project Coordinator, herein designated as the Director of Public Works/City Engineer , and also with the following City officials: C. Consultant's Services. Insofar as they may be applicable to the project contemplated by this Agreement, Consultant shall render the services and furnish the work tasks as described in Exhibit "A", commencing with receipt of a written Notice to Proceed signed by the Project Coordinator and by the City Manager. Article 2 Responsibilities of Cit City shall cooperate with Consultant on all phases of the work covered by this Agreement and will make available to him, as his needs indicate, all existing maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs, soils reports, and other similar data in possession of City covering the site as selected. City shall also be responsible for providing such staff production assistance as is specified in Exhibit "A". Article 3 Fee and Provision for Payment City will pay Consultant a fee equal to $ 24 ,900 . 00 for work contracted in this Agreement and billed for based on the payment schedule in Exhibit "B". Exhibit "B" is attached 2 hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. Any additional applicable hourly rate billings as authorized in Article 4 shall be based on the Fee Schedule contained in Exhibit "B". Article 4 Payment for Extra work or Changes Any claim for payment for extra work or changes in the work will be paid by City only upon certification by the City Manager that the claimed extra work or change was authorized in advance by the Project Coordinator and the City Manager, and that the work has been satisfactorily completed. Claims for such extra work must be submitted by Consultant within thirty (30) days of completion of such work and must be accompanied by a statement of itemized costs covering said work. Article 5 Termination of Agreement Either party hereto shall have the right to termi- nate this Agreement upon giving ten (10) days written notice of such termination to the other party. In the event of the termination of this project in its entirety, notwithstanding any other fee provisions of this Agreement, based upon work accomplished by Consultant prior to notice of such termina- tion, City shall determine the amount of fee to be paid to 3 Consultant for his services based upon the provisions in Exhibit "B", and such findings of City shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of such fee. In the event of termination of any portion of this project, Consultant shall be entitled to the reasonable value of his services involved in the termination, as determined by City, upon a finding which shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of fee due and owing. Article 6 Time of Completion Consultant agrees to diligently pursue his work under this Agreement and to complete the work as described in Exhibit "A" in a satisfactory manner within one hundred sixty-eight ( 168 ) days of receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Consultant shall not be responsible for any delay which is caused by City review, action or inaction of City, or acts of God, but shall be responsible for his own fault or negligence or that of any of his subcontractors. If the work is not completed by Consultant in the time specified for each item, or within any period of exten- sion authorized in writing by the Project Coordinator, it is understood that City will suffer damages and Consultant will pay to City, as fixed and liquidated damages (not as a penalty) , the sum of $ o for each calendar day of the delay until the work is completed and accepted. 4 Consultant is liable for the amount thereof, and City may deduct said sums from any money due or that may become due to Consultant. Within seven (7) calendar days of commencement of work under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit to City for approval, a completion schedule in graphic form clearly delineating all important increments and review dates. Article 7 Conflicts of Interest No member, officer, or employee of City, during his or her tenure, or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. Article 8 Ownership of Data The ownership of all data collected for use by Consultant under this Agreement, together with working papers, drawings, and other materials necessary for a complete under- standing of the plans and necessary for the practical use of the plans shall be vested in City. Ownership of original drawings and documents shall be vested in City. Consultant may retain a copy of all work for his own use. Consultant shall provide twenty-five ( 25 ) copies of Schematic Design Documents to City as part of this Agreement. 5 r Article 9 Covenant Against Contingent Fees Consultant warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for him, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for him, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent on or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage fee, gift, or contingency. Article 10 Contract Personnel The work to be done pursuant to this Agreement shall be done by David P . Beemer a licensed Engineer 32805 , No. and such other personnel in the employ or under the supervision of Consultant who shall be approved by City. The City official who shall be vested with the right of approval of such addi- tional personnel or outside contracting parties shall be the City Manager. City reserves the right to reject any of 6 Consultant's personnel or proposed outside consultants, and City reserves the right to request that acceptable replacement personnel be assigned to the project. Article 11 Indemnity Clause Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and save harm- less the City of Atascadero, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and liabilities occasioned by the negligent performance or attempted negligent performance of the provisions hereof, including, but not limited to, any negligent act or omission to act on the part of Consultant or his agents or employees or independent contractors directly responsible to him, except that the above shall not apply to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City or City's agents, servants, or independent contractors who are directly responsible to City. This indemnification provision shall apply even if there is concurrent or joint negligence of indemnitor and indemnitee, and even if there is active or passive negligence by either or both parties. Nothing in this Article shall apply to any liability covered by Consultant's errors and omissions insurance. 7 Article 12 Insurance A. Errors and Omissions Insurance. Consultant shall obtain and maintain, at his own expense, prior to commencement of the work of this Agreement, professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance, in a company authorized to issue such insurance in the State of California, with limits of liability of not less than $ 250 , 000 to cover all enQineer:na services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. B. Automobile and Public Liability Insurance. Consultant shall also maintain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement, automobile insurance and public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfac- tory to City, which insurance shall include protection against claims arising from personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from any actual occurrence arising out of the performance of this Agreement. The amounts of insurance shall be not less than the following: Single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and property damage or a combination thereof in an amount not less than $1, 000, 000. The following endorsements must be attached to the policy or policies: 8 (1) If the insurance policy covers on an "accident" basis, it must be changed to "occurrence". (2) The policy must cover personal injury as well as bodily injury. (3) Broad form property damage liability must be afforded. (4) The City of Atascadero, its officers, employees, and agents, shall be named as insureds under the policy, and the policy shall stipulate that the insurance will operate as primary insurance and that no other insurance effected by City will be called upon to contribute to a loss hereunder. (5) The policy shall contain contractual liability, either on a blanket basis or by identifying this Agreement within a contractual liability endorsement. (6) The policy shall contain "cross-liability" such that each insured is covered as if separate policies had been issued to each insured. (7) City shall be given thirty (30) days notice prior to cancellation or reduction in coverage of the insurance. C. Workers Compensation Insurance. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall be insured against liability for workers compensation or undertake self-insurance. Consultant agrees 9 to comply with such provisions before commencing performance of any work under this Agreement. D. Conies of Insurance to City Before Commencement of Work. Consultant shall provide certificates of insurance to City prior to commencement of the work of this Agreement. Certificates of insurance are necessary before a Notice to Proceed will be issued, and shall state that the policy shall not be cancelled or reduced in coverage without thirty (30) days written notice to City. Approval of insurance by City shall not relieve or decrease the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payment of damages resulting from services or operations performed pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform any work under this Agreement until he has obtained the required insurance and until the required insurance certificates have been submitted to City and approved by the City Attorney. If Consultant fails or refuses to procure or maintain the insurance required by these provisions, or fails or refuses to furnish City required proof that insurance has been procured and is in force and paid for, City shall have the right, at its discretion, to forthwith terminate this Agreement. Article 13 Bonding This Article is deleted. 10 Article 14 Status Consultant shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, be construed to be an independent contractor, and in no event shall any of his personnel or subcontractors be construed to be employees of City. Article 15 Non-Discrimination Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Presidential Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and all other orders, regulations, and laws governing non- discrimination in employment, including in particular, Section 122 (a) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 . Article 16 Modification of Agreement This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by both parties hereto. Article 17 Law Governing This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. 11 Article 18 Communications Communications between the parties to this Agreement may be sent to the following addresses: City: CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 Palma Avenue P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Attn: City Manager Consultant: Cx2M HILL 6425 Christie Avenue Suite 500 Fpyville , California 94608 Attnr Robert Parent ACCEPTED AND AGREED this 22_ day of Marrh 19 88 . CITY: CONSULTANT: CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation By By_ BARBARA NORRIS, Mayor Robert Parent 1i ATTEST: r BOYD SHARIT c-G t Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: j l Project ordinator ,LErvIUy G N 'JORS C 'ty Attorney PAUL M. SENSIBAUGH, Public Works Director//'/" JGJ: fr/l/29/87 ! �� C:AGATA315 !/ 12 Exhibit A RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONSULTANT TASK 1 - IDENTIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS The first task in your project is to gather and review all existing information regarding the City' s sanitary sewer system and land use plan. We will work closely with City staff to collect information in one common format using ex- isting plans , reports, records , and discussions with opera- tion and maintenance personnel . 1 . 1 - PREPARE PROJECT METHODOLOGY Establishing the project methodology will be the first pri- ority of the project. The first step will be to meet with key City individuals in a workshop environment and discuss in detail the project objectives , determine the existing and future service area such as the ACSD or Urban Services Line and to what degree the City staff and others will be involved. During preparation of this proposal, we believe we understand what the City desires from the master plan design. During this workshop, CH2M HILL will work with the staff to develop an expansive decision tree . This decision tree will include the methodology of the master plan and will direct all future system evaluations . At the completion of the project, the City should then have the experience and capability to continue . 1 . 2 - REVIEW EXISTING INFORMATION In this subtask, we will collect and review available infor- mation regarding the Atascadero sanitary collection system including, but not limited to, maps , records , surveys , plans , construction drawings, topographic information, rain- fall records , groundwater data, maintenance records , and water consumption data. Specifically, the following shall be collected and carefully reviewed: o City of Atascadero - Capacity Analysis and Eval- uation of the ACSD Wastewater Treatment and Col- lection System prepared by John L. Wallace and Associates . o City and County Genera'_ Plan documents . o As-built plan. 0 1 " = 100 ' scale aerial mylars of the study area. r ' o Assessment district boundary information. c Properties with septic tank problems defined by San Luis Obispo County for Cease and Desist. o Locations and drawing for the 9 public lift sta- tions and each on-site private lift station. TASK 2 - REVIEW WASTEWATER FLOW DATA The most difficult task in evaluating an existing sanitary sewer system is development of realistic wastewater flows during dry and peak wet weather conditions . We will collect and review the historical monthly flow charts from the treatment plant. The treatment plant historical charts should also include flow data during several rain events . This data will be used to assess historical infiltration/ inflow (I/I) levels within the City and to compare water consumption with wastewater flows. Rainfall records that correspond chronologically to the historical flow records will also be collected. This flow information will be used for calibration of the computer model, to quantify I/I components , verification of land use flow rates, and to develop peaking factor curves . Our extensive experience in flow monitoring work has given us many practical techniques to reduce the flow and rainfall data . We have a complete computer library to reduce the data into a manageable form in a cost-effective and timely manner. Since development of our software is complete, Atas- cadero can benefit from our extensive experience at minimum cost. 2 .1 - DEVELOP RAINFALL-DEPENDENT INFILTRATION/INFLOW (RDI/I) HYDROGRAPH The first step in the analysis is to discern dry and wet weather flow conditions . The rainfall data collected during the monitoring period is used to accomplish this task . The next step in the analysis is to separate rainfall-dependent infiltration/inflow (RDI/I) from wet weather flow. RDI/I is the component of infiltration/inflow which enters the sani- tary collection system during and shortly after a rain event. The RDI/I component is the extra flow that causes the Atascadero flow to jump from 1 . 0 mgd to 3 . 6 mgd during peri- ods of rainfall. CH2M HILL has found that the quantity of RDI/I is highly dependent on antecedent soil conditions . As the soil be- comes saturated, more RDI/I can be expected. Although the presence of I/I is not considered to be substantial, the actual relative peak flow from each basin such as the older �✓' err+ downtown areas may be significant. The capacity analysis of the trunk sewer system must be conducted during saturated soil conditions when RDI/I is at a maximum. In addition to soil conditions, the amount of RDI/I is also dependent on the intensity and duration of each rainfall event. CH2M HILL has developed custom software which is capable of synthetically simulating the amount of RDI/I for any given design event. The final product of this analysis will be the design storm RDI/I hydrographs for the system. Depending on the magni- tude of this flow, the City may wish to conduct further flow monitoring of key locations in the collection system. CH2M HILL has conducted many flow monitoring studies specifically with the objective of isolating areas within a collection system contributing significant I/I . A flow monitoring pro- gram of this type would supplement your ongoing internal closed-circuit television inspection program to identify actual sources of I/I such as broken pipe, open or broken joints , roots , laterals, direct connections , etc. 2 . 2 - DEVELOP SANITARY FLOW ALLOCATION FACTORS Development has been categorized into three major land uses: o Residential o Commercial o Industrial CH2M HILL will review the sanitary flow allocation factors for each of these land uses specific to Atascadero. Res- idential and commercial categories will be further subdi- vided as detailed information is available. The industrial category is very minor within Atascadero . These unit flow values are not only .category specific, but also season specific. 2 .3 - CALCULATE GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION The treatment plant flow recorded during the rainy season when GWI is present will be reviewed. Groundwater infiltra- tion rates will be calculated by subtracting calculated sanitary flow from non rainfall flow recorded during the winter season. GWI = DWF - SF Where: GWI = groundwater infiltration, mgd DWF = monitored dry weather (winter) flow, mgd SF = sanitary flow, mgd 3 .3 - PROJECT LAND USE Based on the updated general plan document, future land use will be identified. The identification of future conditions can only be an estimate because of the political nature of the general plan document. We will work closely with your planning staff as well as with San Luis Obispo County to identify the projected development. Development projections beyond even 2 years can only be determined within a range. These projections shall be summarized in a Technical Memoran- dum and reviewed with the Citv. 3 . 4 - CALCULATE SANITARY FLOWS The existing and future sanitary flows will be calculated based on existing and future lard use data multiplied by the unit flow values from Subtask 2 . 2 , Develop Sanitary Flow Allocation Factors. The future flows will be calculated based on projected lard use for each development within the ACSD/Urban Services Line. The City' s current software and database (Lotus 123) will be utilized and expanded to include the future growth areas . TASK 4 - DEVELOP DESIGN FLOWS In this task, present and future design flows are developed for each predefined basin of the collection system. Design flows are the peak wastewater flow rates that are expected to be carried by system facilities after future development. These peak wastewater flows occur during wet weather peri- ods. During this master plan, design criteria shall be de- veloped to identify the following three components for peak wastewater flow: o Peak Groundwater Infiltration - The peak ground- water infiltration (GWI) rate for each basin will be derived in Task 2 , Review Wastewater Flow Data. A GWI allowance will be applied to currently un- serviced areas and major extensions of the City' s sewer system. o Peak Sanitary Flow - Sanitary flows generally fol- low regular diurnal patterns , with peak flows oc- curring in the morning and early evening hours of the day. Peak hour sanitary flows •:ill be esti- mated by applying a multiplier, called a peaking factor, to the ultimate development average sani- tary flow rates . The ultimate development average sanitary flow for each basin will be developed in Task 3 , Project Future Land Use. The peak hour a1 + sanitary flow will be calculated using the sani- tary flow peaking curve. o RDI/I Hydrograph - RDI/I hydrographs for each basin will be developed for a design rainfall event in Task 2, Review Wastewater Flow Data. An RDI/I allowance will be applied to currently ur_serviced areas and major e.:tensicns of the City' s collection system. Groundwater infiltration, peak sanitary flow, and rainfall- dependent infiltration/inflow will be combined to develop a design flow composite hydrograph for each sanitary basin and the future grcwth areas. The design flow hydrograph data for each basin will be used to analyze the existing collec- tion system, as described in Task 5 , Determine System Capacity. TASK 5 — DETERMINE SYSTEM CAPACITY The sewer capacity analysis will be performed with the use of computer modeling techniques . The hydraulic model STATIC, developed by CH2M HILL, will be used to predict and simulate flow in the wastewater collection system under various load- ing rates . 5 . 1 - INVENTORY MAJOR TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM An inventory of the sewer lines and lift stations to be mod- eled will be collected from previous reports and the City' s maps . The inventory information will consist of -the manhole rim and invert elevations and the pipeline length, size, material, and street location. Drawings and related pump data for the 9 public lift stations will be reviewed to as- sess the available capacity. 5 . 2 - CONDUCT HYDRAULIC MODELING After the flow data and inventory data have been gathered, we will assess the available capacities in the sewer lines with the use of STATIC. Actual flow quantities , pipe capacity, and sizing calculations are based on Manning' s equation for uniform flow applied on a pipe-by-pipe basis . STATIC also calculates hydraulic Grade lines and distributes headloss back into the collection. system. Thus , surcharging is identified both by capacity limitations and backflow conditions . We will determine the present and available hydraulic capacity of the existing Atascadero sewer system. err' Once the sewer lines are identified and the model has been verified and calibrated during present flow conditions , the future design flow hydrographs developed in Task 4 , Develop Design Flows , will be routed through the collection system. Input sanitary and I/I flows will be allocated to each flow point load location on the basis of tributary area and land use. Wet weather flow will be evaluated for the design rainfall event. Various flow scenarios will be evaluated such as present dry weather, present wet weather, future dry weather, and future wet weather. Available capacity and the defi- ciencies will be noted for each scenario within the trunk sewer system and at the lift stations . STATIC will also be used to size new collector and trunk mains in the currently urserviced areas of Atascadero. The approximate line sizes and locations will be developed from design flows and available topographic data. New line ex- tensions to the remote lots will be compared with the option of providing a new lift station or line extensions in an adjacent basin. The hydraulic model (STATIC) will be provided to the City. This hydraulic model operates on IBM and IBM-compatible mi- crocomputers , is user friendly, and facilitates modification of data by City staff to determine impacts of future land use changes and development which may occur within a basin. Detailed information describing STATIC is provided in Task 8 , Provide Computer Hydraulic Model. TASK 6 - DEVELOP RECOMMENDED PLAN The preceding tasks are necessary to develop background data and design criteria for sewer system improvements in a master plan. The existing system deficiencies , under present and future scenarios during both dry and wet weather conditions, were identified in Task 5 , Determine System Capacity. For each sanitary drainage basin and future service area, alternative solutions to eliminate deficiencies and provide capacity needs under the future growth scenario will be iden- tified and developed. A cost estimate for each alternative plan will be prepared. The best apparent alternative will be selected based on this cost-effectiveness analysis . Once the best apparent alternative is selected, a staged construction program will be developed. The projects will be prioritized and staged according to projected development, complexity of the projects , and available funds. ~ t *#Av` A Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for each basin will be developed for staged construction.. The CIP will include preliminary cost estimates for the recommended improvements . The CIP will be staged from the final prioritization scheme selected by the City of Atascadero and CH2M HILL. The schedule for construction will list immediate projects nec- essary to correct possible existing deficiencies and those for the next 5 years and include stated expansion of the collection system beyond the existing configuration. TASK 7 - PREPARE PLAN MAPS The results of the master planning analysis will be presented to the City in a map format. These maps will be the basis for planning and scheduling the required existing capacity correction projects , future collection system extensions , and for future evaluations of the system capacity as devel- opment conditions change. The City has approximately 50 ae- rial maps available with contour information at 100 scale. These aerials cover the 3 , 600 acre ACSD/Urban Services Line service area. An overlay system has been used successfully on many proj- ects by CH2M HILL for these types of maps to indicate the system and associated information. Examples of our mapping abilities are provided in Appendix C. 7 . 1 PLOT EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES Using the City' s available as-built plans and the input data from the computer model , the existing collection system will be plotted onto an overlay to the aerial base maps . The overlay for the existing collection system will include the following information: o Street names o Assessment district boundaries o Properties with Cease and Desist for septic tank problems identified by the County o Manhole/cleanout location and number o Inver and rim elevations o Pipeline length, diameter, and material (if avail- able) c Public lift stations 0 Onsite private lift stations 7 . 2 PLOT CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS Based on the results of Task 5 , Determine System Capacity; and Task 6, Develop Recommended Plan, the capacity cor- rection improvements will be plotted onto an overlay to the base map. These improvements will consist of a parallel or replacement pipeline to convey the peak flows to the treat- ment plant without surcharge or overflow. Alternative align- ments to avoid construction within developed areas will be presented when shown to be cost effective. Special con- struction considerations such as the Highway 101 and Atascadero Creek crossings will be shown. The information plotted on the map overlay will include up- stream and downstream manholes which designate the start and finish of construction,- new pipeline diameters , lengths, and the indication of whether the improvement is to be a replace- ment or parallel pipeline. 7 .3 - PLOT FUTURE COLLECTION SYSTEM EXTENSIONS During the future land use evaluation in Task 3 , new devel- opments will have been located. Using the results of Task 5 , Determine System Capacity, and Task 6 , Develop Recommended Plan, the required extensions to the collection system will be plotted onto an overlay to the base map. The pipeline data to be plotted will include manhole numbers and loca- tions , preliminary manhole rim and invert elevations , and pipeline length and diameter. The delineated basin boun- daries which represent individual service areas for these line extensions will also be plotted. TASK 8 - PROVIDE COMPUTER HYDRAULIC MODEL CH2M HILL will provide a static hydraulic model (STATIC) to the City which can be used to determine the capacity of the existing sanitary sewer system and plan future system ex- tensions . STATIC operates on IBM PC and IBM PC-compatible microcomputers . STATIC is user friendly and facilitates modification of data to determine impacts of future changes in land use and development. STATIC uses the same calculations as many mainframe dynamic models tc determine the capacity of the sewer lines , the hydraulic grade line, and surcharge conditions . Flowrates are specified at particular manholes and then routed through the system. Theoretical capacity, surcharge conditions , exceeded capacity, and current percent operating capacity with the specified flowrates are calculated with STATIC. w A e � t STATIC was developed by CH2M HILL as part of the Sewer In- formation and Maintenance Management System (SIMMS) computer software. SIMMS is a maintenance management program used to store the sewer system inventory, document and track mainte- nance activities , schedule routine maintenance, and generate statistical management type reports . STATIC can be operated independently or within SIM.MS. The steps to provide the City with the computer hydraulic model are: o Evaluate the City' s current computer system for use in running STATIC . Establish the hardware configuration to be used. o Establish the necessary data bases to run STATIC. o Provide a one-day training program and user ' s man- ual covering the use, maintenance , and updating of the system model. The current user manual which covers the use, maintenance and updating of the system model is provided with this proposal. CH2M HILL has experience in providing computer training, as reflected from experience with providing training on our SIMMS program. Additionally, we have successfully provided training for STATIC to other clients . SFP73/050 Exhibit B PAYMENT SCHEDULE The project has been divided into 8 tasks as detailed in Exhibit A, Responsibilities of Consultant. The lump sum fee by task to complete each task of the scope of work is provided in Table B-1 . These estimates include all labor and direct expenses to complete the work. CH2M HILL' s total lump sum fee to complete the master plan and prepare maps for your wastewater collection system is $24 , 900 . Specific items included within this estimate are noted below for reference: o Flow Data Analysis--Sufficient flow data must be collected from the wastewater treatment plant. The resulting flows will be critical for evalua- tion of the sewer system. o Future Land Use--CH2M HILL has a planner experi- enced with future growth projections . o Computer Modeling--Review of the City' s collection system maps will provide the basis of hydraulic analysis of the trunk sewer system. o Citv Involvement--We have developed our approach to your project to include your staff. This estimate is representative of a flexible program. As the program progresses , the approach can be adapted to meet the critical needs as they are identified by your staff or the CH2M HILL team. SFP73/053 l► Table B-1 City of Atascedero Sewer System Master Plan PAYMENT SCHEDULE Total Fee Task O 1 . 0 Identify Existing Conditions 1 .1 Prepare Project Methodology 1 , 300 1...2 Review Existing Information 600 Task 1 .0 Subtotal 1 ,900 2.0 Review Wastewater Flow Data 2.1 Develop RDI/I Hydrograph 1 , 000 2. 2. Develop Flow Allocation Factors 400 2.3 Calculate Groundwater Infiltration 700 2.4 Calculate Sanitary Flow Peaking Factors 500 Task 2 .0 Subtotal 2, 600 3.0 Project Future Land Use 3.1 Identify Project Growth 700 3.2 Delineate Basins 600 3.3 Project Land Use 2 ,000 3.4 Calculate Sanitary Flows 1, 300 Task 3 .0 Subtotal 4 , 600 4.0 Develop Design Flows 1 ,200 5.0 Determine System Capacity 5.1 Inventory Major Trunk Sewer System 1 , 600 5.2 Conduct Hydraulic Modeling 2 , 000 Task 5 .0 Subtotal 3 ,600 6 .0 Develop Recommended Plan 2 ,500 7. 0 Prepare Plan Maps 7.1 Plot Existing Sewer Facilites 1 , 600 7.2 Plot Capacity Improvements 2 , 300 7 .3 Plot Future Collection System Extensions 2 , 500 Task 7 . 0 Subtotal 6 ,400 8 .0 Provide Computer Hydraulic Model 2 , 100 TOTAL PROJECT 24 , 900 SFP73/054 .: r • J r • V :) ./ . ' �� CORROON & BLACK, INC. March 30, 1989 To: City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93423 Attn: Paul M. Sensibaugh Re: CH2M HILL, INC. Gentlemen: We are pleased to enclose documents indicated below: X Certificate of Insurance Memorandum of Insurance Copy of Policy (As Captioned) Cover Note and/or Binder Other The enclosed is issued in connection with: Analysis 8 Evaluation for a Sewer Master Plan, project no. F272.72 We trust you will find the enclosure(s) to be entirely satisfactory. Very truly yours, , /atrri"ck C. McGruder smd/Enclosure cc: Sally Ruggles, SFO Velina Williams, SFO Dave Beemer, SFO P.O. Box C-34201 Zip 98124 2911 Second Avenue Seattle,WA 98121 (206)443-2300 Telex:160565 FAX: (206)443-6631 Insurance•Bonds•Benefits•Risk Management ISSUE DATE(MM/DD/YY) A/:111:11 E '` URS March 30, 1989 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW CORP.O. Box C-34201& BLACK, INc, POCOMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE P.O. Bo Seattle, WA 98124 (206) 443-2300 COMPANYA Fireman's Fund Insurance Company LETTER CODE SUB-CODE COMPANY B INSURED LETTER CH2M HILL, INC. COMPANY C 6425 Christie Avenue LETTER Suite 500 Emeryville, CA 94608 COMPANY LETTER D COMPANY E LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Co TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE!POLICY EXPIRATIONALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS LTR DATE(MM/DD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/YY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY KXC 8016 3316 04/01/89 04/01/90 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ 2,000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR. PERSONAL&ADVERTISING INJURY $ 1,000 X OWNER'S&CONTRACTOR'S PROT.' EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000 FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fire) $ 50 MEDICAL EXPENSE(Any one person) $ 5 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ A ANY AUTO KXC 8016 3316 04/01/89 04/01/90 LIMIT 1,000 X ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY $ DAMAGE EACH AGGREGATE EXCESS LIABILITY OCCURRENCE OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM _... ... STATUTORY WORKER'S COMPENSATION . $ 1,000. . (EACH ACCIDENT) AND A KWP 8038 8413 04/01/89 04/01/90 $_ 1,000 (DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT) EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY - $ 1,000 (DISEASE—EACH EMPLOYEE .. . OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS Analysis & Evaluation for a Sewer Master Plan, project no, F272.72 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO City of Atascadero MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE P.O. Box 747 6500 Palma Avenue LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR Atascadero, CA 93423 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UUPPON'THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. Attn: Paul M. SensibauCJh AUTHORIZED REPRESENT� �.,(/ Deborah H, Bavee (SFO/424) �ACORD CORPOi7AT©N 1988, yi7t:,��nva <��7;.;�r�..�rn �,r��,`� .,.. ,.� , , �:r.� , . ISSUE DATE(MM/DD/YY) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE MARCH C 30, 1989 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, Peninsula Excess Brokers EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW P.O. Drawer DPIC Monterey, CA 93942 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Security Insurance Company of Hartford COMPANY A LETTER (DPIC) CODE SUB-CODE COMPANY B € INSURED LETTER S CH2M HILL, INC. ETTERNY `. s 6425 Christie Avenue Suite 500 COMPANY D r LETTER Emeryville, CA 94608 COMPANY LETTER E E COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS I CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS LTR DATE(MM/DD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/YY) �( GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ S I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ ! CLAIMS MADE OCCUR. PERSONAL&ADVERTISING INJURY $ OWNER'S&CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE(Any one tire) $ t I MEDICAL EXPENSE(Any one person) $ c j AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ ANY AUTO LIMIT ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ ggg SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS N DILY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY $ DAMAGE E EXCESS LIABILITY EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM STATUTORY WORKER'S COMPENSATION $ (EACH ACCIDENT) a s AND I $ (DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT) EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY $ (DISEASE—EACH EMPLOYEE) OTHER I A Professional $250, each claim and in Lifability SPL426247 04/01/89 04/01/90 the aggregate. 14 e DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS For Professional Liability coverage the aggregate limit is the total insurance available for claims presented within the policy period for all operations of the Insured. The limit will be I reduced by Uments of indemnity and expense _Project No F272.72. }CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION j e City of Atascadero SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE P.O. BOX 747 EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO a MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93423 LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. Attn: Paul M. Sensibaugh AUTHORIZED RE RESE ATIVE Y ACORD 25-S(3188) ©ACORD CORPORATION 1988 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. GEIZL'L�ABILl'TY . Addifl±a of tus red--Owners, Lessees Cvnlrtleturs(Form a) PfJL1GYAMEN:©tVI'ENT CG lfi1 85 IF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS NOT COMPLETE, REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE DECLARATIONS ATTACHED TO THE POLICY. INSURED POLICY NUMBER SEQUENTIAL NO. CH2M HILL, !NC. KXC 8016 3316 208 PRODUCER EFFECTIVE DATE Corroon & Black, Inc. 04/01/89 SCHEDULE NAME OF PERSON OR ORGANIZATION: Analysis & Evaluation for a Sewer Master Plan. City of Atascadero Project No. F272.72. P.O. Box 747 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93423 WHO IS AN INSURED(Section II)is amended to include as ule, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your an insured the person or organization shown in the Sched- work" for that insured by or for you. Contains Copyrighted Material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.,1984 This Form must be attached to Change Endorsement when issued after the Policy is written. ONE OF THE FIREMAN'S 14*0 INSURANCE COMPANIES As NAMED IN THE POLICY 11 XCL PRESIDENT STOCK NO. CG 20 10 11 85 w<. tascade�®ca ! INCORPORATED JULY . 1.'- ADMINISTRATION BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-8000 DATE: TO: FROM: to r P SUBJECT: -0 (the w)v k?- 3r ta FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY ATTORNEY POLICE DEPARTMENT 6005 LEWIS AVENUE P.O.BOX 606 (805) 466-8600 ATASCADERO, CA 93422 ATASCADERO,CA 93423 (805) 466-2141 (805) 466-4422 CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 22 day of March 19 88, by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, hereinafter referred to as "City", and CH2M HILL CALIFORt1A hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". Witnesseth For and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: Article 1 Responsibilities of Consultant A. Scope. Consultant will provide the following Engineering services as described herein and under Exhibit "A" for the City project hereinafter described: Sewer System Master Plan Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. B. Coordination. In the performance of Consul- tant's service under this Agreement, Consultant agrees that he will maintain such coordination with City officials as may be 1 1 requested and desirable, including primary coordination with the Project Coordinator, herein designated as the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and also with the following City officials: C. Consultant's Services. Insofar as they may be applicable to the project contemplated by this Agreement, Consultant shall render the services and furnish the work tasks as described in Exhibit "A", commencing with receipt of a written Notice to Proceed signed by the Project Coordinator and by the City Manager. Article 2 Responsibilities of City City shall cooperate with Consultant on all phases of the work covered by this Agreement and will make available to him, as his needs indicate, all existing maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs, soils reports, and other similar data in possession of City covering the site as selected. City shall also be responsible for providing such staff production assistance as is specified in Exhibit "A" . Article 3 Fee and Provision for Payment City will pay Consultant a fee equal to $ 24 ,900 . 00 for work contracted in this Agreement and billed for based on the payment schedule in Exhibit "B". Exhibit "B" is attached 2 hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. Any additional applicable hourly rate billings as authorized in Article 4 shall be based on the Fee Schedule contained in Exhibit "B". Article 4 Payment for Extra Work or Changes Any claim for payment for extra work or changes in the work will be paid by City only upon certification by the City Manager that the claimed extra work or change was authorized in advance by the Project Coordinator and the City Manager, and that the work has been satisfactorily completed. Claims for such extra work must be submitted by Consultant within thirty (30) days of completion of such work and must be accompanied by a statement of itemized costs covering said work. Article 5 Termination of Agreement Either party hereto shall have the right to termi- nate this Agreement upon giving ten (10) days written notice of such termination to the other party. In the event of the termination of this project in its entirety, notwithstanding any other fee provisions of this Agreement, based upon work accomplished by Consultant prior to notice of such termina- tion, City shall determine the amount of fee to be paid to 3 Consultant for his services based upon the provisions in Exhibit "B", and such findings of City shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of such fee. In the event of termination of any portion of this project, Consultant shall be entitled to the reasonable value of his services involved in the termination, as determined by City, upon a finding which shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of fee due and owing. Article 6 Time of Completion Consultant agrees to diligently pursue his work under this Agreement and to complete the work as described in Exhibit "A" in a satisfactory manner within one hundred sixty-eight ( 168 ) days of receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Consultant shall not be responsible for any delay which is caused by City review, action or inaction of City, or acts of God, but shall be responsible for his own fault or negligence or that of any of his subcontractors. If the work is not completed by Consultant in the time specified for each item, or within any period of exten- sion authorized in writing by the Project Coordinator, it is understood that City will suffer damages and Consultant will pay to City, as fixed and liquidated damages (not as a penalty) , the sum of $ o for each calendar day of the delay until the work is completed and accepted. 4 'err' Consultant is liable for the amount thereof, and City may deduct said sums from any money due or that may become due to Consultant. Within seven (7) calendar days of commencement of work under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit to City for approval, a completion schedule in graphic form clearly delineating all important increments and review dates. Article 7 Conflicts of Interest No member, officer, or employee of City, during his or her tenure, or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. Article 8 Ownership of Data The ownership of all data collected for use by Consultant under this Agreement, together with working papers, drawings, and other materials necessary for a complete under- standing of the plans and necessary for the practical use of the plans shall be vested in City. Ownership of original drawings and documents shall be vested in City. Consultant may retain a copy of all work for his own use. Consultant shall provide twenty-five ( 25 ) copies of Schematic Design Documents to City as part of this Agreement. 5 Article 9 Covenant Against Contingent Fees Consultant warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for him, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for him, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent on or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage fee, gift, or contingency. Article 10 Contract Personnel The work to be done pursuant to this Agreement shall be done by David P. Beemer a licensed Engineer No. 32805 and such other personnel in the employ or under the supervision of Consultant who shall be approved by City. The City official who shall be vested with the right of approval of such addi- tional personnel or outside contracting parties shall be the City Manager. City reserves the right to reject any of 6 Consultant's personnel or proposed outside consultants, and City reserves the right to request that acceptable replacement personnel be assigned to the project. Article 11 Indemnity Clause Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and save harm- less the City of Atascadero, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and liabilities occasioned by the negligent performance or attempted negligent performance of the provisions hereof, including, but not limited to, any negligent act or omission to act on the part of Consultant or his agents or employees or independent contractors directly responsible to him, except that the above shall not apply to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City or City's agents, servants, or independent contractors who are directly responsible to City. This indemnification provision shall apply even if there is concurrent or joint negligence of indemnitor and indemnitee, and even if there is active or passive negligence by either or both parties. Nothing in this Article shall apply to any liability covered by Consultant' s errors and omissions insurance. 7 Article 12 Insurance A. Errors and Omissions Insurance. Consultant shall obtain and maintain, at his own expense, prior to commencement of the work of this Agreement, professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance, in a company authorized to issue such insurance in the State of California, with limits of liability of not less than $ 250 , 000 to cover all engineer•inq services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. B. Automobile and Public Liability Insurance. Consultant shall also maintain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement, automobile insurance and public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfac- tory to City, which insurance shall include protection against claims arising from personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from any actual occurrence arising out of the performance of this Agreement. The amounts of insurance shall be not less than the following: Single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and property damage or a combination thereof in an amount not less than $1, 000, 000. The following endorsements must be attached to the policy or policies: 8 (1) If the insurance policy covers on an "accident" basis, it must be changed to "occurrence". (2) The policy must cover personal injury as well as bodily injury. (3) Broad form property damage liability must be afforded. (4) The City of Atascadero, its officers, employees, and agents, shall be named as insureds under the policy, and the policy shall stipulate that the insurance will operate as primary insurance and that no other insurance effected by City will be called upon to contribute to a loss hereunder. (5) The policy shall contain contractual liability, either on a blanket basis or by identifying this Agreement within a contractual liability endorsement. (6) The policy shall contain "cross-liability" such that each insured is covered as if separate policies had been issued to each insured. (7) City shall be given thirty (30) days notice prior to cancellation or reduction in coverage of the insurance. C. Workers Compensation Insurance. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall be insured against liability for workers compensation or undertake self-insurance. Consultant agrees 9 to comply with such provisions before commencing performance of any work under this Agreement. D. Copies of Insurance to City Before Commencement of Work. Consultant shall provide certificates of insurance to City prior to commencement of the work of this Agreement. Certificates of insurance are necessary before a Notice to Proceed will be issued, and shall state that the policy shall not be cancelled or reduced in coverage without thirty (30) days written notice to City. Approval of insurance by City shall not relieve or decrease the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payment of damages resulting from services or operations performed pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform any work under this Agreement until he has obtained the required insurance and until the required insurance certificates have been submitted to City and approved by the City Attorney. If Consultant fails or refuses to procure or maintain the insurance required by these provisions, or fails or refuses to furnish City required proof that insurance has been procured and is in force and paid for, City shall have the right, at its discretion, to forthwith terminate this Agreement. Article 13 Bonding This Article is deleted. 10 Article 14 Status Consultant shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, be construed to be an independent contractor, and in no event shall any of his personnel or subcontractors be construed to be employees of City. Article 15 Non-Discrimination Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Presidential Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24 , 1965, and all other orders, regulations, and laws governing non- discrimination in employment, including in particular, Section 122 (a) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 . Article 16 Modification of Agreement This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by both parties hereto. Article 17 Law Governing This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. 11 Article 18 Communications Communications between the parties to this Agreement may be sent to the following addresses: City: CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 Palma Avenue P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Attn: City Manager Consultant: CH2M HILL 6425 Christie Avenue Suit 500 Emeryville , California 94608 at-tn • Robert Parent ACCEPTED AND AGREED this 22 day of MARCH 19 88 CITY: CONSULTANT: CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation By BY BARBARA NORRIS Mayor Robert Parent ATTEST: BOYD SHARITZ C' 7Elerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Project oordinator �j�r,�ty Attorney PAUL SENSIBAUGH, Public Works Direct0 JGJ: fr/1/29/87 C:AGATA315 12 Exhibit A RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONSULTANT TASK 1 - IDENTIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS The first task in your project is to gather and review all existing information regarding the City' s sanitary sewer system and land use plan. We will work closely with City staff to collect information in one common format using ex- isting plans , reports , records , and discussions with opera- tion and maintenance personnel. 1 . 1 - PREPARE PROJECT METHODOLOGY Establishing the project methodology will be the first pri- ority of the project. The first step will be to meet with key City individuals in a workshop environment and discuss in detail the project objectives , determine the existing and future service area such as the ACSD or Urban Services Line and to what degree the City staff and others will be involved. During preparation of this proposal, we believe we understand what the City desires from the master plan design. During this workshop, CH2M HILL will work with the staff to develop an expansive decision tree. This decision tree will include the methodology of the master plan and will direct all future system evaluations . At the completion of the project, the City should then have the experience and capability to continue . 1 .2 - REVIEW EXISTING INFORMATION In this subtask, we will collect and review available infor- mation regarding the Atascadero sanitary collection system including, but not limited to, maps, records , surveys , plans , construction drawings , topographic information, rain- fall records , groundwater data, maintenance records , and water consumption data. Specifically, the following shall be collected and carefully reviewed: o City of Atascadero - Capacity Analysis and Eval- uation of the ACSD Wastewater Treatment and Col- lection System prepared by John L. Wallace and Associates . o City and County Genera'_ Plan documents . o As-built plan. 0 1" = 100 ' scale aerial mylars of the study area. o Assessment district boundary information. o Properties with septic tank problems defined by San Luis Obispo County for Cease and Desist. o Locations and drawing for the 9 public lift sta- tions and each on-site private lift station. TASK 2 - REVIEW WASTEWATER FLOW DATA The most difficult task in evaluating an existing sanitary sewer system is development of realistic wastewater flows during dry and peak wet weather conditions . We will collect and review the historical monthly flow charts from the treatment plant. The treatment plant historical charts should also include flow data during several rain events . This data will be used to assess historical infiltration/ inflow (I/I) levels within the City and to compare water consumption with wastewater flows. Rainfall records that correspond chronologically to the historical flow records will also be collected. This flow information will be used for calibration of the computer model, to quantify I/I components , verification of land use flow rates , and to develop peaking factor curves . Our extensive experience in flow monitoring work has given us many practical techniques to reduce the flow and rainfall data . We have a complete computer library to reduce the data into a manageable form in a cost-effective and timely manner. Since development of our software is complete, Atas- cadero can benefit from our extensive experience at minimum cost. 2 . 1 - DEVELOP RAINFALL-DEPENDENT INFILTRATION/INFLOW (RDI/I) HYDROGRAPH The first step in the analysis is to discern dry and wet weather flow conditions. The rainfall data collected during the monitoring period is used to accomplish this task. The next step in the analysis is to separate rainfall-dependent infiltration/inflow (RDI/I) from wet weather flow. RDI/I is the component of infiltration/inflow which enters the sani- tary collection system during and shortly after a rain event. The RDI/I component is the extra flow that causes the Atascadero flow to jump from 1 .0 mgd to 3 .6 mgd during peri- ods of rainfall . CH2M HILL has found that the quantity of RDI/I is highly dependent on antecedent soil conditions . As the soil be- comes saturated, more RDI/I can be expected. Although the presence of I/I is not considered to be substantial , the actual relative peak flow from each basin such as the older downtown areas may be significant. The capacity analysis of the trunk sewer system must be conducted during saturated soil conditions when RDI/I is at a maximum. In addition to soil conditions , the amount of RDI/I is also dependent on the intensity and duration of each rainfall event. CH2M HILL has developed custom software which is capable of synthetically simulating the amount of RDI/I for any given design event. The final product of this analysis will be the design storm RDI/I hydrographs for the system. Depending on the magni- tude of this flow, the City may wish to conduct further flow monitoring of key locations in the collection system. CH2M HILL has conducted many flow monitoring studies specifically with the objective of isolating areas within a collection system contributing significant I/I . A flow monitoring pro- gram of this type would supplement your ongoing internal closed-circuit television inspection program to identify actual sources of I/I such as broken pipe, open or broken joints, roots, laterals, direct connections , etc. 2 .2 - DEVELOP SANITARY FLOW ALLOCATION FACTORS Development has been categorized into three major land uses: o Residential o Commercial o Industrial CH2M HILL will review the sanitary flow allocation factors for each of these land uses specific to Atascadero. Res- idential and commercial categories will be further subdi- vided as detailed information is available. The industrial category is very minor within Atascadero. These unit flow values are not only category specific, but also season specific. 2 .3 - CALCULATE GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION The treatment plant flow recorded during the rainy season when GWI is present will be reviewed. Groundwater infiltra- tion rates will be calculated by subtracting calculated sanitary flow from non rainfall flow recorded during the winter season . GWI = DWF - SF Where: GWI = groundwater infiltration, mgd DWF = monitored dry weather (winter) flow, mgd SF = sanitary flow, mgd 3 .3 - PROJECT LAND USE Based on the updated general plan document, future land use will be identified. The identification of future conditions can only be an estimate because of the political nature of the general plan document. We will work closely with your planning staff as well as with San Luis Obispo County to identify the projected development. Development projections beyond even 2 years can only be determined within a range. These projections shall be summarized in a Technical Memoran- dum and reviewed with the City. 3 . 4 - CALCULATE SANITARY FLOWS The existing and future sanitary flows will be calculated based on existing and future land use data multiplied by the unit flow values from Subtask 2 .2 , Develop Sanitary Flow Allocation Factors. The future flows will be calculated based on projected land use for each development within the ACSD/Urban Services Line. The City' s current software and database (Lotus 123) will be utilized and expanded to include the future growth areas. TASK 4 - DEVELOP DESIGN FLOWS In this task, present and future design flows are developed for each predefined basin of the collection system. Design flows are the peak wastewater flow rates that are expected to be carried by system facilities after future development. These peak wastewater flows occur during wet weather peri- ods. During this master plan, design criteria shall be de- veloped to identify the following three components for peak wastewater flow: o Peak Groundwater Infiltration - The peak ground- water infiltration (GWI) rate for each basin will be derived in Task 2, Review Wastewater Flow Data. A GWI allowance will be applied to currently un- serviced areas and major extensions of the City' s sewer system. o Peak Sanitary Flow - Sanitary flows generally fol- low regular diurnal patterns, with peak flows oc- curring in the morning and early evening hours of the day. Peak hour sanitary flows will be esti- mated by applying a multiplier, called a peaking factor, to the ultimate development average sani- tary flow rates . The ultimate development average sanitary flow for each basin will be developed in Task 3 , Project Future Land Use. The peak hour sanitary flow will be calculated using the sani- tary flow peaking curve. o RDI/I Hydrograph - RDI/I hydrographs for each basin will be developed for a design rainfall event in Task 2, Review Wastewater Flow Data. An RDI/I allowance will be applied to currently unserviced areas and major extensions of the City' s collection system. Groundwater infiltration, peak sanitary flow, and rainfall- dependent infiltration/inflow will be combined to develop a design flow composite hydrograph for each sanitary basin and the future growth areas. The design flow hydrograph data for each basin will be used to analyze the existing collec- tion system, as described in Task 5 , Determine System Capacity. TASK 5 - DETERMINE SYSTEM CAPACITY The sewer capacity analysis will be performed with the use of computer modeling techniques . The hydraulic model STATIC, developed by CH2M HILL, will be used to predict and simulate flow in the wastewater collection system under various load- ing rates . 5 . 1 - INVENTORY MAJOR TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM An inventory of the sewer lines and lift stations to be mod- eled will be collected from previous reports and the City' s maps . The inventory information will consist of the manhole rim and invert elevations and the pipeline length, size, material, and street location. Drawings and related pump data for the 9 public lift stations will be reviewed to as- sess the available capacity. 5 . 2 - CONDUCT HYDRAULIC MODELING After the flow data and inventory data have been gathered, we will assess the available capacities in the sewer lines with the use of STATIC. Actual flow quantities , pipe capacity, and sizing calculations are based on Manning' s equation for uniform flow applied on a pipe-by-pipe basis . STATIC also calculates hydraulic grade lines and distributes headloss back into the collection. system. Thus, surcharging is identified both by capacity limitations and backflow conditions . We will determine the present and available hydraulic capacity of the existing Atascadero sewer system. Once the sewer lines are identified and the model has been verified and calibrated during present flow conditions, the future design flow hydrographs developed in Task 4 , Develop Design Flows, will be routed through the collection system. Input sanitary and I/I flows will be allocated to each flow point load location on the basis of tributary area and land use. Wet weather flow will be evaluated for the design rainfall event. Various flow scenarios will be evaluated such as present dry weather, present wet weather, future dry weather, and future wet weather. Available capacity and the defi- ciencies will be noted for each scenario within the trunk sewer system and at the lift stations . STATIC will also be used to size new collector and trunk mains in the currently unserviced areas of Atascadero. The approximate line sizes and locations will be developed from design flows and available topographic data. New line ex- tensions to the remote lots will be compared with the option of providing a new lift station or line extensions in an adjacent basin. The hydraulic model (STATIC) will be provided to the City. This hydraulic model operates on IBM and IBM-compatible mi- crocomputers , is user friendly, and facilitates modification of data by City staff to determine impacts of future land use changes and development which may occur within a basin. Detailed information describing STATIC is provided in Task 8 , Provide Computer Hydraulic Model. TASK 6 - DEVELOP RECOMMENDED PLAN The preceding tasks are necessary to develop background data and design criteria for sewer system improvements in a master plan. The existing system deficiencies , under present and future scenarios during both dry and wet weather conditions , were identified in Task 5 , Determine System Capacity. For each sanitary drainage basin and future service area, alternative solutions to eliminate deficiencies and provide capacity needs under the future growth scenario will be iden- tified and developed. A cost estimate for each alternative plan will be prepared. The best apparent alternative will be selected based on this cost-effectiveness analysis . Once the best apparent alternative is selected, a staged construction program will be developed. The projects will be prioritized and staged according to projected development, complexity of the projects, and available funds . A Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for each basin will be developed for staged construction. The CIP will include preliminary cost estimates for the recommended improvements . The CIP will be staged from the final prioritization scheme selected by the City of Atascadero and CH2M HILL. The schedule for construction will list immediate projects nec- essary to correct possible existing deficiencies and those for the next 5 years and include stated expansion of the collection system beyond the existing configuration. TASK 7 - PREPARE PLAN MAPS The results of the master planning analysis will be presented to the City in a map format. These maps will be the basis for planning and scheduling the required existing capacity correction projects, future collection system extensions , and for future evaluations of the system capacity as devel- opment conditions change. The City has approximately 50 ae- rial maps available with contour information at 100 scale. These aerials cover the 3 ,600 acre ACSD/Urban Services Line service area. An overlay system has been used successfully on many proj- ects by CH2M HILL for these types of maps to indicate the system and associated information. Examples of our mapping abilities are provided in Appendix C. 7 . 1 PLOT EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES Using the City' s available as-built plans and the input data from the computer model, the existing collection system will be plotted onto an overlay to the aerial base maps . The overlay for the existing collection system will include the following information: o Street names o Assessment district boundaries o Properties with Cease and Desist for septic tank problems identified by the County o Manhole/cleanout location and number o Invert and rim elevations o Pipeline length, diameter, and material (if avail- able) e Public lift stations 0 Onsite private lift stations VOW low 7 . 2 PLOT CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS Based on the results of Task 5 , Determine System Capacity; and Task 6, Develop Recommended Plan, the capacity cor- rection improvements will be plotted onto an overlay to the base map. These improvements will consist of a parallel or replacement pipeline to convey the peak flows to the treat- ment plant without surcharge or overflow. Alternative align- ments to avoid construction within developed areas will be presented when shown to be cost effective. Special con- struction considerations such as the Highway 101 and Atascadero Creek crossings will be shown. The information plotted on the map overlay will include up- stream and downstream manholes which designate the start and finish of construction, new pipeline diameters , lengths , and the indication of whether the improvement is to be a replace- ment or parallel pipeline. 7 .3 - PLOT FUTURE COLLECTION SYSTEM EXTENSIONS During the future land use evaluation in Task 3 , new devel- opments will have been located. Using the results of Task 5 , Determine System Capacity, and Task 6 , Develop Recommended Plan, the required extensions to the collection system will be plotted onto an overlay to the base map. The pipeline data to be plotted will include manhole numbers and loca- tions , preliminary manhole rim and invert elevations , and pipeline length and diameter. The delineated basin boun- daries which represent individual service areas for these line extensions will also be plotted. TASK 8 - PROVIDE COMPUTER HYDRAULIC MODEL CH2M HILL will provide a static hydraulic model (STATIC) to the City which can be used to determine the capacity of the existing sanitary sewer system and plan future system ex- tensions . STATIC operates on IBM PC and IBM PC-compatible microcomputers . STATIC is user friendly and facilitates modification of data to determine impacts of future changes in land use and development. STATIC uses the same calculations as many mainframe dynamic models to determine the capacity of the sewer lines, the hydraulic grade line, and surcharge conditions . Flowrates are specified at particular manholes and then routed through the system. Theoretical capacity, surcharge conditions, exceeded capacity, and current percent operating capacity with the specified flowrates are calculated with STATIC. STATIC was developed by CH2M HILL as part of the Sewer In- formation and Maintenance Management System (SIMMS) computer software. SIMMS is a maintenance management program used to store the sewer system inventory, document and track mainte- nance activities, schedule routine maintenance, and generate statistical management type reports . STATIC can be operated independently or within SIMMS. The steps to provide the City with the computer hydraulic model are: o Evaluate the City' s current computer system for use in running STATIC. Establish the hardware configuration to be used. o Establish the necessary data bases to run STATIC. o Provide a one-day training program and user' s man- ual covering the use, maintenance , and updating of the system model. The current user manual which covers the use, maintenance and updating of the system model is provided with this proposal. CH2M HILL has experience in providing computer training, as reflected from experience with providing training on our SIMMS program. Additionally, we have successfully provided training for STATIC to other clients. SFP73/050 Exhibit B PAYMENT SCHEDULE The project has been divided into 8 tasks as detailed in Exhibit A, Responsibilities of Consultant. The lump sum fee by task to complete each task of the scope of work is provided in Table B-1 . These estimates include all labor and direct expenses to complete the work. CH2M HILL' s total lump sum fee to complete the master plan and prepare maps for your wastewater collection system is $24 , 900 . Specific items included within this estimate are noted below for reference: o Flow Data Analysis--Sufficient flaw data must be collected from the wastewater treatment plant. The resulting flows will be critical for evalua- tion of the sewer system. o Future Land Use--CH2M HILL has a planner experi- enced with future growth projections. o Computer Modeling--Review of the City' s collection system maps will provide the basis of hydraulic analysis of the trunk sewer system. o City Involvement--We have developed our approach to your project to include your staff. This estimate is representative of a flexible program. As the program progresses , the approach can be adapted to meet the critical needs as they are identified by your staff or the CH2M HILL team. 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