HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-002 Cannon Associates Traffic Way Storm Drain Design CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 6500 PALMA AVENUE,ATASCADERO,CA 93422 Telephone:(805)461-5020 * Fax:(805)461-7615 1979 1918 � NOTICE OF AWARD DATE: March 3, 2000 TO: Cannon Associates 365 Pacific Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PROJECT: Traffic Way Storm Drain Project You are notified that you-have awarded the Consultant Services Agreement for design of the subject project. Completely executed copies of the CSA have been returned to you under separate cover. The terms of the CSA require that you furnish Certificates of Insurance for coverages stated in the agreement: within 10 days of the date of this Notice of Award; that is, by March 12, 2000. The certificate for the Auto and Public Liability Insurance must include the endorsements set out in the CSA. Within ten working days after you provide certificates for the required insurance coverages, the City will issue the Notice to Proceed. CITY OF ATASCADERO BY: ;'' ATTEST: ay J hnon, Ma or Marcia M. Torgerson, Cit Clerk I:\99172\Document\Notice of Award Cannon.wpd CITY OF ATASCADERO i ON l PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ieie7 6500 PALMA AVENUE,ATASCADERO,CA 93422 Telephone:(805)461-5020 * Fax:(805)461-7615 MEMORANDUM June 22, 2000 TO: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk FROM: Kathy Pence, Administrative Assistant VIA: John B. Neil, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Traffic Way Storm Drain Project Attached is a copy of the Notice to Proceed sent to Steve Kahn for his signature and forwarding to Cannon Associates. Also attached are copies of Cannon's approved certificates of insurance for your file. I:\991720ocumenfforgerson 02M-NTP.wpd CITY OF ATASCADERO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT n ie"e 6500 PALMA AVENUE,ATASCADERO,CA 93422 _ Telephone:(805)461-5020 " Fax:(805)461-7615 NOTICE TO PROCEED DATE: June 22, 2000 TO: Cannon Associates 364 Pacific Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PROJECT TITLE: Traffic Way Storm Drain Project You are notified that the Contract Time under the above contract will commence to run on June 26, 2000. By that date, you are to start performing your obligations under the Contract Documents. In accordance with the Agreement, the Date of Completion is August 25, 2000. f Steven B. Kahn, City Engineer I:\99172\Document\Notice to Proceed Cannon.wpd Client : 5209 CANNOASSO o 0ACORCERTIFICA --E OF LIABILITY INS NCE 04/ i PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Dealey, Renton & Associates ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 600 S Lake Ave Suite 308 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Pasadena, CA 91106 626-844-3070 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED ----- INSURERA: Design Professional Insurance Co. Cannon Associates `- —_-- -- ---- -- --- �. INSURER B: 364 Pacific Street ------ -- ------------- -- --- ---- - ' INSURER C: San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 — --------- -- --- ', INSURER D: I! INSURER E: — ------- ---__ ---— — COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDIN ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED O MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUC POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRPOLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE /DD DATE(MM/DD/M 1 LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY �i, �i, EACH OCCURRENCE S COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIAB ILITY FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fir) $ CLAIMS MADE OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ + PERSONAL&ADV INJURY S GENERAL AGGREGATE $ GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS -COMP/OPAGG $ PRO- - -------- —— — — ------ POLICY JE LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT -- ANY AUTO (Ea accident) S ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO I OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ . 00CUR CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WC STATU- LOTH- ' WORKERS COMPENSATION AND '.. ,.TORY LIMITS ER EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 'LEL.DISEASE-EAEMPLOYEE'$ E.L.DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ A OTHER Professional 'AEE0300788 03/05/00 , 03/05/01 $1, 000 , 000 per claim Liability ff jaggr. it DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEMCLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS Re : Job#99172 - Traffic Way Storm Drain �,= _ 7 2000 PU UG,V40RKS CITY Of JET CERTIFICATE HOLDER ADDnioNALINSURED;INSURERLETfER: CANCELLATION SHOULD ANYOFTHE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THEEXPRA'lION City of At a s c ade ro DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILLENDEAVOR TOMAIL3-0_-DAYS WR=N Attn: John B. Neil , Asst . City Engineer NOTICE TOTHECERTIFICATE HOLDERNAMEDTOTHELEFT,BUTFAI.URETODOSOSHALL Community Services Dept . IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION ORLLIBILII'YOFANYKINDUPON THE INSURER,IfSAGENTS OR 6500 Palma Avenue REPRESENTATIVES. At a s c ade ro, CA 93422 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25-S(7/97) 1 of 1 #M34253 JLS 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 R1 '" DATE(MFICAM/OpryTj 03/21/2000 PRODUCER (805}549-7430 FAX S)549-7044 ONLY AND CODERS No RIZU PLO A MA I 199 UPON THE OF IMPUCATE eal-Truesdal a Ynsurance znc HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR License # 0368744 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW 1400 Madonna Road COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE San Luis Obispo. CA 93405-6433 COMPANY _ Golden .Eagle-insurance C • AUn-. Ext, A orparation INSURED............... .. _........ Cannon Associates COMPANY Fremont Compensation Insurance Co. 364 Pacific Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 COMFANY C COMPANY D r THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMMA&PPIMTH6 POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LI CIS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLALMS, Co DATE MFFECTIVIMMONY) POLICY , TYPE OR INSURANCE POLICYNUMBERPOLICY EXPIRATION: LIMITS LTR TE(MM/DDTYY► GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE 5 2,000,000 .._.....; PRODUCTS AGG .`S �' ..2,000,000 ,,�, OWNER'S i CONTRATOIzB PROT PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY S A ud . CLAIMsMADE : X .OCCurt CCP638680-00 1Q/02/1999 : 1Q/02/2000 _....ERS .........-........JU EACH OCCURRENCE S 11 000,OOQ ...... .• ._ X Per Project Ag_g FIRE DAMAGEWwoneere) S _..._......._...... .. 100 000 MED EXP(Any one peraon) d 5,0()0 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINEO SINGLE LIMIT $ X ANY AUTO 1,000,000 ALL OYIMED AUTOS BODILY xuuRv SCHEDULED ALrros (For maw) L; A ' HMO AUTOS CCP638680-00 10/02/1999 10/02/2000 SCDTLY INJURY $ NON•OWNEO AUTOS (Per c gpn) :PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY !AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIOENT S ;ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: I ...EACH ACCIDENT:S AGGREGATE'S EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE s A UMBRELLA FORM UMB638681-00 : 10/02/1999 10/02/20 ; GGREGATE A X . 00 5,000,000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND X �TORY LMdITS 4MPLOY£RS'EIA5)LnY 8 :THEPRDPRFETOR! WN99-76524902 : 09/01/1999 09/01/2000 ; EL EACH......ACCIDE._..._..._.....NT........ PARTNERSIEXECUTNE INCL EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT Z 1,000,000 OFFICERS ARM X EXCL p EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 11000,000 Primary Wording GECC827A (11-97) A CCP638680-00 10/02/1999 10/02/2000 DESMPTION OF OPV;ATIQNWLOCATMMSWHICLFACL ITSMS ertif-icate Holder is named as Additional Insured per GECG601 10/98 s respects: Job No 99172, Traffic Way Storm Drain 0 Day Notice of Cancellation for Nonpayment of Premium- 10 Day Notice of Cancellation for W/Comp SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCFMED POLICIES U CANCELLED BEFORE THE ExPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL City of Atas Cade ro 30 DAYS VMT EN NOT=TO THE CERTIFW ATEA HOUM NAMED TO THE LEFT, Attn: John 8. Neil, Asst. City Engineer BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OOLKiATION OR LIABILITY 6 500 Palma Avenue OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY;RS AGENTS OR NEP 004 TATM& Atascadero, CA 93422 AUTMW0—REPRESENTAVW Jack Neal/DLA MAR-31-2000 09:16 P.01 MAR 3 :. 2000 GOLDEN EAGLE INSURANCE CORPORATION P. O. Box 85826—San Diego, CA 92186-5826 PRIMARY INSURANCE ENDORSEMENT POlicy# CCP638680-00 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modified insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM Endorsement No. (If issued after the effective date): Endorsement Effective: March 21,2000 (At 12:01 a.m.Standard Time) Named Insured: Cannon Associates The insurance provided by this policy for the benefit of the Additional Insured shown in the Schedule shall be primary insurance as specifically described in: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM CG 0001 Section IV Commercial General Liability Conditions, 4. Other Insurance a. Primary Insurance SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: City of Atascadero, its officers,employees and agents 8500 Palma Avenue Atascadero,CA 93422 Jab No.99172,Traffic Way Storm Drain GE CG 827A(11-97) MAR-31-2000 09:16 P.02 w GOLDEN EAGLE INSURANCE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 85826 -Sen Diego, CA 92186-5826 ADDITIONAL INSURED—OWNERS, LESSEES OR POLICY NUMBER: CONTRACTORS (FORM B) CCP638680-00 Cannon Associates THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that insured by or for you. The coverage afforded the additional insured does not apply to any project on which 'your work" was completed prior to the effective date of this endorsement. SCHEDULE City of Atascadero,its officers,employees and agents As Respects: 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero,CA 93422 Job No.99172,Traffic Way Storm Drain CG 20 10(11-85)Modified GECG dol (10-98) MAR-31-2000 09:17 P.03 CITY OF ATASC O CONTRACT# c»a ' NSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO TRAFFIC WAY STORM DRAIN DESIGN PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Cannon Associates, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: Article 1 - Authorization A. Consultant will perform the services under this Agreement upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed issued by the City Engineer. B. The following exhibits are attached hereto, and incorporated herein, by reference as though here fully set forth. 1 . Exhibit A - Proposal/Fee Schedule 2. Exhibit B - Request for Proposal, dated September 20, 1999 Article 2 - Responsibilities of Consultant A. Consultant will provide professional engineering services as necessary to design the Traffic Way Storm Drain Project, including required studies, all as outlined under Exhibit A, Option 2 and Exhibit B. It is hereby agreed that Exhibit A, Option 2 services shall include all services outlined under Tasks 1, 2 and 3. B. In the performance of Consultant's service under this Agreement, Consultant agrees that he will maintain such coordination with City officials as may be requested and desirable, including primary coordination with the City Engineer. C. Insofar as they may be applicable to the project contemplated by this Agreement, Consultant shall render the services per Exhibit A, Option 2 and Exhibit B, commencing with receipt of a written Notice to Proceed signed by the City Engineer. Article 3 - Responsibilities of City The City will cooperate with Consultant on all phases of the services covered by this Agreement and will make available to him, as his needs indicate, all existing maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs, soils reports, and other similar data in possession of City covering the sites selected. CITY OF ATASCADERO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT Page 1 of 6 Pages Article 4 - Fee and Provisn for Payment A. City will pay Consultant a not to exceed fee of Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($14,600.00) for the services contracted under this Agreement. B. Consultant shall submit monthly progress reports to City indicating the state-of- completion of each task specified in Exhibit A, Option 2. C. Consultant will be paid no later than thirty (30) days following approval of the Consultant's progress report and invoice. Any additional applicable hourly rate billings as authorized in Article 5 shall be based on the Fee Schedule incorporated into this Agreement in Exhibit A. Article 5 - Payment for Extra Services or Changes Any claim for payment for extra services or changes in the services will be paid by City only upon certification by the City Engineer that the claimed extra service or change was authorized in advance by the City Engineer and the Community Services Director, and that the service has been satisfactorily completed. Invoices for extra services which are approved by the City Engineer and the Community Services Director must be submitted by Consultant within thirty (30) days of completion of such services and must be accompanied by a statement of itemized costs covering said services. Article 6 - Suspension or Termination of Agreement A. If Consultant fails to comply with the conditions of the Agreement, City may, by written notice of the City Engineer and the Community Services Director, suspend the Agreement and withhold further payments pending corrective action by Consultant or a decision to terminate the Agreement. After receipt of notice of suspension, Consultant may not incur additional obligations of Agreement funds during the suspension unless specifically authorized by the City Engineer and the Community Services Director. B. Either party hereto shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon giving ten (10) days written notice of such termination of this project in its entirety, notwithstanding any other fee provisions of this Agreement, based upon services accomplished by Consultant prior to notice of such termination. Consultant shall be entitled to the reasonable value of his services involved in the termination, as determined by City, upon a finding which shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of fee due and owing. Article 7 - Time of Completion Consultant agrees to diligently pursue the services under this Agreement and to complete the services as described in Exhibit A within SIXTY (60) CALENDAR DAYS from receipt of the written Notice to Proceed signed by the City Engineer. Consultant shall not be responsible for any delay which is caused by City review, action or inaction of City and/or CITY OF ATASCADERO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT Page 2 of 6 Pages any state or federal agenc or acts of God, but shall be responsite for his own fault or negligence or that of any of his subcontractors. Article 8 - Conflicts of Interest No member, officer, or employee of City, during his or her tenure, or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof. Article 9 - Ownership of Data The ownership of all data collected for use by Consultant under this Agreement, together with working papers, drawings, and other materials necessary for a complete understanding of the plans and necessary for the practical use of the plans shall be vested in City. Ownership of original drawings and documents shall be vested in City. Consultant may retain a copy of all work for his own use. Article 10 - Covenant Against Contingent Fees Consultant warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for him, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than bona fide employee working solely for him, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent on or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage fee, gift, or contingency. Article 11 - Contract Personnel The services to be done pursuant to this Agreement shall be done by Cannon Associates and such other personnel in the employ or under the supervision of Consultant who shall be approved by City. The City official who shall be vested with the right of approval of such additional personnel or outside contracting parties shall be the City Manager. City reserves the right to reject any of Consultant's personnel or proposed outside consultants, and City reserves the right to request that acceptable replacement personnel be assigned to the project. Article 12 - Indemnity Clause Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City of Atascadero, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and liabilities arising out of this Agreement or occasioned by the negligent performance or attempted negligent performance of the provisions hereof, including, but not limited to, any negligent act or omission to act on the part of Consultant or his agents or employees or independent contractors directly responsible to him, except that the above shall not apply CITY OF ATASCADERO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT Page 3 of 6 Pages to the sole negligence or w""111ful misconduct of City or City's ager s, servants, or independent contractors who are directly responsible to City. This indemnification provision shall apply even if there is concurrent or joint negligence of indemnitor and indemnitee, and even if there is active or passive negligence by either or both parties. Article 13 - Insurance A. Errors and Omissions Insurance. Consultant shall obtain and maintain, at his own expense, prior to commencement of the work of this Agreement, professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance, in a company authorized to issue such insurance in the State of California, with limits of liability of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) to cover all professional services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. Such insurance shall be kept in force for one (1) year beyond the date of Notice of Completion of the project as accepted by the City Council. B. Automobile and Public Liability Insurance. Consultant shall also maintain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement, automobile insurance and public liability insurance with an insurance carrier satisfactory to City, which insurance shall include protection against claims arising from personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from any actual occurrence arising out of the performance of this Agreement. The amounts of insurance shall be not less than the following: 1 . Single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and property damage or a combination thereof in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). The following endorsements must be attached to the policy or policies: 1 . If the insurance policy covers on an "accident" basis, it must be changed to "occurrence". 2. The policy must cover personal injury as well as bodily injury. 3. Broad form property damage liability must be afforded. 4. The City of Atascadero, its officers, employees, and agents, shall be named as insured under the policy, and the policy shall stipulate that the insurance will operate as primary insurance and that no other insurance effected by City will be called upon to contribute to a loss hereunder. 5. The policy shall contain contractual liability, either on a blanket basis or by identifying this Agreement within a contractual liability endorsement. 6. The policy shall contain "cross-liability" such that each insured is covered as if separate policies had been issued to each insured. 7. City shall be given thirty (30) days notice prior to cancellation or reduction in coverage of the insurance. B. Workers Compensation Insurance. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall be insured against liability for workers CITY OF ATASCADERO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT Page 4 of 6 Pages compensation or unde ake self-insurance. Consultant agrees To comply with such provisions before commencing performance of any services under this Agreement. C. Certificates of Insurance. Consultant shall submit to the City Engineer all certificates of insurance evidencing that Consultant has the insurance required by this Agreement within ten ((10) days after receipt of Notice of Award. Said certificates shall state the project number and that the policy shall not be assigned, cancelled, or reduced in coverage without thirty (30) days written notice to City, and that such insurance not relieve or decrease the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payment of damages resulting from any service or operation performed pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform any services under this Agreement until the required insurance certificates have been submitted to City and approved by these provisions, or fails or refuses to furnish City required proof that insurance has been procured and is in force and paid for, City shall have the right, at its discretion, to forthwith terminate this Agreement. Article 14 - Status Consultant shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, be construed to be an independent contractor, and in no event shall any of his personnel or subcontractors be construed to be employees of City. Article 15 - Non-Discrimination Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Presidential Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and all other orders, regulations, and laws governing non- discrimination in employment, including in particular, Section 122(a) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. Article 16 - Modification of Agreement This Agreement may be further modified only by a written amendment signed by both parties hereto. Article 17 - Law Governing This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Article 18 - Communications Communications between the parties to this Agreement may be sent to the following address: City: CITY OF ATASCADERO 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Attn: Steven J. Sylvester, City Engineer CITY OF ATASCADERO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT Page 5 of 6 Pages Consultant: Cannon Associates 364 Pacific Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 ..F f,1 yid i �`. ACCEPTED AND AGREED this the day of d _t ' (411-j , 2000. CITY: CONSULTANT: CITY OF ATASC RO, CANNON ASSOCIATES a municipal por tion r. BBy: ©44-ti 1- �T Ray Joh s n, May (Pri a ignature) ATTEST: Marcia M. Torgerson, City erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy . Hanley, City Attolney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Steven J. Syl e er, it Engineer CITY OF ATASCADERO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT Page 6 of 6 Pages EXHIBIT A on NASSOCIATES ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS ■ • low Traffic Way Storm Drain Extension Proposal to Provide Engineering Services 364 PACIFIC STREET October 14, 1999 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 805.544-7407 F 805.544-3863 }� J 19g9 i� CiIY MICHAEL F. CANNON, PE ANDREW G. MERRIAM, AIA, AICP DANIEL S. HUTCHINSON, LS Qmon ASSOCIATE S October 14, 1999 John B.Neil City of Atascadero ENGINEERS 6500 Palma Avenue,Rm.208 PLANNERS Atascadero, CA 93422 SURVEYORS Re: Traffic Way Storm Drain Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Mr.Neil: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide engineering services for the Trak Way Storm Drain project. Our experience with similar projects in the same location as the Traffic Way Storm Drain will be beneficial throughout the design of the project. We have prepared drainage studies that include the same catchment area for the Buena Avenue storm drain project (Tract 2225). Additionally,we prepared a drainage study of the Buena Avenue River Gardens Tributary Area for the Southern Pacific Railroad. In this study,we prepared hydrologic and hydraulic calculations to assess the drainage patterns in the area. We look forward to providing services for this project. Please feel free to call me anytime at 544-7407. Sincerely, Harwood,PE Associate Civil Engineer SHJc Enclosures P991012 364 PAciFic STREET SAN Luis ORisPo, CA 93401 805 544-7407 PROVIDING SERVICE .SINCE 1976 FAx 805 544-3863 samon A S S O C I A T E S 1. Project Understanding drain identified in the request for proposal (RFP). Storm Drain Extension To solve the groundwater drainage Cannon Associates designed the Buena problem,the edge drain must extend Avenue storm drain for development of beyond the 300 feet as described in the Tract 2225.This storm drain and the RFP, at least 600 feet from the associated drainage area are located at the intersection of Traffic Way and San southern end of the Traffic Way storm Jacinto Avenue. drain. During the course of design and investigation for the Buena Avenue storm We propose to conduct asub-surface drain,we reviewed,researched, and investigation to determine the source of verified the City's Storm Drain Master the groundwater. Existing overhead high- Plan, dated March 1987. voltage lines preclude the use of drilling equipment in this area. Therefore,we As a part of the design of the Buena propose to conduct a subsurface Avenue storm drain we prepared a investigation by trenching with a backhoe. drainage report(with hydrologic and hydraulic calculations)that encompasses Our proposal for the edge drain will the drainage area for the proposed Traffic include two options, one will encompass Way storm drain. Therefore,we are the 300-foot limit as described in the RFP confident that we understand the and the second will encompass the area hydrology of the drainage area and the that is determined to be the source of the hydraulics of the proposed system. groundwater day-lighting on the street. The existing storm drain installed in 11. Scope of Services Traffic Way(as part of Tract 2225 improvements)is only 24 inches in diameter. Based on our analysis,we Task 1: Topographic Survey believe that the 24-inch pipe is too small to carry the additional flow generated by We will prepare a topographic survey of the site showing the following the San Jacinto Avenue drainage area. In addition,we understand that there is information: potential for conflicts with existing utilities in Traffic Way and the proposed • Elevations based on City of storm drain extension. Therefore, one of Atascadero datum for Tract 2225. the main design issues to consider in this project is the location of the proposed • A minimum of one permanent storm drain extension. benchmark description and elevation to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot. • Contours at 1-foot intervals along Edge Drain Traffic Way and San Jacinto Avenue. During the preparation of this proposal we . Spot elevations(for profile along conducted a preliminary field Traffic Way)of finish surface above investigation of the groundwater seepage the proposed storm drain. along San Jacinto Avenue.As a result of the investigation,we discovered that most • Spot elevations on edge of pavement of the groundwater appears to be coming and top of curb along Traffic Way. from a spring located behind 4445 San Jacinto Avenue.This area is located beyond the 300-foot limit of the edge Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 1 on lam A S S O C I A T E S • All fencing and above ground utility We propose to meet twice with City staff appurtenances which are located in to determine the best location of the storm the project area. drain extension. • Waterlines, storm drains,utilities and Option 2 appurtenances in the project area. Option 2 includes the scope of services Location and size of storm drain pipes from Task 2 and extends the edge of drain and invert elevations at each. to the are that is determined to be the source of the groundwater day-lighting on • Location of trees that are four inches the street. in diameter or greater. • Right-of-way boundaries based upon Task 3: Utility Coordination for Gas record data along the project. and Wire Utilities We will request that the utility companies Task 2: Storm Drain and Edge (water,gas,power,telephone, and cable Drain television)provide the location of their utilities in the project area to be shown on the plans. Signatures from representatives Option 1 of these utility companies will appear on the plans. We will prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a storm drain extension along Traffic Way. The plans Ill. Estimated Fee will include details of the proposed storm drain extension that will connect to the existing storm drain system,as well as details of the pipe transition structures. Option 1 The not-to-exceed fee for Option 1 is We will also prepare plans and $13,800. specifications for an edge drain along San Jacinto Avenue. The edge drain will be Option 2 designed to convey groundwater flows into the storm drain system. The not-to-exceed fee for Option 2 is $14,600. We will prepare contract documents, This proposal will remain firm for 90 technical specifications and special days from October 14, 1999. provisions for the storm drain and edge drain that adhere to the Caltrans format. We will also prepare an itemized bid list with bid item quantities, and an IV. Project Schedule engineer's opinion of probable cost. Upon notice to proceed we will complete We will prepare a drainage report,which the project within 60 calendar days. will provide hydrologic and hydraulic please see a Gantt chart of the proposed calculations for the sizing of the storm project schedule on the following page. drain extension and edge drain. All plans, specifications and calculations will conform to the requirements of the City of Atascadero. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 2 p v 'rt 0 0 U! T n n v v v o v to -i cn O z &I Vr u6� a o a o v v " v v v° m. o D y p v! m m u'r c rc p» ' CD Z •• c o < o m < c @ °: '° @ a D m v c 0 0 3 cru ce N `u 3 n c c c 0 _s � < m c v m 7 < < £ v e £ o > > m 7 m 3 E. � O CD d N 3 7 O O 'O O n 3 7 y 7. O C N M ,• O -•e < Ul cp m n A .+ ff m N .Z 'O m C 7 n 7 N W O O N C p f0 N d N n' ^ a 3 n o c v_ n 3 ° a H to C7 N n m N ° CL ' m CN v 7 O CD O N 7 0 M d O d N N 0 _ CT (.n V cT _ w CT co A A A w a a m v a m C a m m m m a a a o m O w < c O C na v d 7 3 O T T --I C C O N T O T N C C0 7 7. C C O C a m m 7 (1) N N N N N N o o w N w rn cn o &n m co Q rn z co co �° co co co co co co co to co cD co co co co to cD co to c0 cc co co (DI c0 c0 m w w c0 cD co co CD co to co O 1 O a cp V N O m (D7 CD U) .n c0 J T.. 0 ..... ......... .............. .. ......: .......» .......:....... .. ......:O ....... ..... ....:.... ...N. � N m to C p ° ♦ o ONi p• ONE O O 0 ID V V1 ,� �. N m "� cr m u, o m 0 o O0 f N o 3 5'i A tND to V) 0 N T CD 7 c0 _ V T cco o y _._.O N f0 O cn cn CD ° c N m CD 3 N v m m m N � O R 3 m U o v y v o m � .m'. m .'N. 9, C v !2 w S D rL d m V1 N to w C T d V CD C � � U) ..... ..' ., ... .. ....., O. .»..Y ,N - - O M - 0 ....... ..... ..... .... ........... ....... U) � o N z �. � m ' ° CD rr N 3 0 O to <O V/ 3 ° �� C7 m m ' T OL a s y ii. J ._,i .. ., .... '. ........ . ... ......... ...... ..:....::V1 C �TT cr < x CD m C� 3 (D J v, ° N Tt 3 u pN f CA O N � -i 3 m 3 d N N < N N C 7 _ N N ct0 Fn O O T (D f� d U) N 7 N N A. d U) CL z o N G M 3 N CO 0 J Q N N 0 -i N N T � N O s; N -- - - = - CD t N m CD O c < 3 3 CD J3 m � N � . T cep J O m s U) CL s N CD �t � 3 � d N N O V C N cr fDfD y N -n c0 7 rn o,r.�p.,r.' n m � � my -1 m 3 to 3 n T � 0 amore ` A S S O C I A T E S V. References environmental, and materials inspection services for projects such as highways, bridges, airports, military installations, Ditas Esperanza hospitals,educational facilities, and single City of El Paso de Robles and multi-family residential developments 1000 Spring Street throughout California. Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-237-3860 Ralph Cass VI1. Key Personnel County of San Luis Obispo 1035 Palm Street Project Manager/Project Engineer County Government Center, Rm. 406 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Sandy Harwood is responsible for the preparation of plans, specifications and John Dallaire opinions of probable cost. Mr. Harwood A-Jay Excavating, Inc. has 12 years of experience and has been P.O. Box 554 project manager and/or project engineer Atascadero, CA 93423 for municipal, military, and residential 805-466-0300 development projects. Mr. Harwood has completed nearly 65 VI. Team Qualifications and municipal and land development and Experience projects that included designing and replacing storm drain systems. Cannon Associates is an engineering, Project Surveyor planning and surveying firm, providing Dale L. Wilhelm, PLS, is a Project services since 1976. Our professional Surveyor with 14 years of experience. He staff of 75-plus members includes will be responsible for preparing the registered civil and mechanical engineers, topographic surveys used for the design of structural designers, certified planners, the curb and gutter improvements. and licensed land surveyors. We also employ staff specialists in hydrology, Mr. Wilhelm provided field and office hydraulics and construction. surveying services in the preparation of We have asked Earth Systems Pacific the topographic and boundary surveys for (formerly called EarthSystems the City of Paso Robles River Road Consultants of Northern California)to Bikeway. join our team and provide geotechnical Soils Engineer engineering and soils analysis for this project. They are located in San Luis Fred Potthast, PE, is a registered Obispo. Geotechnical Engineer, and Vice President of Earth Systems Pacific. He Since 1969,the Earth Systems has earned will be responsible sub-surface a reputation for providing professional investigation and preparation of a report consulting services on time and at describing the findings of groundwater competitive fees. Engineering News conditions. Record lists their company as one of the top 500 design firms in the nation. Earth Systems have consistently provided quality geotechnical, geological, Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 3 ArmonHome Dermot Atascadero Ca. A 5 5 0 C I AT E 5 Vill. Similar Experience p • Cannon Associates is providing on-site and off-site engineering and surveying Cannon Associates' experience in storm services for the construction of a Home drain projects, hydrology studies and Depot in Atascadero. The 130,000 projects for municipalities can be found in square-foot building sits on a 157acre site. the following projects. Estimated construction costs are$9 million. Buena Avenue Storm Drain,Atascadero, Services Provided— Ca. On-Site Improvements • Engineering;:Preparation of plans, • Cannon Associates was retained to specifications and opinions of probable provide engineering services for the cost for grading,drainage, sewer,water construction of a 1700-foot storm drain. and storm drain systems,fire suppression, The project area starts at Traffic Way, gas and wire utilities,parking lot layout traverses the Union Pacific Railroad and street improvements.Preparation of right-of--way to Buena Avenue,and approximately 2500 feet of Allan block extends through to the Salinas River. The retaining walls from five to 20 feet in project included preparing a hydrology height.During construction we will and hydraulic study of a 320-acre provide construction observation services. catchment area. Estimated construction . Surveying: Preparation of an ALTA costs are$265,000. Services Provided— survey. • Off Site Improvements Engineerin?: Preparation of a hydrology and hydraulic study of a 320-acre • En ing eerin : Preparation of plans, catchment area.Preparation of plans, specifications and opinions of probable specifications and opinions of probable cost for City of Atascadero and Caltrans street improvements.Design of a ]000- cost fora 1700-foot,66—72-inch,cast- ifoot,36-inch HDPE storm drain outfall in-place concrete storm drain system. Obtained permits and agency approvals into Graves Creek with accompanying riprap.Lift station design. 15,000-foot from the Union Pacific Rail Road,Army force main design that ties into the City's Corps,Fish and Game,and the Regional gravity sewer system.Plans and Water Quality Control Board. specifications for a 1-mile, 12-inch water Construction observation and main extension.Permitting and agency administration. approvals through the Army Corps of • Surveying: Preparation of legal Engineers,Fish and Game,Fish and descriptions. Wildlife,Regional Water Quality Control Board,and the City. During construction Drainage Study for the Buena Avenue we will provide construction observation River Gardens Tributary Area, services. Atascadero,Ca. • Cannon Associates was retained by the Southern Pacific Railroad to investigate a Santa Rosa Medical Plaza,San Luis railroad embankment's impact on Obispo,Ca. • This medical facility consists of drainage in the area. Services Provided— approximately 19,000 square feet of • Engineering: Preparation of a drainage office space on 1.4 acres. The site is study(with hydrologic and hydraulic situated in a Type"A"flood zone as calculations)to assess drainage patterns shown on the Federal Emergency Management Agencies' (FEMA)Flood in the area,the impact of the railroad's embankment on the historical drainage Insurance Rate Maps(FIRMs). patterns,and the current condition of the According to these maps, structures in this zone may be subjected to sheet flows drainage swages in the railroad right-of- way. We also determined their impact on of up to three feet. Construction costs downstream properties. were approximately$1 million. The • Surveying: Preparation of a topographic project includes a subterranean garage which posed special problems in survey. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 4 J cannon ASSOCIATE 5 designing a gravity drainage system for local solutions while others required area the site. wide improvements. Services Provided— Services Provided-- • Engineerin : Preparation of plans, • En ing eerin : Hydrologic analysis of specifications and cost estimates for catchment area;hydraulic analysis of the grading,drainage,utilities,street existing drainage system and design of improvements,water,sewer and storm proposed improvements; preparation of drain systems;hydrologic study and plans,specifications and cost estimates hydraulic analysis. for roadway and drainage improvements; • Surveying: Topographic and boundary allocation system design;preparation of surveys;construction staking. assessment diagram and assistance with assessment district administration. San Gabriel Sewer Project,Atascadero,Ca. • Prior to the construction of the new San Water Storage Tank and Water Gabriel Elementary School by the Transmission Main,County of San Luis Atascadero Unified School District,the Obispo,Ca. City of Atascadero constructed a 4500- • The County of San Luis Obispo Service foot of eight-inch PVC gravity sewer line Area 16-1 is currently enhancing the along San Gabriel Road and Highway 41. efficiency of the area's water system. We The sewer line was necessary to are providing the engineering and accommodate the septic system for the surveying services to construct a new new school. water transmission main and water storage tank. Estimated construction • The original site designs planned fora larger septic system. Our engineers, costs for the project are$600,000. Services Provided— however,demonstrated to the school district and the City of Atascadero that • Ern ineering: Preparation of plans and specifications using an existing isolated interceptor fications for 5300 feet of 8-inch sewer line was more efficient and cost water transmission main,and a 198,800 effective. We were instrumental in gallon bolted steel water tank. Obtaining gaining City approval for the extension of permits and agency approvals. this line which was outside the City's • Surveying: Preparation of topographic service area(and a new concept to the and ripti ns.way surveys,and legal city). descriptions. Services Provided-- • Engineering: Preparation of plans, Atascadero High School Athletic Field specifications and estimates of probably Drainage Study,Atascadero,Ca. cost fora 4500-foot eight-inch PVC • The High School's practice fields and sewer line extension;construction football stadium were suffering yearly observation. storm damage from inadequate drainage • Surveying: Topographic and boundary facilities. The Atascadero Unified School surveys;construction staking. District retained Cannon Associates to analyze the problem and develop a Assessment District Street and Drainage solution. Improvements,Santa Ynez,Ca. Services Provided— • Residents were aggravated by problems • Engineering: Hydrologic and hydraulic with poor pavement conditions and analysis of a 200-acre catchment area; flooding problems associated with preparation of plans,specifications and approximately 26 streets and roads in a cost estimates for a 48-inch,750-foot 240-acre area of the town of Santa Ynez. storm drain to conduct storm water to the The drainage system for the area Atascadero Creek. Final plans considered consisted of open ditches and pipes environmental mitigations to offset passing through and under both public impacts on the Creek and the concerns of and private property. In many locations the Department of Fish and Game. the system suffered from modifications • Surveying: Aerial topographic survey; performed by private property owners, construction surveying. unaware of their impact on the overall system. Some of the problems required Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 5 Lqannon ` ASSOCIATES APPENDICES Resumes Fee Schedule Statement of Insurance Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 6 Lannon A S S O C I A T E S SANDY HARWOOD, PE Project Manager Professional Registrations • Professional Engineer,California,#C54184 • Professional Engineer,Texas,#78912 Education • Bachelor of Science,Civil Engineering Texas A&M University Professional Affiliations • American Society of Civil Engineers Experience Mr.Harwood has 12 years of experience working as a design engineer,project engineer,and project manager.He prepares plans and specifications for municipal,institutional,military and energy projects. Prior to joining Cannon,Mr.Harwood worked for a civil engineering firm that provided services to federal,state and local agencies throughout the state of Texas.He was responsible for providing project engineering and project management services for sewer,water and storm drain systems,and major street improvement projects. The following projects demonstrate Mr.Harwood's experience: • Storm Drain System and Retention Basins,Guadalupe,Ca.: Mr.Harwood was responsible for the preparation of plans and specifications for two new storm drain systems at the former Guadalupe oil field facility.The project included numerous retention basins at the facility.Mr.Harwood prepared all the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and calculations for the design. • Storm Drainage Channel,Interstate 10—US Highway 290 Intersection,San Antonio, Texas: Mr.Harwood was responsible for the preparation of plans, specifications and a hydraulic analyses of a concrete storm drain channel. The channel was built to divert flow from future commercial development.Mr.Harwood also prepared a HEC-2 analysis on the channel. He designed the channel and prepared specifications to comply with the Texas Department of Transportation standards. • Storm Drain System Improvements,General Dynamics,Kearney Mesa Facility,San Diego,Ca.: Mr.Harwood was responsible for the preparation of plans and specifications for storm drain system improvements for the construction of an industrial complex in San Diego. He prepared the hydraulic analyses of the system. The improvements included the construction and retrofitting of the existing system with pipe diameters ranging from 18 to 16 inches. • Crossroads Commercial Retail Center,Santa Maria,Ca.: Mr.Harwood provided project engineering services for the construction of a commercial retail center off of Betteravia and Highway 101,in Santa Maria,California. The 150-acre site consists of 450,000 square feet of retail space,and 15 acres of parking. Mr. Harwood prepared the plans,specifications and estimates for probable cost for grading,drainage,on-site and off-site street improvements,a drainage channel and detention basin,sewer,water,and storm drain system,and utilities.Off- site improvements included curb and gutter fits on the north and south sides of Betteravia Ave.,extensions to College Ave.,Bradley Dr.,and Southside Parkway,and the construction of two round-abouts.Mr.Harwood coordinated the street improvements to Betteravia with the construction of the Betteravia overpass and associated on-and off-ramps through Caltrans. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 7 ilarmon ''�" ASSOCIATES SANDYHARWOOD, PE Experience(cont) • Rancho Grande Subdivision,Tract 1835,Arroyo Grande,Ca: The Rancho Grande Subdivision is located on 41 acres of hilly terrain. The project includes sites for 83 homes, densely situated.Mr.Harwood was the project manager and project engineer responsible for the preparation of plans,specifications and estimates of probable cost for grading,drainage, hydrology, street improvements,sewer,water and storm drain systems.Because of the hilly terrain,Mr.Harwood prepared plans and specifications for multiple retaining walls on approximately 30 percent of the home sites. He also coordinated obtaining permits and agency approvals. • 2-Mile Water Transmission Main and 1.5 MG Water Storage Tank,Killeen,Texas: The City of Killeen,Texas constructed a new 1.5 MG pre-stressed,wire-wound,concrete water storage tank,and 2-mile water transmission main to serve a quickly developing community. Mr.Harwood was responsible for preparing plans,specifications and estimates of probable cost for grading and drainage of the tank site. He also prepared plans,specifications and estimates for the installation of 3,180 feet of 20-inch, 8,600 feet of 16-inch,and 225 feet of 12-inch water line.Construction costs for the project were approximately$1.3 million. • 7-Mile Sewer Line Extension,Temple,Texas: The City of Temple,Texas development build-out planned for 18,000 people,residing on 3400 acres by the year 2020. The accommodate this growth,they constructed a 7-mile sewer line extension. Mr.Harwood was responsible for preparing preliminary plans and hydraulics analyses for five route alternatives for the City.Upon the City's approval of one route alternative,he prepared plans, specifications and estimates of probable cost for four miles of gravity trunk lines(18 to 48 inches), and three miles of force main(12 to 18 inches). Because the force main crossed a river,the plans and specifications included boring,open excavation and tunneling under the river. The design also included two railroad crossings, and one creek crossing.Construction costs for the project were approximately$8.6 million. • 1.5-Mile Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Line,Austin,Texas: The existing wastewater treatment plant effluent line discharged into Walnut Creek in Austin,Texas. However,during storms,the creek level would rise above the effluent line causing it to back up.To solve this problem,the effluent line was extended under the Creek, 1.5 miles discharging into the Colorado River. Mr.Harwood prepared the plans,specifications and opinions of probable cost for to install 1.5-miles of 64-inch coated,reinforced concrete pipeline.Construction costs were approximately$5 million. • 2.5-Mile Loyola Lane Road Widening,Austin,Texas: This 2-lane road was widened to 4- lanes,becoming a major arterial between the east and west sections of Austin,Texas. The eastern portion of the project crossed a 2,000-foot wide flood plain,which included a winding portion of Walnut Creek,posing a significant design challenge to overcome. Mr.Harwood prepared the alternatives analysis for the road widening which included studying the construction of a bridge,raising the road above the 100-year flood plain,and constructing channel improvements in the Creek to improve water flow.The City approved the channel improvement alternative which also included constructing the road on a slightly elevated plain. Mr. Harwood prepared the plans,specifications and opinions of probable cost for grading,drainage,and utilities for the widening of a 2.5-mile section of Loyola Lane. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 8 Eamon vwe iw� A S S O C I A T E S RICHARD J. HEFFNER Associate Civil Engineer Education • Bachelor of Architecture • California Polytechnic State University,San Luis Obispo,CA • Postgraduate Civil Engineering Courses • California State University,Long Beach,CA • Seminars: HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles HEC-RAS River Analysis System Seminar NPDES Storm Water General Permits Seminar Professional Affiliations • The Society of American Military Engineers • California Council of Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors • California Special Districts Association, San Luis Obispo County Chapter Experience Mr.Heffner is a project manager with over 20 years of experience in providing services to municipalities and public agencies,military installations,schools and institutions,and commercial and residential developers. He is responsible for managing the preparation of plans,specifications and estimates of probable cost for the firm's projects,coordinating with consultants and utility companies and providing construction observation. Mr.Heffner has served as Project Engineer or Project Manager on the following projects: • Residential Improvements Storm Water Handling Analyses: Mr.Heffner has prepared numerous drainage analyses and summary reports for private developments in San Luis Obispo County,Atascadero,Templeton,and Paso Robles. The analyses included hydrology and hydraulic calculations,storm drainage channels and culverts, research and investigations of existing improvements and reports,and preparations of calculations. • Los Osos Area Flood and Hydrology Study,San Luis Obispo County: The"miracle rains"of 1991 flooded the newly purchased home of a Los Osos resident. In a suit filed against the previous owner,the homeowner claimed that the previous owner should have told him of the problem before the purchase. Mr. Heffner performed hydrologic and hydraulic studies of the area,analyzed daily rainfall records and studied the Los Osos storm drain system. His research was presented during depositions on behalf of the homeowner. The case was ultimately settled out of court. • Paso Robles Golf Links Drainage Study: Mr.Heffner prepared a drainage analysis and summary report for the Paso Robles Golf Links Golf Course in the City of Paso Robles. The analysis included investigation of existing studies,site reconnaissance, hydrology for the 1340-acre watershed study area, hydraulic analyses,and preparation of the study report. Mr. Heffner's responsibilities included hydrologic and hydraulic computer modeling for the pre- development and post-development conditions using the Soil Conservation Service TR-55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds and the Corps of Engineers HEC-2 Water Surface Profile computer programs. • Dalidio Regional Shopping Center Drainage Study: Mr.Heffner prepared a drainage analysis and summary report for a proposed commercial development in the City of San Luis Obispo. The analysis included review of existing studies and plans, site reconnaissance, hydrology and hydraulic analyses,preliminary design of grading and drainage facilities for the proposed expansion site,and preparation of the report. Mr.Heffner's responsibilities included hydrology and hydraulic calculations for the pre-development and post-development conditions. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 9 ®annon ASSOCIATES RICHARD J. HEFFNER Associate Civil Engineer Experience(cont) • Leon Road 2-mile Reclaimed Water Transmission Line,Riverside County,California: Mr.Heffner served as project engineer responsible for preparing plans, specifications and estimates of probable cost for a 2-mile,24-inch PVC reclaimed water transmission line. Located in Riverside County this pipeline was designed to provide reclaimed water to two municipal water districts in the county. Mr. Heffner coordinated the project with local utility companies and prepared hydraulic calculations for the line. • Margarita Road 10-mile Reclaimed Water Transmission Line,Riverside County, California: Mr.Heffner served as project engineer responsible for preparing plans, specifications and estimates of probable cost for a 10-mile,24-inch PVC reclaimed water transmission line. The water line was designed to provide reclaimed water to two municipal water districts in Riverside County. Mr.Heffner evaluated the hydraulic requirements for the line,recommended appropriate alignments and coordinated the project with local utility companies. • District Engineering for San Diego County Water Districts: Mr.Heffner served as project engineer for two municipal water districts in San Diego County. His responsibilities included coordination with District representative for Master Plan hydraulic network analyses and the preparation of a transmission line plan. He also supervised ACP and CML&C pipeline installation and provided construction coordination with District staff and field survey crews. • Riverton Valley Irrigation District,Riverton,Nebraska: Mr.Heffner served as project engineer responsible for preparing improvement plans and hydraulic analyses for 16 miles of irrigation channels with various siphons,energy dissipaters,irrigation piping and channel overflow structures. • District Engineering for the 4-M Water District,Riverside County,California: Mr. Heffner serviced as the project hydraulic engineer for a 960-acre gravity irrigation system for the 4-M Water District in Riverside County. He was responsible for preparing the irrigation distribution plan,and plans and specifications for CML&C and PVC irrigation piping,a Bureau of Reclamation Canal Siphon and a return water reservoir. • Gunbarrel Area Outfall Master Plan,Boulder,Colorado: The hilly community of Gunbarrel experienced rapid commercial and residential development without the guidance of a Master Plan. This resulted in the installation of many small drainage basins that ceased being effective after the density of the community increased. Mr.Heffner was responsible for researching and developing drainage alternatives and prioritizing them for presentation to the community and local agencies. He performed hydrologic and hydraulic studies and prepared preliminary designs for drop structures,multi-box culverts,concrete-lined channels,riprap improvements and detention basins. There were 34 sub basins in the Gunbarrel area with an average catchment area of 57 acres. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 10 ®X1 on A S S O C I A T E S DALE H. WILHELM, PLS Project Surveyor Professional Registrations • Professional Land Surveyor,California,No.6423 Education • Associate of Engineering Surveying,Oregon Institute of Technology at Klamath Falls Professional Affiliation • California Land Surveyor's Association Experience Mr. Wilhelm is a Professional Land Surveyor,registered in the State of California,with 14 years of land survey practice. Mr. Wilhelm is a field specialist with experience in the Commercial and Residential,Municipal,Petroleum,Telecommunications,and Transportation fields. Mr.Wilhelm is well-versed in control,boundary and construction survey practice. Representative projects include: • Survey Services Contract-City of Yorba Linda: Mr.Wilhelm was responsible for field work in renovating and expanding the Storm Drain System for the entire City of Yorba Linda, the widening of Yorba Linda Boulevard,the construction of the 5000 foot Gypsum Canyon Bridge,and the checking of Final Maps for the City. Survey services included right-of-way location, legal descriptions,topographic surveys for design,calculations for construction, construction staking,and the review of Final Maps for accuracy,procedural and technical correctness. • University Sports Complex,California Polytechnic State University,San Luis Obispo, Ca.: Mr.Wilhelm was the survey project manager responsible for the preparation of an aerial topographic survey for the construction of a new$12 million, 15-acre sports complex at California Polytechnic State University. When complete the new complex will contain a new baseball stadium and softball stadium,playfields for intramural sports and city recreation leagues, concession areas,restrooms and parking lots. Preliminary site planning is also being done for a football stadium and field house. • Avila Beach Remediation Project,Avila Beach,Ca: Mr.Wilhelm's work at this site started in 1994 during the initial feasibility studies conducted by Unocal. Mr.Wilhelm was a Party Chief responsible for the preparation of topographic surveys and maps with aerial imagery, and parcel-level base mapping of the town and surrounding facilities.He established boundary locations of the underlying fees;prepared time-dependent surveys to monitor beach erosion;and,the collected survey data for numerous environmental studies. In 1995,Mr. Wilhelm also provided surveying services for portions of the West End Remediation project. • Sisquoc-Santa Maria Wastewater Pipeline Relocation: Mr. Wilhelm was in charge of deed retracement to determine the right-of-way location of Unocal's Sisquoc Wastewater Pipeline, the physical location of the 35,000 lineal foot,vitrified clay pipeline,and the writing of legal descriptions to fit the actual as-built location of the recovered pipeline, including additional title research and boundary control as necessary to establish fee title for legal descriptions. • Los Alamos Environmental Reparations-Santa Barbara County: Mr.Wilhelm was responsible for establishing a survey control network over Texaco's Los Alamos Lease and subsequent preparation of topographic mappings of selected sites in support of environmental restoration of abandoned well pads to their natural state. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 11 *400, Iwo, gannon AAS0VFREDERICK J. POTTHAST, PE Geotechnical Engineer • Earth Systems Pacific Employed with Earth Systems Consultants Northern California since 1983,Mr.Potthast provides geotechnical and materials engineering services pertaining to airports,roadways,educational facilities,military facilities,communication sites,and residential and commercial developments. Among Mr.Potthast's areas of expertise are the design of concrete and grout mixes,asphalt concrete(A.C.)testing and inspection,and investigation of foundation settlement and water- related structural damage. Mr.Potthast teaches senior level courses in Soil Mechanics at California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo. Highlights Of Responsibilities and Experience • Conducts soils engineering investigations which entail subsurface exploration,laboratory testing of soil samples,and engineering analyses. • Authors soils engineering reports which include foundation design criteria,retaining wall design criteria,liquefaction analysis,slope stability analysis,and recommendations for site preparation,grading,ground modification,and site drainage. • Performs traffic index calculations and provides A.C. and Portland cement concrete(P.c.c.) pavement thickness designs. • Provides consultation and evaluation regarding distressed foundations and subterranean structures. • Supervises laboratory testing of soils and construction materials. • Oversees laboratory and field inspectors and technicians. • Authors project plan reviews which ensure design plans are in general accordance with the recommendations of the project soils engineering report. • Performs special inspection of reinforced concrete,prestressed concrete,and structural masonry. Selected Major Project Experience • Pismo Overhead, Hwy 101 at Five Cities Dr, Pismo Beach. Mr.Potthast conducted the soils engineering investigation and managed the testing and inspection program for the Pismo Overhead.The bridge structure in the City of Pismo Beach spans James Way/Five Cities Drive,the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks,Pismo Creek,and Frady Lane. The project entailed widening the bridge by approximately 20 feet of the northbound side to allow an auxiliary lane.The auxiliary lane structure was attached to the existing overhead,but is supported by its own independent foundation. • California Department of Transportation, Santa BarbaralSan Luis Obispo Counties. Mr. Potthast administered"On-Call" services for asphalt concrete testing, soil testing,pavement designs, and foundation recommendations for the Caltrans Contract 0513309,as well as on-call geotechnical services for storm damage repair for Caltrans Contracts 06AO073 and 06AO169. We provided services related to various roadway projects including Highways 1,33,41,46, and 101,as well as the Oak Park and Salinas River Bridges. • San Luis Coastal Unified School District Expansion Project. Mr.Potthast provided geotechnical engineering investigations for major expansions of 1 l of the School District's 17 existing campuses. He has managed the soil and material testing contracts for 10 of these sites during construction. • Paso Robles Airport AIP-09(Repair Runway 19)and AIP-10(Overlay Runway 13-31). Mr. Potthast conducted soils engineering investigations for both projects,as well as supervising the A.C.materials inspection and testing program. Project AIP-09 consisted of the repair of the touchdown area of Runway 19,the placement of pavement edge drains,and an A.C. overlay. The new construction of holding and tie-down aprons was also accomplished. The AIP-10 airport improvement project entailed the A.C.overlay of the existing crosswind runway(4,700 feet long)with blast pads at each end,and a portion of the adjacent existing Taxiway B. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 12 lamon ASSOCIATES FREDERICK J. POTTHAST, PE Selected Major Project Experience Continued: • San Luis Obispo New Fire Station No. 1. Site clearing for construction of the new fire station involved removal of several underground fuel tanks,oil vaults and massive foundations from past usages(natural gas facility and railway). The new facility houses state-of-the-art fire fighting equipment and training areas. The project comprises a main fire station which is two- story and approximately 24,000 square feet,and a separate three-story training tower. A separate masonry maintenance building from past site usage was left in place,structurally rehabilitated and augmented. The structures are of masonry,steel-and wood-frame construction. Mr.Potthast served as project manager,conducted our soils engineering investigation,and supervising the observation and testing of existing building demolition, grading certification,and concrete,masonry,and steel inspection. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND 1989 to present Vice President/ Earth Systems Consultants Northern 1987 to 1989 Project Engineer Buena Engineers,Inc.(predecessor 1984 to 1987 Staff Engineer Buena Engineers,Inc., San Luis 1983 to 1984 Technician Buena Engineers,Inc., San Luis EDUCATION B.S.,Civil Engineering,California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo,California, 1984 REGISTRATION AND CERTIFICATIONS Registered Professional Engineer(Civil), State of California, 1987(No.42798) Registered Professional Engineer(Geotechnical), State of California, 1997(No.2369) ICBG Certified Special Inspector: Reinforced Concrete(No. 11853) Prestressed Concrete(No. 11854) Structural Masonry(No. 13029) Licensed Nuclear Gauge Operator, 1983 OSHA 40-Hour HAZWOPER Course,Hazardous Materials and Site Investigations (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120[e]) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member,American Society of Civil Engineers Member,American Concrete Institute Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 13 A Snnon JOHN FALKENSTIEN, PE Director of Civil Engineering Professional Registration • Registered Civil Engineer,California,No.33760 Education • Bachelor of Science Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California at Irvine,California Professional Affiliations • American Public Works Association • American Water Works Association • Rural Lands Water Conservation District • California Special Districts Association, San Luis Obispo County Chapter • Rotary International,Atascadero Chapter,Member of the Board of Directors As the Director of Civil Engineering,Mr.Falkenstien manages a staff of 22 engineers,project designers,and engineering technicians.He has direct responsibility for client liaison and development,strategic planning,project discipline coordination,business development and project administration. Mr. Falkenstien has over 20 years of experience as a consulting engineer.He is an experienced project engineer and project manager for projects requiring substantial grading,earthwork and drainage,extensive infrastructure,and comprehensive hydrology and hydraulics analyses. Mr. Falkenstien is the past manager of the City of Paso Robles Engineering Department. For eight years,Mr.Falkenstien was the Principal Engineer and Owner of Cuesta Engineering until he joined Cannon Associates in 1993. To date he has provided services for more than 5000 projects, exceeding$2 billion in constructed value. • El Camino Real Sanitary Sewer Extension,Atascadero: Mr.Falkenstien was Principle- in-Charge of plans,specifications,and cost estimates for the construction of 2,800 linear feet of sanitary sewer main,3,600 linear feet of sewer force main,and a sewer lift station designed for an operating capacity of 30,000 gallons of effluent per day. Mr.Falkenstien served as consultant to the construction manager and contract administrator. • San Carlos Road 5 MG Reservoir,Atascadero Mutual Water Company: Mr.Falkenstien provided site selection studies,property acquisition services including subdivision processing and survey mapping,development plan processing,and alternate design cost analysis for the construction of a 4.8 million gallon reservoir in Atascadero. Mr.Falkenstien was Principle- in-Charge of preparation of plans,specifications,and cost estimates for site development, access,water main extension,grading,drainage,and erosion control. As a consultant to the Atascadero Mutual Water Company,Mr.Falkenstien provided construction inspection and contract administration of all site work. The work was completed at contract price within the required time frame. • Marchant Way Sanitary Sewer Assessment District: Mr.Falkenstien served as Assessment District Engineer for the City of Atascadero. Services provided by Mr. Falkenstien included organization of and presentations at neighborhood meetings;preparation of Preliminary Engineers Report and presentation to City Council;Principle-in-Charge of preparation of construction drawings,specifications,and cost estimates;construction inspector and contractor administrator;preparation of the Final Engineer's Report;and preparation of documents necessary to secure FmHA financing for the City. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 14 Ija11 on vaw 40101 A S S O C I A T E S JOHN FALKENSTIEN, PE Director of Civil Engineering Experience(cont) • Chandler Ranch Street Improvement Assessment District: Mr.Falkenstien served as Assessment District Engineer for the City of Atascadero for the improvement of streets and drainage in the Chandler Ranch area of Atascadero. Mr.Falkenstien organized and made presentations at neighborhood meetings;prepared the Preliminary Engineer's Report and presented it to the City Council;was Principle-in-Charge of preparation of construction drawings, specifications,and cost estimates;and prepared the Final Engineer's Report. • City of Paso Robles Sewer Master Plan: As Assistant City Engineer and Manager of the City of Paso Robles Engineering Department,Mr.Falkenstien developed the first Master Plan of the City sanitary sewer system. The Master Plan was designed to serve a population of 20,000 residents. The plan identified deficiencies in the existing sewer system,proposed trunk lines to combine service areas,and resulted in the elimination of two older lift stations. Mr.Falkenstien also conducted the first video taping study of older lines in the City which resulted in a capitol improvement program of priority main replacements and manhole rehabilitation. Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 15 Maymon A S S O C I A T E s FEE SCHEDULE September 1999 Civil Engineering Department Rate/Hour Principal Civil Engineer $ 95.00 Senior Civil Engineer 90.00 Associate Civil Engineer 75.00 Civil Engineer 60.00 Civil Project Designer III 65.00 Civil Project Designer II 58.00 Civil Project Designer 1 50.00 Civil Engineering Technician III 55.00 Civil Engineer Technician II 47.00 Civil Engineer Technician I 40.00 Construction Manager 60.00—90.00 Construction Observation 60.00—90.00 Technical Editor 1 40.00 Clerical II 40.00 Clerical I 32.00 Clerical Assistant 25.00 Survey Department One-Man GPS Survey Crew(includes 2 receivers) 115.00 Two-Man Survey Crew 110.00 Principal Surveyor 95.00 Senior Land Surveyor 75.00 Land Surveyor II 65.00 Land Surveyor 1 60.00 Survey/Technician III 60.00 Survey/Technician II 55.00 Survey/Technician I 40.00 Clerical I 35.00 i Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 16 Ilarinon "'"e *MOO A S S O C I A T E S STATEMENT OF INSURANCE Cannon Associates furnishes and maintains insurance to protect both our client and our firm from claims which may arise from the negligent performance by our employees in the functions and services required under this project. Our present insurance coverage should meet all insurance requirements for this project. Cannon Associates carries the following insurance: Public Liability (Bodily Injury,Property Damage,Vehicular Liability): $1,000,000 Professional Liability(Errors and Omissions): $1,000,000 Worker's Compensation: As required by law Proposal for the Traffic Way Storm Drain,City of Atascadero Page 18 EXHIBIT B CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ilia ie� 6500 PALMA AVENUE,ATASCADERO,CA 93422 Telephone:(805)461-5020 • Fax:(805)461-7615 DATE: September 20, 1999 SUBJECT: Request for Proposal Traffic Way Storm Drain Dear Consultant: The City of Atascadero is requesting proposals for the following engineering design services: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The consultant shall prepare plans, contract documents, technical specifications and special provisions for the extension of an existing storm drain system along Traffic Way in the City of Atascadero. The storm drain shall extend in a northerly direction along Traffic Way from Tract 2225 near Dolores Avenue to San Jacinto Avenue. The storm drain extension shall connect to existing storm drain facilities to the extent possible. All storm drain improvements shall be designed to conform to City Standards. The consultant shall prepare a drainage report for the storm drain extension which provides the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations used to design the storm drain extension. In addition to the designing the extension to the existing storm drain along Traffic Way, the consultant shall prepare plans, contract documents, technical specifications and special provisions for the construction of an edge drain along San Jacinto Avenue. The edge drain will extend along San Jacinto Avenue to a point approximately 300-feet west of its intersection with Traffic Way. The edge drain shall be designed to capture groundwater flows before they surface on the existing pavement. The edge drain shall convey groundwater flows into the storm drain system. The edge drain shall be designed in conformance with CalTrans Standard plans and specifications including clean-outs and vents. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED PLANS - The consultant shall prepare plans in conformance with City Standards. The plans shall be prepared on 24" x 36" mylar sheets. The plans shall show existing topographic features and all existing utilities. The plans shall identify and note the disposition of any I:\99172\Document\Request for Proposals.wpd utility, encroachment , or other obstruction that may interfere with the work. The consultant shall be responsible for coordination with the utility agencies and for obtaining required utility signatures on the plans if relocations are required. DRAINAGE REPORT - The consultant shall prepare a drainage report which includes all hydrologic and hydraulic calculations used to establish the adequacy of all new storm drainage facilities. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - The consultant shall prepare a bid-ready set of contract documents which shall include plans, bid forms, technical specifications, and special provisions. Final documents shall be submitted in both hard copy and as a WordPerfect 8 for Windows file on a 31/2 disk. The City will provide consultant with the City's standard General Conditions and Bid Documents. The City will reproduce the documents for bidding purposes. Contract documents and technical specifications shall be of such quality that they are ready to go to construction, and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Special provisions and technical specifications shall be prepared in CalTrans format. SURVEY - The consultant shall provide all topographic surveying services required to design the storm drain extension and edge drain. SUBMITTALS - The consultant shall submit plans and specifications to the City Engineer at 50% completion and at 95% completion. Four sets of plans will be required for each submittal. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE - The consultant shall provide a detailed and itemized construction cost estimate with unit quantities and cost and an itemized bid list with quantities suitable for inclusion in the bid documents. Plans shall be modified as required to stay within the budgetary limits for the project. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The City requires that the consultant have errors and omissions insurance in the amount of $ 500,000.00 and general liability insurance in the amount of$1,000,000.00. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Proposals shall be submitted in three copies, including the following information: 1. A detailed statement of the scope of work based on the above requirements. 2. A not to exceed fee for the scope of work described. 3. A statement that the proposal shall remain firm for 90 days following the submission due date. 4. A schedule of hourly fees to remain in effect for the duration of the project design. 5. Proof of insurance coverage. 6. A statement of qualifications to undertake an engineering project of this magnitude. I:\99172\Document\Request for Proposalsmpd ��• y . 7. References, including addresses and current telephone numbers. 8. A list of any subconsultants to be used on this project. 9. An estimate of the total time required to complete the project, with intermediate milestone tasks. All work must be completed within 60 calendar days from receipt of a Notice to Proceed. Estimate shall include 5 working days for City review of submittals. CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT The successful bidder will be required to sign a contract with the City. A copy of the City's standard Consultant Services Agreement is attached. The agreement contains specific requirements for insurance coverages and other legal responsibilities. Submittal of a proposal will indicated consultant's acceptance of the agreement conditions. PROPOSAL DUE DATE Proposals may be hand delivered or mailed, but must be received by 5:00 p.m. on October 14, 1999 (due date). No late proposals will be accepted. No FAX proposals will be accepted. Proposals responding to this request will be received at the offices of the City Clerk. City of Atascadero Room 208 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Please direct all requests for clarification or question to the undersigned at North Coast Engineering (239.3127 FAX 239.0758). Sincerely, John B. Neil Assistant City Engineer J B N/tas Attachment IA99172\Document\Request for Proposalsmpd