HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-043 CA Highway Patrol Highway Safety Project + State of California y� Business, Transportation & Housing Agen2ty OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECT NUMBER TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECT AGREEMENT CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF 7NAfF/C SAFETY PAGE 'l (To be completed by Applicant Agency) 1. PROJECT TITLE San Luis Obispo County Plays It Safe (SLOCOPS) 4. PROJECT PERIOD 2. NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY Month-Day-Year CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL (CHP) From: 10/01/95 To: 06/30/97 3. AGENCY UNIT TO HANDLE PROJECT ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER, STAFF 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Summarize the proposed project plan covering the objectives, method of procedure, evaluation, and end product in approximately 100 words.) The project goal is to reduce alcohol-involved traffic collisions by 10 percent during the project period from the previous three-year average, from 39 to 35. Project objectives are: to deploy roving patrols conducted by four officers from each Landend nt on 17 occasions during the holiday period (November 29, 1996 through December ) ; to provide two DUI training seminars for personnel of the involved law ent agencies in an attempt to increase DUI-related enforcement awareness; and to a public awareness campaign emphasizing the negative image of the DUI driver and ences of violating DUI laws by issuing two joint press releases (at the beginning of the program) L FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED $128,059AL SIGNATURES A. PROJECT DIRECTOR B. AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL OF APPLICANT AGENCY Name: M. L. HOWARD Phone: 657-7255 Name: D. O HELM C Phone: 657-7152 Address: 2555 First Avenue Address: 55 Fi st A enue Sacra ento, CA 95818 �� � Sacramen o A 95818 Signature i /' /, / � Signature Date llz21 � /�/ Date 101"2'3112 Title Assistant Chief Title Deputy Commissioner C. FISCAL OR ACCOUNTING OFFICIAL D. OFFICE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE PAYMENTS Name: L. P. STUDEVAN Phone: 657-7965 Name: Accounting Section Address: 2555 First Avenue Sacramento, CA 95818 Address: P.O. Box 94298 Sign t e Sacramento, CA 94298-0001 Date — Title Commander, Budget section OTS-38 (Rev 1/94) Pace 2,(Office of Traffic Safety's Use Only) EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT 10-1-95 ' GRANTEE CALIFORNIA fl VAY PATROL PROJECT NO. AL9603 8. ACTION NO. 1 DATE 11-9-95 10. TYPE OF AGREEMENT X Initial _ Revision _ Continuation REVISION NO. DATE FUND PSP TASK FISCAL YEAR 9. ACTION TAKEN 410 96-AL 2 1996 Initial approval. 1996-HSP Grant Funds obligated. 11. FUNDING DISPOSITION & STATUS 410 Funds Fiscal Year Amount 1995-96 $ 10 000.00 1996-97 118.059.00 Obligated This Action $ 10,000-00 Previously obligated 0.00 State FY 1995-96 Total Amount Obligated 10,000.00 2700-001-890 (303/95) Amount Suspended 118 059.00 (Federal Catalog No. 20.600) TOTAL FUNDS PROGRAMMED $128.059.00 12. BUDGET SUMMARY (From Schedule B Detailed) - FISCAL YEAR GRANT PERIOD ENDING: 9-30-96 1996 1996 TOTAL COST CATEGORY GRANT PERIOD PRIOR GRANT TOTAL GRANT PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATE A. Personnel Costs 0.00 0.00 14,661.00 B. Travel Expenses C. Contractual Services 0.00 0.00 103,398.00 D. Nonexpendable Property E. Other Direct Costs 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 F. Indirect Costs TOTAL FEDERAL FUNDS 10,000.00 10,000.00 128,059.00 13. PROJECT APPROVAL & AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND OBLIGATED FUNDS A. APPROVAL RECOl4iENDED BY B. AGREEMENT b FUNDING AUTHORIZED BY NAME: SUZI HAYWOOD ARTHUR L. ANDERSON Office of Traffic Safety Franklin Boulevard, Suite 440 Sacramento, 95823 SIGNATURE X_ jCt-c/t t•-6--�LPX SIGNATURE L TITLE Program Coordinator TITLE Director OTS-38a* (Rev 2/94) SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO. ALy L 0 3 PR JE T DE RIPTI N Page 1 BACKGROUND: A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is an operating department within the Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency. Its authority and responsibilities are established. in the California Vehicle Code. The overall purpose of the Department, as a principal { criminal justice agency, is to ensure safety, security, and service to the public. This is accomplished through: Accident prevention. To minimize the loss of life, personal injury, and j property damage resulting from traffic accidents. Emergency Incident/Traffic Management. Minimizing exposure of the public to unsafe conditions resulting from emergency incidents, impediments, and congestion. I • Law Enforcement. To minimize crime. • Assistance. To assist other public agencies. s • Servicea. To maximize service to the public in need of aid or information. i Stated briefly, the CHP has responsibility for providing 24-hour-a-day services ! every day of the year for over 32.1 million residents of the State of California and some 22.2 million vehicles. i ' B. Streets and Highways The Department is responsible for approximately 97,592.2 miles of highway. Of this, 14,143.9 miles are State highways and 83,435.3 miles are county roads. In 1994, approximately 195.8 billion miles were driven on CHP patrolled highways. There were 2,178 fatal, 67,898 injury, and 111,316 property damage accidents in the CHP jurisdiction. As a result, 2,514 people were killed, and 109,811 were injured. .rrp *two SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO. = PR JE T DES RIPTI N Page 2 C. On re ating Department The California Highway Patrol will be the Department directly responsible for the administration of the project. D. Existing System Road patrol officers are deployed on major highway systems within the Department's jurisdiction according to past traffic collision experience and future projections. Emphasis is generally placed on the enforcement of collision-causing violations. The ; enforcement of driving under the influence (DUI) is generally mplished routinely and incidental to the officer's patrol of the states highway system. PROBLEM STATEMENT � San Luis Obispo County, the fifteenth largest county in the state with 3,300 square miles, is located on the California coast midway between the metropolitan areas of San Francisco and Los Angeles. It is bordered by Monterey County to the north, Kern County t Residents and east, Santa Barbara County to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west travelers throughout San Luis Obispo County use approximately 2,147 miles of roadway. i They are served by eleven law enforcement agencies, the dealifornia Atascaderoh Paso RoblesC P Higway Patrol ( HP , the Police Departments of San Luis Obispo, A y Beach, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department, , California Department of Parks and Recreation, and the California Polytechnic tate ' University Police. w Since 1977, during the months of November and December, the 11 law enforcement agenciesI have attempted to combine resources to make a concerted effort in apprehending drivers under the influence of alcohol and in reducing both fatal and injury accidents. This program had been known as Avoid the Eleven. Over the years, due to budget constraints, agency participation has been reduced and it has primarily been left up to the beat officer to detect and apprehend the drinking driver. The traffic collisions caused by the drinking driver 4 during this period have increased over the last three years. i i 1 SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO. .L L D" PROJECT DE RIPTION Page 3 This grant is intended to revitalize the program now named San Luis Obispo County Plays it Safe (SLOCOPS). The funds received will allow additional units to be deployed, provide for training seminars for officers involved in the program, and for the first time, provide funds to make the public aware of this holiday program through press releases, public service announcements, and promotional materials. Driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs (DUI) continues to be a problem within San Luis Obispo County and the surrounding incorporated cities. The intoxicated driver crosses several city limits and jurisdictional boundaries within San Luis Obispo County and traverses corridors which can be clearly identified as problem areas for DUI enforcement ' concentration. However, the CHP and the ten other law enforcement agencies within San j Luis Obispo County have limited resources to devote to the enforcement and to the public awareness campaigns. Consequently, a collective effort is critical in order to deal with the DUI problem. The population of San Luis Obispo County has increased approximately three percent, from 226,600 in 1992 to 231,340 in 1994, yet the law enforcement agencies have remained approximately the same size, and in some instances have been reduced due to budgetary j problems. All of the law enforcement agencies within San Luis Obispo County recognize the importance of addressing the issue of traffic safety, as well as the importance of apprehending intoxicated drivers. However, faced with the current recession, all of the law enforcement agencies in the area have been forced to cut back in both personnel and logistical support. Law J i enforcement agencies that once placed a major emphasis on DUI enforcement and traffic i safety have been forced to redirect their priorities in an effort to manage increasing crime trends associated with the area's population growth. Incidents of DUI are still a major concern for the safety of motorists (see Annex A). There is the potential for a life being saved for every person arrested and taken off the highway. Also, due to budget constraints, the majority of the local law enforcement agencies do not have a public affairs officer. Presently, the half-time public affairs officer assigned to the San Luis Obispo CHP office has been the program coordinator primarily in charge of all i media relations. The public affairs officer has also compiled all of the statistics and prepared j a closing report for all of the agencies involved, including the news media. The program has i never had funds available to purchase promotional items. I , SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO. EL_211'(23 PR JE T DESCRIPTI N Page 4 ATTEMPTS TO SOI VE THE PROBLEM All of the eleven law enforcement agencies have different priorities, levels of staffing, and training for DUI enforcement. Each agency also has different programs to enforce traffic laws that cause accidents and reduce fatalities. The CHP has the most aggressive, ongoing DUI enforcement program. However, other city.and county agencies do not have the personnel or funding to undertake a full-time DUI enforcement program during this holiday Iperiod. For example, the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department turns many of their DUI enforcement stops over to the CHP for arrest and booking. i j PERFORMANCE MEASURES i Pro-ject Goals { 1. To reduce alcohol-involved traffic collisions by 10 percent during the project period i from the previous three-year average, from 39 to 35. i p�pj .rpt Obiectives I � ' The objectives of this project are as follows: i 1. To deploy roving patrols conducted by four officers from each department on 17 i y p y g j occasions during the holiday period (November 29, 1996 through December 31, 1996). i 2. To provide two DUI training seminars for personnel of the involved law enforcement j agencies in an attempt to increase DUI-related enforcement awareness. 3. To conduct a public awareness campaign emphasizing the negative image of the DUI driver and consequences of violating DUI laws by issuing two joint press releases (at the beginning and end of the program). METHOD OF PROCEDURE The purpose of the program is to deploy personnel seventeen times on overtime (Friday, Saturday, and Sundays, with the exception of Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, which fall on Tuesdays) during the holiday period of November 29 thru December 31. Deployment dates were determined according to high DUI activity and collision statistics. The CHP will be the lead agency and will be the coordinator for the project. The involved agencies will be SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO. A 1—q,v 3 PR JET DE RIPTION Page 5 the police departments of San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, Paso Robles, Morro Bay, the Cal Poly University Police Department, the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department, and the California Department of Parks and Recreation. The program is also designed to prevent accidents by publicizing the existence of the program and emphasizing the importance of traffic safety. I i Forty-four officers representing the eleven law enforcement agencies (four from each agency) will be deployed on an overtime basis on four-hour extended shifts. These officers will be on roving patrol on the main corridors of their areas during the hours that coincide with peak DUI activity. 1 DUI awareness training seminars will be held twice throughout the county during this period. 1 The seminars will be open to all peace officers with the intent to educate and refresh officers ; in the habits and mannerisms of the drinking driver. This training will be conducted by a j CHP Drug Recognition Expert (DRE). i A joint public awareness campaign will be implemented to enhance the motoring public's knowledge of the dangers of the drinking driver. Additionally, funds will be used for promotional items such as pens, buttons, keychains, etc. 1 It is expected that selective deployment during this holiday period by SLOCOPS on overtime i r of intoxicated drivers on San Luis Obispo County will significantly impact the numbe roadways. This will ultimately check the rising trend of DUI PCF collisions, and reduce the i needless injuries and deaths they cause. ' I The project will be conducted in four phases: PHASE I - Pre arp ation - October 1, 1995 through November 28, 1996 There aration phase will provide time to obtain the necessary contracts and resolutions with I P P the eleven participating law enforcement agencies. The DUI awareness seminar will begin at this time and the public awareness campaign will be developed and materials obtained. , i PHASE 11 - Activity - November 29, 1996 through December 31, 1996 ` During the activity t phase, the SLOCOPS officers will be deployed on an overtime basis seventeen times on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays, with the exception of Christmas Eve and 1 SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO. L 94 0 3 PROJE T DES RIPTI N Page 6 ' New Year's Eve (Tuesdays) during the holiday period. The proposed patrol dates are listed on the enclosed chart (Annex B). It is anticipated that a minimum of seventeen deployments will effectively address the identified DUI accident problem. The selected enforcement dates I coincide with identified high DUI arrest and collision periods, during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's period. pHASF III - Data Gathering - January 1, 1997 through April 30, 1997 Accident data will be collected from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) in order to determine the effectiveness of the program. Arrest figures will also be collected from CHP and the allied agencies. PHASE IV - Evaluation - May 1, 1997 through June 30, 1997 A final report will be prepared at the conclusion of the project recording the final results. METHOD OF EVALUATION The project coordinator will evaluate how well the project objectives were accomplished by i addressing the following questions: 1. Were alcohol-involved traffic collisions reduced by 10 percent during the project period from the previous three-year average, from 39 to 35? i E 2. Were roving patrols conducted by four officers from each department on 17 occasions j during the holiday period (November 29, 1996 through December 31, 1996)? i 3. Were two DUI training seminars provided for personnel of the involved law i enforcement agencies in an attempt to increase DUI-related enforcement awareness? 4. Was a public awareness campaign conducted to emphasize the negative image of the DUI driver and consequences of violating DUI laws by issuing two joint press releases (at the beginning and end of the program)? STATEMENT.OF INTENT It is the intent of the California Highway Patrol to continue its enforcement efforts to combat . driving under the influence. We will continue to work cooperatively with the allied agencies toward combating DUI after termination of the project. SCHEDULE A-1 PROJECT NO. hL c1Yz'C'3 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT STATEMENT - Explain what type of priority this project has in your jurisdiction. This project is considered by this Department to be of high priority and has the full support of management. AEN Y NTRIBUTI N - Explain what services cr funds are being contributed by your agency in support of this project. The California Highway Patrol's contributions to this project are as follows: �I + Indirect Costs @ 19.98% (grant-funded salary/benefits) $ 2,961.00 Vehicle Mileage @ $ .43/mile 8,041.00 (11 Agencies X 2 vehicles X 17 deployments X 50 miles) 11 sergeants x 3 hours x 17 deployments 27.909.75 (One CHP sergeant and 10 allied agency $38,911.75 sergeants - based on CHP sergeant's regular time pay rate @ $49.75, including benefits and indirect costs.) '�rrrr SCHEDULE B (Page 1) DETAILED BUDGET ESTIMATE PROJECT NO. AL 7 6,0 3 FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATES ------------ COST CATEGORY FY-1 FY-27FY-3FY-4 TOTAL 10/01/95 10/01/96COST TO to toPROJECT 09/30/96 06/30/97 A. PERSONNEL COSTS VME :-:":fficer Activity $ 9,476 $ 9,476 72 hours @ $34.84 fficer - Court Overtime 557 557 16 hours @ $34.84 Public Affairs/DRE Training 2,787 2,787 80 hours @ $34.84 Uniformed Benefits 926 926 7.220% N IF R ED VERTI lerical 135 135 hours @ $22.51 ommunications Operator 689 689 4 hours @ $28.69 Nonuniformed Benefits 91 91 11.089% OTAL PERSONNEL -0_ $ 14,661 $ 14,661 COSTS rrr41*60 SCHEDULE B (Page 2) DETAILED BUDGET ESTIMATE PROJECT NO. AL q(r C,3 COST CATEGORY FY-1 FY-2 FY-3 FY4 TOTAL COST 10/01/95 10/01/96 to to 09/30/96 06/30/97 B. TRAVEL EXPENSES OTAL TRAVEL EXPENSES o-C. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES Arroyo Grande Police Department $8,973.00 72 hours @$32.99 $8,973.00 tascadero Police Department 8,470.00 72 hours @$31.14 .8,470.00 California Polytechnic State University 10,200.00 72 hours @$37.50 10,200.00 orro Bay Police Department 8,859.00 72 hours @$32.57 8,859.00 Pismo Beach Police Department 9,833.00 72 hours @$36.15 9,833.00 an Luis Obispo Police Department 11,051.00 72 hours @$40.63 11,051.00 an Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Department 9,585.00 72 hours @$35.24 9,585.00 rover Beach Police Department 7649.00 72 hours @$28.12 7649.00 Paso Robles Police Department 9,398.00 72 hours @$34.55 9'398'00 alifornia Parks and Recreation Department 9,980.00 72 hours @$36.69 9,980.00 llowance for any raise in salary/benefits in 9,400.00 9,400.00 e 19%fiscal year. OTAL CONTRACTUAL -0- $103,398.00 $103,398.00 ERVICES www" SCHEDULE B (Page 3) DETAILED BUDGET ESTIMATE PROJECT NO. AL 94,0 3 COST CATEGORY FY-1 FY-2 FY-3 FY4 TOTALCOST PROJECT 10/01/95 10/01/96 to to 09/30/96 06/30/97 fDNON-EXPENDABLE PROPERTY AL NON-EXPENDABLE ROPERTY E. OTHER DIRECT COSTS Public Awareness Materials $ 10,000 -0- $10,000 Promotional items such as pens, buttons, eychains,advertisement) OTAL OTHER DIRECT $ 10,0W -0- $ 10,000 COSTS F. INDIRECT COSTS OTAL INDIRECT COSTS -o- -0- o OTAL BUDGET $10,000 $118,059 $128,059 STIMATE ALL CATEGORIES �trrr �rrl SCHEDULE B-1 BUDGET NARRATIVE PROJECT NO. P_LZ"3 D3 The California Highway Patrol requires $128,059.00 to complete this project. Project funds will be used as follows: A. PERSONNEL COSTS ($14,661.00) Project funds provide for 272 patrol and 16 court overtime hours for CHP officers, as well as 80 hours of officer overtime for public affairs and drug recognition evaluation training, 6 hours of clerical overtime, and 24 hours of communications operator overtime. Salary estimates were calculated with an estimated five percent increase effective January 1st of the project calendar year. This estimate should be sufficient to allow for any increases in salary or benefit rates. The uniformed employee overtime benefit rate is currently 7.220 percent for Workers' Compensation; the non-uniformed benefit rate is currently 11.089 percent, of which 3.439 percent is for Workers' Compensation and 7.650 percent Old Age Survivor's Disability Insurance benefits. C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ($103,398.00) Funds will provide for 272 hours of overtime for each of the ten allied agencies involved in this project. The overtime will be used for 17 deployments of four-hours duration. E. . OTHER DIRECT COSTS ($10,000) Funds would provide for the promotional materials (pens, buttons, keychains, etc.) to be distributed during the joint public awareness campaign. PROGRAM INCOME There will be no program income generated as a result of this project. uls 341 (Kev. i ' AL 9 SCHEDULE C, EVALUATION DATA, TO BE SUPPLIED AT A LATER DATE. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLAYS IT SAFE (SLOCOPS) The following statistical information is reflective. of the traffic safety problems that occurred in San Luis Obispo County during the holiday period from 1992 thru 1994. STATISTICS FOR HOLIDAY PERIOD (NOVEMBER 23 THRU DECEMBER 31) an Luis Obispo Co. 1992 1993 1994 UI-related fatalities 0 0 1 DUI-related collisions 44 oth injury and 34 40 roperty damage otal DUI arrests 248 288 270 Note: There was a 100% increase in Fatal andlas 617%f rom 193 to 1994. A decrease m DUI arrestsOfr%omcrease in 1993 to overall DUI collisions from 1993 to 994 1994. Annex A ADDENDUM Project No. lq j q&03 This project is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Personnel funded under this project shall be dedicated in total to traffic law enforcement. EXCEPT: a. In the case of a criminal offense committed in the officer's presence. b. In the case of response to an officer in distress. C. In the case of a riot where all available personnel must be committed. 2. Equipment funded under this project is subject to the same requirements as #1 above. 3. Fiscal year funding will be at the level shown under Project Budget Estimate and Schedule B, Detailed Budget Estimate, provided project activities and personnel are maintained at the same level during the local term of the project. OTS-23 (Rev 9191) L 6i6, 03 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLAYS IT SAFE (SLOCOPS) HOLIDAY DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE --------------- DAY OF WEEK DEPLOYMENT (1996) NUMBER OF OFFICERS Friday November 29 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Saturday November 30 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Sunday December 1 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Friday December 6 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Saturday December 7 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Sunday December 8 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Friday December 13 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Saturday December 14 11 Agencies @ 4 officer each=44 Sunday December 15 11 Agencies @ 4 officer each=44 Friday December 20 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Saturday December 21 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Sunday December 22 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 tSaturday December 24 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 December 27 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 December 28 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 December 2911 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 December 31 11 Agencies @ 4 Officer each=44 Annex B ;TATE OF CAi1FORNIA-OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY ,kCCEPTANCEOF CONDITIONSAND CERTIFiI' IONS ' 5TS-33(New 10/94) Continued on Revcrse 1. ACCEPTANCEOF CONDITIONS ,.,oKc aAnoN NAME 17 W a Patrol California Hiq y The following arc included herein and constitute a part of this Agreement: OTS-38 Page I Schedule B-1 Budget Narrative Schedule A ProSchedule C Initial Evaluation Data Form ject Description STD 21 Drug-Free Workplace Certification Schedule A-i Administrative Support&Contribution Schedule B Detailed Budget Estimate It is understood and agreed by the Project Director and Authorizing Official that any pram received as a result of this Agreement is subject to all federal and state regulations governing grants and to those controls expressed in the California Traffic Grant Program Manuals which include,but are not limited to: (a) Only verified participating costs resulting from activities described in this Agreement will be eligible for reimbursement; (b) progress Reports most be submitted by the Project Director the Office of Traffic Safety on January IS,April IS,July IS;and October 15,during each year of project operation; ears after receipt of final(c) All project accounting records and supporting documents must be retained for audit purposes,for at least truce(3)y P payment; (d) A final project report must be submitted to the Office of Traffic Safety within 60 days after the termination date of the protect; quirements of Public Law also known the in re (e) All federal assistancc projcctu shall have for a stint le audit shalt withincluthe clause in the contract with the audit firm to permit saccess by'Single State to the 1984". Local governments contracting g working papers of the independent auditor. The contracts should also require that audit working papers be retained and accessible for a minimum o three(3)years. No alteration or variation of the terms of shall Agree on any of tvalid he parties ss made in writing and signed by the parties hereto,and no oral.understanding or agreement not incorporated herein s S The obligation of grant funds for successive fiscal years of multi-year projects is subject to the availability of federal funds. II. GENERAL CERTIFICATIONS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ASSURANCE Pursuant to the requirements of Title VI provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,the certifying applicant acting through its chief administrative officer, desiring to avail itself of the benefits of Chapter 1,Title 23, United States Code,and as a condition to obtaining the approval of the Secretary of gives its Transportation and Governor of California of any highway safety Projects to tPrOv he coy Safety Program in Tide 23, rtwill beed tcome coes Code,mplied fu11yection 5(a),hereby gi assurance that all provisions of Equal Opportunity Assurance with reg MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (a) "Policv. It is the policy of the Office of Traffic Safety and the certifying applicant that minority and women business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 23 shall have the maximum opportunity requirementstoo participate of 49 CFR Part 23 aPP1Y t this agreetncc of contracts ing in mole or in part with Federal funds under this agreement Consequently,the M (b) "MWBE Obligation. The certifying applicant or its contractor agrees to ensure that minority and women business enterprises as defined in de CF Part 23 have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contacts and subcontracts financed in wholeor reasonabin part le steps*in funds provided under this agreement In this regard the certifying applicant and all contractors shall take all necessary accordance with 49 CFR Part 23 to ensure that minority hall not menbudiscriminaeonnth basis of rterprises haveace, nationamum longinl or sty to ex in the coward dorm contracts. The certifying applicant and its contra performance of DOT assisted contracts." _ SECTION 504. REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 d on shall,because of a certifying applicant's facilities are Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,no qualified handicapped pC15 inaccessible to or unusable by,handicapped persons,be denied the benefits of,be excluded from(U.S.Code,True articipation 123 oSecttion 402 eL subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded under the Highway Safety Act of 1966 STATE OF-CALIFORNIA DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CER" CATIONtow '3M.24(NEW 11.90) 14L 74,o COMPANY/ORGANIZATION NAME California Highway Patrol The contractor or grant recipient named above hereby certifies compliance with Government Code Section 8355 in matters relating to providing a drug-free workplace. The above named contractor or grant recipient will: 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, di3tribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required by Government Code Section 8355(a). 2. Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program as required by Government Code Section 8355(b), to inform employees about all of the following: (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, (b) The person's or organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, (c) Any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs, and (d) Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Provide as required by Government Code Section 8355(c), that every employee who works on the proposed contract or grant: (a) Will receive a copy of the company's drug-free policy statement, and (b) Will agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the contract or grant. CERTIFICATION I, the official named below, hereby swear that I am duly authorized legally to bind the contractor or grant recipient to the above described certification. 1 am fully aware that this certification, executed on the date and in the county below, is made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California. OFFICLAUS NAME D. HELMICK EXECUTED IN THE COUNTY OF DATE EXECUTED T Sacramento /a 4/2,72�16CONTRACTOfi a GRAN RECIPIENT E T1TLE Deputy Commissioner FEDERAL L0.NUMBER 94-2257827 err+ q5V / 3 RESOLUTION NO. 111-95 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORISING THE ATASCADERO POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN A XULTI-AGENCY DUI ENFORCEMENT/EDUCATION GRANT WHEREAS, the California Highway Patrol has applied for an Office of Traffic Safety grant for the creation of a multi-agency DUI enforcement program; and WHEREAS, the grant includes participation by the Police Departments of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, California Polytechnic State University, Sheriff's Department of San Luis Obispo County, and California State Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the grant fully funds the participation of the Atascadero Police Department personnel; and WHEREAS, the participation of all agencies will enhance public safety in the entire San Luis Obispo County area based upon a reduction in DUI related traffic accidents; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby authorizes the Atascadero Police Department to participate in the grant (known as SWcOPS) and authorizes the Chief of Police to sign the participation agreement. On motion by Councilperson Luna and seconded by Councilperson Johnson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: December 1995 ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO by: LEE CE, C y Clerk EORG P. D, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: AReR R. M AN �, City Attorney State of California--Business,`eansportation and Housing Agency PIS WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL San Luis Obispo Area 675 California Blvd. San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805) 549-3092 1-800-735-2929 (TT/TDD) or 1-800-735-2922 (Voice) December 18, 1995 File No.: 745.7730 Chief Bud McHale Atascadero Police Department P.O. Box 911 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Chi� Attached is a copy of the approved traffic safety grant for the SLOCOPS project which was approved on November 13, 1995. In order to effectively facilitate this program we are requesting that your agency provide a copy of any applicable resolution or memorandum of understanding to our department. Please submit these documents to Sergeant George Vadney at this command by March 1, 1995-- if 995:If you require additional information please contact Sergeant Vadney or Lieutenant Frank Deal at (805) 549-3092. Thank you in advance for participating in this program. Sincerely, J.M. PHILLIPS, Captain Commander San Luis Obispo Area It ate of Caiifornia ' Memorandum To M. L. Howard, Assistant Chief Date : November 13 , 1995 California Highway Patrol 2555 First Avenue subject : Project No. AL9603 Sacramento, CA 95818 From Business,Transportation and Housing Agency Office of Traffic Safety,Administration 7000 Franklin Blvd.,Suite 440,Sacramento 95823 (916)445-0527 Your application for assistance on a traffic safety project as part of the California Traffic Safety Program has been approved. Costs may be incurred in accordance with the application grant period. All costs incurred must be recorded in your accounting system and be in accordance with your Detailed Budget Estimate, Schedule B. No other costs can be allowed without prior approval of this office. Costs incurred prior to the starting date or subsequent to the closing date of this project are not reimbursable. Preparation of the final report is a contractual obligation. Although a 60-day grace period is allowed for delivery of the final report to this office, no costs incidental to its preparation or delivery are allowable subsequent to the closing date of your project agreement. Also enclosed are the appropriate forms for compliance with the program requirements. Please refer to the above project number in all correspondence regarding this project. If you have any questions, please contact Suzi Haywood, program coordinator, at (916) 445-9734. 4E� AR HUR L. ANDERSON Director SH:ebl Attachments cc: D. Helmick, Commisisoner NHTSA Fiscal