HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 21-84 RESOLUTION NO. 21-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING EXTENSION OF SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF SAID EXTENSION'APN #4.5-321-07, 45-321-08, and 45-321-06 WHEREAS, Ray B. Bunnell, Rex Hendrix and Betty L. Hendrix own the property described in Exhibit A and B, attached to this Resolution, and; WHEREAS, the property owners wish to connect to an existing sewer main in El Camino Real,. .fronting said property, and: WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibits A and B is not within the limits of Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, an engineered study of the effect of adding this property to the sewer system has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Public Works Director, and; WHEREAS, said study indicates the future necessity of improvements to the local sewer collection system, with the cost of these improvements pro- rated equally to new connections outside Improvement District No. 1, and; WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Sanitation District to provide sewer service to residential development in this area of the City. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of Directors of the Atascadero County Sanitation District, as follows: 1 - That the property owned by Ray B. Bunnell, Rex Hendrix and Betty L. Hendrix, as described in Exhibits A and B is approved for extension of sewer service subject to the following conditions: a - Payment of all connection and extension fees as provided in the Atascadero County Sanitation District Ordinance Code. b - Payment of an additional $70.00 per residential unit, such payment to be in consideration of the future cost of upgrading the local sewer collection system. c - Any on-site sewer lift or pump station must be designed and constructed to eliminate pumping into the collection system during periods of peak sewer flows. The system must be designed by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, and approved by the City Engineer. Said on- site pump station shall have provisions for monitoring, by District employees, to determine pumping time utilized. d - Obtaining all necessary plumbing and street encroachment permits. 'Resolution No. 21-84 • page two On motion by Director Molina and seconded by Director Wilkins the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: Director Wilkins, Molina, Nelson, Stover and Mackey NOES: None ADOPTED: April 23 , 1984 ATTEST: YkAY L WARD , Secretary MARJORI R. MACKEY, Chairman APPROVED AS TO F RM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: A 4VI M/kAY YWARDEN, City Manage • v • • EXHIBIT "A" RAY B. BUNNELL, an unmarried man, as to an undivided 1/2 interest. REX HENDRIX AND BETTY L HENDRIX, husband and wife as community property, as to an undivided 1/2 nterest in and to Parcel one as described herein; , and REX HENDRIX AND BETTY HENDRIX, husband and wife as joint tenants, as to an undivided 1/2 interest in and .to that portion of said land described as Parcel two herein. EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL 1: All that portion of Lot 4 of the Ranchos La Asuncion and Atascadero, in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map by R. R. Harris in June 1880, and filed for record July 21, 1880 in Book A, Page 3 of Maps , described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the center line of a 40 ft. road distant South 34° 34' East 600 feet from the most Easterly corner of Lot 10, Block 7 of Mitchell's Resubdivision No. 2, as per map recorded in Book 2, Page 39 of Maps; thence South 34° 24 ' East 1010.0 feet; thence South 6° 54.' East, 241.6 feet; thence North 89° 46" West 224 .2 feet; thence South 49° 29' West 46.3 feet; thence North 89° 42' West 569.0 feet; thence South 19.43' West, 338.0 feet to the Northerly line of the right of way of the California State Highway, as the same existed on February 15, 1926; thencealong said last named line North 70° 05' West 659.2 feet to a concrete monument; thence on a curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 50° 05' West for a distance of 219.0 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 30.06' West 226.3 feet to an iron pipe; thence leaving said line of said highway as the same existed on February 15, 1926, and running thence North 55° 36' East 1510.0 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT all oil, gas, ore or minerals from said land. PARCEL 2: All that portion of Lot 4 of the Subdivision of the Ranchos La Asuncion and Atascadero, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, . according to map made by R. R. Harris in June 1880, recorded July 21, 1880 in Book A, Page 3 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Northeasterly line of California State Highway No. 101 and Northwesterly line of the property conveyed to James E. Tarpley and Evelyn M. Tarpley, husband and wife, by deed dated September 21, 1949, recorded September 26, 1949 in Book 536, Page 33 of Official Records; thence North 55° 26 ' East along the Northwesterly line of the property so conveyed 300 feet; thence South 30° 07 ' East 237 feet; thence Southwesterly in a direct line to a point in the Northeasterly line of said line of said Highway No. 101 which is 300 feet Southeasterly from the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Northwesterly along said Northeasterly line 300 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING EXCEPT all oil, gas, ore or minerals from said land. r-- 101o.o' (�R.) 60 i N 5 49�Z9' W 410.3' 12 0 d � � v 0 0� 0 �J ti o 0,�o L=223.31'(pts »1►v� .o. 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