HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 42-83 1 0 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 42-83 RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 1 ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE FOR THE 1983-84 FISCAL YEAR ' The Atascadero City Council resolves as follows: Section 1. The Salary/Classification Plan, attached as Exhibit I, 1 for Fiscal Year 1983-84 is hereby adopted. Section 2. For employees who are not members of a recognized em- ployee association or union and who are not represented by a recog- nized bargaining unit, including department heads and the City Mana- ger, the following provisions for Fiscal Year 1983-84 will apply: a. Continue to pay the employee' s contribution to the Public Em- ployees Retirement System (PERS) . 1 b. Pay all medical and dental benefit premiums for employees at the rate and coverage prevailing under the City' s medical and dental program as now exists through City' s participation in the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund, known as the ' Self-Insurance JPA. The City shall pay, for Fiscal Year 1983- 84 , dependent medical/dental premiums up to $49.75 per month. C. For those employees without dependents or who do not choose to enroll their dependents in the City plan, the $49.75 shall be paid to the employee as an addition to his/her regular pay- d. City shall maintain a term life insurance policy for each employee in a total amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ' ($15,000.00) and shall pay all premiums for such policy for the 1983-84 Fiscal Year. 1 Section 3. Section 10.3.3 , Definition of Steps, Resolution No. 12-80, is hereby rescinded. Until such time as the Personnel Rules and Regulations, Resolution No. 12-80, can be amended, the following provisions entitled "Definition of Trainee, Qualified and Fully Quali- fied Designations" shall apply: a. Effective as soon as possible, and retroactive to July 1, ' 1983, the City will implement a new salary plan. The plan will have three designations: Trainee, Qualified and Fully Qualified. Salary rates for the Qualified and Fully Qualified designations shall be 10% apart, with the Trainee position up to 10% less than the Qualified rate depending upon the qualifications of the applicant. Initial ap- pointments to a classified position for those meeting all of the basic qualifications for that position will be at the Qualified level. Eli- gibility for advancement to the Fully Qualified level will be after the completion of three years of uninterrupted satisfactory service at the Qualified rate in the classification. Advancement to the Fully ' Qualified level requires that the employee' s overall performance is Resolution No. 42-83 ' fully satisfactory, as evidenced by the recommendation of the Depart- ment Head. Appointees not meeting the basic qualifications for a position at ' time of hire or upon promotion to a higher classification will be des- ignated as Trainees and paid at the Trainee rate. Advancement to the Qualified designation and pay rate may take place whenever the em- ployee meets the basic qualfications for the position as evidenced by the recommendation of the Department Head, but must take place by the end of the employee' s probationary period. Thereafter, advancement from the Qualified designation and pay rate shall be as set forth above. If, upon promotion to a higher classification at the Qualified pay rate, the new classification would result in an employee receiving less than a 5% gross wage increase, the employee will be placed at that exact salary level which will provide for a 5% gross increase ' over his/her previous gross salary level. Additional adjustments will be made, if necessary, to maintain the minimum 5% gross pay differen- tial over the employee' s gross pay if he/she had remained in his/her old classification. Such adjustments, however, cannot exceed the Fully Qualified pay rate for the new classification. b. Effective June 30, 1983 , the Merit Salary Program is termin- ated, and all merit pay shall cease. Any employee, however, who would receive a decrease in their gross salary on that date as a result of changing to the new salary plan will continue to receive the equiva- lent of their Fiscal Year 1982-83 merit adjustment until such time as rate adjustments under the new salary program result in gross pay equal to or greater than the merit pay. Thereafter, the equivalent payment shall cease. Section 4. Sections 4.1 and Section 10.4 , Resolution No. 12-80 , are hereby amended so that all reference to six (6) months probation , period shall read twelve (12) months and all reference to one (1) year probation period shall read eighteen (18) months. The probationary period for non-safety employees who are promoted to a higher classifi- cation shall be six months in the new classification. The probation- ary period for safety employees who are promoted to a higher classifi- cation shall be twelve months in the new classification. Extension of the probationary period shall remain limited to six (6) months. ' Section 5. Section 10 . 21, Resoution No. 12-80 , Special Salary Adjustments, is hereby deleted. 1 Section 6. All references to steps, Step I, Step II or merit in Resolution No. 12-80 are hereby deleted and the meaning and substance of Section 3 above shall be substituted therefor . On motion by Councilman Wilkins and seconded by Councilman Stover , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its en- tirety on the following vote: 2 Resolution No. 42-83 AYES: Councilmen Molina, Nelson, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: September 26, 1983 >... C MARJO E R. MACKEY, Mayor ATTEST: PT,TSY HESTEIR, Deputy City Clerk ' APPROVED AS TO ORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 101 ' MUR Y L. WARDEN, City Manager i 3 CITY OF ATASCADERO401 Salary Plan Fiscal Year 1983/84 - 1 EXHIBIT I ' MONTHLY Ranee Trainee Qualified Fully Qualified Salary Salary Salary 1 786.86 874. 29 961. 72 ' 2 806. 54 896. 15 985 .76 3 826. 20 918 . 00 1009 .81 4 845. 87 939. 86 1033 . 85 5 Clerical Assistant I . . . . . 865. 55 961. 72 1057 . 89 6887 . 18 985. 76 1084 .34 7 Custodian I - . . 908. 83 1009 . 81 1110 .78 8 930.47 1033 . 85 1137 . 24 9 Account Clerk I/Clerical Asst. II 952 . 10 1057 . 89 1163 . 68 10 957. 91 1054.34 1192. 77 11 Dispatcher-Clerk/Community Service Aide . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 . 70 1110 . 78 1221. 86 12 1023 . 52 1137 .24 1230 . 96 13 Maint. Worker I/Account Clerk II/ Clerical Assistant III . . . . . . 1047. 31 1163. 68 1280 . 05 14 1073. 49 1192 . 77 1312.05 15 1099 . 67 1221. 36 1344 .05 16 Personnel Analyst . . . . . 1125. 86 1250 . 96 1376 . 06 17 Maint. Worker II/Blc?.c;. Maint. Worker I/Eng. Aide/Records & Dispatch Supervisor . . . . . . 1152 . 05 1280. 05 1408 .06 18 1180 . 85 1312 . 05 1443. 26 19 City Mgr. Sec. /Maint. Worker III/ Recreation Coordinator . . . . . . 1209 . 65 1344 . 05 1478 .46 20 1238 . 45 1376 . 06 1513 .67 21 Bldg. Maint. WorkerII/Maint. Worker IV • . . 1267 . 25 1408 .06 1548. 87 22 1298. 93 1443.26 1587. 59 23 Firefighter . . . . 1330. 61 1478 . 46 1626. 31 24 Senior Engineering Technician . 1362 .30 1513 . 67 1665. 04 25 1393 . 98 1548. 87 1703 . 76 26 Bldg. Inspector/Treatment Plant 1Operator . . . . . . . . . . . 1428. 83 1587. 59 1746 .35 27 Police Officer/Fire Engineer . . . 1463 . 68 1626. 31 1788 . 95 28 1498. 54 1665. 04 1831. 54 29 1533. 38 1703 . 76 1874 .14 30 Associate Planner/Assisant Civil Engineer . . . . . 1571. 72 1746. 35 1920 . 99 31 Chief Treatment Plant Operator . . 1610 .06 1788 . 95 1967 .85 32 Police Sergeant/Fire Captain . 1648 . 39 1831. 54 2014 . 70 33 Chief Building Inspector .1686. 73 1874 . 14 2061. 55 34 Associate Civil Engineer . . . . . 1728. 89 1920 . 99 2113 .09 35 1771.07 1967 . 65 2164 . 63 36 Public Works Superintendent/ Plan Check Engineer . . . . . . . 1813 . 23 2014 . 70 2216. 17 37 1855. 40 2061. 55 2267 . 71 38 1901. 78 2113 . 09 2324 . 40 39 1948 .17 2164. 63 2381. 10 40 1994. 55 2216.17 2437 . 79 Salary Plan Fiscal Year 1983/84 - 1 i CITY OF ATASCADERO MANAGEMENT Range Monthly Salary M-1 2015.11 j M-2 2094. 60 M-3 Recreation Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2187. 00 M-4 2200 . 94 M-5 2256. 92 m-6 2291. 74 M-7 2372 .23 M-8 2431. 56 i M-9 2493.14 M-10 2555. 83 M-11 2619. 64 M-12 Finance Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2684 . 57 M-13 Planning Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2751. 74 M-14 2821. 15 M-15 Police Chief/Fire Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2891. 68 M-16 2963 . 33 M-17 3037 .22 M-18 3113 .34 M-19 Public Works Director . . . . . . . 3191. 71 M-20 3271.19 M-21 3350 . 68 M-22 3436 . 87 M-23 City Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3523. 08 M-24 3610 . 40 M-25 3701.08 M-26 3794 . 00 M-27 3888 . 04 ` M-28 3985. 43 M-29 4085. 07 M-30 4186 . 94 M-31 4292 .17