HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 070699Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF ATASCADERO JOINT CITY COUNCIL / REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, JULY 06,1999,7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor / Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem / Vice Chairman Arrambide led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members / Board Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna and Mayor / Chairman Johnson Absent: Council Member / Board Member Lerno Others Present: City Clerk / Board Secretary Marcia Torgerson, City Treasurer David Graham, Steve Peck with Quad Knopf Staff Present: City Manager / Executive Director Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director / Board Treasurer Rachelle Rickard, Community and Economic Development Director / Deputy Executive Director Paul Saldana, Deputy City Attorney David Fleishman, and Special Legal Counsel Steven Deitsch with Best, Best and Kreiger. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member / Board Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem / Vice Chairman Arrambide to approve the agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: None CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 1 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 OLD BUSINESS: Redevelopment Plan - Atascadero Redevelopment Project Area (Staff recommendation: Agency Board and City Council approve the following: 1. City Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-044 approving and adopting the written responses to written comments and objections to the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan. 2. Agency Board adopt Resolution No. RA 1999-003 making findings as to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan 3. City Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-039 making findings and certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan 4. Agency Board adopt Resolution No. RA 1999-004 approving Rules for Owner Participation and iVethod of Relocation for displaced persons or businesses. 5. City Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-040 electing to receive a proportionate share of pass through taxes for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project Area 6. City Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-041 finding that the use of taxes allocated from the project area for the purpose of improving and increasing the community's supply of'low and moderate income housing outside the Project Area will be of benefit to the Project. 7. Agency Board adopt Resolution No. RA 1999-005 approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan ,for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project. 8. City Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-042 approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project. 9. City Council introduce on first reading, and waiving reading in full, Ordinance No. 362 approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project. [Paul Saldana] Mayor / Chairman Johnson commented that Council Member / Board Member Lerno has stepped down due to a conflict of interest as stated at Joint Meeting of June 29, 1999. Council Member / Board Member Clay declared his potential conflict of interest and stepped down. Executive Director Wade McKinney clarified some of the more complicated issues concerning this Redevelopment Plan. He addressed the belief that the Agency is creating debt. He stated that we would not accrue any debt if we formed the Agency and did not take on any projects. Revenue would accrue to the Agency but if it was not used it would go on to the taxing agencies that would have received the original funds. He explained in detail the disbursement of funds. He stressed the fact that the vote tonight would not put us $100 million in debt. He stated an agreement, such as one with the Carlton Hotel, would create debt. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 2 of I 1 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 Council Member / Board Member Luna asked about the significance of Resolution No. 1999-040 electing to receive a proportionate share of pass through taxes for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project Area. Mr. McKinney replied that the City has the option to pass through all of our taxes to the Agency. He stated that with the specified resolution, the City will continue to receive our share of the growth and we will not pass it on to the Agency. Deputy Executive Director Paul Saldana gave the staff report and explained the proposed changes as discussed at the previous meeting including: 1) The use of, and noticing requirements for eminent domain. 2) Increased specificity in the Plan in regard to the focus on downtown revitalization. 3) Identification of specific projects in the downtown area. 4) Addressed the concern that decisions made by the Agency may not meet the objectives of the plan or be the consensus of the decision makers, thereby the community. 5) Other issues including housing funds and the initiation of the Main Street Program separate from Redevelopment. Mr. Saldana stated that received written comments have been responded to. He also answered questions of the Council / Board. Mayor / Chairman Johnson asked for clarification on several aspects of the Redevelopment Plan. He asked how the Plan will deal with entry-level houses. Mr. McKinney replied that the Plan will provide for that particular housing, but it would have to be a rehabilitation of an existing site. Mayor / Chairman Johnson asked if a project comes up that is outside the downtown area in the first five years, can the Agency by unanimous vote, adopt a project. Mr. McKinney stated that, yes, by unanimous vote, the Agency could adopt a project. Mayor / Chairman Johnson asked about our plan in comparison to the Paso Robles plan. Mr. McKinney replied that our plan is much narrower and limited. However, he stated that, in comparison, the Paso Robles plan of today is more specific than ours because they are a mature agency. Mayor / Chairman Johnson also asked about the increment that we would receive from Albertson's. Mr. McKinney stated that the impact would be more than half of a 2 million dollar increment. Mayor / Chairman Johnson asked how viable a Main Street Program would be without a finding source. Mr. McKinney replied that funding for the Main Street Program will promote success, thus they have combined the Program with Redevelopment. Mayor / Chairman Johnson asked if we have cut ourselves off from a "friendly" eminent domain. Mr. McKinney stated that it has been eliminated from this plan. Mayor Pro Tem / Vice Chairman Arrambide stated he visited Paso Robles this last weekend. He asked Norma Moy, who heads the Main Street Program there, how she felt a Main Street Program would do without Redevelopment. She responded that it absolutely would not fly. Council Member / Board Member Luna thanked everyone who took the time to give him their thoughts on redevelopment in Atascadero and apologized to those he was unable to respond to. He stated that his major goal this last week has been to create a consensus document that would get the community behind a goal that most could support. He stated that it would be easy from him to vote "no" on Redevelopment; however, he would like to use this issue as an example of how to bring people together, not drive them apart. He also commented that a consensus plan does not have any real specifics, or a real plan. He stressed that we need this unanimous CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 3 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 provision. He stated in conclusion, that the Main Street Program will fail if the usual political suspects, including himself, attempt to gain control. He asked that everyone please give this consensus plan a chance. He presented some comments on last Tuesday's meeting and basic community goals from the General Plan (see Attachment A). Mayor / Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Deitsch, special counsel, to summarize the Public Hearing. Mr. Deitsch stated that the public hearing portion of the Redevelopment Plan adoption has been opened and closed. He commented that Mayor / Chairman Johnson stated at last week's meeting that there will be an opportunity for members of the public to speak during the public comment period, but their comments will not be part of the official Public Hearing held last week. PUBLIC COMMENT Sarah Rah, 6407 Portola Road, responded to Council Member / Board Member Arrambide about the issue of the Main Street Program. She explained that a city can incorporate a Main Street Program without a Redevelopment Plan but it is not as effective. John Daly, 10650 Colorado Road, stated the approval of this Redevelopment Plan is just another layer of government. He expressed his opposition to the Redevelopment Plan. George Dodge, 5670 Lobos Ave„ stated he supports the Redevelopment Agency. He encouraged the Council to adopt the Redevelopment Plan. Ron Chalker, 5825 Entrada Ave., stated he is a general dentist practicing in the downtown. He said that he has seen the post office, Bank of America and other businesses move out of the downtown. He explained the problems he sees in the downtown. He encouraged the Council / Board to vote "yes" on Redevelopment. Bob Powers, 7505 Carmelita Ave., stated he expressed his feelings at the last meeting and supports and trusts Council Member / Board Member Luna. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, asked if the changes made are legally binding in the absence of the recorder. She asked if they are legally binding, how long are the changes valid for. Mayor / Chairman Johnson replied that the changes made are legally binding changes to the Plan and the recorder is absent because the Public Hearing, as explained by the attorney, has closed. She thanked Council Member / Board Member Luna for his efforts in creating the now existing safeguards. She commented that she is really disappointed that the Council / Board has not heard the people. Carol DeHart, 4305 Lobos Ave., stated she is opposed to the Redevelopment Plan but she trusts George Luna and supports his decision. John Laws, 5020 Ardilla Ave., stated he appreciates the revisions made in the Plan and hopes this will help the community come together. He expressed concern that the property disposal requirements does not mention the requirement of fair market value assessment. He urged the Council's support of this plan. Mayor / Chairman Johnson received affirmation that his concern, in regard to fair market value assessment, is part of the Plan. Bonita Borgeson, 4780 Del Rio Road, thanked the Council / Board and staff for the hard work on the revisions of the Redevelopment Plan. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 4 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 Fred Frank, 3615 Ardilla, stated he agrees with the two previous speakers but he expressed his concern for abuse of the Plan. He stated that he would prefer a vote of the public rather than a majority of the Council / Board with respect to the floating of bonds. He stated he would like to see the Youth Center, along with seismic safety as a specific, added to the list that protects both the Colony House and the City Administration Building. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., thanked George Luna for his hard work on this Plan. He expressed a few concerns with the Plan. He stated that he would like to see a more precise description and map of the downtown. He also urged the Agency to hold Redevelopment meetings at a convenient time. Ted Jacobsen, 8055 Cristobal, stated that he hopes George Luna will vote "yes" tonight. He is pleased to see a plan for the downtown. Dennis Schmidt, 8675 Santa Rosa Road, stated he supports the Redevelopment Plan. He encouraged George Luna to vote "yes" and the citizens to get involved in all the programs of Redevelopment including the Main Street Program. Robert Nimmo, 7375 Bella Vista, stated he is not aware of any legislative body restricting itself to a unanimous vote. He also stated that he fails to understand why the Redevelopment Plan would be treated any differently. He expressed concern that a requirement to have a unanimous vote for every significant action, would give one member veto authority over any major action the Redevelopment Agency may wish to take. He commented that if that is the price we would have to pay to get redevelopment this year, it may be too high of a price to pay. Kathleen Daly, 10650 Colorado Road, expressed opposition to the Redevelopment Plan. She stated that Atascadero does not meet the requirements that call for a Redevelopment Agency. Paul Weems, 7982 Santa Rosa Road, stated that at last week's meeting he was opposed to the Redevelopment Plan. He stated that he trusts George Luna and will support his decision. He expressed disappointment in some of the members of the Council / Board who seem to have little interest in the Public's comments. Ron Schoffstoll, 4870 El Verano, President of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber supports the revised Redevelopment Plan. He urged the Council / Board to vote "yes." Mike Kohle, 5345 Mercedes Ave., stated that he supports the revised Redevelopment Plan. He also expressed his concern with the written response to his written statement at the last meeting in regard to comprehensive replanning. Carla Kohle, 5345 Mercedes Ave., expressed concern that an agreement between the City and the School District with regard to the Junior High, may be occurring in secret. Mayor / Chairman Johnson stated that he was not aware of any such situation, but if there was such an issue it would be through the school district. She urged the remainder of the Council / Board to listen to the public as does only one member. Andy Charnley, Past President of the Chamber of Commerce, encouraged the Council to vote "yes" on Redevelopment. He expressed his support for Mayor / Chairman Johnson and Mayor Pro Tem / Vice Chairman Arrambide. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 5 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 Sheryle Machado, 605 Garcia Rd., expressed her support the Redevelopment Plan. Carol Ball, 7070 Marchant Ave., stated she hopes this Redevelopment Plan will revitalize the downtown. She urged the Council / Board to vote "yes." Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, stated she supports redevelopment. She explained that she supports George Luna's Plan. She also said that she sees no reason to object to unanimous vote. She requested a clarification on the money borrowed from Wastewater and any money coming from the City Treasurer. She suggested that in the future money be borrowed from the General Fund. Mr. McKinney stated that borrowing from the City would take the unanimous vote of the Council / Board. John Rousch, 8500 Graves Creek Road, stated he is one of the owners of the Century Cinemas and the Park Cinemas in Paso Robles. He said that the theater in Paso Robles is a result of redevelopment. He stated that he supports redevelopment and the Main Street Program but does not support the unanimous vote clause. Kurt Pierson, 5405 Olmeda Ave., encouraged the Council / Board to vote for the Redevelopment Plan. He presented the Council / Board with at list of supporting signatures for the Redevelopment Plan (see Attachment B). Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, stated he is opposed to the unanimous vote clause and would rather see a two-thirds vote. David Smith, 8800 Pinosolo, stated his office is in the downtown. He urged the Council / Board to vote "yes." Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, stated he supports and trusts George Luna. He stated he sees no problem with the unanimous vote clause. He suggested that we create a Luna Blvd and thanked the Council / Board and staff. Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, stated she had serious concerns with the Redevelopment Plan. She stated that now, with the changes, she supports the Redevelopment Plan. Stuart Thompson, 7455 Bella Vista, spoke in favor of the unanimous vote clause. David Bentz, 10275 San Marcos Road, stated he is opposed to a unanimous vote. He encouraged the Council / Board to vote "yes" for redevelopment. Tracey Silva, 13550 Morro Road, stated she likes Atascadero the way it is and redevelopment will change that. She said she does not support redevelopment. She asked the Council / Board to think about what the outcome would be if the public was to vote. Kim Jeanes, 6280 Anselmo, stated she can not support the Redevelopment Plan because of the unanimous vote clause. John Webster, 8885 Pinosolo, stated he owns the old Bank of America building. He said that he supports the Redevelopment Plan. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 6 of I I Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, stated he does not support this Plan because of the unanimous vote clause. Rex Hendrix, 8855 Rocky Canyon Rd., stated he owns property in the redevelopment boundary. He stated he supports redevelopment; however, he said he does not support the unanimous vote clause. Steve LaSalle, 7505 Marchant, stated he supports the consensus vote as it will ensure the trust of the community. Bob Brown, 9375 North Santa Margarita Rd., stated he just came back from a 20 -state trip visiting numerous small cities. He explained that he saw several prospering revitalized downtowns. He stated he supports the Redevelopment Plan. He urged the Council / Board to reconsider the unanimous vote clause. Sonia Sarah, 8805 Santa Cruz Road, stated she has recently become involved in the community. She said she is concerned with the unanimous vote clause but does support the Redevelopment Plan. Eric Michielssen, stated he is opposed to the unanimous vote clause. He urged the Council / Board to remove that language and then approve the Redevelopment Plan. Carol Ball, 7070 Marchant, asked where the unanimous vote clause came from. Mr. McKinney responded that the change came about due to some trust issues that were brought up at last week's meeting. Council Member /Board Member Luna stated that if the Redevelopment Plan passes tonight, it will include a five-year implementation plan which is reached by consensus. He also stated that is this passes, there will be consensus on the Main Street Program and expansion of entertainment facilities. She expressed concern for a rule -by -one for future councils. Dennis Schmidt, 8675 Santa Rosa Rd., expressed opposition to the unanimous vote clause. Stuart Thompson, 7455 Bella Vista, stated that America is a group of minorities and he does not have any problem with the unanimous vote clause. Kim Jeanes, 6280 San Anselmo Road, stated she supports the revitalization of downtown and Redevelopment. She expressed that she is still concerned about the unanimous vote clause. She asked if the clause could be removed tonight before they vote. Mayor / Chairman Johnson replied that it could happen. John Rousch, 8500 Graves Creek Rd., clarified his comments concerning the expansion of the Century Cinemas. He stated he does not have any intentions to expand at this point and time. He stressed the fact that he was merely suggesting what could happen when one person has control. John Moss, 5020 Ardilla, stated he supports a consensus vote. Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, stated it is quite possible to have a control problem with a majority vote the same as it is possible to have a control problem with a consensus vote. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 7 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 Ted Jacobsen, 8055 Cristobal, stated he is concerned with the unanimous vote clause. Charlotte Smith, 8800 Pinosolo, said she believes in consensus. She stated that if one Council Member / Board Member blocks this process, recall is an option. Mayor / Chairman Johnson called a recess at 9:35 p.m. Mayor / Chairman Johnson called the meeting back to order at 9:51 p.m. Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, asked where the speakers were tonight, who were expressing concern for the unanimous vote clause, when it was decided the Planning Commission should be unanimous with the opinion of the majority on the City Council. Mayor / Chairman Johnson replied that he did not believe that was a statement of the Planning Commission, so no, he could not respond. Karen Oakes, 6705 Llano Rd., thanked the Council / Board for listening to the public tonight. She stated she encourages the Council / Board to reach a consensus. Mayor / Chairman Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Mayor / Chairman Johnson stated we all recognize some of the problems with unanimous votes in the long haul. He said he feels there can be consensus on the wording of a unanimous vote plan for the next five years. He went on to say the next City Council / Agency Board will be able to re -address these issues. Mayor / Chairman Johnson stated he's confident there will be consensus on the language in Article 7 about the next five years, specifically removing any comment about adopting the next five year plan on a unanimous vote. Mayor Pro Tem / Vice Chairman Arrambide stated the issue of trust concerns him. He explained that being supported and elected to public office and then mistrusted by people that don't even know him, cuts him deeply. Trust is an important issue to him and he can appreciate the concern of the community. He said the unanimous vote clause will help to heal the community. He explained that this Plan is not his first choice but he will support this modified Redevelopment Plan. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. 1999-044, approving and adopting the written responses to written comments and objections to the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. MOTION: By Vice Chairman Arrambide and seconded by Board Member Luna to adopt Resolution No. RA 1999-003, making findings as to the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 8 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. 1999-039, making findings and certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. MOTION: By Vice Chairman Arrambide and seconded by Board Member Luna to adopt Resolution No. RA 1999-004, approving Rules for Owner Participation and Method of Relocation for displaced persons or business. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. 1999-040, electing to receive a proportionate share of pass through taxes for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project Area. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Luna to adopt Resolution No. 1999-041, finding that the use of taxes allocated from the project area for the purpose of improving and increasing the community's supply of low and moderate income housing outside the Project Area will be of benefit to the Project. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 9 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 MOTION: By Board Member Luna and seconded by Vice Chairman Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. RA 1999-005, approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project, amended as follows: 1) Item 5 of the Resolution, striking the words "and new construction." 2) Section 350.4 of the Redevelopment Plan, striking the words "majority" and "of the entire membership" to read: "Any participation by the Agency in the development of property shall require a unanimous vote of the Board eligible and qualified to vote for such authority or agreement. Section 570.4, striking the sentence, "The Agency shall not borrow nor the City shall loan General Fund revenues to the Agency without an affirmative vote of at least three City Council Members eligible and qualified to vote.", to read: "Any loan from the City to the Agency requires approval of a majority of the City Council eligible and qualified to vote and the unanimous vote of the Agency Board of Directors eligible and qualified to vote." Section 570.5, to read: "The Agency shall not issue tax revenue bonds without adequate insurance or other security protecting its revenue sources and shall require the unanimous authorization of the Agency Board of Directors eligible and qualified to vote." Section 640, second paragraph to read: "The approval of any amendment to this plan requires the unanimous vote of the City Council eligible and qualified to vote. This paragraph is not severable from the rest of this ordinance. Should a court of competent jurisdiction hold the provision of this paragraph to be void or otherwise unenforceable, then the entire ordinance shall likewise be void and unenforceable. In the effect that the ordinance becomes void and unenforceable, the Agency shall cease activities and operations as established by California Redevelopment Law. Motion passed 3: 0 by a roll -call vote. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Luna to adopt Resolution No. 1999-042, approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project, amended as follows: Item 5 of the Resolution, striking the words "and new construction" and all changes made to the Redevelopment Plan as previously stated. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 10 of 11 Approved as submitted DATE: 09/14/99 MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to introduce on first reading and waiving reading in full, -. Ordinance No. 362, approving and adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project as amended: Item 5 on page 2 of the Ordinance, deleting the term "and new construction" and all previously stated changes regarding the Redevelopment Plan. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. Mayor / Chairman Johnson stated that he is dedicated to working hard and moving forward on this project to make it happen. He expressed appreciation for the perseverance and input of the public. ADJOURNMENT Mayor / Chairman Johnson adjourned the Special Joint meeting at 10:10 p.m. to the next Regular Session scheduled for July 13, 1999. MEETING RECORDED BY: I — _ n . --� Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clero/ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY: -W0�2z� ti� Melanie Whaley, Deputy City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: A- Overheads presented by Council Member / Board Member Luna. B- Accumulated signatures received from citizens in support of Redevelopment by Kurt Pierson. CC/RDA 07/06/99 Page 11 of 11 image of the city by implementing a land use strategy which encourages and establishes the creation of strong specialized nodes along El Camino Real to meet the wide variety of commercial, retail and service needs of the city and its trade area. Thep otential for redevelopment as a tool in irr ple' ting the Atascadero General Plan should be carefully evaluated. Candidate areas would be portions of the central business district and portions of the historic Traffic Way industrial area. Z Attachment: B Joint City Council/ Redevelopment Agency Meeting Date: 7/6/99 I SUPPORT REDEVELOPMENT I FEEL IT -IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS'S AND THE FUTURE OF ATASCADERO. I URGE YOU TO VOTE YES ON REDEVE PMENT TUESDAY JULY 6TH, 1999. �wv Azly6 o 4�"' }�ezz lqae-, 05� C'Vt 54ob d AS 41-d)61 �GG -s d '54o y"01- 335 -2 .01-335 r-/.�a$ 56L44411— '�/- ZQ-a'� , %�wa IN I SUPPORT REDEVELOPMENT I FEEL IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS'S AND THE FUTURE OF ATASCADERO. I URGE YOU TO VOTE YES ON DEVELOPMENT TUESDAY JULY 6TH5 1999. cc (` I SUPPORT REDEVELOPMENT I FEEL IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS'S AND THE FUTURE OF ATASCADERO. I URGE YOU TO VOTE YES ON REDEVELOPMENT TUESDAY JULY 6TH9 1999. \_ y s�� IN®J ia A z I LC,7 14 ,iv