HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 52-82 iRESOLUTION NO. 52-82 1 RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING A SALARY/CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE FOR THE 1982-83 FISCAL YEAR The Atascadero City Council resolves as follows: 1 Section 1. The Salary/Classification Plan, attached as Exhibit A, for Fiscal Year 1982/83 is hereby adopted. 1 Section 2. For employees who are not members of a recognized employee association or union and who are not represented by a recog- nized bargaining unit, including department heads and the City Mana- ger, the City will implement the following provisions for Fiscal Year 1982-83: ' a. Pay the employee' s monthly contribution to the Public Employ- ees Retirement System (PERS) . ' b. Pay a maximum amount of $38.00 per month for the employee' s premiums for dependent medical and dental coverage; if the employee does not insure dependents or if the employee is without dependents, then the $38.00 per month will be applied to the individual' s monthly salary. c. Pay premiums for medical and dental benefits for employees at the rate and coverage prevailing under the City' s current medical and dental program as contracted and administered through the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Fund. 1 Section 3. City will pay a maximum of $150 per month toward life insurance premiums for the City Attorney as a participant in the City' s group life insurance plan; or, if the Attorney is ineligible because of health or other reasons for such life insurance, then a maximum of $150 per month shall be paid to the City Attorney as a car allowance. This shall be in addition to the group life insurance for 1 the City Attorney authorized by the City Council on July 13, 1981. Section 4. The provisions of this Resolution shall be effective 1 as of July 1, 1982. Section 5. Section 9 .4.1 of Resolution No. 12-80 , Personnel Rules and Regulations, Recognized Holidays, shall be amended to add sub- paragraph k. as follows: k. A floating holiday based upon the individual' s birthday to be 1 be taken after the actual birth date and before the indivi- dual' s next birth date. There shall be no accumulation of floating holidays. Section 6 . The provisions of Section 9.4.4, Fire Department Em- ployees of the Personnel Rules and Regulations adopted July 14 , 1980, are modified by current Memoranda of Understanding entered into between the City and the respective Fire Bargaining Units. Said Mem- Resolution No. 52-82 Salary Classification • ' oranda of Understandinghave full force and effect except as may P Y otherwise be specifically excluded, as of July 1, 1982 for Fiscal Year ' 1982-83. Section 8. The provisions of Sections 10.18.1 Fire Department ' Employees and 10.18.2 Police Department Employees of the Personnel Rules and Regulations adopted July 14, 1980, are modified by current Memoranda of Understanding entered into between the City and the re- spective Fire and Police Bargaining Units. Said Memoranda of Under ' standing have full force and effect, except as may otherwise be spe- cifically excluded, as of July 1, 1982, for fiscal year 1982-83. ' Section 9 . Section 10.18.3 Miscellaneous Employees with refer- ence to overtime shall be amended to read as follows: ' 10.18.3 Miscellaneous Employees. Employees other than shift per- sonnel in the Police and Fire Departments, excluding Manage- ment employees, on forty hour work week schedules is author- ized for time worked in excess of forty hours in a work week schedule consisting of seven consecutive days. Such overtime provisions shall exclude shift changes and transfers. Over- time pay shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half times the hourly base rate of pay. All overtime work which is less than a one hour increment in a work shift shall be compensated for in the following manner : ' 1 to 15 minutes, overtime compensation 0 16 to 30 minutes, overtime compensation 1/2 hour 31 to 45 minutes, overtime compensation 3/4 hour 46 to 60 minutes, overtime compensation 1 hour Any overtime increments worked over one hour shall be compen- sated as in the above-referenced increments. Compensatory time in lieu of overtime shall be computed at a time and one- half rate of the base salary and shall be granted to employ- ees at the mutual convenience of the Department Head and the employee subject to the accumulation provisions as specified by City Resolution No. 12-80 dated July 14, 1980, Personnel ' Rules and Regulations. Section 10. In the event any provisions of an adopted Memoranda of ' Understanding are in conflict with a specific provision of Resolution No. 12-80, Personnel Rules and Regulations, the specific provisions of the MOU shall prevail. In the event any provisions of this Resolution are in conflict with an MOU, the MOU shall prevail. Section 11. The City shall provide for a deferred compensation plan in which all full time employees are entitled to participate in ' accordance with eligibility criteria established by the adopted de- ferred compensation plan. On motion by Councilman Wilkins and seconded by Councilman Stover , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: 2 Resolution No. 52-82 4halary Classification ' AYES: Councilmen Mackey, Molina Stover Wilkins and Mayor Nelson ' NOES: None ADOPTED: November 8 , 1982 ROLFE NELS , ayor ATTEST: PATSY (/A. HE�TEP, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: I ' ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: lre�14 ' Y L WARDEN, City Manager II 3 ' 0 EXHIBIT A CITY OF ATASCADERO Salary Classification Plan ' • Fiscal Year 1982/83 MONTHLY Base Maximum Range Salary Merit ' 1 857.15 942. 87 2 878. 58 966 .44 ' 3 900. 01 990. 01 4 921. 44 1013. 59 5 Clerical Assistant I 942.87 1037 .15 6 966.44 1063.08 ' 7 Custodian I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990. 01 1089. 01 8 10.13. 59 1115. 30 9 Account Clerk I/Clerical Assistant II . . . . . 1037.15 1140. 87 ' 10 1063.08 1169. 39 11 Dispatcher Clerk . 1089 . 01 1197 . 91 12 1114 . 94 1226 .43 ' 13 Maint. Worker I/Account Clerk II/Clerical Assistant III . 1140. 87 1254. 95 14 1169 . 39 1286. 33 15 1197. 91 1317. 70 16 1226 .43 1349 . 08 17 Maint. Worker II/Bldg. Maint. Worker I/ Engineering Aide/Records & Dispatch Supervisor 1254 . 95 1380.45 ' 18 1286. 33 1414. 96 •19 City Mgr. Sec./Maint. Worker III/' Recreation Coordinator • . 1317.70 1449.47 20 1349 . 08 1483. 98 21 Building Maint. Worker II/Maint. Worker IV . . . 1380.45 1518 .49 22 1414 . 96 1556 .45 23 Firefighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1449.47 1594 .42 ' 24 Senior Engineering Technician . . . . . . . . 1483. 98 1632. 37 25 1518.49 1670. 34 26 Bldg. Inspector/Treatment Plant Operator. 1556 .45 1712.10 ' 27 Police Officer/Fire Engineer 1594 .42 1753. 85 28 1632. 37 1795. 61 29 1670. 34 1837. 37 ' 30 Associate Planner/Ass' t. Civil Engineer . . . . 1712.10 1883. 31 31 Chief Treatment Plant Operator . 1753. 85 1929 .24 32 Police Sergeant/Fire Captain . . . . . . . . . 1795.61 1975.18 33 Chief Building Inspector . . . . . . . . . 1837 .37 2021.11 ' 34 Associate Civil Engineer . . . . . . . 1883. 31 2071.63 35 1929.24 2122.16 36 Public Works Superintendent/Plan Check Engr. 1975.18 2172. 69 ' 37 2021.11 2223.22 38 2071.63 2278 . 80 39 2122 . 16 2334 . 38 t40 2172 . 69 2389. 96 • t � F EXHIBIT A ' Management Salary Classification Plan Fiscal Year 1982/1983 Range Monthly Salary M-1 Recreation Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1953. 00 M-2 2030. 04 M-3 2081.03 M-4 2133. 11 M-5 2187. 36 M-6 2221. 00 M-7 2299 .12 - M-8 2356. 62 M-9 2416. 30 M-10 2477. 06 M-11 2538. 90 M-12 Finance Director . . . . . . . . . . . . 2601. 83 M-13 Planning Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2666. 93 M-24 2734. 20 M-.15 Police Chief/Fire Chief. . . . . . . . 2802 . 56 Ni-16 2872. 00 -M-17 2943. 61 M-18 3017. 39 M-19 Public Works Director . . . 3093.34 M-20 3170. 37 M-21 3247. 41 M-22 3330. 95 ' M-23 City Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3414. 50 M-24 3499. 13 M-25 3587. 01 M-26 3677. 07 :M-27 3768. 21 M-28 3862 . 60 mM-29 3959. 17 14-30 4057. 90 M-31 4159. 89