HomeMy WebLinkAboutForm 460 Tom OMalley CTETO Amendment 073113PAGE Type or. print In ink.. Date, Stamp, 11 4W (Coverrsrrlerrt.Cctda Sectlons 8424{7-84216.5} sta erne . caters' Period hate of eleatlon tf appilcdbEJc ' ; 3 3E ' (Month, Day, Years �- _ For 0815151 Use Only from STATE Zip CODE tit r -P , uw ^ _ .. 0 C1 Y OF ATASCAQ,ERO I i Y CLERK'?FFICE 2. Type of Statement,. 0 Preetecoon Statement 0 Quarterly Statement n Semi-annual Statement 0 Special Odd -Year Report 0 Termination Statement F"j supplemental Preelection (Also fits a Form 410 Termination) Statement -Attach Form 496 Amenbrilent (Explain below) , y Y Treasurer(s) NAME OF T SURER I .lea. 1 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE" AREA CODEIPHON OPTIONAL. FAX 1 E-MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification € have used all reasonable diligence In preparing and reviewing this statement and to the beat of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete/ I certify Under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California thatthe:foregoing is true and correct. Executed ori Jay Data naturae a6surarflrAaSteta{!'iraaasrrar Executed on oats 13Y isignatureofcantmRing, cartotda Candidate, State Measure PropnrmntorR64pW1WRaUtflteitttFSporraor Executed on 8y DeiB SignAturaort'nnirnt�r?gi}Htc�fhatcier;CandEdatu. ,taR+!�aaurs�Fro,�cnant Executed on By Dain $ignatura of Contmfl ng OERcehtatdar; Land data: State Measure, Proper,adt FPPC Forint 460, �Jainua'ylg$) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC ($661275-3772) State of California 't— SE VI~RSs INSTRUCTIONS ON RE , -,,through . Type p6 iSO1PIent Q0t'8'i-All Committees —Complete Paris 1, 2.3, and 4. Clfttcein6fd6r; bandide(O'Ctntfollet€ Committee Ej Primarily Formed Ballot Measure :Stats Carldlda#e laCl€afl Catilti� ft8# ' " Committee Fi Cali Q Controlled {Alioirmpfeta Part 5} . 0 sponsored ettsrai Purpose Cornrr+it#ee (arsoCnrr,0ala Part s) Q Sponsored C Primarllylµom�ed Candidate/ 0 Sinal! Contributor Committee Officeholder Committee fAlsoCamialsto Pert 7j 0 Political Party/Central Committee 3. Committee Information IAX NuMa; R COMMITTVEE NAME (OR CAS DIDATE1 NAME I.NO GC}M `TTSE} STATE Zip CODE tit r -P , uw ^ _ .. 0 C1 Y OF ATASCAQ,ERO I i Y CLERK'?FFICE 2. Type of Statement,. 0 Preetecoon Statement 0 Quarterly Statement n Semi-annual Statement 0 Special Odd -Year Report 0 Termination Statement F"j supplemental Preelection (Also fits a Form 410 Termination) Statement -Attach Form 496 Amenbrilent (Explain below) , y Y Treasurer(s) NAME OF T SURER I .lea. 1 MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE" AREA CODEIPHON OPTIONAL. FAX 1 E-MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification € have used all reasonable diligence In preparing and reviewing this statement and to the beat of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete/ I certify Under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California thatthe:foregoing is true and correct. Executed ori Jay Data naturae a6surarflrAaSteta{!'iraaasrrar Executed on oats 13Y isignatureofcantmRing, cartotda Candidate, State Measure PropnrmntorR64pW1WRaUtflteitttFSporraor Executed on 8y DeiB SignAturaort'nnirnt�r?gi}Htc�fhatcier;CandEdatu. ,taR+!�aaurs�Fro,�cnant Executed on By Dain $ignatura of Contmfl ng OERcehtatdar; Land data: State Measure, Proper,adt FPPC Forint 460, �Jainua'ylg$) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC ($661275-3772) State of California 6> nt Orhmittee �p '-St atement r a e 'aid 2 Type or print in ink. OFFICE StJUGHT.tR MLD( LOGATiQt! ANO DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) RSS1f3ENTIALIBUSINE$S ADORES ETj CITY STATE ZIP Routed Committees Not Included in this Statement t.ist any committees not Included In this statement that are controlled'by you or are primartfy formed to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy: CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE s Page of . Primarily Formed Ballot measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASi3S4E BALLOT NO, OR LETTER JURISDICTION � SUPPORT OPPOSE PAIN 2 Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR PROPONENT s- s IDISTRICT NO, IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee List names of otrlceholderls) or car didatelsj for which this Committee is Primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (� SUPPORT ( OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD El SUPPORT 0 OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD SUPPORT OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD 0 SUPPORT 0 OPPOSE CITY STATE tjP GORE AREA GODFJPHONE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FFPC Farm 480 (January/05} FPPO roll -Free Holiiltnc 866/ASK-PI PE (86647S-3772) State of4allfornla 36 8 ktgT1 wcsur ML,Type or print in ink. Amoonts.tnay be rounded to wh6lo 'd hors, Current Cash Statement 12. Beginhing Cash Belance ........ ......:.. Previous Summary Page, tine 16 13, Gash Receipts 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash.... .... ...._ ..... Schedule 1, Line d 15. Cash Payments ........ . -1111-11— ... __ Column A, Gine 8 above 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE .......,.. Add Lines 12 + 13 + 14, then subtract Gina 16 1f this is s fart7ineflon statement, Gane 18 must be term, 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ............ . . ........ Schedule 8, Part 2 Cash. Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18, Cash Equivalents.,,.,,.,, ...;.... .,«:.,.,..,, See Insfructlons on reverse 19. Outstanding Debts... ............. ......:.. Arid One 2+ Lina 9 In Column 8 above Column A . TOTALTHt9fit=Pi3t5p ' {�fiSGtTd,kiiAGHEC15GtfiECRfLES} C ..._ �✓. Q S RAGE Statement covers period ; �' � , i fron,__14 \5 4 , through Pae of Column 8 CA1,9NDAR mR TOTAL TODATE $' 150 _ $ t,c�, r�unsat:lz 5 7l Calendar Year Summary for Candidate's Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 111 through 6130 711 to Date 20, Contributions Received $ 21; Expenditures Made 22 Cumulative Expenditures Made* (It 9ublsot to VOWnta3y E:Xpanrditure Umftj Date of Election Total to Date (mmlddlyyj To calculate Column 8, add amounts In Column A to the corresponding amounts 'Amounts In this section may be different from amounts from Column 8 of your last reported In Column S. report. Some amounts In Column may be negative figures that should be subtracted from previous period amounts. If this is the first report being filen for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any); PPPC Form 460 (Januaryl6s) EPPC Toll -t=ree Helpllne: 866/ASIC FPPC {$6&1275-3772) Ctr9�at �ecely d 'i. mo-'nEtafy Cdnteibutions :....... .......... ...:.: ........,. Schedule A, Linea 2, Loans Received . ..::>;;: . ::...... ......... ......;„... S, dine $, Glee 3 1 SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ;.,. ......._,. AddLlnea t +2 4: Nonmonetary Contributions ....... . ..:...;. ....,,«...... Schedule G, Llne,3 5, TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONSRECEIVED _«.: ..:::::.......... Add Lines 2 + 4, 6; Payments Made, ... .. ;.:.: ........ ::....... .......:,.. Schedule E, Line 4 TLoans Mado .._: ..,.::..... . ..... ...<:.;.. . Schaduta N, tJrre 3 8. 'SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ;:.«. ..::::.: ............... Airl+ r 9. Accrued, Expenses (Unpaid. Bills)...... ;......... .............. schedule P Line 3 1ti. No' ninonetery Adjustment -:......,. ....«. .............«. Schedule G, Lino3 1 l . TOTAL E'XPENIJIT"URE MACE -_Add .... ......... ........., Lines 8 + 9 + 10 Current Cash Statement 12. Beginhing Cash Belance ........ ......:.. Previous Summary Page, tine 16 13, Gash Receipts 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash.... .... ...._ ..... Schedule 1, Line d 15. Cash Payments ........ . -1111-11— ... __ Column A, Gine 8 above 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE .......,.. Add Lines 12 + 13 + 14, then subtract Gina 16 1f this is s fart7ineflon statement, Gane 18 must be term, 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ............ . . ........ Schedule 8, Part 2 Cash. Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18, Cash Equivalents.,,.,,.,, ...;.... .,«:.,.,..,, See Insfructlons on reverse 19. Outstanding Debts... ............. ......:.. Arid One 2+ Lina 9 In Column 8 above Column A . TOTALTHt9fit=Pi3t5p ' {�fiSGtTd,kiiAGHEC15GtfiECRfLES} C ..._ �✓. Q S RAGE Statement covers period ; �' � , i fron,__14 \5 4 , through Pae of Column 8 CA1,9NDAR mR TOTAL TODATE $' 150 _ $ t,c�, r�unsat:lz 5 7l Calendar Year Summary for Candidate's Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 111 through 6130 711 to Date 20, Contributions Received $ 21; Expenditures Made 22 Cumulative Expenditures Made* (It 9ublsot to VOWnta3y E:Xpanrditure Umftj Date of Election Total to Date (mmlddlyyj To calculate Column 8, add amounts In Column A to the corresponding amounts 'Amounts In this section may be different from amounts from Column 8 of your last reported In Column S. report. Some amounts In Column may be negative figures that should be subtracted from previous period amounts. If this is the first report being filen for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any); PPPC Form 460 (Januaryl6s) EPPC Toll -t=ree Helpllne: 866/ASIC FPPC {$6&1275-3772) SEE INSTRUr:TIONA ON RFVFRfiK Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers perlod from throuch SCHI�Dt.tt A NAME OF FILER _ _ I.D, NUMBER '12 IF . T? 2-9 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE Of: CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER. AMOUNT CUMULATIVETO.DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED IIFc0MMIrTEI AL8oENTER1,o,NUMBER1 OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE CODE (IF SELFEMPLOVED, ENTER NAME PERIOD {JAN. 1 -DEG: 31) (IF REQUIRED) OFBUSINESSI MIND EICt7M GOTH O PTY 0 8GC O INt7 Q Ct7M OTH E PTY Q IND ❑COM 17TH p PTY 0SCC O IND E] CCM [] t7TH ❑ PTY [USCG IJ IND C]COM [:] t7TH ❑ PTY [] SGG SUBTOTAL Schedule A Summary e, 1. Amount received this period — itemized monetary contributions {Include all Schedule A subtotals,} ..................................... 2. Amount received this period -- unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 .:. ..,...... $ 3. Total monetary contributions received this period, {Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Frage, Column A, Line `I.} ..,....:. ,....:..... TQTAL FPPC Form 466 (JanuarylUS) FPPG Toll -Free Helpline; 866JA$K-FPPD {8661276-3712} *Contr,Nutor Godes IND Individual COM —Reelplent Committee (other than PTY or SGC) OTH — Other (e,g., business entity) PTY -- Political Party SGC —Small Contributor Committee NAME OF FILER FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF LENDER OF COMMITT9E,ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) lov) (IND E) COM p ort p PTY ❑ SCC tEl IND OCOM 0 OTH 0 PTY [3 $Cc 'Cj IND Ej COM Cj OTH 0 PTY [j SCC Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND 15MPLOYER OF SELF-EMPLOYCOENTER NAMEOFBUSINEM Statement covers period from —A—LA0 through AMULIN I AMOUNTPAID I 'J'3A"kNUOV INTEREST ISIV15 CLOSANCE Al I =D THIS OR FORGIVE_� I a OF THIS PAID THIS PERIOD I THIS PERIOD =911nm PERIOD 13 PAID $ % 0 FORGIVEN RATE DATE DUE PAID S_ 0 FORGIVEN I I "Te 0 PAID 0 FORGIVEN, Page of W. NUMBER ORIGINAL CUMULATIVE AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTIONS LOAN TODATE CALENDAR YEAR 3 - PER ELECTION" OitTE INCURRED CALENDAR YEAR S_ I S_ PER ELECTION " DATE DUE 6A -Te -INCURRED CALENDAR YEAR RATE PER ELECDON ATS DUE DATE INCURRED SUBTOTALS $ $ $ &V5 s Schedule' B SUmmary 1. Loans received this period .................................... ......... ....... ....... (Total Column .(b) plus uniternized loans of less than $100.). 2. Loans paid 6rforgiven this period ........ ......... $ (Total Column (c) plus loans under $100 paid orforgivem) (include loans paid by a third party that are also itemized on Schedule A,) I Net change this peridd. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1,) . ................ ......... ......... ......... NET $ V Enter the not here and on the Summary Pace Column A Lin,-- 7 �?Mr�,Or) t'tontributor Codes -"Nb-frfdlviduai COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other business entity) PTYrPblltlwj Party SCO -Small Contributor Committee 'Amounts forgiven or paid by another party also must be reported on Schedule A. If required, FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275-37721 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER _ + L S CHEDULE Type or pint in rrik 5tatemerrt covert period , Arrtiiyrtts Wray be rgurided' to whci1e do ars. from through. t Page o I,D. NUMSER } { G NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IFCOMMITTEe,ALSOrN7r-At.o:NuMsER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OFPAYMENT AMOUNTPRto t� �t o CODES: if one of the folloWlng codes accurately desctibEis the payment, you may enter the code.Otherwise, describe the payment. C " oampaEgn parap errsallatmisc; MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campy fgn" consultants.. ` MTC meetings and appearances RF returned contributions CTB .: contrlbiltfoo (exp€a)rr,ntinmonetsry)* CLEC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries GVC FiL .civic d rsatlans ., . candidate "!inglbsilot fees FE7 .petltton circulating TEL t.v, or cable aldlma and production costs FND ralstng evens POL phone banks polling and survey research TRC TRS candidate travel, lodging, and meals stafflspouse travel, lodging, and meals 1N lndeperk dht expenditure supportinglopposing others (explaln)* POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSP transfer between committees of the same candidate/sponsor LES iegat: defense . , . PRC ' professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and remallirlgs PIAT print ads WEB Information technology costs (Internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IFCOMMITTEe,ALSOrN7r-At.o:NuMsER) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OFPAYMENT AMOUNTPRto t� �t o Payments that are contributions or independent expendit6res must also be summarized on Schedule D, SUBTOTAL Schedule E :Summ ry 1, Itemized payments made this period. (include all Schedule E subtotals $ C Z Unitemized payments -made this period of under 100 3. Total Interest"paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule 8, Part `l, Column (e).)......... .....: .. ......:.. ....:.: .......:.> ........ V 4. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines t; 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, line .) .... ....... <..............::: TOTAL FP`PC Corm 46t1(JapuaryM)' EPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 566/ASK-FPPC (86g/ T5. 772)