HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 032205Approved April 26, 2005 a ►„.'IEltl'r�lln� ���,,I[ CITY . I ' Ii MINUTES Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:30 P.M. Chairperson Pacas called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Board Members Luna, O'Malley, Scalise, Clay and Chairperson Pacas Absent: None Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson, Recording Secretary Grace Pucci Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Board Treasurer Rachelio Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Deputy Public Works Director Geoff English, Police Lt. John Hough and City Attorney Patrick Enright APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Clay and seconded by Board Member Luna to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: None RDA Minutes 03/22/05 Page 1 of 3 BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes — February 22, 2005 ■ Board Secretary Recommendation: Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of February 22, 2005. [Board Secretary] MOTION: By Board Member O'Malley and seconded by Board Member Scalise to approve Item #A-1. Motion passed 5:0 by a voice vote. B. MANAGEMENT: 1. Annex II Re -Roofing Project ■ Fiscal Impact: To be determined once the successful bidder is selected. ■ Recommendation: Board review staff report that will be distributed at this Board meeting and authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with the successful lowest bidder on this project. [Executive Director] Chairperson Pacas stepped down from consideration of this item as she works withir 500 feet of the project. Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis gave the staff report and with Board Secretary Marcie McClure Torgerson answered questions of the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening asked whether the current timeline for occupying the building has changed and if so whether the lease for the current City Hall would bridge that gap. Vice Chairperson Clay closed the Public Comment period. Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis addressed questions raised during the Public Comment period. Board Member Luna indicated that he does not support this item and stated the 0,,,y should have known the condition of building before a commitment was made. RDA Minutes 03/22/05 Page 2 of 3 MOTION: By Board Member Scalise and seconded by Board Member O'Malley to appoint Atascadero staffers and generO contractors to secure bids for HVAC and demolition, and to adopt the draft resolution. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll -call vote. (Luna opposed) Chairperson Pacas rejoined the hearing. C. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT: Wade McKinney, Executive Director None D. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Pacas adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Grace Pucci, Recording Secretary RDA Minutes 03/22/05 Page 3 of 3