HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-81 RESOLUTION NO. 8-81 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE ATTASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 801101:1 AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT CONCERNING THE FUTURE LOCATION ' OF HIGHWAY 41 TO SUPPORT THE MERCEDES ALIGNMENT WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council conducted a public hearing on the subject matter; and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65323 provides that a gen- eral plan be amended by the adoption of a resolution; and, ' WHEREAS, the Curbaril route is used by many travelers familiar with the area but formal designation of it as Highway 41seems in- appropriate because of existing single family residential develop- ment and potential right-of-way problems; and, WHEREAS, undesirable design deficiencies indicate that the existing routing of Highway 41 northerly of Freeway 101 is unac- ceptable to the community in the long range time frame; and, WHEREAS, the Mercedes route can be designed to mitigate concerns regarding the bisection of the community and the visual impacts on Pine Mountain and further hearings concerning the design are still necessary; and, ' WHEREAS, the opportunity to minimize the deficiencies associated with the existing route can best be realized by retaining the Mer- cedes alignment; and, WHEREAS, approval of the general plan amendment should not result in any significant environmental impacts provided that appro- priate mitigation measures are introduced Furthermore, , additional environmental review will be necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Atascadero City Council does hereby approve General Plan Amendment GP 801101 :1 amending the text of the Circulation Element concerning the future location of ' Highway 41 to support the Mercedes alignment, as follows : 1. Revise pages 122-3 of the Circulation Element to read as follows : "Highway 41 bisects the community at right angles to Freeway 101. The eastern half runs through part of the CBD, directly between two schools and through a densely ' populated residential area. Proposed plans to realign and improve Highway 41 along the Mercedes route would 0 • Page Two - RESOLUTION NO. 8-81 a. Eliminate the truck traffic hazard on West Mall in the area of the Atascadero Junior High and Lewis Avenue Elementary School campuses . b. Eliminate truck traffic at the very narrow bridge dogleg over Atascadero Creek. c Prevent trucks reaching the Southern Pacific under- pass on Capistrano Avenue with its impaired vertical clearanceof 13 '-6 . " Design of Highway 41 along the Mercedes alignment should attempt to minimize the visual impacts on Pine Mountain and should, with regard to roadway width and residential driveway access, be similar to that of surrounding City streets to minimize any appearance of bisecting the community. When rerouting of Highway 41 does take place, adequate pedestrianandbicycle pathways shall be provided. " ' (`This is followed by the Section entitled Divided Arterials) 2. Modify paragraph (c) of the Section entitled Undivided Arterials on Page 123 by deleting the underlined portions:- "Curbaril Avenue from Morro Road to the Salinas River crossing which should become the main connecting route between Highway 41 and the river crossing. It is already a major local traffic route and is also characterized by lack of adequate shoulders for non-automobile traffic. " 3. Modify Circulation Policy Proposals on Page 130 to read as follows : "3. Highway 41 shall be realigned and improved northerly of Freeway 101 along the adopted Mercedes alignment. 4 Design of the roadway along the Mercedes ali nment should minimize visual impacts to Pine Mountain and should mitigate concerns associated` with bisection of the community. " on motion by Councilman Nelson and seconded by Councilman Highland , the foregoing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the following vote: 0 • Page Three RESOLUTION NO, 8-81 AYES: Councilmen Highland, Nelson and Mayor Wilkins NOES: Councilman Mackey ABSTAIN• None ABSENT: Councilman Stover DATE ADOPTED: June 8, 1981 ROBERT J. WILKINS, R, , Mayor ATTEST: i MUR Y L/-WARDEN, Ci y Clerk APPROV AS TO FORM: { ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney