HomeMy WebLinkAbout041703 PRC MinutesITEM: A2 DATE: MAY 15, 2003 MINUTES CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APRIL 17, 2003 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Coppo led The Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairperson Kudlac called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm at the City Administration Building, 4th floor Rotunda Room. ROLL CALL: Chair: Vacant Vice Chairperson: Gail Kudlac Commissioner: Lou Coppo Commissioner: Eric Gobler Commissioner: Rick Mathews Commissioner: Barbie Butz Commissioner: Vacant ABSENT: Student Representative — seat vacant STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Deputy Community Services Director Ellen Perkins, Administrative Assistant Brady Cherry, Assistant City Manager Shannon Sims, Clerical Assistant II Marcia Torgerson, City Clerk, preceded to swear in the newly appointed commissioners, Dean Coker and Jay Sechrist. COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening noted his appreciation for the Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall visiting Atascadero. Keith Schmidt and Susan Schroll presented their ideas to the Commission regarding a possible BMX track for the youth in Atascadero. A suggestion was made to put it on the agenda for the May 2003 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. Mr. English said he would set up a meeting with the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and bring back to Commission. Commissioner Mathews talked about the ANTA art event and thanked staff for the help in making it such a success. Commissioner Butz recognized Brady Cherry, Assistant City Manager, for initiating the presence of the Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall here in Atascadero. She thanked him for his efforts. Chairperson Kudlac also extended her thanks to Brady Cherry. Commissioner Coppo added that he had talked to many people in the community who were also appreciative of The Moving Wall coming to Atascadero. A. MINUTES 1. Minutes of March 20, 2003 — continued to the May 2003 meeting 2. Minutes of April 17, 2003 B. PRESENTATIONS - None C. COMMISSIONER/STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS (On their own initiative, Commissioners may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Commissioners may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have Parks and Recreation Commission Page 1 of 4 staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Commissioners may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): 1. Atascadero Recreation Center Committee — Currently planning Children's Day in the Park. 2. Atascadero Youth Task Force - Next meeting May 6, 2003, 7:00 a.m., Pavilion on the Lake, Boy Scout Room. The next awardees are Deanna Coppo and Harry Mara being recognized for their programs for youth track and giving kids something to do after school. 3. Three Wood Nymphs Committee — Susan Beatie, Committee Chairperson reported that $30,000 had been collected so far. The Stadium Park Concert Committee and the Atascadero Land preservation Society (ALPS) asked Susan Beatie to have a booth at the Pine Mountain Festival. She is considering a place to put the Nymphs indoors and asked for suggestions. E. STAFF REPORTS 1. Selection of Chair Person and Vice Chairperson. Brady Cherry opened the floor for nominations for Chairperson for the Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Butz nominated Vice Chairperson Kudlac; Commissioner Mathews seconded the nomination. Passed 7:0 by roll call vote. Commissioner Mathews nominated Commissioner Gobler for Vice Chairperson; Commissioner Coppo seconded the nomination. Passed 7:0 by roll call vote. 2. Traffic Way Park Master Plan Geoff English, Deputy Director of Community Services, briefed the Commission about the different aspects of the Traffic Way Master Plan. Robert Mijares, a recent Cal Poly graduate and engineering student, presented his draft interim Master plan for the Traffic Way Park to the Commission and public attending, and defined the elements of his creation. Commissioner Mathews commended Robert Mijares and inquired about the parking. Commissioner Gobler informed the commission that Robert Mijares won 3rd place in the Disney Park planning contest. PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening congratulated Robert on a well-planned draft interim Master Plan. He was concerned about adequate placement of trees. Mr. English assured him that no trees would be excavated, and that they would look into the possibility of planting additional ones. The President of Atascadero Girls Softball likes the plan and is excited about working with staff on this project. He noted that there is some money set aside for fencing and other improvements. Mr. English asked for design element suggestions (on the Skate Park or the Traffic Way Plan in general?) from the Commission. He suggested that he could bring back photos of fencing ideas next meeting (May 2003). Commissioner Butz encouraged bringing the fencing options back to the Commission for a vote. Commissioner Mathews pointed out that the fencing should be tall, so children can't jump over the fence and access the park while it's closed. He favors making the park assessable to both skaters and BMX riders. Commissioner Gobler inquired about available funds. Mr. English responded that there are no funds allotted for this from the City, however, staff will work with Atascadero Girls Softball and their funds to attain the desired outcome. Chairperson Kudlac voiced her support and thanks to Robert for his presentation. Staff also commended Robert for his efforts. 3. Sunken Gardens Banner Permit Procedures Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 4 Mr. English talked about streamlining the process in which banners are selected and posted. Staff requested that commission review the current rules and asked for recommendations for change. This item will be brought back to the Commission in May. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Butz appreciatively commented on the simple design of the proposed banner. She would also like to see the sign ordinance be modified. Commissioner Coker agreed with Commissioner Butz. PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening agreed that Commissioner Butz' idea was a good one and asked if the events being advertised would be limited or have any exceptions. Brady instructed the Commission to look at the sign ordinance with regard to advertising special events. He agreed that this issue needs further discussion. Mr. English said staff would bring this issue back to the Commission. 4. Sunken Gardens Banner Holders Geoff presented a design that Susan Beatie created for "banner holders" for the Sunken Gardens. He asked for comment from the Commission. Commissioner Gobler asked about the placement in regards to the distance from the street. PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening suggested keeping the signs as close to the sidewalks and street as possible for optimal viewing. MOTION by Commissioner Butz and seconded by Commissioner Coppo to approve this concept and get this part done, then work on what banners get hung on the holders. Vote: 7:0 Passed 7:0 5. ALPS purchase of property adjacent to Stadium Park — Verbal report — 4.6 acres belonging to Nellie Kennedy is for sale and ALPS wants to partner with the City of Atascadero. A discussion included making sure there is an easement allowing access. PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening emphasized that having a land trust between ALPS and the City would be beneficial. F. STAFF COMMENTS 1. Director's Report Assistant City Manager, Brady Cherry reported that The Bug Zone runs from April 15, 2003 through July 15, 2003. A special admission charge of $1.00 is charged for the Bug Zone, in addition to the price of the zoo admission. Mr. Cherry elaborated on plans for the "Hoag Pavilion" after the Bug Zone is gone. 3. Youth Representative Recruitment Recruitment is under way to find a new Parks and Recreation Commission student representative. Mr. Cherry relayed that he is hopeful to have candidates for the Commission to interview for that position soon. 4. Pine Mountain Festival Mr. English presented the flyer for the Pine Mountain Festival to the Commissioners and summarized the festivities of the event. 5. Commissioner Training Date & Time Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 4 The Commissioner training will take place at the May Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. 6. Recreation Center Update Mr. English informed the Commission that staff is still waiting for the permit for the Recreation Center. A second set of corrections will be submitted to the Community Development Department as soon as revisions are made. Bids on this project are still a few months away. Staff doesn't anticipate construction until fall at the earliest. 7. Resolution 2003-008 Adopting revised Procedures for the selection of Committee This copy included in the Commission packet contains information regarding changes to the selection process for commissions. Commissioner Butz suggested that a Parks and Recreation Commission meeting be held at the zoo, as discussed in a previous meeting. A discussion followed amongst Commissioners regarding the May meeting. It was decided that Commissioners and Staff would convene at 6:00 p.m. at the Charles Paddock Zoo at Atascadero Lake Park for sandwiches and mingling. A tour of the "Bug Zone" will ensue, followed by the Commissioner Training at the regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting at 7:00 p.m. G. CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Attached H. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Kudlac adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m. THE NEXT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING WILL BE A REGULAR SESSION SCHEDULED FOR MAY 15, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE RANGER HOUSE IN THE ATASCADERO LAKE PARK. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Department of Community Services at (805) 461-5001. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will assist staff in assuring that arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. MEETING RECORDED BY ELLEN PERKINS AND PREPARED BY: Shannon Sims Clerical Assistant II Department of Community Services Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 of 4