HomeMy WebLinkAbout011603 PRC MinutesMINUTES ITEM: Al DATE: 2/20/03 CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION January 16, 2003 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Gobler led The Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Hood called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the City Administration Building, 4th floor Rotunda Room ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairman Hood Vice Chairperson Kudlac Commissioner Kock Commissioner Butz Commissioner Gobler ABSENT: Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Mathews Drew Wardlaw (Student Representative) STAFF PRESENT: Brady Cherry, Assistant City Manager Geoff English, Deputy Community Services Director Ellen Perkins, Administrative Assistant COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening, spoke of the De Anza Trail. In two weeks a draft of the National Park Service Interpretive Plan for the De Anza Trail will be open for review. A meeting in northern San Luis Obispo County will tentatively be held in late February or early March. For information on the interpretive plan contact David Smith at david—Smith@nps.gov A. MINUTES 1. Minutes of October 17, 2002 — Stand approved as submitted 2. Minutes of November 21, 2002 — Stand approved as submitted B. COMMISSIONER/STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS (On their own initiative, Commissioners may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Commissioners may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Commissioners may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) C. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): 1. Atascadero Recreation Center Committee — next meeting to be announced 2. Atascadero Youth Task Force- next meeting February 4, 2003, 7:00 a.m., Pavilion on the Lake, Boy Scout Room 3. Three Wood Nymphs Committee Susan Beatie presented an update about the Wood Nymphs restoration. Mrs. Beatie informed the commission of recent donations received. She will bring a report back to the February 2003 meeting. Parks and Recreation Commission Pagel of 3 D. STAFF REPORTS 1. Pavilion Roof Replacement Project—Metal Roof Installation Geoff English, Deputy Director of Community Services presented his staff report to the Commission and attending public regarding the failing roof on the Atascadero Pavilion on the Lake. Mr. English urged the Commission to approve metal roofing material as the replacement for the Pavilion. Mr. English passed around a color card for the Commission to review. In conclusion, Mr. English presented a slide show featuring various examples of metal roofing used by local buildings. Rustic Red is the color that staff is recommending. Commissioner Gobler asked if there are standards in place for the metal roofing. Mr. English responded that there are no standards that he was aware of with regard to metal roofing as there are with metal siding for buildings. Commissioner Kock advocated checking into a shake roof made of aluminum, which is lighter than the metal roof and has a 50 -year guarantee. In addition, Commissioner Kock informed the Commission that a shake roof is less expensive than a metal roof. Mr. English said he was not aware of this material and conveyed interest in getting more information and said he would investigate. Mr. English inquired if the Commission is in favor of going to a metal -style roof as opposed to a composition tile roof. Commissioner Gobler asked about the cost comparison for a 25 -year composition roof versus a metal roof. Mr. English responded that they are similar in cost. An estimate from a local contractor assumes the cost to be approximately $45,000 for a metal roof and $40,000 to $45,000 for a shake roof. Commissioner Kock asked about concrete tile shake as a possibility. Mr. English said that is what is currently on the Pavilion. Commissioner Butz commented that she liked the green color because she thought the green would blend better with the scenery and surrounding buildings on Morro Road. Commissioner Kock asked Commissioner Butz, since she was on the original board that looked into this in the past, if she could share what the main thoughts and emphasis were as far as aesthetics. Commissioner Butz answered by saying that they felt the shake roof would make the Pavilion look a little classier. Mr. English, who was also on the previous committee, explained that they have conferred with the other members of the committee and those he spoke with are in agreement. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening asked if a metal roof would have an impact on the energy costs of the heating and cooling of the building and if that had been factored into the cost comparison. He favors not going to a metal roof as well as the color green versus the rustic red. Chairman Hood asked who would have the final decision on the color. Mr. English said that the process would begin by sending it out to bid, and then when a contract is in place, the City Council would have to authorize the contract. He asked about doing an energy study. Mr. English said he would do the study. MOTION by Commissioner Kock and seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to recommend approval of metal roofing material to replace the failing shake roofing material at the Pavilion with staff to look at alternative metal roofs as well as color options with emphasis on the color green. 4 Ayes 1 No Passed 4:1 Commissioner Gobler commented that he did not prefer a metal roof. He added that in his opinion, the shake roof looks better. Commissioner Gobler wants to encourage staff to look at the energy costs of the roofing. Mr. English said this item would be brought back for review. E. PRESENTATIONS – R.E.C. Program, Lisa Barr, Recreation Coordinator Mr. English introduced Lisa Barr, Recreation Coordinator and gave some background information regarding R.E.C. Programs. Ms. Barr presented her power point presentation addressing facts about the after school program. She supplied statistics about program supporters and explained their importance to every Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 3 community. Ms. Barr concluded her presentation by describing the program the City offers in their after school program at the Junior High School. Commissioner Gobler commended Lisa, Geoff and Brady on the efforts being put into this program and the community and thanked them. Commissioner Butz said it would be a shame if it were canceled due to budget cuts. Commissioner Butz asked Ms Barr if the program would eventually be moved from the Junior High School to the Youth Recreation Center. Lisa answered by saying that is what the plan is but the program ends in June. Commissioner Butz said she respects the great service that she does and would like to save this program. Commissioner Kudlac congratulated Lisa on a job well done. Eric Greening thanked Lisa as well for the job she is doing for the after school program. Jennifer Fanning, Recreation Coordinator for the Community Services Department, commended Lisa as well. Applause was heard from the audience. F. STAFF COMMENTS 1. Zoo Director's Report Mr. Cherry reported that there was no Director's Report in the Agenda due to the fact that Alan Baker and the Charles Paddock Zoo had just undergone an inspection from AZA's accreditation team. The review and inspection were quite exhaustive, but went well. There were a couple of significant concerns, but on the whole, Zoo staff was pleased with the feedback received so far. Compliments from the accreditation team were passed on. A full report on the Zoo's accreditation status will be made at the annual AZA conference in March 2003. Commissioner Butz would like to have a future meeting later in the year at Pavilion and tour the Zoo. 2. Atascadero Lake Monitoring Report 3. Status Report—Semi-Submarine: Mr. Reeves withdrew his request 4. Status Report—Recreation Center project plans are in plan review, ready to go to bid in 4 to 6 weeks. 5. Commissioner Terms – Brady said that Commissioner training, the selection process and a possible joint meeting with the Council may be discussed at the City Council's upcoming retreat. More information will follow. Commissioners were asked to continue to serve if they would like, until the direction from the Council is received. 6. Department reorganization – Brady discussed the C.S. Department's reorganization plans. 7. State Budget crises – Brady went over some of the anticipated impacts the State budget may have on the City. G. CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Attached H. ADJOURNMENT - Chairman Hood adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. THE NEXT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING WILL BE A REGULAR SESSION SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 20, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE 4TH FLOOR ROTUNDA OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Department of Community Services at (805) 461-5001. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will assist staff in assuring that arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. MEETING RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: Ellen M Perkins Administrative Assistant Department of Community Services Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 3