HomeMy WebLinkAbout080901 PRC MinutesITEM NO. A2 DATE: 9/20/01 MINUTES CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION August 9, 2001 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Butz led The Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Hood called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. at the Pavilion on the Lake, located at the Atascadero Lake Park. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman Hood Vice Chairperson Kudlac Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock Commissioner Mathews Commissioner Butz ABSENT: Student Representative Kim STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager Melanie Whaley, City employee COMMUNITY FORUM - None A. MINUTES OF JULY 19, 2001 - Set aside until the September 20, 2001 meeting B. ATASCADERO LAKE PARK MASTER PLAN PUBLIC WORKSHOP: Community Services Manager Geoff English thanked the Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan Advisory Team for their participation. There was a short recess taken from 7:17 p.m. to 7:23 p.m., to allow the public and the Parks and Recreation Commission to view the maps that Mr. Patterson brought to the meeting. Mr. English then introduced Casey Patterson, who conducted the public workshop. Casey Patterson, landscape architect and owner of CJP productions, presented the Commission with a handout and went over some of the objectives and goals pertaining to the Atascadero Lake Master Plan. Mr. Patterson outlined the plan in detail, highlighting some of those goals, listed below: ➢ Improve water quality ➢ Improve pathway around the lake ➢ Parking ➢ Develop newly purchased land ➢ Mesh with the Charles Paddock Zoo ➢ Entrance ➢ Improve dock, pool and wall ➢ Develop plan for Lake View Drive ➢ Develop plan for south end of lake and the island ➢ Preserve and enhance wildlife ➢ Enhance experience for park users ➢ Maintain current visual essence Parks and Recreation Commission Page 1 of 7 COMMISSIONER COMMENT: Commissioner Kock asked Mr. Patterson if he had contacted the Audubon Society with regard to the impact of the island issue. Mr. Patterson had not contacted them but said he would. Commissioner Kock also brought up the issues of the pipe size necessary to generate the waterfall; and parking around the lake on Marchant. Mr. Patterson assured Commissioner Kock that the pipe size would not be an issue and the material to be used around the lake will allow parking; however, the City may want to look at the current parkland policy and amend it to limit parking on Marchant. Commissioner Mathews questioned the water re -circulation system. Mr. Patterson said this system is not correcting the water quality, but is more like a pool skimmer, to cleanse the lake. Commissioner Gobler asked how many new parking spaces would be created. Mr. Patterson said roughly 400. Commissioner Gobler then asked about the drainage on Portola. Mr. Patterson answered that he had not addressed that issue, but would like to see a sidewalk in that area, but the drainage swale creates a problem. Commissioner Gobler suggested that staff talk to the Public Works Department to help with a plan for the drainage issue. PUBLIC COMMENT: Daphne Fahsing, 5105 Llano Road, Atascadero, asked if the material to be used for the pathway would get too hot for the ducks to stand on. Mr. Patterson said that it would be light in color and should not retain too much heat. Also, Ms. Fahsing asked if the lighting proposed would invite vandals. Mr. Patterson said the lighting would be encapsulated in a concrete footing. Russ James, 9470 Marchant Way, Atascadero asked Mr. Patterson what kind of trees he planned on planting. Mr. Patterson said a type of reparian tree, for example a California Sycamore. Mr. James was very concerned about the proposed wetlands. Nick Reece, 10845 Vista, Atascadero, had a concern about the drainage. He also objected to the pathway and thought the material should be softer to better accommodate the runners that use the pathway for running around the lake. Additionally, he mentioned the cost of this path. Janice Silva, 8865 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero, agreed with the previous speaker that she did not like the idea of a "concrete" path and was concerned about the cost of this path, as well as the maintenance expense. Ms. Silva also had a concern about the access to the island area with a boat. Mr. Silva thanked Mr. Patterson for all his efforts and is pleased to see such good care being taken with regard to the lake. Joyce Young, resides near the lake and expressed concern for the wildlife, bridges and potential problems with the youth. She feels that the bird sanctuary will be disturbed. Additionally, she was concerned about the location of the parking lot and felt that if there is no parking allowed along the lake, there should be no parking lot. Ernie Porter, 9420 Marchant Way, Atascadero, didn't like the idea of the island, but likes the pathway and the vegetation. He discussed the water circulation and suggested some alternatives for clean water; and suggested a 24 -inch line from the 3 -bridges instead of a 12 -inch line. Dick Pierce, 9155 Lake View, Atascadero, objects to area 5, limiting driving access to the lake, he feels that will limit the number of people using the lake park. He says the people taking the survey around the lake want to maintain the status quo. Other than that issue, he felt that Casey had done a great job on the plan. Joanne Main, 8940 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero, commended Casey Patterson on the efforts put into this plan and that he had done an exceptional job. She thinks there should be through traffic and likes the fact that they have incorporated the Parcourse. She also noted that this park is not just for the residents that live around the lake, but for all residents and visitors. Chris Clay, 7250 Kingship Road, Atascadero, asked where the water was going to come from to fill the lake. Mr. Patterson answered that supposedly the developer that is building on the land across from the lake will let the City use the well on his property. Mr. Clay also asked about the water quality to allow swimming. Mr. English interjected that there is an effort underway by the City's Public Works Department to address water quality. There are included, in this plan, some things that will assist in that effort, but will not address all the water quality issues, nor was it intended to. Funds have been allocated this year to pursue efforts regarding water quality as a separate issue. Mr. Clay went on to say that he preferred parking over the "great lawn" and does not like the island idea. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 7 Barbara Combs, 9005 Lake View Drive, Atascadero, agreed with Ernie Porter's ideas and suggested a gate for the island to limit undesirable youth activity. She encourages natural boulders and rocks, to be strategically placed, to enhance the beauty of the lake. Ms. Combs commended Mr. Patterson on his work. A resident (unintelligible on tape) residing at 8885 Marchant, thought the boulder idea was good to keep the erosion down along the lake. He thought the island would interfere with existing exotic birds inhabiting the lakeshores. Kathy Kock, 9545 Lake View Drive, Atascadero, likes the idea of the boulders, does not like the cul-de-sac or the island and feels that the water quality issue is top priority. Ms. Kock feels that if the water quality does not improve, people will not want to come to the lake or to the Lake Park. Henry Engen, 9575 Lake View Drive, Atascadero, was concerned about the parking lots attracting youth activity at night, which is already a problem. Mr. Engen commended Mr. Patterson on a good job. Stuart Hallen, 8975 Marchant Avenue, Atascadero, is concerned on the cost of the pathway. Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, Atascadero, agrees that the Atascadero Lake water quality should be top priority. He said he wants the road to go through and reminded the Commission that the survey from the City residents agreed that the road should go through. Mr. Thomas thought there should be an expert opinion regarding the bridges to the island. He liked the low footlights on the path. Sandy Clark, 9215 Lake View Drive, Atascadero, is concerned about the safety of the pedestrians walking and jogging around the lake. Alan Thomas commented on the previous speaker's subject of safety. Mr. Thomas said that there have been very few accidents around the lake. However, there could be some safety measures taken like painting a stripe down the center of the road, to keep each car on its side of the road; speed bumps, better signage. Lee Swam, 9065 Lake View Drive, Atascadero, commended Mr. Patterson on several good ideas and all the hard work. He wondered about the number of speeding tickets issued by the Atascadero Police on Lake View Drive and Marchant Way. He is not in favor of cul-de-sacs or closing off the streets for all the reasons stated previously. He feels that this will only create traffic congestion in other areas. He also likes the idea of using City property across Morro Road. He mentioned "turf blocks" as a possible surface. He suggested going to Food 4 Less to see them in place. Mr. English handed distributed a letter to the Commission from a citizen regarding this issue. Chairman Hood brought this issue back to the Commission. Mr. English said a recommendation tonight should include going through each area to see if the Commission supports them or not. Commissioner Butz reminded everyone that these ideas came from the public at the workshops and thanked Casey for taking those ideas and working so hard to incorporate them into this Master Plan. Chairman Hood suggested that Casey give a brief summary of each area so a recommendation can be made by the Commission on each one separately. The following is a summary of each area: AREA 5 - EAST LAKE SHORE The Light House; New Parking, Picnic and Parcourse areas; Boardwalk or Retaining Walls; The Pathway; Boat ramp with Dock; Rock Bollards Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 7 COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Kock, Mathews and Gobler want to see a through road around the lake. Commissioner Kock received an offer from a resident around the lake, Dick Pierce, to cut away a section of his property, of 2 to 3 feet for approximately 10 or 15 feet to clear that tight spot, with a condition of not making the cul-de-sac. He also heard from Mr. Swam about moving the parking lot over where the boat ramp is. Commissioner Mathews would also like to maintain 2 -way traffic. He is also curious about the pathway surface, the cost and maintenance costs. He likes the lighthouse idea, but would like to see sponsors pay for it. MOTION: by Commissioner Mathews and seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to approve the Area 5 plan shown on Alternative 2 to maintain through - traffic, moving parking away from homes, with the retaining wall as opposed to the boardwalk. Eliminate the proposed south parking lot. 7 ayes; 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 AREA 6 - ISLAND & SOUTH LAKE AREA Overall Re -circulating System; Bird Watcher Gazebo; Pedestrian Bridges with Dam Spillways; Bird Sanctuary; Fencing to Protect Sanctuary; Ramp to Island; Fire Pit; new Restroom; Grade Hill; Picnic Area, Parcourse Station and Lawn; Stone wall; Rock Bollards MOTION: by Commissioner Kock and seconded by Commissioner Butz to continue discussion of this item until the next meeting to get more information from the Audubon Society. 7 Ayes; 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 Chairman Hood requested a five-minute break (9:30.m.) Called to order at 9:36 p.m. Chairman Hood suggested to the Commission that they prioritize these areas and the work to be done. AREA 7 - NATURAL & BOTANICAL AREA Nature Center; Botanical Garden and Natural Areas; parking area; Alternatives COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Mathews said he supports this item and suggests to staff that they contact the Native Tree Association for participation in developing this over time. He added that this could be a potential for a community project. MOTION: by Commissioner Kock and seconded by Commissioner Butz to accept and move nature center toward the middle. 7 Ayes; 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 AREA 4 - WEST LAKE SHORE Wedding Gazebo; New parking Area; Picnic Area and Parcourse Station; The Pathway; Rock Bollards; lighting Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 of 7 COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Kock expressed concern for lighting. He would like to have more input from neighboring residents around the lake. He would like to keep this a separate item from the Atascadero Lake Master Plan. MOTION: by Commissioner Kock and seconded by Commissioner Butz to remove pathway lighting from the current Atascadero Lake Master Plan and address pathway lighting separately at a future date. 7 Ayes; 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 COMMISSION DISCUSSION ON MOTION ABOVE: Commissioner Gobler asked if they would discuss this issue at the next meeting and make a decision. Mr. English said at some future meeting, not necessarily the next meeting. MOTION: by Commissioner Dempsey and seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to accept Area 4 as written with the exception of the lighting being a separate issue (as stated in the Motion above). 7 Ayes; 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 AREA 2 - EXISTING PARK Existing Playground; Sand Volleyball Court; Reconfigured parking Area at Pavilion; Existing Restrooms; Horseshoe Pit MOTION: by Commissioner Kudlac and seconded by Commissioner Kock to accept Area 2 as is, with the exception of finding an alternative location for the horseshoe pits. 7 Ayes; 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 AREA 3 - NEW PROMENADE AREA The Pond; Bridges; Lake Outflow; Sand Beach; Waterfall; Access Ramp to Docks; Boat Rental and Pump House; Boat Docks; Lifeguard Station; Swimming Area; Sculpture Location; Covered Amphitheater Stage; Play Fountain; New Wall at Promenade; Promenade COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Kock thinks that they do not have enough information to make a decision tonight on this area. MOTION: by Commissioner Butz and seconded by Commissioner Gobler, to accept area 3 in concept, pending more information from the Army Corps of Engineers or any other source who would provide information.7 Ayes; 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 Parks and Recreation Commission Page 5 of 7 AREA 1 - BASEBALL FIELD & ZOO The Great Lawn; Expanded Parking; Existing Overflow Swale; Basketball court; The Zoo, Perimeter Wall & Entrance; Park & Zoo info Kiosk; Storage Yard; Existing Baseball Field; Main Park Entrance MOTION: by Commissioner Mathews and seconded by Commissioner Butz to accept area 1 as presented. 7 Ayes 0 Nos PASSED 7:0 Mr. English asked the Commission if they wanted to discuss the pathway. Chairman Hood said they would like to see the material, before deciding on a pathway. Mr. Patterson said he would provide some samples. C. STAFF REPORTS - None D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ATASCADERO RECREATION CENTER COMMITTEE The next Atascadero Recreation Center Committee (ARCC) meeting will be August 23, 2001 at 4 pm in Room 102 of the City Administration Building. David Sykes from the Boys and Girls Club will be there. 2. ATASCADERO YOUTH TASK FORCE The next Atascadero Youth Task Force meeting will be held August 7, 2001, at 7:00 a.m. in the Masonic Temple Building 2. ATASCADERO LAKE PARK MASTER PLAN ADVISORY TEAM — No Report 4. THREE WOOD NYMPHS COMMITTEE Susan Beatie reported that the contract was signed and they are ready to accept money. E. COMMISSIONER/STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS None E. STAFF COMMENTS 1. Zoo Management Report Brady Cherry, Assistant City Manager, who is currently overseeing the zoo management until the new Zoo Director starts, submitted this report. A new Zoo Director has been selected and will start October 1, 2001. 2. Youth Center update The City Council approved the purchase of the Hay and Feed building. Staff just got a revision of the architect's agreement, to go from a new building construction to a remodel (modernization). The architect will use existing information and submit remodel plans to bring back to the Commission for recommendation to the City Council. Hopefully this will happen in November or December. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 6 of 7 3. Hot El Camino Nights Mr. English announced that volunteers are still needed. Mr. English also mentioned the on going Summer Concert Series presented by the City of Atascadero. The last concert will be September 1, 2001 in the Atascadero lake Park. Mr. English addressed concerns expressed by a few of the Commissioners before the meeting questioning whether or not a recent recommendation at the July 19th Commission meeting, was passed along to the City Council. Two items In particular; the letter to the Planning Commission, will be presented at the next Planning Commission meeting; and the motion that was made regarding the five acres of parkland per 1000 standard, which will be presented to the City Council at their next meeting on August 28, 2001. Mr. English clarified that the parkland standard is not necessarily addressed in the land use element that the City Council will be reviewing. That specific language may be put into one of the elements of the General Plan to be reviewed in the future. He went on to assure the Commission that all of the individual elements of the General Plan that affect parks and recreation, will come back before the Parks and Recreation Commission as the language is developed for them. Commissioner Mathews informed the Commission and the public attending, that the issues of which Mr. English just spoke were brought to the attention of the City Council on July 24, 2001. F. CALENDAR OF EVENTS - attached Commissioner Dempsey announced that the October 2 Golf Tournament is canceled G. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Hood adjourned the meeting at 10:11 p.m. until the next regular session scheduled for September 20, 2001 to be held in the 4th Floor Rotunda in City Hall. MEETING RECORDED BY MELANIE WHALEY AND PREPARED BY: Ellen M Perkins Administrative Secretary Department of Community Services /emp Parks and Recreation Commission Page 7 of 7