HomeMy WebLinkAbout071901 PRC MinutesMINUTES CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION July 19, 2001 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Kudlac led The Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Hood called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at the Pavilion on the Lake, located at the Atascadero Lake Park. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman Hood Vice Chairperson Kudlac Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock Commissioner Mathews Commissioner Butz ABSENT: Student Representative Kim STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager Ellen Perkins, Administrative Secretary, Community Services Department Warren Frace, Principal Planner, Community Development Department COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening 6600 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero spoke to the Commission regarding Stadium Park and the gate that was installed. It seems to be keeping the 4 -wheel vehicles out of the park. Mr. Greening also commented that the 2 -wheel vehicles can still get in. Mr. English responded by saying that they can keep the motorcyles out but they would almost have to fence the entire park, because they do not want to keep the hikers and walkers out. Alan Thomas Marchant Atascadero CA spoke about the Atascadero lake Park and the recent loss of the fish in the lake. Mr. Thomas thinks that there needs to be more money spent on the lake and prioritize this item to City Council. Mr. English responded by reporting that there is $25,000 allocated in the next 2 years for lake water quality. This money will come from Prop 12 funds, in addition to the $10,000 that is already allocated. Mr. English went on to say that the Mayor mentioned the possibility of establishing a blue ribbon committee to study this issue, and may be announced at the next City Council meeting. A. MINUTES Chairman Hood asked the Commissioners if they had any changes to the minutes. With no change or objection, Chariman Hood announced that the minutes would stand approved as submitted. B. PRESENTATIONS - NONE C. STAFF REPORTS: 1. General Plan overview - Warren Frace Paul moved that that the comreccc in excess Parks and Recreation Commission Page 1 of 4 PUBLIC COMMENT: When asked, the audience had the following items of concern: ➢ Cottonwood trees, they are messy ➢ Lake water management ➢ We "need" active parks but maybe Atascadero Lake Park is not the best location ➢ Improve water quality ➢ Too much trash, bottles and other debris being tossed into the lake ➢ The lake should have more docks and piers ➢ The Blankenship property, located across from the Lake, was a concern, with the type of homes proposed to be built ➢ Assign priorities to what will be done first regarding the Master Plan ➢ Insist on follow-up so the work keeps proceeding In conclusion, Mr. Patterson informed the public of the next workshop, which will be May 3, 2001. There will be a mailing sent out to specify time and place. He went on to say that there would be a website with a place where the public could put additional input and fill out a questionnaire. When asked whom to contact for information on the park design, Mr. Patterson said to contact Community Services Manager, Geoff English at the City of Atascadero. B. MINUTES OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 21, 2001 Vice Chairperson Kudlac commented that the only change to the minutes was on page 5 item H Adjournment to the April 19, 2001 meeting, it stated that the meeting would be held at 7:00 p.m., when in fact the meeting was to be held at 6:30 p.m. MOTION: by Vice chairperson Kudlac and seconded by Commissioner Gobler to approve the March 21, 2001 minutes of the parks and Recreation Commission with the above -stated correction. 6 ayes, 0 nos Motion passed: 6: 0 C. STAFF REPORTS Boy Scout Eagle Project — Atascadero lake Par Course Community Services Manager Geoff English introduced Eagle Scout Chris Main, who presented his project to the public and to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Chris proposed his plan to have areas around the Atascadero Lake Park where walkers and joggers could stop to stretch on some basic fitness equipment. His proposal included a PowerPoint presentation, which he put together himself, which he superimposed the fitness equipment into pictures that he took of the areas around the lake, so it looked like it was existing. It provided a visual of how this project would look. The areas would consist of some type of metal structures. COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION: Commissioner Mathews asked if the structures could be made of wood, to better blend with the environment. Chris said the wood does not last and would eventually look bad. Commissioner Gobler asked about funding this project. Chris said he would see to it that the funding costs were covered. Commissioner Gobler asked about scheduling and completing this project. Chris said he is 15 years old now and must complete the project by age 18. Commissioner Mathews suggested that this be incorporated into the Atascadero lake Master Plan. Mr. English said that the Commission would look at this proposal and refer it back to the Advisory Committee for the Master Plan. Chairman Hood commended Chris on a job well done! PUBLIC COMMENT: Alan Thomas asked Chris if he was open to other locations, rather than the ones on his PowerPoint presentation and Chris replied that he was. Chairman Hood then brought this back to the Commission for a motion. MOTION: by Vice Chairperson Kudlac to recommend to the Atascadero lake Park Master Plan Advisory committee, a request by Eagle Scout candidate Chris Main to install a par Course at Atascadero Lake park for consideration in the Atascadero Lake master Plan. 6 ayes, 0 nos Motion passed 6: 0 Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 4 Request by the Model Yacht Club to place five buoys in Atascadero Lake Mr. English briefed the commission regarding the request by the Model Yacht Club and introduced Dennis Poole, member of the Central Coast Model Yacht Club. Mr. Poole explained to the Commission that the club wanted to place 5 buoys in the lake to enable them to hold boat races on the lake. Mr. Poole informed the Commissioners that the races would be held every weekend, weather permitting; the buoys are typically 6 to 8 inches in diameter and are permanent; the buoys are made out of Styrofoam and have a weight connected to them to act much like a anchor; the races will be mainly conducted in front of the Pavilion on the Lake. Mr. Poole added that there are currently 6 members on the Central Coast, but they hope to attract more with the proposed boat race location at the Atascadero Lake. There was a concern and discussion regarding people fishing and getting the lines tangled in the buoys. Mr. Poole assured him that they have the same situation at other public parks and it has never been a problem. PUBLIC COMMENT: Ed Salas was concerned about the impact of the buoys and the wildlife on the lake. Russ James also addressed the Commissioners on this issue. Chairman Hood then brought the item back to the Commission for a motion. MOTION: by Commissioner Kock and seconded by Commissioner Mathews to recommend approval to the City Council of a request by the Central Coast Model Yacht Club to temporarily locate five buoys on Atascadero Lake with following changes: From the Staff recommendations under the heading "Discussion" in the Staff Report: Permission is granted on a temporary ane yep six-month basis, with the ability of city staff to extend permission on a year-to-year basis, with staff having the authority to grant an extension. Buoys limited in diameter to 8 inches or less 6 ayes; 0 nos Motion passed 6:0 Paloma Creek Park — Concessions Lease Community Services Manager, Geoff English informed the Commission that they had only one applicant, Julie Conn, for the Paloma Creek Park concession operation. Mr. English directed the Commissioners to the attachments to his staff report, which included the agreement and applicant Ms. Conn's proposal. There was no discussion by the Commission and the following motion was made. MOTION: by Vice Chairperson Kudlac and seconded by Commissioner Dempsey to recommend approval to the City council of an agreement with Julie Conn for a Food Concessions Operation at Paloma Creek. 6 ayes; 0 nos Motion passed 6:0 D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: ATASCADERO RECREATION CENTER COMMITTEE The Atascadero Recreation Center Committee (ARCO) meetings have been suspended until the Children's Day in the Park event has concluded. ATASCADERO YOUTH TASK FORCE The next Atascadero Youth Task Force meeting will be held May 1, 2001, at 7:00 a.m. at the Masonic Temple Building THREE WOOD NYMPHS COMMITTEE No report D. COMMISSIONER/STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no Commissioner comments and student representative Michell Kim was not present. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 4 E. STAFF COMMENTS Zoo Curator's Report — April 2001 Claudia Collier, General Zoo Curator, announced that there were baby marmosets at the zoo and KSBY will be at the zoo on April 20, 2001 to interview her and take a look at the newborns. Proposition 13 funding memorandum Mr. English went over the memorandum included in the Commissioner's packet, from Public works Director Steve Kahn to the City Manager, regarding funds to improve the Atascadero Lake water quality. Proposition 12 — Parks Bond Act Funding Included in the Commissioner's packet, was a Parks Bond Act Funding allocation sheet, which included the $234,000, earmarked for the City of Atascadero. Mr. English briefly went over some of the Capital Improvements that needed to be done with the funds. He informed the Commission that he would bring a recommendation back to the Parks and Recreation Commission on how to best spend the money and pass that along to the City Council. Commissioner Mathews asked about improvements to the access road to Stadium Park. Mr. English told the Commission that he was having a meeting with Jim Patterson and Joan O'keefe concerning that issue. F. CALENDAR OF EVENTS A revised Calendar of Events was handed out to the Commission at the meeting. A few items were added and the Zoological Society Golf Tournament was canceled. G. ADJOURNEMT Chairman Hood adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. until the next regular session and workshop for the Atascadero Lake Master Plan scheduled for May 17, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Administration Building, Rotunda, 4th floor. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Ellen M Perkins Administrative Secretary Department of Community Services /mw Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 of 4