HomeMy WebLinkAbout032101 PRC MinutesMINUTES CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION March 21, 2001 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Dempsey. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Hood called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman Hood Vice Chairperson Kudlac Commissioner Butz Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock Commissioner Mathews ABSENT: Student Representative Kim STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager Melanie Whaley, Office Assistant Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator Paula Anton, Recreation Supervisor COMMUNITY FORUM: None A. MINUTES MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Kudlac and seconded by Commissoner Mathews to approve the minutes. Motion passed 7.0 by a voice -vote. B. PRESENTATIONS Hope Lutheran Church Men in Mission Geoff English commended Hope Lutheran for the excellent cleaning they provide around the Atascadero Lake and Park. Commissioner Kock thanked the men for an outstanding job. Jim Schmidt accepted the plaque on behalf of the Hope Lutheran Church. Mr. Schmidt thanked the Commission, Brady Cherry and Geoff English for the recognition as well as giving them the opportunity to serve the community, as they have found it to be a rewarding experience. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 1 of 5 Chairman Hood announced that they are adding Item C-5 to the Agenda that will address the Concessionaire for pedal boats at the Atascadero Lake Park. C. STAFF REPORTS: 1. Paloma Creek Park Shade Structure Geoff English outlined the current status of the lease between the City of Atascadero and the State Hospital. He stated that the Softball Association has submitted a request to add a shade structure adjacent to the score booth. John Martino, a member of the American Softball Association, asked the Commission to approve the shade structure. He explained that the Association would pay for the cost of the project. Commissioner Mathews asked if the required permits for the structure would be waived by the City. Mr. English replied that they would. MOTION: By Commissioner Butz and seconded by Commissioner Mathews to recommend to the City Council the approval of a request by the Atascadero Softball Players Association to install a wood shade structure and extend the concrete at the existing Paloma Creek Park Concession Stand/Score booth. Motion passed 7.0 by a voice -vote. 2. Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan — Selection of at-larize sub -committee members Geoff announced that Casey Patterson has been appointed as the landscape architect. He stated that the committee currently consists of Commissioner Kock, Parks and Recreation Commission; Commissioner Dempsey, Zoological Society; Alan Thomas, Lake Neighborhood; Jim Douglas, Babe Ruth; Geoff English, Community Services; and Steve Kahn, Public Works. He reported that three applications were received from the public to participate in the sub -committee. One youth applicant, Stuart Hallin, and two adult applicants, Lee Roberts and Barbara Reiter. Mr. English suggested that the Commission appoint all three applicants to the committee. Commissioner Butz strongly advised that a woman be appointed to the committee. MOTION: By Commissioner Butz and seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to recommend the appointment of the two adult and one youth applicant for the Parks and Recreation Commission's Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan Advisory Team. Motion passed 7.0 by a voice -vote. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 5 3. Review of Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan Scope of work Mr. English outlined the status of the Plan. Commissioner Gobler asked if there is additional public input beyond workshops. Geoff stated that they may develop a website and survey to get public input. Commissioner Mathews suggested having Charter Cable help with public advertisement. He also stated that the drainage issue needs to be addressed along with development in those areas (not just in the Park but in surrounding area). Commissioner Butz asked about money received from SLOCOG for the pathways. Mr. English said we have not used it as we are waiting for the Master Plan. Commissioner Dempsey asked if Proposition 12 money will/can be used for the Master Plan. Mr. English replied that the funds we have, $162,000, is a combination of City and SLOCOG monies for the pathway. We received $227,000 in Proposition 12 monies ($100,00 to youth/community center and $127,000 to park projects). The funding for the Master Plan has been designated from the general fund. Chairperson Hood asked about the time line on this process. Mr. English responded that April 19t' is the first meeting (workshop), with Team meetings over the next three -(3) to four -(4) months, with a completion date for the project of July or August of 2001. Chairman Hood commended the review and stated that it was well done. Commissioner Mathews stated that Casey Patterson will serve the project well. 4. Youth/Community Center update — verbal Mr. English reported that he sent a letter to the Commission members explaining that they went to the Council to propose site change to County Schools property with the hope that they would receive $1 million in funds. However, state legislature added a stipulation that said the county cannot have a partnership if they are using state funds. Mr. English commented that the funds we have are not adequate for the type of building the community would like to see. Commissioner Butz asked if we are still considering the Traffic Way location. Mr. English replied that we are. Chairman Hood commented that he was confused by the change of location. Mr. English explained the time- line crunch and reasoning behind the request for negotiating a site change. Commissioner Dempsey asked about making a shell and then adding amenities as funding allowed. Mr. English said it would be difficult, but a possibility. Commissioner Butz asked about the Lake Park as a possible location. Mr. English stated that the location did not score high when they were deciding a location because of the lower population and the fact that the Master Plan had not yet been completed for that area. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 5 5. Revision to the Lake Park Concession Agreement MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Kudlac and seconded by Commissioner Mathews to add the Item C-5 to the Agenda. Motion passed 7.0 by a voice -vote. Mr. English explained that the new concessionaire would like to stay open year round and sell kayaks in addition to renting pedal boats and other crafts at the Lake Park. Commissioner Mathews asked where the kayaks would stay. Mr. English stated that they would remain in the boat house. Commissioner Kock asked if we have extended this option to any other vendors in the city. Mr. English stated that we really do not have any. MOTION: By Commissioner Mathews and seconded by Commissioner Butz to recommend approval of exemption. Motion passed 6:1 (Kock opposed) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Recreation Center Committee Commisioner Butz reported that they have been meeting for Children's Day in the Park and the next meeting is scheduled for March 27, at 7:00 p.m. at Jerrie Dahlen's home. (no regular meeting) 2. Atascadero Youth Task Force —next meeting April 3, 2001, 7:00 a.m., Masonic Temple Building E. COMMISSIONER/STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Mathews expressed concern for open space in Atascadero with the update of the General Plan. He encouraged the Parks and Recreation Commission to be involved in the process. Chairman Hood suggested that the issue of open space acquisition come back as a future agenda item (May meeting). He stated that he would like to see what other cities are doing to develop open space programs. Commissioner Kock reported that he had a great time at the Bowl-A-Thon for the Youth/Community Center. F. STAFF COMMENTS: 1. Zoo Curator's Report — March 2001 2. Legislative Alert 3. Annual Commissioner's Workshop — May 19, 2001 — Grover Beach 4. Report on CPRS Conference — verbal Mr. English reported that he and staff had a profitable time at the conference and agreed that it would be good to see some of the commissioners attend next year. He stated that he could request some funding for the commissioners to attend 5. Revised Community Services Organizational Chart 6. Brick by Brick Campaign Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 of 5 G. CALENDAR OF EVENTS: H. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Hood adjourned the meeting at 8:38 p.m. until the next regular session and workshop for the Atascadero Lake Master Plan scheduled for April 19, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Melanie Whaley Office Assistant Department of Community Services /mw Parks and Recreation Commission Page 5 of 5