HomeMy WebLinkAbout011801 PRC MinutesMINUTES CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION January 18, 2001 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Commissioner Kock CALL TO ORDER: Madam Chair Butz called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Madam Chair Butz Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock Commissioner Kudlac Commissioner Mathews Student Representative Kim ABSENT: Vice Chairman Hood (excused) STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager Ellen Perkins, Administrative Secretary Kate Kremke, Recreation Coordinator Pavilion on the Lake COMMUNITY FORUM: None A. MINUTES: November 16, 2000 Madam Chair Butz pointed out that on page two item C2 — Parks and Recreation Commissioner Workshop, the last sentence in the second paragraph was incomplete. It should have read: Commissioner Mathews suggested a speaker to address the Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop, whom he had heard at the California Relief Network conference in Sacramento, speak on the connection between parks and recreation and open space. MOTION: By Commissioner Mathews and seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to approve the November 16, 2000 minutes with corrections. Motion passed 4:0 Abstained: Commissioner Kock and Commissioner Gobler B. PRESENTATIONS: None Parks and Recreation Commission Page 1 of 5 C. STAFF REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan — Advisory Committee Make-up and Selection of Representative Community Services Manager Geoff English informed the Commission that the City Council had allocated $75,000.00 this fiscal year to develop a Master Plan for Atascadero Lake Park. He announced that a Request for Proposal was sent out for the Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan and are due back to the City by February 13, 2001. The public will be invited to give their input, but some details will need to be discussed by an advisory committee. Mr. English asked the Parks and Recreation commissioners to select a member of their commission to sit on that committee. He said that the architectural firm which is hired would work with the advisory committee on that plan. He also explained that staff would like to have other members of the committee be from the Zoological Society; the Atascadero Lake Neighborhood Association; the City of Atascadero's Community Services Department and Public Works Department; an Atascadero Babe Ruth Baseball member; and a youth member. Mr. English explained that staff recommends approval of the make-up of this advisory committee to go to the City Council. Commissioner Gobler asked how many meetings there would be and Mr. English estimated three to four. There will be an initial public workshop; those ideas will be considered by the architectural firm and then submitted to the advisory body. Commissioner Dempsey asked about a member of the public. Mr. English agreed that a public member at large would be valuable. Commissioner Kock asked about the proposals. Mr. English stated that the Proposal requests that the firm provide a Master Plan for Atascadero Lake and surrounding properties (lake, park, zoo area, open space) and all property that the City owns; and secondly provide a specific design plan for the pathway around the lake. Mr. English said the corner property on Portola Road where the two houses once stood would be included in that plan. Commissioner Gobler asked about the "youth" member to sit on the committee. Geoff said it would be open to all youth, with a notice going to the newspaper and schools. PUBLIC COMMENT: Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, Atascadero said the advisory committee is a good idea and hoped that the committee would have specific goals. He would like to see someone sit on the committee who has some expertise on the ecology of the lake — maybe someone from the Fish and Game Department or a member of the local Audubon Society. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Commissioner Gobler added that he thought, at the first meeting, there could be an ecological expert. Mr. English said the RFP does include a biological inventory of the lake and should be addressed by the Architect who could invite someone else to the committee meeting as well. MOTION: By Commissioner Kock and seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to recommend approval to the City Council of proposed make-up of the Atascadero Lake park master Plan Advisory Committee and select a representative from the Parks and Recreation Commission and also to include on the list, a member of the public at large. Motion Passed 6:0 Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 5 Commissioner Mathews nominated Commissioner Gobler and Commissioner Dempsey seconded the Motion to sit on the advisory committee. Commissioner Kock nominated himself and it was seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to sit on the advisory committee. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Gobler withdrew his name from the nomination and said he supports Commissioner Kock and would be available as an alternate. MOTION: By Commissioner Kock to be nominated to sit on the advisory committee. Commissioner Kudlac seconded the Motion. Commissioner Gobler would be an alternate. Motion passed 6:0 There was a 5 -minute recess. 2. Facility Policies, Procedures and Fees Mr. English said that since this item came before the Parks and Recreation Commission in October of 1999, there have been some further changes. Mr. English presented a report regarding the proposed revisions, which included a slide show. Three major changes are (1) Amplified music --staff recommends that the music end at 11:00 p.m. (2) Weekend users at the Pavilion rent for a minimum of 4 hours instead of 2 hours. This will maximize the rental income at peak rental time. (3) Require all Saturday renters to pay the private group rate. This will maximize the rental income on Fridays and Saturdays. Mr. English went on to explain that the City has never charged an equipment fee, but feels that the equipment use is gaining in popularity and will need repair or replacement due to that use. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Commissioner Dempsey asked if the additional monies would go to the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. English said it goes to the General Fund and the budget is increased every year to offset expenses. Madam Chair Butz suggested publicizing the figures to show public the cost of doing business. PUBLIC COMMENT: Joann Main 8940 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero, CA 93422, felt people will not like the fee increase. Ms. Main would like to see the non-profit groups continue to use a portion of the Pavilion on Saturday. Marlene Lutz 6680 Portola Road, Atascadero CA 93422, complimented Kate, Geoff and all the staff on what a good job they do. Ms. Lutz is concerned with the increase for non -profits and specifically her event which is the annual Women's Conference. Mr. English said an option could be to let the existing non profit groups continue to use the facility for the non-profit rate (grandfathering), but would have to be approved by the City Council. Kate Kremke, the Recreation Coordinator for the Pavilion on the Lake said there are about five non-profit groups that use the Pavilion on Saturdays. MOTION: By Commissioner Dempsey and seconded by Commissioner Kock to recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed revisions to the City of Atascadero Facility Policies, Procedures and Fees with a Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 5 recommendation that the City Council consider grandfathering certain non-profit groups for Saturday use of the Pavilion, being the following groups: Association of Realtors Youth Football Women's Conference Atascadero Education Foundation Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Motion passed 5:1 Commissioner Mathews voted no 3. Youth/Community Center — Status update (verbal) Mr. English said the City Council would hopefully agree to bring Heiser and Associates on board to design the proposed Youth/Community Center. This item will go to the City Council on Tuesday, January 23, 2001, to vote on the agreement with Kirk Heiser & Associates. The February 15, 2001 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will be a public workshop to discuss the facility. We are still short on funds. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS ARCC - The next meeting will be held on January 25, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple Building 2. Atascadero Youth Task Force - The next meeting will be held on February 6, 2001 at 7 a.m. at the Masonic Temple Building. E. COMMISSIONER/STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Dempsey asked what was happening with Stadium Park. Mr. English said that there were no funds allocated this fiscal year to do anything, and there is no money coming from the community, so it is on hold. He spoke to Jim Patterson from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company, regarding the changed policies to allow events in Stadium Park. The recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission was passed by the city Council. The road needs to be graded and an environmental review still needs to be done. Geoff suggested walking the site to mark where the grading needs to be done. The bottom line is that we need money. Madam Chair Butz commented on the success of the Commission Christmas party. She thanked Ellen for planning the menu and Claudia for hosting the party. All agreed that the Christmas party was a success. F. STAFF COMMENTS Curator's Report - Claudia Collier, General Zoo Curator for the Charles Paddock Zoo, was not present. Mr. English said attendance at the zoo was the largest ever for the 4th quarter 2000. 2. Atascadero Youth Sports Summit — Will be held on January 24, 2001 at the Atascadero City Hall at 6:00 p.m. in room 102. This is basically training and supervision for parents of participants of youth sports. Bad behavior is a problem. Madam Chair Butz asked if the Commissioners should attend and Geoff said they are only targeting the people in charge of the organizations. However, Madam Chair Butz thought it would be good to have a Commissioner present. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 of 5 3. California Parks and Recreation Societv Conference Info — March 14-17 (Sacramento This item included a portion of the CPRS monthly newsletter. 4. Much Ado about a public park's use — Newspaper article 5. CPRS District I Workshop — Teen and Youth Services Roundtable Mr. English informed the Commission that he was planning on attending this Roundtable discussion to participate in this workshop about youth centers and their success. G. CALENDAR OF EVENTS The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission will be Feb 15, 2001, which will be a public workshop MOTION: By Commissioner Gobler and seconded by Commissioner Dempsey to adjourn. Motion passed 6:0 MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Ellen M Perkins Administrative Secretary Department of Community Services /emp Parks and Recreation Commission Page 5 of 5