HomeMy WebLinkAbout111899 PRC MinutesMINUTES CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOVEMBER 18, 1999 ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Butz called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ITEM 2 - ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson Butz Vice Chairperson Hood Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock Commissioner Kudlac Commissioner Mathews ABSENT: Student Representative Brian Potter STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager Ellen Perkins, Administrative Secretary Claudia Collier, Curator, Charles Paddock Zoo ITEM 3 — FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Gobler led the flag salute ITEM 4 — PUBLIC COMMENT Russ James, 9470 Marchant Way, Atascadero extended an invitation to join the Atascadero Neighborhood Association on December 4, 1999 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for the Musical Holiday Walk Around the Lake. Marchant Way and Lakeview will be closed from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. There will be free hot apple cider and houses around Lakeview and Marchant Way will be decorated especially for the Holiday Walk. The Community Band will play; there will be strolling carolers and a truck for the people who cannot walk. Chairperson Butz agreed that this was a great idea, one that has been a long time coming. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., reiterated the approval of the Holiday Walk Around the Lake and thinks it is a wonderful idea. He wondered if there was an alternate plan in the event of rain. Eric also reminded everyone that there was going to be a Day of the Oaks celebration on Saturday, November 20, 1999 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the AARP building in the Atascadero Lake Park. Another item he spoke about was the 3900 Traffic Way project and suggested that for archaeological purposes, before developing a plan for this site, a Phase H survey be done. Mr. Greening said that the area in question was a camp site on the Anza Trail and thought it would be good for the City of Atascadero to contact Meredith Caplan of the National Park Service and let her know that the City will be acquiring this land and perhaps have a commemorative plaque or display announcing to the public the historic significance of this site for the Anza party. Mr. Greening then brought up the proposed funding of the Atascadero Lake Walkway. On the CTAC (Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee) Agenda there was mention of a local match of funds of $42,900. He wondered if there had been a firm offer by the City Council or just a discussion by staff. Community Services Manager Geoff English said he would check on that item. ITEM 5 — MINUTES: October 21, 1999 Commissioner Mathews wanted to change the sentence on page 3, Item 7A, under the heading "Discussion" regarding the increase in all fees to read Commissioner Mathews and not Commissioner Gobler. Commissioner Kudlac also noted that she did not call the meeting to order as stated on page 1 Item 1 — Call to Order. Chairperson Butz called that meeting to order. MOTION: By Commissioner Kudlac and seconded by Commissioner Gobler to approve the October 21, 1999 Minutes as corrected. Motion passed 7.0 ITEM 6 — OLD BUSINESS ITEM 6A — YOUTH CENTER OPTIONS — VERBAL UPDATE Community Services Manager Geoff English confirmed that the Youth Center Options item is on the City Council Agenda for December 14, 1999. He said that staff is taking the Commission's recommendation to support the building of a gymnasium with a staff effort to secure funds. Chairperson Butz reminded the commissioners that they should all attend that meeting. ITEM 7 — NEW BUSINESS ITEM 7A — ATASCADERO LAKE PARK MASTER PLAN: Chairperson Butz announced to the attending public that they were not presenting the master plan tonight, but only having a discussion on the process of developing a master plan. Mr. English told the Commission that staff needs to get some bids for the cost of this process, and a dollar figure in order to ask the City Council to budget those funds. Mr. English said the initial process would start with the fiscal year July 1, 2000 and go through June 30, 2001. Mr. English went over the draft Master Plan Process Outline for the Atascadero Lake Park that was prepared for the City of Atascadero by RRM Design Group in San Luis Obispo and asked the Commission for recommendations before developing the plan. He handed out copies to the audience and went over it subject by subject. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Dempsey asked whether the steering committee would be a part of the project "kick-off'. Mr. English said yes and he thought the steering committee should meet monthly along with a representative from the architectural firm and staff to check the progress. Further topics were discussed such as steering committee, stakeholders, and early involvement with community representatives. Chairperson Butz reminded the Commission that one of the "goals" that the Commission set at the beginning of the year was to develop the Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan. Mr. English clarified that the Atascadero Lake Master Plan would include all the property, to include the zoo, ballparks, open space, etc. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 5 PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero, thought a steering committee was an excellent idea and the more community involvement the better. He thought we should compare the cost of preparing the Master Plan for Stadium Park to the cost for the Atascadero Lake Park. He thought we should include the Atascadero Lake Walkway into the process too. Allan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way commented on how nice he thought the plan was. He brought up issues such as water quality, creek pipeline, wells, and a marine biologist to look at the lake regarding fish and wildlife. Mr. Thomas also asked for clarification of the Atascadero Walkway money mentioned previously. Community Services Manager Geoff said that the City Engineer submitted an application for a CDBG Grant for improvements for the pathway around the lake. Casey Patterson, 10659 Realito Avenue, Atascadero, wanted to stress that staff use the correct language and that the project be designed by a "landscape architect" and not an "architect". He thought the draft should be streamlined and split into a site -plan design for the new property. Following public comment, it was brought back to the Commission. Mr. English wanted to be very clear that the solicitation of RRM Design Group for assistance in this Master Plan process in no way means they are committed to that company. MOTION: By Vice -Chairperson Hood and seconded by Commissioner Dempsey to approve the staff recommendation which would include the scope of the project as outlined in the staff report plus comments from commissioners and members of the public with regard to what should be included in the scope and also to include some options and alternatives. Motion passed 7.0 Geoff clarified for the public attending that he was essentially going to take the draft Master Plan Outline Process and get some bids on cost for the scope of work as well as a site -design cost estimate to bring back to the Commission. ITEM 7B — AGREEMENT WITH ATASCADERO BABE RUTH ORGANIZATION: Community Services Manager Geoff English briefed the Commission on the history and relationship of Alvord Field and the Babe Ruth Organization. The Babe Ruth Organization has, for years, provided the maintenance and upkeep of the Alvord Field but there has never been a formal written agreement. Babe Ruth would like to secure priority use of Alvord for a three-year period and has proposed an agreement. The agreement states that Babe Ruth will do maintenance at Alvord Field in exchange for the priority use. Mr. English has put together a list of responsibilities for both Babe Ruth and the City and has indicated that staff would like the Commission to endorse the terms of this potential agreement to be brought before the City Council. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 5 PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Douglas, 2222 F Street, Santa Margarita, President of Atascadero Babe Ruth, spoke to staff and the Commission regarding the potential agreement. He said they have the ability to raise funds for the maintenance of the field. Their second annual Barbecue/raffle fundraiser for Babe Ruth was held November 17, 1999 and approximately 160 community members were in attendance. Commissioner Mathews noted that the number of attendees shows good local support. They are now, with the support of the Atascadero High School, bringing back the Senior Babe Ruth Program, consisting of a 16 to 18 year old summer league. Babe Ruth has employed a turf management consultant and contractor to help with field maintenance. Mike Molina, 7165 Pinal, Atascadero, is the Babe Ruth player agent. He does all the scheduling for Alvord Field. Mr. Clickard from the High School and the North County Christian School representative meet and put their schedules together so they don't conflict and then Mr. Molina gets the information and schedules Babe Ruth around their dates and times. The two high schools get the priority use before Babe Ruth. Chairperson Butz brought the meeting back to the Commission: MOTION: By Commissioner Mathews and seconded by Commissioner Kudlac to approve the agreement between the City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Babe Ruth Organization for use and maintenance of Alvord Field to include field use by North County Christian School Motion passed 7:0 ITEM 8 — COMMITTEE REPORTS: ITEM 8A — ARCC: There will be no meeting in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday. There will be a meeting in December, however, for the planning of the annual Super Bowl Sunday party at the Armory. ITEM 8B — YOUTH TASK FORCE: Chairperson Butz announced that the next meeting would be December 7, 1999 at 7:00 a.m. at the Youth Center. The Youth Task Force now has a facilitator, Lisa Bruce, and is moving along on the Youth Master Plan. ITEM 9 CORRESPONDENCE: None ITEM 10 — COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Mathews announced that the Day of the Oaks Symposium is November 20th at the Atascadero Lake Park. He also wanted to mention that there are calendars available for $7.00 produced by ANTA (Atascadero Native Tree Association). They are available at City Hall, Room 107, Chamber of Commerce, Atascadero Mutual Water Co., and Bay Laurel Garden Center. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 of 5 Chairperson Butz mentioned the Coats for Kids program and asked everyone to take flyers and pass them out and look in their closet for coats and sweaters. She then announced that the Craft Faire at the Lake Park Pavilion was on Saturday, November 20'. ITEM 11— STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS Brian Potter, the student representative, was not present. ITEM 12 — STAFF COMMENTS: ITEM 12A — ZOO CURATORS REPORT: Claudia said that David Bloomfield from Custom Waterfall Creations wants to donate his time to finish the African Porcupine exhibit. Also, she said the new flamingos have arrived. Commissioner Kock asked Claudia about the clean-up day at the Zoo. Claudia said it was a great success. Chairperson Butz said she had a new television for Claudia. Claudia said they have remote cameras in the animal cages and they use the TV sets to monitor the animals. The TV sets are also used for staff training. Claudia reported that the Wild Nite singles mixer was great and she is planning to do something similar again, whether single or not, probably in the summer. Community Services Manager Geoff English said the Rotary Club asked staff to allow them to put one additional light at the Atascadero Lake Park. This item will go before City Council on Tuesday, November 23, 1999. The parking lot at the Pavilion will be paved on Monday, November 22, 1999, and Jim Ericson should have the trail in Stadium Park complete by this weekend (November 20-21). He reminded the Commissioners that traditionally there is no meeting in December, and asked the Commission what they wanted to do for the Christmas season. Claudia said she would have the Christmas party at her house this year, December 16, 1999. It will be an Italian theme this year. Happy Holidays!!!! ITEM 13 — CALENDAR OF EVENTS: A revised Calendar of Events was provided. ITEM 14 — ADJOURNMENT MOTION: By Commissioner Gobler and seconded by Commissioner Dempsey to adjourn the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting at 8:45 p.m. Motion passed 7.0 MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Ellen M Perkins, Department of Community Services Parks and Recreation Commission Page 5 of 5