HomeMy WebLinkAbout102199 PRC MinutesMINUTES CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 21, 1999 ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Butz called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ITEM 2 - ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson Butz Vice Chairperson Hood Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock Commissioner Kudlac Commissioner Mathews Student Representative Brian Potter STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager Ellen Perkins, Administrative Secretary ITEM 3 — FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Mathews led the Pledge of Allegiance. ITEM 4 — PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., welcomed Chairperson Butz back after her absence. He also mentioned again that the first ever "Open Art Studio Tour" for San Luis Obispo County artists, will be conducted on Saturday October 23, 1999 from 10 to 4. Eric said of the 84 artists in San Luis Obispo County, approximately 9 of them live here in Atascadero. The Chamber of Commerce has catalogues and maps for sale. ITEM 5 — MINUTES: September 16, 1999 MOTION: By Commissioner Mathews and seconded by Commissioner Dempsey to approve the September 16, 1999 Minutes with no corrections. Motion passed 7.0 ITEM 6 — OLD BUSINESS ITEM 6A — YOUTH CENTER OPTIONS — STATUS REPORT (Verbal) Community Services Manager Geoff English updated the commission on the Youth Center. He reminded the Commission that they unanimously decided to abandon the idea of renovating the building and wanted to investigate the option of finding a new site. Geoff said the item was pulled from the City Council Agenda until a study could be done on a potential site. Geoff said staff has taken the Parks & Recreation Commission recommendation, added some criteria and the item should go to City Council on November 9, 1999 where staff will ask the City Council for direction. Chairperson Butz said she thought all the Commissioners should be present at that City Council meeting. ITEM 7 — NEW BUSINESS ITEM 7A — REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S FACILITY USE POLICIES, FEES & PROCEDURES: Community Services Manager Geoff English explained to the Commission that the document they were viewing, the City of Atascadero's Facility Use Policies, Fees and Procedures manual, had not been revised since December 1995. At that time, the Commission made only a few recommendations, which the City Council adopted. In 1997, the document went to the City Council for fee increases for the Pavilion, but the City Council directed staff to come back at some future date. Staff recently met and went over this document and made some changes for recommendation to the Commission and City Council. Geoff explained that Attachment "A" is the Draft Policies document itself, Attachment `B" is the proposed fee increase; and Attachment "C" is the proposed policy revisions. Geoff went over some of the fee and policy changes that he felt were significant, mostly consisting of revenue changes, the biggest change being Pavilion rent for Saturday. It has been reported that the Pavilion Coordinator gets three to four requests a week for the same Saturday. The demand is high and we can take advantage of that demand. We are proposing that all users pay the "private" rate, which will increase revenue considerably. Geoff also handed out a spreadsheet of building rental comparisons from various facilities in San Luis Obispo County for the Commissioners to review, while Geoff went over each item. Commissioner Gobler asked how self-sustaining the fees were in supporting the facilities. Geoff reported to the Commission the following yearly expense figures: $250,000.00 Park Maintenance cost 190,000.00 Staff cost $380,000.00 Cost of Capital Improvement for Park maintenance $820,000.00 Total Expense Geoff said that the revenue from facilities and activities ranges from $15,000.00 to $20,000.00, which obviously cannot cover the expenses as stated above. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 2 of 5 ITEM 7A — REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S FACILITY USE POLICIES, FEES AND PROCEDURES (Continued): PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero, suggested that all user rates be raised by about $20.00, instead of only the non-profit fee being increased, as is proposed in the report. MOTION: By Vice -Chairperson Hood and seconded by Commissioner Kock to recommend to City Council approval of the proposed revisions to the City's Facility Use Policies, Fees and Procedures. Motion passed 7.0 DISCUSSION: Commissioner Mathews agreed with Eric Greening regarding the increase in all fees. ITEM 7B — PARKLAND DEDICATION LETTER (Information only) Community Services Manager Geoff English went over the report he had prepared. He stated that the Planning Commission's recommendation to City Council for a request to sub -divide 40 acres on Traffic Way was passed unanimously by the City Council 7-0. As part of that sub- division, 6.5 acres will be dedicated to the City of Atascadero to be used as parkland. Geoff assured the Commissioners that any proposed arrangement of sports fields would come before the commission and they would have the opportunity to guide the process. Chairperson Butz reiterated that this subject would again be back in front of the Commission for discussion. ITEM 7C — SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE REVISIONS-QUIMBY (Information only) The Quimby Act is a law that allows the City to enact certain fees and requirements on subdivisions of a certain size for the purposes of parks, recreation and open space. The Community Development Department is revising the City's Subdivision Ordinance, which deals with all subdivisions and is recommending that the Quimby Ordinance be added to that revision. Community Services Manager Geoff English apologized to Vice Chairperson Hood for the delay in bringing this item back to the Commission. He pointed out that Attachment "A" is the City's existing Subdivision Ordinance; and Attachment `B" is a draft revision to the Subdivision Ordinance, both of which were included for the Commission's review. Geoff asked the Commissioners to read through the proposed draft attached and make any suggestions or recommendations. He said he would come back to the Commission with staff recommended changes or modifications to the draft, if any. Also, prior to the Planning staff taking this to the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission will get a chance to make some recommendations. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 3 of 5 ITEM 8 — COMMITTEE REPORTS: ITEM 8A — ARCO: Chairperson Butz announced that the next meeting would be held on October 28, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. at the Youth Center. No further business to report. ITEM 8B — YOUTH TASK FORCE: Chairperson Butz announced that the next meeting would be November 2, 1999 at 7:00 a.m. at the Youth Center. No further business to report. ITEM 9 CORRESPONDENCE: ITEM 9A — POEM BY JIM ERICSON "MOUNTAIN MAN'S FIRE' Chairperson Butz asked what the significance of the poem was. Geoff told the Commission that Jim Ericson is the gentleman who is proposing to put in the trail at Stadium Park. Jim brought this in and was very proud of it, so Geoff told him that he would present it to the Commission. Chairperson Butz asked how things were going at Stadium Park. Geoff said they took a tour and walked the proposed trail and Bruce Boniface committed to six months of maintenance on the Stadium Park. ITEM 10 — COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Mathews announced that on the calendar of events, the Day of the Oaks Symposium is November 20 and not November 6. Vice Chairperson Hood encouraged all to attend the Zoo cleanup on Saturday, October 23, 1999 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Also, the Zoo Boo will be October 30th at the Charles Paddock Zoo. Commissioner Dempsey asked about the status of the Stadium Park Master Plan. Geoff said he has requested information on the process of the Master Plan and how to proceed. Chairperson Butz thanked everyone for their help with the Commission meetings while she was absent, Gail in particular, who took over at one of the meetings. She said she really appreciated their friendship and support. ITEM 11— STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMENTS Brian Potter, the student representative, spoke on the youth center. He feels encouraged that there will be a place for the youth to go to play games, basketball, etc., so they aren't loitering. He also said he will be seeing his uncle over the Christmas holidays and will be talking to him about the Atascadero Lake. Chairperson Butz invited Brian to attend the ARCC meeting, and bring any of his friends who would be interested in supporting a youth center. Parks and Recreation Commission Page 4 of 5 ITEM 12 — STAFF COMMENTS: ITEM 12A — ZOO CURATORS REPORT: Claudia was not present, but Community Services Manager Geoff English commented on the new aviary and how great it looks. He said Claudia needs to be commended for the work. ITEM 12B — L.A. TIMES ARTICLE -REGARDING SOCCER FIELDS: Chairperson Butz stated that she was glad to have the article included in their packets, no discussion ensued. ITEM 12C — ARTICLE -RECREATION TO THE RESCUE? Geoff said the article dealt with some concerns and issues that we are struggling with in our town. ITEM 12D — FACT SHEET — AB 18 — PARK BOND ACT: Geoff informed the Commission that the Legislature passed a Park Bond Act that will be on the ballot in March of 2000. It will be the first park bond that has been on the ballot in quite some time. This Bond, if it passes, will mean a lump sum, one-time grant of approximately $160,000 for use in park development or improvements. ITEM 12E — GUIDELINES — OCTOBER 1999: No discussion. ITEM 13 — CALENDAR OF EVENTS: The Commission was provided a revised Calendar of Events. ITEM 14 — ADJOURNMENT MOTION: By Commissioner Dempsey and seconded by Commissioner Mathews to adjourn the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting at 8:40 p.m. Motion passed 7.0 MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Ellen M Perkins, Department of Community Services Parks and Recreation Commission Page 5 of 5