HomeMy WebLinkAbout071599 PRC MinutesCITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES July 15, 1999 ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER: Meeting is called to order at 7:04 p.m. ITEM 2 - ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson Butz Vice Chairperson Hood Commissioner Herron Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock ABSENT: Commissioner Kudlac (excused) Student Representative Brian Potter (excused illness) STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager, Department of Community Services, Ellen Perkins, Secretary, Department of Community Services, Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator, Charles Paddock Zoo ITEM 3 — FLAG SALUTE ITEM 4 - PUBLIC COMMENT: None ITEM 5 - MINUTES OF JULY 15,1999: Chairperson Butz stated that on page 3, under Public Comment, the first sentence had Ms. Brasher's name spelled incorrectly. It was spelled Gerald and it should be Gerry. Commissioner Dempsey moved to approve the minutes with corrections, Commissioner Herron seconded the motion and it was passed with 6 Ayes, 0 Nos. Vice Chairperson Hood abstained from the vote, as he was not present for the July 15, 1999 meeting. The minutes of July 15, 1999 were corrected and submitted into record. ITEM 6 - OLD BUSINESS: None ITEM 7 — NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 7A — PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIONER HANDBOOK: Community Services Manager Geoff English briefly went through the Parks & Recreation Commissioner Handbook and informed the Commissioners that updates and new material will be added, as they become available. Geoff also asked the Commissioners to let him know if there was anything they would like to see included in the Handbook. ITEM 7B —SLIDE SHOW - GYMNASIUM TOUR: Community Services Manager Geoff English presented a slide show from a trip he took to Shafter, California, with City Manager Wade McKinney, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson Butz, John Martino, Rick Mathews, Paula Anton and the Director of Community Services, Brady Cherry. The purpose of the visit was to look at a steel framed gym that was built in Shafter to serve as a sports facility. The City of Atascadero does not have a gymnasium and must rely on school facilities. The gym is two stories with classroom space upstairs and the ground floor being big enough to have simultaneous basketball games being played. The cost to build the facility could be as little as $500,000.00. Geoff narrated the slide show with details about the building and how a similar building could benefit the City of Atascadero. This building is one option in the event the grant money for the refurbishing of the Youth Center does not materialize. Geoff said he would like to meet in August to discuss the Youth Center and options if the grant does not comes through. A question and answer period ensued. Chairperson Butz said she would check on the portable gym that they have in Goleta, California. ITEM 7C - THANK YOU FOR ATTENDEES OF FOCUS GROUP MEETINGS: Community Services Manager Geoff English prepared a thank you letter to the attendees of the Stadium Park Focus Group meetings, on behalf of Chairperson Butz and the Parks and Recreation Commission, and presented it to the Commission for approval. Chairperson Butz said the letter looked great and thanked staff for the good job. ITEM 8 — COMMITTEE REPORTS: ITEM 8A — CITY/SCHOOLS COMMITTEE: No Report ITEM 813 — ARCC: Next meeting July 22, 1999, at 6:30 p.m. at Youth Center ITEM 8C — YOUTH TASK FORCE: Chairperson Butz reported that on August 17, 1999, the Tuesday Night in the Park will be sponsored by the Youth Task Force/ARCC. ITEM 8D — STADIUM PARK COMMITTEE: - Disband, will be taken off future agendas. ITEM 9 — CORRESPONDENCE: None ITEM 10 - COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Kock said he really enjoys the Tuesday Night at the Lake events, he said the Lake Park looks great! Commissioner Dempsey feels that there is a real need for a pool in Atascadero, and would like to see the Commission work on that. He said the Atascadero High School Pool is down quite a bit and there is no other relief from the heat. Community Services Manager Geoff English spoke to the commission regarding the High School pool and its problems. Chairperson Butz said the 1999 Atascadero Wine Festival was a great success! ITEM 11 —STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS: Brian Potter, the student representative was out ill. ITEM 12 — STAFF COMMENTS: ITEM 12A — ZOO CURATORS REPORT: Claudia Collier, General Zoo Curator, gave final details about the aviary and its grand opening. She touched on a few points from her Curator's Report from July 1999 and brought the newest addition, a Madagascan Pygmy Hedgehog Tenrec, to the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting with her! (Just arrived from LAX) Welcome to your new home! ITEM 12B — RECREATION BUDGET UPDATE: Informational only --Recreation Year to Date Budget Summary Fiscal Year 98/99 ITEM 12C - L.A. TIMES ARTICLE: An article from the Los Angeles Times entitled Make 2000 a Year for Parkland. ITEM 12D - FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP: A graph showing the Fixed Route Ridership by Month. ITEM 13 — CALENDAR OF EVENTS: A revised Calendar of Events was included in the packet. ITEM 14 - ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chairperson Hood moved to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Gobler seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously with 6 Ayes, 0 Nos. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. to August 19, 1999, 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Ellen M. Perkins, Secretary Department of Community Services /emp In