HomeMy WebLinkAbout061799 PRC MinutesCITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 17, 1999 ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER: Meeting is called to order at 7:10 p.m. ITEM 2 - ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson Butz Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Kudlac Commissioner Gobler Commissioner Kock (arrived at 7:55 p.m.) ABSENT: Vice Chairperson Hood (excused) Commissioner Herron STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Community Services Manager, Department of Community Services, Ellen Perkins, Secretary, Department of Community Services, Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator, Charles Paddock Zoo ITEM 3 — FLAG SALUTE ITEM 4 - PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero, California voiced his concern and disappointment for Cal Trans removing 265 oak trees without notice to the public. Eric wants to place that on the agenda for future discussion and contact Cal Trans regarding the mitigation plan. Community Services Manager Geoff English said he spoke to Rob Carr at Cal Trans and he said that an agreement had already been signed with the property owner regarding the removal of the trees, but said that the City was not aware that a selection process was going on. Geoff also stated that Cal Trans told him that they would plant trees in Stadium Park if we request and we can take some of the trees from that site. Eric Greening said he would like to see Cal Trans make money available to ANTA for the planting of new trees. Community Services Manager Geoff English said he would contact Bob Carr at Cal Trans again and bring back options to the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. ITEM 5 - MINUTES OF MAY 20,1999: Commissioner Gobler moved to approve the minutes as they stand, Commissioner Kudlac seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously 4 Ayes, 0 Nos. ITEM 6 - OLD BUSINESS: ITEM 6A — CITY COUNCIL ACTION REGARDING THE BOXING CLUB (VERBAL): Community Services Manager Geoff English spoke to the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding the request from the ABC Boxing Club to use the Youth Center. Staff recommended that there be a delay on any decision pending the grant outcome. The City Council did delay any action, but requested that staff come back to City Council at the second meeting in July, with options for the youth center in the event that the grant is not funded. If there is no grant, Community Services Manager Geoff English said that he would bring back a slide presentation to the commission for location options for a youth center. Some of the Community Services staff traveled to the valley to look at a steel frame building being used currently as a gym the same size as the Atascadero Jr High gym. One option would be to build a gym like that for a cost of $500,000, with fundraising efforts to raise the money for that building. If the grant is funded, plans can go forward with the renovation of the youth center. The City building inspector said the cost of the youth center upgrade would be substantial. The boxing club is looking for another facility. ITEM 7 — NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 7A — STADIUM PARK POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS: Community Services Manager Geoff English thanked the members of the Stadium Park Focus Group for their efforts and for attending all the meetings in an effort to form the recommendations for the commission. He then read the staff report and the mission statement from the Stadium Park Policy Recommendations and went through the goals and objectives briefly. Commissioner Dempsey asked if the Stadium Park Policy was consistent with the General Plan, and Community Services Manager Geoff English said that it was. Commissioner Gobler asked about the parking plan in Section ll, Goal No. 3. Geoff said there is not a parking plan but one needs to be developed. Geoff said he would change the language in that item. Public Comment: Gerald Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, Atascadero spoke regarding the use of the Stadium Park for musical events. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, Atascadero, mentioned having a weather box at the Stadium Park for maximum/minimum temperature readings, to help determine weather for musical events. Livia also suggested archery events. She thinks the buildings in the park should be "whimsical". Community Services Manager Geoff English said we definitely want something unique at the Stadium Park . It was suggested that we have a "draw the buildings" contest for the Stadium Park. Eric Greening brought to the Commission's attention the following corrections: In the page titled "Natural History in the Park", second paragraph, third sentence from the bottom, where it reads, Competition with thirst -induced increases in the rodent population...", it should read, Competition with thirsty introduced grasses and consequent increases in the rodent population..." 2. Section II, Goal #4, the "emergency exit" does not pertain to vehicles. The only vehicle that should be driving in Stadium Park, would be one that is delivering something for an event, or for disabled people. Marge Mackey commended Geoff on the note taking and gathering of information at all the meetings, but had a correction as follows: Section III #34 should read "general" plan and not "generic" plan. Community Services Manager Geoff English said he would contact a landscape architect to determine a cost to develop a Master Plan for Stadium Park. Jerry Brasher recommended he call Cal Poly to have a landscape architect student prepare a plan. Jerry Brasher commended Geoff English, Brady Cherry, Barbie Butz and Gail Kudlac for their work with the group. Commissioner Kudlac moved to present the goals and objectives from the focus group to the City Council, to include the changes. Commissioner Dempsey seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously 5 Ayes, 0 Nos. ITEM 7B — SUB -COMMITTEE SEATS AVAILABLE: City/Schools Committee - meets quarterly - Commissioner Butz will vacate the seat and Commissioner Kock will be the new representative. ARCC Sub -Committee - meets once a month (4t" Thursday of the month) - Commissioner Butz volunteered to fill the vacant seat. Youth Task Force Sub -Committee - meets once a month (1St Tuesday of the month) - Chairperson Butz vacated her seat and Commissioner Herron and Commissioner Gobler volunteered to take the two seats available. Stadium Park Sub -Committee - The Parks and Recreation Commission voted 5 Ayes, 0 Nos to disband the Stadium Park Sub - Committee. Arts in Public Places Sub -Committee - The seats currently filled by Vice Chairperson Hood and Commissioner Kudlac will remain. ITEM 8 — COMMITTEE REPORTS: ITEM 8A — CITY/SCHOOLS COMMITTEE: No Report ITEM 8B — ARCO: Next meeting June 24, 1999, at 6:30 p.m. at Youth Center ITEM 8C — YOUTH TASK FORCE: - Commissioner Butz attended the Youth Task Force retreat and went over the goals and objectives. The next meeting is July 6, 1999 at 7:00 a.m. at Youth Center ITEM 8D — STADIUM PARK COMMITTEE: - Disband ITEM 9 — CORRESPONDENCE: None ITEM 10 - COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: None ITEM 11 —STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMENTS: Brian Potter, the student representative was not present. ITEM 12 — STAFF COMMENTS: ITEM 12A — ZOO CURATORS REPORT: Claudia Collier, Charles Paddock Zoo Curator, reported that there were some corrections and additions to the calendar of events. The Zoological Society will be sponsoring the July l 3t" Tuesday night in the Park Concert. The Zoo Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, September 25, 1999; The Art & Wildlife Show currently scheduled for October 23, 1999, will be temporarily postponed until April of the year 2000. The Halloween 11 Carnival/Zoo Boo will be Saturday, October 30, 1999, not Sunday, October 31, as printed in the Calendar of Events. Claudia said KCOY TV Channel 12 will be at the zoo on June 20, 1999 to do a piece on the marmosets. ITEM 12B — STATUS REPORT ON YOUTH CENTER (VERBAL): Community Services Manager Geoff English reported that there was still no word on a grant for the youth center. He also reported that there was a community clean-up at the youth center and had about 25 people and got quite a bit accomplished. Chairperson Butz commended Geoff on a job well done! ITEM 13 — CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Chairperson Butz wanted to remind everyone that there was going to be a car show at the Atascadero Outlet Center on June 20, 1999 and the proceeds would go to ARCC. ITEM 13A - CITY'S 20TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY: Community Services Manager Geoff English reported that the City of Atascadero is celebrating 20 years of cityhood and will sponsor an open house at the City Hall, Fire Station #1, Police Station, Youth Center and the Charles Paddock Zoo. There will be a dinner/BBQ at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion on July 2, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. prepared by the Kiwanis Club and tickets are $10.00 per person. The Historical Society will present a slide show and there will be recognition of Mayor Ray Johnson and past Mayors. ITEM 13B - REVISED CALENDAR OF EVENTS: The Calendar of Events is included in the Parks and Recreation Commission packets and has had some changes. ITEM 14 - ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Kock moved to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Gobler seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously 5 Ayes, 0 Nos. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. to July 15, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Ellen M. Perkins, Secretary Department of Community Services