HomeMy WebLinkAbout041599 PRC MinutesCITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 15, 1999 ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER: Meeting is called to order at 7:04 p.m. ITEM 2 - ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson Butz Commissioner Dempsey Commissioner Herron Vice Chairperson Hood Commissioner Kock Commissioner Kudlac STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Recreation Superintendent, Department of Community Services; Ellen Perkins, Secretary, Department of Community Services; Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator, Charles Paddock Zoo; Brian Potter, student representative ITEM 3 — FLAG SALUTE SWEARING IN OF NEW COMMISSIONER ERIC GOBLER: City Clerk, Marcia McClure Torgerson, congratulated Eric Gobler on his appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission and proceeded with the swearing-in process. Following the ceremony, Eric Gobler took his place with the Parks and Recreation Commissioners. ITEM 4 - PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue, Atascadero, California, welcomed Eric Gobler to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Eric also invited everyone to the Festival of the Oaks celebration to be held at the Atascadero Lake Park on Saturday, April 17, 1999 from 11:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eric stated that as part of the festivities, there was going to be a tree planted in memory of George Beatie. Superintendent Geoff English introduced the new student representative, Brian Potter. Brian informed the Commission that the City of Atascadero employed him as a System Administrator. Chairperson Butz welcomed Brian and said we were glad to have him. ITEM 5 - MINUTES OF MARCH 18,1999: It was noted that on page 4, item 11, under the heading of Student Representative Comments, the student representative's name was spelled incorrectly. It should be Brian Potter. Vice Chairperson Hood moved to approve the minutes with the aforementioned correction. Commissioner Dempsey seconded the motion. The minutes stand approved as corrected with a vote of 7 Ayes and 0 Noes. ITEM 6 - OLD BUSINESS: Superintendent Geoff English explained that there was no old business at this time, but there were items pending. ITEM 7 — NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 7A — SELECTION OF A SNACK SHACK CONCESSIONAIRE FOR PALOMA CREEK PARK: Superintendent Geoff English explained the process for choosing a concessionaire for Paloma Creek Park. He directed the Commissioners to the proposals and supporting documentation included in the packet. Geoff then elaborated on the financial impact of the snack shack concession contained in his staff report. Commissioner Eric Gobler inquired about the terms of the agreement. He also said he would like to see hot drinks on the menu. Superintendent English pointed out that the agreement was for one year and subject to automatic renewal with mutual consent. This item is on the City Council agenda for April 27, 1999 and will hopefully be in place by May 1, 1999. As far as the hot drinks on the menu, he stated that if there were a need for the hot drinks, they would probably be offered. Vice Chairperson Hood inquired about the process for acquiring the candidates. Superintendent English said they put an ad in the newspaper, did a press release and sent applications to interested parties. The concessionaire that was chosen by staff was Karen Estrada. Karen's husband, Eric was present and spoke to the Commissioners. He stated that they were pleased to be chosen and was looking forward to a successful partnership with the City of Atascadero. Commissioner Frank Dempsey moved for approval by the City Council of an agreement with Karen Estrada for a food concession operation at Paloma Creek Park, as recommended by staff. Commissioner Hood seconded the motion. The motion was carried 7 Ayes, 0 Nos. ITEM 8 — COMMITTEE REPORTS: ITEM 8A — CITY/SCHOOLS COMMITTEE: No Report ITEM 8B — ARCC: Next meeting April 22, 1999, at 6:30 p.m. at Youth Center ITEM 8C — YOUTH TASK FORCE: Next meeting May 4, 1999 at 7:00 a.m. at Youth Center 2 ITEM 8D — STADIUM PARK FOCUS GROUP: Superintendent Geoff English said that the Parks and Recreation Commission would be reviewing the Stadium Park Master Plan in June. ITEM 9 — CORRESPONDENCE: ITEM 9A - GUIDELINES: Superintendent Geoff English included excerpts from the CPRS publication. He also spoke about CPRS and explained what they offer as far as meetings, workshops and conferences. ITEM 10 - COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Herron said welcome to Eric Gobler, the newly appointed Commissioner and congratulated him on his appointment. Vice Chairperson Hood commented that the Commission meetings were valuable and complemented City staff on their efforts of putting on the meetings. ITEM 11—STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS: Brian Potter, the new student representative, told the Commission that he was happy to a part of the Commission and is looking forward to working with them. ITEM 12 — STAFF COMMENTS: ITEM 12A — ZOO CURATOR'S REPORT: On Saturday, March 27, 1999, Claudia reported that the zoo held the Zoopendous Day, with free admission. Claudia reported that there were approximately 1600 attendees. Claudia also reported that the zoo has a new porcupine and the female marmoset gave birth to twins on Easter Sunday. The USDA's inspection went well, the best they have ever had. The zoo is getting a $20,000 grant for a zoomobile and the new fundraiser position has been filled and there will be an announcement regarding that person's hire date. The aviary should be open late spring early summer. ITEM 12B - STATUS REPORT --PARKS AND RECREATION DIVISION BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000: Superintendent Geoff English explained briefly about the report included in the Commissioner's packets. Geoff said the City is in the middle of their budget process and asked the Commissioners if they had any questions. Commissioner Herron asked about the R.E.C. Program. Geoff went on to report that the program is funded by fundraising efforts. The program needs $40,000 to keep it running. Commissioner Gobler asked if the School District could pay off the Wastewater Sewer bill by funding R.E.C. Geoff said that is an option. ITEM 12C - STATUS REPORT --LAKE FILL LINE: Superintendent Geoff English gave a verbal report regarding the lake fill -line, the well being dug and the future filling of the lake. ITEM 12D - ATASCADERO CREEK RESERVATION INFORMATION: Superintendent Geoff English went over the report that was included in the Commissioner's packets and explained the ownership rights and transfer to the Atascadero Land Preservation. A private organization will preserve and protect the habitat. ITEM 13 — CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Superintendent Geoff English announced that the Sunken Gardens Yard Sale would be Saturday, April 24, 1999. May 5, 1999 is the joint City Council, Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission workshop to discuss ethics in government. Superintendent Geoff English reminded the Commissioners that the May Parks and Recreation Commission meeting would include the tour of facilities, instead of the regular meeting in the rotunda room. Everyone will meet at the zoo, then tour the Atascadero Lake Park, Pavilion, Paloma Creek Park, Youth Center, Skate Park, and Traffic Way fields. The Wine Makers dinner will be held Friday, June 25 and the Wine tasting and festival will be held June 26, 1999. The Wildlife Art in Zoo will be October 22, 1999 at the Pavilion. ITEM 14 - ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Butz's move to adjourn was seconded by Commissioner Dempsey. The motion was passed unanimously 7 Ayes, 0 Nos. The next meeting will be May 20, 1999 at 5 p.m. at the Charles Paddock Zoo. Respectfully Submitted: Ellen M. Perkins, Secretary Department of Community Services /emp El