HomeMy WebLinkAbout012199 PRC MinutesCITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1999 ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER: Meeting is called to order at 7:07p.m. ITEM 2 - ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioner Butz Commissioner Dahlen Commissioner Davis Commissioner Hood Commissioner Kudlac Commissioner Peters ABSENT: Chairperson Beatie (excused) STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Recreation Superintendent, Department of Community Services, Ellen Perkins, Secretary, Department of Community Services, ITEM 3 — FLAG SALUTE: ITEM 4 - PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening expressed an interest in the pedestrian access in connection with the Highway 41 realignment project. He reminded everyone that there will be an informational meeting at the City Administration Building on Wednesday, January 26, 1999 regarding the Highway 41 realignment. ITEM 5 - MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19,1998: Vice Chairperson Hood stated that there were only three Commissioners at the November 19, 1998 meeting, so the Commissioners present all agreed that the minutes should stand approved as submitted. ITEM 6 - OLD BUSINESS: ITEM 6A — SKATE PARK ORDINANCE: Superintendent Geoff English read the staff report for the benefit of the public present. A discussion ensued regarding several issues involving the youth center, the armory, the youth, tenants and the owners of the condos located near the youth center. Several residents were present and stated some of those issues which included the property values, the construction of permanent concrete ramps, noise, vandalism, bad language, and the possibility of an unsupervised park. In an effort to improve relations between the homeowners and the skaters, it was suggested that the City put up a sign reminding the skate park users that they were next to a residential neighborhood. Commissioner Butz asked Superintendent English if the Skate Park could go back to being supervised if the unsupervised park did not work. Geoff said that could happen. Superintendent English said if the Commission did approve the Ordinance, he would not take it to the City Council until he had a chance to meet with the homeowners and come up with some compromise on the noise issue. The general consensus among the Commission was that there should be meetings with the homeowners to listen to their concerns. Commissioner Peters moved to recommend to the City Council that they consider an unsupervised skate park with permanent cement ramps to include revisions to the City Ordinance proposed by staff. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kudlac. The Motion was passed 6 Ayes and 0 Nos. ITEM 613 — REQUEST FOR YOUTH CENTER BBQ: The Leadership group at the Junior High School are requesting that the City and the Masonic Temple Association allow the Junior High School and the Leadership Program to take the BBQ from behind the Youth Center and relocate it to the Junior High School. The Masonic members have agreed to donate the BBQ and it is now up to the City to do the same. Commissioner Davis moved to approve the request for the Youth Center BBQ and it was seconded by Commissioner Dahlen. The Motion passed unanimously 6 Ayes and 0 Nos. ITEM 6C — BMX RIDING AREA — INFORMATIONAL: Superintendent Geoff English gave an update on the BMX riding area. He said the BMX Club got approval from Water Company to use a piece of property on Sycamore Road. The BMX Club is currently looking for dirt, fencing and donations to get the project going. Manual Castaniero, 7225 Cortez Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422, Chairperson of the BMX Club, spoke to the Commission and said they have been working on this project for quite some time and were excited about having the City involved. ITEM 6D — 1998 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Superintendent English said the list was included in the packet to see how many items were accomplished in 1998 and also to get some suggestions for a draft list to bring to the new Commission next month. Geoff said he would prepare a report for next month's meeting with the comments and/or suggestions for the new list of goals and objectives. The Commission discussed the current list with the following comments: Item No. 3 — Appoint Arts in Public Places Review Committee: Done; Item No. 6 — Develop a Youth Master Plan in cooperation with the Youth Task Force: Is being worked on right now; Item No 7 — Maintain City/School contact: Is pretty much done; Item No 8 - Pursue ADA improvements: Geoff said there was $32,000 granted; Item No 9 — Continue efforts to develop a Youth Center: Being worked on; Item No 10 — Improve coordination efforts between the Zoological Society and the City: Has come a long way; Item No 12 — Develop a Stadium Park Master Plan: Is in process Commissioner Hood said the remaining items would be a good start for the new Commission as well as finalizing the items that are in progress. There were no more suggestions for additional items at that time. Commissioner Hood asked Geoff for any suggestions that he may have and he said Item No 5, which is the Parks and Recreation Element, needs to be updated. ITEM 7 - NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 7A — SELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS FOR STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE SUB -COMMITTEE: Superintendent English said he was currently collecting applications for student representative. Vice Chairperson Hood moved to appoint Butz and Kudlac to the sub -committee with Commissioner Hood as the alternate. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Kudlac and passed 6 Ayes, 0 Nos. ITEM 713 — 1999 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING CALENDAR: The February Parks and Recreation Commission meeting will be Wednesday, February 17, 1999 and not Thursday, February 18. The Commissioner's Workshop this year is in Morro Bay and is on March 6, 1999. ITEM 8 - COMMITTEE REPORTS: ITEM 8A - TRAILS SUB -COMMITTEE: No report. ITEM 8B - CITY/SCHOOLS COMMITTEE: No report. ITEM 8C - ARCC: Next meeting January 28, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 8D - YOUTH TASK FORCE: Next meeting Tuesday, February 2, 1998 at 7:00 a.m. at the Youth Center ITEM 8E - SUNKEN GARDENS MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE: No report. ITEM 8F - STADIUM PARK COMMITTEE: To be announced. ITEM 9 - CORRESPONDENCE: ITEM 9A — LETTER FROM ALAN THOMAS: Superintendent English made the comment that he hoped that the folks around the lake re -focus their efforts and energies toward other projects around the lake now that the light the lake project has come to a close. ITEM 9B — ATASCADERO LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER: The Association Newsletter is attached. ITEM 9C — LETTER TO ANDREA LUEKER REGARDING COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOP: The letter to Andrea Lueker at the City of Morro Bay suggests some topics from the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commissioners, for this years' Workshop on March 6, 1999, being held in Morro Bay. 11 ITEM 10- COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Hood thanked the Commissioners who were leaving and said they will be missed. All agreed that it has been a good working Commission and it was fun! There was also a unanimous decision that working with George Beatie was certainly a highlight of being on the Commission. Commissioner Butz said that the Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner is January 30, 1999 and she is reserving a table for the Parks and Recreation Commission. Ms. Butz said that George Beatie is being honored as Citizen of the Year. ITEM 11 - STAFF COMMENTS: ITEM 11A - ZOO CURATOR REPORT: Claudia Collier, the Zoo Curator, was not present at the meeting, but a report was included in the packet. ITEM 11 B — AZA MEMORANDUM: There is a Memorandum attached for the AZA regarding some significant issues throughout zoos. ITEM 11 C — ALP IRRIGATION PROJECT: Superintendent English said that there will be some digging done at the Atascadero Lake Park for a few weeks, due to an irrigation system being installed. He said the parks staff have been watering the park by hand for many years and this project will now allow the parks staff to concentrate on other jobs. ITEM 11 D — TEEN SUPERBOWL BLOW-OUT: The Superbowl Blow-out will be held on Sunday, January 31, 1999 at the Armory. ITEM 11 E — CHRISTY CLYBURN TOT LOT PROJECT: After nearly a year of construction, the tiles should be up in two weeks and a dedication should follow in early to mid February. Janice Cassaca was able to get a photo of Christy Clyburn and she is going to put the photo on a tile and it will be unveiled at the dedication ceremony. ITEM 11 F — SALE OF CITY LOT NEAR ALP: The lot that the City has sold is next to the two story house on the corner of Marchant and Santa Rosa. The lot is a very small piece and the City has reserved the right to drill a well, which will be done within the next two weeks. The City sold the lot because there were no plans for the lot in the past and there are no plans for the future. ITEM 11 G — 1998 COMMUNITY SERVICES AWARD RECIPIENT: The Community Services Department honors someone every year through a professional organization (CPRS). This year Bob Christianson at the Zoo is being recognized for his work at the Gift Shop. Claudia, Brady, Geoff and Bob Christianson will be going to the Award Banquet on Friday, January 29, 1999. Superintendent English thanked Commissioners Peters, Dahlen and Davis for all their good work and commented on how much he enjoyed working with them and will miss them. ITEM 12 - CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Next Superbowl meeting will be Monday, January 25, 1999 at 5:30 p.m. ITEM 13 - ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. to February 17, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Ellen M. Perkins, Secretary Department of Community Services C:\My Docs\P&RCommMtg&Agenda 6