HomeMy WebLinkAbout111998 PRC MinutesCITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1998 ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER: Meeting is called to order at 7:05 p.m. ITEM 2 - ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson Beatie Commissioner Butz Commissioner Davis ABSENT: Commissioner Dahlen (excused -out of town) Commissioner Hood (excused -out of town) Commissioner Kudlac (excused -ill) Commissioner Peters (excused -ill) STAFF PRESENT: Geoff English, Recreation Superintendent, Department of Community Services, Ellen Perkins, Secretary, Department of Community Services, Claudia Collier, Charles Paddock Zoo Curator ITEM 3 - PUBLIC COMMENT: Eric Greening thanked everyone for the efforts involved with the tours at Stadium Park. Superintendent English said that the next meeting of Stadium Park would be December 3, and according to the surveys sent out, most people have never seen Stadium Park, so Geoff thought that more tours should be conducted. Eric also noted that once the Highway 41 alignment starts, conducting tours would be difficult. Superintendent English stated that there was not a quorum and the Commissioners could not take any formal actions due to absent Commissioners. Chairperson Beatie said that they could not take any formal actions, but there were a few presentations that they could proceed with. ITEM 4 - MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15,1998: Chairperson Beatie said the minutes would be delayed until the January meeting since there was no quorum. ITEM 5 — PRESENTATION -RECOGNITION OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR THE WILDLIFE ART `N ZOO SHOW: Claudia Collier, Charles Paddock Zoo Curator recognized and thanked the planning committee for the second Wildlife Art `n Zoo Show held in October and presented an award to Ken Estrada, Susan Beatie and Lesta Travis for the wonderful job in planning this event. According to the final accounting, the Zoo Society made over a thousand dollars. ITEM 6 - OLD BUSINESS: ITEM 6A — QUIMBY ACT: Chairperson Beatie said this item will be continued to the January meeting as well. ITEM 6B — BMX RIDING AREA — INFORMATIONAL: Superintendent Geoff English said that the BMX riding area information in the packet was pulled off the Water Company's agenda at Tuesday nights' meeting and is postponed until their next meeting which will be held in December. ITEM 7 - NEW BUSINESS: ITEM 7A — REQUEST FOR YOUTH CENTER BBQ: Kay Alexander, Katie Carl and Ann J Cavanaugh from the Junior High School requested permission to move the BBQ pit at the Youth Center to the Junior High School. The BBQ pit was constructed in the late 40's or early 50's and has a metal roof and a masonary brick fagade on the bottom. The BBQ is in disrepair and is seldom used. The three students made a presentation to the Commission to request the transfer of the BBQ pit from the Youth Center location to the Junior High School campus to use for fundraisers, activities, back to school night, etc. The students said they already met with Superintendent Geoff English as well as Paula Anton, Recreation Supervisor, and was instructed to approach the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Kawanis Club told them that they would help to place the pit and they would get parents to volunteer as well. Commissioner Butz asked if the BBQ was portable and could be easily moved. They said that Mr. Rogers has been wanting this to be moved, 0A so they are assuming that it can be moved without too much trouble. Superinterndent English said that the BBQ has a metal frame and is housed in a block structure. The block structure will have to be removed and rebuilt. Geoff said that if the Commissioner recommends, at the next meeting, that we donate this, staff recommends that the Junior High School refinish the cement area and clean it up after they pull it out. Kay said there is a Mason's plaque on the BBQ pit and they said they will have a recognition of the Masons at their opening ceremonies when the move is complete. Superintendent English said that the Masonic Tenmple Association shareholders have given their permission, which is required, and it is now up to the City to conduct the process of donating the BBQ pit. ITEM 7113 — COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOP TOPICES: Superintendent Geoff English recapped the purpose and past topics of the annual Parks and Recreation Commissioners Workshops. He said that next year it will be in Morro Bay on March 6, 1998 and the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission has been asked to recommend topics for that workshop. Commissioner Butz suggested "Partnerships" between school and cities and Chairperson Beatie suggested updates from each agency on money and budgets. Eric Greening said that the County Arts Council is about to hire a new Executive Director and he thought a topic would be what parks and Recreation Commissions could do to promote culture both in the amateur sense and also providing venues. He would like to see Atascadero become an active arts area. ITEM 8 - COMMITTEE REPORTS: ITEM 8A - TRAILS SUB -COMMITTEE: No report. ITEM 8113 - CITY/SCHOOLS COMMITTEE: No report. ITEM 8C - ARCC: Next meeting to be announced. ITEM 8D - YOUTH TASK FORCE: Next meeting Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 7:00 a.m. at the Youth Center ITEM 8E - SUNKEN GARDENS MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE: No report. ITEM 8F - STADIUM PARK COMMITTEE: No report. Superintendent Geoff English said that a Stadium Park survey was sent out and there will be a meeting on December 5, 1998. ITEM 9 - CORRESPONDENCE: ITEM 9A — EL CAMINO REAL BANNER LETTER: Superintendent Geoff English said he did not get a very good response. ITEM 10- COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Chairperson Beatie said on November 17, 1998, he had a fundraising concert at his mobil home park to raise funds for the Skate Park to keep it open without supervision. He collected $125.00 in a free will offering. On November 24, there will another free concert at the Pavilion with a free will offering as well. The Skate Park needs permanent concrete structures. Commissioner Butz asked that on the agenda, under committee reports, we put "ARRC//Youth Center Committee" so if there is anything to report on either meeting, it can be reported separately. ITEM 11 - STAFF COMMENTS: ITEM 11A - ZOO CURATOR REPORT Claudia Collier told the Commission that an item not in her report was Adopt -A -Highway. We now have the section from Santa Rosa to Traffic Way and will need to be cleaned once a month, so a volunteer group will be needed. Cal Trans is putting signs on Highway 101 through an effort by Cal Poly students contacting Jack O'Connell's office. There will now be Cal Trans signs on Highway 101. Claudia also mentioned that the Jaquar had passed away and the staff at the zoo was saddened. 11 ITEM 11 B — SKATE PARK SURVEY: Superintendent Geoff English said he has put together a survey to be mailed to residents in the Skate Park area. Using that information, he would like to draft an Ordinance and bring it to the Commission in January. ITEM 11 C —WEB SITE CONTRIBUTION POLICY: Geoff English reported that the City's web site should up and running next month and will consist of information regarding the zoo, recreation activity guide, elected officials, agendas for public meetings and much more. Also, Andrew Fruin, our computer technician, is working on the Y2K problem. ITEM 12 - CALENDAR OF EVENTS: The Holiday Lighting Ceremony will be held on November 28, 1998 at 6 p.m. The lights are up and working and ready to go. This year the program will be a little different, the public will be seated on the grass in the sunken gardens near EI Camino Real, to get the true effect of the lights coming on! The Parks and Recreation Commission Christmas party will be at the home of Dan and Sharon Davis on December 17, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 13 - ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. to January 21, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Ellen M. Perkins, Secretary Department of Community Services