HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 20-80 ' RESOLUTION NO. 20-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS, AND FEES FOR THE USE OF CITY BUILDINGS AND PARK FACILITIES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 8, 1980 ' WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors has, in the past, adopted various Resolutions regulating the use of the Admin- istration Building, Atascadero Lake Park, and the Sunken Gardens ; and WHEREAS, the Board also set use fees, by Resolution, for the above mentioned facilities; and tWHEREAS, the City of Atascadero, as of July 1, 1980 has assumed the ownership and responsibility for public facilities within the City; ' and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Atascadero to assure that use of public facilities is subject to reasonable regulations and that costs of accommodating exclusive use of City facilities by organizations, groups, and private interest are recovered;and WHEREAS, permits, rental agreements and other documents must be signed and executed by users of City facilities and by City representatives in order to implement, enforce and administer these Rules and Regulations; ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero, after review and consideration of the attached exhibits , finds that said exhibits are herewith adopted as follows : Exhibit A - Rules Governing the Lease of Administration Building Facilities Exhibit B - Atascadero Administration Building Fire and Life Safety Regulations to Users Exhibit C - Fee Schedule - Atascadero Administration Building Exhibit D Atascadero Lake Park Use Application and Fee Schedule Exhibit E - Atascadero Sunken Gardens Use Agreement Exhibit F —Agreement - Use of Atascadero Administration Building Exhibit G - Hold Harmless Agreement NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager or Public Works Director is hereby authorized on behalf of the City to sign, execute and administer all rental agreements, permits and other documents ' necessary to implement and comply with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations. Resolution No. 20-80 Page Two The City Clerk sahll certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall cause this Resolution and his certification to be entered in the Book of Resolutions of the Council of this City. ' Adopted: September 8, 1980 ROBERT J. WIL I S, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: APA L. WA N, City Clerk OVED AS TO ORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • i RULES GOVERNING THE LEASE OF THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FACILITIES NOTE: All references in these Rules to the term "Lessee" shall be deemed to mean any person, firm, corporation or organization who has obtained permission to use the Atascadero Administration Building facilities. 1) Lessee agrees to save the City of Atascadero, its officers agents and employees harmless from any and all liability arising from the use by said Lessee of Administration Building facilities. 2) Lessee shall make arrangements and pay for adequate security protection at all dances. The lessee shall only hire security personnel who have been approved by the City. 3) Lessee must pay for all breakage or damage to the building or furnishings, and any -loss of equipment or utensils occurring during such use. 4) Moving of furniture is prohibited except by Permission and under the direction of the custodian. 5) No kitchen utensils, equipment or any furnishings s shall be removed from the building, except by express permission from the Director of Public Works. Lessee shall replace those items either damaged or lost. 6) Garbage must be placed in containers provided and left where ' required by the custodian. 7) The use of nails, staples, tacks, tape other than masking tape, or anything that will damage any part of the equipment, building,or furnishings is prohibited. 8) Decorations used within the hall shall not create a fire hazard and must have the prior approval of the Fire Chief. The right to limit the size and amount of decorations is reserved to the building custodian. ' 9) Safe building and/or room capacity, as posted, shall not be exceeded. ' 10) Thermostats and fuses shall not be touched. In the event of any difficulties with thermostats or fuses, the custodian should be contacted immediately. 11) Lessee is required to clean and leave in a sanitary condition the entire premises and equipment used, which may include tables , chairs , kitchen,parking area, and rest rooms. All equipment must be re- turned to the proper place. Cleanup must be accomplished within the time established in the rental agreement. Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT A e 12) The number of advance reservations by any particular individual, group, corporation or organization may be limited when such is necessary in the public interest which is at the discretion of the Director of Public Works. The decision of the Director of Public Works regarding advance reservation shall be final. 13) The sale of alcoholic beverages is hereby prohibited unless per- mission has been granted by the Director of Public Works. Any sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control. The lessee is required to provide adequate personnel to dispense alcoholic beverages and to control the consumption of these beverages in compliance with the rules. 14) All functions taking place within the Administration Building shall cease by 1:00 A.M. except by prior approval from the Director of Public Works. 15) Minors .in the building must be under the direct and immediate supervision and control of the lessee. 16 A sponsor of teenage dances shall insure that teenagers who have p g entered the building shall not be permitted to leave and reenter except for emergencies. 17) The lessee may use only those portions of the building as de- signated under the lease terms and must provide adequate control to keep guests in those designated areas. - Under no circumstances are guests to be allowed on the roof area adjacent to the Rotunda Room. 18) Violation of any of the rules contained herein by Lessee shall be, at the option of the City of Atascadero, sufficient grounds for revoking existing reservations and/or denying future use by such Lessee of the Administration Building facilities. 19) Nothing contained in these rules shall be deemed or construed in any way to limit the City' s authority or right to exercise any or all powers for the utilization of the Administration Building. Use of the Administration Building facilities shall be subordinate to the City use during times of elections national or local , emergency, or at any other time when, pursuant to law, such use of the building is required for official City business. 20) FEES a) Fees for the use of the Administration Building shall be paid in full not less than two weeks in advance or at the time of making the reservation. Failure to pay the fees in the time provided herein shall, at the option of the City, eliminates the City' s obligation to honor the reservation. ' 2 _ Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT A b) Cleaning and damage deposit in an amount not to exceed $200.00 shall be required; such deposit shall be payable at the same time as the fees provided herein, and appropriate refund shall be made after inspection and corrective action, if required, has been taken by the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative. ic) All fees shall be applicable to the 24 hour period or any part thereof. No proration of fees are permissible, provided however, fees for time in excess of the 24 hour period which is needed for preparation, decoration and/or cleanup may be reduced to one half of the established rate. The hours of _permitted use shall be shown on the permit application. d) There will be no refund of fees for cancellation which takes place less than one week prior to the date of reservation; provided, however, a refund may be made by the City of the building or part thereof reserved is rented to another party for the reserved time. e) No charge shall be made to veterans' organizations for regular meetings, not to exceed two (2) per calendar month, or for areas in the Administration Building held exclusively for their use. f) Fees for use (other than for fund raising activities) of the Administration Building by recognized youth organizations for their sole benefit are hereby waived. Such youth groups shall include, but not be limited to, the following:* 1. Campfire 5. Boy Scouts 2. Girl Scouts 6. Cub Scouts 3. Bluebirds 7. FFA 4. Brownies 8. 4-H g) When the building is used for commercial activities for profit the rental fee will be increased by one half (a) of the regular rate for each given area, or fifteen percent of the gross re- ceipts, whichever is greater. h) Fees may be reduced and cleaning deposits waived ,for the use of the building for Community Service organizations when such use is in compliance with these regulations. * Such free use shall be by advance reservation only subject to Rule 12 thereof. 3 Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT A 0 ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REGULATIONS TO USERS 1. EXITS a) All exits shall be unlocked during use of building and no obstruction shall be placed in the required width of an exit. b) All exit signs shall be lighted during use of the building. 2. AISLES a) Every portion of the building in which are installed seats, tables , or equipment, shall be provided with aisles leading to an exit. b) Aisles shall not be Tess than three feet (3' ) wide if having seats on only one side and not less than three feet six inches (3 ' 6") wide if having seats on both sides. Such minimum width shall be measured at the end farthest from the foyer and shall be increased by one and one-half inches (1�") at each five feet (5 ' ) in length toward the foyer. c) Aisles shall be located so that there will be no more than six (6) intervening seats between any seat and the nearest aisle. d) Cross aisles shall be not less than four feet W ) in clear width. Where aisles terminate in a cross aisle instead of a foyer, the width of the cross aisle shall be not less than the sum of widths of all contributory aisles. 3. SEATS a) The spacing of rows of seats from back to back shall be not less than thirty-three inches (33") . b) The width of any seat shall not be less than eighteen inches (18") 4. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS a) An access aisle not less than three feet (3' ) in width shall be maintained in front of every fire hose cabinet or fire extinguisher. b) No obstruction shall be placed in front of any fire hose cabinet or fire extinguisher. 5. DECORATIONS a) All drapes, hangings, curtains , drops, and all similar decorative material shall be made from a non-flamable material, or shall be treated in a flame-retardant condition by means of a flame retardant solution or process approved by the State Fire Marshal. 6. OPEN FLAMES No fireworks, open flames, or any device emitting flame, or fire shall be within the building, except upon special permission of the Fire Chief. Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT B 7. HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS, LIQUIDS AND GASES Storage, handling, and use of hazardous chemicals or flamable liquids is not permitted. Storage of liquified petroleum gas is not permitted within the building. No balloons shall be inflated or used within the building except when inflated with an approved non-flamable and non- explosive gas.' 8. PARKING No cars shall be parked within fifteen feet (15 ' ) of any fire hydrant , or within fifteen feet (151 ) of any entrance to the building. No cars shall be parked so as to obstruct the access of emergency vehicles to the grounds of the Administration wilding. i 1 i 1 _ 2 ' Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT B ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FEE SCHEDULE 4th Floor Rotunda $40. 00 4th Floor Rotunda Dances 55. 00 Dinner DanceHall Loun e Kitchen ( g ) 75. 00 Kitchen Only 4th Floor 10.00 Kitchen Only 4th Floor (Coffee) 3.00 Room 304 or 306 - 3rd Floor 10.00 Lounge 4th Floor 10.00 Fee is due nolaterthan two (2) weeks prior to reservation date. A cleaning deposit of $200. 00 is applicable to the 4th Floor. Return of the deposit is at the discretion of the Director of Public Works. NOTE: When the building is used for commercial activities for profit, the rental fee will be in- creased by one half (-�) the regular fee for each given area, or fifteen percent of the gross re- ceipts, whichever is greater. Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT C ATASCADERO LAKE-PARK USE APPLICATION & FEE SCHEDULE Group Barbecue and Picnic Areas Amount Collected Small Area 8. 00 Large Area 16. 00 Recreation Areas Ballfield 10. 00 Bandstand10. 00 AGREEMENT We/I agree to the following conditions : 1. To be responsible to the City of Atascadero "for any damages to the equipment or facilities beyond reasonable wear and tear, and that the group will abide by the rules and regulations for the use of Atascadero Lake Park. 2. To defend and save harmless the Cit of Atascadero its officers Y � , agents and _employees from any liabilityarisingout of the use of Atascadero Lake Park, by members of the group its leaders or guests. 3. The use fee may be refunded only if reservation is cancelled at least five (5) days prior to day of use. 4. The Director of Public Works or his designated employee will re- view each request for Park Use and, when appropriate, impose a cleaning deposit. The user, under this agreement, is responsible for cleanup of the area designated by this permit. 5. Payment of the Use Fee is required at least two weeks (14 days) prior to use of the park. 6. The use of sound amplification systems is prohibited without the written consent of the Director of Public Works. 7. If Alcoholic Beverages are to be sold, it is necessary to obtain approval from the Director of Public Works and a `license from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department. Name of Organization Applicant Phone# Date of Use Time of Arrival Area Reserved Number in Group Receipt # Signature of Applicant Resolution =20-80 EXHIBIT D 1 1 ATASCADERO SUNKEN GARDENS USE AGREEMENT 1. Any damage to the facilities, beyond reasonable wear` and tear, shall be the responsibility of the use permit holder. 2. The permittee shall be required to execute the Hold Harmless Agreement which agreement is the basis for granting the permit. The Director of Public Works may require a certificate of insurance covering the City against liability brought about by the use under the permit. Amount of insurance coverage will be de- termined on a case by case basis. 3. The Director of Public Worksorhis _designated rep- resentative will review each permit request, and, when appropriate, may impose a cleaning deposit. The per- mittee will be responsible to return the facility to its original condition or to pay the cost to have this accomplished. 4. The use of sound amplification systems is prohibited without the written consent of the Director of Public Works. 5. If alcoholic beverages are to be sold, it is necessary to obtain approval from the Director of Public Works and a license from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department. Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT E i AGREEMENT USE OF ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ,hereinafter referred to as "Lessee hereby agrees as follows: 1. Lessee' s address is Phone is Representative ' s address is Phone is i2. Lessee has received a copy of the Fee Schedule and Rules Governingthe Lease of the Administration Building Facilities and g has read and fully understands said documents , which documents, are incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth herein, and Lessee agrees to fully abide by the same. 3. That the Atascadero Administration Building is hereby requested by Lessee to be re- served for the day of ,198-, from to for the purpose of 4. Lessee agrees that the rental for said building or portion thereof shall be in the amoint of 5. Lessee agrees that the cleaning and damage deposit of $ is required to be paid and may be refunded as provided in the aforementioned rules. l SIGNATURE: DATED: Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT F i HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT In consideration of the granting by the City of Atascadero of a permit to dated No. the undersigned hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City of Atascadero, their officers, agents, and employees, in any and every way from any and all manner of damages, charges, suits and expenses, which they may sustain or be put to by reason of the occupancy or use of the premises granted by this permit, if any, or by any activity carried on in connection with the use of said permit. This permit is subject to the attached conditions. Indemnitor Title Date Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT G