HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC_2012-09-20_AgendaPacketCITY OF A TA SCA DERO PARKS AND RECREA TION COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, September 20th, 2012 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting Atascadero City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. 4lir] 4101WIT" Xr] /_1 ki IN 4 ROLL CALL: Chairperson: Jerel Seay Vice -Chairperson: Susan Greenaway Commissioner: Barbie Butz Commissioner: Susan DeCarli Commissioner: David May Commissioner: Bob Pittenger Commissioner: Tom Zirk SPECIAL PRESENTATION: NONE COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Commission on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Commission has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Commission. Any members of the public who have questions or need information, may contact the Board Secretary Bonnie Williams who is available during normal business hours at 470-3478, or bwilliams(a)atascadero.org) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Commission Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Commission Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Commission may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non -controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Commission or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Commission concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes — August 16, 2012 ■ Staff Recommendation: Commission approve the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting minutes of the August 16, 2012 meeting. [Community Services] B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Salinas River Corridor Anza Trail Master Plan Public Input for Atascadero ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation: Commission plan public hearing(s) as may be necessary, and form an Trail Master Plan Ad Hoc Advisory group of not more than eight (8) people to review and provide input for Atascadero during the Anza Trail Master Plan process. [Community Services] C. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): D. STAFF COMMENTS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Mark Your Calendar: ■ Saturday, September 22nd: Hunger Walk at Sunken Gardens, sponsored by the Food Bank Coalition ■ Saturday, September 22nd: Zoo Conservation Day, CPZ ■ September 28 -30th: Savor the Central Coast, Santa Margarita Ranch ■ October 20th: Colony Days Parade and Weekend ■ October 27: Zoo Boo, CPZ 2. Parks Update — Geoff English 3. Colony Park Community Center Update- Jennifer Fanning E. ADJOURNMENT: THE NEXT REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 18th, 2012, AT 7:00 P.M. I, Bonnie Williams, Clerical Assistant III of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the September 20th, 2012 Regular Session of the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission was posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 at Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 13th day of September, 2012 at Atascadero, California. Bonnie Williams, Clerical Assistant III City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADER0 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING The Parks and Recreation Commission meet in regular session on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Atascadero City Hall, located at 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero. The Parks and Recreation Commission consider matters in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Community Services Department and are available for public inspection during City Hall Annex, 6907 El Camino Real, during business hours at the Central Receptionist counter and on our website; www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. All documents submitted by the public during Parks and Recreation Commission meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the Community Services Department. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the Community Services Department at (805) 461- 5000. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed, will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Parks and Recreation Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Commission will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Commission regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson • Give your name and address (not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Commission • All comments limited to 3 minutes (unless changed by the Commission) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Commission. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Parks and Recreation Commission to: Please approach the lectern and be recognized Give your name and address (not required) State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Commission's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Commission). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the Community Services Department 14 days preceding the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Commission, please mail or bring a written communication to the Community Services Department at City Hall prior to the deadline. ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 9/20/2012 CITY OF ATASCA DERO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Thursday, August 16, 2012 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 PM Vice Chairperson Greenaway called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. and Commissioner Butz led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Butz, DeCarli, May, and Vice Chairperson Greenaway Absent: Commissioner Zirk, Pittenger, and Chairperson Seay Others Present: Recording Secretaries Bonnie Williams and Annette Manier Staff Present: Deputy Director of Public Works Geoff English SPECIAL PRESENTATION: None COMMUNITY FORUM - None APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Commissioner Butz and seconded by Commissioner May to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS Commissioner May • Echo Walk August 25th • A new dance group "Collaborators" from the ages of 18-25 formed and will perform at the Fellowship Hall Community Church August 31 stand September 1 st • Lighthouse Group is a community group that is supporting our kids in crisis. Commissioner DeCarli • Spoke about the wine festival in June and stated that it was extremely organized and an excellent event. • Cruise Nite Friday August 17tH A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes — May 17, 2012 ■ Recommendation: Commission approves the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting minutes of the May 17, 2012 meeting. [Community Services] MOTION: By Commissioner DeCarli and seconded by Commissioner May to approve Consent Calendar Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. B. Management Reports 1. Lake Park Bandstand Renovation Project (sponsored by Atascadero Kiwanis Club ■ Fiscal Impact: No City funds to be used. All labor, materials and associated construction costs will be provided by the Atascadero Kiwanis Club. ■ Recommendation: Commission reviews the project concept and recommended approval of the Atascadero Kiwanis Club project. Deputy Director of Public Works, Geoff English gave the staff report, gave a presentation on the project, and answered questions from the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT Mark Dariz, Kiwanis member and architect, spoke about the project. Mr. Dariz answered questions from the commission. Home Depot has offered to tear down the existing structure and dispose, free of charge. Estimated cost of the project is $85,000 - $100,000, all being funded by donations through Kiwanis. Lon Allen, Kiwanis representative, talked about the bandstand and thanked Mark Dariz for the drawings of the craftsman -style structure. He said they hope to have the building permit in the next couple of months MOTION: By Commissioner Butz and seconded by Commissioner May to recommend approval to the City Council Motion passed 4.0 by a roll -call vote. 2. Paloma Creek Park Accessibility Improvements ■ Fiscal Impact: The proposed accessibility improvements are anticipated to cost approximately $65,000 from previously allocated Community Development Block Grant funds. Recommendation: Informational item. No action required Deputy Director of Public Works, Geoff English gave the staff report and answered questions from the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT - None C. COMMITTEE & LIASON REPORTS: None D. STAFF COMMENTS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Mark Your Calendar: ■ Friday, August 17th: Cruise Nite ■ Saturday, August 18th: Movies in the Garden, featuring "Anti" ■ Saturday, August 18th: Mid -State Cruisers at Atascadero Lake Park ■ Saturday, August 25t": Brew at the Zoo is postponed 2. Parks Update • Geoff English reported that the Atascadero Lake Park frontage improvements are finished and there will be a follow—up project for a low impact parking lot. • Geoff English reported that the slide at Colony Park has been removed and we are seeking funds to replace the old playground. • Geoff English reported that the Bocce Ball construction at Colony Park is first class and there will be a Bocce Ball Courts ribbon cutting in September. 3. Colony Park Community Center & Atascadero Fun Club Update — Jennifer Fanning (No report) E. ADJOURNMENT: 8:05 p.m. Vice Chairperson Greenaway adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission is scheduled for September 20, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Bonnie Williams, Clerical Assistant III City of Atascadero ITEM NUMBER:131 DATE: 09/20/12 Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission Staff Report - Community Services Discussion on Providing Public Input for Atascadero for the Salinas River Corridor/Anza Trail Master Plan Process RECOMMENDATIONS: Commission to hold public hearing(s) as may be necessary to obtain public input, and form an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of no more than eight (8) members to serve as an advisory group for the Commission during the Anza Trail Master Plan process. DISCUSSION: Background: A group of regional staff members gathered in 2010 to discuss the potential for regional trails planning along the Salinas River Corridor. From this informal group, a plan was launched among stakeholder agencies such as the County, cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles, Caltrans and the National Forest Service to coordinate with the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) to seek funding for the preparation of a Northern County "Salinas River/Anza Trail Master Plan". In March of 2011, the Atascadero City Council took action to participate in the Trails Master Plan. SLOCOG staff has spearheaded the effort to obtain funding for the project in the amount of $257,000. $157,000 will come from a Caltrans planning grant and a $100,000 SLOCOG match comes from the Regional State Highway account (RSHA) program. The SLOCOG board authorized an RFP for the Northern San Luis Obispo County Salinas River Corridor Anza Trail Master Plan, and the consultant firm of KTU&A from San Diego was ultimately selected to perform the work. A steering committee comprised of the partner agencies has been meeting to collaborate and coordinate the process of the plan development with KTU&A. The Master Plan will define a 35 mile, multi -use North County trail system along the Salinas River Corridor/ Anza Trail route. The plan will identify both the practical short-term and desirable long-term trail alignments for the Salinas River/Anza Trail through the north SLO County area. The Tail Master Plan will enable individual jurisdictions to plan and construct specific trail segments over time, while identifying trail connectivity between these jurisdictions, unifying a regional trail system along the Salinas River from Santa Margarita to San Miguel. Some of the main Trail exists in segments already, as the Juan Bautista De Anza National Historic Trail. One of the valuable elements of the Trail Master Plan will be to look for opportunities to connect the main Salinas River/Anza Trail with local trails (such as eth Atascadero Creek Trail, Las Lomas Trails and stadium Park Trails, for example). The primary goals of the Master Plan include: a regional multi-purpose trail system between communities, Anza Trail Connectivity and closing gaps, provide regional destination recreation for "Eco Tourism", regional river restoration, design criteria for trail development, define proposed trail alignment(s), identify projects for action plans, and Master Plan preparation. The Trail Master Plan Scope of Work is as follows: 1. Establish Goals and Objectives for the Master Plan. 2. Prepare Existing Conditions Report. 3. Prepare an Opportunities and Constraints Analysis. 4. Develop Design Criteria. 5. Define Proposed Trail Alignment(s). 6. Prepare a Preliminary Master Plan. 7. Prepare an Action Plan. 8. Prepare a Public Review Master Plan. 9. Facilitate Steering Committee and Public Involvement (Throughout Process). 10. Project Management (Throughout). There is a great deal of community interest in this project already in Atascadero, even though the project in not yet widely publicized. A number of stakeholders have indicated to Community Services staff that they would like to be informed and involved in the process. Currently, Atascadero Planner, Callie Taylor, is Atascadero's primary staff liaison to the steering committee. As the process moves along, the Parks and Recreation Commission is anticipated to hold public hearing(s) on the plan and take public input. An advisory stakeholder group may be beneficial to the Commission to gain greater depth of involvement from the Atascadero community. Staff is recommending the appointment of a small ad hoc committee of the Commission for this specific purpose. The ad hoc group could be comprised primary of interested stakeholder groups and individuals as well as 1-2 Commissioners (one on whom could be chair) for a maximum of eight advisory committee members. City staff could help convene the committee, and keep the ad hoc committee advised of milestones and appropriate times for public input. FISCAL IMPACT: The Master Plan is grant funded. No City funds will be used. The primary impact will be staff time (in-kind). The City will benefit from the Master Plan completion for its trails system. The plan will enable the City to seek grant funding for Atascadero's trail components in the future. ATTACHMENTS: A- Project Scope B- River Corridor Map SCOPE OF WORK: SLO North County Anza Trail - Salinas River Corridor Regional Trail Master Plan INTRODUCTION: The below scope of work reflects anticipated deliverables for the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) Salinas River Trail Plan. This scope of work was developed by a Plan Steering Committee made up of key regulatory agencies including: SLOCOG, Caltrans, City of Atascadero, City of Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo County. SLOCOG has not yet selected a consulting firm and minor changes to the scope of work may be necessary upon contract, however SLOCOG anticipates these figures will not differ substantially and will not exceed the grant request amount. 0. Project Initiation and Contracting Task 0.1 Project initiation kick-off meeting A meeting between SLOCOG and District 5 staff to be held to discuss invoicing, progress reports, grant procedures, and establish overall project expectations after a signed Fund Transfer Agreement (Contract) is executed. Task 0.2 Consultant Procurement SLOCOG will prepare and release a Request for Proposals with a 30 day review period. Final consultant selection will be approved by the SLOCOG Board. Task Deliverable Documentation 0.1 Meeting between SLOCOG and District 5 Meeting Summary 0.2 Procure Consultant to prepare the Trail RFP, staff report, and consultant Master Plan contract 1. Establish Goals and Objectives for the Master Plan The vision for the North County Salinas River Corridor segment of the de Anza Trail is a river -themed, braided trail connection that provides a catalyst for economic development and collaborative programs between communities. The objectives for the Salinas River Trail are: • Regional Multi -Purpose Trail System o Create a safe and fully integrated off-highway trail system between communities for recreationalists and commuters alike. • Anza Trail Connection o Obtain Federal designation and recognition for historical route. • Regional Destination Recreation o Create an opportunity for "Eco Tourism" for hiking, biking, bird watching and more. • Regional River Restoration o Create an opportunity for organized networks of river restoration groups for project construction and maintenance system support. • Ecosystem Education o Provide opportunities for interconnected programs for watershed health & stewardship. • Outdoor Classrooms o Facilitate a Hands-on learning environment that transcends borders and boundaries. • "Follow the River — Follow the Dream" Art Program o Provide opportunities for an inspirational river art program that provides beauty and learning opportunities along the river. • Funding SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan o Leverage funding for plans and projects through multi -agency collaboration. Task 1.1 Administrative Project Initiation Meeting, Data Collection Review and refine the project work plan, resolve or confirm contractual and working arrangements and identify additional background data and documents, following up on the review that has already been accomplished. Steering Committee working process and communication protocols will be reviewed, along with, accounting and project management process and materials. Steering Committee Meeting #1— Project Goals and Objectives Initial meeting of the Steering Committee is to review the overall approach, scope and schedule for the project. The consultant will facilitate a discussion of the project goals and objectives. The concepts for the Public and Stakeholder Participation Program will be presented and discussed. The planning process, outline and format of products will be discussed, along with the list of documents and data acquired and desired. Steering Committee input will be sought on all these items. The consultant will prepare draft meeting notes and draft goals and objectives and provide to SLOCOG for transmittal to the Steering Committee. All Steering Committee notes will summarize the meeting, describe next steps and action items, and track unresolved topics of discussion. Task 1.2 Public and Stakeholder Participation Program Design The consultant will implement a detailed coordinated plan to inform and involve the public and stakeholders throughout the trail planning process. The goal is for a transparent and inclusive planning process to ensure the success of the plan. The goals of the community engagement strategy will be to: • Provide the public with meaningful and diverse opportunities to participate in the Plan development; • Provide on-going information about the Plan that starts early in the process and continues through to final approval • Provide convenient and accessible communication feedback loops for community input and consensus to ensure that is informed, and therefore responsive to community issues and concerns; and • Ensure that all community perspectives are heard, recorded and addressed. • The outreach and participation elements outlined below will be refined at the administrative project initiation meeting and initial Steering Committee meeting: o Website 0 3D Study Area the web Model o Stakeholder Interviews o Mobile Workshops o Conventional Public Workshops o Efforts to reach non-English Speaking Communities Public Workshop #1- Project Goals, Objectives, Opportunities and Constraints The first public workshop would occur at this point. It will include a presentation to introduce project objectives, conditions, opportunities and constraints, and existing relevant policies. The consultant will facilitate and record public and stakeholder comments regarding the trail planning. The workshop could include a walking and/or bicycling tour of portions of the potential trail routes, or the mobile workshop could be used for this purpose. The outreach and workshop goals will be to ensure that all participants understand the Trail Project's goals and methods; the physical, social, jurisdictional and regulatory context for the trail system, and that the consultant captures the community's information, ideas, and concerns about the planning methodology and the future trail system. Task Deliverable Documentation 1.1 Review and refine Work Plan detailing scope I Work Plan, Scope and Schedule 2 SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan 2. Prepare Existing Conditions Report: The existing conditions report should provide all the relevant information for developing the Master Plan. Much of the information already exists or is available through the affected local agencies. Therefore, some data collection will be necessary. All of the information should be compiled in a geodatabase. Task 2.1: Data Review and Organization Collect, review and initiate a document library, GIS map and database of information from documents provided by SLOCOG and data obtained from SLO County. The consultant will expand on data collection to include all available sources of existing conditions data. All collected data will be stored in a location that will be available via the internet for the team to access. Task 2.2: Base Maps for Planning Continue to develop its GIS base map series for study, planning, and presentation purposes, including the most detailed level maps feasible with the available data, and overview maps for presentation of segments, subareas, and the entire study area. Task 2.3: Field Inventory Conduct field inventory of proposed and potential trail corridors, utilizing GPS and photographing and recording all conditions observed in the field. The consultant will compare field notes, photographs, and drawings with maps, aerial photos, and other documents to ensure that the base map accurately reflects existing conditions. Information collected from other sources will be field checked and mapped during this process. The consultant will develop a field inventory standard that will be used as a guide for all field s so the complied data is in a common, easy to use format. Task 2.4: Stakeholder Interviews Conduct one-on-one interviews and/or follow-up contacts with all key stakeholders to capture specific information, ideas and concerns and help communicate them to the Steering Committee members and ensure that they are addressed in the plan and/or provide responses so that all stakeholders feel that they were fully heard. The aim of the interviews is to collect record and integrate that knowledge into the plan. These initial interviews will provide a wide range of responses and help develop a picture of the highest priorities Task 2.5: Existing Conditions Report Data synthesis & Presentation Synthesize field data and collected data into a summary report with clear, user-friendly maps and an existing conditions report. The maps and report will focus on the geographic areas and subjects pertinent to the trail corridors under consideration, and will include: • Existing formal and informal trail network in the project area including information on trail condition, use, commuter opportunities, managing agency, and level of management. • Parking areas; including approximate capacity of each area. • Existing bicycle routes within study area. • Evaluation of the adequacy of trailheads, parking, and bus access and stops. • Publicly accessible recreational areas, including information on signage and parking. • Properties or easements owned by public agency or non-government organizations with public access as part of their mission. 3 and schedule 1.2 Public Participation Plan including maps, fliers for posting, and active website Document including maps and an accessible website 2. Prepare Existing Conditions Report: The existing conditions report should provide all the relevant information for developing the Master Plan. Much of the information already exists or is available through the affected local agencies. Therefore, some data collection will be necessary. All of the information should be compiled in a geodatabase. Task 2.1: Data Review and Organization Collect, review and initiate a document library, GIS map and database of information from documents provided by SLOCOG and data obtained from SLO County. The consultant will expand on data collection to include all available sources of existing conditions data. All collected data will be stored in a location that will be available via the internet for the team to access. Task 2.2: Base Maps for Planning Continue to develop its GIS base map series for study, planning, and presentation purposes, including the most detailed level maps feasible with the available data, and overview maps for presentation of segments, subareas, and the entire study area. Task 2.3: Field Inventory Conduct field inventory of proposed and potential trail corridors, utilizing GPS and photographing and recording all conditions observed in the field. The consultant will compare field notes, photographs, and drawings with maps, aerial photos, and other documents to ensure that the base map accurately reflects existing conditions. Information collected from other sources will be field checked and mapped during this process. The consultant will develop a field inventory standard that will be used as a guide for all field s so the complied data is in a common, easy to use format. Task 2.4: Stakeholder Interviews Conduct one-on-one interviews and/or follow-up contacts with all key stakeholders to capture specific information, ideas and concerns and help communicate them to the Steering Committee members and ensure that they are addressed in the plan and/or provide responses so that all stakeholders feel that they were fully heard. The aim of the interviews is to collect record and integrate that knowledge into the plan. These initial interviews will provide a wide range of responses and help develop a picture of the highest priorities Task 2.5: Existing Conditions Report Data synthesis & Presentation Synthesize field data and collected data into a summary report with clear, user-friendly maps and an existing conditions report. The maps and report will focus on the geographic areas and subjects pertinent to the trail corridors under consideration, and will include: • Existing formal and informal trail network in the project area including information on trail condition, use, commuter opportunities, managing agency, and level of management. • Parking areas; including approximate capacity of each area. • Existing bicycle routes within study area. • Evaluation of the adequacy of trailheads, parking, and bus access and stops. • Publicly accessible recreational areas, including information on signage and parking. • Properties or easements owned by public agency or non-government organizations with public access as part of their mission. 3 SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan • Accepted or outstanding vertical and lateral Offers to Dedicate (OTDs) public access easements, Deed Restrictions, etc. • Areas of interest to walking, cycling, and/or motoring travelers including significant scenic, historical, and natural features, scenic viewpoints, lodging/camping facilities, restaurants and grocery stores, publicly accessible restrooms, and retail shopping areas. • Environmentally sensitive habitat areas as can be determined from existing information. Field surveys may be required. • Identify private lands that connect or are adjacent to public lands within the general alignment. Task Deliverable Documentation 2.1 Data Review and Organization Library and annotated bibliography of background documents 2.2 Base Maps for Planning Detailed GIS babe maps and geodatabase for trail planning and design 2.3 Field Inventory Maps and descriptions capturing inventory 2.4 Stakeholder Interviews Data in appendices 2.5 Existing Conditions Report Data synthesis & Presentation PDF master and 20 copies of report and presentation for review by the Steering Committee 3. Prepare Opportunities and Constraints Analysis The consultant should prepare a written summary of opportunities and constraints. Factors that have a geographic element should be added to the geodatabase. Task 3.1 Opportunities The report should summarize existing features or infrastructure that could be incorporated into the Master Plan on both a short- and long-term basis to enhance the trail user's experience. The identified opportunities should incorporate the design criteria developed in Task 3. Opportunities that should be considered include: • Public and Private lands that can support hiking and cycling trails to and along the river and away from motor traffic. Specify the type of use that could likely be accommodated. • Potential trail linkages between existing trails and public and private lands and areas of interest to and along the river including private lands. • Restoration Opportunities • Bike/Ped Commuter options (Park and Ride Lots, Transit stops, bike facilities, etc.) Tasks 3.2 Constraints The report will identify specific constraints, based on the inventory and analysis of existing conditions completed under Task 2, including: • Archaeological areas • CEQA/NEPA requirements • Railroad right-of-way • FEMA designations • Surface mining operations • Agricultural Lands • Landslide or other geologically • Private Land Holdings hazardous areas • Sensitive habitat (including seasonal • Other engineering challenges limitations and alternatives) • ADA requirements • Water and canyon crossings/existing • Permit requirements bridges C! SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan Task Deliverable Documentation Opportunities and Constraints Report PDF master and 20 copies for review by 3 (including maps and descriptions) agencies and steering committee Trail use estimates for segments of proposed, Maps 3 improved, or newly constructed trails. Presentation maps with plots of opportunities 3 and constraints for review Presentation and PDF master of PowerPoint 4. Develop Design Criteria The consultant should prepare a draft set of design criteria to be circulated to stakeholders and the Steering Committee for comment and then finalize the criteria. The design criteria should be reflective of the following: • Anza Trail System adopted goals and objectives Agency standards - should ensure that applicable requirements on public lands are taken into account in the development of design criteria. North County Anza/Salinas Trail Branding Task 4.1 Prepare Draft Criteria Prepare a draft set of design criteria. The criteria will be organized to address the anticipated types, features, and settings for the Coastal Trail, including: • Bikeway and pedestrian facilities in the Caltrans ROW and other transportation and/or urbanized settings. • Paved and unpaved trails including consideration of incorporating trails in agricultural settings, sensitive habitat areas, addressing impacts of erosion or unstable slopes, options for providing river access and for discouraging river access or other access where it is not appropriate. • Fitting the trail into the landscape for an enjoyable user experience • Bridges, boardwalks, drainage structures — design and location. • Providing access for people with disabilities and ensuring a comparable experience. • Staging areas, trailheads, and associated support facilities. • Accommodating mixed use and addressing the potential needs, issues and impacts of specific uses, including mountain bikes, dogs, ATV, and equestrian use. • Branding, signage and marking systems for traffic control (for motorists near the trail and for trail users), wayfinding. Task 4.2 Review and Refine Criteria Transmit the draft criteria for review by the Steering Committee and revise them in response to comments. SLOCOG will transmit them to the interested parties (IP) list and the Steering Committee for review at meeting #2. The Steering Committee will provide a consolidated set of directions for revision, and finalize the criteria in response to these. • Bicycle improvement opportunity analysis: Parallel routes will be inventoried for the presence of and feasibility to add at least 4 foot shoulders for bikes and/or a parallel separated Class 1 path or Class 3 signed route. The inventory will be completed using a combination of GIS and file data analysis, and GPS field measurements, photos, and observations. • Use Level Estimates: Prepare estimates of use of the trail segments based on existing data of trail use in SLO County or comparable settings, and statistics on recreation and transportation trail use increases nationwide based on improved connectivity and facilities. SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan Steering Committee Meeting #2 — Design Criteria (Task details and budget are contained in Task 9) The second meeting of the Steering Committee is to review the existing conditions and the draft Design Criteria. The consultant team will present the documents and facilitate a discussion of them as well as prepare draft meeting notes and provide to SLOCOG for transmittal to the Steering Committee. Task Deliverable Documentation Report including description and graphics of relevant criteria for trail types and settings, 4.1 Design Criteria supporting features Appendix with relevant technical criteria and 4.2 Relevant technical criteria reference documents PDF master and 20 copies for review by Steering 4 Design Criteria Report Committee 5. Define proposed trail alignment(s) The consultant will work with the Steering Committee to define both short-term feasible and long-term desirable proposed trail alignments. It is expected that the proposed trail will include parallel strands, where feasible, designed to serve different types of users. In areas with significant constraints, an interim (short-term) alignment may be proposed along with one or more long-term options. Expected alignments include: • Continuous alignment for pedestrians traveling the length of the river. This alignment should be separated from roadway except for short segments if it is unavoidable to site the trail along a road. • Discontinuous segments of trail to or along the river, with emphasis placed on connecting areas of interest as defined in the existing conditions report. • Continuous alignment for cyclists traveling the length of the river, separated whenever possible from the roadway. Segmentation: To facilitate presentation of the information, the trail alignments and proposed expanded bikelanes should be broken into jurisdictional boundaries and other logical segments. For each segment, the Master Plan should include the following information: • Map showing the trail alignment(s), areas of interest, public and publicly accessible lands. The map should differentiate between the interim and potential future alignments. The map should also differentiate between the types of users that will be served by various alignments. • Written description of segment highlighting key opportunities and constraints. The report should include brief recommendations for addressing any constraints that the proposed alignment will encounter. • Analysis of support facilities that would be needed including parking, restrooms, drinking fountains, bike racks, highway underpasses, walkways on bridges and boardwalks, bus stops and pullouts. • Preliminary analysis of the proposed alignments consistency with relevant local and regional policies. The consultant will work with the steering committee to prepare a draft of the trail alignments for review by the Steering Committee and the public. Agency staff will prepare a preliminary analysis of the 1 SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan proposed alignments. In addition to a public meeting, the draft alignment will then be circulated to the interested persons list. The consultant will work with the steering committee to revise the alignments based on the comments received. A final draft of the trail alignments will be presented to the Steering Committee for approval Task 5.1 Trail Alignment Maps Prepare maps showing the trail alignment(s), relevant features and destinations, public and publicly accessible lands for each segment. The maps will show the interim and potential future alignments, and will indicate the types of users that will be served by various alignments. The maps will include cross sections and enlarged plan areas necessary to clearly depict the location and configuration of the proposed trail(s) and associated features such as bridges or drainage structures. Alternative alignments will be highlighted where applicable. The type of users served by the alignments will depend on location and type (paved Class 1 paths and bike lanes vs. unpaved alignments) as well as the policies of the agencies that will own and manage the trail. Task 5.2 Trail Alignment Descriptions Prepare written descriptions of segments highlighting key opportunities and constraints and identifying the recommended trail alignment(s). The report will include brief recommendations for addressing any constraints that the proposed alignment will encounter. The features, pros and cons of alternatives will be described and quantified where applicable. The trail segment discussions will reflect the expressed interests and standards of the owning and managing agencies, including Cities, US Forest Service, or SLO County. The Bike Route feasibility analysis will be accompanied by a narrative that briefly describes consultations with Caltrans and discusses the major opportunities and impediments to widening the paved shoulder. The analysis will include support facilities that would be needed, such as parking, restrooms, drinking fountains, bike racks, highway underpasses, walkways on bridges and boardwalks, bus stops and pullouts. The consultant will prepare preliminary concept -level plans for trail parking/staging areas, trailheads, rest stops and vista points. The consultant will work with the Steering Committee to prepare a draft of the trail alignments. The consultant will transmit the administrative draft Trail Alignment Maps and Descriptions for review by SLOCOG and revise them in response to comments. SLOCOG will transmit them to the interested parties (IP) list and the Steering Committee for review at SC meeting # 3. Steering Committee Meeting #3: Opportunities and Constraints and Draft Trail Alignments (Task details and budget are contained in Task 9) The consultant will combine the review of opportunities and constraints with the review of draft trail alignments, as these are strongly inter -related and combining will improve study efficiency. A meeting of the Steering Committee will take place to review the draft Trail Alignments and associated Opportunities and Constraints Analysis. The consultant will facilitate a discussion and will prepare draft meeting notes and provide to SLOCOG for transmittal to the Steering Committee. Task 5.3 Public Draft Trail Alignments SLOCOG will provide a consolidated set of directions for revision, and the consultant will finalize the opportunities and constraints and draft trail alignments for public review. A public draft of the Opportunities and Constraints Report and Trail Alignments maps and descriptions will be provided to SLOCOG for posting and distribution prior to Public Workshop #2. Public Workshop 2: Design Criteria, Opportunities and Constraints and Draft Trail Alignments SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan (Task details and budget are contained in Task 9) The second public workshop will include a PowerPoint presenting the Design Criteria, the draft Trail Alignments, and the associated support features and design concepts. It will include interactive exercises and/or breakout groups to involve the public in the details of trail planning. The consultant will facilitate and record public and stakeholder comments. Depending on selected location, the workshop could include a walking and/ or bicycling tour of portions of the potential trail routes. The outreach and workshop goals will be to ensure that all participants have an opportunity to review and comment on the design criteria, opportunities and constraints, and particularly the draft trail alignments; to capture their ideas, information and concerns, and to help build a sense of inclusion in the process. Task 5.4 Final Trail Alignments The consultant will work with SLOCOG to revise the alignments based on the comments received. SLOCOG will provide a consolidated set of directions for revision of the Trail Alignments, and the consultant will finalize them in response. A final draft of the trail alignments will be presented to the Steering Committee for approval at SC meeting #4. Task Deliverable Documentation Maps (in alignment report) and Trail Alignment Maps for the bike route, pedestrian Presentation -sized plots of alignments 5.1 trail and connecting trails maps for review (2 sets) Trail Alignment Descriptions for the bike route, pedestrian trail and connecting trails in report Alignment Report Admin Draft — 20 5.2 format, organized into logical segments copies for review Alignment Report Draft — 20 copies for 5.3 Public Draft Trail Alignments review PDF master of report and 20 copies for 5.4 Final Trail Alignments approval 6. Prepare a preliminary Master Plan Consolidate the products of tasks 1-5 to develop a preliminary master plan. This will be made available electronically and in hard copy to the Steering Committee. Task 6.1 Report and Document Organization The products of Tasks 1— 5 will be organized into a high-quality report format with introduction and transition sections, illustrative graphics, clear color maps, and detailed information contained in appendices. Presentation scale color plots of trail alignments and preliminary design elements will be prepared to complement the report. Task 6.2 Cost Estimates Based on the trail design criteria and the length of proposed improved or new trail segments, the consultant will prepare an overall table of trail quantities and characteristics, and use it to prepare an estimate of the cost of planning, design, permitting, construction, management and maintenance of the trail system. Task 6.3 Trails and Pathways Signage and Information Develop concept level graphics and placement for signage and markers for traffic control, wayfinding, and regulatory signs and elements for the trail system and related access and support facilities. The SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan sign plan will be consistent with the proposed trail classification system and integrated with the design criteria. Task 6.4 Administrative Draft Review The consultant will transmit the draft Trail Master Plan and draft Trail Alignment Maps and Descriptions for review by the Steering Committee and revise them in response to a consolidated set of comments. SLOCOG will transmit them to the interested parties (IP) list and the Steering Committee for review at SC meeting # 4. Task Deliverable Documentation Trail Master Plan Report for the bike route, Master Plan Report 6.1 pedestrian trail and connecting trails Cost Estimates for trail segments, projects and 6.2 overall network Trails Estimates Table Trail signage, marketing, and information 6.3 system concept plan. Concept Plan PDF master and 20 copies for review by the Steering Committee and ultimately 6.4 Draft Trail Master Plan and Maps the public; presentation -sized maps 7. Prepare Action Plan The Action Plan will identify next steps necessary to implement each trail segment. The Action Plan will also identify the requirements to operate and maintain each portion of the trail system, and potential responsible parties. The question of who will operate and maintain is often one of the greatest challenges to implementing a trail system. If the Plan cannot specifically resolve these arrangements, it will at least identify specific alternatives, and their pros and cons. Task 7.1 Identify Projects and Phasing The consultant will prepare an overall map and description of projects, priorities, and phasing for the Trail Master Plan. It will identify, for each segment, discrete projects that could be implemented within the next ten years, and will evaluate and summarize for each project, the potential level of use, the feasibility of implementation, and the timeframe (2-5 years or 5-10 years). Task 7.2 Project Action Plan The consultant will prepare a draft Action Plan that provides organized information for the draft list of high priority projects based on implementation feasibility and expected level of use. The consultant will prepare documentation for each high priority project; include a location map, brief description of the project, current land use, property ownership, summary of key opportunities and constraints, recommended lead agency for project implementation, and a rough cost estimate for the project. The next steps to address significant constraints and other actions to implement each priority project will be detailed, including responsible parties; supporting, reviewing and/or approving parties, and any potentially needed legislative actions. This will include actions to secure funding, tied to the funding strategy described under Task 7.4. Task 7.3 Operation and Management Plan For each project the consultant will summarize the management tasks needed, the proposed management entity, and the capacity of the entity to undertake the increased management responsibilities. The consultant will prepare a plan for maintaining and managing the trail system, C SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan working with agency members or project partners who are actively involved in managing trails in SLO County. The plan will identify typical tasks, responsible and supporting parties (generically or specifically), and associated costs/budgets. The plan should be organized in a table format corresponding to the existing and planned trail segments and organized by the areas of jurisdiction and management responsibility. Task 7.4 Funding Strategy Provide a detailed summary of current funding opportunities related to trails, and match funding opportunities to the project implementation steps in the Action Plan. The trail projects will be matched to potential funding programs, and the specific program criteria. In some cases projects may be selected or organized to meet grant program funding criteria. The consultant will work with the steering committee to ensure that the project information in the Plan is useful for preparing the actual permit and grant applications that are anticipated. Task 7.5 Action Plan Review and Revision Transmit the draft Action Plan with associated Final Trail Alignments for review by the Steering Committee and revise them in response to comments. SLOCOG will transmit the public drafts to the Steering Committee review at SC meeting # 5 and to the interested parties list. SLOCOG will provide a consolidated set of directions for revision, and will finalize the Action Plan in response to comments. Steering Committee Meeting #4: Final Trail Alignments and Draft Action Plan (Task details and budget are contained in Task 9) This meeting of the Steering Committee is to review the draft Action Plan in context with the final Trail Alignments. The consultant will present the products and will facilitate a discussion. The consultant will prepare draft meeting notes and provide to SLOCOG for transmittal to the Steering Committee. Task Deliverable Documentation 7.1 Identify Projects and Phasing In report for review 7.2 Project Action Plan In report for review 7.3 Operation and Management Plan In report for review 7.4 Funding Strategy In report for review 7.5 Action Plan Review and Revision PDF master and 20 copies for review by the Steering Committee and ultimately the public (administrative, draft and final) 8. Prepare Public Review Master Plan All of the information developed in Tasks 1-7 will be compiled into a final draft Master Plan. This draft version of the Master Plan will be circulated to the Steering Committee, presented to the SLOCOG Board, and a public meeting will be held to present the draft Master Plan. The consultant will work with SLOCOG to revise the draft plan based on comments received. Task 8.1 Administrative Draft Master Plan Organize the products of all prior tasks into a clear, concise report. This document will include all key plan elements prepared and refined in prior tasks, and further refined and developed with the Planning team. These elements are: • Introduction: (Project Overview, Purpose, Study Area, Goals and Objectives, Participation Process). • Existing Conditions: (existing trails, bikeways, summary of existing relevant Plans). 10 SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan • User Needs: (User Groups, Facilities and Activity Nodes, Destinations and User Groups) • Opportunities and Constraints — land use and habitat types, ownerships, physical features • Trail Alignments Maps and Descriptions. • Cost Estimates • Implementation Strategy • Operation and Maintenance • Appendices, including process and results of the community and stakeholder participation The draft Trail Plan maps and report will be transmitted to the Steering Committee for review, revised based on a consolidated set of comments, and provided for transmittal for the Steering Committee meeting. Steering Committee Meeting #5: Draft Master Plan (Task details and budget are contained in Task 9) Fifth meeting of the Steering Committee is to review the complete draft Master Plan. The consultant will present the products and the consultant will facilitate a discussion. The consultant will prepare draft meeting notes and provide to SLOCOG for transmittal to the Steering Committee. Task 8.2 Public Draft Trail Master Plan The consultant staff will refine the plans and report based on Steering Committee comments and a consolidated set of directions, and will prepare a PowerPoint presentation and plan exhibits for posting and presentation of the Plan. Public Workshop 3: Draft Trail Master Plan The third and final public workshop will present the draft Trail Master Plan. This is proposed to be in an Open House format to review and celebrate the accomplishment of the Plan and obtain final comments on its content and organization. It will include a PowerPoint presentation to review the Master Plan. The consultant will facilitate and record public and stakeholder comments regarding the Master Plan. SLOCOG Board Meeting The consultant staff will present the Draft Trail Master Plan at a meeting of the SLOCOG Board, including a PowerPoint presentation of the Project. This will be an additional opportunity for public review and comment on the Plan. Task 8.3 Finalize Plans and Report Based on a consolidated set of directions from the steering committee in response to comments from the SLOCOG Board and Public Workshop, the Trail Master Plan maps and report documents will be finalized and transmitted to the steering committee as final products. Task Deliverable Documentation PDF master and 20 copies of all products for review 8.1 Administrative Draft Master Plan by the Steering Committee Presentation sized plots of trail plan maps for 8.2 Pubic Draft Trail Master Plan review (2 sets) PDF master and 20 copies for steering committee 8.3 Finalize Plans and Report plus geodatabase of all final maps ad layers. 11 SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan 9. Facilitate Steering Committee and Public Involvement The consultant will be responsible for facilitating the involvement of the Steering Committee and public in the planning process. This will include organizing and publicizing meetings and charrettes, preparing meeting materials, facilitating meetings, and compiling meeting comments. It will also include compiling written public comments on draft products. The consultant will be responsible for compiling all written Steering Committee comments on draft products and will provide the consultant with a consolidated set of comments. All Steering Committee meetings will be open to the public; however, public comment will only be allowed at the "Public" meetings. Written comments will be provided from the Steering Committee on the products of Tasks 1-8. Written comments from the public will be solicited on the proposed trail alignments. A Plan website shall be established for the life of the plan development for possible extension by SLOCOG after the Plan is adopted. The website will inform the public on upcoming meetings, previous activities and have a medium for making comment. In addition to interviews held with stakeholders it is expected that, at a minimum, the meetings listed below will be needed. Task 9.1 Steering Committee Meeting #1— Project Initiation • Review and revise draft goals and objectives • Review available data for existing conditions report • Discuss public and stakeholder participation program, agenda and approach for Public Workshop #1 Task 9.2 Public Outreach and Workshop #1 • Review draft goals and objectives • Provide overview of planning process and structure • Scoping of community concerns Task 9.3 Steering Committee Meeting #2 - Design Criteria • Review Existing Conditions Report • Review draft Design Criteria document • Discuss potential opportunities and constraints subjects and trail alignment issues Task 9.4 Steering Committee Meeting #3 — Opportunities and Constraints and Draft Trail Alignments • Review Opportunities and Constraints Report • Review draft Trail Alignments • Discuss agenda and approach for Public Workshop #2 Task 9.5 Public Outreach and Workshop #2 — Design Criteria, Opportunities and Constraints and Draft Trail Alignments • Review Opportunities and Constraints Report • Review draft Trail Alignments • Obtain public input on these products Task 9.6 Steering Committee Meeting #4 - Final Trail Alignments and Draft Action Plan • Review final Trail Alignments Report • Review draft Action Plan • Obtain Committee input on these products 12 SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan Task 9.7 Steering Committee Meeting #5 - Draft Master Plan • Review overall draft Master Plan Report and maps • Discuss agenda and approach for Public Workshop #3 Task 9.8 Public Outreach and Workshop #3 - Draft Master Plan • Review overall draft Master Plan Report and maps • Celebrate the accomplishment of the Master Plan and build support for its implementation Task 9.9 SLOCOG Board Meeting The consultant staff will present the Draft Trail Master Plan at a meeting of the SLOCOG Board, including a PowerPoint presentation of the Project. This will be an additional opportunity for public review and comment on the Plan. Task Deliverable Documentation 9.1 Steering Committee Meeting #1 Agenda, presentation materials and notes 9.2 Public Outreach and Workshop #1 Agenda, presentation materials, outreach efforts and notes 9.3 Steering Committee Meeting #2 Agenda, presentation materials and notes 9.4 Steering Committee Meeting #3 Agenda, presentation materials and notes 9.5 Public Outreach and Workshop #2 Agenda, presentation materials, outreach efforts and notes 9.6 Steering Committee Meeting #4 Agenda, presentation materials and notes 9.7 Steering Committee Meeting #5 Agenda, presentation materials and notes 9.8 Public Outreach and Workshop #3 Agenda, presentation materials, outreach efforts and notes 9.9 SLOCOG Board Meeting Presentation material and outreach efforts 10. Project Management The consultant will work closely with SLOCOG to carry out this scope of work. Project management should include establishing a system of regular communications with the SLOCOG project manager, including a monthly progress report. Task 10.1 Effective Communication The consultant will confer regularly with the SLOCOG Project Manager to administer the project contract, coordinate the consultant personnel and sub -consultant activities, and prepare and maintain project administration documents and communications. Task 10.2 Quality Control Each of the submittals will be reviewed by senior consultant personnel not directly involved with the project to ensure that the consultant and Client quality standards are met. The consultant should utilize senior level staff for all submittal reviews, and clearly communicate project requirements to the entire project so all members understand the project expectations. Task 10.3 Keeping the Client Informed The consultant project manager will keep the SLOCOG Project manager informed of all activities taking place regarding this project. This includes the scheduled meetings but also includes times, dates and 13 SLOCOG — Salinas River Trail Plan locations of Stakeholder interviews, fieldwork by the prime consultant and sub consultants, and work with stakeholders in the field, and other project related items not on the schedule that require contact with the public, stakeholders, or work in the field. Task 10.4 Effective Communication with Caltrans The SLOCOG Project Manager will confer regularly with the Caltrans Contract Manager to administer the grant contract, including quarterly reporting, as well as regular contact and involvement with Caltrans in the development of the project. 10.5 Project Administration SLOCOG staff will provide project management and contract administration including consultant oversight, processing consultant invoicing, and grant administration including quality control and proper invoicing to Caltrans Office of Planning. Task Deliverable Documentation Work plan, email, and meeting 10.1 Project Management Work Plan summaries Monthly budget, schedule and task 10.2 Quality Control — Progress Reports progress reports Meetings, phone conference, interviews and 10.3 schedule. Agendas and meeting notes 10.4 Communique and Quarterly Reports Email, meeting summaries and reports. Consultant invoices and reports, SLOCOG 10.5 Project Administration invoices and reports 14 Am Presenting Sponsor H&Et BLOCK The City of Atascadero LIeHTS UP THE--,,/ DOWNTOWN! Atascadero's Annual Holiday Lighting Ceremony Sunken Gardens Park 6 pm Atascadero Main Street's Art A Nine Tour Downtown Atascadero Friday, November 30, 2012 5:30 pm - 8:30 prn Help usher in the Holiday Spirit at the Annual Holiday Lighting Ceremony. You can enjoy local musical performance groups by the Atascadero High School Show & Concert Choirs and the Atascadero Community Band as they play and sing a variety of Holiday songs while everyone awaits the lighting of the trees and arrival of Santa Claus on the Holiday Lighting stage. Children can line up to see Santa while sipping some hot chocolate served by city staff. Face painting will be available with a $3 donation being accepted. Enjoy wine , food, art, music and good fellowship with our friendly merchants. Tour the shops and meet the artists. Spend the evening walking around the Historic Colony District. The City of Atascadero *4 Friends of Holiday Lighting Atascadero Main Street Richard & Holly Moen (805) 461-5000 www.atascadero.org I iiI ��%ice � W -W, � � ission is 'ree� / Get a head start on your holiday shopping! Local craft wen ors wii display a variety of handmade items that make wonderful holiday gif For more information, please visit �www.atascadero.org �~ Or call 805-470-3178