HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 14-80 RESOLUTION NO. 14-80 ' RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ' WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo, by Resolution No. 79-12 directed certain real property be transferred to the incorporated ' City of Atascadero; and ' WHEREAS, the County currently owns certain real property in the City of Atascadero not required for County use; and ' WHEREAS, the public interest will be best served by transferring this said property to the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 25365 provides that the Board of Supervisors may by a four-fifths vote quitclaim or otherwise transfer to any city within the County any real property or interest ' therein belonging to the County upon such terms and conditions as are agreed upon and without complying with any other provisions of ' the Code if the property being quitclaimed is not required by County ' use; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis ' Obispo has passed Resolution No. 80-138 thereby giving notice of intention to transfer said property to the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San `Luis ' Obispo has passed Resolution No. 80-217 thereby giving notice of the transfer to the City of Atascadero of real property belonging ' to the County of San Luis Obispo as described and shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Council of ' the City of Atascadero that the City of Atascadero does hereby e Resolution No. 14-80 Page Two accept the transfer of property as ordered by the San Luis Obispo County Resolution No. 80-217; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Mayor and the ' Clerk of the City of Atascadero are hereby authorized and directed ' to execute the appropriate documents effecting the conveyance of the referenced real property. On motion by Councilman Highland and seconded by Councilman Stover , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: None ' ABSENT: None ADOPTED: July 14, 1980 ROB RT J. WILKINS, JIT. , Mayor ATTEST: 7U RAY , Tn1ARDEN, City Clerk ' PROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney RECEIVED IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY 2 31988 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA *t*3000M awcum day -------- ry_LS,T-----� PRESENT: Supervisors Steve Ziac 1 lvaine , l;urt P . Kupp%r, > oward D 14ankins Richard J. Krejsa, an:� Chairman Mans :leilmann ABSENT: lione RESOLUTION NO. 79-12 RESOLUTION ORDERING REORGANIZATION OF ATASCADERO AREA SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION OF VOTERS The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission duly approved the reorganization of the Atascadero area by Resolution No. 79-1 , dated the 4th of January, 1979, a copy of which resolution is attached hereto marked Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein by reference as though herein fully set forth, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution; and �,1HEREAS, pursuant to such Local Agency Formation Commission Resolution and to the applicable State law, this Board of Supervisors duly adopted a resolution of application and initiating proceedings for the reorganiza- tion of theAtascaderoarea , which resolution is on file in the Office of the County Clerk, Courthouse Annex, San Luis Obispo, California, for public inspection; and WHEREAS, said resolution of this Board of Supervisors fixed the place, time and date for 'public hearing on said proposed reorganization of the Atascadero Area,; and WHEREAS, due notice was given of the date, time and place fixed for said public hearing on said proposed reorganization of the Atascadero area, namely this 15thday of January, 1979, at 10:00 A.1'11. in the Super- visors ' Chambers, Courthouse Annex-, San Luis Obispo'. California; and , prior to-1 !gHEREASf.'. � this Board of Supervisors censaderi°ng any protests { against said reorganization, the Local Agency Formation Commission "a Resolution making thel"determination concerning said Atascadero area reorgarii 'a°t'i'o�t"f a '` been read'aloud or 'sut�riar`i`zed at `this Board hearing; ahtd .Yrs, s r �1 AS 'ihe'reaftr at''thi `°Foard' o ` S�fpery'i`sors hear'�`n fdro3 oppor tunity has beep given for all interested persons to make, present, or PI :°tl CD-34 file oral or written protest, objections, testimony and/or other evidence for or against said reorganization; and WHEREAS, all written protests, objections or evidence which had previously been made, presented or filed concerning said reorganization have been heard and received by said Board of Supervisors at this hearing; and WHEREAS, in considering such reorganization of the Atascadero area, said Board of Supervisors has duly considered the factors set forth in Government Code Section 56435; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as follows: 1 . That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. 2. That this Board hereby concludes and determines, after hearing all testimony, evidence, protests and/or objections made, presented or filed concerning said Atascadero area reorganization, that it is in the public interest that the registered voters residing in the territory proposed to be reorganized, express their will through the ballot box on the question of such reorganization. 3. That the reorganization of the area of Atascadero be and hereby is ordered subject to the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution of the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission, Resolution No. 79-1 , dated January 4, 1979, which approved such reorgani- zation; provided eorgani-zation; 'provided that such reorganization shall consist of the following: incorporation of Atascadero within that territory described in the attached document marked Exhibit "A" which is hereby incorporated herein by reference as though-here fully set forth; dissolution of the following districts, namely Atascadero Fire Protection District, Atascadero County Sanitation District, Atascadero County Water District, and Atascadero Lighting District; and the change of Improvement District No. 1 of said Atascadero County Sanitation District into a maintenance district within such incorporated Atascadero, with the description of the boundaries of said maintenance district being as set forth in the document attached hereto marked Exhibit "B" which is hereby incorporated herein by reference -2 as though here fully set forth; and provided further that such reorg- anization shall be subject to the confirmation of the registered voters of the area being reorganized upon the question of such reorganization. 4. Such election concerning such reorganization shall be held and conducted within the entire territory of each such district ordered to be dissolved, within the entire territory of Atascadero ordered to be incorporated, and within the entire territory of such Improvement District No. 1 and of such maintenance district. 5. Pursuant to Government Code Section 56441 , it be and hereby is determined that in such reorganization there is no major district and no minor districts. 6. The County Clerk be and hereby is ordered and directed to do every act necessary and proper to conduct and hold said reorganization election on the date hereinafter specified, including, but not limited to, giving the appropriate notice or notices thereof. 7. That it be and hereby is ordered that the election on such Atascadero area reorganization question shall be held on, and said election is hereby called for, Tuesday, June 5, 1979.- 8. That it is hereby further ordered that said Atascadero area reorganization election shall (pursuant to Elections Code Sections 23300, etc. ) be consolidated to the fullest extent possible with any other elections being held on the same date in the same territory; and that in said consolidated election, the election precincts, polling places and voting booths shall be the same, there shall be one set of election officers in each of the precincts, only one form ofballot shall be used, and the elections shall be held in all respects as if there were only one election. 9. The Board of Supervisors be and hereby is authorized and directed to canvass the returns of such Atascadero area reorganization election. 10. That in said Atascadero area reorganization election, if the majority of those voting in the entire territory in which said election is held vote in favor of such reorganization, then such reorganization shall thereby be approved by the voters. -3- i 1 11 . The officers of incorporated Atascadero shall number five (5) . and shall be elected 'pursuant to provisions of the District,Reorgan- ization Act of 1965, at the same election and same date as such Atascadero reorganization election. Such officers' election shall be consolidated with said reorganization election and with any other election being held in the same territory on the same date to the fullest extent possible. 12. The wording of the election paper and punch card ballot question for such reorganization shall be as follows: "Shall the order adopted on , by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, ordering a ,reorgan- ization dissolving Atascadero County Sanitation District, Atascadero Lighting District, Atascadero County Water District, and Atascadero Fire Protection District, and ordering incorporation of the community to be named "Atascadero" , and also ordering the change of Improvement District No. 1 of `Atascadero County Sanitation District into a maintenance district of the type set forth in the Improvement Act of 1911 within incorporated Atascadero, under the provisions of the District Reorganization Act of 1965, subject to the terms and conditions specified in said order, be confirmed?" Upon motion of Supervisor Krejsa seconded by 'Supervisor Mac Elvaine and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors Krejsa, Mac` Elvaine, Mankins , Chairman Heilmann NOES: Supervisor Kupper ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors A TEST: e �- 7e_ k o t o Board o upervisors LAFCojjr APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT Data:, JAMES B. LINDHOLM, JR. County Counsel San Luis b's o ty By: Deputy County Course -4- k succeeding statute or statutes) of the tax revenue derived from Revenue and Taxation Code Section 2237 (as amended, or any succeeding statue or statues) tax levy, shall be transferred to Maintenance District No. 1 , effective on the date of the change of Improvement District No l into Maintenance District No. 1 13. There shall be two items on the ballot as follows: a. The question, worded thusly, "Shall the order adopted on , be the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, ordering a reorganization dissolving Atascadero County Sanitation District, Improvement District No. 1 , Atascadero Lighting District, Atascadero County Water District and the Atascadero Fire Protection District and ordering incorporation of the Community to be named "Atascadero"aero and n also ordering d erin g formation of a maintenance district within the City, under the provisions of the District Reorganization Act of 1965, subject to the terms and conditions specified in said order, be confirmed?" b. The officers of the City of Atascadero shall number five (5) and shall be elected pursuant to provisions of the District Reorganization Act of 1965. 14. If the Board of Supervisors calls for election upon the question of incorporation, said election shall be held on June 5, 1979. 15. If approved by the electorate, the effective date of incorporation shall ' be July 2, 1979. The Commission acted to make two recommendations as follows: 1 That since the Atascadero Garbage Disposal District is not included in this Reorganization proposal yet appears to no longer be needed, the Board of Supervisors initiate its dissolution by Resolution of Application to Local Agency Formation Commission whether or not the Atascadero Reorganization is approved by the voters 2. That in view of the need to preserve lands for agricultural use and in conformance with State and County policy to do so, it is strongly recommended that the new City, if created, continue to honor the agricultural preserve contracts on the Larsen and Frank preserves which are within City boundaries. (4) 5. That the County continue to administer Atascadero County Sanitation and Improvement District No. 1 until June 30, 1980, at which time the administration, facilities, equipment, assets and liabilities be transferred to the City and dissolution becomes effective. 6. Employees of the special districts to be dissolved be offered the opportunity to transfer to the City and become employees of the City at least at their current rates of pay and with their accumulated vacation and holiday time and such other rights as provided by law. 7. The bonded indebtedness of Special Assessment Districts No. l and No. 2 and Improvement District No. l shall remain the obligation of taxpayers within those respective boundaries. 8. Atascadero Lake Park and Zoo, the maintenance equipment, contracts, rights, obligations, and fee title to the land shall be transferred to the City of Atascadero no later than June 30, 1980. The land is to remain as park land or it shall revert back to the people of the County. 9. The Regional Park shall remain under jurisdiction of the County of San Luis Obispo and be excluded from the City boundaries. 10. The Atascadero Veterans' (Memorial building, its grounds and Mall shall be transferred to the City of Atascadero and the Graves Creek and Atascadero Creek reserves within the City boundaries shall be transferred to the City. 11 The City shall enter into an agreement with the County to determine the maintneance responsibility of any streets on City boundary lines and under divided jurisdiction, to assure that each governmental entity assumes maintenance of approximately one-half (112) of these road miles. 12. Improvement District No. 1 of the Atascadero County Sanitation District shall be changed effective June 30, 1978, of said Reorganization into Maintenance District No. i (of the type contemplated by Street and Highways Code Section 5820 et, seg. ) of said new City for the purpose of maintenance and operation and bond redemption of the sewage system, provided that the boundaries and the functions of Maintenance District No. 1 shall be identical to those of Improvement District No. l (such functions being to operate, maintain and redeem bonds of the sewage system herein); and provided further that Improvement District No. I's share, pursuant to Government Code Section 26912 (as amended), or any (3) WHEREAS, at such hearing this Commission heard and received all oral and written -protests , object ions , and evidence which were made, presented, or f i.led, and al 1 persons_ present were given the opportunity to hear and be heard in respect to any matter relating to said proposal and report - NOW, THEREFORE, BE; IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to reorganize Atascadero, incorporating the community and dissolving the special districts therein of which the exterior boundaries as indicated on the map and legal description attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, representing inhabited territory, and being further identified i n the files of the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission as file no . 6-R-78 , be and the same is hereby APPROVED and designated as _the Atascadero Reorganization by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission, subject to the following conditions and terms 1 . That the boundaries proposed be reduced as indicated by Alternative No. 4 excluding an area in the northwestern portion of Atascadero Colony and also to exclude the County Regional Park area and the area known as South Atascadero. 2. The rights and duties, facilities equipment, assets and liabilities of the I, dissolving districts be transferred to the City. 3. That the Atascadero Fire District continue in existence_ until June 30, 1980, at which time the admin-istration, facilities , equipment, assets and liabilities be transferred to the City and dissolution of the District become effective. 4. That all reserve funds and property received by the City shall be -used exclusively and directly for the purpose for which they were intended by the Fire District; provided that nothing herein shall prevent the sale of property not needed for such purpose for its fair market value if the funds derived from such sale are used solely for such purpose. FORM 25 (2) ( 2) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Executive Officer of said Commission is hereby authorized and directed to mail certified copies of this resolution in the manner as provided by law. On motion of Commissioner Heilmann , seconded by Commissioner Davies and on the followingroll call vote , to-wit: AYES: Commissioners Hei lmann, Davies , and Schwartz NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Duvall , Mankins, and Smith ABSTA I N MG: None the forego i.ng reso 1 ut i on is hereby adopted . Chairman , Lbcal Agency f=ormation Commission ` putt' Executive Officer STATE OF CAL I FORK I A ) ss • County of San Luis Obispo ) 1 , BARBARA W. CARLSON Deputy Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission, in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California , do hereby certify- the foregoing to be a full , true , and correct copy of an order made by the Local Agency Formation Commission as the same appears spread upon h t e i r minute book . puty Executive Officer Local Agency Formation Commission (5) FORM 25 K^' IN THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATIONCOMMISSION COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA jHURS DAY, JANUARY 4, 1979 PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS DAVIES, MEILMANN, AND SCHWARTz ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS DU VALL, MANKINS, AND SMITH RESOLUTION P110 , 79-1 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 78-17 WHICH APPROVED REORGANIZATION OF THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY The following resolution is now offered and read: WHEREAS, a proposal for a reorganization of Atascadero to incorporate the community and dissolve the water, fire,lighting, and sanitation districts and Improvement District No. 1 was duly filed with the San Luis Obispo County Local ,Agency Formation Commission , together with supporting documents required by the rules of said Commission ; and WHEREAS , said proposal has been processed pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California as determined by the Executive Officer to the best of his knowledge ; and WHEREAS , at the times and in the form and manner provided by law, said Executive Officer has given notice of public hearing by this Commission upon said proposal ; and WHEREAS , said Executive Officer has reviewed said proposal and prepared a report, including his recommendations thereon, said proposal and report having been presented to and considered by this Commission ; and WHEREAS , the public hearing by this Commission was held upon the date and at the time and place specified in said Notice of Public Hearing and in any subsequent hearings ; and FORM 25 seti�f 1. J. S' [ �"� ► t"� � S0C., ENGINEERS & SURV -YGRS LEGAL DESCRIPTION INCORPORATION BOUNDARIES OF ATASCADERO Those portions of Atascadero per Book 4 of Maps at Pages 1 et seq, Atascadero Colony per Book 3 of Maps at Pages 1 et seq, the Estrada Tract per Volume 439 of Official Records at Pace 22, portion of Rancho Atascadero per Book A of. Maos at Pace 3 and portion of Government Lot 1 in Section 31, To%..nship 28 South, Range 13 East, M. D. B. & M. all in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California according to the records on file in the office of the County Recorder of said county and being more particularly described as f-allows: Beginning at the most westerly corner of Lot 5 in Block 84 as said Lot 5 is shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 122; thence along the westerly line of Lots 5 and 6 in said Block 84, N24°2510011E, 1008 . 806 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 6; thence, according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 125, N24025100"E, 3217 ,75 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 9 in Block 85; thence, TIN' according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 75 , N24025 ' 00"E, 2105. 70 feet to Post LA-P; thence N51°13 ' 00"E, 3058 . 60feet to the most ��'► northerly corner of Lot 1 in Block 54 ; thence , according to Book 3 of Maps at Pace 68 , N51°13 ' 00"E, 3797 . 96 feet to the most northerly ` corner of Lot33in Block 50; thence , according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 67, N51013 ' 00"E, 3679.09 feet to Point M-12; thence S44°38 ' 00"E, 1392 . 00 feet to Point M-11; thence N86°18 ` 00"E, 284 . 33 feet to Point M-10'; thence N86018 ' 00"E, 28 . 23 feet to the centerline of California State Highway as shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 67; thence leaving said centerline, according to Book 3 of Maps ,at Page 66, N86018100"E; 45 . 80 feet to Point AG-6; thence N86018 ' 00"E, 1354. 67 feet to Point AG-7; thence S61058' 00"E, 296 .60 feet to Point AG-8; thence N28°30' 00"E, 274 .50 feet to the southwesterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-way ' as shown in Book 3 of Maps at- Page 66; thence according to Book "3 of Maps at Page 23 , N28°30 ' 00"E, 1200 . 20 feet to Point CH-8; thence S65049 ' 00"E, 698. 40 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 51 of the West Coast Land Company as shown on said mar); thence S52 52 00 E, 1329. 50 feet to the Southwest corner 'of Lot 52 of the West Coast Land Company as shown on said map; thence S56°45 ' 00"E, 1350. 00 ' feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 53 of the West Coast Land Company as shown on said map; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 22, S58°59100"E , 1836. 60 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 54 of the West Coast Land Company as shown on said map; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 161, S89035' 00"E, 2.720 .20 feet to Point EI-37 thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Pace 160 , S35" 53 ' 00"E , 4947 . 27 feet to Point EI-39; thence according to Book 4 of tars at page 82 , S13°58 ' 00"E, 2004 . 0( fey=} +. _ t C; r; d` t <:t �I7f ft 113 in Pine Mountain Park; thence r3CC x f ) nC is C) Book Q of Maps at I'aC�{�.__ ROVED r ; 1144. 66 feet to Point EI-56; thence 559054 ' 00"E, 794 . 33 feet to the most easterly corner of Lot 11 in Pine-Mountain Park; thence according to Book 4 of Maps at Page 80-A, S59°54`00"E, 1215. 67 feet to Point EI-74 ; thence S89010 ' 00''E j' 1 019 ."47 . feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 10 in Pine Mount- in Park; thence according to Book 4 of raps at Page 78, S89°10 ' -',"E, q-11. 77 -feet to Point HI-472; thence S26008 ' 00"F, 2116 . 38 feet to the centerline of- Acacia Road (State Highway No. 41) ; thenc` leaving said centerline according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 7A,- S26008 ' 00"E, 481. 70 feet to Point EI-470; thence S5�3°20 ' 00"E, 2101. 00 feet to Point CH-7 thence S39022 ' 00"W, 2422 . 16 feet to the centerline of Gabarda Road as shown on said man; thence S39°22100"w, 109 . 54 feet to the centerline of the Southern Pacific Railroad as shown on said map thence S39022100"lV, 75,. 95 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Parcel 3 as said Parcel 3 is shown in Book 25 of Parcel Maps at Page 28; thence along the northeasterly line of Parcels 3 and 4 as shown on said maa S20021 ' 13"E, 381 . 40 feettothe East corner of said Parcel 4 ; thence along the southeasterly line of Parcels 4 , 2 and 1, S38031 ' 03"W, 955 . 07 feet to the South corner of said Parcel 1; thence according to Volume 2075 of Official Records at Page 486, S39022100"W, 382. 00 feet to the most southerly corner of the property therein described; thence according to Volu.,.e 1834 of Official Records at Page 924 , S38022 ' 00"W, 457 . 10 feet to the - Northeast corner of Lot 1 . in Block 1, Eaglet No. 2 as said lot is shown in Book 2 of Maps at Page 39; thence according to said map of Eaglet No. 2, S3601010011E, 1867. 10 feet to the centerline of La Linia Road; thence S2°10 ' 00"TI, 20. 00 feet to the right-of.-way line of said La Linia Road; thence along said right-of-way line N87050 ' 00"11, 95. 97 feet; thence S69°23 ' 00"W, 318 .45 feet; thence S790001001111, 199 . 45 feet; thence S66°15 ' 00"W, 253 . 61 feet to the - easterly right-of-way line of El Corte Road; thence leaving the right-of-way line of La Linia Road and along said easterly line of E1 Corte Road S21000 ' 00"E, 70. 76 feet to the centerline of La Linia Avenue according to the map of A.D. S. Addition No. 1 as shown in Book 5 of Maps at Page 1; thence according to said map Sl°20 ' 00"W, 20.00 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of La Linia Avenue; thence along said southerly line- N88°40' 00"W, 172.22 'feet, thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 130. 00 feet ' through a central angle of 51130 ' 00" for an arc length of 116.85_ feet. _ thence S390 50 00 W, 20 . 50 feet, thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 180. 00 feet through a central angle of 9°42 ' 45" for an arc length of 30. 51 feet to the easterly right- of-way line of Pino Solo Avenue; thence leaving the right-,-o.f-way line of La Linia Avenue and along said easterly rine of Pino Solo' Avenue, South, 681. 56 feet to the South line of Lot 13 as said lot is shown in said Book 5 at Page 1; thence along said South line East, 443. 60 feet to the centerline of a 16-foot wide alley; thence along said centerline South, 847 . 30 feet to the northerly right-of- way line of Las Lomas Avenue; thence along said northerly line N44038 ' 00"E, 115. 19 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 302. 90 feet through a central angle of 40°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 211. 46 feet; thence N84°38 ' 00"E, 300 . 33 feet to an ancle point in Las Lomas Avenue; thence according to the map of Tract 5 as said tract is shown in Book 5 of Maps at Page 24 and coni-inuincr «long tY,e right-of-way dine of Lanz Lomas Avenue 2x86°09 ' 00"E, 5-56 . 67 7 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 425. 00 feet through a central angle of 13044 ' 00" for an arc- length length of 101 . 87 feet; thence S80007100"-£, 426. 95 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 375. 00 -feet through cents;al angle of 15°25100" for an arc length of 100. 90 feet; ' ':ence S64*42 ' 00""E- 370. 31 ''2 e � _ _et; ��lenc� along-a tangent ,curve to the rial,t whose radius is 193 . 20 feet thLough a central angle. of 120°03 '00'' for an arc length of 404 . 81 feet; thence continuing along the right-of-way of El Bordo Avenue according to said map of Tract 5, S55021100"11, 930 . 00 feet, more or less , to a 3/4" iron pipe on the northeasterl,' right-of-way line of the un-named 40 foot road as shown in BookJ2 of Maps at Page 38; thence according to said map and along said northeasterly line, S34034 ' 00"E, 1180. 00 feet to the centerline of the 30-foot road shown on said 'map; thence along said centerline S55°26 ' 00"ta, 1472. 00 feet to the most westerly corner of Lot 5 shown thereon; thence S34°34 ' 00"E, 1200 . 00 feet to the most westerly corner of Lot 9 as shown thereon; thence N 5°26 ' 00"E, 1472 . 00 feet to the northeasterly richt-of-way line of the 40-foot road shown thereon; thence along said northeasterly line S34 °34 ' 00"E, 600. 00 feet; thence S55°26 ' 00"W, 20 . 00 feet to the centerline of said 40-foot road; thence according to Volume 1789 of Official Records at Page 81, S34034 ' 00"E, 600 . 00 feet; thence S34°24' 00"E, 1010. 00 feet; thence S6°54 ' 00"E, 241. 60 feet; thence N89° 46 ' 00"W, 224 . 20 feet; thence S49°29 ' 00_"W, 46 . 30 feet, more or less to the northerly line of Lot 12 in Block 67 and the Colony Holding Corporation Boundary according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 99A thence along said northerly line S89043100"E, 231 . 00 feet, more or less, to the East corner of said Lot 12; thence along the Southeast line of said Lot 12, S51011 ' 00"W, 749. 46 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of, the California State Highway as shown on said map now known as Viejo Camino; thence along said easterly right-of-way line .from a tangent that bears S55043' 19"E along a curve to the right whose radius is 1030 . 00 feet through a central angle of 23'40 ' 19" for an arc length of 425. 55 feet; thence 532°03 '00"E, 999. 85 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way line of Halcon Road; 'hence leaving the right-of-way line of Viejo Camino and along said northwesterly line Of Halcon Road, N57"57 ' 00"E, 4 . 61 feet; thence along a 'tangent curve to the left whose radius is 159 . 20 feet through a central angle of 55 56 ' 00" for an arc 1`ength of 155. 41 feet thence N2°01 ' 00"E, 124 . 42 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 1452. 50 feet through a central angle of 8014 ' 00" for an arc length of 208. 72 feet ; thence N10°15 ' 00"E 378 .. 06 fleet; thence N28°15100"E, 309. 94 feet; thence N14041 ' 00"E , 139. 87 feet; thence N4 -41 ' 00"E, 376 . 02 .feet to the northerly line of the Colony Holding Corporation Boundary; thence along said northerly line S89'43 ' 00"E 20. 06 feet to the centerline of Halcon Road; thence according to Volume 1816 of Official Records at Page 929 and being a portion of Lot 4 of George Story ' s Subdivision of the Rancho-Atascadero, N0058 ' 00"E, 415. 99 feet; thence N38106 ' 00"E, 83 . 59 feet; thence N67-49 ' 00"E, 217 . 43 feet; thence N54 °59100"E , 303 . 51 feet; thence N44°34 ' 00"E, 1.83 . 95 -reet- thence' N26° 33 ' 00"E, 461 . 81 feet; thence N47021 ' 00"E, 234 . 87 feet; thence p. 38'40 ' 00"E", 390 . 00 feet , more or less , to the aouthwesterly the Southern thence along sa_i.d last named Eine. southeasterly, (,3) 1900 . 00 feet, more or less, to the East line of said Rancho Atascadero; thence along said East line S0023100"W (per 18-RS-88) ,, 265 00 feet, more or less, to Post A-4 at the Northeast corner of Lot 8 in Block 68 as shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 99.,. said. Ppst A-4 also being the N'orthvest corner of Lot 1 in Section 31 mo Range 13 Fast, Mount Diablo Base and 'leridian; thence alonguththe nc rtherl = line of said Section 31 accorc3i_,g to '-:ie official plat of sal-I Township and Range N39000100"E, 417 . 00 lies 1200. 00 feet Westerly of the Northeast corner oof saidtLota1 accc,rding to Volume 1549 of official Records at Page 566-; thence S60029 ' 30"E, 1378. 65 feet, more or less , in a direct line to a point on the easterly line of said Lot 1, that is distant southerly; along said easterly line 700 . 00 `eet from the ?northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence continuing along said easterly line, South, 614 . 90 IF more or less, to the tract T)oundary according of to Book 3 o__ _ aps at Page 101; thence alongcsaid�tractny � r. 9 _ boundary N81°49 ' 00"W, 1017. 54 feet to Point SM-2�. : thence , 671 . 00 feet to Point SM- - 3 of ,,I,-, s at Page 90 ° 23; thence according to Book 9, NO 23 00E, 54 . 67 feet to the South line of Lot 5 in Block 68; thence along said South line N89'43 ' 00111q, 692. 36 C eet to the easterly right-of-way line of Sonoma Road; thence along said easterly line S10107 ' 00"t?, 357. 81 feet: thence along a tangent curve to the right v7hose radius is 258. 80 feet through a central angle of 60000' 00" for an arc length of 271 . 01 feet; ' thence S70007 ' 00"',',', 75 , 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 99 . 60 feet through a central angle of 27'41 ' 17" f or an arc lenath of 48 . 13 feet; thence radially, N47°34 ' 17"W, 20. 00 feet' to the centerline of Sonoma Road and the Southeast corner of Lot 12 in Block 68; thence along the South line of Lot 121 N89°43 ' 001-TNT, 654 . 97 feet to the East line of ; � ° , Lot 14 in Block 68; thence along' said fast linN0 17 00 E, 290.. 00 feet to the North line of said Lot 14 ; thence along said North line N89043' 00"W, 310. 00 feet to the West line of said Lot 14 thence along said West line S0°17 ' 00"W 640. 17 feet to the centerline of Carmel Road; thence , radially, S19057 ' 25"i,7, 20. 00 feet to the 'southerly right-of-gay line of Carmel Road; thence along said southerly line from a tangent that bears N70°02 ' 35"W along a curve to the left whose radius is 266. 60 feet through a central angle of 22°20 ' 25" f thence S87°37 ' 00"W, 392. 26 feet to theor an arc northerlyllinehof of Viejo95 feet; Camino; thence along said northerly line from a tangent that bears S4°52 '17"E along a curve to the right whose radius is 63,0 . 00 feet through a central ancle of 8005117" for an arc length of 88 . 93 feet; thence S301' ' 00"CST, 177 . 62 feet; thence N86047 ' 00"W, 30 . 00 feet to the centerline of Viejo Camino, said point also being the Southeast corner of the property described in Volume 1639 of official Records at Page 559 ; thence S67°09 ' 12"T�,, in a direct line, 438 . 90 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the Southeast line of Lot 13 in Block 72 accozding to Book 3 of Naps at Page 103 with the northeasterly line of El Camino Real as said El Camino Real is described in Volume 108 Of Official Records at Page 189; thence along said Southeast line of Lot 13 , S50000100,,Iq, 531 . 62 feet, more or less , to the South corner Of said Lot 13; thence along the Southwest line of said Lot 13, :0°00 ' 00"C9, 234 . 24 feet to the southeasterly right-of--way Line of .` ' 4rba.ra Road• thence along said so, 559 . 00 feet , g southeasterly line S36°00 ' 0"C=7, - met , more or less to a point on thri=jht-of- ,,,ay 1 ,�e of Sari T.,. :c :io Road, e said point Lying N76006 ' 19"E, 31 . 90 feet from the -i (4 ) centerline B.C. of Santa Barbara Road according to the right-of-way reaps of State Highway 101; thence along the right-of-way line of San Antonio Road, S24 *42113"1.1, 129.14 feet; thence S11050 '15"1a, 419. 08 feet; thence S26' 29 ' 19"11, 235 . 85 feet._to a point 320.. 00' `feet right of Engineer ' s Station 230+00 . 00 ; t1hence S66°54 ' 44"111 12.5. 87 feet to a point 200. 00 feet right of Engineer ' s Station 229+62. 00 on the easterly right-of-xray line of State :aht:ay 101 ; thence along said easterly Line of Highway 101, S28119 ' E)8"E, 100 . 33 feet; thence S202.7 ' 59"E, 107.38 feet; thence S5° 39 ` 21"11, 327 . 99 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 2020. 00 feet through a central angle of 8105121" for an arc length of 285. 19 feet; thence S2°26' 00"E, 481 . 29 feet; thence along a, tangent curve to the left ;,hose radius is 3020. 00 fe t through a central angle of 3°03 ' 00" for an arc length of 100 . 76 feet; thence S5°29 ' 00"E, 495 . 00 feet; thence S32°12 ' 53"E,, 80 . 71 feet; thence S46'08 ' 22"W, 49 . 66 feet; thence S5°31 ' 00"E, 112. 52 feet to the easterly line of Lot 21 in Block 73 according to B(--ok 3 of Fans at Page 10`5; thence along said easterly line N20001100"1•7, 87. 72 Feet to the northwesterly line of said Lot 21; thence along said northwesterly line S69°59 ' 00"W, 424 . 51 feet to the westerly right-of-%.ay line of Atascadero Road; thence ' along said westerly line N20001 ' 00"fid, 480.63 feet to an angle point; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 106 , N67000 ' 00"W, 781 . 72 feet to an angle point; thence 1,161°00 ' 00"1.1, 78 . 84 feet; thence leaving said northwesterly line N29 ',00100"E, 50 . 00 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of Atascadero Road , said point also being on the westerly right-of-way line of the realigned Santa Barbara Road according to the plans of Atascadero Road on file in the office of the County Engineer of San Luis Obispo County; thence along said westerly line of Santa Barbara Road N12°0512311W, 211 . 63 feet to the southeasterly line of Lot 35 in Block 66 according to Book 3 of mans at Page 98 ; thence along said southeasteriv line S60049 ' 151'11, 217 . 08 feet to the centerline of Atascadero Road; thence S29000100"W, 25.00 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of Atascadero Road; thence along said southwesterly line N61°00 '00"W 163. 69 feet, thence N29000 ' 00"F, 25. 00 feet to the centerline of Atascadero Road, said point also being the South corner of Lot" 3� in Block 66 ; thence along the southeasterly line of said Lot 34 , N421108100"E, 404 . 44 feet to the aforementioned westerly line of Santa Barbara Road: thence along said westerly line from a tangent that hears N16°56 ' 21"W along a curve to the left whose radius is 758 . 00 feet through a central angle of 012614011 for an arc length of 5 . 88 feet; thence N17°23 ' 01"W, 13 . 02 feet; thence N57011 ' 47"W, 63 . 82 feet to the southerly right--of- way line of the realigned Atascadero Road according to the aforementioned highway plans; thence along said right-of-way line of. Atascadero Road S79°58107"W, 53. 43 feet- thence N8713525"63, 211 . 97 feet; thence N86042 ' 02"W, 161. 43 feet; thence N62°29 ' 18"W, 161 . 24 feet; thence o � N5r� 16 08"W, 211.95 feet; thence N48°02 '59"1q, 161 . 24 feet; thence 1,:28028 ' 32"Ti, 107 . 89 feet; thence from a tangent that bears N30012 ' 08"VI along a curve to the right whose radius is 855 . 00 Feet through a central angle of 16024 ' 14" for an arc length of 244 .79 feet; thence N7°39' 51"11, 121. 66 feet , thence N13°47 ' 541"w, 154 . 59 feet: thence alone a tangent curve to the left whose -radius is 959. 00 feet through a central angle of 25°17 ' 30" for an arc length of 422 . 88 feet; thence 1.139°05 ' 24"11, 246 . 65 feet: thence t 41 ° 22 ' =50"W, 250.20 feet: thence 0524 "W, 93 . 00 et , more or less , to northeasterly prolongation nC)rth r, ster!N, I,C ?; )3Iock 65 according to Book 3 of TM"at�s at Page 96, thence along saidrolanGation of Lat 1 , S41°' Q ° 00"W, 33 . 00 feet , more or less , to the centerline of Atascadero Road ; thence (5) along the northwesterly line of_ ' said Lot 1, S4101010011Y7, 1514 . 71 feet to the South corner of Lot 7 in said Block 65; thence S16015100"E 632. 76 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 8 in Block 65; thence S83035 ' 00"T9, 1069 . 11 feet to the Southl-,le-St corne'-r of Lot 10 in Block 65; thence along the westerly line` of said Lot 10-; ' N'I"2°00 ' a0"kl, 800. 97 feet ',o the centerline of Orteq = Road; thence NI2100 ' 00"ja, 2.0.00 feet Lo th2 northerly line of sai,3 Ortega Road ; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 93, along sai(� northerly line N78'00 ' 00"E, 97. 38 feet to the westerly line of Lot 32 in Block 64 ; thence leaving the right-of-stay line of Ortega Road and along said westerly line of Lot 32, N2°06100,111, 659 . 35 feet to the Northwest corner of said rot 32 thence x187054100"E, 466 . 92 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 3 in said Block 64; thence N2°0'6 ' 00"W, 558 . 62 feet to the centerline of San Diego Road; thence according to Book 3 of_ IMayps at Page 47<, radially, N0012 ' 00"W, 20. 00 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of San Diego Road; thence along said northerly line from a tangent that bears N89°48 ' 00"E along a curve to the left radius is 457 . 50 feet through ' a central angle of 63°00 ' 00 for an arc length of 503 . 05 feet; thence along a tancent curve to the richt wlicse radius is 378 . 20 feet. through a central angle of 35100100" for an arc length of 231 . 03 feet; thence 1461°48 ' 00"E, 10. 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the j left whose radius is 1253.60 feet through a central angle of 9110100 or an arc length of 200. 56 feet; thence N52°38' 00"E, 95. 84 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of Atascadero Road; thence leaving the right- of-way line of San Diego Road and along said westerly line of Atascadero Road from a tangent that bears 2.54 °36 '34"N aloncz a curve to the right wjiose radius 1171 . 00 feet through a central angle of 8°35 ' 34 for an arc length of 175 . 62 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 333 . 20 feet through a central =mgle of 29020100" for an arc length of 196 . 18 feet- thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 452 . 50 feet through a central angle of 19059 ' 10" for an arc length of 157 . 84 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 5754 . 60 feet through a central anode of 4059 ' 10" for an arc length of 500 . 79 feet; thence alona a tancent curve to the left whose radius is 1407 . 50 feet through a central anggle of 22°58' 00" for an arc length of 564 ,19 feet; thence along a tanvent curve to the right' whose radius is 434 . 30 feet throuah a central- anc"le of 48°58 '00" for an arc length of 371. 17 feet: thence N5°41 ' 00"W, 49. 92 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 930 . 00 feet through a central angle of 12*00100" for an arc length of 194 . 78 feet; thence N17°41 ' 00"W, 73 . 40 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 383 . 20 feet through a central angle of 35'20 ' 00" for an arc length of 236 . 31 feet; thence 2317° 39 ' 00"E, 121. 25 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 384 .30 feet through a central angle of 24°00100" for an arc length of 160 . 98 feet; thence N6°21 ' 00"w, 54 . 85 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of ,San "a4-ael- Road; thence leaving the right-of-way- line of Atascadero Road and along said southerly line of San Rafael Road N89003 ' 00"W, 150. 28 C eet, thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 338 .20 feet through a central angle of 2.6°37 ' 00" for an arc length of 157 . 11 feet; thence S64 °20 ' 0D1!w, 2 . 15 feet; thence along a tanaent curve to the left whose radius is 1126. 00 feet through a cent.ralfanc,le of 9°59 ' 00" for an arc length of 196. 20 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the richt whose radius 378 . 20 feet through a central, angle of 33' 35 ' 00" for an arc length of 22.1 . 68 fcet_; { ?,w F,�c al-c;ng atangent curve to the left whose radius is 298 . 40 feet through a central angle of 62°58 ' 00" for an arc length of 327 . 93 feet ; thence along a tanaent curve to the right �_a(IIus is 2isG. 50 reef( ough a central an' le of 82° g 3203210011 Ql�ir _an arc .Length of 404 . 0.5 feet; thence N72°30 ' 00"t-7, 1 . 50 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 696 . 30 feet through a centralangleof .20°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 243 . 05 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 338 . 20 feet through a central angle of 28°00 ' 00" ;:or an arc length of 165. 28 feet; thence- along a tanig6nt curve to the left ,:'pose radius is 3-7199 . 80 feet through a central angle of 8027100" for an -_rc length of 560. 40 feet; thence al(_?n a tangant curve to the right wj-.ose radius is 258 . 80 feet through a central angle of 56°2.5 ' 00" for an arc length of 254 . 83 feet hence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 48 , N72032100"IJ, 1424 . 07 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 5709 .60 feet throuah a c:�ntral angle of 303551" for an arc length of 391 . 71 feet to the easterly line of Lot 7 in Flock 36 ; thence leaving the right-of-way line of San Rafael Road .and along said easterly line of Lot 7, Sll°36 ' 00"E, 322 . 80 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence S78024 ' 00"14, 470 . 00 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of San Carlos Road; thence along said easterly line S11036100"E, 315 . 00 feet; thence leaving the right-of-cay line of San Carlos Road , S78024100"t�, , 20. 00 feet to the centerline of San Carlos Road and the Southeast corner of Lot 10 in Block 37 ; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 50 , S61000100"W, 1020. 16 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 10; thence N33030 ' 00"W,- 570. 22 feet to the southeasterly right-of-�:-ay line of Los Osos Road as shown on said map; thence along said southeasterly line S24°54 ' 00"W," 134 . 02 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 1929 . 90 feet through a central angle of 12030100" for an arc length of 421. 04 feet; thence S37024100"W, 40. 60 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 497. 50 feet through a central angle of 30°00100" for an arc length of 260 . 49 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 211 . 10 feet through a central angle of 45000 ' 00" for an arc length of 165 . 80 .feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 150. 40 feet through a central angle of 55000""00 for an arc length Of 144 . 37 feet; thence N12036100"W, 275. 85 feet; thence along 'a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 1929 . 90 feet through a central angle of 4013 ' 11" for an arc length of 142. 13 feet to the northerly line of Lot 23 in Block 37 ; thence leaving the right-of- way line of Los Osos Road and along said northerly line of Lot 23 , S73000' 00"W, 851. 64 -feet to the easterly right-of-way line of San Dimos Road; thence along said easterly line 822°46 ' 00"E 1. 48 - feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 115. 80 feet through a central angle of 74°10100" for an arc length of 149. 90 feet; thence S61024 ' 00"W, 19 . 05 feet to the easterly line Of Lot 22 in said Block 37; thence leaving the right-of-way line of San Dimos Road and along said easterly line of Lot 22 , S15000 ' 00"W, 265. 63 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 22; thence S72030 ' 00"w, 634 . 11 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 22; . thence N55000100"W, 321 . 00 feet to the southerly right-of- way line of San Dimos Road; thence along said southerly line from a tangent that bears S67055 ' 43"W along a curve to the right whose radius is 593. 10 feet through a central angle of 1018 ' 17" for an arc length of 13 . 51 feet; thence S69014100"t9, 167 . 80 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 52 . 00 feet 1cuch a car ' _ al angle of 41°30100" for an arc length of 37. 66 c>et.; thence 527" ^4 ' 00"t•77 9 . 10 feet; thence along a tangent curve ! to the left whose radius is 123. 40 feet through a central angle of -)3" 00 ' 00" for an arc length of 71 . 07 feet; thence S5016 ' 00"E, 36 . 10 feet; thence along a tancient curvy to the left whose radius is 123 .40 feet through a central angle of 33°00 ' 00 for an arc length of 71 . 07 feet; thence S38116100"E, 179. 47 feet to the ; northerly right-of-way line of San Diego ` Road as shown on said map; thence' leaving the right-of-way line of San Dimos Rodd and ' Atong said northerly line of San Diego Road, S68°40 ' 00"F, 200 .14 feet to '.:he northerly extens_on of the easterly right-of-way line of Alvarado ROi�d as shown in Pook 3 of Maps at Page 87; thence leaving the right-of-way line of San Diego Road and along said easterly right- of-way line of Alvarado Road and its northerly extension, S4020 ' 00"E, 400. 38 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right ,-hose radius is 593. 10 feet through a central angle ,of 13038 ' 05" for an arc length of .141 . 14 feet; thenen leaving the right-of-way line of Alvarado Road , radially, ?,80°41 ' 55"INI, 2.0 . 00 feet to the centerline of Alvarado Road and the Southeast corner of Lot l in Block 61; thence leaving said centerline N59000100"t7, 2183. 28 feet along the northerly line of Lots 26 , 25 and 24 in said Block 61 to the North"est corner of, said Lot 24 ; thence S2°15 ' 43"E, 148 . 93 feet to the North corner of Lot 23 in Block 61; thence according to Volume 1761 of Official Records at Page 9 (Parcel 6) S36000100"11, 628 . 44 feet; thence N59°54 ' 20"W, 2171. 73 feet to the North line of Lot 7 in said Block 61; thence continuing N59°54 ' 20"W, 146 .00 feet, more or less , to the "northeasterly terminus of the course noted as N41047 ' 30 "E, 155 . 16 feet as said course Is shown on Highway 41 right-of-way maps ; thence along the southerly right-of-wav line of said Highway 41 , S41° 47 ' 30"W, 155 . 16 feet; thence S21047 ' 30"W, 153. 40 feet; thence S37047 ' 3Q"W, 60. 00 feet; thence - -- ---- S84 °47 ' 30"W, 77. 40 feet; thence S75°47 ' 30"W, 78 . 00 feet; thence N77047 ' 30"W, 292 . 00 feet; thence S66°57 ' 30"W, 90. 00 feet; thence S65° 47 ' 30"5NI, 14 . 50 feet to the easterly extension of the northerly line of Lot 30 in Block 60 as said lot is shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 85; thence along said easterly extension 587017 '30"W, 210 . 00 feet, more or less to the southerly right-of-way line of Morro Road as shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 88; thence leaving` the right-of-way line of Highway 41 along said southerly line of Morro Road S58°54 ' 00"W, 45.85 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 333. 20 feet through a central angle of 26°30 ' 00 for an arc length of 154 . 11 feet; thence S32°24 ' 00"W, 435. 20 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 168 . 40 feet through a central angle of 24°14 ' 00" for an arc length of 71 . 22 feet; thence- S56°38 ' 00"W, 67 . 30 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 598 . 10 feet through a central angle of 14°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 146 . 14 feet; thence S70°38 ' 00"W, 71 : 90 feet; thence along a_ tangent curve to the left whose radius is 21. 80 feet through a central angle of 75°00 ' 00" ` for an arc length of 28 . 54 feet; thence- S4 °22 ' 00"E, 109. 50 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 66. 60 feet through a central angle of 102°30100 for an arc length of 119 . 14 feet; thence N81152 ' 00"W, 151 . 80 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 32 .75 feet through a central angle of 69100100" for an arc length of 39 . 44 feet; thence S29° 08100"W, 76. 08 feet; thence along a tancent curve to the left whose radius is 24 . 90 feetthrough a cc�.r + e ,?s. angle of 97' 33 ' 00" for an arc length of 42. 39 feet; thence ;,63 ' 25 ' 00"E, 17 . 10 feet; thence along a tangent curve to ttfe r i r; :t „ ,c Je z adius is 120 . 80 feet through a central angle of 43030 ' 00" for an are length of €8) 91. 71 feet thence S24°55 ' 00"E, 73 . 60 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right ,hose radius is 82. 75 feet- through a centrad angle of 61930100" for an arc length of 88. 82 feet; th.(-nce S36035 ' 00"W, 127 . 30 feet; thence along _a7 tangent' curve to the left whose radius is 70. 80 feet through a central angle of 45*30' C:3'' l'or an arc length of 56 . 22 fed',.; thence S8° 55' #30"E, 115. 7 ` s •2et; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 82 . 7- feet through a central angle of 58'00 ' 00" for an arc length of 83. 77 feet; thence S49005 ' 00"W, 47 . 30 feet; thence along a` tangent curve to the left whose radius is 47 . 00 feet through a central angle of 46'00 ' 00" for an arc length of 37. 73 feet; thence S3'05 ' 00"11, 39 . 70 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 118 . 40 feet through a central angle of 38°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 78 . 53 feet thence S34°55' 00"E, 48 . 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius- is 168 . 40 feet through a central angle of 42°40 ' 00 for an arc length of 125 . 40 feet; thence S7° 45 ' 00"11, 55 . 41 feet; thence, along a tangent curve to the right %•:hose radius is 114 . 80 feet, through a central angle of 41119 ' 39" for an arc length of 82.81 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Gavanza Road as shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 88 ; thence leaving the southerly right- of-way line of Morro Road and along the easterly line of Gavanza Road S16046100"E, 120. 90 feet; thence along a- tangent curve to the right ,hose radius is 85. 50 feet through a central angle of 63°30 ' 00" for an arc length of 94 . 76 feet; thence S46'44 ' 00"W, 42 . 06 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 28 . 30 feet through a central angle of 87101 ' 00" for an arc length of 42. 98 feet; thence S40117 ' 00"E,_ 265. 80 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 4A . 10 feet through a central angle of 54° 30 ' 00" for an arc length of 41. 95 feet; thence N85113' 00"E, 61. 20 feet; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 141 and continuing along the right-of-way line of Gavanza Road along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 77 . 75 feet through a central angle of 25118 ' 00" for an arc length of 34 . 33 feet; thence leaving the right-of-way line of Gavanza Road, radially, S20031 ' 00"W, 20. 00 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 in Block 95; thence along the Southeast line of Lots -1 and 7 in said Block 95, S35°50 ' 00-"W, 1523. 64 feet to the Colony Holding Corporation Boundary; thence along said boundary according to Book 3 of Maps at Pages 141 and 142 , N60° 15 ' 00"W, 5031 . 37 feet to the West corner of said Lot 7; thence Leaving the Colony Holding Corporation Boundary and along the Northwest line of said Lot 7 , N35050 ' 00"E, 2311 . 80 feet to the centerline of Palo Verde Road; thence N28°22 ' 00"E, 20. 00 feet to the northerly right-of- way line of Palo Verde Road; thence along said northerly line from a tangent that bears S61138 ' 00"E along a curve to the right whose radius is 163. 40 feet through a central angle of 59'27 ' 00" for an arc length of 169 . 54 feet; thence S2°11 ' 00"E, 135. 10 feet; ' thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 28 . 30 feet through a central angle of 96000 ' 00" for an arc length of 47. 42 feet; thence 11x81` 49100"E, 57 . 80 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 88 . 60 Feet through a central angle of 84°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 129 . 89 feat ; thence S14° 11 ' 00"E, 7 . 40 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 29. 90 feet z}hough a central angle of 87°00 ' 00" for an arc length of (9 ) Admk 45 . 40 feet; thence N78°49 ' 00"E, 43 . 20 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 126. 30 feet through a central angle of 54100100" for an arc length of 119 . 03 foiet; thence S47011 ' 00"E, 142. 60 feet; thence a(-cording to Book 3 `of Maos at Page 113 and along the ri-s,-'- -of-°,�:ay line of Palo N7-1:d(- Road and along a tangent curve to c? e right whose radius is 115.+30 feet through a central angle of 22°:0 ' 54" for an arc length of 47 . 45 feet to the Southeast line of Lot 15 in Block 78; thenc•, leaving the right-of-way line of Palo Verde Road and along the Southeast line of said Lot 15 , N38023100"E, 355. 04 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 15 thence along the northerly line of I,ot '15 N51037' 00"[q, 59 . 85 feet to the Southeast corner of hot 6 in said Block 78; thence along the easterly line of said Tot 6 N38023 ' 00"E, 439 . 33 feettothe southerly right-of-\day line of Morro Road as shown in Book 3 of ; aps at Page 113; thence along said southerly line from a tangent that bears T o' ' 05 ' 48"id along a curve to the right whose radius is 82 . 80 feet through a central angle of 52°46148" for an arc length of 76 .27 f,�ei_7 thence N11019100"W, 7 .60 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 11.8. 40 feet thiouah a central angle of 40°40' 00'' for an arc length of 84 . 04 feet; t};ence N51°59 ' 00"W, 54 . 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to tine left whose radius is 89 . 80 feet through a central angle of 48°30 ' 00" for an arc length of 76 . 01 feet; thence S79031 ' 00"W, 32 . 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 114 . 80 feet through a central angle of 100°30 ' 00 for an arc length of 201 . 37 feet; thence N0001100"E, 18 . 70 feet; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 113A and continuing along the southwesterly right- of-way line of Morro Road along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 98. 52 feet through a central angle of 37°08 ' 30" for an arc length of 63. 87 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 96 . 12 feet through a central angle of 29°12 ' 00" for an arc length of 48.99 feet; thence N66019 ' 30"W, 69 . 65 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 229. 36 feet through a central angle of 21°30 ' 00" for an arc length of 86. 07 feet; thence N44'49 ' 30"W, 223 . 88 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 293. 38 feet through a` central angle of 20°31 ' 00" for an arc length of 105. 05 feet; thence N65°20 ' 30"W, 64 . 64 feet; thence .along tancent curve to the right whose radius is 184 . 31 feet through a central angle of 55132 ' 301' for an arc length of 178. 67 feet; thence N9048100"W, 84 . 16 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 213. 80 feet through a central angle of 36°53' 30" for an arc length of 137 . 66 feet; thence N46°41 ' 30"W, 56 . 99 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right ,whose radius is 343 . 36 feet through a central 'angle of 14010 ' 00 for an arc length of 84. 90 feet;- thence .N32031 ' 30"W 30. 00 feet , more or less , to the southwesterly right-of-way line of State Highway 41 according to the right-of-way maps thereof; thence leaving the right-of-way line of Morro Road and along said southwesterly right-of-way line of Highway 41, N40°57 ' 20"W, 566 . 00 feet more or Less to a point which lies 50 .00 feet rig1ht of n« irlf pr ` s Station 599+00; thence N48007 ' 00"W, 1000 . 00 feet; thence N46°37 ' 35"1-4, 192. 31 feet ; thence from a tangent that bears !;48107 ' 00"W along a curve to the left whose radius is 755. 00 feat through a central angle of 27°16 ' 32" (10 for an arc length of 355 . 42 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of :-,orro Road; thence along said southerly line according to the Highway 41 Right-of-%•say maps , S79245' 30"W 764 . 28 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the .left whose radius is -1884 . 90 feet throuch :a central angle of 6°50100" for an arc length of 224 . 80 fe-:`; thence S72°55 ' 30"W, 230. 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 383. 20 feet through a central angle of 38159126 for an arc length of 260 . 77 feet to the southerly right-of--way Tine of State Highway 41; thence along said southerly line S80°28 ' 00"W, 190.17feet; thence N-70°56 ' 40"14, 443. 29 feet; thence N71°00 ' 00"1,7, 250. 86 feet; thence ":64039 ' 50"W, 276 . 14 feet; thence N70°57 '00"IV, 200 . 04 feet to a _point that lies 43 . 81 feet right of Engineer' s Station 555+00; thence leaving the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 41 , N20008 ' 30"E, 83.51 feet to a point that lies 40. 00 feet left of Engineer' s Station 555+00 and on the northerly line of said Highway 41; thence along said northerly line N62°51 ' 05"F, 88 . 46 foet; thence S69°51 ' 30"E, 59 . 00 feet , more or less to the northerly right-of-way line of ,- orro Road; thence according to Book 3 of !-'aps at Pace 135 and along said northerly line N86°32 ' 00"E, 100. 00 feet , more or less , to the %•:esterly right-of-way line of Cholare Road; thence ?_eaving the northerly richt-of-way line of Morro Road and along the westerly line of Cholare Road from a tangent that bears t?41039' 0311vq along a curve to the right whose radius is 69 . 90 feet through a central angle of 89040 ' 03" for an arc length of 109 . 39 feet; thence N48°01 ' 00"E, 134 . 77 feet to the north- easterly line of Lot 13 in Block 92; thence leaving the right-of- way line of Cholare Road and along the northeasterly line of Lots 13, 12 and .11 in said Block 92 , N47030 ' 00"1q, 1862 . 87 feet to the North corner of said Lot ll; thence according to Book 3 of ?gaps at Page 136 along the Northeast line of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 92, N47030100"W, 1027. 04 feet to the South corner of Lot 7 in Block 92; thence along the Tlest line of said Lot 7 N6039 ' 32"W, 651. 37 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Escabroso Road; thence along said southerly line from a tangent that bears S83020 ' 28"W along a curve to the right whose radius is 122- 60 feet through a central angle of 27'47 ' 32" for an arc length of 59. 47 feet; thence leaving said southerly right-of-way line N21008 ' 00"E, 20 . 00 feet to the centerline of Escabroso' Road and the South corner of Lot 11 in Block 91 as shown in -Book 3 of Mads at Page 134 thence along the easterly line of Lots 11 and 10 in said Block 91, N1°32 ' 001'W, 655. 95 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 10; thence along the easterly line of Lot 4 in Block 91, N3°20' 00"14, 764 . 16 feet to the centerline of San Felipe Road; thence N5044100"E, 20. 00 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of San Felipe Road; thence along said northerly line S84126 ' 00"E, 20 . 62 feet to the easterly line of Lot 3 in Block 90 as shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 133; thence leaving the northerly line of San Felipe Road and along the easterly line of said Lot 3 ` N20053'00"E, 250. 25 feet to the southerly right-of'-way line of San 1tarcos Road; thence along said southerly line of San Marcos Road, S76°46 ' 00"W, ',2 . 87 feet; thence Leaving said southerly line N13014100 40. 00 , ect to the northerly right-of-way line of San 'arcus Road; thence according to Book 3 of Maps at Page 120 and ai ong said northerly right-of-way line, N76046 ' 00"E, 23.06 (l l.) feet to the southeasterly line of Lot 6 in Block 82; thence leaving the northerly right-of-way line and along the southeasterly line of Lots 6 and 5, N35°50 ' 00"E 1426 .'44 feet �o the North corner Of Lot 10 in said Block 82; thence alcng the northeasterly line of said Lot 10, S54°10 ' 00"E, 34 . 46 fc,(,Ic to the t'Jest cornea of T:�' 12 in Block 82; thence along the soi.theas4-_erly line of Lot 5 in Block 82, N35050100"E, 1369 . 64 feet to the southwesterly line of Cayetano Road; thence along said southwesterly line N37°08' 00"111, 6 . 13 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 92. 00 feet through a central angle of 42°00100 for_an` arc length of 67. 44 feet; thence N4'52 ' 00"E 18 . 26 feet thence leaving the westerly line of Cayetano Rozd S85°08 ' 00"E�, 40 . 00 C eet to the intersection of the easterly richt-of-�•:ay line of Cayetano Road with the westerly right-of-w-ay dine of Soledad Road; thence according to Book 3 of Ma ,�; at Page 80 and along the westerly line of Soledad Road from a tangent that bears N14° 46 ' 40"E along a curve to the ri_oht whose radius is 163. 40 Feet through a central angle of 32° 25 ' 20" for an arc length of 92 . 46 feet; thence N47°12100"E, 24 . 80 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 123 . 40 feet through a centrad angle of 35100 ' 00" for an arc length of 75 . 38 feet; thence N12°12 ' 00"E, 98. 70 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left those radius is 171 . 10 feet through a central angle of 31100100 for an arc length of 92 . 57 feet; thence N18°48' 00"W, 10 . 90 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 199 . 20 feet through a central angleof22°00100" for an arc length of 76. 49 feet; thence N3112 ' 00"E, 153. 96 feet; thence N8°42 ' 00"E, 187 . 16 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 123.40 feet through a central angle of 2.8100100" for an arc length of 60. 30 feet; thence N19°18 '-00"w, 31. 20 feet;., thence leaving the westerly line of Soledad Road, N70°42' 00"E, 20. 00 feet to the centerline of Soledad Road and the West corner of Lot 20 in Block 57; thence along the northwesterly line of said Lot 20 N78°00 ' 00"E, 506. 40 feet to the westerly -line of Lot -22 in Block 57; thence along said westerly line N12°00 ' 00"W, 482. 96 feet to the West corner of said Lot 22; thence along the northerly line of Lots 22 and 23 in said Block 57, N79000 '.00"E, 699. 58 feet to the southwesterly line of 'Lot 10C in Block 57; thence along the southwesterly line of Lots 10C and 10B, N40°00 ' 0011W, 134 . 71 feet to the test corner of said Lot 1OB; thence along the northwesterly line of said Lot 10B, N50°51 ' 40"E, 169 . 82 feet to the westerly line of Boulder Creek Reservation No. 1; thence along said westerly line S70°4,4 ' 00"W, 96 . 00 feet; thence N66106 ' 00"W, 147. 00 feet; thence -- N71° 36 ' 00"W, 78. 00 feet; thence N18° 36 ' 00"11, 112 . 10 feet to the northerly corner of said Boulder Creek Reservation No. 1; thence along the easterly line of said Creek Reservation No. 1 , S56°16 ' 00"E, 236 . 90 feet; thence N75004 ' 00"E, 213 . 70 feet; thence N52°24 ' 00"E, 66 . 92 feet; thence N71°24 ' 00"E, 87 . 00 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 10A in said Block 57 ; thence along the northwesterly line of said Lot 10-, N50°51 ' 40"E, 240 . 9,3 feet to the southwesterly right-of- way line of Santa Lucia Road (Santa Ana Road per 3- laps-80) . thence along said southwesterly 1 from a tar:(-ent that ° « ., bears N38 06 lG t: along a curve to the t. .,ore 1-ar',.ius is 5754 . 60 :F eet throuch a central angle of ?° 55 ' ? F " `or an arrf " tt}; C:-f 293. 39 fee ; thence N35011 ' 00"t��, 143 . 90 feet thence alone a tangent curve to the left (12) f whose radius is 2839 . 80 feet through a central angle of 10'00 ' 00".. for an arc length of 495. 64 feet; thence h45°11100"11, 378 , 90 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right ,:hose radius- is 843. 60 feet through a central an:uic of 14600 ' 00" for `an arc .length of 206. 13 feet; thence N31-11 ' C1n". , 168. 80 feet thence along a ;-angent curve to the wr-ose radius is 980. 00 fcaf _ through a central angle of 6° 4x3 ' 15" For an arc length of 116 . 38 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of Cencerro Road; thence leaving the southcresterly line of Santa Lucia Road (Santa Ana Road per 3 Maps-80) and along the southwesterly line of Cencerro Road accordingto Book 3 of I-laps at Page 124 , ti46O24 ' 00"W, 90 . 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right .,-hose radius is 306 . 60 feet through a' central angle of 15°11 ' 00" for an arc' length of 81 . 25 feet; thence 1431013 ' 00"W, 96. 14 feet; thence N40°43 ' 00"11, 205 . 04 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left ,,:hose radius is 266 . 60 feet through a central angle of 19°30 ' 00" for an arc length of 90 . 73 feet; thence N60°13 ' 00`11,,,, 130. 82 feet; thence N54°23`' 00"1q, 160. 59 feet; thence N62033 ' 0011tq, 104 . 57 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 163 . 40 feet through a central angle of 33°00' 00" for an arc length of 94 . 11 feet; thence N29° 33 ' 00"W, 59. 60 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 52 . 00 feet through a central angle of 48100100" for an arc length 43. 56 feet; thence N77'33 ' 00"1^7, 52. 40 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 92 . 00 feet through a central angle of 47°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 75 . 47 feet; thence N30°33 ' 00"W, 34. 50 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 37. 80 feet through a central angle of 73°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 48 . 16 feet; thence S76°27 ' 00"W, 65 . 80 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius is 84 .10 feet through a central angle of 72°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 105. 68 feet; thence N31°33 ' 001114, 28 . 60 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 159 . 20 feet through a central angle of 16°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 44-. 46' feet; thence N47033 ' 00"W, 87 . 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 457. 50 feet through a central angle of 120001001, for an arc length of 95.82' feet; thence N59033 ' 00"W, 176 . 70 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whoseradiusis 258. 80 feet through a central angle of 16°00 ' 00" for an arc length of 72 . 27 feet; thence N43°33 ' 00"W, 69. 00 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 75. 80 feet through a central angle of 39030 ' 00" for an arc length of 52 . 26 feet; thence N83°03 ' 00"W, 31 . 60 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right whose radius 163. 40 `feet through a central angle of 52°00100" for an arc length of 148. 30 feet; thence N31°03' 00"W, 25.90 feet ; thence along a tangent curve to the left whose radius is 94 . 80 feet through a central angle of 49030100" for an arc length of 81. 90 feet; thence N80033 ' 00"W, 9 . 99 feet to the northwesterly line of Lot 11 in Block 57 as shown in Book 3 of Maps at Page 81 thence leaving the right-of-way line of Cencerro Road and -along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1;1 , S36000 ' 00"W, 323. 52 feet; thence S57°47 ' 40"w, 942. 48 feet to the South corner 'of Lot 19 in said Block 57; thence along the southwesterly line of said Lot 19 , N53°50 ' 00"W, 800 . 47 feet to the centerline of San Lucas Road; (i_?) thence accozding `to Book 3 of Maps at Page 12.2 and along the , southwesterly line of Lots 17 , 20, 3, 4 and 5; N53050 ` 001Y1, 16: 4 . 39 feet to the Point. c` Beginning and containing- 15, 200 a'-:res, more or less. (14 ) IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Ilan.--- day ----J-une._a6------------19--30- PRESENT: Supervisors Hans Heilraarnz, Steve iMac Ilvaine, Howard i), Mankins , .- Jeff Jorgensen, and Chairman Kurt P. Kupper ABSENT: done RESOLUTION NO. 80-13 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO QUITCLAIM REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO The followinn Resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo by Resolution 79-12 directed certain real property be transferred to the incorporated City of Atascadero, and WHEREAS, the County currently owns certain real property in the City of Atascadero not required for County use, and WHEREAS, the public interest will be best served by transferrins this said property to the City of Atascadero, and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 25365 provides that the [bard of `;uior- visors may, by a four-fifths vote, quitclaim or otherwise transfer to any City within the County any real property or interest therein belonging to the County upon such terms and conditions as are agreed upon and without compl,yina with any other provisions of the Code, if the property to be quitclaimed is not required for County use. I� NOW, THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED that. the Board of Supervisors of San Luis Obispo County will meet to conclude this proposed transaction at 10:00 a.m. on the 27th day of May, 1980 in the Chambers of the Board, Courthouse Annex, San Luis Obispo, California. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Clerk of the Board is directed to pub- lish � a notice of this intended action pursuant t o Government p e ment Code Section i on 6061 at C � least one week prior to the time set for the meeting in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of qeneral circulation published in the County. ADOPTED on June ]6,1980 by at least four-fifths vote of the Board of Supervisors by the following vote, to-wit; AYES: . � 1.a ervisors lankins lac Elvaine H ei t �anrJorgensen nscn ant Chairman Kupper NOES: None ABSENT : .� �..., Ngne Tairman of the Boa'rd Wsupervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, %AESTI: � State of California f the Board t�f un�'ry i cors OFS/.i lb STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of San Luis Obispo, ss. MISBETH WOLLHII ------------ ----_ __! County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California,'do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy, of an order,mads'by the Board of Supervisors, as the same appears spread upon'their minute,book. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, affixed this :.__ I8th ------ day of------June----------7--------,19_ 30. MISBETH WOLLA:°I IRV..AT.) County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board "__ of Supervisors The undersigned Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Pursuant to Section 1 of the G vernment Code delivery that as been made on document 19 MISBETH WOLLAM County Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of he Board of Supervisors By : eputy Clerk „r, VETERANS BUILDING Lot 2 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "D to Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918 in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 76A, re- cords of said County. Lot 4 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "D" of Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918, in Book 4 of Maps, Page 67A, re- cords of said County. Subject to the restriction that said property and improvements thereon shall be held for use by Veterans Organizations as required by the Military and Veterans Code Also known as APN 29-341-01 29-346-01 _ATASCADERO PARK APN 31L362-03 31-361-07 31-373-01 31-372,24 Lots 10, 11, 12, fraction of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39A, 39B, 40, 40A, 41, 42, 42A, 42B, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50 in Block J-C of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the Recorder of said County. All that portion of Lot 47 Block J-C of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the recorder of said County, excepting that portion of Lot 47 in Block J-C of Atascadero deeded to the Atascadero Association of Retired People, Inc. on October 11, 1963 in Volume 1265, Page 29 of official records in the County Recorders office. Together with that portion of Amapoa Avenue, 40 feet wide, Atascadero subdivision, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof recorded in Book 4 of maps at page 56A in the Re- corder's Office of said County lying between the following described `termini (1) Bounded on the north by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the southerly line of lake spillway, 15 feet wide, as delineated on said map, and (2) Bounded on the south by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, 40 feet wide, as delineated on said map. RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment that portion, 50 feet in length, of said Amapoa Avenue lying within the intersection of Lago Avenue, 50 feet wide, and Amapoa Avenue as delineated on said map, also RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment the easement and right, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, re place, remove and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurten- ant structures in, upon, over and across the above described portions of road and pursuant to any existing franchise or renewal thereof, or otherwise, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge public utility facilities and appurtenant 'structures and for incidental purposes, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the above described portions of road, toget- her with All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying easterly of the northerly prolonq- ation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map; said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with That portion of Lot 5 of the Life Residence Park of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California according to the map thereof recorded in Book 4 at pages 71 and 72 of Maps described as follows: Commencinq at the northwest corner of the land conveyed to the County of San Luis Obispo by the deed recorded in Book 344 at page 290 of Of- ficial Records said point being on the centerline of Capistrano Avenue (formerly Magnolia Avenue); thence S64°321E along the northerly line of said county property 30.58 feet to the westerly line of Capistrano Avenue, 50 feet wide and the point of beginning; thence S64°321E continuing along the northerly line of said County property, 114.68 feet to a point on a curve, from which the radius point bears SO°41147.."W, 185.00 feet; thence westerly along the arc of sa;id curve and through a central angle of 16°07158" a distance of 52.09 feet; thence S74°33149"W, tangent to last curve 36.82 feet to a point on a curve concave easterly having a radius of 548.10 feet, said point being on the easterly line of said Capistrano Avenue; thence northerly along the arc of last said curve and through at cen- tral angle of 7°05139" a distance of 67.86 feet to the point of beginn- ing containing 0.065 acres more or less. Subject to the reservation that said property shall be used for a sew- age lift station only. Also known as a portion of APN 29-102-12 That portion of Lot 8, Block 39, according to the Maps of Atascadero Colony filed October 21, 1914 in Map Book 3, Page 1 et seq. 'as describ- ed in those deeds recorded on February 10, 1971 in the office of the County Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo at Volume 1604, Official Re- cords, Page 616 et seq. , subject to the restricitons contained there- in. Also known as APN 55-161-03 55-161-04 All roads and street within the City limits as approved by the voters June 5, 1979 and under the control of the County as of that date, together with all parking aprons drainage structures, easements and other related appurtenances thereto. -2- Lot 8 in Block EB, of Map of Atascadero as desionated, numbered and delineated, upon a map thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of said County, in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 1 . Subject to restriction that that portion of said property lying northeasterly of Highway 101 shall continue to be leased to the Chamber of Commerce or used for a similar community oriented use. Also known as APN 30-193-01 30-193-02 30-343-02 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve B in Block F. Also known as APN 28-213-01 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block IB. i Also known as APN 31-012-13 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof, that portion of Block IB bounded on the North by Santa Lucia Avenue, West and South by San Andres Ave. and Easterly by Nacimiento Ave. Also known as APN 31-026-01 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof that portion of Block IB lying in the intersection of San Marcos Ave. and Curbaril Ave. Aiso known as APN 31-212-01 The part of Park A of Block JC of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof and amend- ments thereto recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 1 et seq., records of said county, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the above men- tioned Park A with the northerly line of Santa Rosa Avenue, as shown on said map; thence, along said westerly line, N. 24 31' E. , 17.93 feet to a point on the southerly line of Marchant Avenue; thence, along said westerly line of Marchant Avenue, tangent to a line that bears S. 36 10' 35" E., along a curve to the left, with a radius of 134.80 feet, through an angle of 28 501_ 25", for a distance of 67.85 feet; thence, continuing along said southerly line, S. 650 011 E., 23.56 feet; thence, S. 270 03' W. ,7.18 feet to a point on the aforementioned north- erly line of Santa Rosa Avenue; thence along said northerly line, tan- gent to a line that bears N. 62' 57' W. along a curve to the right, with a radius of 1412.50 feet, through an angle of 3 35' 09" for a distance of 88.40 feet to the point of beginning. Also known as APN 31-381-23 Lot 22 M in Block L-A according to _Amendment "C" to Map of Atascadero, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, California on the 10th day of August, 1917. Also knownas AP - - N 29 324 O1 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof Park Reserve, Block M-C. Also known as APN 30-072-01 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof Lot A, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-234-01 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve, Lot B, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-224-01 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserves A, B and C in Block V-B Also known as APN 31-044-01 31-143-01 31-203-01 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A in Block YB. Also known as APN 31-126-01 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation "A", Block Z. Also known as APN 28-152-01 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 14 containing 0.25 acres. Also known as APN 54-133-01 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A, Block 22. Also known as APN 49-112-10 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof the Westerly 40/100 acres of Lot 18 in Block 23. Also known as APN 49-191-04 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 25, containing 0.21 acres. Also known as APN 50-131-07 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 31, containing 0.28 acres. Also known as APN 54-211-01 -d_ e In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Lot 34 in Block 62 excepting that part heretofore sold to F.F. Peabody and containing 0.03 acres. Also known as APN 57-301-07 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 38, containing, containing 0.34 acres. Also known as APN 57-082-11 Lot A in Block 55 according to the map of Atascadero Colony, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Also known as APN 50-325-01 A portion of Lot 1 in Block 60 of Atascadero Colony in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to a map filed in Book 3, at Page 85 of Maps and as shown on Parcel Map CO-70-84. A one foot (1.001 ) strip of land lying southerly and westerly of and adjacent to -the southerly right-of-way line of the California State Highway 41 between Station 630 more or less and Station 656 more or less as shown on said parcel map. Also known as APN 55-321-06 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve B in Block 61, containing 0.52 acres Also known as APN 57-201-06 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 62 excepting that part heretofore sold to F.F. Peabody and con- taining 6.19 acres. Also known as APN 57-301-08 All of Lot 10 of Atascadero Park in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as shown on Sheet 74 of the Official Map of Atas- cadero on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County and filed for record in Book 4 of Maps of Page l et seq records of said County. Subject to the reservation that said property shall be held for open space purposes only. Also known as APN 28-341-09 Atascadero Colony, that portion of Lot 3 Block 13 described as follows: That portion beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence . S 33° 49' E, 205 feetr to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 3; thence leavino said Westerly line N 56 111E, 25 feet to a point; thence N 330 49' W, 203.22 feet to a point; thence S 59° 29' feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion lying within the lines of Santa Rosa Rd. Also known as APN 56-262-11 _5_ All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying easterly of the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map; said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with All that portion of Marchant Avenue, as shown on the map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Re- corder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying between the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 46 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, as shown on said map, and the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 38 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the southerly line of Portola Avenue, as shown on said map. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING ANY existing easement and/or franchise right at any time or from time to time to• maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge the existing public utility facilities, namely: (1) gas mains of Southern Counties Gas Company; (2) power poles of Pacific Gas and Electric Company; (3) aerial cables of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and facilities incidental thereto, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the roads herewith abandoned. Also known as APN 31-362-03 31-361-07 31-373-01 31-372-24 ATASCADERO CREEK RESERVATIONS Atascadero Creek Reservations numbers 7, 8, 9, 10 in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map of Atascadero and Atas- cadero Colony on file in the Office of Recorder of said County. Atascadero Creek reservation Number 4 excepting therefrom that portion lying within the boundaries of Assessment District #16. Subject to the restriction that said property be held as open space area only. Also known as APN 30-201-10 30-201-14 31-222-11 31-282-01 31-291-12 31-351-02 54-152-01 54-221-02 57-101-01 57-121-02 ATASCADERO LAKE Lot 8 in Block 12 of amended map of Atascadero Colony, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map thereof filed September 16, 1925, in the office of the Recorder of said County. Subject to the restriction that said property be held for park purposes only. Also known as APN 56-331-01 56-341-01 GRAVES CREEK In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- vation #1 in Block 50. In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- vation #2 in Block 48. Subject to restriction that said property be held as open space only. Also known as APN 49-082-04 49-092-06 49-092-08 49-132-10 IN THI OARD OF SUPERV I ORS COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,STATE OF CALIFORNIA "on day _---_ July-7 PRESENT: Supervisors Hans Heilmann, Steve Mac Elvaine, Howard D. aankins , ,Teff Jorgensen, and Chairman Kurt. .P. itupper ABSENT: None RESOLUTION NO. 830-217 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF REAL PROPT77-70 THE CITY OF ATASCADERO The following Resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo by Resolution 79-12 direci,ed cortain real property be transferred to the incorporated City of Atascadero, and WHEREAS, the County currently owns certain real property in the City of Atascadero not required for County use, and WHEREAS, the public interest will be best served by transferring this said property to the City of Atascadero, and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 25365 provides that the Board of Super- visors may, by a four-fifths vote, quitclaim or otherwise transfer to any City within the County any real property or interest therein belonging to the County upon such terms and conditions as are agreed upon and without complying with any other provisions of the Code, if the property to be quitclaimed is not required for County use. WHEREAS, this Board has passed Resolution No. 80-138, thereby giving notice of intention to transfer said property to the City; said property shall be , transferred hereunder excepting therefrom three parcels noticed therein not located within the City limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as follows: 1. That the County does hereby transfer to the City of Atascadero that real property situated in the County of San Luis Obispo, City of Atascadero, State of California, those parcels shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board are hereby authorized and dir- ected to execute the appropriate documents effecting a conveyance of the above- referenced real property. CD-34 Upon motion of Supervisor Hei lmann , _seconded by Supervisor Jorgensen, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: ; AYES: Supervisors Heilmann, Jorgensen, Mac Elvaine, Mankins, Chairman Kupper NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINING: None the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. airman of e B ar o erviso ae T: o teand o p i sors ' •-- AM/jlb 2/RES/ATAS STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of San Luis Obispo, } ss. The undersigned Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors certifies that pursuant to Section 25103 of-)the Government Code delivery of this document has been made on , 1Q• 6�iSB WOLLAM County Clerk and Ex-Off cio Clerk of the Board of Super sors By Deputy Clerk. By ----------------- ---------------------- -Deputy ----- - - ---------- -Deputy Clerk. EXHIBIT "All QUITCLAIM DEED The County of San Luis Obispo, a body corporate and politic, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby ac- knowledged, does hereby remise and release to the City of Atascader© that real property located in the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, as described on Exhibit "I", consisting of six pages, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: KUST P. KUPPER airman of the Board o supervisors Authorized by Board Resolution # p 9 on QA, 7 ,1980 State of California ) )ss County of San -Luis Obispo ) On this �� day o in the year 1980, be- fore me MISBE HT WOLLAM, Coun Cl and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board' of Supervisors, County of S Lui Obispo, State of California, person- ally appeared Kurt P. Kupper, know to me to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said public corporation, agency or political subdivision, and acknowledged to me that such County of San Luis Obispo, State of Calif- ornia, exectued the same. MISBETH WOLLAM, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California (SEAL) By: , - -- Deputy Clerk QUIT/DEED#5 MISC#1 „1 EXHIBIT "ill VETERANS BUILDING PARCEL 1 Lot 2 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "D" to Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918 in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 76A, re- cords of said County. Lot 4 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "D" of Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918, in Book -4 of Maps, Page 67A, re- cords of said County. Subject to the restriction that said property and improvements thereon shall be held for use by Veterans Organizations as required by the Military and Veterans Code. Also known as APN 29-341-01 29-346-01 ATASCADERO PARK 2 Lots 10, 11, 39, 12, fraction of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 349 35, 36, 37, 38, 39A, 39B, 40, 40A, 41, 42, 42A9 42B, 43, 449 45, 46, 48, 49, 50 in Block J-C_ of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the Recorder of said County. All that portion of Lot 47 Block J-C of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the recorder of said County, excepting that portion of Lot 47 in Block J-C of Atascadero deeded to the Atascadero Association of Retired People, Inc. on October 11, 1963 in Volume 1265, Page 29 of official records in the County Recorders office. Together with that portion of Amapoa Avenue, 40 feet wide, Atascadero subdivision, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof recorded in Book 4 of maps at page 56A in the Re- corder's Office of said County lying between the following described termini (1) Bounded on the north by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the southerly line of lake spillway, 15 feet wide, as delineated on said map, and (2) Bounded on the south by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, 40 feet wide, as delineated on said map. RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment that portion, 50 feet in length, of said Amapoa Avenue lying within the intersection of Lago Avenue, 50 feet wide, and Amapoa Avenue as delineated on said map, also RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment the easement and right, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, re- place, remove and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurten- ant structures in, upon, over and across the above described portions of road and pursuant- to any existing franchise or renewal thereof, or otherwise, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, "remove, renew and enlarge public utility facilities and appurtenant structures and ,for incidental purposes, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the above described portions of road, toget- her with All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying easterly of the northerly prolong- ation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map; said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with 1 r4 All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying easterly of the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map; said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with All that portion of Marchant Avenue, as shown on the map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Re- corder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying between the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 46 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, as shown on said map, and the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 38 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the southerly line of Portola Avenue, as shown on said map. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING ANY existing easement and/or franchise right at any time or from time to time to maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge the existing public utility facilities, 'namely: ( 1) qas mains of Southern Counties Gas Company; (2) power poles of Pacific Gas and Electric Company; (3) aerial cables of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and facilities incidental thereto, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the roads herewith abandoned. Subject to condition 8 in Resolution No. 1 "Resolution Amendino Resolution No. 78-17 which approved reorganization of the Atascadero Community adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission January 4, 1979. Also known as APN 31-362-03 31-361-07 31-373-01 31-372-24 PARCEL ATASCADERO CREEK RESERVATIONS 3 Atascadero Creek Reservations numbers 7, 8, 9, 10 in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map of Atascadero and Atas- cadero Colony on file in the Office of Recorder of said County. Atascadero Creek reservation Number 4 excepting- therefrom that portion lying within the houndaries of Assessment District#16. Also known as APN 30-201-10 30-201-14 31-222-11 31-282-01 31-291-12 31-351-02 54-152-01 54-221-02 57-101.01 57-121-02 ATASCADERO LAKE 4 Lot 8 in Block 12 of amended map of Atascadero Colony, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map thereof filed September 16, 1925, in the office of the Recorder of said County. Subject to condition 8 in Resolution #1, "Resolution Amending Resolution No. 78-17 which approved Reorganization of the Atascadero Community" adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission on January 4, 1979. Also known as APN 56-331-01 56-341-01 GRAVES CREEK 5 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- vation #1 in Block 50. In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- vation #2 in Block 48. , Also known as APN 49-082-04 2 PARCEL . 6 Lot 8 in Block EB, of Map of Atascadero as designated, numbered and delineated, upon a map thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of said County, in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 1 . Subject to restriction that that portion of said property lying northeasterly of Highway 101 shall continue to be leased to the Chamber of Commerce or used for a community oriented use. If the property is not so used by City for a period of one (1) year or more, title shall revert to County and County may re-enter -and occupy said premises. Also known as APN 30-193-01 30-193-02 30-343-02 7 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve B in Block F. Also known as APN 28-213-01 8 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block IB. Also known as APN 31-012-13 9 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof, that portion of Block IB bounded on the North by Santa Lucia Avenue, West and South by San Andres Ave. and Easterly by Nacimiento Ave. Also known as , APN 31-026-01 10 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof that portion of Block IB lying in the intersection of San Marcos Ave. and Curbaril Ave. Also known as APN 31-212-01 11 Park Reserve A of Block JC of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof and amendments thereto recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 1 et seq., records of said county, excepting therefrom that portion described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the above men- tioned Park A with the northerly line of Santa Rosa Avenue, as shown on said map; thence, along said westerly line' N. 24° 31' E., 17.93 fee to a point on the southerly line of Marchant Avenue; thence, along said westerly line of Marchant Avenue, tangent to a line that bears S. 36 10' 35" E., along a curve to the left, with a radius of 134.80 'feet, through an angle of 28° 50' 25", for a distance of 67.85 feet; thence, continuing along said southerly line, S. 65° 01' E., 23.56 feet; thence, S. 27° 03' W.,7.18 feet to a point on the aforementioned north- erly line of Santa Rosa Avenue; thence along said northerly line, tan- gent to a line that bears N. 62° 57' W. , along a curve to the right, with a radius of 1412.50 feet, throuqh an angle of 3° 35' 09" for a distance of 88.40 feet to the point of beginning. Also known as APN 31-381-23 12 Lot 22 M in Block L-A according to Amendment "C" to Map of Atascadero, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Luis - Obispo County, California on the 10th day of August, 1917. Also known as APN 29-324-01 13 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof Park Reserve, Block M-C. Also known as APN 30-072-01 3 PARCEL 14 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof Lot A, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-234-01 15 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve, Lot B, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-224-01 16 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserves A, B and C in Block V-B Also known as APN 31-044-01 31-143-01 31-203-01 17 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A in Block YB. Also known as APN 31-126-01 18 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation "A", Block Z. Also known as APN 28-152-01 19 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 14 containing 0.25 acres. Also known as APN 54-133-01 20 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A, Block 22. Also known as APN 49-112-10 21 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof the Westerly 40/100 acres of Lot 18 in Block 23. Also known as APN 49-191-04 22 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 25, containing 0.21 acres. Also known as APN 50-131-07 23 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 31, containing 0.28 acres. Also known as APN 54-211-01 4 PARCEL 01 • 24 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 38, containing, containing 0.34 acres. Also known as APN 57-082-11 25 Park Reserve A in Block 55 according to the map of Atascadero Colony, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Also known as APN 50-325-01 26 A portion of Lot 1 in Block 60 of Atascadero Colony in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to a map' filed in Book 3, at Page 85 of Maps and as shown on Parcel Map CO-70-84. A one foot (1.001 ) strip of land lying southerly and westerly of and adjacent to the southerly right-of-way line of the California State Highway 41 between Station 630 more or less and Station 656 more or less as shown on said parcel map. Also known as APN 55-321-06 27 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 23, containing 0.22 acres. Also known as APN 49-191-09 28 All of Lot 10 of Atascadero Park in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as shown on Sheet 74 of the Official Mao of Atas- cadero on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County and filed for record in Book 4 of Maps of Page 1 et ;seq records of said County. Also known as APN 28-341-09 29 Atascadero Colony, that portion of Lot 3 Block 13 described as follows. That. portion beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3 thence S 33° 49' E, 205 feet to a point on the Westerly line of .said Lot 3; thence leaving said Westerly line N 56° 111E, 25 feet to a point; thence N 330 49' W, 203.22 feet to a point; thence S 59 29' feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion lying within the lines of Santa Rosa Rd. , Also known as APN 56-262-11 5 PARCEL 30 That portion of Lot 5 of the Life Residence Park of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California according to the map thereof recorded in Book 4 at pages 71 and 72 of Maps described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the land conveyed to the County of San Luis Obispo by the deed recorded in Book 344 at page 290 of Of- ficial Records said point beinq on the centerline of Capistrano Avenue (formerly Magnolia Avenue); thence S64°32'E along the northerly line of said county property 30.58 feet to the westerly line of Capistrano Avenue, 50 feet wide and the point of beginning; thence S640321E continuing along . the northerly line of said County property, 114.68 feet to a point on a curve, from which the- radius point bears S0041'47"W, 185.00 feet; thence westerly along the arc of said curve and through a central angle of 16°07158" a distance of 52.09 feet; thence 574033149"W, tangent to last curve 36.82 feet to a point on a curve concave easterly having a radius of 548.10 feet, said point being on the easterly line of said Capistrano Avenue; thence northerly along the arc of last said curve and through a cen- tral angle of 7°05'39" a distance of 67.86 feet to the point of beginn- ing containing 0.065 acres more or less. Subject to the reservation that said property shall be used for a sewage lift staticn only. Also known as a portion of APN 29-102-12 31 That portion of Lot 8, Block 39, according to the Maps of Atascadero Colony filed October 21, 1914 in Map Book 3, Page l et seq, as describ- ed in those deeds recorded on February 10, 1971 in the office of the County Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo at Volume 1604, Official Re- cords, Page 616 et seq. , subject to the restricitons contained there- in. Also known as APN 55-161-03 55-161-04 AMcK/ms LEG/DES/5/20#2 t 6