HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC_2011-11-17_AgendaPacketREGULAR SESSION CITY OF A TA SCA DERO PA RKS AND RECREA TION COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, November 17th, 2011 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting Atascadero City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, California 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: Chairperson: Vice -Chairperson Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Commissioner: Student Representative Tom Zirk Bill Wachtel Barbie Butz Susan DeCarli Susan Greenaway David May Jerel Seay Luke Thek COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Commission on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Commission has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Commission. Any members of the public who have questions or need information, may contact the Board Secretary Kris Roudebush who is available during normal business hours at 470-3478, or kroudebush(aD_atascader.org) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATION: Presentation by Administrative Services Director, Rachelle Rickard- "City Budget Update" COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Commission Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Commission Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Commission may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) 1. Brief report by Commissioner Butz on the Centennial Daffodil Project A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non -controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Commission or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Commission concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes — September 15, 2011 ■ Staff Recommendation: Commission approve the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting minutes of the September 15, 2011 meeting. [Community Services] 2. Memorial Obiect Placement Reauest - Tree Dedication at Atascadero Lake Park Memorial Grove ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Commission recommends approval to the City Council of a request by James T. Bond to dedicate a memorial tree to be planted at Atascadero Lake Park Memorial Grove site #23 in memory of Jerry C. Bond. [Community Services] B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: None. C. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. Atascadero Youth Task Force Status— Jennifer Fanning D. STAFF COMMENTS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Mark Your Calendar: ■ Saturday, November 19th: Holiday Boutique will be taking place at the Pavilion on the Lake ■ Friday and Saturday, December 2nd & 3rd: AHS Varsity Boys Soccer will have a Tournament at the Paloma Soccer Fields. ■ Friday, December 2nd: Annual Holiday Lighting Ceremony will take place at the Sunken Gardens ■ Saturday, December 3rd: Musical Walk around Atascadero Lake will be taking place. ■ Friday, December 9th: Winter Wonderland hosted by Atascadero Main Street will be taking place at the Sunken Gardens. 2. Parks Update: Centennial Plaza Project Final Design Plan — Geoff English 3. Atascadero Fun Club Update- Jennifer Fanning 4. Youth Basketball League- Jennifer Fanning 5. Atascadero Magazine- Jennifer Fanning E. ADJOURNMENT: THE NEXT REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR December 15th, 2011, AT 7:00 P.M. I, Kris Roudebush, Clerical Assistant 3 of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the November 17th, 2011 Regular Session of the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission was posted on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 10th day of November, 2011 at Atascadero, California. Kris Roudebush, Clerical Assistant 3 City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADER0 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING The Parks and Recreation Commission meet in regular session on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Atascadero City Hall, located at 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero. The Parks and Recreation Commission consider matters in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Community Services Department and are available for public inspection during City Hall Annex, 6907 El Camino Real, during business hours at the Central Receptionist counter and on our website; www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. All documents submitted by the public during Parks and Recreation Commission meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the Community Services Department. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the Community Services Department at (805) 461- 5000. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed, will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Parks and Recreation Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Commission will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Commission regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: • You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson • Give your name and address (not required) • Make your statement • All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Commission • All comments limited to 3 minutes (unless changed by the Commission) • No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Commission. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Parks and Recreation Commission to: Please approach the lectern and be recognized Give your name and address (not required) State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Commission's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Commission). TO HAVE ITEMS PLACED ON AGENDA All business matters to appear on the Agenda must be in the Office of the Community Services Department 14 days preceding the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Should you have a matter you wish to bring before the Commission, please mail or bring a written communication to the Community Services Department at City Hall prior to the deadline. ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 11/17/2011 CITY OF A TA SCA DERO PA RKS AND RECREA TION COMMISSION DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Thursday, September 15, 2011 REGULAR SESSION: 7:07 PM Chairperson Zirk called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. and Deputy Director of Public Works - Operations, Geoff English led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Butz, DeCarli, Seay, Vice Chairperson Wachtel, Chairperson Zirk, and Student Representative Luke Thek. Absent: Commissioners Greenaway (excused) and May. Others Present: Recording Secretary Kris Roudebush. Staff Present: Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Deputy Director of Public Works — Operations Geoff English, and Community Development Director Warren Frace. COMMUNITY FORUM Ian Whittington, Boy Scout, updated the Commission on the success of his Eagle Scout Project at the Atascadero Lake Park last weekend. Ian reported having 88 participants competing in his 5K race and received 1,345 cans to be donated to Atascadero Loaves and Fishes. Joshua Bond, Boy Scout, presented his Remembrance Trail project to the Commission. The project should be done by October 1St APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Commissioner DeCarli and seconded by Vice Chairperson Wachtel to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes — August 18, 2011 ■ Staff Recommendation: Commission approve the Parks and Recreation Commission Special Meeting minutes of the August 18, 2011 Meeting. [Community Services] PUBLIC COMMENT — None MOTION: By Commissioner Seay and seconded by Vice Chairperson Wachtel to approve Consent Item A-1. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Creek Pedestrian Bridae and "Centennial Plaza" Proiect Concept ■ Fiscal Impact: Project total: $1,150,000- $1,400,000. Necessary funds are budgeted under the Blight Elimination Projects Fund. Trail funded by separate State Grant with no direct fiscal impact on the city. ■ Recommendation: The Commission endorses the "Centennial Plaza" concept and provides direction on project design details. [Community Development] Community Services Director, Brady Cherry briefly introduced the project and Community Development Director, Warren Frace. Warren presented on the bridge and proposed Centennial Plaza. He spoke of the benefits, project elements and the phases of the project. Commissioners discusses several elements and asked questions about: lighting on trial, the location of the two relocated historic buildings, who will upkeep those buildings, use of those buildings, art location and size in the plaza, size of plaza, width of the bridge, use of skate boards and bicycles on the paths, visibility of trails from the street and possible creation of a second more rustic trail closer to the creek. 2. Consideration of Temporary Bocce Ball Courts ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation: Parks and Recreation Commission recommend approval of a request by the North County Adaptive Sports and Recreation program to install temporary Bocce Ball courts in a location at Colony Park [Public Works] Community Services Director, Brady Cherry briefly introduced the project and handed it over to Deputy Director of Public Works - Operations Geoff English. Mr. English presented on the consideration of a temporary bocce ball court. The project will be fully funded by the North County Adaptive Sports and Recreation program. Jim Edwards and Ron Vasconcellos, of the North County Adaptive Sports and Recreation Program, also presented on the proposed courts and the history of the game. The two expressed that the game is excellent for those with disabilities as it is less challenging than other sports, such as baseball, and that the city as a whole would benefit from the courts since their program would only be there only a few hours a week. Commissioners disused with Ron and Jim the size of the courts, the possibility of the courts becoming a permanent feature of the park, access to water and shade, and the support from the Petanque group. C. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Youth Task Force - The October meeting is tentatively canceled. ��+'�L1����I��iL�il�►>t&V-11►III, Loil]idol =1►Til:11i,11&15 1. Mark Your Calendar: ■ Saturday, September 17th: Annual Creek Clean -Up in Atascadero Creek ■ Saturday, September 25th: The Food Bank of SLO County will be putting on a Hunger Walk at the Sunken Gardens ■ Saturday, October 1St: Walk to End Alzheimer's event will be held at the Atascadero Lake Park bandstand area. ■ Saturday, October 8th: Dogtoberfest event will be taking place at the Atascadero Lake Park Community Services Director Brady Cherry reviewed the calendar and reported on the new Atascadero Fun Club comprised of local seniors. The group has their first event this weekend at the Colony Park Community Center. Brady promised to email the Commission with more details. Brady also reported on the Zoo Conservation Day happening this Saturday at the Charles Paddock Zoo. Recording Secretary Kris Roudebush noted that there was a typo in the calendar. The Food Bank of SLO will be putting on a hunger walk on Saturday, September 24th at the Atascadero Lake Park and also on Sunday, September 25th at the Sunken Gardens. 2. Parks Update - Geoff English Deputy Director of Public Works, Geoff English reported that all bits for the Lake Park Frontage Project were rejected since they were much higher than the projected budget. Public Works is now working with an engineer to scale down the project. This will delay the project by about two months but should still be completed by summer 2012. Commissioner Butz announced a movement to plant yellow daffodils around town- perhaps at the Colony Park Community Center. Vice Chairperson Wachtel complemented the staff on a job well done on the 2011 Cruise Nite. Chairperson Zirk announced that he will be absent for next month's meeting and Vice Chairperson Wachtel would be residing in his stead. F. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Zirk adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Kris Roudebush, Clerical Assistant 3 City of Atascadero ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/17/2011 Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission Staff Report — Community Services Department Memorial Object Placement Request Tree Dedication at Atascadero Lake Park Memorial Grove RECOMMENDATION: Commission recommends approval to the City Council of a request by James T. Bond to dedicate a memorial tree to be planted at Atascadero Lake Park Memorial Grove site #23 in memory of Jerry C. Bond. DISCUSSION: Background: James T. Bond submitted a request to plant a memorial tree in memory of Jerry C. Bond in the Atascadero Lake Memorial Grove site #23. Analysis: The Policy on the Naming of Public Buildings, Parks and Other Public Facilities includes a provision to be followed by staff for the recognition of individuals. SECTION II, E. "In addition to the naming of public facilities by using the criteria established above, the City can provide for the recognition of individuals, either deceased or living, by the placement of memorial objects (symbols); such as living trees, public benches, rocks, memorial flagpoles, sculptures, etc., in public facilities. The placement and identification of these recognition symbols will be at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council on a case-by-case basis. The attached request complies with previously established policies for the recognition of individuals at City park facilities and is consistent with the established plans for Atascadero Lake Park. Conclusion: Staff recommends approval to the City Council of a request by James T. Bond to dedicate a memorial tree at Atascadero Lake Park Memorial Grove site #23 in memory of Jerry C. Bond. ATTACHMENT: Letter of Request From: 8054617612 Page: 1/3 Date: 10/11/2011 3:51:42 PM City of Atascader Atascadero Lake Park. Memorial Tree Program. "'The Gift That That Lasts For Several. Lifetimes"" Name: ect025 1 80/) Address. 2326-c- +.h a R79 -/J Phone Day #. (:9/0- ctfl Eve it, To whom the Memorial Tree honors: J r_r r!i G ¢ 0 b IQ O Have you submitted a letter of request? (circle one) S NO What Memorial Tree location # are you requesting? 1st choice: // C-) 2nd choice' Z a I have read and understand the Memorial Object Ownership and Replacement Agreement on page 2 of the Memorial Tree Program Information letter. The undersigned hereby states that he/she understands and agrees to the above stated policies and agreements and is aware of any consequences that arise from such an agreement. 10-7-11 C49/nature Date Please return this form with a check (if you have not submitted payment previously) to. City of Atascadero Attn: Paula Anton 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server. For more information, visit: http://www.gfi.com From: 8054617612 Page: 2/3 Date: 10/11/2011 3:51:42 PM October 7, 2011 James T. Bond 13960 EI Camino Real Atascadero, California, 93422 (805) 610-6667 City of Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission 6907 Fl Camino Real Atascadero, California, 93422 Commission, We would like to purchase a memorial tree for my Father Jerry C. Bond who was very active in the community until his death in 2001. Jerry was born in the area in 1926 and lived his life in this area and was always involved in youth and community_ He was active with the City of Atascadero on the planning commission in the early years. He stayed active with the Boy Scouts of America as an adult leader until his death. Jerry was also involved with the SLd County Sheriffs aero squadron and flew too many life flights to list, and when he could no longer fly due to health, he allowed other pilots to take his Aircraft for a life flight or a search and rescue. The family felt this would be a great place for a memorial tree, as his grandson Joshua just completed his Eagle Scout project of mapping this memorial and developing a brochure for the memorial to make it a self guided trail. Thank you for your consideration, J ' /� James T. Bond This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server. For more information, visit: http:/Ivvvvw.gfi.com From: 8054617612 Page: 3/3 Date: 10/11/2011 3:51:42 PM 10 3 INCHES . ---. - - IN This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server. For more information, visit: http://www.gfi.com