HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-80 RESOLUTION NO. 12-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directed under the provisions of Chapter 2 of the Atascadero Municipal Code to adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the personnel system created in said chapter; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these rules is to provide policies and procedures consistent with public personnel administration and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel management; and WHEREAS, these rules set forth procedures to assure similar treatment for those who compete for original employment and promo- tion, and define the obligations, rights , privileges, benefits and prohibitions which are placed upon city employees; and WHEREAS, at the same time, within the limits of established personnel administration policies, recognition shall be given to the fact that individuals differ, that no two individuals react alike to reward and discipline or to motivation and encouragement and for this reason latitude shall be given to the Perscnnel Officer in the interpretation of these rules. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby adopt the rules and regulations attached hereto marked Exhibit A and by reference thereof made a part hereof. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Atascadero duly called and held on the 14th day of July, 1980. ATTEST: RO ERT J. WILKINS JR. , "Mayor r rPPRO Y L WARDEN, City Clerk VED AS TO FO_ : ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS ^I N D E—X_ SECTION 1. 0 DEFINITIONS . • . 1 ' 1. 1 Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' SECTION 2. 0 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION . . 2 2. 1 Duties of the Personnel Officer 2 2.2 Violation of Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. 3 Personnel Board 3 2. 4 Hearings of the Personnel Board . . . 3 2.5 Rules of Appeal to the Personnel Board . 3 2. 5.1 Right of Appeal 3 2. 5.2 Limitations to Right of Appeal . - . - . . 3 2. 5. 3 Method of Appeal . . . . 3 2. 5. 4 Hearing Dates and Notice of Hearing . 4 2. 5. 5 Hearings . . . . . . 4 2.5.6 Findings and Recommendations . . . . . . . . 4 SECTION 3.0 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION . . . . . . . . 4 3. 1 Equal Opportunity Employment . . . . . . . . . 4 3. 2 Filling Vacancies • . . . . . . . 0 • . . 5 3. 3 Provisional Appointments . . . . . . . . . .. . 5 1 3. 4 Fair Employment. Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. 5 Applications 5 3. 6 Job Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. 7 Examinations • • . • . • . . . o 6 1 3. 8 Conduct of Examinations . . . • • . . 6 3.9 Eligibility Lists . • • . . . . . • o . • o • , 6 3. 10 Notification of Applicants . 7 3. 11 Certification of Eligibles . . . . . . . . . . 7 3. 12 Selection . . . . . . . , . • 7 3. 13 Employment of Relatives . . . • . . . f . 7 3. 14 Physical Requirements . . • . . . . . . , . , 8 SECTION 4.0 EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS, TRAINING AND DISCIPLINE . 8 4. 1 Probationary Period . . • . . . . . . . . 8 4. 2 Employee Performance Evaluation • 9 4.2 . 1 Policy . 9 4. 2.2 Schedule 9 4.2. 3 Persons Responsible for Evaluation Reports 9 ' 4.2. 4 Review with Employee . . • • . . . . . 9 4.2. 5 Distribution of Reports . • . • • • 10 4. 2 . 6 Effects of Improvement Needed or Unsatisfactory 10 Ratings . . . • • • . . . . . . it I N D E X 4. 3 Pre-Disciplinary Procedures . . . . . . 11 4. 3. 1 Causes for Disciplinary Action . . . . . 11 4. 3.2 Persons Who May Take Disciplinary Action; Notice, Service, Contents . . . . . . . . 11 4. 3. 3 Right to Respond . . . . . . . 12 ' 4. 3. 4 Right of Appeal; Form . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4. 3. 5 Representation . . . . . . . . . 13 4. 3.6 Hearing . . . . . . . 13 4. 3.7 Notices to Witnesses; Cost . . . . . . 13 4. 3.8 Failure of Employee to Appeal at Hearings . . . 13 4. 3. 9 Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4. 3. 10 Effect of Certain Disciplinary Actions 14 4. 3. 11 Releasing of Information Relative to Disciplin- ary Action Against Municipal Employees . . 14 SECTION 5. 0 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT 5. 1 Termination; Resignation . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5.2 Termination; Absence Without Leave . 15 5. 3 Termination; Lack of Work or Funds . o . . . . 15 5. 4 Termination; Nondisciplinary Action . . 15 5. 5 Retirement; Applicable Regulations. . . . . 16 1 SECTION 6.0 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . 16 6.1 Purpose of Section . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 6.2 Matters Subject to Grievance Procedure . . . 16 6. 3 Informal Grievance Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 16 6.4 Formal Grievance Procedure . . . 17 6. 5 Conduct of Grievance Procedure . . . . . . . . 18 SECTION 7.0 EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS PROCEDURE . , . 18 7. 1 Statement of Purpose . . . . . . . . . . 19 7.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7. 3 Employee Rights . • • . . . . . . . 20 7.4 Employer's Rights . . . 21 7.5 Meet and Confer in Good Faith . . . . . . . . . 21 1 7.6 Advance Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 7.7 Petition for Recognition . 22 7. 8 Employee's Former Organization . . . 23 7. 9 City Response to Recognition Petition . . . 23 7. 10 Challenge to Filed Petitions . . . . 24 7. 11 Recognition Without Election . . . . . 24 7. 12 Election Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 24 ' 7. 13 Decertification of Recognized Employee Organi- zation . . • . . . . . . . . 25 7. 14 Appropriate Units . . . . 27` 7. 15 Modification of Established Appropriate Units 27 ii I _I N—D,_E_X_ ' 7.16 Cost of Election Proceedings 28 7. 17 Appeals . . . . . . . . . 28 7. 18 Currency of Information by Recognized Employee Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . , 29 7. 19 Meet and Confer Process 29 7. 19. 1 Representation of Membership , . . , . . . 29 7. 19.2 Proposals . . . . . . . , , 29 7. 19. 3 Proposal Meeting . . . . . . . . 30 7.19,4 Memorandum of Understanding , . . . . . 30 7.20 Notices , . , . . & o . 1 . . 30 7.21 Designation of Employees . . . . 31 7. 22 Violation . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 31 7.23 Administrative Rules . . . . . . . . . 31 7.24- Employee Activities , . . . . . , , . . . . . 31 SECTION 8.0 LAYOFF 8. 1 Intent of Procedure . . . . . 32 8,2 Procedures . . 9 . . 0 0 0 32 8, 2. 1 Abolition of a Position . . . . , . 32 8, 2. 2 Transfer or Demotion to Avoid Layoff . 32 8. 3 Severance Pay . . . . , . . . . , . , . 33 8. 4 Reemployment Lists . . . . . 33 SECTION 9.0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS . . . . . . . . . . 33 9. l Computation of Time Off o . . . . . . , 33 9.2 Vacation Accrual . , . . . , . . . . . 33 9. 3 Use of Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 9. 3, 1 Holidays Within Vacation Periods, . . -. . . 34 9, 3. 2 Maximum Accrual . . . . . . , . . 34 1 9. 3. 3 Vacation Beyond Limits . o . . . . . . , 35 9. 3. 4 Vacation for Permanent Part-Time Employees o 35 9. 3.5 Pay .for Vacation Time . . . . . . . 35 9. 3.6 Pay for Vacation When Terminated 35 9. 4 Holidays . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 9. 4.1 Recognized Holidays . o o . . , . 35 9. 4.2 Holidays Falling on Saturday of Sunday . . . , 36 9. 4. 3 Police Department Employees . . . ,. . 36 9.4. 4 Fire Department Employees . . . . . , . . . . . 36 9. 5 Sick Leave Policy . . . . . . . . . . 36 iii 1 1 I N D E X 9. 5. 1 Sick Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 9.5.2 Evidence of Illness . . . . . . . . 36 9.5. 3 Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 9.5.4 Penalty for Sick Leave Abuse . . . . . . . 37 9.5.5 Sick Leave and Temporary Disability . . . . 37 9.5. 6 Sick Leave for Dependent Care . . . . . 37 9. 5. 7 Payment for Unused Sick Leave . . . . . 37 9.6 Bereavement Leave . . . . . . . 37 9. 7 Education Reimbursement Program . . . 38 9. 7.1 Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . 38 9. 7.2 Procedure . . . . . . . o . . . . . 38 SECTION 10.0 CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION . . . 38 10.1 Preparation of Classification Plan . . . . . 38 10.2 Administration and Maintenance of Classification Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 10. 3 Employee Compensation Plan . . . . . . 39 10. 3. 1 Establishment of Salary Ranges and Steps Within Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 10 . 3. 2 Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 10. 3. 3 Definition of Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 10. 3. 4 Trainee Positions . . . . . 40 10 . 3. 5 Administration and Review of Employee Compensa- t:ion Plan . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ' 10. 4 Probationary Period . . . . . . . . 41 10.4.1 Object of Probationary Period . . . . . . . . 41 10. 4.2 Probationary Employee Performance Reports . . . 41 10.5 Compensation - Permanent Part-Time Employees 41 10.6 Compensation - Temporary Employees. . . . . . 42 10. 7 Compensation on Promotion . . . . . . . . 42 10. 8 Compensation on Demotion . . . . . . . . . 42 10. 9 Compensation on Reinstatement . . . . . . 42 10 .10 Compensation on Transfer . . . . . . . . . . 42 10. 11 Compensation on Change in Range Assignement . . . 42 10. 12 Compensation on Position Reclassification . 43 10.13 Compensation When Working Out of Classification 43 10. 14 Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 10.15 Hours of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 10. 16 Leave of Absence Without Pay . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ' 10.17 Military Leave . . . . . . . . . 45 10. 18 Overtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ' 10.18. 1 Fire Department Employees . . . . 45 iv I N D E X P Y 10.18. 2 Police Department Employees . . . . . . . . 45 _ 10. 18. 3 Miscellaneous Employees . . . 45 10 . 18.4 Limitation on Compensatory Time Off 45 10. 19 Work on Holidays — Compensation . . . . . 46 10.20 Jury Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 r 10 .21 Special Salary Adjustments . . . 46 1 v PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION 1. 0 DEFINITIONS 1.1 Definition of terms. The following terms, whenever used in these Rules and Regulations, are defined as follows: ' Anniversary date. The date on which a person was placed on the City payroll. The anniversary date shall not change unless an employee is removed from the City's payroll. Appointing Authority. The City Manager and those employees of the City to whom the power to make appointments has been delegated by the City Manager. Benefit Date. The date which determines eligibility for salary or benefit increases. If the date of hire or promotion occurs on or between the first and fif- teenth of the month, the benefit date is the first of that month. If the date is after the fifteenth of the month, the benefit date is the first of the following month. iDemotion. The appointment of an employee to a classification having a lower salary range either as the result of disciplinary action, the request ' of the employee or as a result of an evaluation pro- cess which determined an employee' s inability to per- form at the higher classification. No employee shall be demoted to a position for which he or she does not possess the minimum qualifications. Pre-disciplinary procedures shall be complied with prior to the demo- tion of any employee for disciplinary purposes. Evaluation procedures shall be complied with prior to the demotion of any employee for non-performance of job requirements . Discharge. A disciplinary action separating the employee from employment with the City. Whenever ' an employee is to be discharged, the Personnel Officer shall be notified. Pre.-disciplinary proce- dures shall be complied with prior to the discharge of any employee. Eligibility List. A list of individuals who have achieved a minimum qualifying score in an examination ' for employment with the City of Atascadero. Management Employee. An employee designated as such Ey—action of the City Council. t Open Examination: Any recruitment and selection process which invites qualified applicants from the public at large as well as City employees. Personnel Ordinance. Chapter 2 of the Atascadero Municipal Code w ich creates a personnel system for the City. Probationary Employee. A full-time or permanent part-time employee in a permanent position who has not successfully completed a probationary period of employment with the City. Promotional Examination. Any recruitment and selec- tion process which invites only qualified full-time employees as applicants. t Resignation. The voluntary separation of an employee from employment with the City. In order to resign 1 in good standing, an employee shall provide a written statement, indicating the last day of employment and reasons for leaving, at least two weeks prior to ' leaving. Once a resignation has been submitted, it may only be withdrawn by approval of the Personnel Officer upon the recommendation of the Department Head, Suspension. A disciplinary action taken by the appointing authority to prevent an employee from working his normal hours and thereby exempting him from compensation for those hours. Persons under suspension shall not accrue sick leave and vacation ' during such suspensions. Suspensions shall be imme- diately reported to the Personnel Officer. Pre- disciplinary procedures shall be complied with prior to the suspension of any employee. Transfer. The reassignment of an employee from one clas kation to another classification which has the same maximum salary and requires substantially the same qualifications. If the transfer involves a change from one department to another, both Depart- ment Heads must consent thereto unless the City Manager orders the transfer for reasons of economy and efficiency. SECTION 2 . 0 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 2. 1 Duties of the Personnel Officer: The Personnel Officer shall interpret, apply, and administer these rules and shall suggest amendments as required. 2.2 Violation of Rules. Violation of these rules may be grounds for disciplinary action. - 2 i • commitment also applies to job assignment, promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff, termination, and disci- plinary actions. The City is committed to the develop- ment of positive measures to help eliminate barriers to the recognition of individual merit in personnel practices. Employees shall not be discriminated against because of the exercise of their rights under Section 3502 of the California Government Code or under the City's Employer-Employee Relations policies, Section 7.0 of these Rules and Regulations. 3.2 Filling Vacancies. All vacancies in permanent, full- time positions shall be filled by reinstatement, transfer, demotion, reemployment or appointment from an eligibility list following an open or promotional examination. In the absence of persons eligible for appointment through these means, provisional appoint- ments may be made subject to Section 3. 3 of these Rules and Regulations, 3. 3 Provisional Appointments . In the absence of indivi- duals eligible or acceptable for appointment from appropriate eligibility lists, a _provisional appoint- ment may ppoint-ment-may be made by the appointing authority of an individual who meets the training and experience requirements for the position. Such an appointment may be made during the period of suspension of an employee or pending final action on proceedings to review suspension, demotion, or discharge of an employee. Provisional appointments may also be made under other circumstances deemed for the good of the service by the Personnel Officer. A provisional employee may be removed at any time. Provisional employees shall accrue the same benefits as proba- tionary employees. 3. 4 Fair Employment Practices. Any technique or procedure used in recruitment and selection of employees shall be designed to measure only the job related qualifica- tions of applicants . No recruitment or selection technique shall be used which, in the opinion of the Personnel Officer, is not justifiably linked to success- ful job performance. 3. 5 Applications. Application for employment with the City of Atascadero shall be made on forms provided by the Personnel Officer. Any false statement or willful omission of information on the application form may be grounds for rejection of the application or subsequent discharge of the employee. Applications must be signed by the applicant and 5 and setting foth therein a statement of the action desired by the appellant, with his reason therefor. The formality of a legal pleading is not required. 2 . 5. 4 Hearing Dates and Notice of Hearing. Upon the filing of an appeal, the Personnel Officer shall set a date for a hearing on the appeal not less than ten (10) working days, nor more than thirty (30) working days, from the date of filing. The Personnel Officer shall notify all interested parties of the date, time and place of hearing at such places as the Personnel Board shall pre- scribe. 2. 5.5 Hearings. The appellant shall appear personally, 1 unless physically unable to do so, before the Personnel Board at the time and place of the hearings. He may be represented by any person I as he may select and may at the hearing produce on his behalf relevant oral or documentary evidence. Appellant shall state his case first, and at the conclusion, opposing matter may then be allowed at the discretion of the Personnel Board. Cross- examination of witnesses shall be permitted. The conduct and decorum of the hearing shall be under the control of the Personnel Board by its Chair- person, unless a Hearing Officer has been appointed by the Board, with due regard to the rights and privileges of the parties appearing before it. Hearings need not be conducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. Hearings shall be closed unless the appellant, in writing, requests an open hearing. 2. 5.6 Findings and Recommendations. The Personnel Board shall, within fifteen 15} working days after the conclusion of the hearing, certify its findings and recommendations in writing to the appellant, to the person from whose action the appeal was taken and to the City Manager. The City Manager shall review the findings and recommendations of the Personnel Board with the person from whose action the appeal was made with a view toward implementing the recommendations of the Personnel Board. The action taken by the City Manager shall be considered final. Any member of the Personnel Board may submit a minority or supplemental finding and recommendation. SECTION 3.0 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 3. 1 Equal Opportunity Employment. All persons seeking j employment with the City and all City employees shall be treated equally and without discrimination in accordance with Federal, State and local laws. This 4 - 0 • 2 . 3 Personnel Board. The Personnel Board shall hold meetings at such time and place within the City as shall be designated by the Chairperson of the Board. Any meeting may be adjourned to a time certain and to a place designated by the Chairperson. In addi- tion, the Board may hold special meetings upon the call of the Chairperson or a majority of members of the Board. A majority of the Board shall constitute ' a quorum for the transaction of business. Meetings shall be conductedinaccordance with such rules and procedures as may be adopted by the Personnel Board. 2 . 4 Hearings of the Personnel Board. Hearings relating to the appointment, employment or dismissal of a City employee or a complaint or charge brought against an employee by the City shall be held in private unless such employee requests a public hearing. The Board may exclude from any such public or private meeting, during the examination of witnesses , any or all other witnesses in the matter being investi- gated by the Board. The meeting need not be con- ducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. The Board may appoint a Hearing Officer to conduct the _proceedings of the hearing. 2.5 Rules of Appeal to the Personnel Board. 2. 5. 1 Right of Appeal. Any regular employee shall have the right of appeal to the Personnel Board any disciplinary action taken by the appointing authority except in instances where the right of appeal is specifically prohibited by the Personnel Ordinance or these Rules. Such appeal shall be filed with the Personnel Officer within ten (10) working days after the effective date of such disciplinary action. 2. 5. 2 Limitations to Right of Appeal. The Personnel Officer shall not accept any appeal unless the appellant has first sought relief through the established supervisory chain to include the Department Head concerned and the City Manager. 2 . 5. 3 Method of Appeal. Appeals shall be in writing, subscribed to by the appellant. The Personnel Officer shall, within ten (10) working days after receipt of the appeal, inform each member of the Personnel Board, the appointing authority and such other persons named or affected by the appeal or the filing of the appeal. The appeal shall be a written statement, addressed to the Personnel Board, explaining the matter appealed j - 3 received by the Personnel Officer within the filing period prescribed on the job announcement. The Personnel Officer may reject an application J Y PP which, on its face, does not demonstrate that the ' applicant meets the minimum qualifications of the position or class for which the application was submitted. 3. 6 Job Announcements. Announcements for examinations shall specify at least the major job responsibili- ties, minimum desirable qualifications, and the selection process to be used. Job announcements shall be posted on appropriate bulletin boards in City facilities. Special recruitment methods shall be utilized as necessary to insure that the objectives of these regulations are accomplished. 3. 7 Examinations. Examinations for employment shall include any technique which, in the opinion of the Personnel Officer, fairly measures the job related qualifications of applicants. These may include written tests, interviews, performance tests, psy- chiatric, polygraph, medical examinations and back- ground investigations. Examinations may be open or promotional at the discretion of the Personnel Officer. ' 3. 8 Conduct of Examinations. The Personnel Officer _shall construct, develop and administer all examinations ' for City employment except that the City may contract with any qualified agency, organization or individual to develop or administer examinations. ' 3. 9 Eligibility Lists. An eligibility list shall be established following an examination listing the names of those applicants who have achieved a total weighted score meeting or exceeding the passing point. Such applicants shall be deemed as qualified for consideration for appointment, pending further review by the appointing authority, interviews or other qualifying procedures such as reference checks , medical examinations or background investigations. Eligibility lists shall be valid and effective:for period of one (1) year. An eligibility list may be extended beyond one (1) year up to a maximum duration of two (2) years , at the discretion of the Personnel ' Officer, prior to its expiration. If less than the names of five (5) applicants willing ' and able to accept appointment, are available on a 6 list, that list may be declared invalid by the Personnel Officer and a new recruitment and exami- nation announced. Names of those not chosen from an eligibility list that is less than one (1) year old may be merged with names on a newly established list for the same classification, but such names shall not re- ' main on the new list for more than twelve ,(12) months from the date of their original examination. 3. 10 Notification of Applicants. All applicants shall be notified in writing of their having passed or failed any examination conducted under these Rules and Regulations. An applicant may review the materials related to testing including his answer sheets and test copies except in cases where tests are of a stock or form nature and when contracts prohibit such review. 3. 11 CertificationofEligibles. When an appointment is to be made from an eligibility list, the Personnel Officer shall certify names from the appropriate list. The appointing authority shall further review the job-related qualifications of those certified before making selection decisions. The Personnel Officer may certify names from a list for a higher classification, when job duties are of ' a similar nature. in no case shall names be certified from a list for a lower classification to fill a vacancy in a higher classification, 3.12 Selection. The appointing authority shall immediately notify the Personnel Officer for orientation prior to the employee's first day on the job. Each new employee may be required to pass a medical examination for fitness to perform the job to which they are appointed and shall be subject to a background investigation. 3, 13 Employment of Relatives. An spouse or relative within Y P the third degree of kinship, of any City Council member, City Manager or Department Head, shall not be appointed to any position, whether full- or part-time, on the City payroll. Any spouse or relative within the third degree of kinship, of any full-time or permanent part-time employee, shall not be appointed to any position, ' whether full-time or part-time, in the same department in which the related employee works. A marriage contracted in violation of this Section i 7 shall result in the resignation, termination or transfer of one of the marriage partners. The choice as to which of the marriage partners shall resign, be terminated or be transferred shall be made by the marriage partners. The City Manager may waive the requirements set forth in this Section when different divisions within a larger department are involved. or where the related individuals would have minimal job- related contact with one another. 3. 14 Physical Requirements. All applicants and employees shall be in such physical or mental condition so as to perform their assigned duties and may be required to take periodic medical or psychological evalua- tions. No employee shall hold any position in 'a classification in which he cannot physically or ' mentally perform all the duties of the job adequately or without hazard to himself or others. Within the limitations indicated, the City' s policy shall be to make such efforts as are consistent with the provisions of these Rules to place physically dis- abled employees in such positions as are available in the City service where their disabilities will not affect their performance of duties. The employee' s length of service, nature of past performance and the availability of openings may be considered in placing disabled employees. SECTION 4. 0 EMPLOYEE EVALUATION, TRAINING AND DISCIPLINE. 4.1 Probationary Period. Except for sworn police officers and irefig ters, the - first six (6) months after an employee has been hired or promoted shall be a pro- bationary period during which he will be considered as in training. For sworn police officers and firefighters, the probationary period shall be twelve (12) months. The probationary period is an exten- sion of the examination process during which the employee' s performance shall be carefully observed. The probationary employee's performance shall be formally evaluated at least each two (2) months of the probationary period. If the employee's perfor- mance has been satisfactory, and advancement to ' regular status is warranted, the Department Head shall so state in the employee's evaluation report to the Personnel Officer. The employee shall then be advanced to regular status on the first day of the payroll period following completion of the probationary period. If the employee's performance has not been satisfactory, the Department Head shall so state in the employee' s evaluation report and the employee shall be provided with a termination notice giving two (2) weeks termina- tion notification. - 8 - 0 • Probationary employees may be terminated at any time. Notification of termination shall be in writing and ' shall be given to the probationary employee with a copy to the Personnel Officer. ' Probationary periods may be extended, under certain circumstances, upon recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the Personnel Officer. Such extension shall be for no longer than six (6) months. Any employee whose performance during the probationary period following a promotion has been unsatisfactory shall be reinstated to the position from which he or she was promoted provided that a vacancy exists in the classification to which he or she would revert. 4.2 Employee Performance Evaluation. 4.2. 1 Policy. Regular reports shall be made as to the ' efficiency, competency, conduct and merit of City employees. To this end, it is the responsibility of the Department Heads and subordinate supervisors that ratings are made. It is the responsibility of the Personnel Officer to provide and prescribe the forms and procedures to be used in such per- formance reports and to assist in the training of supervisory personnel so that the evaluation pro- gram will be carried out in a sound and effective manner. 4, 2.2 Schedule. Reports shall be prepared and a copy submitted to the Personnel Officer at least every two (2) months for probationary employees. A report for regular employees shall be prepared each year within thirty (30) days prior to the ' salary anniversary date and a copy shall be sub- mitted to the Personnel Officer. In addition, a report may be prepared at any time at the discretion of the employee's supervisor. 4.2. 3 Persons Responsible for Evaluation Reports. The Personnel Officer shall be responsible for assuring that evaluation reports are submitted as required by these rules. Reports shall be prepared by those supervisors who are most familiar with the work of the employee being evaluated. The appointing authority shall review and approve all performance evaluations of personnel under his jurisdiction. ' 4 .2 . 4 Review with Employee. One of the prime benefits of a sound performance rating system is that it can bring together the employee and his supervisor 9 - for a constructive discussion of the employee's " work performance and issues related to work per- formance. Therefore, each performance evaluation shall be thoroughly discussed with the employee to point out areas of successful performance and ' -areas that need improvement. The employee shall also be encouraged to comment regarding his work performance, either in a written statement attached to the report or orally. The employee ' may sign the performance report to acknowledge that he is aware of its contents and has dis- cussed the report with the evaluator. The employee' s signature does not necessarily mean that he fully agrees with the contents of_' the report. 4 .2 . 5. Distribution of Reports. Reports shall be pre- pared for retention in the employee's employ- ment history file in the Personnel office. 4.2. 6 Effects of Improvement Needed or Unsatisfactory Ratings. Any employee who receives an overall "unsatisfactory" or "improvement needed" rating will not be eligible to participate in any pro- motional examination until a satisfactory rating is established. An overall "unsatisfactory" rating shall result in the withholding of any merit increases for which the employee may be eligible. An overall "improvement needed" rating may result in with- holding any merit increase upon the recommenda- tion of the appointing authority. When an employee receives an overall "improvement needed" or "unsatisfactory" rating, he shall be re-evaluated within three (3) months to document performance. If the employee' s performance has improved to such an extent that the appointing ' authority believes it is justified, the improve- ment shall be indicated on the report and he may specifically recommend the restoration of any merit step increase which had been withheld, effective the first day of the pay period following the date of the report. The employee will then have a new salary anniversary date. If the employee' s performance has not improved, the employee shall be placed on proba- tion status and his or her performance evaluated monthly. If, after two (2) monthly evaluations, the employee's performance has still not improved, the employee shall be discharged. - 10 4. 3 Pre-Disciplinary Procedures. As used in this Section. "disciplinary action" shall mean discharge, demotion, reduction in salary, written reprimand, disciplinary probation or suspension. An oral reprimand shall not be subject to the provisions of Sections 4. 3.2, 1 4. 3. 3, 4. 3. 4, 4. 3.5 , 4. 3.6 , 4. 3.7, 4. 3. 8, 4. 3. 9, and 4. 3. 11. I 4. 3. 1 Causes for Disciplinary Action. Causes for dis- ciplinary action against any employee may include, but shall not be limited to, the following: a. Fraud in securing appointment b. Inexcusable neglect of duty C. Insubordination d. Dishonesty e. Drunkenness on duty f. Intemperance g. Unlawful use, sale, or possession of narcotics or habit forming drugs h. Absence without leave i. Conviction of a felony or conviction of a mis- demeanor involving moral turpitude j . Improper political activity as defined by State law k. Willful violation of safety, endangering pro- perty and persons 1. Misuse of City property m. Violation of any of the provisions of these working Rules and Regulations n. Refusal to take or subscribe to any oath or affirmation which is required by law in con- nection with his employment o. Unsatisfactory work performance 4 . 3.2 Persons Who May Take Disciplinary Action; Notice, Service, Contents. The City Manager or any Depart- ment Head epartment 'Head may take disciplinary action against any employee under his control for one or more of the causes for discipline specified in this Section by notifying the employee, in writing, of the proposed action. Disciplinary action against regular employees will be valid in the absence of an emergency, only if a written notice of the proposed action is served on the employee and filed with the Personnel officer prior to the date of the proposed action. The notice shall be served upon the employee, either personally or by certified mail and shall include: a. A statement of the nature of the proposed ' disciplinary action b. The effective date of the proposed penalty 1 C. City Council Review. Upon receiving the grievance, the City Clerk shall present the appeal to the City Council within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the request for hearing. The City Clerk shall notify the appellant of the hearing date at least ten (10) days before the date of hearing. The City Council shall hear the matter within twenty (20) working days of the date the City Clerk officially received the employee's request. The hearing may be continued from time to time to provide the City Council an opportunity to gather and consider all the facts in the matter. The City Council shall, however, render its decision within thirty (30) working days of the first date upon which the matter was heard. The City Council may adopt its own rules of procedure for conducting the hearing; it may hear sworn or unsworn testimony and receive whatever testimony or documentary evidence it shall deem necessary to quickly and equitably resolve the matter. It shall not be required to comply with the judicial rules of evidence or procedure. The decision of the City Council shall be final. 6. 5 Conduct of Grievance Procedure. a. The time limits specified above may be extended P Y to a definite date by mutual agreement of the employee and the reviewing party. b. The employee may request the assistance of ' another person of his own choosing in preparing and presenting his grievance at any level of review. C. Employees shall be free from reprisal for using the Grievance Procedure. SECTION 7. 0 EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS PROCEDURE 7. 1 Statement of Purpose. The purpose of this Section .is to implement Chapter 10, Division 4, Title l of the Government Code of the State of California (Sec- tions 3500 et seq. ) captioned "Public Employee Organi- zations, " and to strengthen the merit system, by providing orderly procedures for the administration of employer-employee relations between the City and its employee organizations. It is the further pur- pose of this Section to provide procedures for - 18 - 0 0 tmeeting and conferring in good faith with recognized employee organizations regarding matters that directly affect and primarily involve the wages , hours and other terms and conditions of employment of employees in appropriate units and that are not preempted by Federal or State law. However, nothing herein shall be construed to restrict any legal or inherent exclusive City right with respect to matters of general legislative or managerial policy. 7.2 Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: Appropriate Unit. A unit established pursuant to the provisions of this Section. ' City. The City of Atascadero, a municipal corpora- tion, and where appropriate herein, "City" refers to any duly authorized City representative as herein defined. Consult or Consultation in Good Faith. To communicate orally or in writing for the purpose of presenting and obtaining views and advising of intended actions. Day. Calendar day unless expressly stated otherwise. Employee. Any person regularly and permanently employed by the City except those persons elected by popular vote. Employee, Confidential. An em to ee who in the course P Y of Eis duties, has access to information relating to the City's administration of employer-employee vela- tions. Employee Relations officer. The City Manager or his duly authorized representative. Employee, Management/Mid-Management. An employee having responsibility for formulating, administering or managing the implementation of City policies or programs, or having authority, in the interest of the City, to hire, ' transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees, or responsibility to direct them, or to adjust their ' grievances, or effectively to recommend such actions , If, in connection with the foregoing, the excercise of such authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature, but requires the use of independent judgment. Employee Organization. Any organization which includes employees of the City and which has as one of its primary purposes representing such employees in their ' - 19 employment relations with the City. Impasse. The representatives of the City and a recog- nizecT employee organization have reached a point in their meeting and conferring in good faith where ' their differences on matters to be included in a Memorandum of Understanding, and concerning which they are required to meet and confer, remain so substantial and prolonged that further meeting and conferring would be futile. Mediation or Conciliation. The efforts of an impar- tial third person, or persons, functioning as inter- mediaries, to assist the parties in reaching a voluntary resolution to an impasse, through inter- pretation, suggestion and advice. Mediation and conciliation are interchangeable terms. Proof of Employee Support. a. An authorization card personally signed and dated by an employee; or b. A verified authorization petition or petitions personally signed and dated by an employee; or ' C. Employee dues deduction authorization, using the payroll register for the period immediately prior to the date a petition is filed here- under, except that dues deduction authoriza- tions for more than one (1) employee organiza- tion for the account of any one (1) employee ' shall not be considered a proof of employee support for any employee organization. The only authorization which shall be considered as proof of employee support hereunder shall be the authorization last signed by an employee,. Said authorization cards must be signed and ' dated within ninety (90) days prior to the filing of a petition. Recognized Employee Organization. An employee organi- zation which has been formally acknowledged_by the City as the employee organization that represents the employees in an appropriate representation unit ' pursuant to Sections 7 through 9 hereof. 7. 3 Employee Rights. Except as otherwise provided or ' authorized by law, employees of the City shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activi- ties of employee organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of representation in accordance with ' these Rules and Regulations. Employees of the City also shall have the right to refuse to join or parti- ' - 20 - • 0 cipate in the activities of employee organizations and shall have the right to represent themselves individually in their employment relations with the City. No employee shall be interferred with, intimi- dated, restrained, coerced or discriminated against by the City or by any employee organization because of his exercise of these rights. Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, the City Council hereby designates any classifications and positions comprising the Police Department Unit as having duties consisting primarily of the enforcement of State and local laws, and employees in these classi- fications and positions shall be limited to forming, joining, participating and being represented by employee organizations which are composed solely of such law enforcement employees, which concern themselves solely and exclusively with the wages , hours, working condi- tions, welfare programs, and advancement in the academic and vocational training in furtherance of the police profession, and which are not subordinate to any other organization. i7.4 Employer' s Rights. As employer, the rights of the City include, but are not limited to, the exclusive right to determine the mission of its constituent departments, commissions and boards; set standards of service; determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion; direct its ' employees; evaluate the quality of the performance of its employees; take disciplinary action subject to established appellate procedure; relieve its employees 1 from duty because of lack of work or for other legiti- mate reasons subject to consultation regarding the impact of such decisions; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; determine the methods , 'means and personnel by which government operations are to be conducted; determine the types and content of job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; and exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work. 7. 5 Meet and Confer in Good Faith. The City, through its representatives, shall meet and confer in good faith in an effort to reach agreement with representatives ' of recognized employee organizations regarding matters within the scope of representation`, The City shall not be required to meet and confer in good faith on any subject preempted by Federal or State law, nor shall it be required to meet and confer in good faith on Employer's Rights as defined in Section 7. 4. 21 - 7.6 Advance Notice. Reasonable written notice shall be ' given to each recognized employee organization affected by any ordinance, rule, resolution, or regulations directly relating to matters within the scope of repre- sentation proposed to be adopted by the City. In case of emergency when the City determines that an ordinance, rule, resolution, or regulation must be adopted imme- diately without prior notice or meeting with a recog- nized employee organization, the City shall provide such notice at the earliest practicable time following the adoption of such ordinance, rule, resolution, or regu- lation. 7. 7 Petition for Recognition. An employee organization that seeks to be formally acknowledged as the Recog- nized Employee Organization representing the employees in an appropriate unit shall file a petition with the Employee Relations Officer containing the following ' information and documentation: a. Name and address of the employee organization. b. Names and titles of its officers. C. Names of employee organization representatives who are authorized to speak on behalf of the organization. ' d. A statement that the employee organization, as one of its primary purposes, represents employees in their employment relations with the City. 1 e. A statement whether the employee organization is a chapter of, or affiliated directly or indirectly in any manner, with a local, regional, ' state, national or international organization and, if so, the name and address of each such other organization. ' f. Certified copies of the employee organization' s constitution and by-laws. ' g'. A designation of those persons, not exceeding two (2) in number, and their addresses, to whom notice sent by regular United States mail will be deemed sufficient notice on the employee organization for any purpose. h. A statement that the employee organization has no restriction on membership based on race, color, creed, sex or national origin. ' i. The job classification or title of employees in ' - 22 - I then' t be appropriate and the unit deemed o number of member employees therein. j A statement that the employee organization has in its possession proof of employee support to establish that a majority of the employees in an appropriate unit have designated the employee organization to represent them in their employment relations with the City. Such ' written proof shall be submitted for confirma- tion to the Employee Relations Officer, however, the employee organization may request that such written proof be submitted to a mutally agreed upon disinterested third party. h. A request that the Employee Relations Officer formally acknowledge the petitioner as the Recognized Employee organization representing the employees in the appropriate unit for the ' purpose of meeting and conferring in good faith. The petition, including all accompanying docu- ments, shall be declared to be true, correct and complete, under penalty of perjury, by the duly authorized officer(s) of the employees' organization executing it, ' 7. 8 Employee' s Former Organization. Notwithstanding the fact that an employee hired or merged with the City organization was formally a member of an employee organi- zation which represented the employees within the scope of the-Meyer-Milias Brown Act, each of said employees 1 must comply with the provisions of the rules and regu- lations as a condition of being recognized as an employee organization. ' 7. 9 City Response to Recognition Petition. Upon receipt of t e petition, the Employee Relations Officer shall deter- mine whether: a. There has been compliance with the requirements of the Recognition Petition, and b. The proposed representation unitisan appro- priate unit as determined by the Employee Rela- tions Officer as defined in Section 7 . 14. If an affirmative determination is made by the Employee Relations Officer, he shall so informthepetitioning ' employee organization, shall give written notice of such request for recognition to the employees in the unit and shall take no action on said request for thirty (30) days thereafter. If either of the foregoing matters 23 - 0 are not affirmatively determined, the Employee Relations Officer shall offer to consult thereon with such peti- tioning employee organization, and, if such determina- tion thereafter remains unchanged, shall inform that organization of the reasons therefor in writing. The petitioning employee organization may appeal such deter- mination in accordance with Section 7. 17 of these Rules and Regulations. ' 7. 10 Challenge to Filed Petitions. Within thirty (30) days o the date written notice was given to affected employees of a valid recognition petition for an appro- priate unit has been filed, any other employee organiza- tion may file a competing request to be formally-acknow- ledged as the recognized employee organization of the employees in the same or overlapping unit (one which ' corresponds with respect to some but not all the classi- fications or portions set forth in the recognition peti- tion being challenged) , by filing a petition evidencing proof of employee support in the unit of at least thirty (30) percent and otherwise in the same form and manner set forth in Section 7.7. If such challenging petition seeks establishment of an overlapping unit, the Employee Relations Officer shall hold a hearing on such over- lapping petitions at which time all affected employee organizations shall be heard. Thereafter, the Employee Relations Officer shall determine the appropriate unit or units between such overlapping units in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section 7. 14. The peti- tioning employee organization shall have fifteen (15) days from the date notice of such unit determination is communicated to them by the Employee Relations Officer to amend their petitions to conform to such determina- tions or to appeal pursuant to Section 7. 17. 7. 11 Recognition Without Election. If the written proof submitted by the employee organization is found to be appropriate and established that it represents more than fifty percent (50%) of the employees in such unit, Employee Relations Officer may, in his discretion, grant formal recognition to such employee organization without a ballot election. 7. 12 Election Procedure. In the event that recognition is not granted pursuant to Section 7. 11 above, the Employee Relations Officer shall arrange for a secret ballot election to be conducted by a party agreed to by the Employee Relations Officer and the concerned employee organization (s) , in accordance with such party's rules and procedures subject to the provisions of these Rules and Regulations. All employee organizations who have duly submitted petitions which have been determined to be in conformance with these Rules and Regulations shall ' be included on the ballot. The choice of "no organization" ' - 24 - ! 0 shall also be included. Employees entitled to vote in such election shall be those persons employed in regular permanent positions within the designated appropriate unit who were employed during the pay period immediately prior to the date which ended at ' least fifteen (15) days before the date the election commences, including those who did not work during such period because of illness, vacation or authorized leaves of absence, and who are employed by the City in the same unit on the date of the election. An employee organization shall be formally acknowledged as the Recognized Employee Organization for the designated appropriate unit following an election or run-off elec- tion if it received a numerical majority of all valid votes cast in the election. In an election involving three or more choices, where none of the choices receives a majority of the valid votes cast, a run-off election shall be conducted between the two choices receiving the largest number of valid votes cast; the rules govern- ing an initial election being applicable to a run-off election. There shall be no more than one valid election under this section pursuant to any petition in a twelve (12) month period affecting the same unit. In the event that the parties are unable to agree on a third party to conduct an election, the election shall be conducted by the California State Conciliation Service. Costs of conducting elections shall be borne in equal shares by the City and each employee organization appearing on the ballot. 7. 13 Decertification of Recognized Employee Organization. A Decertification Petition alleging that the incumbent Recognized Employee Organization no longer represents a majority of the employees in the appropriate unit may be filed with the Employee Relations Officer only during the months of October or November of each year following the ' first full year of formal recognition. A Decertification Petition may be filed by two or more employees or their representative, or an employee organization, and shall ' contain the following information and documentation declared by the duly authorized signatory under penalty of perjury to be true, correct and complete: ' a. The name, address and telephone number of the petitioner and a designated representative auth- orized to receive notices or requests for further ' information. b. The name of the established appropriate unit and ' of the formally Recognized Employee Organization 25 - 1 • i 1 sought to be decertified as the representative of that unit. 1 c. An allegation that the formally Recognized Employee Organization no longer represents a majority of the employees in the appropriate unit, and any other relevent and material facts relating thereto. d. Written proof of Employee Support, as herein defined, that at least thirty (30) percent of the employees in the established appropriate unit no longer desire to be represented by the formally Recognized Employee Organization. Such proof shall be submitted for confirmation to the ' Employee Relations Officer or to a mutally agreed upon disinterested third party within the time limits specified in this Section. The Decertification Petition may be accompanied by a Recognition Petition for that established appropriate unit. Such accompanying Recogni- tion Petition shall comply with the requirement of Section 7. 7. The Employee RelationsOfficer shall determine whether the Petition h�s been filed in compliance` with the applicable provisions of these Rules and Regulations. If his determination is in the nega- tive, he shall offer to consult thereon with the representative (s) of such petitioning employees or employee organization, and, if such determina- tion thereafter remains unchanged, shall return such Petition to the employees or employee organi- zation with a statement of the reasons therefor in writing. If the determination termination of the Employee Relations Officer is in the affirmative, he shall give written notice tolsuch Decertification or Recognition Petition to the incumbent Recognized, 1 Employee Organization and to unit employees. The Employee Relationsl, Officer shall thereupon 1 arrange for a secret ballot election to be held on or about fifteen (1�) working days after such notice to determine the wishes of unit employees 1 as to the question of decertification, and, if a. Recognition Petition was duly filed hereunder, the question of representation. Such election shall be conducted in conformance with Section 7. 12. 1 There shall be no morelthan one (1) valid decerti- fication election in the same unit in any twelve (12) month period. 1 26 7. 14 Appropriate Units. The basicpolicy objective in deter- mining appropriate units shal be the effect of a pro- posed unit on (1) the efficient operations of the City and its compatibility with the primary responsibility of the City and its employees to effectively and econom- ically serve the public, and (2) to provide employees with effective representation based on recognized com- munity of interest considerations. These policy objec- tives require that the appropriate unit shall be the broadest feasible grouping of positions that share an identifiable community of interest. Factors considered shall be: a. Similarity of the general kinds of work performed, types of qualifications required, and the general 1 working conditions. b. History of representat on in the City and similar 1 employment; except, however, that no unit shall be deemed to be an appropriate unit solely on the basis of the exten to which employees in the proposed unit have organized. C, Consistency with the o ganizational patterns of the City. rd. Number of employees and classifications, and the effect on the administration of employer-employee relations created by the fragmentation of classi- fications and proliferation of units. e. Effect on the classification structure and impact on the stability of the employer-employee rela- tionship of dividing a single or related classi- fications among two or more units. rThe Employee Relations Officer shall, after notice to and consultation with affected employee organizations, allocate new classifications or portions, delete elimi- nated classifications or portions; and retain, reallo- cate or delete modified classifications or portions from units in accordance with the provisions of this Section. 7. 15 Modification of Established Appropriate Units, Requests by employee organizations for modifications of established 1 appropriate units may be considered by the Employee Relations Officer only during the period specified in Section 7. 13 above. Such requests shall be submitted in the form of a Recognition Petiion, and. in addition 1 to the requirements established for a Recognition Petition, shall contain a complete statement of all relevant facts and citations in support of the proposed modified unit in terms of the policies and standards set forth in Sec- 27 tion 7 of these Rules and Regulations. The Employee Relations Officer shall process such petitions as I other Recognition Petitions under Section 7. 7, if he determines modification of an established unit to be appropriate. The Employee Relations Officer may on his own motion propose during the period specified in Section 7.13 that an established unit be 'modifi d. The Employee Relations Officer shall give written notice of the proposed modi- fication (s) to any affected employee organization (s) and shall hold a meeting concerning the proposed modi- fication (s) , at which time all affected employee organi- zations shall be heard. Thereafter the Employee Relations Officer shall determine the c mposition of the appro- priate unit or units in, accordance with Section 7. 14 . and shall give written notice of such determination to the affected employee organizations. The Employee Rela- tions Officer's determinations may be appealed as pro- vided in Section 7. 17. If a unit is modified pursuant to the motion of the Employee Relations Officer hereunder, employee organizations may thereafter file Recognition Petitions seeking to become the Recognized Employee Organi- zation for such new appropriate unit or units. 7. 16 Cost of Election Proceedings. ) The cost of any election ' proceeding shall be borne by the employee organization (s) whose name (s) appear on ` the ballot. 7.17 Appeals. An employee organization aggrieved by an appro- priate unit determination by the Employee Relations Officer under these Rules and Regulations may, within ten (10) working days of notice thereof, request through the City Manager the interven ion of the California State Conciliation Service pursuant to Civil Code Section ' 3507. 1 and 3507. 3, or may, in lieu thereof or thereafter, appeal such determination to the City Council for final decision within fifteen (15) working days of notice of the Employee Relations Officers determination or the determination of proceedings conducted by the California State Conciliation Service, whichever is later. Costs of the State Conciliation Service intervention, if any, ' shall be at the requesting party's expense. An employee organization aggrieved by a determination of the Employee Relations Off cer that a Recognition Petition, Challenging Petition, or Decertification Peti- tion, or employees aggrieved by a determination of the Employee Relations Officer that a Decertification Petition has not been filed in compliance with applicable provisions of these Rules and Regulations , may, within fifteen (15) working days of notice of such determination, appeal the determination to the City Council for final determination. - 28 - 0 Appeals to the City Council should be filed in writing with the City Clerk, and a copy thereof served on the ' Employee Relations Officer. The City Council should commence to consider the matter within twenty (20) working days of the filing of this appeal and its deci- sion shall be final and binding. 7. 18 Currency of Information by Recognized Em loyee Organiza- tion. All changes in information filed with the City by--a Recognized Employee Organization in its Recognition Petition shall be submitted in writing to the Employee Relations Officer within fourteen (14) working days of ' such change. Each formally Recognized Emp1 yee Organization may select up to two (2) employee members of such organization to attend meet and confer sessio s with the Employee Rela- tions Officer and/or his desi nees on subjects within the scope of representation without loss of compensation on those occasions when such meetings are scheduled during regular working hours. where exceptional circum- stances warrant, the City Manager may approve the atten- dance at such meetings of additional employee representa- tives. 7. 19 Meet and Confer Process ' 7. 19. 1 Representation of Membersh p. For the purpose of the meet and confer process, tie Recognized Employee ' Organization shall represent only the members of its organization. ' 7. 19.2 Proposals. Only a Recognized Employee Organization, FY_ and through its designated representatives, at any time subsequent to January 1 and prior to April l of any calendar year, may submit to the City Manager a written proposal in such f rm as the Recognized Employee Organization deem appropriate, indicating the items and matters it wishes to submit for dis- t cussion in the meet and confer process. Any Recognized Employee Organization which does not, within the time permitted therefor, submit such a written proposal shall be deemed, for all purposes , to have waived its right to engage in the meet. and confer process during that calendar year. However, meet and confer sessions ' will be held at other times than specified herein upon mutual consent of the representatives of the City and the Recognized Employee Organization. The City will give a Recognized Employee Organization the opportunity to meet with City representatives at other times regarding the effect of any proposed action of the City relating to matters within the scope of representa- - 29 - tion unless foreclosed by a Memorandum of Under- standing then in force between the City and the ' Recognized Employee Organization. 7. 19. 3 Proposal -Meeting. At such time as a Recognized ' Employee Organization submits a proposal, the City Manager shall review the same, and within thirty (30) calendar days after April 1, he shall establish a time and place for the commencement of the meet and confer process. He shall give at least twenty-four (24) hours ' written notice to the representatives of such organization of the time and place of such proposal meeting, which notice shall include an - agenda containing the items to be discussed at such meeting. Only matters set forth on such agenda shall be discussed as a part of such proposal meeting of the representatives of the City and the employee organization. The notice provisions contained herein need not be observed where a proposal meeting is continued to another time and place by mutual consent of such re- presentatives. Additional items may be added to an agenda upon the written request of either party pro- vided that such requests are made not less than twenty- four (24) hours in advance of a scheduled meeting, and only if such items are the proper subject matter for such meet and confer process. Except as otherwise provided herein, attendance at such meeting shall be ' limited to not more than three (3) designated repre- sentatives of the Recognized Employee Organization submitting the proposal and three (3) or less representa- tives of the City. 7. 19. 4 Memorandum of Understanding. At the conclusion of the ' meet and confer process , if agreement is reached, the representatives of such Recognized Employee Organiza- tion and the City Manager or his designated represen- tative shall execute a memorandum of such under- standing. The memorandum shall be transmitted to the City Council for its determination. ' 7. 20 Notices., Except as otherwise provided herein, notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be given by United States mail, postage pre- paid' re-paid, adressed to the receipient at his last-known address. In lieu of mailed notices required, personal delivery of such notices may be made in order to assure timely receipt thereof. Notice shall be deemed, for all purposes, to have been given upon physical delivery thereof, or upon its deposit in the custody of said postal service. 30 - 2 s The following classes of 7. 1 Designation of Employee g employees of the City shall be deemed management, mid-management, elected or confidential employees, as hereinafter indicated; such employees shall not be eligible to serve as representatives of any Recognized Employee Organization other than as members of thein ' own recognized unit for the purpose of the meet and confer process. 1 Management t City Attorney City Councilmember City Manager Finance Director Fire Chief Personnel Director Planning Director Police Chief Public Works Director Recreation Director Mid-Management Associate Planner Deputy City Clerk ' Fire Captain Police Sergeant Public Works Superintendent ' Recreation Supervisor Confidential ' Departmental Secretaries Personnel Clerk Secretary to City Manager Senior Account Clerk, Finance Dept. 7.22 Violation. Any officer or employee of the City who interfers, intimidates, restrains, coerces , or dis- criminates against any other City officer or employee with respect to the exercise of such officer' s or employee' s rights shall be subject to disciplinary action. 7.23 Administrative Rules. The City Manager is hereby authorized an directed to prepare and issue, after reasonable con- sultation with any and all Recognized Employee Organiza- tions, such supplementary rules as he deems appropriate ' relating to employer-employee relations which are not in conflict with the express provisions of this Section. 7.24 Employee Activities. No City employee on behalf of an 31 - employee organization shall engage in any type of activity relating to an employee organization during such time as r such employee is on duty, except as expressly provided in memoranda of understanding or as provided under the provisions of the Myers-Milias Brown Act; nor shall any- one use any City supplies , equipment or facilities in conjunction with any activity for any such employee organi- zation, except as may be provided in the rules referred to in Section 7.23 hereof. SECTION 8.0 LAYOFF 8. 1 Intent of Procedure. For reasons of economy and effi- ciency, or in the interest or mandate of the public, reductions or curtailments of City services may be required. In such an event, it may be necessary to lay off one or more City employees. The following procedure is intended to give primary consideration to seniority and job per- formance whenever the layoff of employees is necessary. The City's decision to abolish a position is not subject to the employee' s right of appeal or grievance. 8. 2 Procedures . 8.2. 1 Abolition of a Position. When a position within a department or division is abolished, all employees in that department or division in the subject classifi- cation shall be listed in order of their length of service with the City. The Department Head shall choose from among their number the least senior employee to be laid off for each position to be abolished. ' If in any case length of service should be equal, the appointing authority may take job performance into consideration in determining the employee to be laid off. Employees to be laid off shall be given two (2) weeks written notice of the action. ' 8. 2.2 Transfer or Demotion to Avoid Layoff. Any employee who is to be laid off may requests in writing, to be transferred to a vacant position subject to being qualified for the position being requested, within the two (2) week notification period. An employee who has held regular status in a lower classification within the same department and/or division may request, within the two (2) week notification period, demotion to a vacant position in said lower classification or ' an equivalent class in order to avoid layoff. If the employee makes such a request, a list of employees as prescribed in Section 8. 2. 1 of these Rules and Regulations shall be prepared and subject employee ' shall have his name placed among the other names on said list according to his total length of service in ' - 32 • • said class and any higher class within that depart- ment and/or division. Thereafter, the appointing authority shall choose an employee to be laid off according to the provisions of Section 8.2. 1 of these Rules 8. 3 Severance Pay. A regular employee of the City who has been employed for a minimum of two (2) years and has been laid off because of the abolition of his position will be eligible for two (2) weeks of severance pay or the equivalent for fire personnel. A regular employee who is similarly laid off and who has worked for the City a minimum of ten (10) years will be eligible for three (3) weeks ' salary upon layoff or the equivalent for fire personnel. 8. 4 Reemployment Lists. The names of all permanent employees who were Laid of or who were demoted to avoid layoff shall be placed on a reemployment list for two (2) years. ' Whenever a vacancy occurs in the classes from which employees were laid off, the qualified employees on the layoff list will be notified of the vacancy, prior to announcing an open or promotional recruitment, and shall be offered the opportunity to apply for the position. In such an event, the appointing authority shall consider the former employee (s) from the layoff list prior to considering other candidates. However, the appointing authority shall retain the right not to appoint said 1 former employee (s) and may request an examination to establish a new eligibility list. SECTION 9.0 1EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9. 1 Computation of Time Off. In order to resolve the diffi- culty in equating work periods for firefighter shift personnel to the work periods of other employees, the following formula shall be used to compute firefighters vacation, holiday, sick leave or other equivalent time off. Firefighter total available shifts per year (121. 33) is to general employees ' total work days per year (260) as X is to the authorized number of general employees' days off. 9.2 Vacation Accrual. Each full-time regular and probationary employee shall be entitled to a vacation for each year of actual full-time employment. Vacation time with pay shall accrue as follows: 33 POLICE E AND GENERAL EMPLOYEES O ' Yrs. Svc. Biweekly Hrs. Crdt. Days Crdt. Hrs. Crdt. Per Yr. Per Yr. 1-3 3.08 80 10 4-5 3. 69 96 12 6-7 4. 31 112 14 8-9 4. 92 128 16 10-11 5.54 144 18 11+ 6.15 160 20 FIREFIGHTERS Yrs. Svc. Biweekly Hrs. Crdt. Shifts Crdt. Hrs. Crdt. Per Yr. Per Yr. 1-3 4.61 120 5 4-5 5. 17 134. 40 5.60 6-7 6 .03 156.77 6.53 8-9 6 .89 179. 16 7.59 10-11 7. 75 201.55 8.40 11+ 8.61 223.94 9 . 33 Credit for vacation time increases after completion of years of service as indicated above and accrues from the date of hire at bi-weekly rates consistent with the above schedule. 1 No vacation with pay is allowable to temporary employees. A temporary employee who is filling a position in which a person on Military Leave has permanent classification and the right to return, shall be entitled to vacation leave as provided elsewhere in this section. 9. 3 Use of Vacation. Vacation leave may be taken as it accrues. The dates of vacation leave may be selected by the employee but shall be approved by the Department Head who shall consider the wishes of the employee and the needs of the City. 9. 3.1 Holidays Within Vacation Periods. If a holiday falls ' within a scheduled vacation period, equivalent hours of vacation time shall be granted. 9. 3.2 Maximum Accrual. Vacation time may not exceed two (2) times the amount of vacation time authorized for years of service. The employee's anniversary date shall be used to determine vacation credit and accrual amounts. One month before an employee's anniversary date, the Department Head shall review the number of hours accrued by the employee. If the amount exceeds the ' - 34 - a limits specified above, the unused excess shall be forfeited unless specific approval otherwise is ' obtained from the City Manager. 9. 3. 3 Vacation Beyond Limits. If an employee has accrued ' vacation time beyond the limits specified above due to unusual or emergency conditions resulting from. his employment, the employee shall be paid the straight hourly equivalent of the vacation in excess of the limit to a maximum of forty (40) hours for Miscellaneous or Police employees and 2. 33 shifts for Fire employees on twenty-four (24) hour shifts. If any employee has accrued vacation beyond the limit under any circumstances other than the City' s restric- tions due to service demands, he or she will forfeit such time in excess of the limit. 9 . 3. 4 Vacation for Permanent Part-Time Employees, Permanent part-time employees as defined in Chapter 2 , Personnel Ordinance, shall also receive holidays, vacations, sick leave and other similar time off benefits at a ratio determined by the actual number of hours worked. 9. 3.5 Pay for Vacation Time. Upon request of the Depart- ment Head and with approval of the City Manager, an employee may be paid the straight time hourly equiva- lent of his salary in lieu of vacation time off. Such payment shall be for no snore than five (5) days in any one fiscal year for non-management employees and for no more than ten (10) days in any one fiscal year for management and mid-management employees. ' 9. 3.6 Pay for Vacation When Terminated. Any Employee who is terminating his employment, and who has unused vacation time on record, shall be paid for such vaca- tion time in his final paycheck. It shall not be necessary to carry such employee on the payroll for the vacation period and the vacancy thus created may be filled at any time after the effective date of ' termination. When termination is caused by death of the employee, payment shall be made to the employee's designated beneficiary. ' 9.4 Holidays 9.4.1 Recognized Holidays. The following holidays shall be ' observed with respect to all employees of the City, except shift employees of the Police and Fire Depart- ments: a. New Year's Day January lst b. Lincoln's Birthday - 2nd Monday in February c. Washington's Birthday 3rd Monday in February 35 - ' statin the cause of the absence and attesting to stating e g the employee's ability or inability to resume work. ' However, whenever an employee is absent due to ill- ness or injury for more than three (3) work days or two (2) work shifts, a physician's certificate or personal affidavit may be required. 9. 5. 3 Deduction. All City employees shall be charged sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours sick leave or the equivalent for fire department shift personnel for each full day absent Unless exceptions are approved by the City Manager, absence of less than a full day will be charged at the rate of one (1) hour' s sick leave for each hour or portion of an hour absent, 9.5.4 Penalty for Sick Leave Abuse. When in the judgment of the appointing authority, the employee's reasons for being absent because of alleged sickness are inadequate, 1 he shall indicate on the payroll time report that the absence was without leave and without pay. In addi- tion, the appointing authority may impose such disci- plinary action as his discretion seems warranted, following procedures set forth in these Rules and Regulations. ' 9.5.5 Sick Leave and\Temporary Disability. An employee who is entitled to temporary disability indemnity under the State Labor Code may elect to take as much of his accumulated sick leave or accumulated vacation time which shall result in a payment to the employee of full salary or wages. When accumulated sick leave or vacation or both are exhausted, the employee is still entitled to receive disability indemnity. 9. 5. 6 Sick Leave for Dependent Care. A regular employee may use a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours or two (2) shafts of sick leave per fiscal year for the care of relatives who are ill, injured or pregnant and who are living in the employee's household. 9. 5. 7 Payment for Unused Sick Leave. No payment for accu- mulated and unused sic ` leave shall be made at the ' time of termination of employee whatever the reason for such termination, nor shall any such payment be made upon retirement. ' 9.6 Bereavement Leave. Any employee who is compelled to be absent from duty by reason of the death or critical ill- ' ness where death appears to be imminent, of either the members of the immediate family of the employee or the employee's spouse, may be allowed with the approval of the Department Head to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours or two (2) shifts absence with pay, as to each - 37 - 0 such instance of death or critical illness, up to a maxi- mum of forty (40) hours or three (3) shifts per year. In instances involving extraordinary circumstances, an additional forty (40) hours may be granted, upon approval of the Department Head, with the proviso that such time will be deducted from accumulated sick leave. 9. 7 Education Reimbursement Program. The purpose of this ' program shall be the reimbursement for tuition and book expenses to employees attending classes on their own time which are to the direct benefit of the individual employee and the City. 9.7. 1 Eligibility. All regular employees shall be eligible 1 for reimbursement under this program. Employees who have not completed their probationary period may also be eligible for reimbursement under this program if the job performance of such employees, as indicated by the Department Head, appears to show promise of completing the probationary period. ' In order to be eligible for reimbursement, the employee must still be employed by the City upon com- pletion of the course and at the time he applies for reimbursement. ' All textbooks and materials related to the approved course are the property of the City. 9. 7. 2 Procedure. The Department Head, subject to approval of the City Manager, will determine what type of ' courses will be allowed for reimbursement prior to commitment by the employee. Courses considered by the Department Heads for reimbursement shall be designed to directly improve the knowledge of the employee in ' the public service which will improve performance and enhance advancement opportunities. 1 The Department Head may recommend reimbursement upon the successful completion of college or professional conference courses. The employees are limited to a ' maximum payment of one hundred dollars ($100) per fiscal year per person and the availability of budgeted monies . SECTION 10. 0 _ CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION 10. 1 Preparation of Cl ssification Plan. All positions in the City service shall be grouped into classes. Each class shall include those positions sufficiently similar in duties and responsibilities to require similar standards of education, experience, abilities, and personal traits. 38 - II t i The Personnel Officer shall be responsible for pre- paring and maintaining class specifications for all positions. The specifications shall include, but not be limited to, a list of typical duties and a state- ment of the minimum qualifications required for the position. It shall be understood that all positions require the ability to read, write, and speak the English language; to follow written and oral instruc- tions; and to maintain satisfactory relations with co- workers and the public. All class specifications shall describe typical duties which employees occupying positions in the class may properly be required to perform. Class specifications are explanatory, but not restrictive. The listing of particular tasks shall not preclude the assignment of others of related kind or character or requiring lesser skills. 10.2 Administration and Maintenance of Classification Plan. The City Manager shall be responsible for, but may delegate, the administration and maintenance of the 1 Classification Plan. The City Manager shall, from time to time, direct a review of the existing Classification Plan to insure that it is effectively maintained and that it reflects any significantchanges in duties and responsibilities of positions. Such a review may involve only selected classes or the entire Classification Plan. Reclassification of a position may be made at anytime. An employee in a position which is reclassified may be required to qualify through an examination to retain a position that is reclassified upward. Downward reclassi- fications shall not require the incumbent to requalify for the position. 10. 3 Employee Compensation Plan. An employee compensation plan shall be established by resolution of the City Council. This plan shall provide salary schedules, rates, 1 ranges and salary steps. Each class in the City Classi- fication Plan shall be assigned a salary range or rate as established in the Employee Compensation Plan. 10. 3. 1 Establishment 'of' Sala Rangesand Steps Within Ranges. The Employee Compensation Plan shall consist of a salary range for each class or grouping of classes in the City's Classification Plan. Each range shall consist of two steps, Step I and Step II, with a ten (10) percent difference between the salary of Step I ' and Step II. 10. 3.2 Exceptions . Department Head, City Attorney and City 1 Manager salaries shall normally consist of only one rate without any step structure. 1 - 39 - r 0 10. 3. 3 Definition of Steps. Step I shall be the base step establishing the salary at which a new employee ' shall be hired or establishing the salary for an employee moving to a higher classification as a result of a new and higher job classification. An employee receiving Step T pay is considered qualified for the job to which hired, but has not yet completed the requisite probationary period or been recommended for promotion to Step If because he may not have yet demonstrated his ability and willingness to satis- factorily cope with all aspects of his job. An employee could remain at Step I salary for his classi- fication and range during his entire period of employ- ment with the City if the employee has not progressed to the point of having demonstrated a full knowledge of his job and shown an ability to apply that knowledge to his daily work situation. In any case where by reason of unusual circumstances, rigid adherence to the foregoing would cause a mani- fest injustice, the City Council, on recommendation of the City Manager, may make such order relating thereto as in its discretion is proper. The City Manager, upon recommendation of the Department Head, may make an appointment to a salary higher than Step I when it is difficult to obtain qualified personnel at the starting salary or when it appears that the education, training or previous experience of a proposed employee are substantially superior to that required of the class and justifies a beginning salary in excess of the normal hiring rate. Step IT shall be the step to which an employee may be promoted after having successfully completed his probationary period and after having demonstrated to the satisfaction of his Department Head that he possesses full knowledge of all aspects of his fob and has demonstrated a willingness and ability to meet alljob requirements. Promotion to Step II shall be only for continued meritorious and efficient service and demonstrated job competence, 10. 3.4 Trainee Positions. A Trainee designation may be utilized for positions which cannot be filled through application of the criteria established for the Step I salary range as specified in Section 10. 3. 3 above. The Trainee designation shall be assigned a salary range which is at least ten percent (100) less"than for the Step I range for that position classification. This designation is created and will be used to allow hiring of untrained, but otherwise qualified, per- sonnel for a vacant position which is a part of the City' s classification plan, but for which normal 40 ! • i recruitment efforts have not resulted in identifying a potential employee with the minimum qualifications ' to satisfy Step I requirements. It becomes, in effect, an on-the-job training position to which established recruitment, testing and selection pro- cesses have been applied. 10. 3.5 Administration and Review of Employee Compensation ' Plan. The City Council shall administer the Employee Compensation Plan for the City Attorney and City Manager. The Personnel Officer shall administer the the Employees ' Compensation Plan for all other employees. Wage rates and salary schedules for all job classes excluding those of the City Attorney and City Manager shall be reviewed by the Personnel Officer at least once each fiscal year. If such wage and salary review indicates that there should be wage and salary adjustments , the Personnel officer shall make appropriate recommendations to the City Manager. 10. 4 Probationary Period. All original, full-time appoint- ments shall be subject to a six (6) month probation period except for sworn police and firefigher personnel who shall be subject to a one (1) year probation period. ' This probationary period may be extended with the approval of the City Manager up to six (6) additional months in individual cases. Appointments will not be permanent until the successful completion of the probationary period. 10. 4.1 Object of Probationary Period. The probationary ' period shall be regarded as part of the testing pro- cess and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work, for securing the most effective ' adjustment of a new employee to his position, and for rejecting any probationary employee whose per- formance does not meet acceptable standards. 10.4.2 Probationary Employee Performance Reports. The work and conduct of probationary employees shall be sub- ject to close scrutiny and evaluation and, if found to be below standards satisfactory to the appointing authority, the employee may be dismissed or demoted at any time during the probationary period. 10.5 Compensation Permanent Part-Time Employees. Permanent part-time employees shall be paid the hourly equivalent of the monthly salary paid to a full-time employee in ' the classification to which they are assigned. They shall move from Step I to Step II in their range when they have completed the number of hours equivalent to full-time employment in each step subject to the same ' _ 41 _ 1 conditions as prevail for advancement of a full-time employee. 10.6 Compensation - Temporary Employees. Temporary employees shall be paid an hourly rate established by the appointing ' authority as appropriate for the work to be performed and within the budgeted amounts in temporary employee salaries. 10. 7 Compensation Ion Promotion. Any employee who is pro- moted to a position in a class with a higher salary range shall receive a salary which is at least equal to an advancement to Step TT of his former range in the basic salary schedule. An employee thus promoted is therefore assigned to.a new salary anniversary date effec tive on the date of promotion. 10. 8 Compensation on Demotion. Any employee who is demoted ' to a position in a class with a lower salary range shall have his salary reduced to the salary step in the range for the lower class which is: ' If a disciplinary demotion, to any designated salary sten in the lower range which is at least one step less than that received in the salary range for the class from: ' which demoted. A new anniversary date shall be established on the basis of the demotion. If a non-disciplinary demotion, to that salary in the dollar amount he would have received in that lower class if his services had been continuous in said lower class. He shall retain his current anniversary date. 10.9 Compensation on Reinstatement. An employee who resigned in good standing may, within two (2) years of such ' resignation and upon recommendation of the appointing authority, be reinstated in a position in the class in which he previously had served. Upon such reinstatement, he shall receive not more than the step in the salary range he previously received prior to his separation and his anniversary date shall be based upon the date of reinstatement. 10. 10 Compensation on Transfer. Any employee who is transferred from one position to another position in the same class, or to another position in a class having the same salary range, shall be compensated at the same step in the salary range as he previously received and his salary anniversary date shall not change. ' 10. 11 Compg ensation on Change in Range Assignment Whenever a class is reassigned to either a higher or lower salary ' range by the Council, the salary of each incumbent in ' - 42 - 0 0 such class on the date the reassignment is effective shall be adjusted to the step in the new range that ' corresponds to the step he was receiving in the former range and he shall retain the same salary anniversary date. ' 10.12 Compensation on Position Reclassification. The salary of an employee in a position that is reclassified shall be determined as follows: If the position is reclassified to a class with the same salary range as the previous class and if the in- cumbent is appointed to the reclassified position, the salary range and the salary anniversary date of the employee shall not change. This provision shall also apply to a change of class title. If the position is reclassified to a class with a higher salary range than the previousclass, and if the incumbent is appointed to the reclassified position, then the salary of such employee shall be governed by Section 10.7. If the position is reclassified to a class with a lower salary range than the previous class, and if the incum- bent is appointed to the reclassified position, his salary shall not change. if his salary is greater than the maximum step of the lower salary range, his salary shall be "Y" rated until such time as any general cost- of-living increase, equity adjustment, or other salary increase result in a monthly salary appropriate for the class. The employee' s salary anniversary date shall not change and he shall not be required to serve a new probationary period. 10. 13 Compensation When Working Out of Classification. The City will .pay all non-management personnel, except fire department personnel, five percent (5%) of the employees' current base salary for working out of classification for fifteen (15) or more consecutive work days. Out of classification work shall mean that the employee is per- forming a significant part of the duties of a position in a higher salary range. The acting pay will commence on the first day of the pay period during which the employee worked the sixteenth (16th) consecutive work day. Upon application of the employee, said employee may work out of classification without additional com- pensation in order to gain experience in a higher position. The City will pay "acting pay" to the classes of Fire- fighter and Fire Engineer working in the acting capacities of Engineer and Captain upon the completion of seven (7) ' twenty-four (24) hour consecutive shifts. Acting pay - 43 - will be at the hourly Step T rate for the position assumed calculated at the Step T rate. 10.14 Attendance. Employees shall be in attendance at their assigned work site in accordance with the rules regarding 1 hours of work, holidays and leaves. All departments shall keep daily attendance records of employees which shall be reported to the Finance Director in the form and on the dates he shall specify. Failure on the part ' of an employee, absent without leave, to return to duty within twenty-four (24) hours after notice to return shall be cause for immediate discharge, and such employee automatically waives all rights under the Personnel Ordinance and rules. The depositing in the United States mail of a first class letter postage paid, addressed to the employee' s last known place of address, shall be reasonable notice. For the purpose of computing entitlement to leaves of absence, an employee's continuous service shall be based on the effective date on which he received initial pro- bationary appointment in the City service. Such date shall be the employee' s anniversary date for vacation and sick leave purposes, subject to the provisions con- tained herein. 10. 15 Hours of Work. Daily hours of work (or shifts) for employees within departments shall be assigned by Department Heads as required to meet the operational requirements of said department. A scheduled work week shall consist of forty (40) hours of work. Daily hours of work shall consist of eight (8) hours of work. No authorization may be made for an employee to work less than the scheduled work week without direct propor- tionate decrease in compensation. Any foreseeable absence or deviation from regular working hours desired by an employee shall, in advance, be cleared through the appropriate Department Head who shall notify the Personnel Officer, and such absences shall be', noted on the employee' s time sheet. ' Firefighting shifts shall be based upon 121. 33 shifts per year', allocated in accordance with shift schedules ' determined by the Fire Chief. 10. 16 Leave f, Absence Without Pay. The City Manager, with Department Head approval, may grant a regular or proba- tionary employee leave of absence without pay or seniority for a per1iod not to exceed three (3) months. .after three (3) months, the leave of absence may be extended if authorized by City Council. No such leave shall be 44 - d. Memorial Day. - Last Monday in May e. Independence Day - July 4th f Labor Day 1st Monday in September g. Veterans Day - November 11th h. Thanksgiving Day - 4th Thursday in November ' i. Day After Thanksgiving j . Christmas Day — December 25th 9. 4. 2 Holidays Falling on Saturday or Sunday. When a holi-day listed in Section 9. 4.1 falls on a Sunday, the immediately following Monday shall be the day off. When a holiday so listed falls on a Saturday, the Fri- day immediately preceeding shall be the day off. 9. 4. 3 Police Department Employees. Shift employees will be paid one day's salary at straight time in lieu of a day off for holidays. Actual days off may be granted in lieu of pay if departmental scheduling permits and if authorized by the Chief of Police. 1 9. 4. 4 Fire Department Employees. Shift personnel will be granted five (5) holiday shifts per year as scheduled by the Fire Chief or paid the straight time hourly equivalent as authorized by the Fire Chief consis- tent with the manning requirements of the department. 9. 5 Sick Leave Policy. Sick leave is not a privilege which the employee may use at his own discretion and shall be granted only upon recommendation by the Department Head. Sick leave shall be allowed and used,"+.only in case of necessity because of actual personal illness or disability, medical or dental treatment, or in case of an emergency ' illness in the immediate family. Immediate family means the spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, or close' relative residing in the household of the employee. Sick leave will not be granted for illness or injury occurring during any leave of absence except if such illness or injury causes the employee to be hospitalized. ' 9. 5.1 Sick Leave. Every full-time, regularandprobationary employee shall accrue sick leave time at the rate of eight (8) hours per month, or the equivalent for fire ' department shift personnel. Permanent part-time employees accrue sick leave at a ratio determined by the actual number of hours worked. Sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of sixty (60) days or the equivalent for fire department shift personnel. 9.5.2 Evidence of Illness, In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave, the employee shall notify the head of his department during the first day, he is absent. The employee may be required at any time, by his Department Head or appointing authority, to file a physician's certificate or personal affidavit. - 36 - granted except upon written request of the employee, setting forth the reason for the request, and the approval will be in writing. Upon expiration of a regularly approved leave or within a reasonable period of time after notice to return to duty, the employee ' shall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave was granted. Failure on the part of an employee on leave to report promptly at its expriation, or within a reasonable time after notice to return to duty, shall be cause for discharge. The depositing in the United States mail of a first class letter, postage paid, ' addressed to the employee's last known place of add- ress shall be reasonable notice. The granting of any leave of absence without pay exceeding fourteen (14) calendar days shall result in a new salary anniversary date for the employee. Such date shall be based on his original salary date plus ' the number of calendar days of his leave in excess of fourteen (14) calendar days. 10 . 17 Military Leave. Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of State law. All employees entitled to military leave shall give the appointing authority an opportunity within the limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be taken. 10.18 Overtime. The following subsections define overtime work as it applies to the different employee groups. 10.18. 1 Fire Department Employees. Shift personnel of the Fire Department shall receive compensatory time off, or pay in lieu of such time, at the discretion of the Fire Chief at the normal (straight) hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of the hours of work scheduled within the bi-weekly pay period. 10 . 18.2 Police Department Employees. Shift personnel in the ' Police Department shall receive compensatory time, or pay in lieu of such time off, at the discretion of the Police Chief at the normal (straight) hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of the hours of work ' scheduled within the bi-weekly pay period. 10.18. 3 Miscellaneous Employees. Employees other than shift personnel in the Police and Fire Departments, excluding Management employees , shall receive compensatory time off, or pay in lieu of time off, at the discretion ' of the Department Head at the normal (straight) hourly rate for all hours in excess of the hours of work scheduled within the bi-weekly pay period. ' 10.18. 4 Limitation on Compensatory Time Off. Compensatory ' - 45 - 1 time off may accumulate to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours. 10 . 19 Work on Holidays - Compensation. Any employee other than Police and Fire Department employees who work on a shift basis, whose regular schedule requires him to work on a holiday, shall be given compensatory time off for such work or paid the straight time hourly equiva- lent to his salary at the discretion of the Department Head. 10. 20 Jury Duty. Every employee of the City who is called ' or required to serve as a trial juror shall be entitled to be absent from duties with the City during the period of such service or while necessarily being present in court as a result of such call. No deductions shall be made from the salary of an employee while on jury duty if he has waived or remitted to the City the fee for jury duty. Tf he has not so waived, or remitted the jury fee, he shall be paid only for the time actually worked in his regular position. An employee accepted for jury duty shall immediately notify his Department Head in writing whether or not he waives or remits jury fee to the City. 10 .21 Special Salary Adjustments. A Department Head may recommend to raise an employee to a higher range than his base range in recognition of meritorious service, advanced education beyond the requirements of the posi- tion he holds and other extraordinary attributes related to his public service. Such increased compensation is subject to the approval of the City Manager and the ' availability of budgeted monies. Such Floating Range Adjustments remain in effect for one (1) fiscal year and may be renewed by approval of the City Manager. -- 46 -