HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRC_2009-07-16_AgendaPacketNOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING ATASCADERO PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, July 16, 2009 6:00 PM Tour begins at Stadium Park (Park entrance on Capistrano, Atascadero) FACILITIES TOUR ROLL CALL: PARK FACILITIES TOUR: The purpose of this tour is to inspect and review park facilities including recent capital improvements, maintenance and condition of infrastructure. 1. 6.00prn - Stadium Park (Informational Report and Handouts Attached) 2. 7.00pm - Charles Paddock Zoo ADJOURNMENT: The Parks & Recreation Commission will adjourn to its next regularly scheduled meeting. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) I, SHANNON SIMS, being fully sworn, deposes, and says that she is an Administrative Assistant of the City of Atascadero and that on Friday, July 10, 2009, she caused the above Notice to be posted on the doors of City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California. Shannon Sims, Administrative Assistant Atascadero Parks & Recreation Commission Staff Report — Community Services Department Stadium Park Update DISCUSSION: Background: Since the Council authorized a public process be conducted by the Parks and Recreation Commission to seek public input on the issues, opportunities and future uses for Stadium Park at Pine Mountain, much progress has been made. The planning committee has met monthly for over a year, and has conducted several public workshops to develop policies and plans for the future uses of Stadium Park. Listed below, is a timeline and the milestones achieved by the committee: March, 2006 Initial public Meeting held: Information developed since the acquisition of the property was shared including: ❑ Historical use patterns ❑ 1996 use guidelines ❑ 2000 use guidelines ❑ Current issues in Stadium Park management April, 2006 A planning group, formed a Parks and Recreation Commission sub -committee, refined the mission statement and goals and objectives for Stadium Park. (These were reviewed by City Council in April of 2007, please see below) May, 2006 Public Input gathering conducted regarding: ❑ The issues that should be reviewed ❑ Concerns with the park ❑ Potential uses for the park ❑ Potential improvements to the park ❑ Opportunities/Threats ❑ Potential users ❑ Gathered input on improvements that are desired by the public June, 2006 Parks and Recreation Commission and planning group held a "Discover Stadium Park" Open House at the site on June 15th, 2006 There were hiking tours, information booths, a barbershop quartet and other activities. Over 150 people attended. July, 2006 Committee reviewed the community input to date, and formed three working committees to accelerate the planning process. City Attorney initiated discussions with neighboring property owner, Gary Renzaglia, regarding the access into Stadium Park from Capistrano Avenue. August, 2006 Staff reports committee status to the City Council. Group sends out an updated community survey. It is distributed via the City website, to community groups and mailed to every residence in Atascadero. October/November, 2006 Committee collects and compiles survey results. Over 990 surveys are returned (results attached). December, 2006 Committee reviews survey results and refers information to working committees. Committee recommends that the City secure emergency public access through the Knoph property at Valle and Escarpa where a lot split is proposed. The City did secure this emergency access through the Knoph property. January/February 2007 Committee decides on recommended future uses for Stadium Park (attached). Council reviews and approves the uses at his meeting. Bringing utilities into the bowl are identified as being desirable. The planning committee supports the Fire Department recommendation to retain the services of Fire Ecologist consultant to recommend a resources management plan to allow public assembly, including during fire season, in Stadium Park. In April, 2007, the Council took no action at that time to initiate a study to develop a plan. Council later directed staff to negotiate with adjacent property owners to acquire additional property along the easement into Stadium Park to improve access. April 2009 Council authorized the purchase of .52 acres this spring to enhance access into the park, allow for the installation of utility lines into the park (if desired) and enable the City to maintain and improve drainage flows off the property. June 2009 A community group affiliated with the Atascadero Land Preservations Society (ALPS) begins to discuss a "Friends of Stadium Park" group to support Stadium Park through enhancements and public use of the area. MAJOR ISSUES: PROPOSED USES: The Stadium Park Planning Committee has compiled a draft list of proposed uses. The draft list is based upon public input from the surveys and committee recommendations. Some of these uses will direct the eventual proposed study and resulting Management Plan and the easement to be conducted by a consultant. The Council will also need to set a maximum occupancy for public assembly in the bowl area, which would give some parameters to the Public Safety Management Plan. PARK IMPROVEMENTS: Specific improvements such as restrooms, stage, etc. in the bowl area have yet to be determined, and semi-permanent or temporary amenities are options. However, the planning committee is recommended that underground utilities (water and power only) be brought into the bowl area. Due to the power line voltage, PG&E is requiring that the water and power be installed in separate trenches, increasing the estimated costs. The committee is recommending to the City Council that funding be appropriated for the installation of the utilities in the coming fiscal cycle. Cost estimates for the installation of the utilities are upwards of $175,250. There are no funds budgeted for these expenses. Public input and Council direction on improvement plans will be needed prior to moving forward on any new park improvements. PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN: Funding for a Stadium Park Management Plan for public safety, to be prepared by a consultant fire ecologist, is recommended by the committee and the Fire Department based upon potential public uses. The Police Department will also have input into the ultimate plan. With Council approval, the Fire Department indicated that funding (est. $18,000) will be needed for the study. The study is anticipated to take approximately 6 weeks after execution of the contract. There is no funding budgeted for the study or for any improvements to Stadium Park in the City's current 2 year budget. ATTACHMENTS: "A" — Mission Statement and Updated Goals "B" - Committee Recommended Future Uses Attachment A Parks & Recreation Commission Notes Stadium Park Planning Workshop March 9, 2006 Welcome: (30 people in attendance) Chairman Mathews led a review of the Mission Statement for Stadium Park. It was revised as follows: "The Mission for Stadium Park is to revive and promote the site's historic use for cultural, educational and recreational experiences while preserving its unique natural habitat." The group reviewed goals and objectives for the Park. The goals are: - Encourage broad use by the community and visitors. - Preserve and protect the natural habitat - Minimize impact on the surrounding neighborhood. - Ensure public safety. - Operate the park in a fiscally sound manner. - Development should be consistent with the General Plan. - (Pending) Designate Stadium Park as a State Historic Landmark. Some new objectives were identified or revised: - Develop a trail plan. - Encourage events and activities consistent with the early historical uses of Stadium Park. - Manage the variety of public uses to minimize the impacts on the natural environment. - Encourage the removal of non-native species. Restore and manage the native plant community. - "Capital improvements shall not impact the General Fund", was removed as an objective. - Develop a feasibility study or business plan for the on-going operation of Stadium Park. Attachment B Stadium Park Potential Uses School Activities Weddings Concerts Living History Festival Indigenous Cultures Activities Picnics Outdoor Theatre Poetry Festival Walless Classroom (Natural History,etc) Trails and Hiking Birding/Wildlife Viewing Special Events (Holiday) Camping Church Services Reunions Conferences Chattaquas Art Festivals Easter Egg Hunt Scout Activities (Jamborees) Dog Shows Horse Shows Group Meetings Movies Botanical Garden/ Education Demonstration Gardens Memorials Period Activities — Reenactments Runs/ Races Auctions Antique Roadshow BBQ's Bonfires Restoration (Native) Story Telling Award Ceremonies — Recognition Events