HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 15-79 RESOLUTION NO, 15--79 RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO THE GRANTING OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (:STINCHFIELD/SUMMERS) T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L City of Atascadero, California WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of Atascadero, California, did, on the '20th day of August, 1979, consider the application of Stinchfield and Summers (:U7906112) for a Conditional Use Permit to allow signing in excess of sixty (60) square feet in a C-1 Zone, located on the east side of E1 Camino Real between San Jacinto and San Anselmo Avenues, being a portion of Lot 63, Block NC, Atascadero Colony, Asses- sorts Parcel Number 29r-262-35, City of Atascadero, California. ' WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after considering the facts relating to said application, did find that the estab- lishment, maintenance, and/or conducting of the use for which the Conditional Use Permit is sought will not under the cir- cumstances and conditions applied in this particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of persons re- siding or working in the neighborhood of such use and will not, under the circumstances and conditions applied in this particular case, be detrimental to the public welfare, injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood, nor shall be inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development nor shall conditions created by the use be inordinate to the normal traffic volume, and there- fore did recommend that this Council grant said Use Permit subject to the conditions as hereinafter set forth. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has, in recommending this ' Conditional Use Permit, made the findings set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular meeting assembled on the 27th day of August, 1979, does hereby grant the aforesaid Use Permit, incorporating the findings of the Planning Commission and' sub- ject to the conditions in the Staff Report dated August 20, 1979, attached hereto as Exhibit A. if the use authorized by any Conditional Use Permit or modification has not been established or if substantial work on the property towards the establishment of the use is not in progress after a period of twelve (12) months from the date Resolution No. 15-79 Page Two of such authorization or such other time period as may be designated in the Conditional Use Permit or the conditions have not been met, said Conditional Use Permit or modifica- tions shall become null and void and of no effect. The r Planning Commission may extend the Conditional Use Permit for additional periods of six (6) months if for reasons: beyond the control of the applicant the use had not been established. A written request to extend the date and sufficient evidence showing the applicant' s inability to comply must be filed with the Planning Department ten (10) days prior to the expiration date of the Conditional Use Permit. If the use authorized by any ConditionalUse Permit or modification, once established, is or has been unused, abandonedf ' discontinued, or has ceased for a period of six (6), months or conditions have not been complied with, said Conditional Use Permit or modification shall become null and void and have no effect. On motion by Councilman Stover and seconded by Council- man Mackey , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Mackey, Stover, and Mayor Wilkins NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Highland and Nelson ADOPTED: August 27, 1979 �3 ROBERT J. WTLKIN° , . , Mayor ' ATTEST: 011 U Y `L. ARDEN, City Clerk EXHIBIT A PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION DATE:AUGUST 20, 1979 FROM: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SECTION SUBJECT: COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT U790611 : 2 - STINCHFIELD/SUMMERS - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW SIGNING IN EXCESS OF 60 SQUARE FEET IN A C-1 ZONE, ATASCADERO. SPECIFIC REQUEST: ' The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow signing in excess of 60 square feet for a recently developed nine-space professional office complex located at 4401 E1 Camino Real between San Anselmo and San Jacinto Avenues in ' Atascadero. The applicant is seeking additional signing to provide better identification within the complex, in addition to the existing 40-square foot free-standing complex directory located in the center of the site frontage on E1 Camino Real. The 180 square feet of proposed additional signing would identify each business within the complex by being located on the parapet above each office space. The maximum sign area proposed for ' each tenant would be limited to twenty square feet . Consequently, the proposed signing would increase the total area of on-site signing from the existing 40 square feet to a total of 220 square feet . ' ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION: ' Zoning for the site is C-1, the General Shopping District which allows signing in excess of 60 square feet subject to Conditional Use Permit approval. The adopted 1978 Atascadero General Plan designates the site as Retail Commercial. The Plan text contains the following "General Retail Policy Proposal" on page 47 which is relevant to this re- quest : 113.. Commercial uses should be developed in clusters to encourage concentrations of compatible retail trade service. Each cluster should be developed in a coordinated architectural design The sign- ing and identification of the stores in each cluster should be combined, thus reducing the confusing clutter. " ' SITE CONSIDERATIONS: The 1. 11 acre irregular shaped site is presently developed with a professional office complex approximately 9, 000 square feet in floor area which is divided into nine rental office spaces. Terrain for the majority of the site is generally level as a result of grading with the southern and eastern ' edges of the site rising abruptly to adjoining properties. CD-1065 U790611: 2 - STI IELD SUMMERS Page 2 Building architecture is characteristic of a "Western Town" style with each office space provided with a large "false- front" facade which would accomodate the proposed signing. AREA CONSIDERATIONS: The site is located, along the El Camino Real commercial strip approximately one mile north of the Atascadero< Central Business District in an area of scattered commerciallresidential uses. Land uses adjacent to the site include a convenience market to the north with vacant land and commercial offices beyond;- single-family residences to the east; vacant land and service commercial uses to the south; and a church and vacant land to the west across El Camino Real. Access to the subject site and ,to other existing commercial properties in the area is by means of El Camino Real. STAFF COMMENTS: The proposed signing, together with the existing directory sign, represents an unobtrusive and uniformly designed program properly suited to the identification needs of the complex. Off-site identification from El Camino Real is adequately provided by the existing directory sign. The design and facade placement of the proposed signs would complement the western motif of the project while attractively identifying the individual businesses for on-site customer and delivery convenience. Consequently, the proposed signing program would not be excessive and would suitably fulfill the project ' s on-site and off-site identification needs. RECOMMENDATION It is the Staff ;recommendation that this Conditional Use Permit be approved subject to the following: Findings: A. The requested; signing would satisfy the project' s signing needs while being consistent with the emerging character of commercial development along El Camino Real. B. The proposed project is consistent with the mandatory findings set forth in Section 22.92.080 (1) of the County Zoning, Ordinance. U790611:2 - STINOIELD/SUMMERS Page 3 Conditions: ' 1. Signing approved under this Conditional Use Permit is limited to the following: a. On-site signing shall be limited to a maximum total ' area of 220 square feet , including the existing 40 square foot directory sign. b. The proposed signing for the individual offices shall be limited to a maximum of 20 square feet each for a total maximum area of 180 square feet; said pro- posed signing shall be mounted flush with the building ' facade and not extend above the facsia per the approved sign elevations. Report prepared by NANCY L. HEMMEN and approved by Warren Hoag, Supervisor,' ' Development Review Section. v1