HomeMy WebLinkAbout041510- PR Comm MinutesREGULAR SESSION:
Approved May 20, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Chairperson Chacon called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and Youth Representative
O'Connell led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Commissioners Butz, Cooper, Greenaway, Marks,
Wachtel and Chairperson Chacon.
Absent: Vice Chairperson Tom Zirk. (excused)
Others Present: Recording Secretary Shannon Sims.
Staff Present: Community Services Director Brady Cherry and
Recreation Supervisor Jennifer.
Commissioner Wachtel spoke about the Zoo's accreditation reception that took place
earlier in the evening and recognized staff for putting it together.
Commissioner Butz thanked staff on behalf of the Atascadero Wine Festival Committee
for the recognition award that was presented to them at the Zoo's accreditation
reception. She announced that the Wine Festival is raising money for the flamingo
exhibit this year.
Chairperson Chacon thanked Brady Cherry and Alan Baker for their work and the
leadership they provided in achieving the Zoo's accreditation. He commented on what
wonderful assets the Zoo, Lake, Park and Veteran's Memorial are.
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1. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes - March 18, 2010
■ Staff Recommendation: Commission approve the Parks and
Recreation Commission Meeting minutes of the March 18, 2010
meeting. [Community Services]
Chairperson Chacon asked that the following wording be added to Consent Item A-1,
the March 18, 2010 Minutes:
"Chairperson Chacon expressed his concern about the safety of the submarine."
MOTION: By Commissioner Wachtel and seconded by Commissioner
Butz to approve Consent Item A-1 with the additional wording,
"Chairperson Chacon expressed his concern about the safety
of the submarine."
Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. (Marks abstained)
1. Atascadero Bicvcle Transoortation Plan Develoament Process
■ Fiscal Impact: None.
■ Recommendation: Commission review and discuss the bike plan
development process for updating and enhancing the 2000 Draft
Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan. [Community Services]
Community Services Director Brady Cherry gave the staff report and answered
questions of the Commission.
Len Colamarino, in his capacity as bicyclist, expressed interest in trying to get this plan
completed. He mentioned the positive benefits that would ensue with having a plan,
including enabling the community of Atascadero to qualify for grant funding. Mr.
Colamarino mentioned that in addition to already having a draft plan to work from, there
are other cities' plans in place that we can benefit from. He stated that the San Luis
Obispo County Bicycle Coalition is anxious to be involved in this process and that Dan
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Rivoire, President, had wanted to attend the meeting but has suffered an injury. Mr.
Colamarino referenced a recent letter from the Coalition, to the Commissioners, that
expresses their interest. He commented that staff time should be able to be minimized
because lots of people are anxious to help, including himself. Mr. Colamarino said the
four (4) areas that need to be covered are bicycle transportation within Atascadero,
inter -city bicycle transportation, recreational bicycling and bicycle tourism.
Ellen Beraud, Council Member, parent and cyclist, stated that she worked with Mr.
Colamarino at the City Council Strategic Planning to get endorsement to proceed with
this plan. She commented that the majority of the plan is completed, it just needs to be
brought up to date with the Council's goals. She said the County is currently focused on
the bicycle connection to Templeton, which involves 3 bridges, two of which have not
been built. She spoke about the opportunity of receiving grant funding, which would be
the majority of the funding for the project. She said the cost to the City for annual
maintenance would only be approximately $13,000/year. Ms. Beraud stated she likes
the timeline and strongly encouraged that it be completed by November, before
elections. She cautioned that the more people you have on a committee the slower the
process goes. Ms. Beraud encouraged the Commission to consider allowing a working
group, which would be focused around the bicycle coalition and local people who cycle,
and have them come back once a month to report to a Committee.
Doug Marks, resident and cyclist, stated that he has reviewed the draft bike plan and
thinks it's an excellent plan that just needs some updating. He said he agrees to the
recommendation of enlisting members of the public and cycling coalition to work on this.
Mr. Marks relayed that he authored the Bicycle Safety Report for the 2005-2006 Grand
Jury and has participated in the City process as a Planning Commissioner. He
volunteered his services to help update the plan.
Robin Schmidt, K -Man Cycling, mentioned that the draft plan talks about 3 different
types of Classes. She commented that Class 3 incorporates more of a multi -use with
walking, running and biking. As a runner, Ms. Schmidt stated that she thinks tourism
attracts both cyclists and runners to our beautiful City. She highly encouraged that the
plan would incorporate both pedestrians and runners into it.
Mike Zappas, resident and avid cyclist, talked about the economic impact and reasons
why we should proceed with the plan. He stated that lots of state/city agencies are in
trouble and thinks that tourism has become increasingly important. Mr. Zappas relayed
that he thinks our community has a lot to offer the outside world and lots of tourist
dollars to bring in. He encouraged the Commission, from an economic standpoint, to
move forward with the plan and the benefits it will bring to the City.
Chairperson Chacon closed the Public Comment Period.
Commissioner Butz stated that she was on the Commission when the prior plan was
drafted and wished they had been able to accomplish more than they did. She
commented that the draft plan is a good start and the timeline looks achievable.
Commissioner Marks stated she strongly supports the City adopting a formal plan. She
suggested, initially appointing a small committee to expand the draft, in a relatively short
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time frame, and then have the updated draft presented to a larger Committee, which
would include interest groups. She expressed concern about forming a group that is too
Commissioner Wachtel expressed appreciation for public's remarks and their
willingness to participate in the process. He said he likes the idea of incorporating
running into the paths and supports Commissioner Marks idea of keeping the group
smaller in the beginning.
Commissioner Cooper expressed his support of the proposed timeline. He echoed
Commissioner Marks' comments and agreed that a smaller committee, reporting to a
bigger group would be a good idea. He said he likes the idea of multi -use paths and
would like to aim for the November deadline.
Youth Representative O'Connell encouraged multi -use paths and said that he thinks
that would be the best use for the money spent.
Chairperson Chacon encouraged keeping youth involved through the planning process.
He said he thinks the plan will be a good thing for the City of Atascadero and likes the
idea it promotes of recreation and health. Mr. Chacon expressed excitement to see
people wanting to jump in and help and suggested appointing a Chair from the
Commission to steer the committee.
Community Services Director Brady Cherry answered questions of the Commission.
Commissioner Wachtel inquired if the president of the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle
Coalition, Dan Rivoire, is in the position to work with committee and be able to bring in
the resources and expertise to aid in the process.
Len Colamarino, responded that he thought Dan Rivoire would be ready, able and
willing to involve himself on a very detailed level with the plan. He stated that Mr.
Rivoire has lots of experience with these things, including the political aspect of getting
them through the process in different cities.
Chairperson Chacon closed the Public Comment period.
MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner
Wachtel to approve the timeline presented, to be completed in
November of 2010.
Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote.
Discussion ensued amongst Commissioners.
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MOTION: By Commissioner Cooper and seconded by Commissioner
Butz to appoint Commissioner Wachtel to be the Chairperson
of the ad-hoc committee.
Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. (Wachtel abstained)
MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner
Wachtel to appoint Commissioner Zirk as an additional
member of the ad-hoc committee.
Motion passed 6:0 by a roll -call vote.
MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner Cooper
to appoint Brady Cherry, Dan Rivoire, Len Colamarino and Doug
Marks to the ad-hoc committee.
Discussion ensued amongst Commissioners.
Commissioner Marks amended her Motion.
MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner Cooper
to appoint Brady Cherry, Dan Rivoire or an alternative
representative from the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Coalition, Len
Colamarino and Doug Marks to the ad-hoc committee.
Discussion ensued amongst Commissioners.
Commissioner Marks amended her Motion.
MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner
Cooper to appoint Brady Cherry, Dan Rivoire or an alternative
representative from the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Coalition, Len
Colamarino and Doug Marks to the ad-hoc committee and Mike
Zappas to serve as an alternate.
Motion passed 6.0 by a roll -call vote.
1. Atascadero Youth Task Force — April 6th at 7:00 a.m., Atascadero High
Commissioner Cooper said student attendance was good at the last meeting. He
mentioned that there was a group of students participating in 30 -hour fast to
acknowledge poverty and hunger in our country and beyond. Mr. Cooper said that
there will be youth representatives with The Community Link and Friday Night Live at
the Children's Day in the Park, May 15th. He stated that the World Cafe event at the
high school was a huge success and was well supported by community. Mr. Cooper
said that concerns raised about underage smoking and unhealthy choices being made
in the tunnel, Sunken Gardens and surrounding areas has led to a once a month event
called, "Take back the Tunnel/Sunken Gardens Day." He said April 20th will be the first
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"take back" day and will consist of fun music, activities, and games, to encourage
healthy activities and to help make the location be a safe area for teens.
1. Mark Your Calendar:
■ April 15th: Zoo accreditation celebration and reception at the
Pavilion on the Lake, from 4:00 — 6:OOpm.
■ April 24th: Zoo's "Party for the Planet" event, Charles Paddock Zoo.
■ May 15th: Children's Day in the Park, Atascadero Lake Park.
2. Colony Park Community Center Update
3. Park Project Update
Chairperson Chacon expressed appreciation to Community Services Director Brady
Cherry for notifying Commissioners in advance, via e-mail, of upcoming agenda items.
He relayed that Community Services Director Brady Cherry will be breaking up the
Commission Norms and Procedures into sections and reviewing them with
Commissioners at the meetings.
Community Services Director Brady Cherry reviewed the Staff/Comments
Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Fanning talked about the "Take Back the Sunken
Gardens" event and gave the Colony Park Community Center update.
Commissioner Marks commented that she is impressed with the bike path along San
Gabriel Road.
Commissioner Butz expressed concern with the "Taking Back the Sunken Gardens"
event with where the kids who normally hang out there will go. Commissioner Cooper
responded that the hopes were that by creating appositive environment, they may help
influence positive behaviors in these kids or encourage them to join in the healthy
Youth Representative O'Connell agreed that underage substance abuse is definitely an
issue for youth and confirmed that the Sunken Gardens and surrounding areas do have
that negative, unsafe stigma. He said he hopes the "take back" events will have a
positive effect on the youth who are making unhealthy choices.
Chairperson Chacon adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Shannon Sims, Recording Secretary
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