HomeMy WebLinkAbout052109 - PR MinutesApproved August 20, 2009 CITY OF A TA SCA DERO PARKS AND RECREA TION COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, May 21, 2009 REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. Vice Chairperson Chacon called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and Youth Representative O'Connell led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Greenaway, Marks, Zirk and Vice Chairperson Chacon. Youth Representative O'Connell. Absent: Commissioners Cooper, Hatch and Chairperson Butz. Others Present: Administrative Assistant Shannon Sims. Staff Present: Deputy Director of Public Works — Engineering David Athey, Zoo Director Alan Baker and Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Fanning. COMMUNITY FORUM — None APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner Greenaway to approve the agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Page 1 of 4 COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS Vice Chairperson Chacon spoke about the recent Cinco de Mayo event that took place in the Sunken Gardens. He expressed gratitude to the City, Main Street Association, the Redevelopment Agency, Zoological Society and appreciation for the leadership of George Dodge and Steve Martin. Commissioner Zirk spoke about the success of the recent ABC Church concert event in the Sunken Gardens. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes — March 19, 2009 ■ Staff Recommendation: Commission approve the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting minutes of the March 19, 2009 meeting. [Community Services] Commissioner Marks announced that she was not present for the entire March 19, 2009 meeting and, therefore, would not be able to vote on Item A-1. PUBLIC COMMENT - None MOTION: By Commissioner Zirk and seconded by Commissioner Marks to continue Consent Item A-1 to the next Commission meeting. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Lake Park Frontage Project Design Plan ■ Fiscal Impact: Lake Park Frontage Improvement Project is budgeted at $660,000 in Redevelopment Agency funds. ■ Recommendation: Commission review, comment and recommend approval of the Atascadero Lake Park Frontage Project design plan. [Public Works] Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Fanning introduced Deputy Director of Public Works — Engineering David Athey. Deputy Director of Public Works — Engineering David Athey gave the report and answered questions of the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT Leslie Axtell, resident and member of the Veteran's Memorial Foundation, commented that Item 14, the low shrubs along 41 (not exceed 24 inches), should not interfere with the view shed of the Memorial. She inquired what the height of Item 5, the concrete 2 - rail fence, would be. Ms. Axtell is hopeful that Item 9, memorial signage, will incorporate illumination of the Memorial sign, and the banner itself, as well as the Zoo sign. She requested that an additional banner holder be placed over by the Memorial to display upcoming activities going on at the Site. She encouraged the Commission to support this project and move it forward to the City Council. Page 2 of 4 Barbara Combs, 9005 Lakeview Drive and head of Atascadero Lake Neighborhood Association, received notice of the meeting and hopes that in the future there will be more notices sent out to the public about meetings like this. She inquired when the improvements will begin if approved. Ms. Combs expressed appreciation for the cohesiveness of the proposed project to the rest of the park. Vice Chairperson Chacon closed the Public Comment Period. Deputy Director of Public Works — Engineering David Athey responded to Ms. Axtell's question and explained that the fence is designed to provide view shed and is not as tall as the current 3 -rail split wood fence. Deputy Director of Public Works — Engineering David Athey responded to Ms. Combs' inquiry stating that construction would more than likely begin next year. Commissioner Zirk made the suggestion that the zoo entrance signage be illuminated. MOTION: By Commissioner Zirk and seconded by Commissioner Marks to continue Management Report B-1 to the next Commission meeting. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. 2. Atascadero Lake Park Bandstand Imarovement Proiect (saonsored b Atascadero Kiwanis Club) ■ Fiscal Impact: No City Funds to be used. The plans, materials and construction costs will be donated by the Kiwanis Club of Atascadero. Maintenance costs on the structure will be minimal. ■ Recommendation: Commission review the project concept and recommend approval of the Atascadero Lake Park Bandstand Improvement Project sponsored by Atascadero Kiwanis Club. [Public Works] Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Fanning gave the report and answered questions of the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT Barbara Combs, 9005 Lake View Drive, expressed that she likes the idea of Kiwanis wanting to donate but if it's not going to be an aesthetic, long-term design, we might want to wait and do it right. She said that she feels strongly that the gazebo needs to be something really beautiful to look at. Vice Chairperson Chacon closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner Greenaway to continue Management Report B-2 to the next Commission meeting. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Page 3 of 4 C. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS 1. Atascadero Youth Task Force — 06/02/09 at 7:15 a.m., Atascadero High School. No reports given. D. STAFF COMMENTS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Mark Your Calendar: ■ Tuesday Night BBQ in the Park — Every Tuesday beginning June 16th — August 25th, Atascadero Lake Park • Atascadero Wine Festival Golf Tournament — June 26th, Chalk Mountain Golf Course ■ Atascadero Wine Festival — June 27th, Atascadero Lake Park 2. Colony Park Community Center Update 3. Park Project Update Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Fanning reviewed the Staff Comments/Announcements with the Commission. Commissioner Zirk requested that the Commission information be updated in the next Atascadero Magazine and that it also be corrected in the Atascadero News. He also inquired if the Zoo had been accredited. Zoo Director Alan Baker responded that the Zoo is still accredited, but the re- accreditation has been tabled for a year. He said they will be back in the Fall to reevaluate and the official letter from the board has not yet been received. There was Commission consensus that the Zoo Accreditation be placed on a future agenda. Vice Chairperson Chacon mentioned the proposed day/time for the special Commission meeting on June 4th, at 6:OOpm. He asked the Commission to check their calendars and respond to staff. Mr. Chacon also said that he noticed in the Atascadero News that under the Government Representatives section, the Parks and Recreation Commission has been omitted. E. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chairperson Chacon adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Shannon Sims, Administrative Assistant Page 4 of 4