HomeMy WebLinkAbout011708 - PR Comm MinutesApproved March 20, 2008 CITY OF A TA SCA DERO PARKS AND RECREA TION COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. Chairperson Sechrist called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and Commissioner Istenes led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Chacon, Hatch, Istenes, Marks, Vice Chairperson Butz and Chairperson Sechrist. Student Representative Buck -Moyer and Carden Absent: None. Staff Present: Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Deputy Director Public Works — Operations and Administrative Assistant Shannon Sims. OATH OF OFFICE: 1. Administration of Oath of Office - Newly appointed Commissioner Julie Dunn will be sworn in by City Clerk, Marcia McClure Torgerson. City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed Commissioner Julie Dunn. Commissioner Dunn joined the meeting. COMMUNITY FORUM — None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Commissioner Hatch and seconded by Commissioner Marks to approve the Agenda as submitted. Motion passes 6:0 by a roll -call vote. (Commissioner Dunn abstained) COMMISSION/ YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Vice Chairperson Butz announced Student Representative Ryan Carden's appointment to the Air Force Academy. An applause followed. Commissioner Dunn inquired about the specifications for Commissioner's abstaining from items and how to find out what properties/projects are within the radius of her home. Community Services Director Brady Cherry suggested she give us her address to him and he could run a radius through our GIS system to see what properties/projects are within radius. Brady didn't fore see any conflicts with her voting on items on the current agenda. Vice Chairperson Butz passed out the flyer for an upcoming Atascadero Women's Shelter event. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes - October 18, 2007 ■ Staff Recommendation: Commission approve the Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes of the October 18, 2007 meeting. [Community Services] MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Vice Chairperson Butz to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion passes 7:0 by a roll -call vote. ►yi/_1►/_Trl4lyi14ki11i:7:11161A16*3 1. Snack Bar/Restroom Proposal / Alvord Field by Atascadero Lake (Atascadero Babe Ruth Baseball League) ■ Fiscal Impact: $150,000 in budgeted City funds. City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008 ■ Recommendation: Commission review and comment on the proposed project concept and recommend approval of the preparation and submittal of construction documents to the City for a building permit. [Community Services] Commissioner Istenes abstained from this Item and dismissed herself to sit in the audience. Community Services Director Brady Cherry gave a powerpoint presentation and elaborated on project specifics. Commission Comments: Commissioner Chacon expressed concern that the drawings are within the City Code. Community Services Director Brady Cherry confirmed that Ms. Poulin is currently working with staff. A discussion ensued about the Alvord ball field lighting, Council approved funding for the project and Babe Ruth's contributions to this project. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jonalee Istenes, speaking as a resident of the City of Atascadero, expressed concern about the lighting around the building being environmentally sensitive. Bob Pittenger, with Atascadero Babe Ruth, said that Babe Ruth will commit up to $50,000 to the snack bar renovation/remodel project. They are hoping for donations of both time and labor. Any money saved will more than likely be put towards the lighting. Lighting replacement is estimated at approximately $175,000. Commissioners expressed their appreciation to Babe Ruth for their contributions to the community. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Butz and seconded by Commissioner Hatch to recommend approval of the preparation and submittal of construction documents to the City for a building permit on this project. Motion passes 6:0 by a roll -call vote. (Commissioner Istenes abstained) 2. Veteran's Memorial Project / Maintenance Agreement ■ Fiscal Impact: All expenses related to the installation of the Veteran's Memorial will be the responsibility of the Veteran's Memorial Committee. City of Atascadero obligations for maintenance and upkeep of the proposed project will be approximately $2,000 — $2,500 annually. ■ Recommendation: Commission review and make recommendations on the Draft Maintenance Agreement with the Veteran's Memorial Committee. [Community Services] City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008 Commissioner Istenes abstained from this Item and dismissed herself to sit in the audience. Community Services Director Brady Cherry presented the report. He noted that most of the deal points have been finalized, however, the language and provisions for the insurance requirements is still being developed. He asked that the Commission approve the agreement with any suggested changes. Commission Comments: Commissioner Chacon clarified with staff that the City's Counsel would review contract. Community Services Director Brady Cherry confirmed that the Draft Agreement contained in the commission packet had been drafted by the City Attorney and that any modifications would be made subject to the review of the Attorney. Commissioner Marks asked if the surrounding area would have been landscaped and maintained by the City through the Master Plan anyways. Community Services Director Brady Cherry confirmed the City would have incurred these costs anyways and that it would not be practical to ask the Committee to do the irrigation, landscaping and spraying of herbicide. Commissioner Marks noted that the most significant expense would be the lights. She inquired when the lights would be on/off. Community Services Director Brady Cherry said the lights would be on all night for security purposes. Commissioner Butz recognized how much work has gone into this project and commended Al Fonzi, as a citizen, for his contributions. Commissioner Hatch informed the Commission that she is a member of the Committee, but she does not derive any income from it. Upon review by the City Attorney it was determined that she can vote on this Item. She expressed delight with progress that the Foundation has made. She noted a few minor details that need to be worked out with regards to the Agreement. She suggested the wording regarding graffiti being removed within 48 hours of the discovery be changed to 3 — 5 business days. She also suggested that Item 3.2 Designated Representatives be amended to say "Veteran's Chairperson" instead of specifically naming Colonel Bill Hatch. Finally, she acknowledged the insurance issue that is in the process of being negotiated. Commissioner Dunn inquired about the selection of plants for the location. She also expressed concern about public lighting and being sensitive to global warming and the people in the neighboring area. Commissioner Hatch responded that the lighting will serve several purposes, most important of which is for security. She expressed the importance of having the lights on all night, especially since the American Flag is to be left up. City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008 Student Representative Buck -Moyer inquired if the maintenance was budgeted in the City's current budget cycle or would have to wait until the next 2 -year budget cycle. Community Services Director Brady Cherry said the funds have been budgeted for this next fiscal year and that they are hoping to dedicate the Memorial on Memorial Day of this year. PUBLIC COMMENT: Colonel Bill Hatch, Chairman of the Atascadero Veteran's Memorial Committee, relayed his appreciation to the City Council, community and everyone involved for all the support. He elaborated on the project and the process by which it has evolved. He noted that the Committee never intended to charge anyone for Memorial Services, but to offer them as a contribution. They are hoping to have the Memorial constructed by the 26th of May, 2008, which is Memorial Day. Al Fonzi, Vice Chairperson of the Atascadero Veteran's Memorial Committee spoke. He said the City arborist made all recommendations on plants. He said they've worked closely with architects to make sure they are in total conformance with City plans. He mentioned a local security company has agreed to donate a security camera to help control illegal activity. He elaborated on many other benefits the City will receive from this project, especially tourism. Chuck Ward, Committee Member and former Marine, spoke. He relayed his excitement that the "best and brightest talent" in this community have put their efforts into this project. He said the Memorial will serve as a history center to our community and expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and donations. Jim Haley, South Atascadero resident, reinforced everything that has been said. He said that the Memorial will serve as a lasting legacy for those who paid the ultimate price. Roberta Fonzi, 7880 Sinaloa, thanked the Commissioners for reviewing project. She's looking forward to having the maintenance agreement approved and being able to moving forward through the process. Vice Chairperson Butz asked for clarification that names on the Memorial will pertain not only to Atascadero residents but to residents within the County. Roberta Fonzi confirmed that due to the overwhelming response, the Memorial will contain names within the County. She said there are two parts to the Memorial. One, will be the granite slabs containing the names of those who have fallen and the second will be a brick walkway which will have the names of soldiers and citizens. Bricks for this commemorative walkway can be purchased $100 and the money goes towards building of the statue. Commissioner Hatch said the beauty of the brick pathway is it's the "pathway to freedom." Jonalee Istenes, community member, expressed concern about the lighting issue and the security video system. She thinks the video system is unnecessary and an invasion of privacy. Al Fonzi added that the only people who will have access to the video system will be law enforcement officers. The camera will only be placed upon City approval. The system is only intended to help discourage vandals. City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008 Kathy Baker, community member, will be one who will go and grieve at the Memorial for her son who was killed in Iraq. She encouraged security to protect memorial from vandalism. Chairperson Sechrist inquired about the purpose of the fee for memorial services. Community Services Director Brady Cherry said the details with regards to that have not been worked out yet. There's a possibility of a small administrative fee (less than $50) to cover the cost of staff time processing applications and setting up for such events. Further discussion ensued. MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner Dunn to approve the maintenance agreement with the time extensions in 1.1.16 and 1.2.2 from "48 hours" and replacing it with "as soon as practical to remove or mitigate" and in section 3.2, replacing Colonel Bill Hatch's name with "Foundation Representative." Motion passes 6:0 by roll -call vote. (Commissioner Istenes abstained) 3. Atascadero Trail Project ■ Fiscal Impact: The design and construction of this project could cost the City an estimated additional $200,000.00. ■ Recommendation: Commission provide direction to staff on the acceptance of the Atascadero Trail Project Grant. [Public Works] Commissioner Istenes re joined the Commission. Deputy Public Works Director — Operations Geoff English gave the report. Commission Comments: Commissioner Hatch inquired how much money is needed to complete the B-2 Reach portion of the trail project. D.J. Funk, Resource Conservation District, responded explained and gave an estimate of approximately $75,000. Deputy Public Works Director — Operations Geoff English pointed out that in order to finish this project, the City would have to pull funds from another budgeted project. There would be another $100,000 in administrative costs. A discussion ensued. Chairperson Sechrist proposed a 5 minute break at 9:32 p.m. Chairperson Sechrist called the meeting back to order at 9.41 p.m. City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008 Commissioner Marks expressed concern that RCD would have to re -pay funds to State if the City doesn't take over the project. Chairperson Sechrist relayed his disappointment in the poor management of this project by RCD. He said he's frustrated that it is now being dropped in the City's lap. Commissioner Hatch encouraged staff to consider phasing this project. Further discussion ensued. PUBLIC COMMENT - None. Commissioners discussed Motion options. MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner Dunn that the Parks and Recreation Commission recommend to City Council that the City become the lead agency and enter into negotiations with the State. The City would have the intentions of completing Reach B2 and as much of Reach B1 as grant funding allows. Motion passed by roll -call vote 7:0. 4. Memorial Tree Placement Reauest I Atascadero Lake Park Memorial Grove Stettler ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Commission recommend approval to the City Council of a request by John & Muriel Stettler to dedicate a Western Redbud tree to be planted at Atascadero Lake Park Memorial Grove site #1 in memory of Maxwell Kramer Niederhauser. [Community Services] Commissioner Istenes abstained from this Item and dismissed herself to sit in the audience. 1l1 311[SK919]LY, lLTA 14►112111111111ZrM MOTION: By Commissioner Marks and seconded by Commissioner Dunn to recommend approval of the planting of the tree. Motion passes 6:0 by roll -call vote. (Commissioner Istenes abstained) 5. Georae Beatie Skate Park Lease Aareement with Austin Miller. DBA Esteem ■ Fiscal Impact: A minimum annual subsidy of approximately $50,000 to benefit the City. ■ Recommendation: Commission review and comment on the partnership and the Lease Agreement between the City of Atascadero and Austin Miller, DBA Esteem to take over operation of the George Beatie Skate Park. [Community Services] City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008 Commissioner Istenes re joined the Commission. Community Services Director Brady Cherry presented the staff report. Commissioner Chacon thanked Esteem for their involvement in the community. Student Representative Buck -Moyer thanked Esteem for their contributions to the youth at the high school. Vice Chairperson Butz encouraged keeping the skate park name George Beatie. Commissioner Istenes suggested that the City donate trees to help beautify the facility. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Butz and seconded by Commissioner Marks to recommend the acceptance of the Lease Agreement between the City of Atascadero and Austin Miller DBA/Esteem to take over the operation of the George Beatie Skate Park. Motion Passes 7:0 by roll -call vote. Mr. Dayn Mansfield thanked the City for their support and cooperation. C. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Youth Task Force - Next meeting 02/05/08 at Atascadero Junior High School Community Services Director Brady Cherry relayed that the Youth Task Force would be changing their regular meeting location to the Atascadero Junior High Library. He also relayed that the April meeting will be held on Friday, April 4t", at 8.00am, at the Colony Park Community Center. ��+'��_1����]►ail►�il4LIN163 _1►1,1611J►191:161: 11&15 1. Mark Your Calendar: ■ 1/7/08 - Spring Classes Begin ■ 2/23/08 - SLOCAPRA 2008 Parks (Hearst Castle Visitors Center) 2. Colony Park Community Center Update 3. Parks Project Update and Recreation Commissioners Workshop Community Services Director Brady Cherry reminded Commissioners about upcoming SLOCAPRA Workshop. E. ADJOURNMENT: City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008 Chairperson Sechrist adjourned the meeting at 10:56 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission on February 21, 2008. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Shannon Sims, Administrative Assistant City of Atascadero Parks & Recreation Minutes January 17, 2008