HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2004-073 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-073 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 2003-0033, A ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION CONSISTENT WITH A MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT ON APN 045-342-0039 045-381-0109 045-381-0079 045-381- 0099 045-331-0029 045-331-004, 045-331-0089 045-331-0019 045-342-0059 045- 342-0049 045-342-0139 045-342-0019 -342-0089 045-342-0029 045-352-005 (Dove Creek /Bermant Development Company) WHEREAS, an application has been received from Bermant Development Company (5383 Hollister Ave, Suite 150, Santa Barbara, CA 93111) applicant to consider a project consisting of a Zone Change from CR (Commercial Retail) to CR/RMF-10/OS/PD-12 (Commercial Retail/Residential Multi-family-10/Open Space/Planned Development Overlay #12) on a 63.3-acre site located at Santa Barbara Rd and El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 (APN 045-342-003, 045-381-010, 045-381-007, 045-381-009, 045-331-002, 045-331- 004, 045-331-008, 045-331-001, 045-342-005, 045-342-004, 045-342-013, 045-342-001, 045- 342-008, 045-342-002, 045-352-005); and, WHEREAS, the site's General Plan Designation is (MU)Mixed-Use; and, WHEREAS, the site's current zoning district is CR (Commercial Retail); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that a site be rezoned to include CR/RMF-10/OS/PD-12 (Commercial Retail/Residential Multi-family-10/Open Space/Planned Development Overlay #12) zoning districts on the project site which requires the adoption of the Dove Creek Master Plan of Development document; and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Tentative Tract Map application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said application; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on August 17, 2004,and the City Council at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on September 14, 2004, studied and considered Tentative Tract Map 2003-0033, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 2 of 15 SECTION 1. Findings of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map, the City Council of the City of Atascadero finds as follows: 1. The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is consistent with the General Plan and applicable zoning requirements, including all provisions of PD-12. 2. The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is consistent with the proposed Master Plan of Development (CUP 2003-0099). 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of development proposed. 5. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. 6. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or the use of property within, the proposed subdivision; or substantially equivalent alternative easements are provided. 7. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) or equivalent shall be required that incorporate the Master Plan of Development conditions of approval to ensure that the site retains the proposed qualities (architecture, colors, materials, plan amenities, fencing, and landscaping) over time. 8. The proposed subdivision design and type of improvements proposed will not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the general public. SECTION 2. Approval. The City Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on September 14, 2004, resolved to approve Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TTM 2003-0033) subject to the following: 1. Exhibit A: Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2003-0033 2. Exhibit B: Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 3 of 15 On motion by Council Member O'Malley, and seconded by Council Member Clay the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Clay, O'Malley, Pacas, Scalise and Mayor Luna NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ADOPTED: September 14, 2004 CIT;Dr. O ATASCADERO, CA By: Gorge Luna, Mayor ATTEST: YT�44/"'L' 1 TMarcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Thomas R. Gibson, Interim City Attorney City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 4 of 15 Exhibit A:Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2003-0033 (Sheet 7 of 2) 02-0 7Ut z t ti fir/ "��. � �� � �"✓ �� � x�"au ' � � �� `�'?' N. v 7 Ay 40 E. '�..;✓r I 5 Fir i. i x 0 a LLJ < 4 7 ? ✓ rr .;a ,r r to Q UA } x i XX > tz T w a p ' City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 5 of 15 Exhibit A:Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2003-0033 (Sheet 2 of 2) t AN a'S 1 € 14f $ airl. g 1s Ak Q. 6-1 f T" > r •ca„ b t r4 if _ �yy«,yZ9 7 i r rs jv, x'a ^'X ;7 t�r �'� � f€�.� rte"' v`+ `4 ^�� ✓X�� x � ��i' City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 6 of 15 Exhibit B:Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure GP:Grading PernM PS:Planning Services s9addi � orBuilding Creek P SubvWnieDpa*m Improvemerd Plans P0:Poke Departrnent Vesting Tentative Tract Map FM:Final Map CE:Clly Engineer TTM 2003-0033 TO:Terrwrary WW:Wastewater Occupancy Ca Co Adonrey FI:Final inspection AMWC:Water Cone. F0:Final Occupancy Planning Services 1. The approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall not become final FM PS and effective following approval of Zone Change 2003-0049 and ZCH 2004-0085. 2. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall be valid for two years FM PS after its effective date. At the end of the period,the approval shall expire and become null and void unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request received prior to the expiration date. 3. The Community Development Department shall have the authority FM PS to approve minor changes to the project that (1) result in a superior site design or appearance, and/or (2) address a design issue that is not substantive to the Tentative Tract Map and that the Final Map is in substantial conformance with the Tentative Map. 4. The Tract Map shall be subject to additional fees for park or FM PS recreation purposes(QUIMBY Act)as required by City Ordinance. 5. The applicant shall record CC&R's for the subdivision subject to FM PS the review and approval of the City Engineer, City Attorney and the Community Development Director. The CC&R's shall also state that all exterior colors, exterior materials, yard fencing and site landscaping shall be consistent with the overall Master Plan of Development as adopted. 6. The granting of this entitlement shall apply to the property located On going PS at APN 045-342-003, 045-381-010, 045-381-007, 045-381-009, 045-331-002, 045-331-004, 045-331-008, 045-331-001, 045-342- 005, 045-342-004, 045-342-013, 045-342-001,045-342-008,045- 342-002,045-352-005 regardless of owner. 7. The Final Map shall be drawn in substantial conformance with the FM PS approved tentative map, and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein, shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 8. The subdivider shall defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the City FM PS of Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the city,or any of its entities,concerning the subdivision. City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 7 of 15 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure GP:Grading PermA PS:Planning Services BP:Building Pemill BS:Buffing Services Dove Creek SIP:Subdivision FD:Fre Departrrert Impwemerd Plans PD:Police Department Vesting Tentative Tract Map FM:Final Map CE:City Engineer TO:Temporary W.Wastewater TTM 2003-0033 Occupancy CA,city Atlomey Fl:Final inspection AMC:Water Comp. F0:Final Occupancy 9. Street names shall be determined prior to the recordation of the FM PS final map.All street names shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department,Fire Department,and Police Department. 10. All subsequent Tentative Tract Map and construction permits shall FM PS,CE be consistent with the Master Plan of Development contained herein. 11. Prior to map recordation,the applicant shall deposit$400,000 to FIWOn PS the City to be placed in an interest bearing account. If a building going permit for a minimum of 45,000 square feet has not been issued by July 1,2006,the City shall withdraw$40,000 from the account. If,in each successive year on July 1,2007 through July 1,2015,a building permit has not been issued for a minimum of 45,000 square feet,the City shall withdraw$40,000. At such time that the building permit is issued for a minimum of 45,000 square feet,the remaining balance shall be refunded to the applicant. If a building permit has not been issued for a minimum of 45,000 square feet by July 1,2016,the applicant shall convey the commercial site to the City. A memorandum of option or deed of trust shall be recorded concurrent with map recordation that assures the City that it can acquire the commercial site,subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department and City Attorney. 12. The project shall deed restrict either 10%of the base density units FM PS,CE as Very-Low income units or 20% of the base density units as Low-Income units in accordance with State Density Bonus requirements. Affordable residential units shall be reserved as deed restricted affordable units for a 30-year period in accordance with State requirements and as consistent with City Council Policy,prior to or concurrently with the final map. 13. Workforce Housing FM PS Prior to recordation of final map, the applicant shall enter into a legal agreement with the City to reserve 1/2 of the units for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero,including the affordable units. The agreement shall include the following provisions: ■ The units shall be offered for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero for a minimum of 60-days. During this time period offers may only be accepted from Atascadero residents or workers; - The applicant shall provide reasonable proof to the City that at least one of the qualified buyers is a resident or worker within the City Limits of Atascadero; City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 8 of 15 ■ The Atascadero resident or worker restriction shall apply to the initial sale only; ■ The applicant shall identify which units will be reserved;and The City Attorney shall approve the final form of the agreement. 14. The emergency services and facility maintenance costs listed FM PS,CE below shall be 100% funded by the project in perpetuity. The service and maintenance costs shall be funded through a community facilities district established by the City at the developer's cost. The funding mechanism must be in place prior to or concurrently with acceptance of the final maps. The funding mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any final map. The administration of the above mentioned funds shall be by the City. Developer agrees to participate in the community facilities district and to take all steps reasonably required by the City with regard to the establishment of the district and assessment of the property. ■ All Atascadero Police Department service costs to the project. ■ All Atascadero Fire Department service costs to the project. ■ Off-site common City of Atascadero park facilities maintenance service costs related to the project. 15. All tract maintenance cost listed below shall be 100% funded by FM PS,CE the project in perpetuity. The service and maintenance cost shall be funded through a Home Owners Association established by the developer subject to City approval. The Home Owners Association must be in place prior to, or concurrently with acceptance of the any final maps. The Home Owners Association shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any final map. The administration of the above mentioned funds and the coordination and performance of maintenance activities shall be the responsibility of the Home Owners Association. ■ All streets,bridges,sidewalks,streetlights,street signs,roads, emergency access roads, emergency access gates, and sewer mains within the project. ■ All parks,trails, recreational facilities and like facilities. ■ All open space and native tree preservation areas. • All drainage facilities and detention basins. ■ All creeks, flood plains, floodways, wetlands, and riparian habitat areas. • All common landscaping areas, street trees, medians, parkway planters, manufactured slopes outside private yards,and other similar facilities. ■ All frontage landscaping along arterial streets and US 101 freeway. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 9 of 15 16. The project applicant may apply for capital facility fee credits for Master Facilities Plan projects ST-04, ST-06 and ST-19. Credits may only be applied to individual building permits at time of issuance up to the maximum Circulation System fee for each permit per schedule 5.3. The amount of credit will be determined based on the percentage of each facility constructed and the actual construction cost receipts subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and Administrative Services Director. Credit for street construction will limited to facilities and improvements starting at the lip of gutter. Fire Marshal 17. Minimum fire flow required for proposed development that BP BS includes commercial property building footprints of 25,000 square feet,single story will be approximately 2250 GPM for 2 hours. 18. All buildings 5000 square feet or greater require automatic fire BP BS sprinklers-Design of such systems to be either NFPA 13 for commercial or NFPA 13D for residential. 19. Fire hydrant spacing not to exceed 500 feet. BP BS 20. Fire apparatus access roads and water supplies(fire hydrants)for BP BS fire protection is required to be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction. 21. All access roadways in a Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall BP BS be built/installed according to California Fire Code 2001 Section 902.1,Appendix III-D. 22. Roadways shall extend to within 150 of all portions of exterior BP BS walls of the first story of any building. 23. Assure all roads built with adequate turning radius of at least 28 BP BS feet inside,48 feet outside. 24. Portable fire extinguishers required on exterior and centrally BP BS located per 75 feet walking distance for all multifamily units. 25. Knox security system for emergency fire dept.entry required for all BP BS commercial construction City Engineer Project Conditions Drainage 25. Provide for the detention of up to the 100 year developed storm GP,BP CE runoff while metering out the historic release rate of the comparable undeveloped storm. No increase in down stream flow rate, up to a 100-year event, will be allowed, unless a full analysis of downstream drainage impacts is completed and approved from the project boundary to the Salinas River and downstream improvements are constructed to mitigate any downstream impacts to properties. 26. Submit calculations to support the design and construction of GP,BP CE any structures or pipes. Closed conduits shall be designed to convey the 10-year flow with gravity flow; the 25-year flow with head,and provide safe conveyance for the 100-year overflow. 27. Drainage basins shall be designed to desilt, detain and meter GP,BP CE storm flows as well as release them to natural runoff locations. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 10 of 1 28. Vegetative earth channels and swales will be used to convey GP,BP CE minor concentrations of storm water from developed areas to drain inlets. 29. Drain Inlets will be designed with permeable surface of oil and GP,BP CE water separator/sediment trap to reduce pollutions. The project HOA will be responsible for the cleaning and maintaining these systems. 30. This project proposes to fill in the FEMA 100-year Floodplain. A GP,BP CE 100-year Floodway will be created in the existing 100-year Floodplain. No structures or fill will be placed within the limits of the floodway. A standard Letter of Map Revision will be submitted and approved by the City and FEMA. The Floodway widths will be created such that the rise of the 100-year floodwater elevation is no more than one foot on the interior of the site and there is no increase at the EI Camino Real culverts. 31. Structures placed outside the 100-year Floodway boundary GP,BP CE shall have finished floor elevations a minimum of one foot above the base flood elevation. 32. Concentrated drainage from off-site areas shall be conveyed GP,BP CE across the project site in drainage easements.Acquire drainage easements where needed. Drainage shall cross lot lines only where a drainage easement has been provided. If drainage easement cannot be obtained the storm water release must follow the exact historic path, rate and velocity as prior to the subdivision. 33. Applicant shall submit Sediment and Erosion Control Plans and GP,BP CE a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) shall approve the SWPPP.These plans will follow the design and construction these mitigations per the rules of the City of Atascadero, the RWQCB and measures listed in the project environmental document. 34. Traffic Mitigation: GP,BP CE A Traffic Impact Study was produced for this project by Omni-Means. In the study there are recommended mitigation measures. Listed below are conditions to implement the mitigation measures: A. Santa Barbara Road/EI Camino Real: Install Traffic Signal This is required to be installed prior to the first unit occupied. The construction costs for the signal will be counted as credit toward the Traffic Impact Fee. B. Santa Barbara Road/US 101 Interchange The study found that the following Improvements are required for the interchange. Also list is the percent "fair Share" that this project is responsible for the improvement. These are to be installed prior to the first unit occupies or the first commercial building opened.These are improvements that are not identified as needed improvements in the City of Atascadero Circulation Element and the Growth Mitigation Program. Therefore, the growth mitigation fee does not cover the improvements. The developer may record a reimbursement agreement against future trip generation facilities to City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 11 of 15 recoup a portion of the cost of construction. ■ Santa Barbara Road/US 101 SB Ramps: Install Traffic Signal (39.3%) ■ Santa Barbara Road/US 101 NB Ramps: Install Traffic Signal (52.4%) The above two signals shall be interconnected. C. Viejo Camino/EI Camino Real: Install Traffic Signal(33.4%) D. San Diego Way/EI Camino Real: Install Traffic Signal(31.4%) The improvements listed in C. and D. are improvements that are not identified as needed improvements in the City of Atascadero Circulation Element and the Growth Mitigation Program. Therefore, the growth mitigation fee does not cover the improvements. The developer is required to submit engineers estimate for the cost of construction of the improvements. The developer shall pay the percent'lair Share"of the engineer's estimates.These funds will be placed in an account for the improvements. The developer may pay the amount incrementally with each building permit. E. Santa Barbara Road between EI Camino Real and US 101. Construct two-lane road with left turn channelization, bike lanes and pedestrian sidewalk. F. El Camino Real between Santa Barbara Road and project north boundary. Construct two southbound and one northbound travel lanes, bike lanes in both directions, median and left turn channelization. All public improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings or as directed by the City Engineer. Sewer 35. No sewer system currently exists in proposed project area. GP,BP CE Should Dove Creek be the first development to require connection to the new sewer system mainline extension, the developer of the Dove Creek will be responsible for the financing and construction of the mainline from the treatment plant to the Woodland's point of connection. 36. The mainline shall be built with sufficient capacity to GP,BP CE accommodate development within the Plan Area as well as new development in the area and existing uses. 37. Development using the sewer extension, within ten (15) years, GP,BP CE shall be responsible for reimbursing the Woodlands developer proportionate to their rate of use. 38. A mechanism must be provided to fund and maintain all sewer GP,BP CE mains throughout the project area. 39. If a lift Station is planned with this project the following will GP,BP CE apply: Lift station shall be equipped with an alarm dialer,programmed to notify qualified maintenance personnel when malfunctions occur. Lift Stations City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 12 of 15 shall be equipped with duplex pumps.Catalog cuts of equipment that will be installed in lift station shall be submitted and approved by the City Engineer. Applicant shall submit a lift station emergency/contingency plan that addresses protection of public health and the environment from sewage spills caused by equipment malfunctions and prolonged power outages. Provisions for the repair and maintenance of the private wastewater pump station shall be included in the CC&R's for this tract. Included shall be a mechanism to maintain the private wastewater pump station, such as a homeowners association. The City Engineer and City Attorney shall approve the final form prior to recordation. General 40. Prior to final map recordation, the applicant shall provide a GP,BP CE detailed cost analysis and breakdown of all maintenance required and the amount to be billed to each property annually. The analysis shall include scheduled maintenance including slurry seals, overlays, etc. The analysis shall include administrative fees. 41. Prior to final map recordation, a Homeowner's Association shall GP,BP CE be created and CC&R's recorded providing for the funding and performance of required maintenance, including streets, wastewater pump station and sewer, drainage basins, parks, swales and structures. 42. The applicant shall enter a Subdivision Improvement GP,BP CE Agreement with the City of Atascadero prior to recording the final map. 43. A permanent irrevocable offer of dedication shall be maintained FM CE on the 1.01-acre parcel (Lot 53) at the intersection of Santa Barbara Rd and Highway 101. City Engineer Standard Conditions 44. In the event that the applicant is allowed to bond for the public GP,BP CE improvements required as a condition of this map,the applicant shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the City Council 45. An engineer's estimate of probable cost shall be submitted for GP,BP CE review and approval by the City Engineer to determine the amount of the bond. 46. The Subdivision Improvement Agreement shall record GP,BP CE concurrently with the Final Map. 47. The applicant shall enter into a Plan Check/inspection GP,BP CE agreement with the City. 48. A six(6)foot Public Utility Easement(PUE)shall be provided GP,BP CE contiguous to the road property frontage. 49. The applicant shall acquire title interest in any off-site land that GP,BP CE may be required to allow for the construction of the improvements.The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions.The applicant shall also gain City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 13 of 15 concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress and egress is affected by these improvements. 50. Slope easements shall be obtained by the applicant as needed GP,BP CE to accommodate cut or fill slopes. 51. Drainage easements shall be obtained by the applicant as GP,BP CE needed to accommodate both public and private drainage facilities. 52. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for GP,BP CE review in conjunction with the processing of the parcel map. 53. The final map shall be signed by the City Engineer prior to the map being placed on the agenda for City Council acceptance. 54. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall pay all GP,BP CE outstanding plan check/inspection fees. 55. Prior to recording the map,the applicant shall complete all GP,BP CE improvements required by these conditions of approval. 56. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall set GP,BP CE monuments at all new property corners.A registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the parcel map,that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. 57. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall submit a GP,BP CE map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein.The map shall be submitted for review and approval by the City in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 58. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline,open space,or other GP,BP CE easements are to be shown on the final/parcel map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements,they shall be noted on the final/parcel map. The applicant shall show all access restrictions on the final/parcel map. 59. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall have the GP,BP CE map reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies(cable,telephone,gas,electric,Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company indicating their review of the map. The letter shall identify any new easements that may be required by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be shown on the parcel map. 60. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall GP,BP CE submit plans and supporting calculations/reports including street improvements, underground utilities,composite utilities, and grading/drainage plans prepared by a registered civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer. Atascadero Mutual Water Company 61. Before recordation of the final map, the applicant shall submit AMWC plans to AMWC for the water distribution facilities needed to serve the project. AMWC shall review and approve the plans City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 14 of 15 before construction begins on the water system improvements. All water distribution facilities shall be constructed in conformance with AMWC Standards and Details and the California Waterworks Standards(Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 16). All cross-connection devices shall conform to AWWA and California Department of Health Services standards. 62. Before the start of construction on the water system AMWC improvements,the applicant shall pay all installation and connection fees required by AMWC. Subject to the approval of AMWC,the applicant may enter in to a"deferred connection" agreement. 63. Before issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain a AMWC "Will Serve" letter from AMWC for the newly created lots within the subdivision. 64. The water mains required to serve the project shall be laid out AMWC in a grid or looped pattern and shall connect to the existing water mains system in Santa Barbara Road, El Camino Real, and San Diego Road. 65. The applicant shall design and construct a replacement for the AMWC existing 4-inch diameter water main in San Diego Road. The replacement main shall be 6-inch diameter. The replacement main shall extend from the terminus of the existing 6-inch main in San Diego Road north of the project boundary and the point- of-connection of the water main extension required for the project. 66. The applicant shall provide AMWC with easements for those AMWC water facilities proposed for operation and maintenance by AMWC that are constructed outside of publicly maintained right- of-ways. AMWC shall review the form and content of the easements before recordation. 67. The applicant shall submit a hydraulic analysis with the first plan AMWC check submittal of the water system improvements for the project. The analysis should take into account the fire flows required by the Uniform Fire Code and requirements of the California Waterworks Standards. The applicant is responsible for designing and constructing water system improvements that will provide water at pressures and flows adequate for the domestic and fire protection needs of the project. 68. The applicant shall obtain a separate landscape-irrigation AMWC meter(s)from AMWC for the common areas within the project. 69. Landscaping for the common areas shall be drought-tolerant. AMWC Before construction of the water system improvements, AMWC shall review and approve the landscape plans for the common areas within the project. The landscape plan submittal shall incorporate the following: ■ Plant list w/Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS)rating specified. Preference shall be given to plants with very low(VL)and low(L)WUCOLS ratings. • Justification for use of plants with WUCOLS rating of M or greater. ■ Total landscaped area including hardscapes(patios,walks& decks)and planted areas and excluding sidewalks,driveways, streets or parking. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-073 Page 15 of 1 ■ The size and shape of turf areas shall promote for efficient irrigation shall be no less than 8-feet wide. Turf type shall be warm-season grasses. Turf areas shall be kept to a minimum and shall be limited to functional areas only. A goal of the landscape design should be a total turf area of no more than 10%of the total landscaped area. 70. Before construction of the water system improvements, AMWC AMWC shall review and approve the irrigation plans for the common areas within the project. The irrigation plan submittal shall include the following: ■ Landscape irrigation meter location and size. ■ Backflow prevention device type, location,and manufacturer ■ Flow and precipitation rate for each circuit ■ Irrigation schedules including schedules for establishment period and post establishment period ■ Total anticipated water application per circuit per month for both schedules ■ Total landscape water application. ■ Use drip irrigation where ever possible ■ A check valve shall be installed on the lowest head in each sprinkler circuit